EVENING ITERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, AtTCWST 22, 1028 Printing Talks f Ity ANN INK svov lii laM Monday's Herald W. O. told yon to draw your own conclulont, but he foiKOt to clvo you paper. ( Thin space for your Drawing) For that Exceptional PriminR See W. O. SMITH Printing Co. Phone 93 Guns Connolly Bros. Have 50 used guns for sale and they want to buy 50 more Connolly Bros. 91 2 Main Phone - - 402W Hotel Sutter Ban Francisco Management Geo. Warren Hooper A popular priced Fireproof Hotel, Centrally Located and noted for Its excellent service and unexcelled appointments. SLIGHT CHANGES 111 TEXT BOOKS SAl.KM. 1)1.'.. Auk. il. -Hut few changes in the texts already used in the public schools of Oregon were mnde by the text book commission which met for its final session here yesterday and let contracts for two thirds of the books to be used dur- inR the comiliK year. Prices how ever, will ranpe from in to 7 per cent hlpher for the same texts. Itocords of the state superintend ent show that most of the books adopted arc already embodied in the stale course of instruction which means that in thousands of eases pupfls of the public schools will not be required to buy new texts. Indicative of the htRh prices of fered to the commission for new eon tracts was the New World speller published by the World Book corn many. In 101! the book was contract ed at 39 cents while this year the publishers demanded SI cents. The prices secured by the commission, it is said, are no lower than publishers offered to the state department of instruction several weeks aso and before the governor ordered the spe cial session of the text book commission. George Brooks Is Arrested by Foss on Serious Count PUDOFF IS LET OFF WITH VERY LIGHT SENTENCE llocauso of his wife and seven children, because his crops would be ruined if he were sent to Jail and he had a reputation of thrift and industry. Mike Pudoff. Honan- U farmer, received a minimum fine this morning of $500 from Acttnit Justice of the Peace Kendall on u charge of possession of a still. Pudoff, who is a native of Rus sia, admitted that he had only taken out his first papers. Ketuiall coun selled him to take care that he did not get mixed up in another moonshine scrape end advised him to devote more time to the educa tion of his seven children. Pudoff managed to raise the fiue this morning and returned to his ranch. George Brooks, formerly a resident of Klamath Falls, was brought back j to this city iast night to answer to a charge of non-support preferred against 'him by his wife, who resides here. Brooks was arrested in St. Helens. Ore., by Deputy Sheriff Ben Foss who was sent on the mission by Sheriff Hawkins. Unable to raise the bond of $500 which was set by Ast ! ing Justice of the Peace Ed Kendall. he will remain in jail until lie is tried. Shasta View-Malin Mrs. r. M. Kirkpatrick and daugh ter Kliia have gone on the Apple gate to pick blackberries for a few days. Fred W. McMauus. dnughters F.s tene. Elizabeth and Dorothy, sons Wilfred and Warren and I-otta Fin eher of Klamath Falls spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson have returned from their blackberry trip and report the berries never better. Mr. and Mrs. Mel'ulloch of Bun don, lire., were looking over the preperty in this section Monday and called on Mr. and Mrs. J. I,. Bailey. Neighbors are hauling wood from Bryant mountain before alfalfa tot ting gels too far under way. Will Webb of Stockton. Calif., Ed Webb of Oakland Calif., and sister Mrs. Anna Turner of Klamath Falls, accompanied by Mrs. Maud Chris tenson and daughter, Mrs. Hob Soul, and dangbter of Klamath Falls, spent Wednesday a! the II. E. Wilson home. Estene and Elizabeth MeManus of Klamath Falls are spending a few days with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey. TO HARRIMAX LODGE Jay Czizek, T. P. Henderson aad Bob Boucher will spend Sunday at Harriman Lo'dge, planning to leave tbe city late this afternoon. Aged Woman Takes Long Saddle Rides (Special to The Herald) YREKA. Calif.. Ang. 22. Her age is no handicap to Mrs. Hugh Grant of Cecilville when she wants to go horseback riding through the rugged Salmon mountain region. Although Mrs. Grant has celebrat ed her 74th birthday anniversary, she frequently goes on long rides. This week she rode from Cecilville to Butler's flat, below the forks of Salmon, a distance of 30 miles, in a day. Her daughter lives on Tay lor creek and she rides between her home and her daughter's home fre quently and is none the worse for her strenuous exercise. Murdered Mexican Buried Yesterday DUBLIN' PLANS FRETKXTIOUS ( E VOTA PH FOR WAR HEROES Valentino Navarro, who was mur dered during a fight early Tuesday morning. was buried yesterday morning in Linkvile cemetery'. Only two brothers and a few friends were present at the funeral services which were conducted in Whitlock mortuary. Navarro, who was 25 years of age, was a native of Mexico and had been working on section gangs in Klamath for some months. He received the fatal wound at Algoma and died Tuesday afternoon. Furs will be most popular thin coming winter among those wild animals which haven't been trap ped yet. FROM JAMM'S MILL. Mrs. H. D. Crump spent the day in the city sapping, f: ;m her home at Lamm's Mill. Lumber For Sale Finish Moulding Shiplap Dimension Common Boards Bevel Siding Lath Wo are offorlng good prices on above items. Come out and look it over, or tele phone our Sales Department for prices. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. DUBLIN, Bp) The Chief Com missioner of Police in Dublin, who: i served as a colonel in the British Army during the European war. has recommended the acceptance of the offer of the National War Memorial Committee to acquire Merrion Square, erect a great war memorial or cenotaph there and hand the square over to the city as a public I park. I On the appeal of the late Earl of i Vypres. when Viceroy, a large sum n-aa m, he,-,.tl,n,t . . , . ....... . service of the Irish troops Hi the war. The money has remained idle ever since and $200,000 now is available for the Merrion Square project. This is the largest of the great squares of Dublin and the proposal to convert it into a public park, rivalling K(. Stephens Green is recommended as a obon to "the poor population end the children of the poor streets in the neighborhood who require a priygrotind. Merrion Square is at present the private property of the owner of the houses on it, and an act of Parlia ment will hi? necessary to effect the transfer. . Rowing Coach Is Signed by Penn. U. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 22. Fred Spuhn, assistant rowing coach at Harvard last season, has signed a one year contract as head coach of the University of Pennsylvania crews John Arthur Brown, chairman of the rowing committee at the uni versity announced today. He will be assisted by Max Luft. Hie giant onre man who captained the University of Washington crew last spring. Both men will report here the ltut weok in September for fall rowing. Do You Know HOW GLASSES ARE MADE? Look in our window and you will see exhibited the mater ials used, also showing the different processes glass goes through in making a lens. Then call in and we will take you through the shop where we are grinding them. DR. GOBLE 709 MAIN ' Eyes Glaaaea Examined Fitted Repairs Quirk Service BE COOL! Eat where every liit of air, in both kitchen and dining room, is cooled and changed every ten minutes. Why Swelter? "COMFORT COSTS NO MORE." CLUB CAFE Porcupine Almost Causes Accident tSpeeial to The Herald! YKKKA, Cnlil., Aug. When a larse porcupine lost Its fQOtlnf (M) Ihe embankment on the tide of the lower Klamath river highway near Somen liar recently, it uluueU caused serious wreck nu" It lost Its own lire. Judge Luther Ilieko-;, JastiCC of Ihe peace at Somes Bar. and bin family v.'ero returning homo In their tiuto mobile from visiting frictuU at the statiKhnw mine and the hendllchti of the cur showed the ntiliual .rapidly retreating up the bank when It lost ila footing. When It mritrk the road way, the WhHt)l of the machine pulloO over It. kllllni II and IllokOX managed to control IiIh maehlue, which wa-i swerved by the body of the nnltiial. KOHKIIl'Ita FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Cllnkpnel, of Itouoburg, were vlnltum horo to dm MtrOUto home via CriHur ulid Iiliuinmd lalten. Mr, Cllnkputil lit a hiMtliiT nt It. I'llnlipmil, whv for merly lutiiiiiKud tlie ton and fifteen rent ill ore burn. ,rWHflr-"5' nTtxmTTnTrnTrrrnTn n 7TTTTTTTT1 oil iQ COACH 1 . Greater Jbeauty J Mmerlhi&rmaiiv, 'Not one "But All Three With one swift sure stride, Oldsmobile at tains a position of commanding importance. Here is greater beauty and finer per formancean impressive achievement that becomes doubly so with the drastic reduction of Oldsmobile prices! In fairness to yourself, your pocket book and your ser.se of satisfaction arrange to see and drive this latest Oldsmobile at the earliest opportunity. Touring $875 Coach $950 Sedan $I025 I f. o. b. Lansing, plus tax ad .. PETERSEN MOTOR CAR CO. 7th and Klamath Avenue "After we sell we serve" LDSMOBILE i "Product of General Motors '