TUKKIUY. IJKPTliMUGK S!U, 1025 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 1 HAVE "WB CAR TWWHT AKIblMM- j),'1 TfiB MATT6R Wnf( J To BE TOO - HE TO6W I flBTUtaiT-NOWClETOVfl'OF HSRC rfM POP? HE'6 SUPK (( A TOV AOTOMOIJILE AT S AND 1 1 AVI Ml AloNI W'i ..... , ..,., ' ' ' ' All! J'W&BL S OTHER WORWE0 WTHOirr f 4 l , V" KILLED HIM - AND I TWAO V S&ffTUW- 1 SEAT! hi I'M f NINETEEN an" YOU'RE 1 HAVE A HERALD'S DR. F. R. GODDARD osteopathic PHYSICIAN AND BDRmROM Oftloe and llaldnr Phone 121 L O. O. V. T. ., DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN 7 09 Vain dt. Phono irt.l-w Mitko and Krlnd Clai. Dupll iiete broken loDm, rnpalr framm Dr. Philip Cole (Jam i v Practice of Oentlntrj opto KnnuiKi by Appointment Phage & CIS Main Ovr kfoa'l Htora J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIL KNOINEBH AND SURVEYOR Phono 204M 210 Hlfih St. American Legion Klaiuatb Poat Ho. I Meetings la' ".. 3rd Tuesdays. Court Ronaa Basement r R. OLDS. Com'dr Phona Hl-W Vochatzer Bros. WBU 1KIM.K1M Phone 225-R 1731 Melrose Batlmalei given on water ayateim. Prion! Ronionable Two first class Italian Stone Masons and ce ment workers, will work by flay or contract. Work guaranteed. Four years in Klamath. Phono1 583 V, or inquire 619 Main St. 1 1 V jS-jSX 1040 1 O. K. Transfer The Trouble-Miiker BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kodak Work Leave Your Films Before 9 O'clocK-Your V v pictures are Kl AMATH FAl Lessees i WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE Bill BUV THEIR DRUGS ac?u?aEv'I B. P. 0. ELKS Meets if Thursday oveulng. Visit ing members welcome. Clki T. tuple, 3rd k Main Charlton Currln, Exalted Ruler. Tom DeliMl, Bno K. of C. Council No. 2255 Meetings: S P. M. 2nd and 4 th Tuesdays - - i -1 Mul, 8th and High "billing KnlghU welcoma Cbna. Patt'eraon. O. K I'llll. AOKI.PHIA. Sailor Krcod- fttU) boxer, In to re-marry hla wife, who obtained n divorce two mouth i ago. EVERETT TRUE nev. CIEBCTT, kjoop S.TOKY : r 'me.Fofcits You TELLiiT,! Jaw son, I yea h Tea lie vHeTHerQfi ; : 1 a.ors.s '"thaT.JK leiN(J..THe4CASe IDoN.TilMANTio HtwR iT BuTCHere.&irf ?!?ffi'--'sJm THAT'S, vfoo(?spe.CMc.tv. "fiiL '-O'-'igl ready at" 3 p.r 1.0 f)!?Pf,nN Marie Obenchain Teacher of Piuno one prlVtt losson and ono oUuM U-H.son a week. Arm wolght nnd relaxation method, Sludlo SOS Pino St, back of Elks' Temple. Phone 563W WASHINGTON. A prohibition 1 agent hns been fired because he apent considerable time and money j pupulQR a woman motorist In Now ; orl. nns to find a pint flnsk one luilrd full. By CONDO UANT TO TEI.I Y(P O Co., "If THE EVENING HERALD'S Woman Burned to Death in Furnace tyBtV YOUK, Sept. 23, lI1) Mra, llnnhlii I'nleflkle. urhoafl hnrlv w:t found toiluy In the furnace of an emu Hide lumber yard kiln, was plAced In the furnace while ullve uml burned toilenth, Mi-dieul Kxuminer Schwartz gnppunccd. Two fractures worn found on We woman'H skull. (leorgfl Kyinuk, flreiuun of the fiinniee, was charged with Mrs. I'oleskl H death. Suspend License of Insurance Firm HAl.EM, Ore., Sept. 22. After c nmultlng Attorney Genera! Van Winkle, Deputy State ileal BtUte Commissioner W. A. Mullen 'yester day suspended the Oregon license of the United Aui) Indemnity Ex- chnngu, of which the Tulle 1 I'nder writers. Inc., -Jf Portland are att it-nl-ys-ln-fuct, for Oregon. The au penHlon was becaust.. of jn alleged rlolatlM of the state insurance law relullvo to a bunk deposit if $-5,-OUO which Is required by the law, but which the aompamy aljolwed to gel beyond b-ie cu.'i'rjl of its attJr noy In fuel. Tie- innpaiiy win to -ave u hear ing before tie stale department i week ggO yesterday, but askol for a postponement t. yesterday. Yes terday It failed to make an appear g nee and the license was suspended. Pedestrians Will Fight Traffic Law SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 22. (IP) A test In court Bf new traffic regu lation in Seattle, compelling ped estrians to wait for signals before crossing intersections roomed today. Yesterday two women were ar rcBted. One doubled up 'her fist and hit J'utr dman Hackler on the Juw when orderiyi to retrace her steps after crosnlng a street again.st u signal. Tho other was put In a cell i-hen she refused to post $2 bail. After 36 minutes she reconsid ered. Jler husband deelared he Would take tho ease to the supreme OMirt. TRADE (MMKLS FOR BILLETS BERLIN. In Abyssinia camels represent the most valuable posses sion of the people, in many instanc es being used as the equivalent of money. Dr. LutI Heck, son of the director of the Berlin Zoological garden, learned this while In quest of animals for the zoo. However, he found some Abysslnlans who re garded rifle cartridges higher In value than the animals. He succeed ed In getting six dromedaries, which are now In tho Berlin zoo, for 15 cartridges. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby giveu that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Leon Hnmmack and Lucy Hnmmack. under tho style and firm name of the Owl Cafo is hereby dis solved. Leon Hammack has assumed all of tho existing copartnership in debtedness to date and tho public is hereby notified that he will con tinue the operation of said business ns a sole trader doing business under the style and firm name of tho Owl Cafe. LUCY HAMMACK LEON HAMMACK Sept. S-15-22-29-Oct. 0. PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION) Exclusive Licensed Manu facturer! fur -The new Concrete Hollow-Wall Building Brick for Founda tions, Walls, Bulldlngi. etc. -Abtolutoly Fire and Weatbar Proof at a cost lass than any other form of masonry. -Stone-Tile construction elim inates upkeep expense, la In destructible, and Is approved by the but arohltecta and balldere. . Unexcelled as a base for Stucco finish et ns Eaimat Your Job ath and Market. Phone S819W Concrete Pipe Co. It's Loose NEW TODAY LOST- A valuable pair of horned rim glasses, lenses slightly color ed. Liberal reword of returned ut once to f87 No. Sixth St. 22 A BATH in the Medical Hot Spring 1 Nat. gives you u grand and glorious feeling. 21-2S KOIt SALE- Ited room, dining room furniture; children's bed, dishes and many other atuple household goods. Mrs. II. N. Moe, 221 Wash ington. 22-28 FOR BALE Olt TRADE 3 lots back of Mills school. Some buildings; would consider saddle horse. New by store, East Main. 22-28 MAN WANTED as personal factory representative In Klamath Falls. We will give, to the right man, the best proposition ever offered. No experience or capital required write full Information lo Syncro Motors Co.. Rattle Creek, Mich. 22 YOUNG MAN DESIRES position; has had seven years experience book keeper, stenographer and general office work. Rox 183 Care Her ald. 22-23 O S T Shell rim glasses near Central school. 'C. R. Iludgel' on Case, Return to Herald. 22 KOIt SALE Ford coupe equipped with Ituckstell and baljoons. 1112.', model. Exceptional bargain; phone 8G6 during business hours. 22-21' LOST BrOWh leather coat, between Wall street and depot. Finder please return to lt$1 Wall street. Reward. 22-23 FOR RENT Sleeping room, private entrance. 42S 10th St. 22-26 MEN WANTED with teams or trac tors, lo plow any part of 1000 acres, fall Edzewood ranch. 22-24 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed room in private home, for one or two gentlemen. Call S08W or C29 North 3rd. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room, close in; suitable for two gentlemen. 1149 Pine St. 22-24 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given, that sealed bids will be received by tho County Court of Klamath County, at the County- Court House up to 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, the 3rd day of October. 1925. for The construction of a piling bridge over Lost River on the State Line near Tule Lake. In accordance with the plans and specifications now on file in the office, of the County En gineer. Plans anil specifications may he had ut the office of the County En gineer upon deposit of five dollars SB. 001. Said deposit will be refund- ; ed to unsuccessful bidders upon the return of plans and specifications , to the County Engineer. Bids must be securely sealed. ! plainly marked "Bid for State Line ' Bridge." and addressed to the County I Clerk of Klamath County. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, bidder's bond or cash in the sum of not less than five per cent ( 5 Tc ) of the amount of the bid, said sum to be forfeited to Klamath County upon failure of the bidder to enter into contract pro vided by said county within ten (10) davs after notice of acceptance of bid. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. H. BUNNELL. County Judge. BURRELL SHORT. C. J. MARTIN. Commissioners. Pub. Sept. 22-29 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given, that sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County nt the County Court House up to eleven o'clock A. M. on Saturday, the 3rd day of October, 1925. for the con struction of the American Legion Memorial Building. The building is to be located on the Southeast cor ner of Block Thirty-five (35 Origin al Town of Linkville, Klamath Falls. Oregon, and Is to be built according to the plans nnd specifications of H. R. Perrln. Bids will be received on the Gen eral Contract only. IHans and specifications, proposal blanks and instructions may bo ob tained at the office of II. R. Perrln, 209 Hopka Building, Klamath Falls. i Oregon. I Bidder's bond or certified check for the sum of Five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid must accom pany ouch proposal, said sum to be forfeited to Klamath Comity upon i failure of the bidder to enter into contract provided, by said county within ten (10) days after notice ; of acceptance of his bid. The County Court roserves the I right to reject any or ull bids. By order of the County Court. I Dated this 21st day of Sept.. 1925. C. R. DE LAP. County Clerk. Tub. Sept. 22, 29. SAN FRANCISCO. The setting aside in superior court of the finnl divorce decree of James White, game warden who was killed in 1923, Is believed to be the first time In the history of the statu that the final divorce decree of a dead man has been set aside. His widow, Mrs. James While, will inherit $5500 from White's estate as n result. We'll Move CLASSIFIED AD SECTION FOB HALE ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniels, blue ribbon stock, good retrievers, prices reasonable. T. W. Shank land, 25 E. 2Cth St., Portland, Ore. lfi-22 FOR SALE Young extra special thoroughbred Rhode Island Red Cockerels for mating. Call 203C Garden Ave. phone r. 1 5.1. 17-28 FOR SALE - Light. Ford delivery. ( all Sixth St. Bakery. 18-21 FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel male, four months, pedigreed, from Wah keena kernel, Portland. Black and white, price reasonable. Special offer. Luclle Redner, City. 18-24 FOR SALK My entire herd milk stock, including 4 5 milk cows, 10 heifers, two registered Jersey bulls. R. S. Klelnhammer, Jacksonville, Ore. 18-22 A COW FOR SALE OR TRADE 3-year-old, very quiet, good milker; also 1 ton of hay; very cheap for quick sale. Apply 1525 Sargent Avenue. 21-26 FOR SALE 6 room furnished house; terms, phone 726. 713 North 9th. 21-26 FOR SALE $10.00 Iron cot, good as new for $4.00. Call at 419 Nel son St. 21tf FOR BALE Laundry stove, colled for liot water. Bed & springs and 2 mattresses. I'hone 263 W. 21-26 FOR SALE English Springer Span- lei puppies from imported trained parents. Sire, the only American I and Engl5'1 International cham pion In the world. Fastest retriev ers, always under command, and pretty house dogs. Prices reason able. Your choice from two litters. See what you are buying. LUclle Redner, P. O. Box 171. 21-26 WAVTKD PARTY WANTED To finance pat ent for half Interest. This will sell. Investigate. Box 176 Care Herald. 16-22 MESSENGER BOY WANTED Call Western Union. 21-22 EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes position. References. Miss La Veeta . Stinton, P. O. Box 403, City.21-23 I LOST AND FOUND LOST Corduroy overcoat, in Hot Springs addition, Sunday morning. Please call Dr. Coe. phone 836. Hopka Bldg. 21-22 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OK MEETING of Equalization Board of Willow Valley Irrigation District. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Willow Valley Irrigation District, beginning Tuesday, the 6th day of October, j 1925, at the office of said Board at the residence of A. C. Duncan, in Langell Valley, Klamath County, Oregon, sit as a Board of Equaliza tion for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the Assessment Roll of said District for tho year 1925-1926. Dated this 1st day of September, 1925. A. CC DUNCAN,. Secretary, Sept. 1-8-15-22. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estate of Katherine Ewing, Deceased; Notice is hereby given that 1 have filed my final account as administrat or of the Estate of Katherine Ewing. Deceased, and the Court has set October 12th, 1925, at three o'clock P. M. as the time for hearing objec tions to such final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated this Sth day of September, 1925. CHARLES Hi HILL, Administrator. Sept. S-15-22-29 NOTICE OF MEETING of Board of ' Equalization of the Klamath Irrigation District. Notico is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Klamath Irrigation District, constituting a board of equalization for said dis trict, will meet and convene on the First Tuesday in October. 1925, at 10 o'clocg A. H being October 6, 1925. nt the office of the District in the Court House ut Klamath Falls, Oregon, to hear and determine any objections by any interested persons to the assessments nnd apportion ment thereof for the year 1925- 1926, and any other matters connected therewith that may come before the board. Dono and Dated this September 1, 1925. Klamath Irrigation District, (Seal) By A. M. THOMAS. Secretary. Pub.: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. BRITISH NAVAL SURGEON DIES GOSPORT. Eng. (jT) Surgeon Oaptoin Evelyn Richard Townsend, R. N., died recently after being in valided from the navy. He devised the "Townsend test" for ascertain ing the purity of air in submarines wilh a view to protecting the health of the crew. It was so successful that it has been officially adopted by tho navy. it" PHONE 87 906 MAIN FOR KENT FOR RENT- 3 room house on paved street, cheap. 25!) H. Riverside. 17-23 FOR RUNT 8 garngoH, alao rom to store car. 203 Michigan Ave. 17-23 , FOR RENT Furnished Apts., cloBO in. Phono 3I2W. 419 N. 10th St. S 19--0 19 FOR RENT Strictly modern, steam heated, furnished apartments, Mc Carthy apartment, 630 Pine 8t. Phono 800. lOtf FOR RENT' Furnished partment, 2 rooms and bath, reasonable. 2028 Reclamation Ave. 19-22 FOR RENT .Modern 3 room apart ment with private bath, close In. Phone 516. 19-22 A)R RENT 3 room modern fur nished house, $35. J. A. Goldsmith, Winters Bldg. 21-23 FOR RENT Two bedrooms, hot and cold water, steam heat. 337 N. loth St. Phone 342M. 21-23 ROOM FOR RENT 1018 Washing ton. Phone 325. 21-23 FOR RENT Two room suite, also one single room, reasonable. 813 Alameda. 21-23- FURNISHED three room apartment, to rent inquire 524 High St. 21-23 MISCELLANEOUS CAN LOCK any nut or stud bolt In any position, and release. Part ner to patent wanted. Write Box' 180 Care Herald. 1S-S2 AM BUYING CLOSED CAR Will trade ray Olds touring in guaran teed good order for real estate and assume. Box 181, Care Her ald. 19-22 WELL PRESSED ie well aressed. We use the Hoffman steam pressing machine. Suits pressed, 75c. We call and deliver free. Phone 49J. 224 So. 6th. Sixth Street Cleaners. A 258 25. WINDOW CLEANING, noor wax ing, house cleaning and janitor service References. A. M Rhodes Phone 360W 7tf:' LOOK YOUR BEST li a "Roberta ' Suit," hand tailored to your mea sure. Now showing fall and winter styles In suits and overcoats. Phone 109 and I will call with samples, or see me at the Gun Store Sat-, urday afternoon and evenings.. A. R. (ACE) RENNER. A15-S15 FOR EXCHANGE In San Diego's choice suburban section 5-8 acre, highly improved, 5 room modern bungalow, lovely grounds, fruit trees, chicken house and pens.:. Cash price $6500. .Write Box 182, Care Herald. 21-23 HEADQUARTERS for Manhattan Woolen Mills. If It's made of wool, we have it; also Paragon made-ta -measure ladies' coats. 522 So. 5th' St. Phone 456M. I will call to show my line. (Bonded). Absolute sat isfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Mrs. Beatrice Cory.' Sll Oil! SADDLE AND PACK Horsea for hire, $1.50 per day, each. Horse and packer $5. M. H. Wampler, Rocky Point, Ore. A27-S2T TRIANGLE CAFE The place to get good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 533 Main street. Phone (24. u iHOES REPAIRED BY MAIL Send them to the Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop, 121 N 8t! St We pay the return poitag PRETTY NEW FLANNEL drosBes in all the latest prints at Bee Begln's Dress Shop. 17-20 26c BUNDLES OF PAPER. Herald office. tf-nt BEST COOKING and eating apples, first grade and windfalls. Phono 400J, Enterprise ranch, near Mills Add. 18-24 STRANGER: Visit the Medical Hot Springs Nat. Try the hot mineral water 21-22 SHORTHAND taught evenings; Gregg system, call or write Mrs. R. H. Price, room 14, Court house. 21-26 Bad news from the Arabs. Lead ers have quit smoking. And smoking keeps you from getting restless and going to work. i 1 Mrs. Wiilard Johnson Teacher of Piano One Hour lesson a week and privilege of class work in composition, history of mu sic, ear training, etc. Terms, $5.00 per month Residence 1000 California Phone 790W Studio 503 3rd St. Ph.284M