WEDNESDAY, SEPTIflMttBk 8. Jjfi - THE LUMP E R Tj 0 G U E Bodltfit Senies sale of COMPANY TIMBER; ADMITS RECEIVING MANY INQUIRIES EUGENE, Ore. Although there are a number of re presentatives of Southern lumber interests who have been here recently with the view of purchase and operation in Lane county there is no contemplated change in the way of ownership or merger in connection with the Booth-Kelly Lumber company. This statement was made today by R. A. Booth, vice-president of the company, in reply to rumors prevalent for the past week or more in Eugene and Portland lumber circles that the Lane county organization was so to. to undergo a change in control, Mr. Booth said: ' "We have boon receiving a largo" " number of inquiries from Southern J )TgJJ Mill limine! men who are wi muiu iu- terolted In the possibiliiies of the tit development inLane county unii tire Pacific Northwest. With Mr. y-A. C. Dixon. Roneral manager of the Booili-K.cll' Lumber company. O occntly made a trip through the .state with representatives of the lumbering Interests of the south, j visiting a large number of lumber centers. "These Southern lumber men are much interested In the fir industry as some of them contemplate op erations in tho Pacific Northwest. They desired to inspect the work ing of ramp and mills in this dis trict and their visit .and close in-; spection ot the Booth-Kelly mills in Lano was for the purpose of ob taining information as to modern methods employed in handling the fir." The name of the Lutcher and Moore Lumber company of Orange, Texas, large operators of timber in the South, was the firm frequently mentlned in connection with the rumored change in the Booth-Kelly company. Local lumbermen and bankers who are closely identified with the lumbering interests confirm the fact that the lumbermen from the south, representatives ', of large fi nancial interests, are looking to ward Lane county and the North waft for further development and that rccontly parties were here in vestigating the field and conferring with owners of timber in this area. I CSpen railS tO j- i . Show; 2 Men Now Handle His Job .When Louis Espen succumbed to I h,e prevalent Whceler-Osmstead ail-j tnent and failed to show up on the! "BMllinfr .1,,, L. Mn.l. -. I... he ! 'thereby provided em'ployment for two gopd men in the persons of George Downey and Lloyd Stoner. Downey ran the cant hook and Stoner did j the scaling and ran the engine. Ston-! er's hand, minus three fingers as a result of his recent misadventure . with a trimmer saw. is coming along nicely hut he will be unable to really ' use it for some months. jt jKame of Hnckensnck Coal & Luni-, ber Go.. Hackensack. X. J.. has been j hnllgcd to Comfort Coal-Lumber .Co. i TI) company operates 11 yards. J Klamath County Mill and Manuf actur- ers' Directory m Ackley Bros., Klamath Falls. - Algoma Lumber company, Algoma. Anne Creek Lumber company, Fort Klamath. Big Lakes Box company, Klamath Falls. Bryant Mountain Lumber company, Malm. Christy Lumber company, Kirkford. Campbell-Towle Lumber company, Sprague. Chiloquin Lumber company, Chiloquin. Ewauna Box company, Klamath Falls. Illinois Lumber company, Langell Valley. Kitts Lumber company, Bononza. Kruse Lumber company, Klamath Falls. Klamath Lumber and Box company, Shippington. . Long Pine Lumber company, Bonanza. Lamm Lumber company, Modoc Point. McCullom Lumber company, Kend. Modoc Pine company, Chiloquin. Kine Lumber company, Klamath Falls. Pelican Bay Lumber company, Pelican City. Shaw-Bertram Lumber company, Klamath Falls. Shasta View Lumber and Box company, Klamath Falls. Sprague River Lumber company, Chiloquin. Topsy Lumber Co., Topsy, Ore. (P. O. Dorris, Cal.) Wheeler-Olmstead Lumber company, Klamath' Falls. Planing Mills and Remanufacturing Plants Big Basin Lumber company, Klamath Fills. Lakeside Lumber company, Klamath Falls. Klamath Moulding. company, Klamath Falls., Swan Lake Moulding company, Klamath Falls. Utvfti firrnnt T nmliir rnmrt'imr' Tflnmnfri Fulla ffihitfi Piflfi MOHldiog company, Klaigaft ltfMt jiM Plans Many Additions Half Million To Be Spent on Medford Plant MEDKORD. A 500.000 building program was announced by James 11. Owen general manager of the Owen Oregon Lumber company of Medford. A new sawmill will be constructed here and .the capacity of the present plant will be in creased to 300.000 feet of lumber dally. Mr. Owen returned last week from the annual meeting of tho di rectors of the company at Eau Claire. Wis. The reason given for expansion is that the company is not -producing enough lumber for the amount of timber it has avail able. Salem Sash and Door Plant Has Better. Business SALEM Hansen & Ltljeiquist is the name of a new firm in Salem. The members of the firm' are A. M. Hansen and Wm. J. Liljequist. They nave comotnea m operannfr me sasn and door factory of A. M. Hansen. 590 Mill street, corner t nurcn, which was established "many years ago by Mr. Hansen and has oeen I successfully conducted ever since I by him. Mr. Liljequist formerly worked in Salem, but for nearly 9 years had charge of the Spaulding sash and door factory at IJMIMHUlu. He Comes here now from McMinnville. Knll Handed Ycdr Through This sash and door factory is completely equipped for-doing every i kind of work In that line. There have for a long time been forty men on the payroll. This number has not been reduced even in the winter lime. This factory, floes a good deal of outside work, which i increasing. . A. G. Stewart, who operates sawmill about two miles west of Grand Ronde. has added a donkey td his logging equipment. . Sawmill, Planing SI TREES PLEA VOICED BT 0 HOfl Head of Order Urges Con srvation at Spokane Meeting DEPLORES ALL WASTE 75Per Cent of Timber Held in Northwest, Speaker oays SPOKANE. Wash,--A plea for forest conservation and reforestation was voiced before the annual con vention of tho- Concatenated Order of lloo Hoo by Alton J. linger, of Lansing. Mich . supreme senior Hoo lloo of the organisation. Uefurring to the vast waste of foreM products iu the early years of the nation's history, which lie said was inevitable. Mr. Hnger de calrcd that with the cut reduced to US. 000. 000 acres. 78 per cent of it in the Pacific northwest, conser vation of timber is one of the most important problems confronting the nation, with numerous Industries and provision ot material for the nailou's iiuniea dependent upon it. "We must also provide employ ment lor practically two million men who have been making their liveli hood, in cutting the. trees, working in the mills and furniture factories, to say nothing of the many thou sands engaged in the more modern business of building automobile, air planes and radio equipment and whose future success and continu ance is absolutely dependent upon a timber supply." he continued. "Michigan alone is using 300.000, 000 feet per year in the automobile industry." Loss by forest fires, the result for the most part, of human care lessness. Mr. Hager declared, ap parently i on: the increase. The loss for the first, six months of 1925 amounting to $197,547,300. was 416.451.000 greater than the sumo period last year, or $60 per minute, he pointed out. He urged every American lumberman to lend his aid toward a more general observ ance, nejtt. year,, of, natjonaJT forest conservation week. IfCHt SPOKA.VE, Wash. Alton J. Hug er, lof LAnslng, Mich., was elected snairk uf the universe at the annu al' convention of the Concatenated Ostler of Hoo Hoo. His elccti.i was made bo' mnanimous adoption of the report of the nomittatihn r-miz mittee. Other officers elected were:: Harry Kendal, Houston, Texas, sen lor Km Hoo; Rodman Hendricks in, San Francisco, Junior Hoo H:'j: B. F. Howe, Boston, Mass., bojum; Theo. Sparks, Winnipeg. Man., soriv. enator; J. A. Edgecumbe, Vanojuv er. B. C.. Jabberwock; Art'iur Hood Minneapolis, eustcoation ; Alvin S:h. .waker, Seattle, arahCjper; W. W. Brock, Miami, Fla., gurdon. An immediate survey of all de nuded land of the countr by the United States forest service and state forests was urged bar George M. Cornwall, editor of the Timber man, Portland. A plea for forest conservation was made by Alton J. Hager, lof Lan sing, Mich., supreme senior ILj Hoo, and by James H. Allen of Bt. Louis,-grand snark of the universe. "A financial plan should he de vtood whereby the government would undertake to take over certain lands nnd issue bonds carrying 3 low rate of Interest, say 2 per cent, and redeemable in 7f lar 10,0 'years" Cornwall said.n outlining a refores tation plan. "When the limber U cut off, the bonds -would be automatically jtutlred, and profits ftasrulnf: j I toot the sale of Me Umber would I it0to(lly 'loimburse the government ! for Its Investment, but, more Imnwrl j ant than all, It .uid Insure to ft large measure the needed .supply i of timber for future needs." Cornwall praised Wiisflilngloii state for having taken lup several thous and acres ,!'-denuded land 'at $2.5H nn wrro aiwl terentlng state forests for the growing of timber. He de clared that In the ctUe of prlvule inteioKts who seek 10 reforest, the land should not bo assessed M atari than 5 cents an acre. . wKATHKK Oregon- (lonerally fair tonight atid Thurmlny; frosts In the east portion tonight: warmer lii ili In terior Thursduy. Ucntle rurlnblu M - . , ' CXa.i MICHIGAN NUN HEADS HOO HOO "ffe Only W6inanBulldogger"Ai J The only woman bulldogjpiT In Hasting, Pendleton, Ore. i TIMBER TAX j JUMP BRINGS ! BIG PROTEST Owners In Roseburg Area Prepare . .. To Act ROSEBURG. Attorneys for a number of the larger timber owners in the county are preparing arguments to be presented to the county board of equalization to show why the assessment as placed upon their lands by Assessor Keeney should be reduced. " ir if? V Radical advances in the assessed Valuation of some timber lands have been made by the assessor, said one attorney yesterday, and a strong fight wilt be made for a reduction. This attorney said that not only has there been a sharp advance in the valuation of timber land but that mills and logging equipment have also been affected." The company which this attorney represents operates a small plant in the woods above Cottage Grove and, according to the figures submitted to him by the company, the assessed valu ation as placed by the asses sor this year is actually' sev eral times greater than the actual cost of the machinery. Practically all the larger timber owners are preparing to make a protest against valuations placed on their lands by the assessor, it was stated. Stiff advances have been made in the valuation on a large number of pieces of city property but little com plaint has as yet been made on this account, according to members of the equalization board. Assessor Keeney made personal survey of iertain sections of the city where he deemed that property war, being assessed too low and made substantial advances. Finally Locate Watej? Vein at . " &tfjtrf Sawmill After 11 series of drilling misad ventures that would have discour aged the heart of a wildcat oil drill er from tho wilds of Texas, a good flow of water linn finally been se cured at 1 the Shasta View Lumber company miir ben'. DosplW the fact Hint (lie well site is only a short distance from Lake RJwauna, it was found uBcnuary to drilly to I depth of 78 I feel, lo get B Kiitisfnelory flow. A riow found n n iftallowor dspth fulled Hoon after It was Itruajb Hnonxh Mole oil was found In the formation.: lo bul;v'.'i X''J'l9 h'-'U'l. ot any oil promoter, bad lliero been Ull V 1(1:1 III I'll n ' ITTB t tho country la said to be Vlss Fn Want Rangers; Some Changes Macle By u- s- Entrance Pay $1500; $1900 For Alaskan Work An i-xiimlnatlon for forest ranger will Im hehl on October 27. In twenty-six different states, accord ing to word Just race 1 Tfd by district forester t' U. flranger at Portland. Important changes nre that receipt of applications will close on October 1 7, 1925. No applicant will bo al lowed to try the examination un less he has reeelved an admission curd In tdvD from the : 8. civil service commission, Washington, I t; hence forest officers urge nil prospective applicants to secure at once form l4M, either from the commission at Washington or from any forest supervisor. Klltrnurc salary for forest ranger in the Ul S. Forest service Is 16.0,0 in tho United States, and t mt)0 in Alaska. Outside of the salary, the government allows a mileage on prlvaiely-owned automobiles when used In official business, anil ae.tunl expenses when ou ufflclal duty from official lnndiiiiiirters Houses or ranger stations are furn Isln d rangers or an allowance made in their salaries In lieu of nunr ters. In addition to the above, forest officers are protected by the fi'il.ral compensation act. which eovers accidental Injuries and monthly payments io dependent in case of death. The age limits for tbe examination are 21 to in clusive. Forest rangers with experience and proven ability are eligible to a max! main salary or $210 nicr an num. Many of (he higher positions in the forest .service urc now filled by men who started In as forest rangers. The examination consists of three parts! educational and mental test, practical aueeflone relative to the duties of tho position, and experi ence. A rftodfcal cetflflcste la re quired but no photograph. Appli cants with , military or naval rec ords must ;httnch to their applica tions original, photostat .or certla fled eoples ot their original dls i haw. Boreal Offlcem state that there are openings tor good, live men with practical experience In the woods, nnd forest school graduates with practical experience. In OregoB the examination will l. held at tin- j:i headquarters towns of rorest supervisors and at Hi,, eight In Washington. Jammer Man at Shaw Camp Quits - - ' Qoorge Hchulnr. who has been honking on the Jammer nt tbe Shaw- l.Bortrsm camp for tbe past three i months, decided last wook that he hud II made, nnd Monday was seen on tho attests of Klamath" I'nlls, oo ' eointianlnri by Mrs, Helinler. He linn made no Immediate plans for tho future! New Planer in Operation Now at Ewauna Mill The new StetHon-Kosii double sitr facef Im been Ini'l.i lied and is now iii bpenatloa si UN BWatnin pinning mill here. The machlnOi one of the laUlsli jpndelii pill out by the Hinl- sou Itoss eollillltuv. is lill-incll nnd is. .,v Inch : i iimpiwiiy mot Social Season Exacts Toll at Wheeler - Oluislead Tim full social sciinmt. dreaded by every mill man who trios to observe nil Its conventions, opened officially Hutul'ilny UlfjUt. Olio of the pe cuUarttW ""' MWI "N unserved In the hunt circles I" that "very mill iDiui wile implies lo be u reel nodal , li. In lllUKl null until a inrlnln HluKc ! Im t'.mehnil iinil then nel fill'lll til II1IV visits to nil his friend., rsflrdtsM Of l lie hour. One of the worst suf lurois was Jean f liiimpuKne. sawyer tit the Wheeler - OltiiHieiiil mill, .lean's Hilling list, comprising as II does the ulltO o( Hie entire IKiiiualli bpuutry, included lit Its scope sev eral Jolly fellows ui iHoUOC PolDI nod on visiting tlieui Jcuh was iitiuvold lilily ilelulned, ifliitnlug to Klniiiutli .lust In lime to begin work Monday morning In honor of the event the eoiup.'iuv pump was Kept running nil day unii nil nleam Ileal was turned Off in the sawyer's cage. It's a greui life. sioosk t;i i:s i,irn RDM CoJaV I'lllNlUi AI.IHCItT. Snsk (,V) True to the mother tnstimt. u BTODM io' recently bunted her cult from u ruliruad track, between here mid Hudson Mnv Junction, nnd then blindly charged the oncomtDi h"" motive. The cow was killed, but her at tack splintered a bar ot the cow cat all er. FILL THIS OUT It Means More Money And A Better Job For You! Lumberlogue, Klamath Fall?, Oregon. . No ! Gentlemen : I desire to reeelve the I'orrespondence Course In Lumber nnd Construction Information ror Itelall l.uiubur Dealers. I expert lo apply myseir lo the study of till urre and to cumply with the requirements of administration. In Ctaa I find It Im possible to continue the work with due dWajMMi " ' "' an'l" standlug that the course will l- re assigned. i ' Sijrnctl Name 'A firm or cmpluvcr m City i ' Slate ."., Street Adilress ,yt (This Course is Free!) Lumbermen! With every Kelly-Springfield, you get, free, an insurance policy guarding you against all road hazards or tire defects for one year. Hub Tire Shop Chas. Johnson, Mgr. I 502 So. 6th. m.mmm-rwwmmmmm... Loses Fingers And" Thumb in Accident At Lakeview Mill Prank Vnlel, who l euiployed nl Hie lillhv inoldlhC. Plant ill tftlW ilen. gitlWdtty iiiifrefi'd tile Ions of his thuwu and three Hngsri 0 ""' right hand when ho slipped and fell, hi" blind stiH'IHK on the f I boiird In 4ul of the whirling lihli'ee Til accident nciurred us lie was ptncllli a bell on (liu.lita. t il I IK'. Davison Here to Act in Behalf of Yates Machine Co. D. II, Davison, succeeding 0 M Tiilev Iii ibis district u iiipreseiita tlve or the P, II. Viitcs Manhine' COtflP'nny, Is In Klainath Falls iitid has already made tie- aeqomiMM or a great nunibef or local lambei men and others. Mr. Tuley is remaining here rm soiiie i iiu,. apqtuAMIal Mr. Katlsnn with the Ills and mil r the local Industry and other lhlnc- .Mr. Kavlson U from .MnaipUls. Tennessee, mid on liinillng her ills- loured that Mr. Tlllev also balled front the southern stale He was ocompaiiled here by hi mother and sister, who will retlde In San Francisco. , ,' . U 1 9 You Can't ' Beat KELLY- Springtields At Any Price! Note the secret of super performance Phone 616