The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 05, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
lUillltlllV. Ol'lolllT !),
Whether or not Commander
Lansdowne was at Fault
is to be Decided
LAKEllFRST. X. J.. Ort. 5. -P)
Tlit- Shennndoah naval 'ourt of in
quiry Is to give immediate ulten
tinn lo (ho question of whether
blame attaches to Commander Zach
ary Lansdowue, enptoin of the alr
hip, for tho disaster which cost his
own lifu and that of 1:! other men.
This was decided on at an ovcr
night conference between tho court
uml Judge Advocate Foley. The pheso
of the inquiry will Inst until Monday
with the winding up of tho hearing
here and I he removal to Washing
ton. An opinion thai primary cause of
the wreck was the failure of the of
ficers in chargu to observe obvious
danger signals has been given by
Captain Anton llciuen. former Her
man zeppelln pilot. Ho is regarded
In navy circles as one of the ablest
of dirigible pilots.
His theory finds some indirect sup
port in the testimony of Lieutenant
Joseph l. Anderson, aerologist on
the Shenandoah, that when he saw
storni clouds moving in the opposite
direction to the wind which the air
ship was bucking, he advised a
change of course to the south and
Commander l.ausdowne Ignored thai
Two of a Kind
' T- f t
J. II. Hess. H. Allen and BL Blake
! were week-end visitors who stopped
jat the Hotel White I'olicau from
' Randon.
Just Received from San Francisco
This is a commercial grade of sulfur for use on alfalfa.
The price will be as follows, as long as the stock lasts:
In Sack Lots. 110 Itx.pcr sack $3.00
1000 lb $24.75
In ton lots, per ton 45.00
Don't delay your orders on this as the earlier the
sulfur is applied the better the results for the fol
lowing year.
. .Mir.
1915 Ford Brings
Him Safely Home
lie drove all the way from Wash
ington. 1). C, to Klamath county In
a 1815 Kuril, and was silll smiling
when In- arrived.
This was the experience of C. A.
Parker, lllldehraud farmer, who has
Just returned from the east, where
he workeil lor the government for
l.'i mouths. He will renew his farm-
; worli near Hildehr.ind.
Hart ore two pugilistic champs of
widely separated divisions. In other'
nerds, meet Jack IVmpsey. king of
the heavyweights and Fidel La liar
ba. flyweight crown-wearer. Jack's
shown doing a tew stunts with FldM
out In Los Angeles, where both are
keeping In training.
Moline Distributor
Farm Implements, Cream Separators, Milking Mach
ines, Fencing. Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds
1303 South Sixth Street
Phone 557-J
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Klamath Is In
East District Of
M. E. Church
The Washington Cafe
'J the molt popular eating place In Klamath Falls todaj
"There's a Reason"
126 South Sixth Wee Bhlng, Prop.
Imported and Domestic
Groceries !
EL'GEXE, Ore.. Oct. 5 -With a
plea cf Bishop W. O. Saephjrd and
all district superintendents to in
crease the membership :l the Me
thodist churah In this siite ten per
cent during the eomlnj year, the
seventy third annual conference o(
WW Mefiodlst Episcopal church of
the state came to a ?osc here last
.Ministers and appointees tor the
Southern, Eastern, Salem and Port
land districts were announce! last
night. S. A. Danford. v. ho has been
superintendent of th.- FOUtuOIH dis
trict, which includes Eugene, was
transferred U the position of irea
evangelist and supervisor of uciv
work. All other superintendents re
mained in office. Rev. S. j. Chancy,
.of Ashland, will be BSd superintend
ent of tho southern distri.-L
The boundaries of tho southern
and eastern districts were changed
ry that several charges were put in'.-t
the eastern district fra.'r the south
ern district to the eastern. These are
Klamath Falls, Lake view. Pine
Creek, Beatty, Klamaea Indian Mis
sion ar.d Ciiloquin.
I M- Mail I
I' jfif I
I C Id their aft I
1 Qmf I
k if
I A guaranteed Clothcraft serge wBBStk r
(blue, brown or gray) These are j
heavy weight all wool serge high in !
quality low in price a type of t !
. . 1 1 1 ' ! ,1UU IT tirslOLliltl-'ll
with more money. There's no value
to compare with it. As for wear?
The guarantee is in the pocket.
I . . i
Uvercoats and I opcoat s, too, at these r rices m
I Yonna Valley Man
Bajrs Monster Dew
A six-point buck which welched
MS pounds dressed and whose horns
had spread of SO Inches, was the
prtae brought down ycslerduy by
James L. Lln'sl of Vouna Valley In
a deer hunt in tho Dam's canyon
country, below Yonna valley.
The dec-. Is oue of the largest re
ported killed in Klamath count v I
this season.
T. J. Cos ten, from BusanviUe, Cat
Ifoiuia. visited a few days with his
nephew, It. E. Dudley, recently.
Miss (Uadys Auderson. who was
called to Tucomn. Wash., by the
death of her father, returned to
Merrill Monday evening and begun
tier work in the Merrill Public
KAOOlS this week.
01 (I. Merrill spent several
days in ttartlc. Calif., where he was'
superintending the shipping of lambs
which he had purchased.
Th? stockholders of the Merrill
Creamery association held n meet
ing Saturday evening In regard to
their disposing- of their stock to O.
A. Thnma. who formerly ran tho
creamery. It wns decided to sell
! to him. Mr. Thonia having had tho i
t ntnvt ln.lf -if fh., Mm
Thoma. It Is expected, will tnke
charge of the creamery Nov. 1.
Miw Virginia Tickle, from Klatn-I
lath Falls, is visiting with Mrs.
Jennie Jones this week.
Will Jones spent Sunday with
his family in Morrill.
J. Callahan and Miss Ella
Callahan of Klamath Falls were In
Merrill Sunday.
(us Elcsman was a business vis-j
itor in Klamath Falls Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. li. Stuhblns and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dunui
end daughter spent Sunday with I
Cus Eksman.
Mrs. It. II. Anderson spent Tues-
.Inv telfh ln.f trinlhar tr Tlirw I
Martin, in Klamath Falls. luncheon at the C. of C. In Klamath charge of the dance: Floor fend d"
- - i iii i iii mi i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLniwn;i
Mr. and Mr. Frank t.rayhenl Were ("alls Tuesday.
in the Falls Tuesday.
Several from Merrill attended the
Our complete stock of staple and fancy
groceries is open to you each day from 7
a. m. to 9 p. m. including Sundays.
Coffee Roasted Fresh Every Day
Italian-American Grocery
G. Q. D'Albini
Certified Public Accountant
E. M. Renick
Public Accountant
Renick 8C D'Albini
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Income Tax
Capital Stock Tax
Suite A Slough Bldg.
Phone 317
Don't Let Your Teeth Destroy Your
Your teeth will soon undermine your health unless they
fere kept in good condition. Care for them now. See us
lor free examination.
(Painless of course)
202-204 HvpJu Bldf. HC and Main
Phone 838
T. O. Goldthwaite, former owner
of the Modoc Lumber company, hut
now residing at Palo Alto, Calf..
was a recent visitor here.
Miss Jane Prime of Chiloquin was
aidinh -r truest of Miss Margaret Ben
son Monday evening.
Andy Fender is now driving a new
Oakhnd sedan, which he recently
purchased from the it. It. It. Oara of
Klamath Falls.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frany Jones of Cal
itUHH camp iHenl the week end here,
visiting Mr. and Mrs. t.'has. Sevita
and family.
Rex La Prairie of the R.R.R. gar
age of lKamath Falls, was here on
business Sunday.
' Alex Benson of Ewauna camp
spent Sundey here with his mother.
Mrs. W. A. Benson.
J. E. Mansfield returned here on
Saturday evening from near (Iranis
Puss where he spent the past month
working in his mine.
Clyde Davis, furniture dealer of
Chilu(uiu, was here Tuesday on busi
ness. Mrs. W. Doney and son George
are spending several days in K)am
ath Falls on business.
Chits. Lamb and family left here
Wednesday for Mt. Hebron, Calif.,
where Mr. Lamb will work this win
ter. D. W. George, who has been at
Oallmttl camp Ibis summer, has re
turned here lo spend tho winter with
his daughter, Mrs. ('has. Sevlts.
Chas. Gnlbertnan, timekeeper at
CaltmUS camp, was it business visitor
at Aspcrove Thursday,
days ago for Itoseburg where ho
met Mrs. Ashworlh, they then going
lo Palo Alto, Calif., to make thelr
Mrs. Chas. Sevits and father, D.
W. George, spent the week end In
Klamath Falls on bilSlDSSS ami vis
iting Irlends,
rrynK right gTwsaen becomQ your
everyday frir-nd, Thoy wH!
Ijclp you in .your vork and in your
II f Rnnnrally. Don't srocraBtinatn
seek competent advic from our
opeometriHt .
Dr. H. J. Winters
Eye Specialist
grind our own glasses.
Clamath Falls, Ore.
"The eve-npcciaiit of
today, deserving of
your confidence has
made ami fg making a
profound study of the
ays ftlS&iediijfu':
Order Now
Your engraved personal
Christmas Card3
The new designs are
ready. By ordering dur
ing September you can
secure your choice of
exclusive design from
the eastern manufactur
ers. Sec
Printing Co.
Phone 93
Deb gates from Al-
turai, Malln and Merrill woro in
attendance and the railroad ques
tion was discussed. Those attending
from Merrill were Rev. C. C. Unlet.
!'. II. Anderson, llurr Wcstbrook,
Frank Oraybeal, Geo. Offleld, and
fO. 11. Carleton.
E. F. Merrill returned from a
trip in the Willamette valley Mon
; day evening. Ho was accompanied
; home by Miss Margaret Ileitis and
Kenneth Bettls. Miss Bettls was
a former teacher in Merrill and
1 Mr. Ucttls a graduate of Merrill
high schopl. They aro the guciits
j of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill.
Alias Louise Dulton spent tho
j week-end In Malln with Mlsa Mar-
gSret Mackin. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Dalton visited with Mr. and
I Mrs. Marken.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham were
hosts Sunday at a dinner. Tholr
i guests Were Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ham-
Otond, Mrs. It. C. Anderson, Mr.
laud Mrs. Dan Cohvoll and family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Graham anil
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ft, II.
' Anderson and family.
Mr.s Rudolph Katlerhprn return-1
t I'd Wednesday evening from Orient!,
j California where ins bad been called
i by the death of her fatbr.
A baby girl was born lo Mr. and Pgj
: Mrs, Louis Kandla Friday, B0Pt.H
85. The baby has been named Ida hj
Mao, HI
Mrs. Davey has been (pilto 111
this week.
Mr. I-'. N. Meyer left Thursday
morning for Heppnsr to look after
bin Inleresls there. Mr. Moyer
Owns a ranch near there anil was
a resident of thill place before
coming to Merrill.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. llogue left
Thursday morning for Portland for
a short visit.
The Merrill Library club met af
the homo of Mr, it. H. Anderson
Thursday, October l. Mrs. c. M.
Merrill .assisted .Mrs. Anderson In
entertaining. A number of books
have been donated to the library
the past month. This was also the
annual election of officers and the
following wire elected: President,
MrM. It. II. Anderson; Vlco-prfllldont,
Mrs. W. G. Ilulliiy; Secretary, Mrs.
it. L. Dal top; treasurer, Mrs. Ed
HOrwood. The library will give
their annual Hallowe'en da al
tho community hail October 80,.
This dance Is given each year and
Ilia proceeds are In pay tho II
brarlah, buy new books and keep
up Hie lllnary. The following coni
llllltues Wi le uiiilll)ojL, lo have
orations, Mrs. J. C. .Stevenson, Mr.
W. C. Balb-y. Mrs. Vm. Walker.
Mrs. F. N. Moyer. Mrs. Jess Wblt
iock and Mrs. Geo. Rudolph. Music,
Mrs. E. F. Merrltt; soliciting. Mrs.
I!. II. Anderson fend Mrs. It. L.
Dal ton; table, Mosdamj)s c. M. Mer
rill. B. !'. Merrltt, R. I.. Dalton,
Ed Hdrwood, g. H. Carleton, J.
B. Kldwell. and Arthur Frnzier;
waiting tables, Mesdames J. A.
Dewey, It. IL Anderson, N. II.
Uogne. Ei F. Merrltt, A. Mackin,
J. II. Kldwell, It. L. Dulton feud
led Frozlor; udverilsing, Mendalucs
I'lirtibougb, J. 11. Kldwell
and K F. Merrill; kitchen, Mes
iluini'H N. II. llogue. C. M. Merrltt.
G. II. Oraybeal, Henry VOSS and 0.
V. Shuck; chick room, Mrs. Ki
Karwood and Mrs. N. F. Fruits. Al
the closs "f the mooting refrestt
meats wero served by iho bOStSSI
Tho next milling will bo nt Iho
home of Mrs. Arthur Frailer, Willi
.Mrs. C. V. Shuck and Mrs. G. II.
Carleton nsststiug.
The only balloon tire
that will not rumble
when driven on closed
cars at high speeds
r e
o p
502 South Sixth - Phone 616