THE LUMBERLOGUE : aT VOL. I. KLAMATH FALLS, OUK(ON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 192,$ Number 33 LOWER Percy Sumner Electric Dogs Prove Successful In Pelican Bay's Mill Three and One Half Months' Continuous Oper ation Prove Them Superior to Other Types; No Scarred Lumber The installation of Percy-Sumner electric dogs on both rigs in the Pelican Bay mill during July was tft8 object of much interest to mii'.mcn of this section. Many predicted that the clogs would not prove practical; that they would be too slow, and many other objections were raited. After three months and a half of continuous opera tion, the officials of the company, mill foremen, and sawyers declare that the dogi arc all that they are claim ed to be. They are fully as fast as dogs of other types, according to Superintendent E. H. Pike. Sawyer John Dreher declares that they are fully as fant, if not faster. A considerable saving is effected, as claimed, by the dog gripping the cant at the top and bottom, instead of sinking into the sides, as is the case with other types. The Percy-Sumner dogs are less expensive to operate than air dogs, according to company officials, the chief .saving lying in the fact that no air compressor is needed, thus eliminating a 75 HP motor, compressed air tank, and the necessary pipings, besides the cluster of air hose upon the rig. The Fruit Growers Supply company, Susanville, Cali fornia, has recently installed two pony rigs to replace two gang saws. Both these small rigs are electrically equipped. The entire East Fir unit of the Long-Bell Lumber company at Longvicw, Wash., is electrically equipped. Bedford Says Officers Are Mighty Queer Unseemly Actions of j Coppers Reported By Millman As evidence of the ei r. nl l icit y of officers of the law. .1. M. Bedford, manager of the Wheeler'Olrnitead company, offers the following anec dote : "i was driving along the Pacific highway ui u nofrosl rate "i sp i. when a motorcyclo pat I roe, pulled In nllond Ot me, add held OUl his hand, signalling for a stop In order not to run the man down. I was forced In slop nlro. for Instead of keeping on t ho right bund side of the road and allowing me lo stop. I lie fellow Insisted on keeping Im mediately In front of mo. I stopped and got out. Intending to give inn. a stinging rehuke for his clumsiness. Imagine my surprise, then, to have the lout declare himself an officer, nnd claim that I bad been speeding along 'At the rate of ,r,S miles per hour." FhW fil? was fifteen dollar. Lamm and Brother On Hunting Trip in Lake County W. K. Luniin of the Lamm Yiini bor company, iiirnmpiinlcd by his brother R C. I.uintn. Denver lutn hormnn, left early Monday for Luke county on ft hunting trip, They will visit the tame region us thai In , which Mr. Liimni lust week BOOUrod n fine huek. B, ('. I. a in nl Is the proprietor of n aeries of rotatl yards in Colorado, llo Is here on his honeymoon, Ills wife staying with Mrs. w. 10. Lamm (I it 11 ii h thd nliseiiee of lite hiisbnnils.j 75,000 Asked For Lost Arm By Millworker Company Negligent, Claimed in Com plaint PORTLAND - Suit for $.5. Don damagei against the Pacific states Lumber company known as the CoOS Hay Lumber company has been filed by Owen Smith, who attributes Injuries received by him on May 13 lo negligence ol the company ami its employes, lie charges that the opmpany has refused to avail it si it or ins state compensation law. Ills arm was cut off at the el ls, w by one of the company's trains, according to the complaint. Smith staled that a sudden application Iho brakes while he was riding on tho triln threw him troh) a position he had been told to take on 0 tim ber between two trucks, to sne himself (rora tailing through a tres tle he grabbed the rail. The wheola mi ofl his fingers. He cing to the mil with the remaining stump nnd lost another portion of Ills hand. (Each wheel sheared ell' u portion Of Ills arm before the train was finally brpughl to a standstill, Novel Method Used For Manufacturing Shiplap by Swan Co. The Swan Lake Moulding company uses a very efficient method for the manufacture of shlplap, instead of rosawlng the six quarter, ami then running the rasnwh lumber through the matcher in the ordinary way. tho stock is firs! run through the ntatch-l er, COmtng out beaded and grooved, tt Is then resawn to two piece of iihlplnp. This process cuts the lime roniitred lor Hie niiilrlilug by one bnir, J C n uiPTm i p i. r. no flLLG AGENCY .11 PIE II FOR ILL Size of Mill Warranto Plac ing of Agent to Handle Shipping MILL WILL START SOON 24 CarsJPcr Day to be Ship ped When Second Band is Installed The last agency lo be added in tlx' siiaKin division of tin: southern Pacific wan established lust week ul Pint Itlditc. formerly known as Aspfror. the mill sits of ths For SSt Lumber company two miles above I'hlluiiuln. Tin- slls of the mill und Us projected year round operation warrant an agency :o handle the company's nli lptIiiR. ac cordlM to s. p. officials. Tta inlll will start December '. with capacity of sixty thousand fool per i.lilft. anil o(H'rnti' two shifts all winter, and with Its dry kiln ortulpmeal will start shipping with in mo weeks of the time the tint board drops on the green bain counting In average ot twenty thou mind feet to tin.' eartocd, the com- pany would start Hhlppfng 12 cars of lumber per day by the end of IVc in'icr. Later, when the tiorond hand Is added to the mill, the total of carload shipment! would bo twenty four. Work on the, In.Mnllu-! tlon of the Second band will start Immediately. Recording to officials of the companv. I Matrimonial in pursuance of its policy of in augurating higher and better things for the lumberjack. Instituting re forms, and generally uiving a pow erful tug on the moral crosshuul, Luutborlnguc has decided to run n tnntriinoulai agency. Realizing tint nothing Is more uplifting than thoj pure love of a good woman. Lum berlOgUO, In response to hosts pf queries both, from the ladies an 1 the luniberjnckx. Is this weak stnr:- lug a matrimonial bureau, if you are In age between the cradle an.l the crave, and able lo move under your own power, let us hear from you if you. care to meet a prison o tho opposite sex. object, matrimony or otherwise. In every caso, as h is been done In the following, the name of the applicant will lie kept a close secret. Lnmberlogue regrets thai only one lady has taken advantage of the buroati this week, but has no douM that by another week many will have listed their charms, persona),! real and financial. 1. Lady of uncertain age, has own lovo nest. Is blonde, fleshy, bobbed hair and blue eyes, lias he, -i In business several years, and has nice fortune. Wishes to meet young and attractive logger coming down from woods with a large stake. objoct, matrimony. l Voting man of twenty-four, lied hair, brown eyes, weight "175 POtindS, disposition spen'ilthrjf, OCGUr nation locomotive engineer, salary loo much. Can he found around Pelican liny camp two. or wrlW LutllbljrlOgUO. Object, either mnt rlmony or otherwise, 3, nrnketnan. Algomg, recently overhauled hut Rood as new. Many new accessories and Inventions. Is tall, dark, handsome, and distin guished looking, Object, matri mony. 4. Fireman, Pelican Ftay, short. sandy hair, good complexion, ploa Iuk pei'sonnllty and regular fea tures. Fairly Rtaky, Wishes to meet dark youiiK lady. Object, matrimony. n. setter, Bwnunn, Mtdluto holgltt, powerful ''"'id. nffeitlttnw RATE IS Bonanza Good Site For Mill " Citizens Say Locr Pond Heated b Nature, Will Not Freeze That on"- of the best mill sites in this territory In being overlooked by local mlllmcn I the contention of resident of Bonanza. little town lo cated on Lost river, about :iu miles east of Klamath Kails. The site, while not at present nd Jaeent to rail transportation, haH one advantage possessed by none other in this section. Lost rlwr flow,: through (be xlte and at this point the river Is heated by warm springs Throughout the winter n portion of the pond remains open. Steam coming from the aur face. Ample timber l declared to be avullable near tie proposed Bite to adequately supply a moderate sized mill for muny years to come. Birds at Pelican City Also Suffer Strange Illness The ducks of Xl- Lake are not the only birds suffering from but tlltls. accord lug to data to light by the researches of Prof. Dusty llunneu. eminent Fcicntist. According to Hunneii. there are birds of all kinds, sorts, and descrip tions suffering from bonl'tis in and nronnd Pelican City. Prof. offers to show these specimens 'o any interested health officers. Service Bureau character, pleasing personality, blue eyes. Hopes some dny to be a lawyer. Wishes to meet active, young lady will, huge fortune. Ob ject, not particular. G. Sawyer. Wheeler - Olmstea 1. itcmarkalily haud&ome. is marrtbd and has had several, years experi ence. Would s-curc a divorce If rood-looklnj; youug wpman shpWad up with a sufficient hank roll. 7. Hull buck. Forest Lumher com pany. Not much for looks but bell for efficiency, fan give references. Salary not much. Wishes to meet anything, objeel otherwise. S. Scaler. Pelican Hay. Medium height, very dark, blue eyes, ex tremely handsome. Salary, not enough. Wishes to meet business woman With send income, object matrimony. 9, feller's helpor, Rw.v.ina sawmill. Tall, slender, active, medium com-1 plexion. blue eyes. Salary, will he i more In lime. Wishes lo meet Mary ! Plckford. WHKKI.KR HKRK .1. B. Wheeler, extensive timber operator, and owner of the Portland Telegram, has been in Klamath Faltsl during the past week looking over the Wbeeler-Olinstead mill and his other interests in this county. Lakeview Sees Prosperity Looming As Sawmill Owners Announce Plans For New Mills LAKKVIKW. Coincident Southern Pacific locomotive to be heard in Lakeview will also be heard that of two big sawmills that aire promised to be built as soon as standard gauge rail facil ities have been provided. The announmecent comes in the course of testimony being taken before Examiner Mahaffie at the Portland rail hearing when E. Dusenbury stated that he would construct a mill of a capacity of 20,000,000 feet annually and Frank Boutin announced pjans for a mill of similar capacity. conttntii mi rn(?e. . NO SETTLEMEMTi nrinunn wtt hi HtAUItU It I IP! m ill she Aberdeen Workers Still out Following Dispute Over Wages INCREASES ARE ASKED Meeting of Committee is Called to Thresh Out All Angles AHKKDEKN. Wash. The Aber deen mill strike remains unchanged. The civic committee called together lo settle the strike has been unable to arrange a conference with mill operators due to the absence of William Donovan, Sr., owner of the two Donovan mills, who Is in Port land. A meeting of the committee and the strikers has becu called. At that time the men will consider the proposal of the committee to estab lish a 11.75 minimum wage but not lo grant che horizontal LO cent per day increase to higher paid em ployes. Two members of the drop crow discharged Seiu-ynber .he superintendent at Donovan Lum her company's No. 1 mill while cir culating a petition asking the com pany fcr an advance of 50 cents iter day in wages. Kor.r crews em ployed by this company walked out. Two crews at Wilson Bros. Lumber after demanding a 50-cent increase. A demand was made by the drop crew on the management at the Aberdeen Lumber and Shingle c. for an immediate increase of 50 cents per dny for that crew. Thee men were receiving 51.70 per day. The management tried to secure conference hut was not succssfnl. They demanded immediate action. The management closed the mill down. All the drop crew at this operation wen? Finns. The niglct crew at Schafer Bro thers' Mill No. I walked out Octo ber 2. after demanding a 50-cent increase. These plants were all paying $3.25 low. They are all in the same neighborhood. The Aberdeen Lum ber and Shingle company had but three men. tiers in the planing mill on this wage.' and was paying com mon labor S3. 50 and S3. 65. Other plants in' Aherdeen were paying from ?3.50 lo $1.25 low. Mormon May Have Taken Champagne To BoXtnc Match 53 According to rumors prevalent arottnd the Wheeler-Olmstead mill last night. Mormon King had :u his possession two fight tickets, and intended to take Snwver .lean rthnm. paRno to tho fight. Lmnberloguo was not represented at the figtv loat niht. so yte arc unaMo to giv latest reports on this affutr, but presume that all went as planned. with the whistle of the first FORESEEN Work To Begin Rv S. P. o On Cut-Off Near Black Butte: Will Rush Work Completion of Project Will Put Mills Here in "Truckee Classification;" Will Mean Big Savings for Shippers Construction will begin very soon on the most im pcrlant part of the Natron cut-off from the point of view of the lumber shipper. During the past ten days the Utah Construction company has been moving equip ment and building its camp on the south end of the Black Butte cut-off, this side of Sisson, California. The equipment at present in use on the Natron cut off will be used there as soon as winter sets in the Cascades, and work will be continued on the Black 1 Butte cut-off throughout the winter months. The snow will not become sufficiently deep to impede progress. : The Black Butte job is practically all rock work, and I will progress faster when the rock is frozen, and there- I fore more brittle, than it would in the summer months. Rocirtps t-Lf, clinrtpnincr of the dir.tartr.f! from Klamath Falls to Sisson the cut-off eliminates curves, and a climb . nf r.-thnutann foK M an aid to the purse of the lumberman by putting Klam ath Falls under the Truckee freight rates, where it be longs, geographically, instead of under the Pacific coast rai.:j. Modoc Lumber ! Spur Will Add j To Log Space! Storage For Million ' Feet To Be Pro- vided Construction was begun Monday j Ice jams, driven across a six mile by the Modoc Lumher company onJ stretch of upper Klamath lake by , , , twlntcd pales, will no longer have a spur track, an addition to the . I the pleasure of sweeping up on the present one. exten.Iing up the Wil-jgnor0 of the ,ak(, Laram. ,,. liamson river about three quarters of A mile beyond the present end ! of the line. The spur is heing provided to give 1 additional leg storage pace in the Williauison river. At present river is filled with lpgs to the end Ol Hie spill e.ieuus ui, iiie in- er from the mill, ln addition, many thousand feet of logs are now deck ed along the river. Work has also begun In prepara tion for blasting out a channel in the i river bed over a reef on which it ls belllved logs would be caught j when floated downstream. Holes will he drilled and powder set dur. ing the week, the blast to be fired Sunday. With construction of the spur up the river, company officials estiniat- H thlU pomi sp:u for ahmU one million Ie"t ot logs woulo he ! provided. The Forest Lumber company pond is one of the best in the northwest, the river current being sufficiently swfit to prevent f reeling and ,to al low the logs to float unhampered down to the log haul. Horan to Visit Washington Town R T. Horan, manager of the Kor - est Lumber company, left early on Monday for Bend, from which point he will go by train to Spokane on business. He will return in about HI days. GOKS Hl'NTINCJ liill .McMillan, who recently re turned from Modoc enmp, has been on a bunting' trip for tho past fow dnvs, j important of alL it renders Breakwater To Stop Ice Jams At Lamm Mill Serves Double Purpose At Mill On Lake tearing loose the log booms and rais ing other havoc. This has been assured by com nlelion nl" a breakwater, consisting f parallel rows of piling. Ue- tw,.,,n Wlls sluk.etl ,aku botl(m ; m.lU.rlal ohtaiaf,A ln cioarlng olt the log pond. The break water serves two pur poses, protecting the logs and tWe buildings along the shore and fur nishing an enclosed pond lilch may be kept tree of ice more easily than the old pond, which was merely a section of the lake front. In former years, before the break water was built, ice piled up on the shore line to a depth of many feet. Lucky Accident Fills Hole On Oregon Avenue Two large gobs of unphnli were mysteriously dumped into holes in tin.' road to Pelican I'lty during the pasl week. Considering th" policy of the city in regard to Oregon nve nue and Sixth street, it is thought lo be an accident, and Hint the as phall probably slipped unnoticed 1 from -nine warren construction com pnny truck. As a result, nearly fifty feel of Hie way i nn now be negotiat ed in high gear without dantSKS to motor vehicles. Walter Henry, of the Pelican City community club, demon Si .re racer, went hunting for Chinese pheasants early yesterday morning. The trip netted several English spar rows, .