The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 23, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    Paw sfx
Friday. October 2:1, 1 926
iiui'd Daily, except Sunday, li I li e Herald Publishing
Company Office: 119 N. Eighth Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon
News Edltot
Entered .is second class matter at the postoffice at Klamatl
Fally Orcunn under act of Maxell 3, 1879
Member of the Associated Press
I'lu -Miciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of re
puhlicanon of all news dispatches credited to it or not other
wise credited in this paper and also the local news published
therein MI rights of republication of special dispatches hererti
are also reserved
T.he Evening Herald is the official paper of Klamath Countv
Friday, October 23, 1925
"Harmony in the council!" That is the plea advanced
by the Southern Pacific organ this morning for the elec
tion of its pet candidate from the second ward 0. A.
Smith. Harmony! Sure they want harmony South
ern Pacific harmony, the kind of harmony that will
furnish the music for the Southern Pacific program, a
program that has for its purpose the closing of the gates
of the city to the Oregon Trunk.
The Klamath News further says that "an effort has
been made to becloud the issue of the city election by
thrusting forward the railway issue. Th
railway question has passed out of the hands of loca
people." That is what the Southern Pacific suppdi
would like to have the people believe. But the power
to block the entrance of the Oregon Trunk has not pas
sed out of the hands of the local people that pow
is just , as potent today as it was before the Forth'
The scheme is to secure a council that will grant ti
the -Southern Pacific and the Strahorn line such con
cessions as they may demand. These include the jug
gling of the sale of the city park in such a manner a?
to make it impossible for the Oregon Trunk to secure th
property; it includes a compromise over the Strahom line
bonds; it includes the granting of the Sixth street fran
chise to extend the line into the Mills addition and ou
Klamath avenue, a double line across Lake Ewauna
near the bridge and the right to extend up Link river.
All these concessions rest in the hands of the city coun
cil and the backers of the Southern Pacific program
want enough votes in the council to pass any or all of
these measures over the veto of the mayor.
If the railway question had passed out of the hands
of the local people, The Klamath News would not be
supporting 0. A. Smith, for it would not dare to take
a stand on any question nor support any candidate that
does not carry the approval of the Southern Pacific and
the California Oregon Power company.
The voters in the second ward have a sacred duty to
perform. In their hands rests the fate of the future rail
way development of the county. If they should so
vote as to make it possible to close the city against the
Oregon Trunk, they will have inflicted an injury that will
be irreparable. 0. A. Smith is supported by those who
are determined at all cost to maintain the dominance
of the Southern Pacific in this territory. Animated
solely by selfish motives, controlled only by the desire
to serve their own financial welfare, they care noth
ing for the rest of the community and consequently will
do everything within their power to help the Southern
Pacific maintain exclusive transportation control of this
county. This can be made possible by favorable con
cessions by the city and these concessions will be made
if the power to override the mayor's veto is made pos
sible by the election of a member of the council who is
antagonistic to Mayor Goddard. 1 Don't vote for 0. 'A.
SAN FRANCISCO. Ship building
concerns are unable to give any
assistance to the British tanker
Ampullaria Which ran aground at
Point Sur and was badly damage!
because quarantine officials have
put her under quarantine. A case
of small p:x was discovered in tihe
TO recover your splendid vision
to get back your normal
sight will stir you with enthus
iasm. A scientific examination and
the proper glasses are inexpensive.
Dr. H. J. Winters
Eye Specialist
We grind our own glasses.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
"A dollar for this and a
. dollar for that whllo
eyes go from bad to worse
careless thriftlossnosa."
v soys Ifti.c&ie4i4 'fit
Shirley Mason's latest starring
picture, "Scandal Proof." opened
last night at the Liberty theatre and
revealed the little star In one of thc
finest performances of her career.
With an excellent supporting cast.
Miss Mason portrays a role of emo
tional depth in a splendid setting
that gives her a chance to look" and
act her best.
The story is that of a girl who,
though she passes through the burn
ing light of suspicion and accusa
tion, being charged with murder,
proves that she is scandal proof.
Reduced to the circumstances of a
nurse, she tries to accept the guilt
of the mother of the child she loves
by placing herself in a compromising
position with the woman's lover.
Hut the man who loven her prevents
her sacrifice.
1923 Jewett
New Paint, Good
Tires, Runs Fine
Stewart's Daily Letter
By eHARtiRa i. stkw.VUT
NBA Senile XYlltcl
VVASHlMtlTON Wlille li would
oaue terrific temporary confusion.
treasury official generally agree
before Sheriff Rawktnt and (that th dlleovery ot a cheap math-
Sentence of Jtm Burke, Kihuud
Fuller and Charles Fuller had hard
ly been pronounced yesterday inorn-
D puly shei lit union were milking
preparation to take the three nie.i
10 the state penitentiary In Salem.
The three convicted men. guarded
by Hawkins and Hilton, left (0(
.Salem late yesterday afternoon.
Hurke was sentenced to li vours.
Kdward Fuller, ton years and
Charles Fuller five years in the
state penitentiary following their
conviction as the result of the
shooting of Deputy Sheriff Bd Ken '
dall. near Olene. June lit.
94 AIR
Beats Electric or Gas
o,i f transmuting baa Hiatal into
gold would no! (or every king con
tinue to vrlpple the clll'loiicy .-.stem
of a country like th I'uited stnt.s
Several odontitis claim act null
to have produced synthetic cold,
though at a cc-u itit'.ilcr I nn the
ytithotfc product's market value.
Whether or not those claim are well
l. muled, most scientific men of to-
day admit choir possibility and thai
j the process might conceivably ho so
! cheapened as to rob gold of Its
; monetary utility.
This worries th treasury folk
very little, oven siiotchlug credulity
so far as to concede such a sltua-
! tloo. Tho expert don't believe
j s-'Die ot-er metal, like platl mm
would bo substituted f ir gold that
might be produced artificially, too.
Bartering gooda wttuld bo ex
treme!.. tit. .v, system ..'
tokens representing labor perform
ed Is one suggestion.
Hut by far a majority of the
treasury people think the best plan
w mid tc to place a kind at mort
j gago on the nf.tln t'.i natural re
sources and base paper money Issues
en that, will h would give them an
A new oil Inmp that (if an am
azingly brilliant, soft, white light,
even better than gas or electricity,
has been tested by the II, S. Govern
ment and 35 leading universities
and found to be superior to 10 or
dinary oil lumps. It burns without
j dor, smoke or noise -no pumping
UP! is simple, clean, safe. Hums H
lid and o common keroaene (coal
oil I.
The inventor. V. M. Johnson, ltll
North Union Ave.. Portland. Ore.,
s Ottering to send u lamp on 111
'ays' FRBE trial, or oven to give oven truer value than Isaiioj based
3D0 FftKK to the first user In each ou a gold reserve.
Ity who will help him introduce
r te him tOdM for full partl-
o ask him to explain how
ot lite agency, and without
.1 o or money make 210 to
o j per month.
Elks' Temple
Wed. Oct. 28
All Elks invited and re
quested to Invito u friend.
Invitations can be had at
The Cyclo-Storir.agraph at Under
wood's pharmacy registered a rule
In baromortlc pressure during the
lata hoars yesterday but this ufter
noon another decline coiuineneedT
Prospects are still good for floe
Weather, with some cloudiness.
Forecast tor nest 24 hours.
Generally fair with moderate tem
peratures. Toe Tycos recording thermometer
registered maximum and minimum
temperatures today as follows:
Might 57 Low 2-
V. s. Wcuthir Bureau Report
Weather: Oregon, fair and mild to
night and Saturday. Light northerly
See the Champions at
Pacific International
livestock Exposition
LOS ANGBLB3. Music was baa
key to conviviality at T-Ilone Kil
o's cafe until problbtlon agents
raided It. At the hearing of Frank, one of the owners of the
place, a raiding officer testified
that "wo ordered a couple of ukulo
I les and they se:-.ed us beer; we ask
I ed for a piano and got gin, and
j when ie called for a saxaphone
they gave us wine."
An Unparalleled Opportunity for 'jfe
HaT m Education and Thrilling Enjoyment fcJrfSjjBf
7 JIT I $90,000 in Premiums ,
will brini; together tile greatest ussciiililiigc' u! ,
BWBf' fll V I'vcMivk ever shown under one rout in America. Ml f
'N ''.', I It will bo even larger, more Interfiling, mote rduemionul, r j
. "' more ihrllllnit ill. m lt year iIhuuiiuUu! purebred Dully ,'
' N-ii ' Beef faille. Hogs, Sluvp mul UkiIs I ruin all over ' .
'.,'jBtja America being exhibited In the limn tiro lispoliloo J
J&r u Palace and Amphitheatre covering 10 acred ' 11 jjl
'. i . She,, ..ii.l i ' . ; L-IMi'uUr .! mirld faluUU 1 1... . 'li.-.,. 'Y.V '
VU S, .11 tv.-nli'.l i Nm n. r. .ui.l ll.l. , tir til lSSt
ViA .'i.ii .i -.! o. .. ii . . . . ill ' '
;V JnO.i el lui.fnjtl.'ii il Hi i'i ' ili.-n j! I ,h
o T fa.w...f: I ."f .lA'IISHir " '. . .
U 'mmW nun H Inn nol ill!
Largest Livestock Show in the World 10 acres under one roof
our first Interest in your child In It's health. Naturally
you want to learn the health values of the anndrlu
the child wants. It fa refreshing to know thai car
bonated water (Soda 1'op) is an aid to digestion, con
tains a gasious element that purifies the air. cleanses ,t
of poisonous' gases, stimulates breathing and Is a pro
yentlve of typhoid fever and other diseases.
It promotes happiness and contentment and above all
health. '
Have a Case in Your Home
White Pelican Mineral Springs
Bottling Works
Phone 58
Angclo Reginald Fined for Pos
session of Wine; Pal
Raises Money
A frl-nd appeared fdr Angclo
Itcglnatn. charged with i
of Intoxicating l!(Uor. In Jtlttlce
court this morning. He Informed
Justice of the Feaco Kd iientle.ii
Hint he would enter a plea of guilty
for Iteglnato.
"All right," tho innglslruto rs
marked, "tho fine will bo $;o'J.''
This seemed perfectly agreeable
to Keglnato's ugent. who paid the
fine arid departed.
ReginatoH home on south Sixth
Btreet was raided Wr-dnesduy and a
qunnllty of wine found. Hut Itcgln.i
to was not home
Prohibition agents are .leiu-i hln::
for Qnleeppe Reglnato, who !'i
thought to be the owner of another
house ou South Sixth street In
which a complete and efficient still
was found. Hut Oulseppo Is not to
ho found.
"That still In the best one I huve
neon In Klamath county," State Pro
hibition Agent McBrlde Mild thin
Meats For Health
And Strength
When you buy meats you want die
best foi' the price-meats that contain
the nutrition and flavor of quality.
For the Best in Quality and Service
C. D. Long, business representative of
Carpenters No. 190, has been called away
for a short time. His place will be filled
by E. F. Duffey, secretary of the C. L.
Council. All carpenters out of work kind
ly report at the Labor Temple at 9th and
Walnut. Contractors and builders call
843-W for competent help. This service
is for the employer and the employe.
HKATTI.K.- A Ibiril libel action
against Roald Amundsen's explora
tion motorsiilp Maud was brought
when the Wltislow Marine railway
and shipbuilding company, alleged a
debt rf $2, .18.1. 24 for unpaid rnu
torlal and labor, filed claim in fed
eral court.
"Let me Serve You"
Quick Deliveries
1126 Main
Phone 793
Come without any warning.
r on now
Don't be one of many who
will order loo late.
Winter Is near. Pbon your
111 our specialty
"woon to niiHN"
U01 Alain Phone 635
Establish School for
Phohibition Agents
BPttUFIBLD, 111., Oct. 22. (ff)
Dthlea in catching bootleggen are
being taught here In a school for
prohibition agent,
Recognizing I bat I lie crude tac
tics of agents in enforcement work
ill some sections have brought both
the officers and the law Into disre
pute the government oatatyllrihed the
school In an effort to teach the dry
agent "how to gain respect, not only
lor himself but also for the prohi
bition law."
The school In under th" tutelage
of Thomas Williamson, United Htnles
attorney, and John II. Madden, , de
puty prohibition ndinlulntralor of
Kami are iiullclpiit lug with a real
hick, the next card offered by the
boxing association.
Hoyboldt, youthful slayer of Patrol
man David II. Crowtherii, two years
ago, was sentenced lo 'bo execute. 1
today, received his fifth reprieve
from tho stale hoard of pardon,
Action man deferred until Itho noxt
The Testimony of Others
IN my new book which may be
had FREE upon request, on
FtUJS and oilier Rectal and Colon (Ill
orders, I have reproduced nearly 100
Idlers from among tliouc received from
my WoulantU of patients, These tell you
frankly of their years of suffering of (heir
trying home remedies ami even opera
tions, and, Anally, of their complete cure
by my NON-SIJUCICAI. method. Thce
-in mini turn nmt woman of
nvcry it.Ulim, many of whom you
may linow. You will lesrn bv
nualnl Mil, I iin.k why I enn ulv
cure yoiu Piles or return your (m.
orr.ttis; bkattic ornciaT
11 iiii, nu
mooting of the bourd.