The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 09, 1925, Page 9, Image 9

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By C. C. Crow in
Moving along iii a conservative way that h reassuring
the lumbiT iniirkid coiitimit'H to improve Hteadily.
Wliile there have heen
need of stock have paid
discount to have their orders given preference in Snip
ment, this has not been
strengthening and are still
mills are making a strong
advance, as past experience
market is short-lived and
more than offsets the temporary belief its of unwarranted
pyramiding of prices.
WHh Hip exception f profitable
iimiiiK ordtri, tbara i wivmy f
inminiiHH iiuw fur evoryou. Stock
df muiiiiiiiii yrd limns ui tha iiiiiin
uru down to a low point and Instem!
or btlni iii i! position in maks tan
mcdUla lokdjni the Vri prdor,
mpelally mixed cars, lnm M
await I lie u .'ruuiutiitlan of some Hem
of uppers. Willi more of this -Imhh
of binintiin being offorad iiiun the
mill MB handlo Hi" situation li
Timber Ordara nTaqjJsd
Mill In nimlorn Ore.iiin IDd
Washington muiiufai mi lug fir,
which bu by fir lha heaTlaal pro
duction uf ill wsatarn wood, hay
never ealarad lo tba yard Mrada lo
iho extent that athar lumberinx bob-
u. m.. have. Il li always beajl
tbal l Ordtr ' Bporata profitably.
ii majority ( bhB planla tattal put
naod pereaotaca if tha loj i"1"
what I Known a heavy culling or
llmbrr of some lOrl that !"!' ""'
ihimrl of Iho log! OOBfomlBB, to lba
daauBdi ' " Bhanilni mar bat, tha
larKOr mill" hnvi-ilurlnc. b" Mat (aw
year become much bitter equipped
10 manufacture tha smaller items
profitably, but. with many, cuttltiK
order are llll n-cary for n
maximum output BUd profit.
Ttho Impruveimmt In IBB cargo da
maiiil ha given tha tidewater mllhi
plonty of cutting bulu of lto.
but the lalBBd OOnearU have not
larod no wall, with tho. result that
timber urilcrn UklBI ditfrary by
rail have not laeraaaad propo: lion
uloly with tho imall aide B,
Tie Prleea t',-i aa Hni
. . ku t w
one or IBa prlumfial .""
till ha I" "" I'oinpi'llU-'u ol II"'
o-cllud He mill, DarlBI (SB p.Btl
00 Jay tbtra ha been a dearth 9,1
tin mill brlcUe plank ordari Wbldh
the areraia bomM bparnto praferi
and nil baa caused tham to bl i
more for the tlmbar bUSlBBia, Bi'lil
the ranloualy low prlaai helm paid
for tie ami plankj a a basis up
which to quota, a lha tdlHUa i "t
the email plant am limited, there
1 much of the cutting wblaa luej
cannot hamlle, and the bltrgor para
tlon nro getting nnro for the upocl
floitlon on which ill" tla Mills bib
eliminated. Bran at that, tills eont
petition i haylni its inlVnanco en
all cutting bOlln BU ami 10 tar a
prevented price from hooping pB
with other Item.
Mother "JlnmlBi what would
you like to itlvo your cousin Tim
for hi blrthdayT"
J I111 111 Ii' "1 know, hut I'm not IiIr
It waa (OOllth for n Rlrl to try to
nwlni the i:n;:h h Channel. She
could haw worked her way on 11
Jti Wisconsin
Vllllam Ooorco llruco, president of
.the Milwaukee) Harbor Commission
and publisher of tho American School
i Board Journal, is the Dcmocratle
Candldato for senator from Wlacon
ln in tho election which will cbooso
the successor to the late Hubert M.
' v. La Pollelt..
the Portland Oregonian
eases where buyers in urgent
considerably over the going
the rule. Prices have been
on the upward trend, but the
elfort to prevent too sharp an
has shown that a runaway
carries an altermatn winch
Association Issues
Lengthy Booklet on
Mill Construction
CHICAGO. Tha Nutlonul Lum
bar Haoutaoturara' AJaoalatlofl ha
jimt laaoad Doiaii of iii'iivy Tlmbar
Mill Conhtrui'tlon. 11 mm of tho
norli'H of l.uinbor anil It Utlllialloii
Tho biilliiln IllitHtralDH good irnc
lire In heavy llmbi-r mill ilotullInK
So far a I known, Muutlartl con-
Hlrurlluii ili'inll In thin field an
not cliiowlirro uvallnlilo In nlinplo
form. Tin- bulletin i dodined pn
1 1 1 11 r 1 1 to iiHHlHt thoHn who nro
nillnd upon lo di'lnn hulldlnic of
hfiivy mill ronntructlon. Tho dotal!
will BBVfl Una in tba drafllnK-room
and balp toward a morn wldi pnud
know Index of itood prBOUOB In tim
ber dBUillnt. I'ropor dxinlllnK I
tho i-nmiillii! featurx of most type
of i-onntruc lion. Ilolull arc bani'd
upon 11 caratul (laid of xninlnallon
or 1. i,il. I'ricli'd biilldlnit built
in oonformanot with well-daalfned
prlnilplc. CoplBI of tho bulletin
will bo Mnl 10 anyone lnlerited up
on requcHt.
Modoe Point i faiil heromlng tile
city of port. No ooner wa lawn
tannll xafely l than a barn
yurd ol( course wu laid out. und be
tween the Swedes, the cookhouse dl
IttantB and Tom Sparks. It la hecom-
iuK itnite BODUlar. The lawi. ti-nn
Kiilld say tbay are uothlUK but
melinite of low brows, while the horse
bou awuahbucklcra retort tbut the
other crowd are molly coddle. Ous
Oalund, president of the Seiindlhoov
Inn Horse Shoe l'ltchor' nssoclullon,
baeamn so anraiad with rlchtaoui in
dlfaatlon that ha oballencad Bltnar
OIlattB Dixon to a dhali Klmer (ill
ette promptly accepted and named
shot joins at one thousand yards. It
tend one to remark a David did lo
iioliath, "Sic Soniper Tyrannu."
meanlBI "wle word to tho foolish
ure wasted. "
Dad Delph say lie lias some Job
furulshliiK hot water for bntliH for
one hundred and fifty men with u
coffee percolator.
O. A. Dade since breaking Into
print In the I.umberlOKiie ha ills'
continued bin suhcriptlon to Mod
ern I'riscllln und 1 . now borrowing
tba Lumbarlosua; quit mnkiiiK your
self a nulNance Olnf, and subscribe
for It.
W. Wen Spnngler and ltosa Hol
llckliiR Valentine Journoyod to Med-
haJ Bala'aJa. t.lnl. -.,..1 ........ Bhh.
...... WUtuto ...r... ...... !. ... ......
day mid Monday In that quaint llttlo
What do you know! The women
tiro tit It. Every afternoon the fair
sex Ik crowding tba lenflis court and
wiiut spara time they have between
nose powdering! they aotaally swat
tlie bill!. Most of them nro wearing
their linlr n la Slisanho and nil are
trying to get thut slim boyish figure
of Helen Wills.
Smithy laid off Wednesday night
lo visit hlu uncle. Him said sliu was
very, very glad lo see him.
Gilbert Blaokburn irai seen rend
ing "Prudence Penny's Helpful Hints
lo Happy Ilomeinakors." After por
uslng It from A lo 7. ho was heard
to remark "thai aoundi good" and
Immediately mailed it to n Miss
Somebody at Medford. How Come?
Later Gilbert hit tho trail for Med
ford Saturday night. -Keep your oye
on the young l.ochinvnr of the West
Through nil the wide border, his
flivver is the belt
Dad Piorson and HIM Spnngler had
a heated argument as to which owns
the best Star cur. Diul says be
knows his Is tha best bueause one
day be drove Hills cur to town and
the best he could got out of it was
73 miles per hour. Hill retorts that
Dud does not know how to drive.
Attonllon of Bthithy and Dado. An
old Hindu proverb snya "A Ford Su
dan looks llko n mud tur'tlo with n
wart on his neck."
"My fiancee Insists that I got
her a bouquet for tho dnuoo. Is It
being done?"
"No, you are!
New Flyweight King
I'roitciUnK l lie new (bumjIon of the (lywflht djvUlon, i'Jdcl La Uaiha of
l,oc AuhvWh, who cORM tnto th honont the othr im-l.t hy handinK
KrnnlUe Clcfiuro, New Yuik, 11 neat lai jiig ovci' the 10-aeaaion route. About
u year una, La Hatha wun only an umnicur. IIc'm miule ravtd atrides up
tliar puifULiil: ladder.
Timber Land
Was Aided By
Shasta Blaze
'ire Real Help to The
Woods, Survey
RBDDINO. Calif.. Thx itrent for-
est fire lost July in tho vlclulty of
Montgomery Creek and Ingot did
more good than harm."
. , , , , :
Tills Htuloment was made In Rod
hi..: Ihi week liv I. I'. Gardner of i
Westwood, chief of tin- timber cruls-
ers for the Ited Itlver Lumber com-
pony, finrdner wus timber cruiser .
fer the foderay government for year
before bo entered the service of the
lumber company.
Waa 111b Fire
Oardnar had Just returned to Red.
dlnp from spending several duys in
the Montgomery Creek region and
studying minutely the effects of the
Idesprend forest fire, of last July.
Several thousand acres were burned
over and the fire wn considered tba
largest over aeen In that part of Shas
ta county. Scores of men fought In
effectually to subdue It.
I found some merchantable tim
ber killed.'' said Gardner, "but I am
sure tho forest belt wns benefited
more than It was harmed."
The Red Hlver Lumber company
owns early all tile timber lu the vicin
ity of MontRoinery creek and , Ingot.
Other Opinions
C.ardner's conclusion Is at variance
Ith l lint of national forest officials,
ho always Insist that light burnings
tho national forosls should notiticular school may be mallei out la
. nllnwed The onlnloli nf nl.l unl.
,, , nl... , ,, .,,, ,,
Iuks In tho forests In tlie Into sum
mer or early fall whon the snp is go
ing down.
Lumber Firms to
Take State Plan
of Insuring Men
SALEM. Seven Oregon lumber
and logging firms hnvo recently
notlflod the Oregon State Industrial
Arcldont Commission of their in
tention to comply with the commis
sion' plan of accident prevention.
Thoso firms are Knapplon Logging
company, Portland: Conts Driving
& Hroom Company; Tillamook: Hock
Creek Logging company. Koasy;
East Side Logging- company, Port
land; Nehalem Timber & Logging
Co., Portland: and L. B. Menefee
Lumber company, Portland.
The holght of many n mnn'H ig
norance is tlie way ho lets n barber
put grease on his half.
30 years' experience at the bench 18 in
Klamath Falls
Send us your watch We'll repair it and
return it promptly
All work guaranteed
Frank M. Upp H. S. Marley
1018 Main Street
New Forest
Map Covers
U. S. Timber
May Be Obtained Free
From Portland
Thl Is tho title of a new map
In color Just Issued by the U. S.
forest Service, copies of which have
I"" """ "ii 'or-
ester at l'ortiand, Oregon. T5e map
, ...... . .
show the six forest regions ;jf ube
i..i... j n 1 u.,, -
........ .uui.-, ji.a.r.n .iliti lUilu
mCOi l)0iTH whe t the bottom
a a list of the principal trees of the
United State and a general de
scriptijn of the forest regions.
The six forest regions listed,
shown on the map In different sym
bols, are Rocky Mountain forest.
Pacific Coast. Northern, Central
Hardwood. Southorn and Tropical
forest. Under each forest region Is
listed Die -principal trees of the re
gion. The may Is 16x20 inche? in size.
A framed ropy f ;,r every school
room Iii Oregon and Washington
would bu both Interesting and edu-
cational U the youth of the north-
west whoso forests constitute
buslc wealth of this region.
Copies of the may will be sent in
request to sonool teacfaers, educa
tional institutions, and libraries, by
the Portland offico of tho Forest I
Service, as long as the present sup
ply lasts.
The Forest Service suggests that
loquests from schools be sent In by
principals so that copies for a nar-
ono roll as the map should not be
folded If wanted for framing.
Timber Sale in
Umatilla Forest
To Break Record j
POHTLAND. Advertisement has
boon begun by tho United States
forest service on 22,000,000 feet of
yellow pine, 250,009 feet of lodge-
pole pine and au unestimnted
amount of other spocies on Five
Point creek and tho cast fork of
Meacham creek on tho Umatilla
forest. The sum of $2.75 per 1000
Is asked for the plno and 50 conts
per 1000 for the other species. Cut
ting of species other than pine is
optional with Hie purchaser. The
sale, if made, will be tho largest
sale over concluded on tho Uma
tilla national forost. '
The camp cook was asked: "What I
makes your cat so small;"
Oh, I brought him up on con
densed milk."
New Burner
Invented By
Local Man
Great Future For De
vice, Mill Men
. A force draft device for sawdust
and refuse burners, declared by
prominent miiitnen U oe the most
significant Improvement ever made,
ha been recently patented by A.
Kruso, owner and mnnager of the
KruBe Lumber company, sltuateO on
Hwnn Lake mountain.
Tho device require no grate bars
or drafts In the bottom, and the
burner need not be bnllt to such
heights a are necessary with the
suction draft, grato bar type of
nruse invention consists of a
heavy, iron water Jacket, which ex
tends to the exact center of the
furnace. Inside of this water Jac
ket Is the nozzle which deliver the
forced draft to tho burner. This
nozzle Is fed by a motor and blow
er outside of the burner some six
or eight feet, and nozzle, blower,
und motor aro mounted on a track,
so that the Intensity of the forced
draft may be regulated by the dis
tance of tho nozzle from the core
of tho heap of sawdust and refuse
In the burner. There Is consider
able space between the sliding noz
zle and the protecting waterjacket
which takes up the force of the
air draft when It is not needed.
The advantages of tnc Invention
aro that It enables a smaller and
less expensive type of burner to
handle unlimited amounts of green
Bawdust with greater facility than
tho costly open grate type. The
fire Is started in the center of the
pile, and kept burning by the force
of the draft until the heap of re
fuse crumbles in from the top.
Then the draft may be reduced, so
as not to force soot and sparks out
through tho top of the burner, as
the case with high, open grate
type of burner.
Mr. Kruse arrived In Klamath
Falls Monday from Longview,
where ho placed orders with thej
Long-Bell Lumber company fori
three of his blowers, to be de-i
llvered as toon, as they can be 1
I manufactured. The only Kruse
' blower in operation at present is at !
the plant of the Electric Lumber'
company, near Portland. Superin-!
tendent Hoffman, of the Long-Bell j
Lumber company, in charge of all
mill construction, visited the plant I
with Mr. Kruse before the Long-'
Bell order was placed, and after j
seeing the burner In operation de
Blared that it was the greatest im-1
provemeyt that bad ever been made
IB sawdust and waste, burners. !
Mr. Kruso left Tuesday morning to
arrange for the manufacture of his
invention on a rnmmprrlnl
Millmen throughout the entire
country will be deeply Interested in
the invention, for the burning of
Your shoe repair bills may be kept at a minimum and you'll lose no time
if you'll let your Uncle Sam help you.
It isn't necessary for you to make a trip to town to get your shoes re
paired. Mail them in.
We pay parcels post charges back to you.
You are assured of the best in repairs when you send them here.
We use the Goodyear method known the world over.
Goodyear on a shoe repair is the amc as "Sterling" on silver. It means
the very best yet costs no more.
quantities of greon sawdust has al
ways ooon a problem to mlllmen,
and other types of force drafts for
blowers have not prove! practical.
The simplicity and ease of operation
of tho blower aro strong points In
ii favor. Fire may be started In
tho burner by tossing a piece of
burning waste In frout of the noz
zle and turning on the motor. Tin.
(draft may be regulated by moving
the motor, blower, and nozzle back
ward and forward on the track,
tba waterjacket performing the
triple service of protecting the noz
zle from melting In the extreme
heat, keeping off falling slabs, thus
leaving It free to move In and out,
and of reducing the Intensity of the
drart when the nozzle. Is moved
farther from the center of the
Minneapolis Good;
Lumber Demand in
City Holds Brisk
MINNEAPOLIS. Great! - Improv-
business conditions In tJi dls-
trlct are reflected In an Improved
iienmnu lor lumuer wniu.i comes ,,,, ,
: "If the rpad through the sales
at an unusual time. Though Jull- j manager lb blocked, try tbe pur
ne Is almost Invariably tbe rule chasing agent. The wood box sales,
in midsummer here, wholesale trade man ha better transportation ser
ins been picking up to a marked de-, vice t0 se" 40 tho shipper. The
gree. The chief Increase , far has J ?Ti, V " '"n."
j the interest of his house, will see
come from industrial needs. They that he cannot afford to be satts-
have been following the "hand to
mouth" pallcy in buying for u long
time, and tae spurt in buying
marks for many concerns a depar-1
ture from lUat policy. It Is evl-
dent that the buyers, feel certain Ing the higher cost of losing the'
they cannot better the present price i I arc of drift described by embers be
later on. They are convinced now , ing carried into the air.
that their aeed will be heavier this .
fall and winter and are taking step No matter bow long you stay lb
accordingly to stock up. Jail, you don't get a vacation.
Money And A Better Job For You!
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
I desire to receive the Correspondenca Course in T.nmbAr
and Construction Information for Retail Lumber Dealers. 1
expect to apply myself to the study of this course and to comply
with tho requirements of administration. In case I find It im
possible to continue the work with due diligence, it is my under
standing that the course will be re-assigned.
Xanie of firm or employer
Street Address
(This Course
Use Uncle Sam to
Hold Down Your
Shoe Bills
Next Door to the Herald office
Paper Box Is
Held Failure
Following Tests
Cost Less at First Bur
Don't Give Good
CHICAGO. "Comparatively throe
times as many papor boxes as wood
boxes fall to carry their content
: ,llrouKh 10 destination." points out
' J' , K,,ys. acrotary-mannger o(
the National Association of Rnr
Manufacturer. "Paper boxes aru
bought because they aro cheaper in
first cost, not because they are bet
ter or cheaper in last cost. Let us
frankly admit that the price and
freight on the paper box I lea.
Tlie strength of our position lie in
the obvious superior performanco
of our product. The sales manager.
who la accutomed to thinking In
terms of 'customer satisfaction and
KOOa wm readily listen to
superior packing
tne message 'Increase your sale by
, fied with a small saving 1( that
small saving threatens a greater
i losa. He will see that be has two
choices: to meet the legitimate costs
of packing for safe delivery, or pay-
is Free!)