Tuesday, Ootober 18, 102B EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, ORKfJON Page Thivt- HIM u k vni i at We'll pay $2 for your cake i and $1 for your biscuits if you bake them with Sciiillino Baking Powder and they do not please you merely tell your grocer. He will pay you $1 instantly, and without question. This offer holds good any time year in and year out. J Schilling Ocain of tUtK tomes from the pure juice crystals g of luscious crapes . s noMuuiu j fruit product BakingPowder XcreansPStartar V0 fTea Coffee 'Baking 7owder Extracts y Spices cfainly cyfbout 'People I -tf IfAWKlNM A WAV llinriff Hurl. Hawkins -l hay. HiIh time Iij M'If Ml when. Hi bus - ii subpoena" 1 to testify in a civil -mo before llio federal judge, Hlni" the cunvi. log r Prank Way, on a charge of manslaughter, Haw kins has been conspicuous by lili absence from the court house most of tho tlmt, He I uk Way In Salem mill ywn away ( i several day. Hlnrlly ufior be look J j Klinsoy to HiiIiiii to have hi eye treated. II wimii't Ioiik after thai He was called to Medford foi the federal trials, ami new h" In (gain In Hod ford. I ItlKMiS CHARIVARI OI I'l.i; About thirty of thi- ouiiKcr eel nil frlo ids of Mr. and M:. Oarroll Orlfflth, who surprised their friends by slipping away and being married in Mi'ilf.nl eWnilay, gathered at the bom of Mrs. Evu Jordan lat Wen lti In OMiralulat the i.;iula young folk. C rroll proved himself I'. regular good scoul by pavilnt mil plenty of cigars und v-anJy. Dane tat mi enjo-d until midnight. l:l-ltTlli HACK TOMORROW IS KltOM ROOKY POINT tin v r.i." Ireud, 4. MtcrttelnerJ I.e.- Iliirrlt. of Portland ajtd J Cald ' Mrs. Arthur LMVttl airlvcd lu well, who liav been away for Hi the city this morning ffl ni 'u-r home iiimi wiik on n deer hum in inolttl Rooky Point anil plan to spend l.nnKcll Valli country nr.- . , lay . here U-'tlnr. with. !! ill back home toniorrow. . allvea ajad friends. It is with pleasure that we offer atfaih tonight T'ir BITTY COMPSON ND RICAJUJO COKTEZ WlrV iB IVAUACE niEHY i vwrnsfl M0THHR Mr. ami Mi. K. K. limes and lin viy Ayer left thlK moii-lug tor Prim-viUc, win-re then drttj vnend several days vliiltloi; with Mrs Nmii' mother. Miss lht impiivi:s while still confined to her home, unit.. lup win a severe nttark of In gtippe, Mia J-irBlanna C'llft. Is to- dy uiewhat Improved. Ki l l ItNTNt; UOHfj Mm. Kula lllxon mil Mla Dorrlh Th--iiiioi of Mi'dford. returned home tbl aftiirnson after vlnltlim here over Monday with rolnllven. A special prologue adda Interest to one of the finest pictures w6 have ever shown. We cannot recommend the Pony Ekprase too highly, it is iral ciUei'tainuu'iit. int. coua iii;n its After vlilihiijt ovor the week end In MedfOrd with frlenda. Dr. FblHtp Cpti ban icturnod tn thla cliy. I HUM HQBEDClla Leon Karnham In a liuaineKH vii Itor In Iho illy today from Kobjj '"burg. - .iohwv wai.kit i.Ki:s Johnny Walkup loft ihii morning lor l.on Angeles, whera lie will spdnd the winter months, KXTOMOIXKJWT HKRK t'iinrleB K!nK and wife of Teii nnnt arc In Klamnlh Kails for a few ihiy un a eombl&cd bualrieaa and pleasure rip. While here they arc Kuifls at tin; Hotel Arcade. DIXt I.KK KKTtTRNS mil I manty aweator. tun r.iarned from Salem and Portland, i with n rioi oi Kmllea. Leq is crln nlDgbappliy. at tbe enjoyable mem Ofy of tin- Klamath county booth al the slate fair In Salem. "Never j proud in my lif.-." hw eJaeoJated. i "The way our ,',iuils showed up and ;the K-ncrnl effect of the ray of j the sun shining upon an empire awakening' was effective." With I'. A. llender-on and Fr;:nl; S' Ion. Mr. Iao had charge 'of th -Klamatn liooth during tbe fair. ItARRUaS MCKNHE ISSIi:i) One of the hut bits of county husineKH BCCOmpllthod by t'oulltv I tlerk c. it. DeLap before be closed ; shop Saturday afternoon for two i days VU to Issue a marriage license .to Itny Cecil Rlnehart und Estel a Mary Lucombe. Miss I.ucombe i.-' ! a well known resident of Klamath j I'nlls. .Mr. plnebart l connected ! wilh concrete pipe work In tills city. I Lost: Track of liow many over alls we sold at 3rc. There's sllll sunn I left for men. "I Ain't Mad At No- body." (adv.) , J!Kt EITIOX TIM KSII.IV EVE j On Thursday evening at clpht n'.lock ilie h'.dles of I lie Tea Cud club will lTld"la reception for Rev. ; and Mrs. Yams and family it the Church pariors of the Methodist eaafch. Mrs. e. 0, Btuckey, Mr3. Molllo Beldlng, Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Winters mill mat as hostesses. A program has been arranged for 0c cveuhiK in 1-iia.i'So of Mrs." Eva Ben neti and Mrs. J' iin Yaden. Everbody scores at Sugarman's Oct. Sub-, l'eoplo are respontllng gen erously, i Adv. ) FORDS FORDS BREAKS ARM In attempting lo crank his car. J"'Jhn 11. Chapman, suffered a brok en arm on Juiida.. evening at Wor den, aeotirdlng tonvoal received here today. Ho was taken to Dirrls where Dr. Strong sot lO.c break an.l is reported as resting ni.ely. He is the son of H, K. Chapman und Is well known in Klania'.h Kalis, The Cyolo-Htormagruph al rndcr ood'i 1'btrmgcy shows the prev suro to have been steadily rlsln:: since yi-slerday afternoon and mw - hi-tlled weather seems In pTpsbecf. Porecail for next 24 hour: Kiilr, with brisk winds blch will diminish. The Tyros recording thermometer registered maximum and minimum teinpefpturcs today ns follows: High 6; low i ROM s!'r...i t: i:n ia On a combined busineae and pleasure I rip, Mr. and Mrs. I.. D. Patterson arilve.I 111 Ihe city iMt evening f.om gliettr li m al Bptugne Hirer. CONDITION ABOUT THE KAMI-: Reports fr.m Ihe Hen I.car home today iow that Jimmy Lear, who (l suffering from In'laniaiory rheu mallsm If still very ill. It Is (Sougbt h!s cbndltlob shrws slight Improver ment. ! jrhe LIBERTY .ii- iMHi'-iiwiWiiriwin I, 'mKmatmaamaBemmtk Superli Mc'iiilraina with 'I'hrilh GfitOrt! is "The Pace That Thrills" i with Ben t.yorte, Mary Ator nntl Tiilly Marshall in i lu: leading roles. f"or real excitement this is harrl to heat for with racing automobiles hull tights ;tntl prize li:,'ht. tlit- picture runs lite gamut qjl thrills - they're all -rrceiicrl. Coming Soon Jack Hoxie in "Bustin' Through" ; 0 e . f agSel! Clearance Sale 1P24 Ford Touring. Top, Upholstery and Tires Excel lent. Runs like new. One of those Free Pullirrg Motors A car that has had exceptionally T i f i T i i T T l 1922 Ford Touring. 1923 Ford Touring, good care. 1920 Ford Touring. 1921 Ford Touring. A good car at a sacrifice price. So cheap you'd think you stole it. 1918 Ford Touring. A snap. Just the thing for hunting. Open Evenings and Sundays BUICK 3C STAR GARAGE Opposite White Pelican Hotel Phone 42 FORDS IIIS 1 t ? ? T T T T T T f T T f T ? T T T i ; Kte FORDS .miss ii,li:t arrives I Miss Ella Wlilett of BelliighJIta, ' Washington, arrived In ihe city last ! evening and will lake up her dutlc ; as . r in the Petleair.-Bay school today. She was employed last week by City Superintendent Percy Wells. Miss Wlllet is a grad uate of the BeUtngham Normal school. Sb,- will teach the fourth and fifth grade in the PeUcai school. HACK b'KOSI STOCKTON An abgenca from Klamath Kalis I for some time terminated last nigh I for H. S. Tharp who arrived In thin city from Stockton to attend to bus iness matters in Klamath Falls for several dnys. Mr. Sharp is the Klamath representative of the Robinson- Tractor company of Stockton, California. U9AVK ON DlKEH IIIM' K. Tunnel- with R. and L. Duff left early this Corning for the l.akeview counti-y. plan n i im to tie gone several days on n deev hunt. RETURNS HOME After spending over the week end here on a business trip. C. .M. Van Nett of Ashland returned to his lioine In the. valley city today. LEFT I tilt I'ACMXA A. II. Caller and P, Ileibner. botli of Dunsmutr, wKO arrived hON lasi evening, lefl early this morning for I'aunina on business. ORAM'S PASS VISITORS Arrivals registered al the Hotel While Pollcan from Grants Pass today Include Mr. and Mrs. J", w'. i. iichs. They are lipre on a com bined business and pleasure trip. Any type o( apparel for any type of num. all at reduced prices Ibis wouJt, Biigntnifiu's. Optobef snlo.(Bd) QUICK COOKING OATS Cook 2to3 minutes only r-yf-.&iH-OraWjBaay3 t0 0 MIL. - Ready in 2 minutes. New style H-O Quick Cooking Oats the time-saving, energy-building breakfast dish.' Toasted oat flakes that cook into firm, granular oat meal. Appetizing delicious healthful! -j Filled w ith flavor packed with nourishment. Smooth firm in texture yet retaining the neces sary roughage for quick, easy digestion. Tiiaf "all-night-cooked" flavor in only two minutes XT T-OR MORE THAN SO YEARS MAKERS Oi- uUAUTY PRODUCTS H-O HORNBYS OATS S "HECKERS CtlEAM FARIhfA KECXERS CREAMSUCKVKUTFUSm V OLD UOMESTUD PAKCAOE Rod , ' with an Engine bull Never Wfear Out At these New Low Prices the outstanding quality value among all motor cars Never before have the great ad vantages of the Willys -Knight motor been available at such low prices. Never before has such power, economy and smooth running, been offered in the great neid of moderate priced cars. You who have never tried the Willys-Knight motor, ride in this car - it will be a revelation, to you. No vibration- no Valve noises nd valve trou ble or adjustments. Upwards of 100,000 miles of trouble free service proved by the average of thousands of owners. Here IS a motor car that you want. NEW PRICES FOUR CYLINDERS Touring . . . $1195.00 Coupe .... 1395.00 Coupe-Sedan . . 1395.00 Sedan .... 1450.00 Brougham . . 1595.00 SIX CYLINDERS Touring Roadster . Coupe . . , Coupe-Sedan Sedan . . . Brougham . All Price, F. O. B. Toledo Whatever may be your notions regarding motor power see what power we can show you in the Willys-Knight. Whatever may be your nodons of road performance learn what we have to offer in this car. Regardless of your pre ference as to number of cylinders know what smooth running really is by trying the Willys-Knight. This unusual motor cannot be judged by other standards. It oc cupies a position entire" ly its own. We will take your pre sent car in trade and give you terms up to 18 months. $1750.00 1750.00 2195.00 ' 2095.00 2295.00 2095.00 WILLYS -KNIGHT Overland - Knight Sales Co. 4th and Klamath Phone 899