TUESDAY, .TUI PAGE TWO ' itiv EiiNiiNij riE.n,rtiju. Miwwnin taijijo, vjucaiuh . ! ",' ,", " " - r : ; 1 " , ' .-.)iu TKetfre Jockeys , " . I Six Coach l v h i : ;t 1.'. (044 down iiihI )0 kl7TllT '''ilri Ti- 41 monthly pu iX jjjji - h monthly puyuutnts , each ! It's Hot! I, . If Too darned hot to stop on the road, tear off a punctured tire, and fix it. You ought to carry a spare . tire-or better still equip with ields Kelly Springf And You Won't Have Trouble ! I Our low prices and the size of our stock will surprise you. We'll even insure you against tire .. . Accidents! HUB TIRE SHOP : . 502 South Sixth Phone 616 ; (51hlaI,atteI, To be eligible for sale by a Dodge Brothers Dealer, a product must first prove its competency for ex ceptional service. v Graham Brothers Trucks proved this competency years ago and are proving it more emphatically than V i ever today. First in the world in the ; ; Vz ton field, and among the leaders in the 1 ton, these sturdy trucks are ', capably supporting the priceless , reputation of Dodge Brothers Dealers -for selling ONLY products of in disputable merit. . ' 1-Ton Chassis, $131uY lV6-Ton Chassis $1495; Delivered T H. S. WAKEFIELD 420 KlaniHlh Avenue GrahamBrothers Trucks SOLD BY DODOS BROTHERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE r : : Moot the three Falor brothers. Mark. Elmer and Lavcrno (left to right), who are hanging up nifty reputations on race tracks this season. Rich Is star jockey. And an are bis favorites with followers of tho turf. Thice . brothers all jockeys that's a rather odd coincidence. SPRING LAKE Tho farmers of this vicinity are busy putting up hay. Wm. Cheyno is tho proud owner of a new sedan. Several from this neighborhood were picnicking in the vicinity of Fort Klamath Saturday. Stella Schreiner visited over Sunday with her parents. Frank Stewart and family were Crater lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Folsom have returned to their home In Sacramento, Cal., after a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Folsom and other friends. John Shubert and Virginia Hoeft visited Mrs. Win. Cheyne Thursday evening. Hazel Farquer Is . visiting her mother, Mrs. F. G. Williams. LONE PINE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfong are house guests this month of Mr. and Mrs. Galarneau. Jack Dennehy returned Friday from Unalaska. Mrs. C. W. Lewis, who has been ill in the Klamath hospital, was able to return to her home several days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Scott McKendTeo, accompanied by Miss Florence Dil- lard. were week-end visitors at, Crater lake. Mrs. J. R. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Connor and J. W. Dolan and family were also Crater lake visitors Independence day. C. W. Lewis purchased an elec tric range lost week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barks In stalled electric lights in their home last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf have as their guests this week Mr. Rudolf's aister and children of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cherryman and daughter Marie LaVerno wore week-end visitors at the O'Connor ranch. Walter Enman Is erecting a new home on his ranch. Klamath Fails . shoppers from this locality last week Included Mrs. Clyde Kiger, Mr. Beardsley, Tlyde Barks, Charlotte Geertson, Th-lraa Lewis, Mrs. S. McKendrce, Mrs. Scott McKcndree, Mrs. Dolan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Connor. cyft the 'PINE TREE The term "all-star" cast, so fre quently and inaccurately used In filmdbm. Is literally true of Victor Seastrom's production, "He Who Gets Slapped,'-' which is to be shown at the I'ine Tree theater today and tomorrow. ' I. on Clianoy, who heads the cant and plays the title character, - was the star of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," "Tho Miracle Ma'n" and other pictures. John Gilbert, who plays the lead ing romantic role, ''recently com pleted a five-year starring contract with Fox. With this company lie was the star of evory picture In which he played, such as "Cameo Kirby," "The Wolf Man," "The Lone Chance," "Monte Crlsto" and others. Ford Sterling was noted as a 3 ui ail over the world when lie played "Schnitz" of the old Keystone com edies. He plays an imporant role In "He." Clydo Cook plays the role of a clown in "Ho." Ho was the star of a series of two-reel comedies and was also featured In tho Zlegf.'d Follies last year. entire company stood breathless, un able to render aid. Everything was ready to shoot the scene whpro Peters, tho heavy. Is ahdueling Mary lironnon, played by Marcella rershing. in a buck-bourd. Overland Steel Top Stands Up Under Hard Test Overland all-steel bodies received the hardest test of their career this week In Sum Francisco. This is the word of Leo R. Rryant here conducting a free demonstra tion: at the Powell & Dale MM r company at Fourth and Klamath, to be held tomorrow night at 8:00 o'clock. "The 4est was not put on by the ompany, but by a crew of Sou thern Puclflc employes," aiid' Mr. Bryant. "A big shipment of Overland ull stcol body cars were to bo -unladed. One of the men In the unloading crew conceived 'the 'Ideui of using a big mugriet erase tliiU stood in the yard. j '. "This man reasoned that the body was all-steel and Hut the magnot ought to grab It. Tho Ida that the strain on the top of tho car would be terrific evidently sever occurred to him. No cne protested and the idcut was given a .trial. "Tho big magnet grabbed "the car and the top held and wlut would ordinarily have been a duy's work tot the crew wus done In a few minutes. "It was a happy day for the crew and also a 'happy day for 'the deal er In San Francisco wb heard of the occurence, far be used It to de monstrate what thousands of Over land owners already knew that the all-steel bpdy on an Overland Is built to stand tho gaff and that It Is 'ample protection against Injury tor Ha occupants." , . Mr. Bryant will give a demonstra tion here 'tomrrow night end will use Glass-sided motors las aa aid i) his demonstrations. ATTACKS KKPLI.SKD FEZ, Morocco, July 7. (P) Rlffian attacks on a five mile front north of Uelkassem yesterday wore repulsed by the French mobile troops coverlnn that district, rein forced by detuchments rushed from the rear. o4t The LIBERTY During tho filming of "When East Comes West," starring Fronk lyn Farnum, now showing at tho Liberty thnator, a sceno not wrlt- ttcffToWrcTnneTO. 'liriTl not a Ipart GAUTION The tbln, extremely fleiiblo balloon casing, repaired by tho old methodH, leaves a hard, stiff Bectlon which throws tho tiro off balance and quickly ruins It. The Hawklnson System eliminates this difficulty 1y making a re pair of remarkable strength yet just as thin and pliable as, the balloon tire. Badly injured balloon tires aro not "through" IF they are rcpulred tho Hawklnson way. A trial will convince you. Wo guarantoe each ropalr .to OUTLAST THE TIRE, or your money back. All tiros In spected FREE. qACE V f TIRE SHOP r Why Call It a Coach? TJIEY couldn't understand I "Wliy cull it a coach why confute it with cheap ckstd cars?" asked the dealers at a recent Studebakcr meeting. "Surely it would be better to name it the Special Six Coui'c." To he sure, the Special Six Coach is uphol stered in tine quality oC materiul with hith grade carpeting and heavy decorative door pulls to a.-jijt passengers in alighting. To be sure, it it lacquer finished In two styles beautiful Studebaker blue or a rich ilmitone finish ot Wyundnttn green-gray above and l'onca green-gray below. And) furthermore, to get a coach us large and roomy you must pay more than $1,000 above the price of this car. But the fart remains that it carries the lowest price at which a line closed car has ever been sold on the world-famous Special Six chassis. It is a couch in fritt ahnt. Rut in quality o fint type of fivt-faiumjtr cmpt. l'rom the very beginning, the conch has been ail effort towards ccouumy on the put ui automobile manufacturers. But, unlike other manufacturers, Studi-baker has been able to build a coach without sacrifice in essential quality ami oftr it lo you at an acapttd touch price. The reason for sedan quality at coach price Studebakcr builds nil of its own closed bodies builds finer coaches than have been built before and builds them at a lower cost be rause there is no outside biidy-ninker't profit to be included in the purchase price to yuu. This Special Six Coach is built complete both body and chassis in Studebakcr plauts. It is a "one-profit" automobile. In liuvlnir a closed cnr. do not underesti mate the imuoruuicc of engine and chassis. With estra weight tp carry, lliec units bc cotite increasingly vital. . , ; Plus the Special Six Cliaxsis This fine coach body is especially designed fur ami inouuled on the Special Six chassis which has cimmbiiied to (lie splendid repu tation of Studrhaker cars for dependability, endurance ami reserve niiliagc. llefinlte records show that many SiuiK hakrrs have delivered from l.'S.tHKJ to iuOXK) miles of service. Up in the rugged country around Three Kivers, (Jurlicc, there are eight Studebakcr cars that have each traveled UHI.000 niilrs or more. In Stockton. Calif., one Slutlchakrr car hat piled tip UK.OOO miles ovrr strep mouutuin grade and rough country roads with negli gible upkeepnot a tingle major part hat been pmviiascd or repaired by rusnn of wear or accident. So do tint buy this Spcci.il Six Coach with the expectation that you'll have to tiadc it in ul the end of a year or so. Instead, consider this your franiinnl investment in transpor tation. At the mileage when other ears are breaking up. this Stmlrbaker Special Six Coach will just be breaking in. Buy now no need to delay You may buy this Studrbakcr Special Sjx Coach today or on any day of the year with the confident assurance that no set of ours will stigmatize it as a "last year's model," Vat Studebakcr has disconlluued the cus tom of preseititnir a new line of cart each year. Instead Sludcbaker will kerp up-to-date all of the time introducing new improve ments an. I refinements as their merit is proved through practical use. DUNHAM AUTO COMPANY Sixth and Oak : Phone 52-W THIS I S S T U D li B A K E ft Y J! A H Another Potato Prize Offered 115 South Eleventh. As tho last rubbor bund was slipped In place avoui the hugo roll of printer's copy for tho premium list ot the coming county fair, Henry Semon, the energetic presi dent ot the Klamath Potato Grow ers' association, bounded into the office ot the county fair board. "Am I in time?" ho panted. "Sell your future crop nt 6c or did they strike oil on your place?" someono queried. . Hank, as ho Is atoctlonately termed by his Immediate associ ates, displayed tho famous Semon grin. .".Vopo. Something better than that. The American National bank Is offering a second prize for the commercial potato exhibit nt the fair of 125 cash and J. S. Mills & Son cume In with a third prize of $20 cash. What with J. W. Kerns' first prlzo of a $14 5 Iron Ago po tato planter and thoso second and third cash prizes, there's going to bo more fine potatoes rallied and shown In Klamath county this year than anyone over dreumed of. Isn't that enough to net any potato grower hoeing and hilling?" Mr. Semon, besides being the ringleader of the local growers' as sociation, Is one of the largest rais ers of Netted Gems in tho Klamath basin and superintendent of the newly created potato division at the county fair. This year will be tho first that potatoes havo formed an exeluslve exhibit and allotteib suf ficient space to properly dlsbiay one of tho county's most Important and remunerative commercial crops. Ono of yio outstanding attractions of this exhibit will bo the Netted Gem display by, commercial pro ducers raising two or more acres'. The prize winning sncks will be auctioned nt the close of tho fair and the proceeds revert lo a re volvlng fund for the furlhernnco of potato awards and displays at sue ceoding fuirs. With tho adoption of Improved mothods of cultivation, Irrigation, field selection nnd cai'C' fill grading practiced this year, Mr, Semon hopes to assemble a display of potatoes that would make any county envious. releusud from Jail, refused to admit a charge of assault and battery be fore Juki Ice of the Peace It. K. Hun anker yesterday afternoon. Thomas fa charged with having assaulted G. A. Camp In the county Jull. Hn will be tried In Justice court nnd tho spectnele of a trial in which county prisoners will be practical ly the only witnesses will be staged. l lltST KOTOIl HIIIP ON' TltlAL POTSDAM. (P) - The world's first rotor ship was a fiaturo uf tho exhibition for nquntiu spor;a held recontly.. It made a trial trip each day of the exhibition cn Tam pl In lako and performed satisfactorily. When you cuss a stranger over the phone wo alwnys think muylsu we could whip li i til In povHnn. - 1L.l. JHUr-3 Camp Squabble Ends In Court Three Are Fined For Disturb ing the Peace A few drinks precipitated a. rumpus nt tho Bunnell camp ground last night which led to the arrest of Jim Wiley, Kilty Layman and C. Layniun on a rhargo of ulsturblnc tho peace. Tha trio pleaded guilty before Justice ot the Pence K. Hunsnker, nt his home last Ight, and were fined and cost each. They aro recent nrrivnM from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, ami havo been stop ping nt Ihn camp ground for nov ernl days. ' r; C?l i r,e insurance oaiesman What he deserves atfd ; I .i Where he can get it Tt: sells something ol inestimable value to society and is entitled to substantial and continuous returns for this service. Home Offifp RulMing Hun Fraud..) ownnl liy Ilia Cucapwy ii ilia Our "Pioneer Income Cqiuract" provides unusual rewards for his effort, such m attractive first year nnd renewal commissions, fixed monthly income, protection ogttinsc disability, protection for lit fnrriilyr and life income after 30 year.' service. Agency contracts are mde , direct with home oihee. : Write for details to J. W. Srr.WART, Supl, of Agtndti, Seventh Flnor, Omen Building Portland, Oregon est Cc-ast Life INSUftANCC COMPANY MOXf Off rC-aUM HUMOKO County Prisoner Claims Innocence I' A. Thomns whoso alleged fistic indiscretions brought . his ur- Portland Branch Office Seventh Floor Gasco Bldg. John H. Houston, Dist. Agt. j Geo. A, Proctor, Res. Agt. Klamath Falls, Oregon ft O N E OP AMERICA'S S i k i Y , , t.Vr ' i u M PA N IE ' ' ot the story, took place, and the I rest tho day ho wus to have been iwvyjvwvvvsAvywvyse'e'se