The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 08, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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Published Dafly'ilt'- 9
. 8
"An Empire Awakening"
Associated Press I ieased Wire
Eighteenth Year Number G5(H
II H rV M M 4 M M II fcJ
lj 55 ? f s ?s J J
I .J.
Indorsement of Titles All
. That Holds up Definite
Deal is Engineered by J. O.
Goldthwaitc, Former
Owner of. Plant
With all necessary papers
signed and with representa
tives of the Kansas City con
cern on hand at the mill,
only legal approval of the
title stands in the way of
definite announcement of
the sale of the Modoc Pine
company to the Forest Lum
ber company, it became
known today from tin auth
entic source. '
Purchase m ice of the mill
was quoted as being in ex
cess of $700,000. R. B.
White, president of the For
est Lumber company ,is
planning immediate con
struction of a two-band mill
on the site of the old mill
which was burned ( to the
ground last spring, il was
Big Deal
The deal, which is one of
the largest that has been
undertaken in Klamath for
nninii luno, whh englnccre! largely
iiy J. O. llolilth'.illo, ft-, hut owner
ol Hi" mill.
'I'hu L. II. Monofoo Lumber vnn
linny loaned lurgo mini ol nioiiu)'
to (luliltliwullu iilwl In rotni'ii tojk
a inuriRiiKo on tho property. When
' the lit tn-- I'liiiin ilun and Ooldth
walln coll Id mil moot h Ik fliiiin liil
obligations, (ho I'ortluliil
took nctlvo control Inn guru tiuldth
wulto a year's option In hi'II Iho mill.
Tho option wiiii In li'ivo expired next
Ahriihi.' Homo b'ui mile Ih untltir
Klood bo mi paper at least, by
llulillhwiillo, who rrom llio livon-i-iln
of tlm Mile will reimburse I if
Mcnefoo Interests of tho principal
llllll llllLTl'HlH of Hi" Capital KlUIII'll
lilni. .
Mr. Wliltu Is expected back In
Kin in li til Fulls III" hitler pari of
IIiIh moll I h, ut which I i in o a
ropurl nil llio tlilo to lao mill will
bo ruuily. At thul time It Ik undor-
BlOlltl, till k rritt II IlllllOIIIICVIIlUllt will
bo miiilo by l lit) Forest Lumber
coniiuiiiy of llio milu,
Tlio Finest Lumber company Is
II Ul) contemplating tho purchaso of
ii largo liin't of timber In tho vlo
inlly of ItoHobuiK untl a cruise of
tho Unci In now In pr hi ihs to. do
torniliio tho Hilvlf'tblllly of such u
liiovo. '.'.,'
Golf Destroyed
This Happy Home
DKH MOINKH, town, July 8.
(') IlnpplnoHH rolKnod In tlio homo
of Mr. anil Alrx. Hnnford K. Illu
nhaw of HiW tlly n u II 1 thoy took up
icolf. MrH.' Illimhaw 111 n null for
tllvuri'o lodny mi 111 Hint hor liimbanil
ImpoHOd "iinhoaril of iruolllo"
upon hor on tho nolf tourHo: llo
would 'klolt hor ball ofr tho couriio
ovory tlmn hIio mudu n Rood , np
prouoh, bIiii Hivld, and oiiboolnlly
jvould ho do tblH whon who roaohoil
tho moon In Iohh HtrokoH Hi nu ho
did. Tho JucIrii irrantod tho dlvoroo
mill $5U n month alimony, i
MA DIM I), July 8, l') Framo nnd
fipuln today HlKtmd un nuroumont
for eoopornllon 1n Moroooo nunliml
Abd-lCI-Krltn'ii Itlfflunn trlbomnon
yo rofiiao to tholr nulhorll.y,
Loves' Dream
to Come True
for Aged Vct:
Roscburg Man to Marry
Sweetheart of 60
Years Ago
ItOKKIIflKl. Oro.. July d. A
rntniinr-o Mhutlorcd no years ago by
a lovers' quurrol Iiuh been revived,
unit Fred Miirklln. ugod H'i yours,
u Civil wnr voti-ruu of IIiIh oliv, U-ft
I lilt morn Inn for Spokiuiu to wvu u
wlilow of yi'iirn, a uwoi'thiMut of
Thi-y viro HWi-ollu'iirU bni-k In
tirumly unlit y. .MlHiioiirl, livcomlim
DiiKiiKiil JitHt Iwfoio Mr. MtK'klln'ft
I'liiiniiiH'iit in i ins I'nioii urmy. At I
Iho floHO of tho v.'iir A illfaKi'i'i'iiii'iit
brolio Iho iiKHKcmi'iit anil bolh
mil rrlrfl nnil ramo wont, Dt'itth
I'Vetitually I'lalmi'it thi-lr iiialo. mill
urh .rcimtlni'tl iKnornnl of tho
otlii-r'ii wlinritiilmul. until fnlo, a
nliort llnw uko, put Hum In rniii-muiilt-nilon
with rfu-h cithi-r untl
lltolr ijuurri'l khi piitrh)tl up.
KrliinlH of Mr. Mink I In wi-ro un
ulilo id klvo tho uanio of llio pron
pofllvo brlilo, who In to bo brmitilil
to tbht rlty noun lo orrupy Iho now
Imiii" hlrli iho voti'rau ii hullditiic
for bor.
OMAHA. Nib.. July .(!)
Sm-riMiiry of Aiirlioliuro William M.
Jardliio nrrlvi'il In Omaha thin
uiorlilnK und tin iro-Hii! upon grain
nii'ii ul n luni'lii'on thin noon that
Iho farmor muni apply biiKlnohH
uioihodN to bin farm, that Ih, do
cum ii mnrliot.
Eugene Woman Dead
In Auto Accident
Husband Loses Control of Car
. Children Escape With
out Injuries
KCUKKK, Oro., July S.- -Mm.
Mynlo M. Illliiabook. wan killed
at 9 oVloi'k IhkI n Ik In win. n mi
atitoiuobilo In whlrh hIio nnd hor
htisbanil nnd throo rhlldr'ti woro
rlilliiK loft Iho l.oruino hlKhwny
lo'lir diiiplrutlon I'olnl. Mr. Illlnii
hork untl tho I'lilltlri'il woro tinln
jurotl In thf iit'i'lflfiil.
Tho party wuh roturiiiiiK from u
ilrlvo out Iho hallway wbon Hit
at-i'ldoiit ooi'iirroil. Tluy had
ivui hfil Iho atimmlt of tho hill and
llm ihlldron rallod Iho nttontlon
of thi lr pnrotitH .to tho vlow of tho
illy anil tho IIkIiId In tho valloy.
aioortlln to tho utory told by
t llllKiihcok. Il0' Klunt'od ut tho vlow
and IohI oonlrol of tho inaohlno.
Tho IHlHiihookii wore rocont nr
rlvulft from Alborln, CaniiilH, nnd
had purrhitaod a fnrm nonr horo u
fow (Iiivh uko.
Astoria To Fete
Cruising Middies
ASTOIUA, Oro., July S. A')
Tonlntlvo plana for tho Mitortnln
llit nt of tho ofrli'oia, mldshlpmon
nnd kiiIIoih who will vlnll Antorlu
July 111 lo 21 mi Iho throo lintllo-
'mIiIim tnklliLi llm A ti mi mil Im iiwiii ,111
Iholr Hiimmor orulno, liavo boon
oomplotod by tho ohunibor of
ooninioroo oommlttoo nnil Hubmlttod
to Hoar Ail ml nil VoKolKoming,
oruliio rnniniandor.
Federal Union Is
Formed At Mcdford
. MMIlPOItl), Ore, July 8. A fod
ornl tin ton wim fiirmoil horo hint
ii t K Ii t by nxonlH of tho A. F. O, I,.
of dlfforont crnflHiiion, of not mif
floionl numhrm to huvo n union of
tholr own, 125 workom bohiK proa
ont. O. C. YouiiK. Konoral ropro8outn
llvo of tho A. F, of U; 10d Hlnolt,
socroliiry of tho OroRon Slnto Foil
ornllon nud roproKoiitntlvod ' of
Kliiniiilh Kill l unions nddrosnod tho
union, ' . ' ,
I i oucst i mi; mTKoi,i;i
A night f u. dolls fin; flzhl
In if. resulted lit thi! control
till iiinriiliiK f t llio l.irg-
ro thai huH been reported
In this oM
Tho b.iz .raged yiMtiT-
iluy in 'jiii I ii i n" (I uflornixin oil
Iho slopes of Aulo
lopo mountain, In tlm 8llver
lake country.
W.'illo under c -lit nil. llm flru
In still"'! rM u f n;
mrl.'l mirvllliii'Jca by : ni it Kr
of llm Klamath Fjrest Pro
tective Association. ... '
Safe Robbers Are '
Frightened : Away
lilcctric Motor Scares Off Men
iti Store Robbery Near
SAI.K.M. tiro.. July .1. UVi Five
nu n who ultt mptod lo blow tho uafo
at Tliompson'ii (ion'Tal More nt lllod
Kotl on Iho ('orvalll-Ni'Wiort IiIbIi
wny woro frlKhlonod away bi'foro
lliolr Job wuK.i-oiupIi' loil about throo
o'olork this mornliiK. Thoy bad re
movi'd iho outer door of tho moro
Hufo unci woro rrudy lo blow off Iho
Innor door whin Iho mnlilon whir
rlnR of n Hinall olortrlr motor In tho
moro biisoui.'.it marod tliom Into In
litant doparluro.
Eugene Moonshiner
Convicted By Jury
ICl'tiF.XK, ()ro July 8. Mark
Urolini, "ulloKud mootmhlnor, who.
uiitird In R to ofriiom, ban boon
KOUKht for Iho pant two yoara on
liiiuor ohurKos romiltlnR from n
mid In Si pii inbor, 1921!. nud Hho
nil IndUlt'd at a ri'ci'iit soshlon of
tho crand Jury on nix lounls. was
foiind guilty by u trial Jury In ilr-
rult rourt lioro cntorday on u
i hiir.' of DoitlnK mi nnd oporutlng n
illHtlllory. Tho Jury doliboralod
for moro lliuu throo hiinra boforo
nrrlvtni! at n vonllot.
Canal Carries
Heaviest Load
Ever Recorded
'' AnnoiiuotMiiout wa ninilo totlay by
Iho illKlrltl offico of tlio bilroau of
rotlnmatloli tbat on Juno 'il lust,
tho main , Irrigation canal of tho
Klumulli IrrlKUtlon district oarrlod u
.Mr.-j10'"1 "r wal,'r ""lt ,ms Iu'v,'r hen
ovoodod Hlnco tho canal whh con
Tho honvy load was SOO'Socoutl
foot. This hlKlnvntor murk wan not
maintained (lirougl'oul Iho day how
ovor. .
All of which tudk'Uti'H that thoro i
a Htouily incroiiHO in demand for ir
rlKiitlnn water, reclamation officials
pointed out. During tho paHt ten
.vein's, tho peak load of tho Honson
him boon gradually IneroaHiiiK. The
peak load luat year niif 715 second
foot On AuKiiKl 1. . '
Oregon Druggists
Stage Convention
on boon AiinicutrmiK coi,-
I.KOIO, CorvnlllH. Ore, July 8.(l'l
DruuKlsIs of .P'.croii n ni uttonding
Iho thirty alxih annual convonllon
of tho OroKou Slalo rbarmacou'.l
cnl here today. Ti'.io oonvonllon'8
Hoaalons uro In tho new pharmacy
InillilliiK on Iho campuu. lOvory
slnlo offloor of tho orKiiiilratlou Itt
pi'oKont, ' '
Negroes Killed
In Race Rioting
OKKMAII, Oklli., July 8, (A)
Two negroes worn reported killed
and several Injured in olash be
tween negroes nnil whites nt Clonr
vlow, seven miles southeast of horo,
lato today. Hoports to tho sheriff's
ol'flco are mciiKor. Deputy sheriffs
nro bolng rusliod to tho town.
Actor bounded
by Young Wife
After.. Quarrel
Former Chorus Girl
Shoots Husband
Thru' Head
NKW VOUK. uJly (. (!) Al
lan DiivIh, 23, an urlor lu "Tho
W'hlto . Cargo," wan In a t rltical
londltlon at a today. Iiav-
I n k lo'on Bbot by hSx.wifo, Kdltb
I'arkor. 20, who wok onto on
sldorod ono of tho mot Ijoaiitlful
ihorim clrls In. Karl ('iirroH'H
"VanllioB." but who roi-ontly. In
hIuko paru, ItoH boon nt liborty.
Thoro had boon no Inklltiy, ulonx
Iho Iliatlo of ilomoHtic trou'blon. In
furl thoy woro PKanlod am liloul
lovori. .
"It wim all ovor anolbcr wom
an," fuld Mm. Davis afu: r uuoji
llonini; by dotoctivoi. Slui atltli'd
thut she had . InU ndi'd to olid it
all and a dint In an unfirod rnrt
rldgo apparontly born .out hor Hlato
uii nt that rho tried to kill homi-lf.
Sho whh hold ut a polico nULtfon on
charKOS of fidoiiloiiK' aMsuiitt.
"I novi.'r wunt to boo hor aulii,"
mild l)avl to dotottivos In asking
thai Hho bo doniod admisflon to the
Onu bullot oiyorod a thoulilor
nnd nnothor hla head.
Tho nhootiiiK' . ocourrod last
nlKht In nn nparttnont whoro Davis
un ilininK with two mon friondif.
Mm. Davin wnlkod In unnn
liounood and nskod to w:e hor
hiiHbund nlono. Thoy wont into nn
othor room nnd iiMviK IimCi licrf
hoalod wm'dK followed' by iihots.
Fred Merrill To -
Serve Jail Term
Convicted Bootlegger Loses
Appeal to United States
District Court
t'OKTLAND, Oro.. July S. (fP)
Krod Morrill, former Portland
councilman and former rosprt own
er, won ordered to jail today by
Federal JiiiIko Wolverton after a
fight III tho courts that has lasted
nearly two years.
Morrill must so to Jnil for six
months nnd pay a fine of $2ril fol
lowing his conviction in January.
1921, of condiiclInK a nuisance and
soIIIiik Honor at a road- house.
Tho United Suites district court
has received a mandate from tho
Tnlled Slates cou'rt of appeals de
nying Morrill's' petition for a now
t ; '
Roseburg Legion
Commander Quits
Dr. E. B. Stewart Will Devote'
His Time to Post as State
noSKIIl'IKl, Ore., July 8. Dr.
K. II. Stow'urt, fuir the past three
years . commander df Vmpirua IVist
of the Aniorlciin 1.ok!oii, last nlKht
presented 'Mb resiKnatlo.:t In iirdor
that ho umy devote his tlino to tho
office ot stato c.onimnnilor, tho po-1
sltlon to which ho was eloetod ut
tho reccut convonllon nt rrlnevillo. j
Dr. Stewart him boon ono of ti'io I
most active workers In tho Amo: I-1
call Legion for muny yen id, '.inili
bus Just completed n two year term
as. nnllonul committeeman, repres
enting the Orog ui tlopartment.
Portlanders Buy
' Baker Newspaper
llAKKK; Oro., July S. Tho linker
Hornld, nn afternoon dally which
has boon In publication horo for 25 i
years, was sold today to L. P. Aram
and llornard Matnwaring, Portland
newspapermen. j
Tho new owners will take posses-1
slon toduy. Tho former owners j
wore II. E. llendryx and Al Van-i
dnhl. - ' The . consideration was not'
announeod. Mr. Arant was formerly!
with tho Orogonlnn,
mm 'HAHuntbb i ;ir
uui I Liiu 1 1 1 n u I u
Topple Out of Seventh
Story Window of Ritz
Carlton Hotel Today
Guests See Her Hurtle to
Roof Below Was For
mer New York Girl
NKW YOItK. July 8. (fl)
BaronesK Melon Zur Muehleri of
Java, Dutch East Indies, was killed
today by a fall ,from a seven-story
window of tho ititz-Curlton hotel.
Sho slruck on tho roof of the
hotel's Japanese garden, which is
on a level with the second floor.
James M. Thompson, nt one time
a close friend of Miss Mllllcent
Rogers, now Countess Von Balm
HooKstraolen, was visiting the
Uaroness, with other friends. He
said she stepped to" an open win
dow for . fresh air and foil.
Husbantl hi Jnvu" .
Tho Uaroness. who was about 23
years old. was Helen t'urrnthersof
Now York before her marriage to
tho IJaron. who Is in the Dutch
oMplomallc service.
The llnron is at present in Java,
whoro he expected to be joined by
his wife. :
i' Aecordltls to the lintel manage-.
Visit t liafouess '2ur '. .Muehlen " bad
gone to her apartment after danc
ing until lato. being accompanied to
tho suite on the seventh floor by a
number of friends.
Complained of Heat
Complaining of tho' boat, shu
wont to the open window, and. to
the horror of her' guests, toppled
over the siil. Police, after an Investigation.-,
said it was believed
sho had fainted. ' .
Tho young woman was elaborate
ly gowned and jeweled. Her dia
mond ear rings were dashed from
their settings in the fall and re
covered from tho roof by detectives.
Miss Susan AVolen, the Baroness'
companion, with whom sho arrived
at tho Iliu Carlton Juno 2G, said
they woro to sail for Europe on
the Ilcrengnria today und that last
night the Dnronoss gave a farewell
party. ' ' '
Olliel-s l'l-csent
Ile'sidcs tho Baroness. Miss AVelon
and Thompson, the party included
Lester ('only, connected with a
Fifth avenue concern. The two
men told the police the party of
tour had dined at tho Kiti Carlton
together. Later they went to the
Baroness' suHe.
Miss Welen loft tho room and
after she returned n few minutes
inter, tho men said, sho whispered
something to the Baroness, who in
turn loft tho apartment and. was
gone about 15 minutes.
When she camo back she went
into the living room and loaned out
of the window, remarking thut it
was very hot.
Thompson said nil three saw. that
the Uaroness was- falling. MIbs
Welen screumed niul Iho two men
run lo grasp tho liuroness ,hut sho
slipped from tholr hold and plunged
out of tho window. Thompson said.
Airplane Patrols
For Forests Start
SALEM, Ore., July S. Stnto
Forester Elliott announced today
that tho forest palrol that is'to op
crate lu Oregon nnd other north
west states arrived at the 'Eugene,
base yesterday.
Tho pilots Tor Oregon nro A: 11,
I, omnia and Alva lt. Degarmo, from
Iho army offliers' reserve corps.
Lieutenant Lloyd Barnott of tho air
sorvieo hns beeu detailed as liason
officer In charge of forest patrol
In tho five northwest states with
headquarters nt Eugene. Ho was In
charge of the Etigouo ' base last
your, .".-
T n TI 1. 1
power Company Halted
Because of Illegality
Directors Bradbury And Jacob Win Big Victory
In Their Determined Fight To Protect
Klamath Farmers-Copco Scheme
Is Exposed , -
SALEM, Ore., July 8. Because of an ' opinion that
came down yesterday from Attorney General Van
Winkle; State Engineer Rhea Luper has cancelled a
permit of the California Oregon Power company in
Klamath county to appropriate 1000 second feet of water
for power purposes from Link river.
The attorney general holds that these waters are not
subject to appropriation for the reason that the United
States reclamation service has filings on all the water
of Klamath river, including Upper Klamath Lake and
Link river under authority of a legislative act of 1905. :
The discovery that anpermit had been grafted to the
California Oregon Power company was purely accidental.
It was known to the directors of the Klamath Irrigation
district: that the Power company had made application
for this water right, but.a protest had been lodged with
the state engineer, with the request that the Irrigation
"dfetftctftje notified before the-permit asr issued.- About
two weeks ago R. E. Bradbury was in Salem on private,
business and leame'd for the first time that State En
gineer Luper had issued the permit on June 13. Brad
bury brought the matter to the attention of the attorney
general and he informed the state engineer that he ex
ceeded his authority in issuing the permit
Upon his return from Salem, Bradbury informed hi:;
colleague Joe Jacob of what had been done and together .
thev opened the fight that has resulted in the cancellation
of the permit. Bradbury and Jacob, as directors, and
, A. M. Thomas secretary of the i. ills-
i-i 1 1 j J
reuerai j uugc
Held by Jury
Indictment Returned in
Defunct Bank
JACKSON, Tenn.. July 8. (IP)
The Madison county grand Jury, in
vestlgntinB the failure of the Peo- " "-"'V ... inc..
pies Savings Bank of Jackson, to-i " the" of .right
day returned indictments against ! POe.- sites T om the farmers.
Judge J. W. Ross of (he Federal dis-i" the ')r0m or . the .power -om-trlct
court for astern Tennessee. Pr ' "f e " "leans the
Thomas B. Carroll, former cashier of Permanent ellm of .ie uuirn,
. . , ., , . ,, gated portion of the Tula lake lands
the bank, -his son, John ( arroll and."
! titirl the F ,-.t.tltiiir of .thn Lower ICIiiiii-
11 . u i.a tuuti.
John Carroll. Mho acted as assis
tant to his father as cashier of the
bnuk. and Judge Ross were named i
in a joint indictment containing 22
counts. . i
Judge Hoss, also was named In I
another alleging
of trust.
fraudulent breach
Malin Irrigation
Pumping Plant Is
, Ready To Operate
Completion of tho pumping plant
of the Mnlln Irrigation district was
announced yesterday and within a
short time water will be pumped
through tho canals of the now dis
trict. The engineers of the new plant
telephoned tho reclamation servlee
offices horo 'and requested that suf
ficient water bo furnished to glvo
tho pumping plant Its Inltlnl trial.
Tho Shasta View . Inigutlon dis
trict pumping plant is not as yet
completed but is wull along in con
struction. .
LISBON, July S, (P) Earthquake
shocks were felt in the northern
provinces of - Portugal today.
Permit to
trlct, went to Salem last -Msnday for
tho purpose of carrying the mat
ter to tho governor, providing Luper
continued in his determination lo
let the permit stand. Whether It .
was necessity lo call upon Governor
Pierce will n-t bo known until Brad
bury, Jacob and Thoinaa return.'.
A II Ik Vlrtory .
The. cancellation ot the permit Is
the biKKest virtiry Bradbury und
1 Jacobs have gained over tho Pour-
ath lake IuikIs. The power com
pany has discovered that It theso
I lands .remain In the project and are
Irrigated, the tanly water that will
go down the Klanati river will bo
thut uppurtenent to tho water right
of the Koao canal and would moan
for fjur, mouth of the your
Klamath river would be practically
dry ami the big plants at. Copco
wvnild be Idle.. It would mean tho
loss of millions of dollu-rs to I'.tu
power company.,
Fin mors I'l-otesleil
. 'i'l -
It was only through the e!u.:tlJii.
of Uradbury and . Jacjb lust, full ,
thut the permanent' abandonment. of
the Tule hike lands and the, flood
ing of L-jwer Klamath - lake wu
prevented.. It was planned, if , tho
power camMJiiy hud succeeded, lu
keeping control of the hoard of
directors of tho livlgatloii district,
to put through a cont-rnci. between
tho government und the irrigation
district, '''whereby the oporutlou nt
the project passed t tho fiirinori.
Under the terms of this contract tho
district would have abandonel any
rig-its to the water of Upper Kluni-j
ath lake and left the control' 'in tlio
Kinds of the power wmpany und
the Ke.-lumatldn service. This hc
coinpllshcd, It would ihave been but
a stop Id abandon the Title boko
(Cool Inucd on'rugo Flve