The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 23, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    page Eight
Fyjdgy, OctoluT 2H, l!)2fi k
, i
One More Win
From Ashland,
K. C. H. S. Cry
- n ! i
i! llll I I W I IP
; i L
hum . nun
I1VT TTJE" 1X717 CT1
i mi k B" ii -
I 11 A X A l' 7 A-s X I I
Men don't say, ''I want a new hat." They always say, "I want
They have learned by the experience of many years that the
llnl Viirrhocf mm lift amKnfliafl in mon'f Vofo fmmA imKt !n tK
Iinii.-t vjuuin ill lllVti O IUHC 1C lUUIUl UH1V ill L11U
Our stock of the newest models for Fall wear is most complete.
Prices range from
$8.00 t0 $13.50
! Exclusive Walk-Over Agents
Local Team to Play Re
turn Game Away
From Home
"Down Vm aniitn!"
Thti battle cr In iuniui: on thu
urlillron warrior; u( KiuiiiRth county
!itnh xi'hool roll t'i'k to nitiko oery
prap&ntUOO for a trylns HtniBKli"
with thi Aihlsod high Mhoo) ole
CO In AKhliuul tomorrow nfti'rtioou.
Tho first contest botwoou the two
toniim ruuttett In victory for Klum
ntli. 13 to 7. The score ihauld hnvo
been luritBr for Klninulh. bat fum
bles saved tho l.lihluu eleven on
scverul occasions.
Coach French has been drilling
ins cuiitkus in lorwaru pass neieiislvo
..hi..,. I.-- I l-t I ...
" "iiti 4II1B I I - itiUUlillll Wl'llKCSI
spot. In the first Ashland HUM
tho invnrirt nuHri nt will nM
jjS I Klnmntb'a first defense Into th'j
f nnltlnK bauds of Ashland ends or
A number of members of the
faculty are preparing to leave for
the big Fame across the mountains, I
as well ai a small but enthusiastic
group of hlKh nchool rooters.
Assault Case
Is Dismissed
Witnesses Fail to Ap
pear Against T. H.
Dancing Party Is
: Fruit punch .was served throughout
! bile evening.
Enjoyable Affair p"""1" patronesses tho
J affair included Principal and Mrs.
j Paul T. Jackson, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Mar
Over one hundred and fifty cf j ion Hanks, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
the younger set attended tie danc- ! Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. na'.hian
lng party at the hotel White Peli- aud Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Massey.
can last evening when the Daughters
of Job and the DeMolay's entertain-1 Turning an electric rcom heater
ed. Dancing was enjoyed between 1 on one side brings on tttp an at
tbe hours of nine and midnight, lachment for toasting.
C. L. Work of San Francisco, W.
A. Brown, Wwdland, Cal., and Hus
sell Hayes of Mancos; California,
were the only forolgn tourists to
arrive In the .city today, rwho regis
tered at the chambor of commer
There is the usual crop of Jard
winter predictions put out by those
to whom all winters are hard.
iYou'll like Carnation best
here's whyl
You'll like it for its fincr-tlian-rvcr
creamy -delicate taste and color.
You'll like it because it improves
m the flavor and texture of milk dishes. WBIs
M You'll like it because it makes coffee m m
U taste right and look right. You'll I I
J like it for the purity, goodness and 5 U
K high food value which have made it, "F
m Oregon's and the world's leading ' ;
U brand of evaporated milk. H 5
For any one of a dozen reasons m
r you'll like it! Be sure, then, to in- m 5 M
sist upon it. M S
M FREE Write for Mrs. Mary Blake's M M
H famous Carnation Cook Book U aa
W Causation Milk Products Company K :
M 474 Glitan Street, Portland, Oregon J g fc
H Made in Oregon for 23 years K
Tow with that 1 1 WMM I
finer-than-ever taste
Iatwoaizei- ."rS?Vf- P
tall and .mall
Carnation Milk
- "From Contented Cows"
T. H. Fishers fight for freedom
ended this morning before It had'
hnrdly beguu.
ft ended so soon, because three
of the state's principal witness wer.- j
conspicuous by their absence when
time came for Fisher's preliminary
hearing before Justice of the Peace
Ed Kendall this morning.
"There's only one thing I can I
do," the magistrate said, "nnd that
la to dismiss the ruse for luck of
Fisher wis charged with aasau't
with Intent to kill. Ho was charg
ed with having assaulted Howard
Seaver. on employe of tho Solomon
Britta Lumber company, with a curi
ous weapon, a bng filled with stoner
Seaver was brought to a local
hospital, suffering from sevcrul min
or fractures of the skull, but Im
proved rapidly and was discharged
from the hospital recently.
Seaver was one of the. witnesses.
Fisher's wife was another and Sea
ver's mother was tho third, who
failed to put in an appearance.
Tomorrow morning will find the
post office in its new location on
Main and Klamath, the last of tie
fixtures being moved late this after
noon. Tho regular service will be
resumed tomorrow. The force plan
ning to woik all night.
Pelican Bay School
Has Best Attendance
Mrs. Myrtle Helm, principal of
tho smallest school In the city, Peli
can Bay, has much to be proud of.
Not one youngster la tho primary
department was tardy fir the month
and the higher grade students win
ning the pennant for Die building.
Central school'B thiri grade pu
plls as well an the fifth also passed
through tho month with ao tardl
ness. The pupils of tho fourth grade
taking the tiwo stars for being the
pennant room.
The C. I r d and sixth grades of the
Falrvlew school were also awarded
a star for having no tardiness dur
ing the rmnth. The honor of re
ceiving the pennant going to tho
pupils of tho eighth grade.
With the call of the first bell all
students of the rfourb'i and seventh
grades were present, as well n3 those
of the sixth grade who carried off
the pennant. 1
Fur Manufacturing.
Coat Remodeling
All work guaranteed
Mrs. Wm. Bossier
43 6 Klamath Ave,
Between Fourth and "Fifth
Next to Moose Hall
This is your town -plant trees and beautify it.
Hallowe'en Display
of fine
Table Linen
A Forerunner of Thanksgiving
Quality and
lhc success of the coming holiday and feast daya will depend npl only
on the (rood things served, hut win depend too, on the background 'f
11 all, the setting of your table. Every hostess knows whnl attractiveness
a beautiful dinner cloth with its satiny pattern lends,
We have recently made a very large purchase through the Northern
Jobbing Co.. of lovely linens, sets and single cloths in white and much
sought for colors- , we have anticipated your wants and would suggest
that tins is a mighty (file opportunity to replenish your linen chest with
linens the quality v which can he seen at a glance. Enjoy this opportun
ity1 of real values.
All Linen Table Cloths
Napkins to Match
Chrysanthemum with square borders, tulip and scroll, holly and
mistletoe. Chrysanthemum, rose and scroll square border.
These come in sizes.
70x70 are priced at $6.50
70x88 are priced at $8 00
70x106 are priced at $9.00
Napkins to match these cloths $8.00 per dozen
All Linen Table Cloths
$6.50 t0 $15.00
There are many beautiful
designs from which to
choose. The more critical
one is the easier it is to
make your selection.
Pattern Cloths and Napkins
to Match Up to $45.00
a Set
These fine sets are really
something to be enthusiastic
about, the designs are so de
lightfully varied and the
quality is such that you meet
with a pleasant surprise
when you know the price.
Lunch Sets Cloth and
$5.50 t0 $15.00
These dainty all linen sets
are a joy to behold. New ar
rivals in beautifully soft
glowing patterns that will
captivate the eye of your
guests, no matter how dis
criminating they may be.
Lunch Cloths and Napkins
the Set
Made of German Mummy
cloth in colors that are ab
solutely fast. Designs in vio
leUs, roses, etc., wonderfully
pretty sets, at an exception
ally low figure.
Plain White Union Table
Sizes 72x72, these are of
such good quality at the
price that we have disposed
of a very large quantity,
having been compelled to
re-order several times. You
must see them.
! Cotton Damask Table
$1.75 to $4.00
They can be had in white,
and colors, and hold their
weight almost like real lin
en. A very wide assortment
from which to choose.
( Truth ip Advertising
t rtH -l IMIt jSjPjh