The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 01, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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-r. .. .tf
Why You Should
Trade at the
Main at Eighth
llee nitHn I' ''Hn nothing
but Lbi oriflntl Mftlod pAck
if if , imi'U'Mt by tin iMdlni
product ptoktn f tVinorfcA,
btnei tou Hie Msurad of
thl Kriitfl ponnlltU' minltn-
HiM'nuhti you rtiiKlve Ihn
proptf Wight and mmiHtiro
on al I pu re h intuit, n t h In
torn ni'lltt nolhlltK t hn t r--
nulroit wolgbtni it iit intuitr
DtAUM ihopptni i' nttd
cany. if,cfa in lit I" In uiiti kcil
KDfl rlrn In pluln view ami
uy reach Of nil OUtiODtOn
where you run heh-e' whul
you wnnl With Ihfl iMftl r"-
hiiiin timo Rod offorti
OOBdUOttd hi the moitl
veonomleul way where our
pAtrou win uittn) pmvIvi'
tba btMflt r tfc prevail
im: markol prita a Mora
whom you nr not helping
(o pay ait extra oh&rgl for
the brodll eiiHtonoT. and
hnivy OWrhOftdi U ttllfl ntor
In a tii I f Ht-rvHe ru.sli and
tarry utitiiu.
Thin lit (ire In not eontlttrt
Iiik iptjftbU day prlOMi the
following Ik an oxmnplo nf
our every day prlcot. All
other poodi not nooilpnod
In thin lint are proportionate
ly iih rOMOBADjO tad low.
HatidlltiK only the bent
lint hum 1 1 known prodtiettt
nno prmlure; wliorn a eblld
ear dhop an eeotiomleally an
the nhrewdent uhopp'T.
Cash and One for all
Largo or Small
10 lb best cane sugar .69
M.J.B. Coffee, 2 lb..l.lO
Alpine Milk, tails. . ..09
Campbell's Pork &
Beans mdm. size. ..11
Van Camp's Soups. ..10
Jcllo, Pkg 10
Best mixed Bird Seed
Pkg H
Tamalcs . H
Ghir, Chocolate, 1 lb.. 29
Peas, special good
Quality 19
Every Article in
Our Stock Is Sold
As Low
Main at Eighth St.
NSW Vokk, Out I ll'i Tlio
Now voiK Uvonlng Tologratn anya
t,000, uoo win ih of Jowolry was
tulap Ian niKiii from (ha part
mopl 0( .Mm. Jaalla Wiiolwiirlh Don.
okuo, daughtt r of iIm Into Kranii
w. Woolwortli Ht tho Plain iiuh'i
'rile poljeo dopartroonl odnlrtned
fapqrli Him dttoctlVM iimi Ihm'ii
hi HlKIH 'I lii " lilg Jewel llii ft" ul
iiu' baud
Th viluibjM llplMti ill" Teh
grajn luyt, Included u poufl nook
in. ' valued in HGOiOOO, k separata
rlD ul POirll Hi I mill n( 1150,0011,
RMOflftd i'Iiikii 'iml hnuichcH worth
I'.'iiii.ikiu noil ollmr valuables to tho
illinium nt i 1 00,000.
W. II Kenney, vlee prenljent of
(tin Orea) Northern railroad, In
nam f trafttoi roturnod thin
morning to Portland by wuy of
(tend, afler a brief v 1 h 1 1 of IflJpOO
lion here, lie wan ueeompanled by
W I Hunt of Cortland, general
Aeiil fo" the Ureal Northern; M.
J. C'ontell ) of Sea tile. wejitorn
freight and traffic mabQfer for tho
U, N.; and A. J. liatSlltOO or Seut
tin. tOitnittCfa nn It hun been ttomii
line- BlOOO he ban rlflltad the Khun-
l nth l ountry, Mr. KoDDty dtSlfOd to
! familial l.u blinneir with the torrl
Itory wbhh bin eompnny dwlrm to
nter y.r. Konnt'i win bo a wit
; nenn boforo the Intoritato Connorco
I foinmlndbin at the railroad henrlnK
Union of Chur'hes
Strongly Endorsed
RUQBNX, Ore. Oct. l.-Ily thi
oTrmhlmlni vntr f (1 tn I, t
I73nl aniiiiiil I'oiifori'iiro of tht, M.
llimlUl KiUivii:i rhlir li III DrcKlill
Iwtat rtcord phif mourning an fav
ItDrlflj iii" propond union bolwiii
I thi MMhodbl BpUotrptl oHuMli md
thl HMhodlst Bplteojhl chnrch,
Hy u vnto of 7 i lo 20, the cenffr
enco voted lo admit laymen to eon-fi-mnicii
ulUi t "at nnmo powur now
luiJ ouly by mlulfiorii.
Too Much Liquor
Is Wife's Plaint
dnmk loo toueh," i Huel
IC. Ciry'a I'omplnlnt uKulnut her im.
Iiainl Mlli'i t'my. Iiin divorce suit
(licit in clreQlt oouvl t it in noraing.
Mra. t'nry outllni'il In hOr complaint
(ho iMnaarrnHamcnt alio was forced
lo undergo at the re.mll of her
hnabaud'a nlleifed enntlnual Intoxl
eateil OODdltlOtl, She told of her
Itrtuitand holm rrited ami paylui
a 'fine f r ilrmikeneaa and of the
ibnmiltatlon it citued hor. she ank:i
for nothiUR but u dlrorco lu the
a lion.
Wilson Memorial
Campaign Starts
WAKIIlNliTON. Oct. ' 1. (IP)
ITho National Woodrow WtlfQD
memorial nuoclatlon today started
u drive to rain IS, fiOO.OtiO to orect
metnorlala for the late proaidont in
! WUlltOgtOn aud at l'rlneelon unl-
jvenlty. The njemorlel in Waehlii(-
tun would I'" a" Inducement. Tho
I campaign la in charge of a commit
tee Including Senator Copeland,
New Vorkj Bocretpry Wilbur, Oov
ornor QrlcKeotti Motttanaj Qovornor
MoMulioDi Nobroika; rroldotil Lo
land! Btttntord untveratti'; William
qroeni prealdeiit American Fcd-
eratlon of Labor; Oharlea Holbrook,
( Orogon, and olhera.
Mr. and Mra. J. K. McBrldo, recent
ly of Sail FranclKco, arrived In tho
1 city yiaterdny lo takfl complete
charm' nf Hoe'a Beaut; (hop. itoth
are axperlenoed In their line of worlt,
Mr. McBrldo having apoolallaed In
laoalp ami (ftnlal troatmoiftii Mrs, Mo
Bride in have charge of tho marcol-
lug and papOr waving. For n number
of yoara aim waa in bualnon in tho
OUthern city, haflng n ahop of her
, own.
si ltvi:viti PARTY
A aurvoylng party from Lakoylow
Including II. a. Ilooth, 1). 1'. Thnyer.
Ki I.. ColttOnj K. A. ltnoff and John
' Barton are In Klninuth Fnlla today.
I They are stopping nt the hotel Ar
cade while here.
T. 1'. Itendenon and Jay Clzek left
nnrly thla morning for Harrlman
lodge en a duck bunt, expecting to
rottirn I" thO Olty thl" evening.
W have read 10 much about
dirigible balloons lately we drenm
cd last night wp wero n football,
lature and Chemistry
.... Your attention
is directed to the Union Oil
Company's great outdoor
campaign on behalf of the
National Safety Council.
Watch, the Posters!
Union Oil Service Stations
and Independent Dealers
of the First Class
plus ultra-modern refining facilities
have combined in taking out the "knock"
and retaining the mighty power the
smoothness and the cleanness of Union
Millions have been spent by Eastern
scientists in trying to approximate the
non-detonating quality which is inherently
Because of this quality, motorists have
sought the Union Oil sign since the time
of the first service stations.
Non -Detonating
Union Oil Company
of California v
Also Producers of Arisfo Motor Oil
High School Will
Publish Neswpaper
Students of Klamath high school
nro to have their own school news
paper, printed every two weeks, ac
cording to announcement yesterday
hy Paul T. Jackson, principal.
Preliminary plans for the new stu
dent enterprise nro now being work
ed out by tho student council and
the Journalism class under tho super
vision of Principal Jackson and Miss
N'lchols, Kngllalt Instructor.
Tho name of the newspaper, an
well ns the Bluff nre yet to bo selected.
All Convicts at
Salem Classic Won Minister Arrives
Prison Employed By Injured Jockey
SALBM, Ore., Oct. 1. Governor
Pierce today said that for the first
I time in some years every able bodied
map In the stale penitentiary is em
ployed and has been for several
days. Over 800 men nre in the
I prison. Most of those nt work are
' In- the flax industry.
Friends of Kd Weaver, one of the
college boys who spent the past sum
mer In Klantath Falls, where he mndu
hosts of friends, nro In rocelpt of
letters from hint In Chicago. He
wont east from Montnnn whore he
spent several weeks visiting with
friends. He writes I lint he Intends to
return to bin homo In Kugene and
will no doubt return to Klamalb
Fulls this .winter,
To quickly end weak
ness, nervousness, tired
leeltnBi etc., millions
nre using Nuxated Iron,
the pure organic iron
like that in the blood.
Incrcascsstrengtb and
endurance often in only
2 weeks' time. Results
guaranteed or money
ack. Nuxated Iron on
lab) at all good druggists.
SALBM, Ore., Oct. 1. Jockey
Kelt is. who was injured In racing
Inst Monday, riding Rochester Jr.
to a whipping finish, captured the
Governor Pierce derby yesterday on
I. one Oak track when he came across
the wire ahead of throe other entries.
The fast time of 1:4794 was made
for the mile and a sixteenth. Miss
Kva Sande of Salem, sister of Earle
"jnnde, America's premier Jockey,
crowned tho winning joekoy and
, horse. A $2000 purse and a large sil
ver cup were presented to Rettlg by
Qovornor Pierce who mado a few
short remarks on the history of tho
racing game.
MnYWAUKBE, Sept. 30. (P)
Wisconsin again placed the stamp
of approval on the name of LnFol-
llette and al a special election held
yesterday choose the 110-vear-old
son of its late senator to represent
tho badger state in the United
States senate,
to Help His Son
To help his son, Frank L. Moore,
i Jr., who was arrested Sundaiy night
on a charge of breaking iglaas. ios
' session and transportation of Intoxi
cating liquor, the Rev. Frank L.
' Moore, of Springfield, Ore., arrived
i hero last niffht.
The Rev. Mocro, formerly was
: pastor of the Met.iodist Episcopal
1 churcXi and Just about six months
i ago was called to take over tho
Springfield pastorate. His son, who
I had married a short tlmo before, re
valued In Klamath Falls to make
his home.
Young Moore will be tried Satur
day morning on-a chargo oif break
ing glass on the pavement, Satur
day morning at 10 a. m.
E. A. Watson and C. Dickson of
Shasta Springs are business arrivals
In tho city today.
MBDVORD, Ore., Oct. 1. All rec
ords for building in the history of
Medford were broken during Sep
tember whon permits totalling $229,
noo wore, issued,.
Savo money on Tiro Mileage.
The system we use la absolutely
different from all other meth
ods. Let us show you a real repair
Job, done by this modern re
pair system. All work dono on
a strict Money Back Guarantee.
Share with hundreds of satis
fied customers this new deal
In Vulcanised repairs.
Let us Inspect your Tires
F R B B, before they need Re
pairing. Come in Today
115 South Eleventh
Phone 843J