The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    - Page Ten
A weekly paper for the men and
lumber industry of Klamath County.
A. H. Raymond
Wednesday, October 28, 1925
Practical Men Wanted To
Discuss Problems Before
Bv 1). E. Stewart, President, Pacific Logging CoogreM
i The Pacific Logging Congress to be held at Seattle.
October 28, 29 and 30, in conjunction with ,a large log
ging machinery show, should be the largest aud most
important event of its kind ever attempted. I am look
ing forward to a big meeting. I hope it will bring out
plenty of practical loggers.
The Pacific Logging Congress has become a very im
portant featuie of the logging industry of the northwest.
It has come to be recognized throughout the world as
the leading institution of its kind anywhere. Chiefly. I
believe, its value in the past has come from inspiration
it has given great numbers of practical men. These have
come to the congresses, listened to the discussions, of
fered their own experiences and gone i home, not onl
,.? .1 i -ii ii f ;i- . .i -i ' -.-ft-
w:in new taeas dui wun
around them, were other loggers willing to lend a .help
ing pand when they most needed it. This feeling of
comrdship in a common undertaking is good for all
of ui. Especially, do I think it valuable for the prac
ticaltman to meet for a few days with men of his own
kind I
TMo innovation i-nrTe instituted this year and both
of these are imthe interests of the practical men.. These
are the machinery show and an extended open forum
for the discussion by the industry of practical problems.
The machinery show will be the most extensive dis
play of this kind ever attempted. For instance thre
will be eight or ten different logging locomotives ; loco
motives cranes of all kinds, including those operated by
Diesel engines. The new Diesel logging engine will be
exhibited as well as hundreds of other Items of logging
equipment, some of them, .most unusual. , ,.
Thfe progi-am as bee'h"fednterlflJgize' and technical
papefe will be lauld ttoihat plenty of! time: can. be
given to the open forum. This discussion from the floor
is ,to be led by practical men. Our greate'st need, to
makejthe Pacific Logging Congress the success it should
be, is to have plenty of practical logging superintendents
and managers come in with tfceir difficult .problems and.
thW these out bn tile 'fiftbr for discussion by air of us:
If a Jhrge numbr jtbse practical -menai onrhaiid at
this session, I for one,, wili be most happy. I expect to
see gjreat numbert''r4iffi!--Tmen'sanrl 1:0' listen with
prof ife to their discussions of logging difficulties. As
president, I can assure those with either experience or
problems of a practical nature that they will be given
full right of wayvfte1 congress, as I 'see it; for their
direct benefit, giving the practical men a chance to
talk is the one hpst'use all of us can . make of our time.
It is going to be a great session ! :'
Plan Forest Week
erican forest -week c.mmiuee ha'
adopted a plan that twill place th;s
movement upcu a j)ermaunj bjuds
for continual service. More ilian 33
representatives of co-operatiutg as
sociations were present at a meet
ing tiel here recently and support
ed the Jan for permanent organiza
tion. 2
Independence Logiting company, af
ter havg been down for several
months pending an adjustment of
log fre$ht . rates has resumed op
eration, and according to J. C. Snap
ton, logging manager, will start off
with three sfdes.
Money And A Better Job For You!
' ' ', ) y i ' 4 '' '
.Klamath Falls, Oregon. No.....
Gentlemen:. '
I desire to receive the Correspondence Course in Lumber
and Construction Information for Retail Lumber Dajers. I
expect to apply myself to the study of this course and to comply -with
the requirements of administration. In case I find It Im
possible to continue the work with due diligence, It Is my under
standing that the course will be re-assigned.
Name of firm or' employer
City State. ........
Street Address '. ; j
(This Course is Free!)
0mt 1 'n I ' urn ftWHnnHNWWH '" n i.i'h I-.-'
. ".. l " J3 xdXi3t
March 9, 1925
women employed in the
Issued Kvcry WejJhfeffiPj
Logging Congress
me reeling mat ouisiae, an
BEND, Ore., Oct. 26. The Sep:
tember ID closing of certain lakes
and streams to fishing applied to
East Lake, E. F. Averill. state game
warden has notified C. A. Adams,
deputy in Deschutes county. Adam's
left today for East lake to post it.
A mistake in orders left this pop
ular fishing place apparently open
until October 31 but all found
fishing there now will be notified,
; Adams said before leaving.
tember 15 closing arc Elk, Lava and
Two'Twin ' takes: ,
MONTROSE, Colo. The prank of
8c)iof jboys -when -they threw a iiian-
tity of blasting powder into ne
turnace -of the school at MiiPhee,
Colo., cost the life of one- youth
and four others suffered buras which
may result fatally.
m MPs mm m
Mr. I W. Murphy gave n iieiigi:!-
ful iirfrly Wednesday evening at his jand wafers will be dltpenaed, a Span
hotue. for his i?iluli Sunday school' In connection with the biuuar will
class, also Included all the teachers , uih booth selling hot tauiatoi and cof
and officers of the S. S. J fee, also an lee en-am and home mude
About seventeen enjoyed the boa- I enndy booth. Also a ikk( office where
pitallty of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. The j everyone lor a suiujl sum luuy re
evenlsg was pleasajttly sinsnt play- celve a 0. 1). pacsage. All evenini;
ing old time games
paying forfeits.1
and listening to the radio. About 11
o'clock Mrs. Murphy 'assisted by sev
eral of the ladies, paired lovely
fresh men ts. Which :a.el- a il, : : "
ing to a perfect evening.
'. '., fi.
The Wildwood Wonieirs t.inld iry.,i i
tncir resBiarjiuwiuiij niin uw- ......i.. . 4
rial Wetlneattay ' afternoon. , ijpibyJ ; Wlv(H''i!.'Wy "nl HalloiffcVn
Guild social hall." ' '"" ' " Teoslumcs were worn.
Mesdames F. S. Ford and H. (. I
Gliolson were the hestesses and they j given for the best sustained eliar
sorved delicious pumpkin pie. eof-' acter, being dressed at a irnini: she
tee and tea.
The room was decorate
ted in yellow
and MaclMMid on lbetab-e0)tyM
low pumpkins, with faces marmii on
them and resting In. a rrllltof .wn)ts. -
colored paper, all suggestive of Hal
lowe'en. These ladies have their plans and
work all ready for the big bazaar to
be given Prjday nfterflepn-f tr7 vH
ning, October -30. Uovcly Jnney worl
all kinds. an?dearf1is:iuiWli(fld4r'Vmr:
r patterns, stvles and colors K
.. if' 'fiOii i ' Urtfl
in many
and sizes
There arc little girl and baby dolls'
alt beautifully dressed to delight the
heart of any small girl and for the
babies funny soft, cuddly sock dolls
in bright hues and funny faces.
The' laides have been working hard
the past year, to make this bazaar, n
grand success. This will be jtiBt the
place to buy that Xmas present for
The Jesters
. t Jj' -ii'''. '- ' '-ri i'li
SloWj Poison
wife, mother or dtiUKUlcr.
be different booths aonrUajl refresh.
iiiimis. a Jaiuiiifsi' Imoth where le.i
a musical program will he rendered.
jWateh the date
The masquerade ball given Krl
Ui) )ilg(H a IbXi 'auilitorium under
ithe management uf V. I). V
ani e t?aa
johtison ! mgi :i furiiihed
Mrs. Lloyd Hurks won Hie prlz
In dress
iirur anions to prfertion.
?fcri?"W'H1r,W'r wu;1 served'-bnd
the revelers danced on for sewrnl
Deer' Island Logging company,
Deer Island, has resumed logging
operations with one side. Chaa, Clap-
f 'Vlftt ftWTJ i""1' llls vacation '
in lirmsll- utlllnllln. Jack ( aldwe 1
' 1
WJlifcaS? nfo'r-H.oKging Co.,
f'Ojtjiji, Wpsh., is defendant In a lnw-
stm for r,ou damages brought by
Hotkey Bay,Oyter Co., alleging
oyster beds, causing silt to deposit.
An injunction also was asked to
restrain certain logging operations.
kft KV(ryBotl.v".w:fnls to know what
has Jiecomc of Sally. The modern
Sa'lly. Turn Followed the swallow.
bo different booths L U !. ill! U fl U 1 L
Pamphlet is Issued in Book
Form by Department
of Commerce
Lumber Products of Colon
ial Possessions Also
Dealt With
A comprehensive report on the
In in her market in France, prepared
by Axel h. oxhuiiu. i hief nr ih,. lum
her division or'the bureau of foreign
and doniesiu i-oiamerie. has been
published for dribuflqn, n book
form by the eoutun'i ilepartiucnt.
The report contains an uuulysU of
the domestic liimbef pruductiiu .and
trade In French, colonial wood. It
also discusses In ftetall the French
Itllllner nmoil IMUle Willi ref..r..n,..
lo spei les or wiiods f i cl countries of
origin, giving pnrtteuliir attention to
those of American production. The
requirements of the wood using in
dustries in France are nlHo taken up.
detailed pectfleinboi being followed
in the import trndo and' suggestions
are made as to how this trade-, as ap
plied to Amor lean lumber, may he In
creased and Improved.
The value of Imports Into France
of lumber and wood products,' Includ
ing dye woods, In lnui) was forty
rnriinn iiinir
I ill mi 1 u I n I
one million dollars In round figures'
In lvU 1U0 million; In UIH ulu.
svvoli mtlllou Hud In 11124. sixty six
million The Value of I' II It oil Hllltes
OUStoms was us follows: vltttlO,
8Stt,ut)iii 10181 Mi9M.tttt0t i !''!,
ll.6lMI,IKia; IUK-1, 1U.Kl!l,ltlti. In
comparison with the voliium or thti
French trade, the share of the Fulled
Htnles Is thus seen tu be relat Ivoly
until, and litis report Indlcalos var
ious linns .iliiiir. which an e.ximuiilon
ol trndo itiny eauoniihly hh uteiiipled
The hook, ciitttlml "The! FiumiIi
l.uniliei Market. " Is listed lis trade
ptbBJOllon series No. Ill, and Ujny he
obtaltitd from the luporlntendeht or
doi.'tiiutm.U, govontuisnt ptitiilni; or-
rice, Washington, II. ('., lor p WHIh.
Mr. ' - ii. ... 1 1 . . n our ivutal putt.
lulslrcM, and ohlldrun spent Htltur
dny In Klumalh Falls.
Albet l IMii'laty (UUda n liut't l ul
ivlp It) I he 'Kails Saturday, and ir
course Imsn'l iciiiinod rfdw cduld
le, when there's u woe daughter
hist arrived? Mrs. I'hrlsty and Imhe
arc doing nicely at tint Klamath
liosplinl, ('onKrnlttliililoiis, all
.Miss Minnie Itulime, attundiiig
school at Klatnath Fulls, spent th
wecR-vnd here, guest of Mr. ami
Mrs. Jack Miller,
Fretilin Thoptus and wife were in
Klamath Fulls Hatnrday on html
lies, letutuiug tlle.i were uccOlll
psnlrd by theli daughter Motell
student ai the Academy.
Mr. and Mrs K, ),. Daniels tiud
family of Kqsr Mexico arrived Iti
eiitup Saturday to spend the winter
There urn (wo Mew pupils In I hi
Solomon-llntte school. Uufiii aud
Klnier LUtrul. re.ently of KlKtiiutli
Fall". The population U stendllv
Mr. fx if the Agency, was In
camp Friday.
Maurice Scott and wife, are very
proud of the new radio. Just Install,
ed In their home.
The hunters of the rump calibrat
ed the closing of the deer season
and the )c.y ocalond them by the
presence of one deer killed by ona
ot the mighty nlmrods by holding a
community feed u' the Albert flin
ty lume. The main dish of course
was fried reitlsun, a huge platiitr
full. Then Mrs. l.nckw mil's flsky
biscuits, and Mrs. Miller's fruit sil
ad and !i, the creuiny mnshetl po
tatoes made by Mrs. Kred f'hrlstr,
all these things and some others
Just bit the right spot.
The now pinner Is working brutt
tllnlly. Judging from the amount
Of boards turned out, and lookbu
shluy. Mr. Thornton of Hte
Ajfencr. has been taking over, quit-
u quantity of the newly pinned ma
terial for use on the government
Lewis Turner and Grant M-j 're
turned to .Holouiin-llutte last week
after a vacation In Sacramento,
Mr. Qnbbarlajt of the Agency has
returned train Utn AttglW
Ilenuaii Aiken was Injured at Ills
work ut the mill and will spend
seve.ii days cotivalesrlp.
Mr. Wlnan seni Huturduy at the
I4)ster Fllnn and famllv and
CbarjhM Lockwood spent Hiiturduy
afternoon looking for ducks, they
found two.
Klamath County Sawmill, Planing
Mill and Manufactur
ers' Directory
Ackley Bros., Klamath Falls. ,
Aleoma Lumber fiorrrnanv.. Alo-nmn.
Anne Creek Lumber company, Fort Klamath. 1 !
Big Lakes Box company, Klamath Falls. i
Bryant Mountain Lumber company, Malin.
Christy Lumber company, Kirkford. frj ' vr,
Campbell-Towle Lumber company, Sprague. H ' '
Chiloquin Lumber company, Chiloquin.
Ewauna Box company, Klamath Falls. '
Illinois Lumber company, Langell Valley. f , ,; M
Kitts Lumber company, Bononza. I
Kruse Lumber company, Klamath Falls. ' '
Klamath Lumber and Box company, Shippington. 1
Long Pine Lumber company, Bonanza.
Lamm Lumber company, Modoc Point.
McCullom Lumber company, Keno. '
Modoc Pine company, Chiloquin.
Nine Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
Pelican Bay Lumber ' company, PeJican City. ' '
Shaw-Bertram Lurflber company, Klamath Falls.
Shasta View Lumber.and Box company; Klamath Fplls.
Sprague River Lumber company, Chiloquin.
Topsy Lumber Co:, Topay, Ore. (P. O. Dorris, Cal.)
Wheeler-Olmstead Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
Planing Mills and Remanufacturing Plant
Big Basin Lumber company, Klamath Fills.
Lakeside Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
Klamath Moulding company, Klamath Falls.
Swan Lake Moulding company, Klamath Falls.
Sixth Street Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
ffihitO EJttl Moulding company, KlNtMtb Fallf.
...i-iK'-un.. .i...,jit. t ji.'xu -u ' -n iiwwra'ia.".'!!'!1"
Much disappointment has huuu
voiced over lin k of news of it m III II I
last week. Noma ol the hoys (uol
idlghied while glhurs ant very du
Jlfdtw or adverllsliii: In the unit 1 1 -mmilal
one rteut wbrChy of lunirtlon which
notuQly ihappinsd ni so long ago:
Joe DUWAU went Hi K Falls ovur
the weidt ellil and rqUtUttd wulkliig
llfllfgill, U'e OOllllllor II II 'I'll II II i- lui
tllenne VVOIlllel', Joe.
Drsytnlll hu one real lliherniau m
cump. lie is no uihnr than it. y.
Jltlllli'ion. Ill Ol week he PUUglll
three rnvh IVelghlllK B Vl and I pounds
besides a shins, of smaller ones, tin
Sunday ltd uol u couple of Iliiui
slxed ones
We wish lo make a Correction In
the lust week's news Ileitis "f Mill)
mill. Wo hud Uunner Carlson. Instead
or into Ohrlslonien on a huntin trip
lo Title lake. (Innller ami his "lion
doo lissox" are speiidliiK n I wo
mouths vacation In the vicinity of
Klnrnntlt Fulls.
An eight stall Kinase has Jusi
I n coiupleied for any ot the men
who wish lo rent n stall
Some time ago lite yOlUII IMItuell
lii this ilclnlty were HspocUuly Invited
tti come over the most picturesque
toad In Klamath count) lo visit ut
ill . n mill on a sight seeing tour. Well,
several cams but when iliey arrived
they were so dfflu dong dltay the)
CIMllll Hot -,,-e W are positive thill
lllfc the residents of t'hlloquin the)
will iiever'have (he moral Courage to
travel over the roud again.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnnry. Magshy and
small granddaughter rVUOSbellt) Han
an made A visit In camp mi Friday at
tin- Komi oi J A. Uaoso,
Mr and Mrs. Win llionalt uf the
klli'lien stiift or the t'hlloquin ulll
were visitors In Kinp on Kittuidai
BllPt Arnold of Klauinlh Agency
stopped off In camp on Friday.
Hoy Hood iiiaile a trip lo Klnmnlh
Fulls on Wediiitsday mornlog.
Miss Tine lloun, Mr. Ilrsy's house
ket-per. Is visiting In t'hlloqiitn for
a week, during Mr. lira) 's absence In
tin- oust.
Hoy Mcekley has lie, nine quite M
port at singing one of the latest sunt;
etitliled "My tial Don't l.ov.-
Anymore.'' Also "Distance Don'
Lend Kn. Imminent,"
A good number in cajQp are plan
ning on the Hallowe'en masquerade
hull In I'hllnqula On Wnlunlu) night.
Harold flrnn says he Is going ns n
I.OMIUN ItcsullS ot u rompell.
tlOP fur long service umong domes,
tics In My one fnmlly revealed the
fact thai Miss Wlsabeth llntlrr hud
bjNB ttuployisl in the household of
the Duke of I'urtluud tor more than
years. Miss Hutler was awarded
first prjiu. All the other winners of
prlxes or of Ironorahle mention hud
seen IT years' service in th,- aama
Ill lens than 10 years the world's
production of nitrogen compounds
from the free nitration In the nlr
Iiiih Incrciisod from laboratory ex
periments to an Industry with an
annual capacity of more ihan r. fi u . -
"U" tons.
? i