The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 07, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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    Pape Twelve
T IT F LU MB E R 1 0 Q U B
Wim1iii-,si1:i,v (t'M';r V J''1
Rate Cuts May Be
Aid to Coast Mills
HOSTON, Mnss. Oct. IS. Changes!
ero proposed In the lumber tariff
from points on the Canadian Pacific
nnd Canadian National railronds
which will decrease the rates on
lumber shipments to points on the
Boston & Maine nnd the Maine Cen
tral railronds approximately :s
rents and 4 cents a hundred weight.
These changes are staled In supple
ments Issued August 21 and effec
tive September 2:1 until December
81. While the lower ratos will un
doubtedly result In a saving to some
of the Canndlan mills manufactur
ing eastern spruce, pine and hem
lock and hardwoods, the new rates
may not work out to the entire
satisfaction of the shippers and local
wholesalers In the long run, accord
ing to opinions ndvanced here this
week. It can be stated with rea
sonablc certainty that the new and
lower rates will actually help the
aalo of west coast fir in southern
New England and New York terrl
Through freight rates to points
on the New York, New Haven nnd
Hartford railroad have not been
touched upon in these tariff revis
ions by the Canadian Taciflc and
Canadian National railroads. It has
been a custom generally recognized
here for many years for the market
to be based on Boston rate prices
which are affected by the new tar
iffs. Therefore this means that the
wholesale trade will have to add to
their differentials or arbitrnrles in
making prices delivered in New
York, New Haven and Hartford
railroad territory tho amount of the
decrease in the Boston rate.
As the competition between east
era softwoods and west coast fir in
tho territory served by the New-
York. New Haven and Hartford
railroad has been for some time and
now is very close indeed, the above-
stated addition to the base quota
tlons on eastern softwoods will mean
an added handicap for the eastern
spruce wholesalers and an added
margin of about tl or 1.25 which
the fir distributors can ecure in
competition. 4L Bulletin.
EVERETT, Wash. Fire believed
to have originated from spark from
an overheated brake shoe oa a log
ging train of tho Andron Lqg King
company burned 12 logging bridges,
a sktdder and a rigged, donkey en
gine. The fire burned' over 300
acres of- logged-of f land
You can depend on a
Phllco Drynamic Bat
tery In the emergen
cies. Get yours now
Battery Service
618 Klamath Ave.
30 years' experience at the bench 18 in
Klamath Falls
Send us your watch We'll repair it and
return it promptly
All work
Frank M. Upp
1018 Main
Money And A Better Job For You!
Lumber logue,
Klamath Falls, Oregon. No
I desire to receivo the Correspondence Course In Lumber
and Construction Information for Retail Lumber Dealers. I
expect to apply myself to the study of this course and to comply
with the requirements of administration. In caBO I find it im
possible to continue tho work with due diligence, It is my under
standing that the course will be re-assigned.
Name .of firm or employer
Street Address
(This Course
Mill IsNromised
SchooThis Year
",UK ""u'i" now i
eyiitor of
Th Jack
Iho stage here Sunday. Th
; Miller home was unions those
those 'to ,
;pearancSJ (
with a table decorated with a cell
terpicce of mrlgolds and (oral from
Portland, tluysts were Have PowJ
crs nnd son. ollarence. and Kred
Mosselle ThomaX student nt (ho
Academy nt Klamath Kalis, was
home for the weekend and like
most all the rest, eating duck.
Now. if there was ever any one
decked out in beads atur. colors, it
Is "Chuck" Halting)). YPhB para
phernalia came from tjje Warm
Springs Reservation and Vertalnly
shows fine specimens oflndian
bend work. When l'huck gets
hard up. maybe, we will ge a
chance to buy them.
Lawrence Daw, wife and baby
spent Sunday In Klamath Kails.
Mrs. BaggS, mother of Mrs. Jack
Miller, returned to her home
Portland Sunday after a three vnktu
visit in Solomon Butte camp.
Jess Kisher of Insurance fame w-as
calling Sunday at camp and sport
ing a brand new car.
John Colvin and wife nnd son
Bert left Saturday morning to look
up a location for a new home. The
Hess family also took their depart
Albert Christie and Lewis Turner
each took a day off lately just
slightly out of kilter.
Early Sunday morning tho YVilk
ins and Johnsons started their mo
tors going in the direction of old
Arkansas, where they expoct to
The mighty nlmrods we won't
name them hastily left camp Kri
day when the report was brought
in from the woods that a band of
about fifteen deer (judging from
the tracks) had crossed the road
up on the hill. Visions of steak
frying in the pan passed through
each proud wife's head. Y'e mlghty
hunters found the tracks and fol
lowed, and finally sighted horns
extending beyond the friendly shel
ter of a sugar pine. Bang! went
gun, and down fell a horn, but
alack and alas! the animals rushed
on and Io, the fallen horn was
found to be of the kind that be
longs to tho genus sheep. A tired
trio of hunters csamc back to ba
con and eggs.
Mrs. Fred Christie came up from
the Kails ' Monday to take a look
about. Things looked all right.
we guess, for Fred accompanied her
back Friday.
Charles -Lock-wood and wife vis
ited in Klamath Falls for a few
Esther Wallen enjoyed a birth
day- dinner Sunday. Constance Field
er Is hqr guest.
DRYAD. Wash. Carl Staeger has
started construction of a new saw
mill in the Klaber valley that will
have a daily capacity of about 15,
000 feet. From 12 to 15 men will
be employed on an eight-hour shift.
Mr. Staeger is moving to Klaber
from Dryad, where he has been
clerk of the school board for the
past 13 years.
H. S. Marley
is Free!)
Blue Stain Not a J
1 Defect, Is Claim
lllucVtuln. in ami or itself. Ii not
a defect, Myiithq blue slain commit
tee of the National Lumber Manufac
turers' association It is not nn early-
stage of decay, but merely an Indies
(ion ef iln presence in the sspwoodsif
a fungus wllch dees not materially
Wt Hie srencl!i or durability of
wok! fur ordinary commercial pur
poses, Kor purposes where lumber Is
(o biVi.ourvd up or t ainted, anil
where the use or sapwood is porml.i
ll Me. titers Is no reason for discrim
inating against bine stained lumber.
mutstaln is ifroqusatly accepted
In roufilV lumber., lath, scantling and
pliyik aibl some of the larger stees
of Vttmcnislou. ,More could well be
useil in tjhc manufacture of tMh,
doors, tnillwork land other product
whoreXiho discoloration ist to Vi
painteuV or otherwise hidden fron
liew !fw refusing .to accept blued
lumber for such purposes, lumber
users are Vncournnlng waste.
The 1 inner industry is anxious to
do evervthins wjihin its power to
encourage a closer utilisation of for
est products bul it Is dependent up
on the users ok lumber for a full
nWsure of cooperation. liy recog
nizing that blue jitnin affects lumber
only fa its appsarance. and by ac
cepting Biu trained lumber for uses
where BPPflTOOO Is not important,
or when it 'is important, where it
can be painted orvstalned. architects
and builders will b doing their part
to reduce one of lkj Important pre
sent economic wastus in lumber ills
trlbutlou. ,
Grade Marking
Cost Amounts to
Very Smaty pum
A number of tho mills ;ln tie
Southern -Pine association) which
has adopted a plan of grade-marking
Its lumber, hare found. that they
can mark the lumber at a cost of
about 2 hi cents per lOS, feet, ac
cording to The Lumber MahufacCur
er cud Dealer.
Some of the subscriber mojrk
their stock for domestic smpmdnt
back of the planer when the lioaras
have been put on Individual Vucks
according to grade. It is Btalnped
while on the trucks before being
stored. ;
It is estimntcd that ohe man, with
no other duties, cun mark, about
150,000 feet per day. The ubbor
stamps generally used last Vbout
three weeks and cost fifty font
each. A rack to carry the startups
costs about $1.25. It is worn around
the grade-marker's waist.
Tho mark adopted by the South
ern Pine Association is composed of
a numeral, which designates the mill
where the lumber was manufac
tured, the letters SPA in large type,
and the proper grade.
A. W. Wakefield, machinist em
ployed at Pelican Bay Camp No. 2,
was a visitor In Klamath Falls dur
ing the week.
Golf Winner
rrpscnllng Miss Ailu MacKenzle of
Toronto, winner of the Canadian
women's open golf championship.
She defeated Mis. Alexa Stirling
Frascr In the finals. Miss Mac
Kenzle is also holder of several Do
minion and provincial title.
'. ""
Changes Made in ,
Train Crews on
Pelican Bay Runs
Several changes have been made
In Pelican Hay crews.
Dick Pale and Kddlo l.lnuulst are
conductor nnd brakeinan respective
ly, iui the night crew of (he S-SpOU
Ro Mct'ollum and Johnny Johnslon
eotuiuue as (no presutins gciuupcs m
the cub.
On (he day crew. Muck Is now cou
diulor and "Ulacklo" brakcninn.
Kred Cass is throttle puller and
Joe Myerscough is I'iivninn.
John Michael O'Teus is now men
arch of all lio surveys, conductor
on the No. used In (ho Pothole
Logging' operation,
Graham Up and
Leaves Pelican
Bay Camps Flat
Following a service of two years
'n the course of which he made earn
est bu( unavailing efforts to Improve
both the mornle anil the morals of
the Pelican Hay ciunps. Kd Crithnm.
chambermaid extraordinary, has lef(
for the greener fields of the San ,
Krunciseo region. Informed thai there
were no logging ennuis In the Hay
district, i. rail ii tn Is understood lo
have replied. "What of It there are
lots of hotels."
His passing leaves n void and it
comes at a bad time, several of the
younger men In camp being Just now
In need of his stern nnd rockbound
services in keeping their morals un
twisted,. company DISSOLVED
TAOOMA; Wn,v An order dissolv
ing the Cnmcron-tOover Logging I
Co., ot Aberdeen has be
by Judge George D. Abel In superior
rotrri 4te.
cTrj rj rj rJ rJ n r- r rJ r-J n
1 D',r
1 Heavy
1 11
wear. Price
Yi who pass by and would
rSlltS your llinnd agalnsl me,
haeken ore you harm mo. I
am t -u heart of your hearth on
t'lio cold winter nights; (he
friendly shade screening you 4
4 from the summer sun; and my 4
4 fruits are refresblug draughts
4 iiueuelug your thirst as you 4
4 Journey en.
4 1 am (he beam Unit holds
4 your house, the board of 'jour 4
4 table, the, bed on which you lie, 4
4 an I Dae limber that builds your 4
4 boat. I um the handle of your- 4
4 hoe, the door of your house- 4
4 hold, and the wood of your 4
4 cradle and lbs shell of your 4
4 c 'fllii. 4
4 1 am die broad of kindness 4
4 und thu flower of beauty. Ye 4
4 w ho pass by Union to my pray-
4 or; Harm me n 't.
4 Sign In the Public Parks of
4 Spain, 41
New Equipment Is
Added By Local
Moulding Concern
Kdtilnuit'tit ut tln Klniuutli Mimlit-
lag wiu lorllj. b, ni,roua.
ed by (he addition of a 10-Inch 6
heud eloetrlcally driven moulder
nnd saw. During the past few
moixbs the plant has averaged ship
ments of about 10 cars of moulding.
About 17 men will be given employ
ment ut the plant all through the
winter months, it Is estimated. The
night shift lias beep abolished und
with the addition ot new equipment
all who formerly worked nlghlK will
bo given ocoiipndon days.
i mi 1,1 : limn i.ii i
OKANOOAV. Wn. C. l Clemnns
' one of the owners of the :hllllwhisl
' mill, has bought 100 acres v timber
I land from the state for JI06S.
When Winter Conies, Where is Our Summer's Wages?
It Dosen't Take A Whole Summer's Wages To Outfit
Here For A
Heavy All-Wool Stag
Shirts 7.50
Wool Underwear
2.50 - 3.85 - 4.00
All Excellent Values
For Railroad men and others requiring heavy duty foot
Sporting Boots
Hip length light weight, only first grade Rubber, price
Lloyd Ryan, Clothier
"Home of the Workingman"
Ninth and Main
Algoma Inventor
Says His Device
Had Unfair Trial
Ail Messner's ruinous Invention,
elrruniilanros or which re shroud-
eil In deep inyitCW limy be taken
orr market, nrranllui to rumor
prevalent lu Algo'mu roiuu.
According lo (be minor l( luu)
been tried ami found wnnUng. Jack I
Oulkllimik. Hi., nun,, i lum It, navel
ll ii llioi'iiiiiili dial mill pi'oiioiiiii'iil
It a 11111111-.'.
McKiucr, Ihougli loath to tllaeUHN
the priipoNidon, ileoUteed (but (be
Invention bud hardly been nheu it
rnir triali in view or the oxtrcmvl)
small shw of the material be bad
to work wltli in I ho Orulkjahunk
I case
! "liupoHNlblo to iiuike immtUIuji
out of nolblnK," be declaredi
Germans Devise
New Method for
Planting Trees
BBRL1N A mathod or tree plant
Inc. which Is claimed to save nix
years' growth has been developed by j
(ho German, dopartmeiil or forestry,
The roots or (he baby tree are spread !
In (be way nature Intended Initoad or i
up and down, as Ih done. Qef
man foresters also say (hat packing
Ing the earth about young (reen Is
wrong, Is It robs (He roo(s of brent h
Ing space.
t ONHK.Itt IXti (itOWN UMW
In nn effort to conserve Its re
maining foreitli I ho province r
Quebec, t'miadii. recenlly lnau.-.u
rated a new policy of culling. Les
sors of crown lands will not be
permitted to cut more than 10 pel
cent, of the nnniiul growth of the
forest. All cutllng will be done un
der dlr.'ct supervision of (he lands
r-fl r rrJr-i rJrrrJ r-i rJ f
Cold Winter
Heavy All Wool Pants
Wool Shirts
Plain and Fancy Patterns
2.50 - 3.25 - 5.00
35c - 50c - 60c -
Big Apple Crops
In Prospect Now
'ii it oil Minion und caiiiiiiu ara ih"
two most linportttnl surplus npuli
producing eoulilrles, SUPPl lug li
thrw-fnurlui lo nine tombs of. tin.
lnipurl u In or the deflcll pro
ductal countrlii, The protpwu for
lUo oomloi onmmircUl . top in botU
OOUnlMal r for crops above Ih"
lH bnrvost, allbough in the Unit.
od Slules (lie li.tal crop Is nlul-il
I ... i... l,W,ui i tiui ,ii bint vein- 1 1
both countrlvi die 1084 produlon
was below thai of ths iwo it
prooetUm and in Canada oomniofslil
production had I n riilllug or lh'."
liniQHTONi Ors T'e urlHiiqii
.Mills Co., has cut down ll i
bOOaUlO a run ot mill rfl ,11B '
dined (he ItUOUUl 't resnivlug. The
bnwu of N. J. Hmpp mid
W'hlitiiker, I'liiploves ot the conipmi' .
nere dutroyefl reointlf by Mrti Wtb
mn were nn duly at Ibe limn "t III i
Hta and Utile Of (hell property MU
TACOklA, Wn i'he MWtnUI 1 '
ibi Bvirgreii Lumber t'o , iii Berry
dale. 111 itilli n isml or Auburn, was
destroyed by fire rocenlly. Tho IpM
Is cKilmitt.'il al 1100.000. The blnun
Ii bellsved to have beon of iBcan-
diary orijln,
l'OHTLANI). -Alt order for 13
new Moore dry kilns. ach lot Ml
long, -las been plu I'd by L'. D.
Km,: lev. prsildeni of IbO WeH
nier ii Lumber Co . Llnnton, Ore,
The K I Inn will be of lll culDtrHlf
(Ion wlbb'tlll and (OBCroU roofs,
Jewell Lumber ami Dox compioy,
Paleros, Wash., has gone Into a re
ceivership. J. I). Htanliopu In thu
. $6.50