Monday, October 5, 1926 KVKNfNCi HERALD, KTAMATII FAU.S, ORRfiON Pgo Fiv m . i - . i n i mi WAKEFIELD MOTOR CO, Dodge Brothers' Dealer Graham Brothers' Trucks Announces This Building Was Designed and Constructed Under the Supervision of The Engineering Department of A. F. Graham the formal opening of their new modern and strictly fireproof home at 170 Main St Tuesday October 6, 1925 Music Dancing Refreshments at 8 p in. The Public Is Cordially Invited Plumbing Installed by The Materials for This Building Were Furnished by The Building Material Department of A. F. Graham Including the Following Old Mission Portland Cement Shasta Sand Lake Sand California Brick Co.'s Dicky Tile C. C. Belknap Glass Co.'s Plate Glass Detroit Steel Products Co.'s Steel Frenista Sash Parine Co., Inc., Durable Roofing Acme Quality Paint Trobridge Cabinet Works' Mill Work Bolt and Heavy Hardware