The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 22, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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Thor Electric Ironer
Genuine Thor Product
Free trial in yoiir honic You cnn'l appreciate the "Thor honor" until
you bv tried ll yourilf. Y..n really cin!t afford to be without oftc.
9s Electric Store
1026 Main Phone 234
MPANKSH t l.l:iti i,
TOKYO. Oct. 22. ',n,
Inn of ii strung Clerical 1'iiriy t lux
would parllalpate in Um cotnloi
tactions iii will- h nor Hian 1,000,
uou now voters hiii ballot, in report
ml in tx supported by priests "f the
Nlchirsn wet, i mlllUnl Buddhist
troop An obsolete police regulation
prohibits rcllglniiii workers fron
iuiiiuik poUtloal partlot in Japan,
I'll VI. hlroii sect, cnmpon.d o( 2 1
different groups, bM approximately
'..uOo.uou followers.
1 Henry Burke Will Turn Boxer;
Klamath Wrestler Signed For
Maiden Appearance On Nov. 3
HAI.KM. Ore. Oct. 22.- Candidates
lor Hi" band of "Jordan," I be mys
tery won. nil, who ndveril .,! in K.
Capital Journal for a husband whose
nam she could use for three moatbi,
he to receive I mo a Biootb for it.
tmluy reached iho toiul ol 100. She
has ullHt of Unit nmny who consid
er tberaeelvee eligible to soled from.
. i ll IioiikIi l ho inflection may liavu to
tin night nneeeo.
The replies continue to come from
all purls of the (tailed Stales. A Lou
Angeles applicant sends along a
pack of travel literature. Indicating
Unit an adequate honeymoon will go
With tin, marriage.
Suitors appear from t is following
ptaceii Ilatlery E. tenth field artel
lery. Camp Lewis, Wanli. Oakland,
Calif.; Tacomaj Wateonvilio, Modes
lo, Williams and Stockton, Calif.;
Oakvllle, Wash.; Chicago; Washlng
ton D. C. Cleveland, Ohio, and Los
llurkn, one of the lieHt mid llowolght wrestlers on
uppereuti '''' w'1"1" ! holdi tor right crosses Manager of Pilcher Store Is
and untie
ft iky
1 GO-poii rider
i'onii with mi I i i - wu nil nit
ar on now
Don't h Dim of QUUDJ who
will ordnr too Into.
Wlntnr la Dfttr. Phono your
! our uoctully
601 Main Phone 6JJ5
Skinny Men
Ontu b Pounds iii an Data or Oct
vour hfooey luuk
Doctors and good pharmacists
know tlmt Cod Liver oil i full of
vltamlnut that make flesh, create
iippolllp, builds tip tho power lo
roatat disease and puts good solid
flesh on skinny nice and wellies.
nut It'i horrible tatting muff nd
every duy fewer people an taking
it, for doctors are prescribing and
people are (aet teaming that they
ran get holler result with McCoy's
cmi i. Ivor on Compound Tablet,
which Star Drug Btore, Uaderwoodi
Pharmacy, whitman's Drug Co., and
druggist nil over the country are
having a tromendnu dotnand for.
One woman valued 10 pound lu 22
day, i anil If any nklnny man or wo
man, can't put on fi pounds In 30
dayi, your druggist' will Kindly in
fuml the purchitau price.
Ho uro and act McCoy's, the or
iginal and genuine Cod Uver Oil
Compound Tablets 80 tabids (10
cenlH. Adv,
lu other word, the
. ! -
' ' 4 -"I ;; i
i : -
Henry Burke
hn leaped from the
wriMtllng mat to
t 'li Hutred prena
'Hid he will do-i
Ih Vi'.oroa far
firm pr'ofcaalaujl
appearance an
l x-flxhter lu a
peda) event at
the next liJxInK
card. Nov. 3, ac
cording to annjun
cement todai by
JoAnnla Sylvester,
.Sylvester Is now
scouring the iwoods
for some likely
I O ok I n ' mid lie
Weight lo give
llurke his first fis
tic argument, and
tho pupular ex
wrestler iouht to
pcave ii atrong
drawing card be
cause his friends
and supporters will
he anxious to seo
him swap punches.
Hurke Is no nov
ice us a boxer, Ho'l
had a lot of ex
perience with the
gloves, although 61
.ourse, he Is by no
means a finished
fighter. Hut he
started training to
day and luldo of
two weeks he ex
pects bo be In con
dition to give a
good account of
himself against
somo fair middle
weight, ils feet In splto of
with the gloves ii
Horrc from BigTaccma
Our grcat-grandmothcrs made Western
baking famous with Schilling Baking
Powder. And no one has yet discov
ered a safe substitute for cream of
tartar in the baking powder they used.
We'll pay 12 for Your
Cake if you bake ic
with SchilJinir Bakinor
Powder and it does not
please you t merely tell
your grocer. He will
pay you $2 instantly,
and without ques
tion. This one
holds good any
time year in
and year out.
crearrPfifi5' tartar
I -Powder
I Extract
Y Spices
Th fir t convention of th.' ft.
pitcher company department
Itoi - was held In Tacoma, Waeb
Iglon, the latter part of last week,
with A. A. McOouald, locil manager
of the 1'llcber company store. In at
tendaocc. Ourlng the convention
wbli Ii was In session for two duys
Important business matters were
taken up and tbe policies of the
company were discussed at lengtn.
h. A. Pilcher, praaldent of the
company, the New York buyere, and
all managers of the coast cltleB were
In attendance. At the conclusion
of tho convention tho cntrle delega
tion attended the baflqnet In their
honor gven ut the Hotel WlnthrOp.
Knrouto home Mr. .McDonald
stopped a day In Portland to visit
with various jobbers and manufacturers.
To Indict Railroads
in Prohibition Drive
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.- -OP) Indict
ments will be asked against five
railroad corporation:! by tbe federal
i district attorney in the biggest rail-
toad prosecution ever started here,
It wag disclosed today.
Tbe district attorney alae expects
to proceed against some fifty In
dividuals and several eastern brew
cries. The 'Investigation resulted
from a shipment from the east .o
Morton drove, a suburb of Chicago.
All the optimists are not dead, j If the man who stole a, dozen
Someone Btole 12 electric fans in electric fans In St. Louis is caught
St. Louis In October. I he will be sent to the cooler.
Henry Is an slr;ng js nn ox and Is fast
Ills sticky build. If .10 shown the same proflclen.v
tie ,oes on wiv.lln.. mat he ought to work himself up to arcal
drawing card within a i.ear.
Bylvoslor l, now lining up Johnnie Trambltls, the best boxor of the
Traiubltla trio, i, mem Kit! 8 tar key la the main event,
anil Kail 'tols have hen signed for the seml-wlndim nncirn rnnia
other bouts will bo added.
BUTTER ADVANCESnromA r,r to 5C -"n,s " "'"p-
pers track. Prices for creiim deliv
ered In Portland range from G8 to
fiD cents. Fresh eggs are very scarce
with a good shipping outlet. Jobbers
are getting only limited receipts and
are holding nt strong prices. Stor-
POItTI.AM), Ore.. 12. (p)
1. Market Notes!- Previous ad
vnnces In the local butter and egg
marki 1 were maintained today but
no further gains were shown In
Cannot KvIni in the Human Body if
Vou Will I'se Trunk's PreocrlptlOtl
it in preipoitarbui; in fact, it is u
shame lo suffer with ltheiimatlsni.
This Prescription does not ruin '
the stomach, it does not depress the
heart. Kai nil the meat and good fond
you wish while taking Trunk's Pre
scription. Contnlns no mercury, sall-
cylitto soda, oil wlntergreen or nnr-1 ho
couch, hut positively overcomes any
kind of rheumatism or gout on Oarth-,
olthor commodity. On the dairy e.v- n;'' K,,"'li8 re still heavy but being
chain;.' quotations were again post- ""'a'' rapidly. Additional exports
ad at former levels in all grades. ",ls w'M'k t( 11,0 Prltish farket havo
Local Jobberci report offerings of "trongthaned tho locnl situation con-
fresh butter extremely light with
a brisk demand for both high ico re
mid ordinary stock. At the same nine
storage holdings are very light and
the market firm.
Weather condition! have boon ideal
fur thin full ,u( buttarfal n rn.
luctlon has shown only 11 moderate
The live poultry mnrket Is gener
ally Htcady. Turkey arrivals are
A' brokerage firm is making In
terior alterations In the Parroit
building, a structure built In 1 S 52 j
of stones brought from China.
When the ahln cnilerl In frnm
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. ?, ; kn, na ,,,,, , , in0.m
uumer liuruank, or banta Hosa. j wllarf tne cIty tllen hadi Chinese
Calif., naturalist of international 1 coolleB 5crt.a the great stones to
note, was awarded tho honor today of j bamboo poles and carried them to
being elected to receive the 33rd the site. There was no derrick, and
Masonic degree by the supreme coun- the stones were lifted into place by
ell, Scottish Kites, southern juris-1 B Primitive system of poles and
1 ropes. Hut tho coolies, directed by
an American contractor, did a sood
The little three-story building
stood staunchly through the 72 years
of progress. It was one of the few
down-town to survive the earth
quake and fire of 1906. It presents
a strange contrast to the glossy
surfaces of the giant structures oil
San Francisco's "Wall Street." Al
though interior improvements are
being made, the exterior, built to
endure, will not be changed.
National Metal
Weather Strip
If you arc thinking of having
your weather strip put in this
fall phone your name and ad
dress to the Herald office and I
will see you and give you an esti
mate on what you want dono.
The estimate will cost you noth
ing. T. L. COLLIER
diction of the United States, In re
cognition of his general beneficent
labors In behalf of humanity.
What more do you want? It Is Hn- "'''eas.. with some creameries still
possible to get something butter. Tho reporting a shortage. Cream bids
grealest uric acid solvent known and
also n superior liver medicine. """ s,fB' but more in lines with
TrUnk's Prescription sells for $1.78 prlni prices than they were ten days
or 3 for $0,00 at Star Drug Btore, ,,,,,,
1 ago. Hlils lu the country range in
Notice Big Difference
in the Way You Feel
Quit Poisoning Yourself To-1 'arenee in the way you feel. Con
RIGA, Sept. 28.fl Tho nni.
portion of Illiterates in Russia has
been reduced from 777 per thou
sand In 1011, to 500 por thousand
nl the present lime. Among the
vast amount of rending matter free
ly olreulatad In Soviet Russia today,
lu contradistinction to pre-war Rus
sia, scientific works are most in
demand. Books m political econ
omy and sociology are given prefer
ence. Other very popular sciences
are chemistry, astronomy and bi
Buy Your Groceries
at the
day; Feel Better in Few
Hours or No Cost
Mtako ibis iiihh End suffering
from Indigestion, Pimples, Pains In
Hock and Sldcn, Constipation, Heail
uchos nnd tired, rundown condition,
duo to Solf-polHonlng hecauso uf
sluggish M vi 1 and clogged Intestines.
Take n pleasant Hioiinful of lu
teins piirn vegetable IngredlentH up-
SOFIA. Bulgaria, Oct. 22. (JP)
I It Is officially reported Hint Greek
troops have Invaded Bulgarian tor-
rltory. NO declaration of war, how-
cleanse and tone your liver
strengthen your digestive organs
snot In- Iho lived and overtaxed I ever, has been received from the
nerves, brace up your ayslom and I Alliens government.,
purity your blood and restore your
sis,,":':, cosT l00 ,m,8t bu! "
Dr. Thai her'11 is mild and rncom- I'd pump Invented In England is
Grocete; a
Best known nationally ad
vertised brands sold in san
itary sealed packages only.
You help yourself and pay
only for what you buy and
not for high priced clerks.
There are no special days.
You can come every day
and buy at the same prices.
Here are a few of our ev-ery-day
Alpine, tall 9c
Kellog's Corn Flakes . . 9c
5 tb Royal Baking
Powder 2.25
1 lb Calumet Baking
Powder 28c
4 cans Continental
Sardines 30c
10 lb sacks, Best Cane
Sugar 69:
25 tb bags, Best Cane
Sugar 1.72
Folger and Schilling
Spices Y2c
2 lb Best M. J. B
Coffee 1.12
15c cans Campbells
Porn & eans 11c
Everything in the store at
prices correspondingly low
Remember tho location.
You Teeth Are The Foundation of
or the rocks of destruction according to the care you give
them. Neglected, they will wreck the most robust constitu
tion. Give them better attention. See us (or free examination.
(Painless of course)
KI2-2U4 Hopka Bldg.
8 th end Main
Phone 85J
Grid Lender
Thacher'H Llvor ami illood Sunn ! mended under this uuinntiieii he ihe' . . .
after tho noxt'two meals. In loss .Star Drug Store and ull leading j moumB0 on n ,rft"01 tl,nt "
than 14 hours notice tbe quick dlf- ' druggists. Adv. j hauled by any vehicle
802 Main Sr.
Sport Briefs
Abe Goldstein, former world's
bantam weight champion, and Chuck
Hellman of Portland, Ore., will meet
in a 10 round bout nt the San
Francisco armory tonight. Both the
New York boy and Hellman have
been training at San Francisco this
week and appear to be in fine con
dition. I
Middlebury's college football elev
en has made a record for leaps
from depths to heights. Harvard
rolled up 6S points against Middle
burg on October 12. Middlebury
was buried at St. Michaels, 61 to 0,
a week later.
Next Sunday gt City College
stadium in New York Willie Ritola
will attempt to lower the American
mark for a 10 mile run of 51 min
utes, 3 2-5 seconds, made by Han
nes Kohlemninen in 1913.
An eastern football conference
with Harvard. Yale, Princeton.
, uarimoutn. urown and Penn. as
charter members, Is In the discus
sion slage.
Edouard Mascart who bore the
hopes of France to this country
some months ago in search of the
world's featherweight boxing cham
pion, but failed to establish con
tact -with the title holder, Ktd
Kaplan, meets Low Hurley of New
lock in a 12 round contest at
Brooklyn tonight.
Walter "Red" Malum. Is captain of
tho W'est Virginia University -foot-ball
eleven. He plays a gur-.fd posi
tion and Is1 rated ono of tl-.e best the
Mountaineers have had in quite
while. A successful season la an
ticipated with him leading the teao4 I quack" was scattered among tho duck
lSVr------HJr525 ... . , 1 blinds
OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 2,2. ()
A device for broadcasting duck
calls has been Invented by J. V.
O'Hara, president of tho Vallojo
Gun club. Radio apparatus has been
Installed In the club's preserves and
with the opening of tho shooting
season in October, uu alluring "quick
"HOW can I keep
them presentable?"
A properly painted sur
face! a porcelain -like
surface one that resists
water, soap suds, etc. and
withstands moving, scrap
ing furniture and pounding
heela.That's the answer. And
Rubber Cement Floor Paint
give Just that surface. Easy
to apply.
A1k, ul lor booVlrt, "Color Hu
taoay In the Horn" all about palar
ing or finishing floors, woodwork,
walls, etc It's fret.
7"r? carry a full line ef Fuller
W Palms sad Varnishes tod
can supply your ascds,
Paint Store
301 MImIod Sm 8en Francises
25 Biaachat la Patlla Com Cutas