FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 102! EVENTNT7 HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FT5T8 lIHHHDiBIIimilMaiHKII lama It Takes Money to Live There is precious little left of the old pay check after all expenses are paid. YOU CAN SAVE MORE by trading here with the rest of the working folks, where I SELL FOR LESS Work Shoes 3.75 Triple stitched upper heavy leather sales Work Shirts 75c . Coat style chambray heavy blue and bray 2 Pants SUITS 2 Pants A shipment just arrived of men's and young men's suits in late styles and colcrs. Space is too limited for a detailed discription. They Are Exceptional Values. 25.00 - 27.50 - 30.00 and 32.50 Coat, Vest and TWO Pair of Pants. BLANK E T S and QUILTS The complete fall and winter line Is now in Blankets Quilts . 3.35 to 10.00 . 2.50 to 5.00 BAGS and TRUNKS SUITCASES We do a tremendous business in this line, our stock is turn ing fast and we are constantly getting something new. I LEST YOU FORGET There is a money back guarantee on any and every purchase made here Money Back and No Argument. Lloyd Ryan Clothier Home of the W.orhinmen i I I m n H M I Klamath High Is Ready For Fray At Pass Eighteen Gridiron War riors Leave This Afternoon Prlmwl tr their "rut real under fire, eighteen grJdlroq war Horn Ivurneyed iacrcei Hid Cascades lino Ileum.- Hirer Valley tlilH uftcr iiifjn luul tuiiurruw afternoon will play lliDlr firm loaKU" In the south- i cru Oregon football leaguo wUi GraiiU I'ans. Tin- xamu In scheduled t begin at 2:30 o'clock at Grants 1'tiss. Ac- oom pending the Invading calvacadt triUt'tlt warrl irs wi n: I'rlnclp il Ja.kson, Coaiih Dwlxht French and I Student Aoiiiotic Director mil Kuy- i kcndull. No definite announcement could ii made Mm afternoon of tho llne- up, although It (was thought thit Kiilmtanllully tha same loam that utarted ug-Uasl AKurus last week la a practice (am will uphold the Kluiiiath standard tomorrow. Fallowing Is a lint, of the pluye.M taken to Grants I'uss: William Batt ler, loo BIlMi Hubert Oliver, Uiarles ' Mag lire, Angus Wall i, John Morg-1 an, Ge)rgo Conners, Leslie El more, I ii a Soule, y.vd rjaraea, Prank Hail, It (j I it ml Ciifcr, (.'arl Yancey, Floyd CoUon, Laurence Carroll, Raymond' j Yarnen, Oordan Looini.i and Hon Barton. Good Meats 423 Main Street sua Groceries 717 Main Street Exact Weight to the Penny Is what you get at STONE'S. Most K lamath Falls butchers do not deal in pennies. Consequently you pay 35c for a 32c steak, or 80c for a 77c roast. Not so at STONE'S. You get exact weight to the penny. The meat is better, and the prices lower. Try our market, 423 Main St., for yo ur next meat, and you will be our regular customer. Beef Roast, rolled 25 C prime ribs, lb Pot roast, shoulder 1 5 C cuts, young beeflb Pork Chops, fancy U. S. QC Inspected Pork, lb Hamburger, fresh, clean 1 5 C pure beef, lb Pork smoked butts, Swift's Boston style, lb. 30c Baby Beef roast 1 E shoulder cuts, lb IOC Steaks, that you can eat, lb dWC Pork Steaks fancy U. S. lf)r inspected pork, lb OVrC Pork Sausage, fresh 2f clean, no cereal, lb J Hams, Swift's Premium OQ-, Whole or half, lb 07C Musical Concert Planned Tonight Interest in musical rlrc.Ies thl. week center! In dhe roncert tonight at s o'clork at tho I'resbyterlnn chur.h, when- UM Dorothy ElliJtr, soprano, and Mr. Na'.'un Stu-vart. baritone, will appear in .pint con- songst-rs who haTe ever been heard cert. Miss KlllJlfs friends arc an In this elly. The young men offer a I tli gating this opportunity of hear dlvcrslfled program of classical, pop-j inK her after her year of study ular nud humorous songs. Their j and season of Chautauqua concert voices blend perfectly. lwo:k. Mr. Stewart, who makes his Their song, "Mighty l.a k a Hose." ),omc In Seattle, his a voice wnMch Khorassan Quartet At Pine Tree Has Splendid Offering Pino Trie theater patrons who beard the Royal Khorassan quartet teat nlgtit were unanimous In de claring them to be tile best male COAST LEAGUE KtOltKS At Vernon, 3; Portland 12. At Sacramento, 0; Los Angeles 8. At Oakland, 5; Seattle 4. At Salt Lake, 9; San Francisco 10. a STAGE IIECNIO.V IPORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 25. (JP) Veterans of tfae 91st dlvi- slon who on September 26, ! 1918, participated, in the drive WASHINGTON, ScpL 25. (JP) ' of the allied armies In Prance American and French negotiators j which broke tho power of Oer- met for the second time today in an ! many, were gathered here to- effort to find a solution for the Ktay for their annual reuntsn. Jpng pending French debt problem. wan rluM-ri-il to the echo, and tliev were compelled to respond to re pealed encores. Thin quartet will be heard at the Pine Tree again tonight for the time. From heru they go to Medford, whore they open at the Crftterlon theater. The Khorassan Quartet Is til ing booked by all tho larger Ihe- i a tors ot the Pacific coast. The members arc Charles M. i Bchedter, first tenor; Eugene P. ! Holm, second tenor; John It. Mc- Knight, first bass; Chester K. Slry ker, second bass. Tired of False Accusations Is Wife's Plaint Annoyed at what she terms falsa 5j BOCUBaUons lot her iluisband with ug regard i" ber m ral character, Mrs. tf-I M. Perry today brought suit mm j tor divorce from her husban 1 An thouy Perry. H Mrs. Perry, in oddlUon, claims P Out husband had struck iier H and called her abusive epithets. Thq Pgldouple wore ntarrled U'tree years U ago in Klamath Falls. will be a sufficient introduction to Klamath music lovers. The program will be: 1 "Love. I Havo Won You". Ronald. ''Homing" Teresa del Hiege. "Morning" Oley Speak;. Dorothy Elliott. II. "Tie Trumpeter" D:x. "Irish Iovc Sons" Lango. "The Wreck of the 'drjlic Plant'," O'Hara. Xathan Stewart. III. "Une Voce poco Fa" RMalnl Miss Elliott. IV. "Patria" Tito Mattel Mr. Stewjrt. V. "Kncprest Thou Not?" (Mlg non) A. Thomas. "Kaahlmtrl Song" Dlnden .Miss Elliott. VI. "Over tho Steepe" Gre'. iloff. "Deep Water" BlWt Ur. Stewart. VII. "SlnBe First I Met Thee" Rnbenstien. "The Summer Mind" Ulsctoff. "From the Land of the Sky-Hlue Water" (.'adman. Miss Elliott. i Indians Arrested on Second Charge SPOKANE.- - Hexing gloves furl Carl Quackenbush of the Hlllyard training linemen are used by Couch ' high school football team, lie hopes i.4,...;..f--;"-n-.H":"H--;":-:":-v'-n-i- to teach the boys to use their hands nnd to Instill fighting spirit. Spirit messages always seem to Some collect. RICH, TASTY MEATS OF QUALITY Roasts of choice beef, pork or mutton or select cuts for each meal can be obtained at all times with prompt service and most reasonable prices. SINCLAIR MARKET "Let me Serve You" Call at ANDERSON'S TRANSFER dc FEED CO. For Samples of Stick-Tite Louse Destroyer Am now Handling Super-Solid Buttermilk and all other Poultry Supplies i Trucks for General Hauling YItEKA. Calif., Sept. 25. (Spe cial ) Because they were under ar-l rest on one charge. Raymond Slorrs ! and Jack Titus, members of tho , Klamath tribe at Happy Camp, I : thought that they were immune to I arrest nnd proceeded to drop fire i ( from the automobile that was brlng j Ing them from Happy Camp to tho : county jail hero recently, according I to Harvey Zearfoss, of the federal I forest service and who arrested the 'inn on tho rhfkMn of Mltta in a national forest. " Storrs and Titus were being lirouirht here liv t'nnstahle PaIai1 1 1 Grant and Deputy Andrew Hrown on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor recently, a charge that they were subsequently I liberated on. They nre charged with dropping burning rope from tho machine in which they were riding to set fire to forests to get the fall burning, a custom of the Klamatha for many years. Four fires were started, the most serious one burning over many acres on Cade mountain in the Klamath Na tional Forest. Tho federal charge was lodged against them when the story of how the fires were sot became known and Zearfoss took both men to Hed Hluff Monday where they were held on looo bail each for a preliminary hearing before Unltod Stntcs Com missioner Hi S. Cans Monday. TO HALT EPIDEMIC WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. ()- The department of ngrlculturo today New Models on Display for Saturday Several express shipments re ceived today offers an unusual showing of the new Fall styles in black and colors. We have taken great care to choose just those models that are the most desired for this Fall and we are sure you can find what you want here. Prices range from $5 to $15 Hector's The Fashion Center urn 5Ti 335 So. Sixth Phone 795 took complete charge of the work of eradicating the foot and mouth dis ease in Texas, nt tho request of Governor Ferguson,