WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBElt W, 11)25 THE LUMBERLOGUE SB Writer Feels His Aid Has Done Much To Purify Town At Lanjm's Mill; Is Proud UUUHMUHUHIH UIUIIII LAM MM Mil, I., Siipl. 10, ICor- rciiiuiiUuu'.'i'. i 'I'Imi writer in wry proud of Hi'' faal Hun Iii'Iiiih i Ii'IiihmI up thin town. When tlx wuii I'lillii'l mi to enter id" Journalistic (laid, tig wuii only Induced to lend hi i Itrtl llkul talmitii In Hi" proas buciiuno hit buliiivncl liu could butter ibn place In which In' llvuil mi. I ho Iiiih iiccomilllnliuil tlmt purpoMi No morn tin you sen Uui mhiii of this camp doultng with hwjiluggurn or kuiuIiIIiik or committing ether "" furious nets. Dun Crump aiuyii nl iiouiv uvi'uIiirh mill playi "authors" with friend wife or rends iilouil troui I'llxrlm'a 1'iogroiin. Win. Wim Upanglvr In now trylug lo orgunln" a Hunilay School, but In meeting with several purplexlng problems, tor every muu wanu u bo uupur- llltclldollt. UXUIIpt II"! I'ygnll who li striving 'or tlm pott of choir loader. Samuel Hutlodgo Strife and Karl Muskoff. who very recently moved here from Port Klnmuth, bun tiikcn up the game of Tlddli' Do Wink.. Hatnmy nuy ha Is "perfectly mud" bout tlio dnlliihlful game, arnl ll hown up bin uhupcly fliiKom to HUDll KOOlt lldVlllllilKII. Hum In rightfully proud of hi beautiful lum. I,. Only one thliiK hits Jarred I lie piilillr mor.iln That crudii per lion. Bliiu-i likuu. offered to to up n colli lo " who pluyed flrnl in ii Kiuiie of parlor croquet, but is being righteously punished by our bent P"oplu Mfunlim 10 asaut'lftta with him. Tlm Karl uf lllclitnond Ik iiow chtiwlnis num. He line neon thu nrror of lie. wnya und lum foru nworu lobAcco In tiny form. Hmllhy hiui quit vlnlllnii his untie for the Hie reason Hint iho trlvd to Inveigle him Into I Kiiine of cards. To hill credit Kinlthy told her he would hvo nothlnit to do with Iho vile thing and did not rare to asso elate with card players. Dad IMor aon baa (topped taking the married Logging In Grays Harbor Reaches Peak ! All Mills And Campsj Run At Full Tilt AnKHDEKN. WohIi., Logging and mill operation, which two wiiokn ago reached practically 100 por cent production, continues nl Hm peak, ac cording lo lumbermen. All nillln are operating ntcadlly while campa lire cutting heavily lo nupply loga for Iho brink trade. With nevurul amaller operftllonB ronumlng within the pant montlnc there are practically no un employed loggern or mlllmen In the district. With a heavy demand for hum look In the oaatern mnrketn and both the Jftpaneao and coualal mnrketn Improving, the luduntry nhould con tlnuo nl a high mark during the re milliliter of iho year, lumbermen nay. Cbdar doalcra report the demand for flitehon and coder logn tor Jnpnn In lieftTlor than nlnco thu montba short ly after tho earthquake. E SI'OHANK, Wunh. A new camp, thu largest for thut company, In be ing opened ut Prloil River, Idaho, by tho Dalkuun Lumber Company, About to men nro now employed und the. number will he Increnned to about 125 later. One camp hnn iie. n rebuilt and another started by tin.' I'nulinndlo Lumbor Company at lluby. At the name postoftlco the Dlailinud Mutch Company In open lllll i inn li 7. ' To Study Logging Methods Used in Deschutes Timber BEND. Methods and annulpmont UHi'd In tho DuHchutcH nnllonnl for est In rond and trnll work, limber nale work and fire prevention and control work will be studied noxl weoft by Supervisor W, J. McDon ald' ami KorcHl Ranger John (1. Hrady, both of the Chugach national forest of Alaska. Tho Chugach forest of Alaska In one of the largest United Statcn na tional forests. Tho Tongnsn forest, nlno in Alaska, In iiIbo among the largest. The two mon from tho north coun try are expuctcd to arrive Sunday or Mouday. SPOKAN CAMPS women lo luwubut we me uol uiiri) of hla refiirmullon. Thin might be cuuaiul by the uour home coming of hi . boss. Mm eipocls her Una week. Iliiowileu lOggllno, we ure sorry to liny, hiui not forgtillun ull bin bud luthltn. II" i" considerably Improved but atlll ptrilltl In HiiyliiK "drill in. luck" whnn puuvod. The I'm wit T 'lli'herti will ink" thla up ut Hi.. if next muetlnK and we hope that Hnowdeu will ae the error of bla way. Quo. Jolinaoii baa pub li. I', alnted Unit hereafter he will loll nothing but the truth, and ml -ihltn thai lie bad no bund lu the building of thu RooHuvall Hum Dud bua not completely brokun ull hla Old habits but la inukltiK u gallant fight, lie now bua lila Ford Bodun lulvertliied for snle for thu reuaon that be Juat van nut hulp from swearing wbun be rldus In II. Uno Of our women novurely chastised one of tbo children lust week for skipping the rope because It looka no much like ih in mi-. II la truly ii Krettt ri'forimillon und lliu wrllor la Justly proud of thu achievement, notwithstanding that gossiping clr dim, wroiiK mimed I'aruiit-Toachers Aanoi'lullon, la trylug to aloul the rrndll. We helium that .all good citizens when away from their wlvea, are giving iik all the credit, Later The I'urent-Tnachors As KOi'lntlnu Iiiih publicly gone un DM ord thill yo i-orreapoudi-ul Ih en Ill lud to ull tile crudii for our npol laaf town, und In now busily nruug lag a program for a community ineelliig where In a splendid morul, wholesome evening will be apenl and ye acrlha publicly honored for the work he haa done. We hope to he able lo attend an aa to report iho whole p Ilngn un an ex- ample to other cammunillon. Wo wliih in withdraw Hie remnrkn made about them, regarding gonslping Uf cournu ll I Iho truth hut we do not oft rO to make It public. 5 Forest Fire Cost Set At 16 A Minute Films To Be Used To Educate The Public l'OUJLAND. ForoBt flroa cont I HI n minute during iho pnnt aeaaon. So declnrea Alton J. Ilagor, su preme nenlor of tho Ordur of IIoo lloo, (ha lumbermen'a body, who la at iho Portland hotel from Lansing. Mich. Tho IIoo Hoon, ho nays, havo doold ed lo hulp educate tho public against man mado (tree In the wooda by the uno of fllma. Onn hundred such will bu used on tho coast. With Ungor are L. K. Burgess, ul no of Lansing; II. D. Kooto. Alexan dria. I. n.; A. E. Doatrlght, Chicago; J. R Judd and M. It. Ishorwood, St Louis; L, D. May, Jacksonville, Kin. . and V. A. Kelly, sen Francisco. Kin organization will finance the campaign to prevent forest tires and to encourage rotoroatatlon and con servation of timber as a means of promoting public health and recre ation, ho explained, He oniDhaslEud a etatomont that the timber of tho far went Is dis appearing tour times foator than It In growing and that tho nation's tim ber renourcen are destroyod by flro much Loner than by the lumber cut Bend Will Get Plant to Make Shade Rollers flBND; Details In connection wllh the plans for conducting a hade roller factory for tho Stewart tiftrtfthorn Company In Ilond wore being looked Into by L. S. Klotz of the company's offices at MttBkogon, Mich,,. In llond today. K, H. Duku, who announced sev eral months ago that tho plant would bo built hero, was to coino with Klotz, hut the day before thoy were to leave Muskogon, Dnko was taken suddenly ill. Klotz thin iiftemoon viewed the s lie for the factory which ban boon turned over to tho Slownrl Harts horn Company under an option by tho city. Thin tract, north of the Oregon Trunk spur track, is part of tho torminnl properly purchased by the city several years ago. Klotz nlno vlHlted tho local lum ber eompnny officen on routine bus iness for his eompnny, which has bucn purchasing pickets and slats from tho mills horo for sovoral yuars, .(.nv iMiajiaai We Want to Know About Him! In every camp there is some hardy woodsman whose doings keep the camp in more or less of an uproar. We want to know about him. He deserves mention in the Lumberlogue. WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT Every week some mill is sold, or decision is reached to enlarge it or make improvements. Write in and tell us, in case we happen to miss it. WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THESE, TOO In every camp there is someone who has perfected a gadget of some sort, so that lumber may be handled better or so that timber may be handled with less effort Write and tell us it may make you famous! And last, but not least, we want to know about happen ings in every camp personal items what goes on and why. Send them in and don't be bashful just be cause you don't happen to have a typewriter. Don't forget send hews of any kind to I Lumberlogue The