SATURDAY eveittntj Tirmm, Trmrvm mxs, rwrw PflTTBFIVB , Hj'H'TFiMUFK 2rt, 102.T Fruit-Ola-Nut Bread Klamath Joins Association Of Rabbit Growers Sounds good, looks good, and is good to the last crumb. Contains fruit, nut oils and nuts. Not over burdened with fruit and nuts, but just enough to give it that rich, nutty flavor. Large loaves, J 5c at your grocer. Made by SIXTH STREET BAKERY CHAS. LAND1S 126 South Sixth St. "For Goodness Sake Eat Better Bread" . : Everything in Electrical Fixtures For the home. Irons, washers, Lighting fixtures and accessories, etc-see us for expert house wiring. Link River Electric Co. Local Branch is Estab lished at Meeting Last Night At matting of the rabbit ra's- ers of Klamaln c. limy ami rcp:ev anta-tlrai toon Ik KMUham Oration Itahblt Brooders' m uncial Ion from tl'ixuu river and Talent wbn iiama over lo glvo th ' v, .r tanizittliui a rlgUt Hturl, Dim Klamath branch Of lb southern Ortfon laaocjatlon waa Incorporated and officers Nr Lhfl .-a-biiIiik year alootad M tollOWi! A. It. Keener, president, Kluiiimti K.clh; It. llrciinu.'i, vice-president, Kliim uih Kalln; Lester Cuming1, etun and acting lreitiurcr. It. K. I). No. 1, KftnuMb KiiUm. Tho three officers nre iPIMlfltOd t. druw ji oonatltutten god by laws and t.ic dues (IxhI at II. uO un til January Int., when tho yearly dUM will be decided upon. The next meeting will ! hel I at Med tord for Octdber 9lh., at which Una tfha Klamath branch win be properly entertained by the Mod ford organization rabbit breeder lait night about twenty rabbit en thusiast attended tho meeting and fried rabbit feed held In Mjoio 'hall and aside from biio offl'ers of the newly formed ush iclatlon Matt K ihn, Klamath KallH, I,. M. (iober. Olone, V. W. Close near Olene, W. W. Donirt the furrier. -f Klamath Fall, liertha Itenner and several other. Jolneil the uHHociallon. Tile primary purpose of t'ln clatt n Is t Itajbaltsa tha market for utility rabbits and seruro an asso Clatbn price from the many chan nels uili rabbit meat, such an tht larger hotels and restuur.ints an J butcher ti'iops. Also the polling of pelu from tho fur bearing rabbit. will later bo one of the vllul objods of tbi' RMOOiatlOD. II. 11. Low bit light ov.',- ,i purebred and ros iHtered CblndatlU doa which was tucttonad at the meeting, B-ing to Lester Cummlng. VINIT OVEH DAi A parly of l.nkevlew women In cluding Vesta K. hicks. Margaret Adam, I'earl M. It. a, Wllma Hal. -man and l.auru Waterman spent Frl day In the city. Th"y were. guests at the hotel Whllo Pelican. MORTON 111113 mm HOSPITAL Our expert doclom und art; con x:llent f'""J und QUl-tl niirrun(llnirt bring you r-;il 105ft PIWB T., SAN PRAMCIhCO Hotel Sutter Han I'ranrUro Munnwnirnt Geo. Wutren Hooper A populur priced Klrproof H0t6li (Vritrally Located and DOtad for Hm excellent Hervlce und iinoxctjllcd uppoln I incuts. THE WEATHER Notice In order to handle our ever increasing bus iness and give our patrons the best in ser vice and quality meats as has always been the desire of this market, we are moving into larger and more modern quarters at 818-820 Main St. Monday, Sept. 28 The ('yrlo-Stormnfirtiph at TnriVr wood'n pint Hilary showed a fall in Intromit rlo nrennur( yesterday after noon reriiiltttiR In the, elondlnrBH pre vu II in r today. Tills mornlnc the ten dency la upward and pleasant wea ther is probable tomorrow. Forecast for next 24 hours: Fair with moderate temperatures. The Tyros rerordinn thermometor rcKlstorod maximum and minimum temperatures today as follows: High 6G how 38 l H. Weather Report Weather. OreRon: Cloudy and un settled tonight and Sunday, probably local rnins. Cooler In , portion Sunday. (Jentle variable winds. If When you hove tire trouble you want your tlrei repaired as good an new have tbcm vul canized in the bet equipped Bhop In Klamath Falls. Our Ilclntr Electric Steam Vulcan izcrs and expert repair men as sure you of tbe best possible results. Reed Auto Supply Co. S. llth Near Main Phone 298 A f.w of the companies using "Quality" Piston Mugs as standard equip ment: Huick Motor Co., Con tinental Motor Co.. DodKe Bros Inc.. Ford Motor Co. (Lincoln). General Motors Co., Hudson Motor Co.. Packard Motor Co., Peerless Motor Co., Ulcken backer Motor Co.. Studebaker Corp. VanDykes Paris Co. With the Hub Tire Shop ' So 6th Phone 616 New parts for all cars MILLER'S MARKET GUS MILLER, Prop. Main, near Eighth Phones 750 and 751 Four Deliveries Daily WATCH US GROW RAMS FOR SALE Ramboulettes Yearlings and Two Year Olds Corriedales Yearlings and Two Year Olds Also some cxira good 3, 4 and 5 year old Rambouillet4 that have been used by Mr. Dixon that arc good for from i lo 5 years service yet. Will be sold at a bargain Rex Bord Klamath Falls, Oregon PIONEER DAYS TO i BE RECALLED AT I SISKIYOU FAIR YKBKA. Calif., Sept. 2.- (Spe cial). Three htni?o coaches, one of which will be driven by tbe man who drove ft many years ago; an ox team, cowboys, miners, a covered wagon, olcl carriages und barouches will all play parts In tho opening pugc-unt of "Siskiyou Pioneer Days" to be given here October 9, 10 and 11, by the Siskiyou County Fair Association. George h. Chase, who has done much toward staging the event, is the driver who will once again pick up the reins and riding in the coach will be pioneers who lode with him In the days before the railroad was uukurjAcn In northern California. Chaso and J. P. McKamara, rep resenting the fair association closed y-hterclay with William Murston, a I buckaroo of note; ('. tt, Gibson of Klamath Falls and W. Qulgley of llornbrook, to bring their string of bucking bronchos and unruly steers here for the rodeo that will be held on the fair grounds, south of Yrcka. Chase and McNamara declare that event will be the best ever staged In Yrcka and that it will bring back the days of the late '50s when Yreka was a veritable city of gold. oAt the 'PINE TREE A strong theme is offered In "Sandra." Barbara LaMarr's latest picture now being shown at the Pine Tree theater. Acting In the title role. Barbara is depicted as a woman with a rest less heart. She craves love, yet she knows not where to find it. Her quest carries her throughout the capitals and gay spots of Europe and she meets with numerous novel experiences. Yet the real love she seeks is not to be found. What city has been most often the scene of the action of a motion picture story? New York has figured in e. great many, and countless other dramas have moved against a London bac-kground, but ont of the cities most familiar to the movie fan is San Francisco. "If I Marry Again," which is the First National feature at the Pine Tree theater Sunday is another picture of San Francisco society. oAt The LIBERTY The jubllc likes to be thrilled, al so it likes to laugh and cry with the people in a screen story that's why "The Battling Fool" is bound to meet with popular approval. The he roine is Eva Novak at her best and William Fairbanks co-starring with Miss Novak. Mr. Fairbanks does ev erything but fly in this picture, and Is working from the moment it starts to the end. At the Liberty today. Human derelicts, drifters, amateur adventurers, the flotsam and jetsam of a waterfront, the scum of the Seven Seas. How would you like to embark on an Arctic voyage with a crew con scripted from these dregs of human ity? Such were Terry Dunnivan's ship mates In "Hearts of Oak," the new film coming to the Liberty theater Sunday. HINT SHIPPIXC. CATTLE J. W. Hunt, field representative of the California Cattleman's As sociation, is in Chiloquin today su perintending the loading of several car loads of cattle which have been sold to California buyers. Mr. Hunt's business is to secure buy ers for Klamath members of the California association. The cattle shipped Is owned by livestockmen who reside between here and Chiloquin. 11 Kit E FROM ALGOM.-l If. T. Hunt, of Algoma, arrived In tho v'.ly this afternoon to spend a tew days ihcre visiting. OARNAHAN AWAY Joseph Curnnhan, well known lo cal attorney, 1b in Portland until the middle of next week to attend to important business matters. Mr. Carnahan left Klamath Falls Thursday. FROM MIDLAND I F. E. Lane arrived hero this aftor noton from Midland, Ha transact bus iness matters. LUMBERMAN HERE Delwln Twbvle olio of the well kti.iwn lumbermen Interested in this section Is 'hero on business interests from Oshkosih, Wisconsin. Following Bossy's Footsteps Of the total farm wealth produced last year, dairying brought 15 per cent of the whole. Those who followed Bossy's footsteps received TWO AND ONE-HALF BIL LION DOLLARS from this greatest branch of agriculture Hut there is probably no other farm activity which requires as much study and analysis of modern methods as does dairy ing. The Pacific International Livestock Exposition at Portland, October 31st lo November 7th, furnishes the dairymen of tho North west an exceptional opportunity to view the progress of others and to benefit thereby. There's enjoyment as welt as educational advantages to be had, so take the entire family. Then come back and discuss your plans with us here at the First National Bank. We are willing to assist progressive farmers with the development of dairy herds. The First National Bank Members of the Federal Reserve System ... : : : : i V I f ! i Dr. A. A. Soule Physician and Surgeon Downtown office 710 Main St, Winters Building, over Square Deal Drug Store. Phone 151-J Uptown office 1909 Main Street at resi dence. (Xray, library, laboratory, minor surgeiy) Phone 151-M Sanitarium postponed until sidewalks and streets are built. AUTO WRECKING We have wrecked 150 cars of all popular makes for their good parts. All parts sold at half price or less. We are just wrecking the following cars: 1 Dodge 1920 1 Paige Six 6-55 1 Nash Six 1920 1 Reo 4-cyl. 1 Reo Speed Wagon 1 Studebaker 1918 1 Cadillac 1913 2 Maxwells 1918 1 Chevrolet Superior 1923 3 Chevrolets 1917 1 Chevrolet Baby Grand 1 Essex 4, 1921 1 Buick K-45, 1920 1 Dort 4, 1918 See us when in need of parts Klamath Falls Auto Co. ROY CALL, Prop. 224 Main Phone 246R f! 1 P