Tl.uwdy. Qctelfw: U. 1925 EVJfiNDW HERAiay, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON Page Thtua. 1 lSf7Stif;E On the Screen After ; 1 1 1 alisoni'i- n( ,i year, llc i;ivnl K 11 1 1 iici reii, NAZ1MOVA loHinis lo the icrccii in "My Son" :i teilHj lr:inia in wljlcll tin- lending role i ndinir ojjly suited i" the emo tional N'tt Jt i in ova. I lobar! Ilosuorili with Jack. Pickford is antong tin- supporting coil i i lite tar. ii On the Stage Jliek iloorc I Conlor- tioitj t. (ill 1111111 iv W'alilo " I " 1 1 v Mclody Boy, I a-1 I cuniarchaia Trio in "Danced it Slept" Jaek riio, -in lliacl facc ( lomedy, itliahia & Wieton Tlic American Naval Arii.ts in Electrical Drawinns. -I 5Wainly cvbout CP c o j) 1 e NEWSPAPER M IN IIHHfi 10. K. Ilrutlio. owner of tho Ore gon City HnterpH at Oregon city, v 1 1 1 1 a, c. fjago, of Portland, vis ited In K In mill ii I'll 11m Wednesday. 1 ROM I.AltL'VIEW Among ili'i' roaldcnta of Lakorlpw vfaltlnt hare today an Mr. and Mm, I!, V, MorrlM. Their visit liuro Ix mi business. While In tlm i lly they ill" gliaaty Hi llin Hotel Arcade. RoakcQitm in on mi" in iii i (ri)uent biuipMii trips, a, II. Bdgaoojana, wall known resident Ol ill' BpfAjgUO itlver dht trlot, In thu city toiluy. (I, llilii near 111)1:1 IIAV OH HI NT it. Ray nf tiii' Hotel Lake tell morning early for IiIh ranch Keno tn iiiint OblnffM Pbeao- ASHI.VND HtsiNLSS CALLERS .i. B. Pattefaon mid ;. O'Neil, linlli of Ashland, urn spending til" day in Klamath i-'aiis on a cojnblaad buelaoaa mill plaaaurs trip. DurlDf thalr Btny herd they bra registered id iii" Hotal Aroad. AT THE L-I-B-E-R-T-Y Another iii,; Janiea 1 rnc ci niicilv lot is 'Welcome Home' with l.ois iUon Warner Baxter in leading role, Edna tier wrote the atory it touchea iptne i s in nuidfcrn 1 1 f a comedy angle tli sun' in get a laugh pccinlly good ihorl jieots complete tin-gram, ami r- ond high with it is E- snl- pro WOMAN'S l i lt HON it I - TI.IIIIVS TO LEAVE Loral Merchant I'.m i il In Icmo Oil" to wili' lllneaa , , . I,, ,. t'lHniiiK i" KninAtii Kali . loan than two months ago frum BoUth li.ik Iii, .Mr. and Mr Krml Torry mo lou Ing tba airly pint or tliln .omlir: wpek fiir southern California, where thi'y plan it real li tiling mnitii In taaroh cf better health Bit ,Mrn. Torry. Hlaro mlng her .!.; III han steadily Failed and It la hop I'd llio lower attitude may prove banatleial, Mr. Terry bought out tho Trunlorit markot. which ho i. inoili-li'il anil win I'liJnyliiK a itpli'a iiid boalaeaa hare, Btona'a today took ovor the market, thr il"il batanj closed yeetcrdny, making thom tho now owiHrm of 1.10 bttilnaaa. ir,r, at HOME SutterlUS with a (Mora atli ik el la grlppa, from whlih aba liaa been tilling for tivvoral diry. Ill 1 1 1 Hill is today eoatlnad to her hone, Thu Itoneliuig Woinan'H (Mull It an regular iiieiillug itpproprlad I Hie mini of $"tiii from Itt traaeury to ill, I tn lllirnry board In (ho .ur-i-haHo of Qojw laiok.i. In aplte of t.ii fart that ihu inii la giving a area I leai fd thongii in n (inaaetltl odh- .1111,11, praparlnf to Htnrt work t4 mii on n mow rlub house, the Wl man havii ulwayn been very ectlvo M Ibalr mipiKirt of tba library, tin Ir, lull iiouao alte huving orbjlnaJl) lieun offered to tho elly iih u alto for a library biillllnn. ill con iliiulug IhM eilpporl the., are work in to lojsreaie tan toliima bi booka and I ho appr.prliitlon mail" l:i their mtUUM will tiu naud for that purptiHe. rinna for lie lOiiHIriiitliin of Ibelr tiiilldliiK lire protending rapldr ly and their bund Imuo will BOOn he Natted. Attoraaor Oarl Wlmber ly Iiuh boon latalned Hi aitoud Vji lliu legal afOili'a lo winneclloH IH flm bond lnao, wliloh i!ll he In Ebb aum ot 115)000 and which will b tiaed for tho conairii'MoIn of Sit prftoaod building. Corporation p-i- pera nie now iM'ng dfnwn tip hi order Choi 'ho du:. may legally ! alio thn boiidirT w.ilch will boar a OMl rale of aterct and will ki 0 K ixi InvaktMoaL'T-Roaabnrc New ,. in i ks Aitutvi: O; K. Word waa received this afternoon by Dr. (!. S. Nnwsoni. county health officer, linn pemmona of ddeka which had died from a myaterloim iniilady in Title lake, had arrived at tho alnte health department and would Immediately be unlijected to n minute examination to determine whether or not death waa eaeaad by botullnoa OOlaOB, or Just what waa the cauao of'tho epidemic. Accordliu: to thn health officer. It will bo sev-,-i'ul ilaya beforo n natlHfactory ex amination can ba cOmplotad, III N'T AT CONKOIiliY RANCH LeavilU early tbla uiornlng for tba ronnolly ranch, Charlal Bemil and l-'rnnk BrAad brougbt bat-k u good feed of CblBaaa i'lu-annui about ten o'elock, HHorriNirj tkip Motoring in from her homo at Miilln. lira. Ada .MiCanna i pant Wudoeaday himppinK elaltin v. ltd frlenda In Klamath Kalla. III. A K ON III NT l.eavlnt: lor tin- Olene country h"- fore aunrifo thin juornlug, tleorv Blanaa, l(. I'erry mid Tommy Miller were among the firs! ardent aporta- Blab of Klamath Kalla to try their luck for Chlneiin I'heuaunt. rJOt'THKBN I8ITORH Mr. and .Mra. It. It. Webb, with I. B. Wehli. all of Kedlund. Cnllfor nlu, apant Wednesday rieltlai in Klatnalh Kails, enroutn to ibelr southern home after a motor lour of iii- northern country. t AlXBIl TO MBBKOnp (It ori;n Mot left tills momlng for Medfdfd v.bero ho hnn hein called In appear in the district term of court. RETURN ROMS Aftor visiting hem with tbc-lr tot ami daugbt' r-ln-tnw.' Mr. and Mrs l.loyd Stoncr. Mr. und Mra. K. Ston or have returned to their home 't Astoria. Friday, SktUtdAy and Monday arm. clala In coata, dresses and hula. Ml lady'a Shop, 822 Main, 15-1 tl MRH. BHl'IiTK RETURNS After nu enjoyable trip In the south. .Mrs. Heit Scb'fJlU und her woo iliiugbtcr have returned to Klamatli falla and will realde on WasliltiKtoti. RETURNS HOME After rlaltina) ' the city for anv oraj days at the home of her sister, Mrs. K. t'. Ooraabock, Mm. II. Weat brbOk has returned lo her bofke in Merrill. COhSDURO, Oajcmnny, Prlneoaa Marin t'yrllnviiiia. daiutbtar of Qranil riuke Cyril of ltussln, is to Marry Prince Prled.rtob Karl of Lelnon gen. , , USE TO MEDFORO William 'iliir' Lee. Klamath's bounty assessor, loft this niorhlnx for Modford where he will spcntl snvnral days attending to business ntattOra. Mr. I.en just recently re turned from Salem whrro lio was Instrumental in Klamath's success in the county bootb eahtbtts. yy I V A delicious hot breakfast ready for (the tabic in less than 3 minutes! New Style H-O Quick Cooking OttteVT These toasted oats cook into gran ular oatmeal. Actually a new breakfast dish! One that gives' you vim for the whole day! A wealth of cncrgy-building car bohydrates tissue-building pro teins and vitalizing minerals in every dish. Thai "all-night cooked" ' favor in only two minutes l'OH MORE THAN noYIARS HAKI'.RS OP qUAllTY I'RODUCTS ti n HOIOIIIY OATf HKl'fir il l CtllAH I ARINA III, k,h, miAMKli ,nttt Ite DID II ONI H IAU PASCAKI IO.VI QUICK COOKING OATS Cook2to5 minutes only fftcJ(p? H:0 Cimpany H.i,iAie. ncvoonk u .A. , ,.WInili 110 tat nit. . ...... , , Ed OATS mtam fifCa otiiNti to HKoranii M laa Mayliello I . v ; 1 1 mill Ml.i Ugrgarat Wonien motored to Mad foril today to bn tba boaia gtieaia of Mra. Hon Ncwlerry They expect to return homo tomorow, LAST IIH. Ill NT for thn last time this eaaoii, I!. K. HtliiHon yaatertlay vent in Hi" dlreotlon of tho Lava beda looking for deer. M l-'IK II A NT RKTI ISNS HOME O, II. Kriinckze ot" of Newport',! (rbmlnent UOJlnoi men, who with Mrs. Kr, in i, I: re apenl Hie iiuat two duya In Kiuniiiili Kails, returned liOmo yeatnrduy afternoon. Mr. Krnnitkze OWM ' atorcs In Corvalllii, Toledo ami PoVtlnntl, as woil as in Newpoft whdrd 60 realdea, 1 VANNtCE AI K HOME E. W. Vunillco ir the (iolilen lllo atoro rotnrned laal evening from rorilaiid WfaaTa be t' Itlflad on In half of the Southern Pacific. Mr. Vannlco baa been portb for eevarnl dttya. HKrElPT10N TONIGHT With thu Tott Cup club aa hostess es. ROT. and Mrs. Yarns will bn the honor ttueata at roeoptlOB to be hold this evonliiK 'it the church par lors of tho Mothoill t ehurch. An In teresting proKram I. as been arrang ed for by Mra. John Yad u and Mrs. Mollle fielding. KENDALL HA K TOMORROW Jnatiea of tho Peace Ed Kendall will nittiln bo back In the Justice court tomorrow, accordlna (o wtird roeolyed thla mornlni; by Jiia ateno grapbvr, Mra. Mary Wilson. .The mag istrate baa been -In Medford the past few days as a witness In a cuse be forn Kederal Judu Wolverton. Last woek Kendall waa lubpoenaed to appear as a witness in another crlin. Inal cnae. LAST 'Jll DOSLS Tho last 20-doses of a certain toxin which la being administered to cat tle In the northern Klamath basin wast received this morning at the county agent's dftlce and will he de livered to Dan Ryan, Kort Klamath slot kman. Thu loxln bas been re ceived from the I'nlversity of Nevada and has proved to he a check to a certain kidney ailment that has af fitl 'tl cattle of that section during I fit; past summer. No more toxin will be manufactured by the university Ibis year and perhapR thu work will Bejj eiitln ly abanaoned. . ' "'arri .TT.Ta. taking Powder Extracts J Coffee Spice Coffee Insurance o4ny time you do not think that Schilling Coffee is the finest coffee you ever tasted, your grocer will return your money instantly and gladly. You keep the coffee. Schillin 1 ' i r IB f 1 1 s 0 y&tieeM wings of thShorning $g ' M jj X K you during tlie re- i j yCUf icnttryi.tgtimes in ' c'ie con'ce marker, t. The quality of - Schilling Cof- i, tec has never w, STO' KMAN HERE It. Cornwall, a prominent live- HAWK1NS HACK TODAf Prom reports received at the sher-! Iff's office today .Sheriff Hurt Hawk-! ina will return to Klalnuth Kails ! s""'k mM ,rom ,I" northern part this afternoon after an absence of of ('allfrnia. and fntereated in the s, reral days In Medford. Mr. Haw-U'ort K'math Meadoara compagy, ar kina was one of tho defendants n I riv, d la"t nlp,:t ln Klamath Kails to the eaae of Murray va. Low et al ' K""mJ """eral days here attending to which, was tried in Medford this business matters. He is registered at week. !"'e Hall hotel. MARRIED 1 'ESTEHDAV MABBIAOK LICENSE 1SSI Efl One ot thoe efficient but speedy i To a couple who are popular ami marriages was consummated vester- wr" known in this city, a marriage ' day with the marriage of Walter Ed- -nsc' Issued yesterday. RETURN PROM PRINEVTLLE AtlOr an enjo;ab!o two days visit in Prlnevtllo, with Mr.s W. 8. Ayora, Mr. and M s. E. K. Hayes and amall daughter havo roturned to tba city. Mrs. Ayers Is tho mother at Mrs. Hayvr. Tjday Mrs. Hayei rJas re Hiitned her position wllh Moe'a Shop lu the baby department. EROM MINNESOTA Mike 1'eppln nf Dorothy, MliMe- .voa the first tnirlst to reglst- car with the chamber of in Hi- vhoe-mnking bus, in ess on Main 'rommorre this iclsrnlng. Matt Matson street between Seventh and Sixth. I of Stockton, California, rbglstereit and Agnes Catherine Dugan. also early this morning also, being tho of this .city. j second registration. The sota car Martin f Kirk to n,.rtrA,l. I couple were Walter Surlier, who aier his Sullivan of Kirk. Tho couple ar rived In Klamath Kails yestsrdav. secured their marriage licensa and in a few hours later were man and wife. i ' THIRTY-SECOND ANXITERSARV In observance of the thlrty-so.'ond wedding anniversary of Mr. antl Mrs. .John Marsh a party was held at the Marsh homo in the Fai. mount district last night. More &Un 25 guests were present D?r (hell affair. Today Is also observed at 1Mb Marsh home as it is the birthday j anniversary of Mr. Marsh and the party was In celebration i-f both! events. Eugene Guard. No Parent Can Afford to let the children's teeth go unattended, for their future h'aith d-;:"nis upon the healthy condition of their teeth. Let us give your children a free examination. R. D. COE, DENTISTS I02-2U4 Hopkd Hid Painless ot course) p . lift and ilai Fhone S3t I FORM 11 EN ONLY til An Unparalied Two-Day Selling Event Cold Weather is Just Around the Corner, Pre pare for it Now. For 2 days only. Friday and Saturday, we are offering every suit and overcoat (except serges) in our entire stock of Brand New high grade merchandise, at greatly reduced prices. This stock does not contain one item of old stock or left-over merchandise. Compare thes e values Any $47.50 Suit or Overcoat - $41.85 Any $45.00 Suit or Overcoat - $39.85 Any $40.00 Suit or 'Overcoat - $33.85 Any $35,00 Suit or Overcoat - $29.85 Any $30.00 Suit or Overcoat - $23.85 Any $25.00 Suit or Overcoat - $19,85 Compare the original prices on these suits and coats and you will find them well below the prices asked by mail order houses and so-called "mill to wearer" houses for their very ordinary products. Every suit and every overcoat is a nationally advertised, and absolutely guaranteed product. This is just another example of the " fact that it always pays to BUY IT AT BECK'S. X., 517 Main KLAMATH FALLS -WOODBURN, ORE. Next to the Bluebird