TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 192G PAGE TWO EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 7 More Effective Coyote Control Ls Jewett's Aim Long life added to power and beauty THE new scries Packard Eight in aJJition to luxurious appointments, super-power and world-famous beauty is equipped with the most important improvements since the electric self-starter. , The chassis lubricator automatically delivers oil to the 4? chassis points which require regular attention. The pull ot a plunger on the dash in an instant accomplishes the proper lubrication of these moving parts. The oil rectifier, continually distilling tne crank-case oiL assures that every drop remains practically pure. The Packard Eight owner changes oil but four or live times a year. These improvements arc found together only on Packard cars. They make it possible to double the previous assured long life of the Packard Eight Mariyrchase dm Patyidi out of itxxnTKrisk& from capital Pospisil Motor Co. Klamath Ave. at 8th St. PACKARD g i ASK . THE MAN 2S WHO OWNS ONE'' Coo(Mrtku) ot hv.i countlM l outhcra oroRon wiiii two ounuoi iii northern CfcUtortttti In t )v com mon cause of iIimuvvSiik t'o mi'iiiuv of pr.'il;il.iry Mktntjl In .noiikIU by Stuulov U. Joueti. On-:: i illroetor of tho (tatted SUUM Prtdttorjr Ani mal survey. Mr. Jowett was ii Kiimtuth visitor MM nlsf.it. To offootimlly euro tlio voyuto moir.no in this pint at llio country, It ls uoceJsu.iv to htivo all the eoun ties In this section nulling together," Mr. ,lftett explained. "Klamath and Lake oouutlos su'e spending a lot of money In preda tory unimal control. I wish that all other counties in the stuto wore hs Konorous In tM coniiocllon. "Hut Modoc county :s not spend ing very much. What I propose Is to R.it'.ier representative; from Klam ath and Lake comities In Oregon aad BtaUyou niul Mo.loc In Califor nia ami .onduei n c-ufortnce on the predat niiimal menace In this sec tion. "It needs ;itlen;l-:i and If all four counties had the same program and put it Intj effect at the sanui time results would be more notlceaJilo." The" meeting will he held in Klam ath next month, Mr. Jewott said. DcMolay Will Give Dance on Thursday The members of uiiiiuath Chap ter, Order of HoMolny, 'M' enter taln their liuly friends and the glrl of the Daugptati of Job with n dnncing PartV at Masonic Mall 00 Thursday evening of this week, from 1) to 11 p. m. fhnperonea for the affair will lie Mr. and Mrs. II. W. llathlany, Mr? ami Mis'. A. It. Jones, Mr, mid Mrs. P, V. n.vhtm-1 and Prof, and Mrs. B. K. Jackson. The chapter will also hold Its regular meeting . on that evening from S to 9 o'clock at which meet ing the Master. Senior and Junior Councillor! will be elected for the remainder of the 19X5 term. lMaus will be made for conferring the Initiatory degree on n large dims of candidates in the evening October New Teacher for School Elected Announcing the , Initial Dance of a Series of Thursday Night Dinner Dances to be held at the White Pelican Hotel Thursday, Sept. 24th, 8:00 p m. 8 LONE PINE Mrs. Hugh O'Connor and her mother, Mrs. Dolan, left last week for Kansas City, where they will vis it with Mrs. O'Connor's oldest bro ther. They expect to be away about a tuonth. J. E. Enman has just completed a modern water system in his home. Rain has delayed haying in thiH aection and has damaged much of the Siay, which Is In the shock. Miss Florence Dlllurd who teaches at Pelican City and Oren Dillard from the Klamath Valley hispital vis ited at the home of their sister, Mrs. Clyde Barks on Sunday. H. J. Beardsley has gone over on the mountain toward Ashland deer hunting. He expects to return soon for haying. ' Mrs. Carl Barks and daughters Peggy and Dorothy from Roseville, Calif., arc here on an extended visit with Mrs. Barks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Turner of Merrill. Also otlier'relntives and friends. Mrs. Jlarks was raised in Merrill. Miss Mildred Hayes left Monday for Sutherlln, Ore., where she will enter high school. Mies Hayes is a Junior. William Honfeld vlsiled in Morrill Sunday. C. W. Lewis, local dairyman, is rutting hlB sunflowers. He expects to fill his silo this year. Clyde Barks bought some cows from Sam Dehllnger lust week. Mr. and Mrs. William Criffith and aon of Poe valley visited at the C. W. Lewis home Thursday. Mrs. Lew is Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Criffith. William Barks returned last week from California where ho attended the stuto fair at Sacramento nnd visited with his son Carl at Rose ville. Mr. ami Mrs. C. K. Klger are the : happy parents of a baby boy, . who .arrived early in September, j Roy Beardsley of the Salem coun : trv is visiting at the home of his un'le, Harry Beardsley. Mr. and Mrs. R. f, Beasly and family visited at the . Gnrlarntau home Sunday. Mrs. C. Bowman was a Merrill visitor on Friday. Mrs. Dayton Bussey of Ashland, i Mrs. Stephen Griffith, Mrs. Everett ! Griffith and (laughter visited at the Lewis and Barks homes one day last j week. i Bessie Tollman is working at the McKendree ranch for the Lost River j dairy. Mr. Citman visited at the Beasly home Sunday. i Mr. Panley of the Sanitary market was in this section last week. , Dennis O'Connor has returned to the ranch from hip sheep camp. Mrs. June Tollman spent Sunday at her brother's, Laun Storey, j j The telephone company sent a ,crew out this way repairing last : week. Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Beasly were in Klamath Falls Saturday. ! John Cotman has a Ford car. John Carkin Will Talk at Luncheon City Attorney John II Carkiu of Medford will speak before the for um luncheon at the chamber of commerce on Wednesday noon. Mr. I'arkln will speak upon the subject of the Southern Oregon branch ot the Oregon State Normal school to be located in Ashland. Mr. Carkin is a former member of the legislature from Jackson county. , - Many to Attend Banquet Tonight Covers will he lald for 60 tonight at the Eastern Star dinner at six o'clock In the chamber or commerce dining room, when some iwentyfive Medford matrons will be the guests of the local chapter. Following the dinner the members will go to the Masonic hall where lodge will be held, to be followed with an enter tainment. Mrs J. Keller is In cliArge of the dinner at the chamber of commerce. FROM POF. V.W.I. KV L. Pfarnstahl of Poe Valley is in the city on a business trip today. TODAY'S ARRIVALS Fred Swain, Bishop; G. A. Chrls tenscn. Long Beach; I: It. Ernt. Sacramento, and Charles L. Ackers of San Francisco, were the few foreign motorists to register at the chamber of commerce today. GALLOWAVS TO PLAY Galloway's orchestra will furnish music at the forum luncheon to morrow noon, at which John H. Carkin of Medford will be the speaker. Bonanza Trio Are Fined 100 Apiece One hundred dollars each was the fine paid into the justice court at Bonanza by L. Lamb, Owen Miller and Dave Perkins, who pleaded guilty before Justice ot the Peace J. O. Hmnaker of Bonanza. The trio were arrested early Sunday mining by Deputy Shurlffs Money maker, Burke nnd Lytle. MISCOXDCCT ' PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 22. Circuit Judge Hesxltt dismis- Bed the nearly completed trial 6 of George Heim. charged with Jiurglary, iherc today, and ot- dcred a new trial when he learned that Sam Silverman, Helm's attorney, had taken two w-.imen Jurors in the case to t.ieir homes in his car. Miss Oroisio TMley. graduate of the BeUlOttrim, Wash . Stato Nor mal school and experle icol In prac tical educational work, was last night elected as a teacher fr th Klantath Falls public schools, by the city school hoard. Miss Tlllcy will be assigned to 11 psaltloo at Mills Addition school, when she arrives. The board entered into n contract vith t ie I.oreux Plumbing comp.in. whereby the plumbing concern will furnish heat for the new Central school for the next (oar years. Bids Authorized For Large Legion Building on Fourth Before snow flies the superstruc ture of the Legion Memorial build ing will be constructed and by Christmas it Is hoped that the new building will be ready for occupancy it became known last night when the county court udvertised for bids for the structure which will arise on the cornei'of Fourth and Klam ath avenue. Under consideration for months, the Legion and the county court finally came 10 an agreement on the project and the finances were raised through cooperation between the legion and the court. PI11118 for the Memorial building have been drawn by Howard it. Per rin, local architect. Cost cif the structure will be approximately (20.-000. I.KAVi: ON HUNT Byron Hardenbrook with a' parly left this afternoon on a deer hunt. PROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Kelly of San FranciaCO are among the visitors in Klamath Fulls today. They arc guests at the hotel White Pelican. RETURN PROM HUNT C. S. Montellus and Jay Czlzek returned last evening from a tbreo days deer hunt in tho Lakevjiw country. Montelius has a good sized buck to his credit, while Czizek has a "wild cat." VISITING HERE Claire Thomas and Oliver Pepper ling of Salem are In the city for a visit with friends. NEW YORK. Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith are disguised for keeps. The new local dry chief has ordered names of raiding vic tims withheld from announcements. :H&fei i : WuanmBMbvviyi " Do you know that any three year old child can get Its portrait free at SCInson's, Thursday? See today's adv. The Cause of Your ;.! Health JF you have Piles or other Rectal or Colon disorders there is the cause of your nervousness, lack of vitality, stomach trouble, general pliyslcal and mental Incapacity. I can help you win back your health by positively curing your Piles under a WRITTEN GUAR ANTEE or fee returned. Act today by calling for an examination or writing for my FREE booklet explain ing my celebrated treat ment for PILES and other Rectal and Colon ailments. PORTLAND OFIU TH XANDMA VANNICF, FAMILY LEAVE Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Vannlce and children left this noon for Grants Pass where they will visit with Mr. Vannlce's brother or a few days, LEAVES FOR COLLEGE Di-Los Mills, son or Mr. ami Mrs. Lyle Mills loft this morning for Cor v.illis to enter O. A. C. Young Mills Is a member of Sigma Nu and Is among the popular young local men who spent the summer months here. DEAN, M.D..Inc ZS: SEATTLE OFMUi. ml fifo eui Registered Mail Taken by Bandits TOLEDO, Ohio, Sept. 22. UP) Registered nnd first class mall of an undetermined value was stolen today from the Union station. The loot Included a pouch of reg istered mail, a hand package which clerks say looked like 11 Jeweler's box, n registered letter and a hand pack age containing about 2G first class letters. Lane County Fair Is Started Today EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 22. With every foot of exhibition spaco taken anil tents erected to care tot 1111 overflow the seventeenth annual Lane county fair opened hero this murnlvig. Tie 'air will last for four, dms. The wcallier broke perfect this morning and record attoudanco is anticipated. That Winter at Valley Forge Fourth Tiro Talk by Iona Ford From early November to late in .May when tho soldiers of the colonies were In the make shit'i winter camp known as Valley Kore;e fighting every day for their lives not from the English soldiersbut from -plain eohl and hunger (leneral Washing- ton was confronted with the al most super human task of trans porting food and clothing over no roads arid with no trucks. In that day the roads themselves were a battier to motor travel. No one had been able to make a tire that would stand the pun ishment arid with every blow out there were numerous killings by Indians, and it finally reach ed tho point where they were afraid to venture out of camp. How differently history would have been written had these brave men been able to climb into a half a dozen trucks equip ped with SE1BERLING CORDS. Nothinir coud have stopped them footl would not have been de nied them and with these things in their favor the war would have been over in a few weeks. Your Car Deserves Seibcrling Cords. It's Seiberling Cord Tires Ycu See On Most Every Car Balsiger Motor Co. Authorized Light Testing Station flak "Why art motfrtttt nru'hr rumfnf from Fouti and nther MatitolhtfNru-OaJilarwfr Why nr they fearing orfri or Ii In 11 volume wnfrh 11 ImJrtf OuMijimI'i rsfwctiy lu Jwffty? One ReaSOtl U Oakland vahu New prices. 70 to 350 lower, have established these new motor cars as unequalcd investment. AllOther ReaffOn is Oakland quality New bodies by Fisher, Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Four-Wheel Drake refinements nnd a host of otherB have been added. Overshadowing AU of course, is Oakland performance Un matched freedom from vibration due to the Harmonic Dalanccr, an exclusive feature, gives new emphasis to the car's speed, accel eration and flexibility. Far ahead in every respect! That's the secret of the turn towards Oakland. That's why this car will win your favor over any other in the field! Touring Car. . . &OSS (Old Price . .... . 1095) Coach . . . . ' . 109f (Old Price R V, B 1215) Landau Coupe . . 1125 (Old Price J '.If'. ' '. 1295) Stttan 1195 (Old Price . . 1545) Landau Sedan . , 129S (Old Price ..... 1645) All Mien at factor Orncra! Moloti Tlm PajmriU Rain, herrtomt lU, luioril In fhr InaSitm. nuvc btcn mad um lotcr. W. can now tavt you a much at 940 to $00 in ?imr.lini paymtnl roiu. I D I nADAr? 8fil Klamath Ave. if WINNING AND H O L D I NG . GOOD WILlf t OAKLAND SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS A II IM 1 ill!