The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 09, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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ggii i i
Swedish Lumber Firm In
Business 700 Years; Cut
Same Tract Every 80 Years
Several hundred years in the lumber business is the
record of the Great Copper Mountain Stock company,
of Stockholm, and Falun, Sweden, which is celebrating
this year its jubilee as lumbermen. To cany on a con
tinuous operation for 700 years is a remarkable achieve-
This concern, which in Sweden is known as Stora Kop-
parbergs Berglags, A. B., the A. B. meaning Inc., is said
tcVbe not only the oldest lumber concern in existence but
the oldest stock company in the world.
Edward J. hantllk, forosl ojiam-T
iner In the 1'ortlnnd office of tho
U. S. Foret 6rvlce, visited the op
eration and forests of this ancient
lumber company when ho was In
Sweden an a fellow of the American
Scandinavian foundation. Mr. Hanz
llk givea some interestinc facts
about this company, their forest or
ganisation and results of hundreds
of years of forestry practice.
"Through scientific methods of
forestry, tbo timber holdings are
worked on a continuous yield basis,
and through proper cutting methods
tho rotation has been reduced by 20
to, 30 per cent. Every 70 or SO
years this company's logegrs are
turning to tho same timber tract
for cutting, and the cut-over land
problem is unknown to them. This
i what wa must eventually come
to in this country," said Air. Hanj
Jik. According to Mr. Hanzlik, the
company has some SOO.000 acres
of land on which forestry has been
practiced for hundreds of years.
Their lands are divided into ten dis
tricts for administration, each in
charge of a man with forestry
training. Two experienced foresters
are In general charge of these
lands, and have complete control
ofill cutting operations as well as
protection and silvicultural phases.
Each administrative unit is further
subdivided into ranger districts
taveiasing S000 acres eachl, In nil
about 100 for their entire holdings.
All the men in charge of these have
had some forestry BChoo training.
The company curries on a lumber
export trade of some 70 million
feet a year, in addition to a large
variety of other Industries, such us
mining, pulp and paper making
various chemical industries, agrlciil
lure. etc.
Mr. Hanzlik also visited one of the
company's sawmills at skutskar,
which had a cut of about 300.000
feet of lumber per S-hour shift. The
equipment consisted of nineteen re
ciprocatlng gnng-snws. no circular
nor baud head-saws being used. A
75-ton pufp plant was run in eon
nectlon with this sawmill, utilizing
the slabs, edgings, etc.. of Scotch
pine and spruce. The compauy
well known to American business
man and federal officials who have
visited Sweden.
"My dear." said the young hu
band as he held the milk bottle up
to tho light, "there's never any
cream on this milk."
"I know it," said the bride, "but
the milkman says that they fill their
bottles so full there is no room for
cream on top."
Money And A Better Job For You!
Klamath .Falls.. -Oregon. No. . . . . .
Gentlemen :
I desire to receive the Correspondence Course in Lumber
and Construction Information for Retail Lumber Dealers. I
expect to apply myself to the study of this course and. to complv
with the requirements of administration. In case 1 find it im
possible to continue the work with due diligence, it is my under
standing that the ourse will be re-assigued.
Signed .
Name of firm or employer..'.
.Street Address
(This Course is Free!)
Klamath County Sawmill, Planing
Mill and Manufactur
ers' Directory
"Ackley Bros., Klamath Falls.
Algoma Lumber company, Algoma.
Anne Creek Lumber company, Fort Klamath.
Big Lakes Box company, Klamath Falls.
: Bryant Mountain Lumber company, Malin. -Christy
Lumber company, Kirkford.
Campbell-Tow! e Lumber company, Sprague.
Chiloquin Lumber company, Chiloquin.
Ewauna Box company, Klamath Falls.
Illinois Lumber company, Langell Valley.
Kitts Lumber company, Bononza.
Kruse Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
Klamath Lumber and Box company, Shippington.
Long Pine Lumber company, Bonanza.
Lamm Lumber company, Modoc Point.
; McCullom Lumber company, Keno.
Modoc Pine company, Chiloquin.
Nine Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
. Pelican Bay Lumber company, Pelican City.
Shaw-Bertram Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
Shasta View Lumber and Box company, Klamath Falls.
Sprague River Lumber company, Chiioquin.
Topsy Lumber Co., Topsy, Ore. (P. O. Dorris, Cal.)
Wheeler-Olmstead Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
Planing Mills and Remanufacturiug Plants
Big Basin Lumber company, Klamath Fills.
Lakeside Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
,Klamath Moulding company, Klamath Falls.
Swan Lake Moulding company, Klamath Falls.
Sixth Street Lumber company, Klamath Falls.
White Pine Moulding company, Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrsi II. Helsel of San
l.oren.-.o. Calif,, and N. Aloxson of
Modesto, were guests of Mr. and Mis.
L. H. Laurltaon this week.
The first edition of the Chiloquin
Review will be Issued Monday. The
paper was te haw been out Satur
day, but was delayed en account of
trouble with the press. The citizens
of Chiloquin nre greatly pleased
about having a paper of their own
and every one Is giving Mr. I'rluulx
their hearty support.
The P.-T. A. will hold their first
meeting Tuesday the 8th, at the
school house. After the business
meeting Mesdames McCain. West and
Strowhridge will take charge of the
social hour. The two things needed
In the Chiloquin school pro a piano
and phonograph, and It will be the
aim of the P.-T. A. to raise funds for
that purpose. Aud now that the
county school board bus provided to
go fifty-fifty on the funds raised for
that purpose, all parents and these
interested in the progress of our
schools are invited to come out and
cooperate with us "Belter Schools
better citizens."
The Community club held their
first meeting of the season at the
home of Mrs. John llessig in West
Chiloquin Thursday afternoon about
2f, beiug present.
On tho resignation of Mrs. HcssIk
as president of the Community club,
the following Officers were elected
for the coming year: Mrs. K. Oewun.
presldeut: Mrs. C. Ilalfour. vice pres
ident: Mrs. H. 0. Spink, secretary:
Mrs. II. Krandenburg. treasurer. Ai
the close of the business meeting de
lightful refreshments were Barred
and a pleasant social hour spent, dis
cussing plans for the fall and winter
activities of the club.
Mr. and Mrs. I". E. Deunls were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Carlson Sunday.
Mrs. Helen Brophy of Aspgrove
was shopping in Chiloquin on Sat
urday. ?.Iiss Genii of Portland arrived in
Chiloquin Saturday. Miss Genii will
have charge of the Intermediate
grades in the Chiloquin school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Walker, accom
panied by Miss Doris Noah of Fort
Klamath visited in Medford Sunday.
The Chiloquin school will not open
until September 14. This postpone
ment was caused by the delay in re
ceiving supplies, desks, boards, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Cramblitt were
business visitors in Klamath Falls
Saturday. Mr. Cramblitt, who Is
principal of the Chiloquin school, is
busy veiling things in shape for the
opening of school Sept. I I.
C. L. Griffin is remodeling the
church .changing windows, putting
up partitions and flues. The building
will be used as temporary headquar
ters for the high school. .
B. F. Mitchell and family have re
turned from a trip to San Francisco,
The Brown buildiug will soon be
completed, the brick work being now
almost done and the roof will be
on within a week. This building will
reatly improve the appearance of
Main street.
The Chong Kce hand laundry will
open for business Monday. This
building is on Chockatoot St.
Dr. King has moved his office from
the Forbes building to the rooms over
the telephone exchange.
The .Commercial club held their
weekly meeting at the Ciub cafe on
Wednesday evening, about 25 being
present. After some interesting ad
dresses by the various members, n
splendid dinner was served by Mrs.
MIsrcs Lctha and Hilly Gray of
Klamath Agency attended the thea
ter in Chiloquin Friday evening.
Mrs. L. Camming, accompanied by
her' son Tom left today for Ashland,
where Tom will attend school.
Mr .and Mrs. G. B. Jones und Mrs.
Kellly. mother of Mrs. Jones. Left
Tuesday morning for southern Calif
ornia. Mr. Jones was formerly engin
eer for the Chiloquin mill.
Frank Jones, bookkeeper for tin
Chiloquin Lumber Co., has been suf
fering with La Grippe for a couple
of days but is now recovering. He
was attended by Dr. Warren Hunt
from Klamath Falls.
1'earl Kastlick and family moved
to camp Friday to live In the house
formerly occupied by Mr. end Mrs.
Mr. Williams, formerly head mill
wright for Chiloquin Lumber Co.. left
with his family one day last week for
Dorris. Calif., where he expects to
be employed In the mill. Mrs. Wil
liams, with another lady friend, went
into the restaurant business.
Kd (Vainrlght and Mr. Kimball left
Chiloquin mill Monday morning for
points farther south where they ex
pect to spend some time visiting re
latives and friends before resuming
Harry I'off resumed his former job
as edgennan last week after being
off for some time with blood polson-
iug in bis thumb.
Mr. Harper, formerly night boss (it
the Kwnuna saw mill In Klnmnth
Falls, nrrlved a short lime ago, to
take the position as formaii of Chilo
quin Lumber co. Ho is very well
liked by everyone.
Rudolph Valentino denies that his now leading lady, yilma Hanky a fa
elnaUng beauty recently imvorted from Budapest rr the American -screen
has anything to d.. with ids recent separation from his wife Natacha
Rambova lie Insists that their marital troubles art dttu to tho fuel thai
ho mnta a home with children and bis wife wants u career Whllo His
wire ivas salting foi l-hirope to see if "aliseni treatment' would sniuuth
over their diffh-uitl-s Valentino was attending preview t Las Angeles
..of the new picture in which Utaa Ranky und he are smrrn.B
$3,000,000 Timber Deal
Is Reported On Coast;
Billion Feet Is Sold
PORTLAND, i )rc, Sept
9. Sale of timber holdings ami
railway owned by A. S. Kerry of Seattle in t lie region south of
the Columbia, river, northwesterly from Portland, to the Penin
sula Lumber company of Portland was completed late yesterday.
The deal involves about $.0(X.tXX).
The timber transferred is said to amount to approximately
1 ,000,(X)Q,000 feci ql iiij;li tjuaJity iir and other species, close to
the extensive holdings of the Oregon Amcricdh Timber company.
The railway, known as the Columbia and Xehalcm line,
extends southerly from the Columbia river at Kerry station, 7(J
miles from Portland. 3,1 miles southerly into the heavily timbered
area. The railway's equipment includes nine locomotives, 95
freight and logging cars and six passenger cars.
Oakland Closed
Models in Demand
One of the surprising develop
ments in the tremendous sales ol
Uhe hew Oakland Six has been the
m-cre equal dlvisi-m of sales anung
the four doicd body models, accord
ing to W. R. Tracy, assistant direc
tor of sales of the Oakland Motor
Car company,
Tho Oakland landau sedan, tho
highest priced car in tho line, is
selling next to tho eMoa, the low
est priced closed model in the line.
The sedan and landau CJupe are
likewise being soli In numbers
greatly in ox;es3 of the percentage
of sales of these models in former
"This condition is no donbi due
to tho (act Mint the prices of the
four closed body St'loa are compar
atively close together In price,"
slates Mr. True, whllo the pheno
mena sales of the lundutt sedan,
the highest priced model, has been
accentuated by the new price, which
In $350.00 lower inun. the former
"While It is pretty early to know
exactly KUether the wiles of ttau
four closed Oakland models will bo
close together throughout the yuar,
(yet the trend seems to bo for u more
equal sale or all closed models In
any lino of cats when the differen
tial, fn list prlci', between them Is
small. With a nnull differential,
there is again a choice of hie parti
cular body style desired by the pur
chaser, which was not the case in
recent years, with tho coach price
away below any ot.ier largu closed
ear In any line.
"While the coach will undoubtedly
bo tho largest 'seller' In most lines,
the ott'.ior dosed body prices ha v.)
been brought down to striking dis
tance, with the resull that Hie coach
will not predominate as It has in
the last two pears. V
"It is rather Interesting to nolo
thut many manufacturers of cars
that devoted nr. or 60 per cent of
their production to open Cars will
undoubtedly nil tills production this
'year lo as low an 5 per emit."
I Hunting Dates
Announced By
U. S. Department
WASHINGTON. I' n d e r recent
Changes in he migratory-bird treaty
act regulations and state laws, tho
open seasons In Idaho and Oregon
on waterfowl (except wood diiek and
SWOnsV, cool, galllnuleo, and Wll
Spn snipe or Jacksnipe, blaek-bellled
and golden plovers, and greater and
lei Bcr y lJowl'-gH now extend from
October 1 to January 16, inclusive,
according to nn announcement of
the Biological Survey, Cnlted Stales
Department of Agriculture, to
fportsmen of these two Sates.
Such birds legally killed may be
possessed only during (he. open sea
son and the first t'ii days of the
olose season, but provisions of Slate
laws in regard to tagging, furnish
ing affidavits, and producing stor
age permits must be observed.
There W. no season fur wood duck
and swans, and these birds may
not be hunted or killed at any
Even If she does mug" nicely, find
out If she can cook. Two can't live
on rouge alone.
iNew Mill Is Now
Building at Carlton
I I'OllTf.ANI).--Curlton Mnnufiic
! luring company; recently Incorpor
ated. Is building a sawmill al Carl
ton, Ore. It will have 50 1)00 feet
capacity and will be completely elec
trified. Power. ''will be purchased
I rniti the local power company. It is
expected to have the plant roady
Tor operation about October 1. The
principals in tho company are i a.
Voget, of Vogot Lumber company,
"Portland! it. D, .McMillan, associated
nii Voget Lumber Co.; Fred s.
Keller, formerly with Oscar Itiiliic.i,
,ii Ulenwood, t)re., and O. Steph
enson, with Voget Lumber Co.
Logs will he supplied by Flora Log
ging Company, Carlton.
'l thought you told mu that
turkey you sold me was tame,
" Vnliiuth, li'iini dill's w hut III was,
"Well, II wan nil full of huck
i hid."
"Dat was a tame turkey, boss
da buckshot was niennt fn' Mot'!
Mr. and Mrs. till! Knurl oiiloi'tiiln
ed their Algoma friends with a tatty
pull and Don fire last Friday, a prise
WM riven to the iieiitloiuiin who had
I ho dirtiest candy. Art Mcmuicr won
(he prise.
Mr. und Mrs. Otto Collar have re
turned from I heir I wo weeks' trip
to vlidt with her parent! In northern
In last week's Luinherlogtin 1'e
ititrdlng A. W. Howard taking Ills
wife and Ford to Sun creek, It ne
glected to say they also took the cut.
Last Wednesday Mrs. Win. DyohO
was entertained by seventeen ladies,
with ii surprise farewell parly. Mrs.
Cloyd Dick and Mrs. Joe Todd were
the hostesses. Dulnly rcfri'tihtiiouls
were served and every one enjoyed
a delightful afternoon.
Kvcrynnc Is disappointed lo hear
Hint Mr. mid Mrs. Sum Cottltor have
returned to 0 rants Pats, be having
given up bin work here.
.Mr. aud Mrs. tieo. Dauero were
Klamath Falls vtlHoin hod Saturday.
The news of Art Measner's Inven
tion has ivaclied the Shnw lie train
camp. The brnkeinan of Shaw's rump
paid Art a visit to find out the par
ticulars. He may purchase one. Who
p, I,. MoCarter enjoyed btnsolt al
the Fort dance but Saturday, lie
was complaluliu: of a headache Sun
day and partly cured II hy Sleeping
hall the day.
Mrs. s. s. Crulckahaak mid daugh
ters Slduev and Uetly have returned
to tblir liouie In Boite, Idaho.
Timber on Rail
Grants for Sale
PORTLAND. - The government
has directed public sale, to bo hold
In Portland. September -1. of cer
tain timber mi railroad grant lands,
located In Multnomah. Washington,
Clackamas, lleuton and Polk coun
ties. Oregon. The timber will not
he sold for less than the appraised
price, which aggregates $50. (UN.
Buy Timber In
Modoc Forest
Near Alturas
Likely Mill is Purchas
er of Tract
ALTt'ltAS, Calif. Tho Likely
Lumber company has Just cuiiutim
muted a timber sale contract with the
officials of the Modoc National forest
which Involvo approximately five
and a quarter million fool of yellow
pine nud one half million feet of
while fir,
The contract rovers a five year per
iod and Hie Umber wUI be cut In ciili
Junction with private holding of Hie
company, which amounts to approxl
unit el v twenty million feet, mostly
yellow pine.
The company bus approximately
two million feet of lumber from thin
season's run on hand ill presuut, part
of It being In the mill yard anil the
balance at the riillruttd yards nt Likely.
Hospital at Bend
I s Remodeled and
Ready to Operate
IlKND. Tho rem dieted lumber
men's hospital, owned eoopirallwl)
by the Slievllu-lllxou ciiiupunv and
llroukH-Seanluii Co.. Is practically
complete, Upsides uu uddltlou t-i
the ihnnpltal the former whig has
buen reinodelivl and rotlnlshed
throughout, completely aoutpntd
surgery facilities, with the latest
type of equipment throughout, gifts
Users, etc., has been Installed, wblc.i
niakei it -possible, to hatidlu practl
cully all kinds of t'asns. Tho kltc'i
ell ami service part of the hospital
bag been moved to the basement of
the new wing. It opens out oa a
rower Invul and bus a grade door.
send in your boots to us. Have them repaired and
waiting for you when you come in.
Agents for Vanco Loggers
1014 Main St. Klamath Falls
Gloves Sox Dress Shoes
Dining Room Furniture
Walnut dining room sets of table and 4 chairs, ui
several styles, including Queen Mary
Regular price $85.00. Special $67.50
Regular Price $80.00. Special $62.75
Dining tables in Walnut and Oak from $15 up
Rose Furniture Co.
Hopka Bldg.
For Sale
I By Owner
1925 Hupmobile Roadster
I Priced $400 Less Than First
New Car Guarantee and
1 Terms to Respons- jj jjj
ible Party. M ,
Phone or Write 0
Algoma, Oregon , j