VrRsDAV, AtN'itTsT i m wmmr,' rim'KW. gmfitB pxlijb, mvnm " KnTB FITS STATEBOARQTQ GET TEXT BOOKS Opinion of Attorney -General Guides State Commis sion in Decision HA I KM, QrO., Ahk. I I'n Inr tllu inw u ih Inoutnboul upon tho iduoa tlottnl AuthoHiloi 6t Orogon td con Untie In ii mi Hid two Ihlfdt 0f Hie text book noi now covoroi iy contPAOtl until hucIi Ulna tut new udoplloai ure tuaUo by tlia toxt booh QommleMlon. Buti muter i ha law, the toxt inioii aonipiiwlon oannot iiiiikn new mloplloUH unill Novoffitiot1 1 liytf. TUo la w ipoolflcally (mlntd Mit the duty cf tbfl (exi book com1 ra t as top unit tlx itftlo bosrd of odu tu(l, bonOQ (here In no Dmorgoncy exInllllK' The ftbOVQ In MibMuiM'" IS (he opinion "f Attornoy Oonoral Vim Winkle, wtlOIQ wrlUon opinion on the auQitlon wim rooolvod today by tno Htute board of education tot IowIiik ! i Offtl opinion whlili wiiN delivered yenlerduy to the ntatO text hook convilsslOaV. In tie- fico of (hut opinion (In- COIW&lltttOp voted to moot AiiKiint 2n uud adopt new books l.ntv Ih QtlOtOd 'Die opinion qnolOl Hi" low Of 1023 which HtiyH: "The itinin hoard of text hook aOtfilttUtetOliorfl n!mll llteet lit (lie Htnle eiiplhd OH Hie (hint Monday 111 Novomltor In Hm year 10 24, tOd n He (bird Monday In November every (wo yOAH Lh01 ttftur." The opinion ulno eltoit tho law re- Qulrlni Hi" itAto ittnorfntondonl ol OOnooll In Kehruni) , 19 tit Md In I'ehruary of every two yearn ihere after, to QOtlfy the puldUhent of (he nootlni of the,ti't tiook commloalon in ii hold the follow la i November. Another qiiotutlon from (he law ayn that "all rnntrarth with pwti llHhern for book not BDAOftOd nhtill remain In for" until Hp- rtadoplUni, replacement or IUbft$(ttUOB Ol wald tixt books1 Tin opinion IntorpreU tho law to mean that "Hot UM Ot t' t bOOkfl no adopted In muudittory upon nil public ictiboli und toacben in the tato without ipeelfylns any limita tion of tlBBfl fr Mich USO The only ooneluelon thereitbre to bo dittwp. i that (hey un- to DO ILtOd uttikl OUUK" ed hy action of lhj text hook com uiIkhIoii and Mtate board of odUOO Uon." rOttttuliwIon $ V lew h Tin- tO&t honk commlHhton yOStOf day wiih of the opinion that it had a HkIK to adopt bOOkl at cUtO other onloMJd (hem turned VVr to tin than provided in the law because) ol rtoeoburg police. Ashland Loop Declared Good California Man Decrie Unfair Road Pub 1 i c i t y "Why III III" world don't you puoplo do Moutotblni to dlipal Hm impromlon Hint i prevalent tuut Mm A hIi lit tirt hlKliwuy In a IimikIi proportion and in bad itoapn?" 'I'll In In (llO QUulllOtl thftt Willi (Iiimi hi Tho fflvoiilni Herald iy Al Uori ii. Waleri or the Hun in Koifl U'lillf.l I'li'im Democrat hidny upon iiin arrival in ine city from Aehland on bin way lo Cruinr l.itlu-. ( on Huulnc Mr. Wilt ma said I "At vnrioui point! atone j,bo Pa blflc highway in California wo on oounlorod Un: itatcinonl Unit I would i"' fooiinii io try mill roach Cralor Uako iy way of tho AaUland hlfhway ami Klamath KuIIh, and in wan not withoul a llttlo troplda nun ibal i started toward! iiiu illy on whitl I expootod to Ii" Hi" uoal ilirriiuit pan or my trip to iiriiiiih Columbia. Tin' "Bivqn-Mll! horror." an i bocao to montally cbrlatsn tb! droop Bprloi mountalOi moltod Into odo or tho moat dollfbt rui Hprprlao! or my nr ami wboa I roachad iiiin etty i wai iiiiriinK BOatbOmal at Iboao WbO nearly spoiled one of the tlnwt oxounloni of my experience, 1 am koIiik to Willi- lo (he California Auto iihho- clatlon telling them tho truth about lb! Aahland highway ami i will run I in in- tu do what 1 i-iin to ron VlH0! lhO!C I may DtOOl that they win have mliaed one or the grandeal ilghti on iiiu pacific ooaat if tboy pni.ii by llo' highway botWOOO Anli land ami Klamath Pall!1 Mr Water! i aocompanlod hy .Mn: WTatora and lad thin morning for CratOr l.ul.o, from Whtob point in- will go 10 Medford and con hi nortb to Drltlih Columbia, Runaway Boys Arc Back With Parents ItOSBBURQ, Ore., Aug! t John and Arthur Hunter, 1 2 and ii yean ot axi', who ran away from homfl on Kattirdny ami win- plrkcd up hy Bounty offlcen near Myrtle Creek Sunday, were returned to tholr par- anti, .Mr. ami Mm. B. It. Huntor at Uedford thin morning, Tim hoya WOW given a lirt hy a lourlnt, hut at HOI) Haven auto camp the tmyii wet loon hy .MltiH l'llrliford, county juv- I'lilto ofrii-or, who hframo amttili-loiiii that tboy wit,' runawayi, and upon QUMtlonl&g tint tOOlBtl and flnd- inn her HuppoKition to bo correct, Road Progress Noted By Board Chamber of Commerce Direc tors Surest 10-Day Loop Trip For Tourista tho folluttliiK provli.ton of tin- law "tr at any time dtirliiK tho td yi-arn povorlliR tho addition or toxt hooka an heroin provided, a publllbor nhall fall or ho unable to furnlnli any mlopli'd tost hook, or bin contract ho ronclmli'd. or for any cnimo, It op timum noooaaary to adopt any toxt hook iniioau oi or in aniiiiion iunr j- w t i thoic rdqulrod hy Uio couraa i.r LfV. OlStlOp UliablC ntudy In fQrCO at 100 tlino or tno rKular addition, tho chairmaii ot tho hoard r lex! bbok! commlKHlou -orn or tho Kovornor may call a Hpoc Jal loaiton r Mid hoard and It Hlialt thereupon oonvono nnd adopt snob toxt hook In tho namo niannor an In thin nil provided, ami tho Hlatc luportntenflonl iha in aueh oaao imune the proper elrculai'ii nnd nottcoa to he lonl to the publjibara." The opinion declare! ihgt nono of the CObdl(loni mcnt'nr.eu In I he BbovO oxerpt now oxlit ami addi: "It In true thai tho contractu for two tlilrdn of Iho hookn new In iiho In the public lOhQOl! have expired, but tho itatuto ipoolflcally auUtorlioa tho OOnttnuod ua'o of IttOh hookH for two and four yearn for Uio renpec tlVO thlrdli and Unit no other text bonkn hill he lined In the public HchnolH abbloquohl to aueh addition. In other wordn, the leKlHlnturo ban early Indicated It! Inlentlou that the bookn already adopted ahull remain In linn until now adoptloun am made nt tho regular biennial period! uoi out In Iho itatUtbi" Thin would Hoem lo explodo tho theory of iiomo mOmbdri of tho toxt hook oOmmilltOh that tho iilloruey gonoral'a verbal opinion loft all au porlntbndout! troo to adopt toxt hooka an Ihoy naw fit, PAIR JUDOB8 nami:i APpOlntrhoilt of flvo JmlKon wbu off li'lntd III JuiIkIiik KUimalh exhib it! at Iho oOUDty fan woro dniiouno od biHt nlnlil from Iho county ngent'a ojtflco, H, a. Langron win JiiiIk" boot oatllo, Bhoop hogs; it. 0. Kowlor iIiiih boon nnniod JiiiIro of dairy icutllo; H, 11. Ifnwoll, 6t croiw; Ada Uruwntoi', nlomoatlc ail and oiilliiary. Nil word lhag .vol heon ro oolvod fioni John II. (hlllOt an lo wbotbw or not bo will Judnt) poul try. Mr. Kullor In Bocrutary of Iho Bouthorn Oregon Poultry llroodern UHHoclatlon. They were held until (he author1 tie! could got In touch with tbolr paronti. Tramportatloq wan recolv- od for them thin niornliiK, and tboy wore Mat home hy Hlno. Tho older hoy had )ll In hln ppUOallon when picked up. To Keep Schedule Firm who aro awaiting tho v lull at their ranch of Dr. G-OOrgO llliihop, T. II. Innpr-ctor for tho UnltOd Siaien Bnroau of Animal In diinlr.v. aro ai-ked not to he lmpa tieni if the p. s. loipector doo! not arrive on ncheduled time. So many farmer! have naked to have their herds Inspected, thai the federal man can not live up i bin previously announced m-hodule. HAltNHAHT'S HAI.K OF SUMMKn DKB88HS. (- Adv. DIOOINQ UBQON (). BWKDISH SEOriKT CALM A 11, Sweden, Aur- -1. Work has boon oommorasod In oxca vallirg tho Swodlab Pbiitpoll. an Ian cleni olroular city alto from the early Iron age, with nine Kates ami (oundntlon for houioi, it is in Iho OOJltor of Iho Island of Ueland. Tlio work In under tho lUporvll&On of .Marlon Btonborgor, un arcbeolo- glat, ami an appropriation for Uio expense bun boon niailo hy Iho Swed ish Tvurlat aiBOKdattOn, Tho OXiBtOnoo of this old forti fied irobrout, IimantorPi lum boon known for gonoraliona, but practic ally IbOthlng has boon done until till! year lo dotorinlno what tho ruins conooali Tho circular Outer wall, formed of magnificent llmeitwno blocks. Joined with adinlrahle skill Without tiio use of mortar, Is ahout 1,200 foot long, IS! foot, high and IS foot thii.-k. II. In not llkoly, Prof. Ston bqrger bollovca that, tho wall wan ovor much hlgllor than It la today., ROBDlSRfi m.mu; n.wi, NIOW YORK, Aug. -I. (P) Four robber!, who bold up tho Ratt Side Pawn Shop ot Patrick Clancy today escaped with dlamonda valuod at TO,000 aflor binding two clorka. Ono yard ot abort nklrt, can look more IHtereatlpig lilinn bait u ynrd or iintihltig' Miit. I'rogroHii In the promotion The l)allealtoiio-I,o, A'iKeIi- highway woi reporieii in Um ghambor of -iiiniiiiirai dlrootori Nil! njopn by CllOtOn J. Fuliber of bOffkOttt, Cali fornia, In a latter, reay, with the (Clamatb ohamber anc- cosnmi In having Um l lamai h-."la iiu, Kt-ction of Tho DilloB-Oailfotnlif hlKhwuy a fatbjrul aid road, ami wllb llituri-st hnlilg arouned In the, highway hy lhfl California Commfa lop,1 tio r,oad and highway x)iu mlttbe of the chamher hi reeling op tlmlatlc ovor tho nortb and aoutli highway. A'cBOfdlnif lo .Mr, Fulchor Uio California oommlulotl Ogpn I tbamielvo! fuwrabla to the Intor itato djiattwtay, it. c, rjrooiboeb strggiitod to the director! that the Klamath fchain her f commoreo promote a ten duy tOUrllt loop, starling from Han FranicIlCO, leading -up tho couat through 9urpka, I he redwood f jrt-Hl, CriiicojJt city, tiiiioin Paaa, tho Oregon envoi, Crater Lake; d iwn Klamath lake to Kdmatb P'aiii ami on Mouth into California by way ot tho Lava beds. Bacretary Babln urged the hoard of director ti organbta the obamber of commerce chairmen an I get the unmmlttuflu functl jnlnn hnfor! Hep. teniber 1, when the ctvumbor foruma atari again. Col rut I C.. fl, Th'.-ii-i-in, dlrm-l-fi ' tit tvrale'r ,"40nal l-.i -k Invlteil (., I vhuiobdr of wmninriK- dlrc-iom to hwpocl Ibu pavliu: w.rk now In pnogresH on tin.- entrance to tho national park. Through Basra tary Babln, thai railroad loinmlltei- , Hie ohlimbtr annvancad that in handling1 the iallnid filt'.iiitlun no rallroa V w m j favorxd over another mid ihut the boat Intereitg of the general public would bo the? Otltrlon Dial would govern tln-lr QOltberatloni, Lettuce Grower Highly Pleased! Surprise that lie- lettuce crop In Woous valloy ihowod aueb good promise, waa uxprviied today by vValter ilont, niemb i the firm of Bawdy ami Hunt, which has planted 40 acres of land In Hi" tortile vain y to toUUCOj prluia.'i!" aa an oxperl- mont, Mr. Hunt arrive'! today from Lpa Angola! lo upend loveral daya In Kbimath inspecting the oxporimental crop. It the experiment proven a success- ua 11 gives promise of do ing no at tills time- the IvOfl Angeles firm will Increane their acreage next year nnd the lettuce will be an ch tabllabed crop of tie- Klamath country. She Sues JmjKB Hn IgagV --. ' a l Mr. Bitty Jenknii, of Chicago, l itilng hir huiAnd for divorce ami I nulng hln parents for $100,000 for alienation of affections. She ehargH that where they took a motor trip lo BOltOn they took a dog Dions In preference to her. l ' 1 - - - - -r ; nii aaiuro roldeut,H that tHnlr eom plainti of iho ootlvltles if bandit! wnro unjasi Iflwl. Suinmor llaiaors had been kept away fnym Mm (lis porta thultrlcl, II wui .dldgod, hy re porla Hut tho district ra overrun with bandJlH. Iteturnlitg to Bofla -the minister of Juatico und bin patty were :i(- tacked h.y baad Jiesjiletl hy ivun A' in.issoff, ii former nc.'hool teaiflier. Tho militia went to tho aid of the official parly, aorlously woumled At anaaioff and killed tho members of his l;Und, Henderson Returns From Owens Valley Next Thursday Eve Word was received this noon by Mrs. T. W. Nuwcoinh that C. A. Henderson, county agent, will, re luadlng them CO move, to Klamath, day evnlng, after an' absence of several weeks In Owens valley for Hie purpose of making personal rails upon the farmura of that southern California valley and Jer suadlng the mto move to Klamath. Henderson waa aont south by the county court at the suggestion of the chamber of commerce. OFFICIAIi ;)T ACTIVK I'ltOOF of itonnt i; hand's WORK VKASTA. Hulgarla, Aug. 4. Min later of Juatice liohoahevskl re- Icantiy vidtad the Vraata district to 'rrrt 111 C 1 Death Mystery Charlea Schwartz' Dis appearance la yet Unsolved MAftTINKZ, Calif., Aug. 4. (fl) -Soluttaa or the mystery aun-oiinil-ing tin deatli lii tho laboratory f the Paclflj Colluloae company at Walnut. Crook, first suppoaod t,i have been that of Chorion Henry fVhwartx Uorkeley ohviilat, advanc ed today, h 1'rucood.lng on tV- Iheory I hut Schwarfx or someone elno killed Ids Rodrlgoi, a Poctngueao farm hand and assigned bin u pwatTrumoua part aa a double for Schwartz In a carefully staged death acono In the company's plant to defraud Insur ance companlei, the autborltlei lire bending every effort to Identify the body found after the expljal-ou. No posltlvo Identification of the corpse us that Ilodrlguez baa been made. A, CI. Idas, for whom Itod rlguez worked for 3 years, viewed bbeybody and gave It aa hta opinion that thore waa a physical -resemblance but he said he would not idea tlfy it positively. A bee may live aa long as G8 hours after losing Its stinger In tlpgiog a person, but the average period Is from lu to IT, hours. Mens Fine Sox Blaci and Tan colors 6 palra for II. Klamath Klothing Kompany. Adv. 31-$. . , 1 S!fA vi7 a 11 mm m& z Warning to seekers of beauty When your complexion is at stake, use a soap made solely to foster good complexions PALMOLIVE Soap is made for ONE purpose only to foster good complex ions. It is not intended for laundry work. Not even for fine fabrics. It is a skin soap alone. To protect your skin, that is the only kind of soap that you should use. In old days, women were told, "use no soap on your faces." For soaps were too harsh. Then Palmolive came. A soap made of cosmetic oils. A. Map made to be .used freely, lavishly on the skin. -?- Women tried it, and were amazed. They told others and better complexions resulted. Palmolive soon became the leading toilet soap of the world. In France, home of cosmetics, it became a leader. French women largely discarded French soaps for Palmolive. Today Palmolive Soap is one of the two largest selling toilet soaps in France. ..!. That is because Palmolive is a uniqu? creation, based on 60 years of soap study.1 A soap made solely to guard your youthful charm. But on your skin, don't expect the cosmetic results of Palmolive from any soap claimed to be good for all purposes . , . No "jack-of-all-trades" soap should h? ar?i for your complexion. Don't let anyone mislead you into believing that ordinary toilet soaps, or cleans ing soaps, will bring you Palmolive results. They won't no ordinary soap can. There are soaps at 25 cents and over, which approach Palmolive in results. Bat Palmolive sells for 10 cents ... no more than ordinary soaps. Enormous prociut ,tion brings you this modest cost. ' Wash, launder, cleanse with any soap you wish. But when beauty is at staV take care. Use Palmolive, a soap you know is sale to use. It is nature's forrr du tQ "Kccu That Schoolgirl Complexion." FOR GERMS Soans to "destroy" germs should be used only by advice i f - physicUn. All soaps "remove" germs to a -rtata .iegrec V.'v.M-ve will "remove" germs ,s well 3 rj voo j,i t.u toilet use. The real aWwata iii nw,- to in their action on vour skin. Sj-i., e !" baish, others crudely l.icncW f'aViAivc is a unfile creation, a bund of trs c-T)o'i4 -ila; .1 soap, made for one jxup-jse only, x !r.v" s.if cuiupltjclcns. Don't expect P.-,j.-"1)..-! -.Wim aaV results tram any etto.ig V;tK,-artrl Map) IWxit any '"jsct-of-all-trad" soap, from any toa claiming alike for fabric v.-tfiutj abu th ikta. Note carefully the name and wrapper. Palmolive is never sold unwrapped, 7,