University ,,rjrv il Published Daily at KLAMATH FALLS "An Empire Awakening" BUY AT HOME; LOCAL" ' MERCHANTS CAN GIVE . Jf OU BETTER BARGAINS ;; Associated Press Leased Wire Eighteenth Year Number 55(57 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ft COLLEGE YOUTHS CAPTURED AFTER DARING ROBBERY Montana School of Mines Juniors Fail in Holdup of Butte Resort BOTH ARE PROMINENT Boys Said They Wanted Money for Schooling One is Wounded nUTTE. Mont., July ".Murk Mills, 21. ii f Jniilln. Mil., mill Carl Hcirrrt. 20, of Tallin. Okln., presl dent nnil vice president, reupcetlve ly, of tlin jttiibr cI.hs of iho Moli lalia school of mlnei, urn expected to plead gulliy IV atinonn tu charge of highway robbery, carry ing u sontenrii of from otio to till you In tlin slum inl!iilury. They worn raptured yesterday after a gun battle, followlnii Ihi'lr holdup of Munnge.r llunrgo Forsyth of Co lumbia Gardens, a summer resort hern, and their escape wlih $ S 1 70. Mill was allot In Hi" hip nnd slum, dor before ho surrendered. The money was recovered. Tint boy mild they wanted It lo complete thnlr college education. Gun Toter Must Serve One Year MBUKORI), Ore. July 7. Mel born Iliinn, a oiin iiriiind mint of Yrnkn, Calif.,' ploudml guilty Mon day In the circuit court in J'iek nvllln to "currying a Ciiireuied wrupoit. whllo ongugod bi I ho ml" of liquor," and won sentenced to aurvo a (our months sentence) In the coun ty Jail for lliiuor violation and do court ordered that tlio prln sen tence run concurrently with other aifniinc ThiT'lnirtrtmetvt, akulnM " " R. Jones, proprietor or u service slu tloti In tho Siskiyou charging enr rylnc a ''conooalod wiiipon In an autonyibllo wna iordorod dlsmlsncd. (1KOESI1KCK FAMILY HETIRNS Loral Attorney Him I'lcnwut Time on Vacation It. C. flrooHlKH'k, local attorney, and family hnvu Just returned from a delightful motor trip throughout Callfarnlu. Tlmy were In Santa C'rui nt 111" llmo of 111" earthquake but woro sound asleep and did not fool Iho tremor. Eight Drowned in Tragedy at Sunday Picnic Lives Lost in Disaster at Sunday School Outing ST. THOMAS, Out., July 7. UV) Tho diiulh toll In hud nlKlit'a Hun day Bclinol picnic tnmmly nt I'lnu foro Lako, whura two fliit-botioni bontn, tied loiiotlior, currylim 27 children nnd a toai-hor, ciipxliind, wna put tndiiy nt cliiht pemonn, Tho toucher and novcn of lior clmrRcn wore drowned. Knrly lodny all but two bodies had been rocoverml. Tho dead nro Mm. WntH, Edith Itoberlson, 8 yonrs old; Murray llnrnex, B; Krnn cen Vlillnr, 0; Howlnnd Hmltli, 8: Jonn Itoborttion, 12; Alfred Suther land, R; Jean Murrny, 7. - All nro from Rt. Thomnn. r : : ' Crazed Minneapolis Man Murders Wife and Child and Then Kills Himself V- , '. ' MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., July 7. Attacking members of Ills family with a largo knlfo whllo thoy woro sleeping. Ernest Frntuon killed his wlfo and onn of his children today nnd sent four other children Into tho atroot In their night clothes, In jured and scronmlng Tor help, Ho thon killed himself. Frunzon, evidently suddenly erased, first attacked, his wlfo, El lon, 811. Hho wan found dent) In tho kitch en, In a bedroom on tho second Pola Negri to Pay Big Price to Get Jewels Screen Star Assessed $57,000 for Smuggling NEW VOHK, July 7.--W) Poln Ni'Krl, screen star, iiiiihI pny f7, oiio to I ho government lo recover two diamond anil ini'riilil bracelets unil ii l In in on cl rliig wlili Ii Bin! fulled lo dm'liim w In n she ri'liirni'ij lust Muy from n European trip. Inspectors lit lh" lime ii I no found 10 hollies of win" In her triinkH, smashed tin-in on III" xti I p'H mil nnil rini'd h.r 15 a bottle. A thlrly rnrut dlmnonil rlim .Mis Negri ii t I 1 1-it win given to Imr In Km ncc. t'tlHlOIIIH official nHIM'MHrll till do mestic viiIiiii of tlin jewelry lit $17,- llllll. Til" fill" IllllOlllltS to 1 1 It.lMKI. Secretary Work Visits Portland PORTLAND, Or., July 7. Dr. Hubert Work, senroury of tlin In ti'iLir department nrrlved hum lu duy on IriK f mr of n-ivarnnn-nt iiM rxiMiimullon projuolii In Hi" mirili wiihI. Uuvornnr IMoreo of Ort-Ron nicl I ha nncrntiiry hum ujkI iillund cd a luno'icon with hi in. From r. rtlund Bi-o.-cury Work la u so tu oiiHiom OrcKon to linipuat projnctii thurn. (lovuruor I'icrco plaiiB to arr.9iii'iny Iho puriy. Swri-tiry Work In .,Mmpunloil by Kiwi) ill Mcuil, commlimliiiKU- of Itncliimullon; Bii-phon T. Miiilu'r, jiipcrliiumilciil of niilloiuil purkn; Dr. mil Mii.. W. K. Clink. Judxu John Citiroll, Omiorul cJiinm-l f llm Noit'lcrn I.liitjn, In wliont- prl vulo car llm parly Im fruvi-llnit. mi;l Itirry J. llrJwn, W. C. CiittlnK and W. J. Dmultl, nwpiipcr men, Steals Locomotive For Big Joy-Ride NEW YOHIC, July 7. W1) OhiCrK il wICt nloullnn a 165,000 loco inollvu for ii joyrldo and wrecking It und naulhor locjmutlvu Jin a oJllli;n, Nicholas Oper of Ijjng Inland City today iv.ib held In M000 11.11 for a hourliiK. 1'oltco uy Oper admitted entur liiff alio prlvuto roundliouHo of a'llon oumpany on iho' night of July 3, wAllo Intoxli-utod. Fllid kng r.i watchman n duty, ho decld od U Uiko a rldo. Opor had never linen In u Iik-oiiiIIvo , befuiro und wja burled oiU of tho cub wlndiw nt tho f.rnt sharp urva. Ho wa njt ihurt. Tile runliway onglno guther apceil and, racing 05 miles nil hour, crash ed Into a Long lalund railroad 1joj motlve. wrecking both engtaos olid seriously Injuring Engineer tieorge Dlinmlck. Total damago Is csll mited ut (150. 0UO. Real Estate Men To Hold Lunches ltegular semi-monthly luncheon ict the rc.l esLMIo men of tho eliy, was definitely decided upon at a noon luncheon of tho board 'held nt Iho White l'ullca.:i. A commlttoo composed of J. V. Magulre, Jr., J. Ahlstnom und W. M imollus woro name.l i:n the on- tortninment tomniltteo to arrange for a speaker tfr somo form of en-ti-nMlnmont for Iho next luncheon on July 21". Thla wmmlttco Is lom lra:y, clich tlmo throo members of the bairil being named to nnrango for oMerlalnmonl. floor was found tho body of Morris, I), their youngest child. When polico arrived Krnnson lay dying In an other bedroom with Ills throat cut. Koitr other children, ranging In ago from 11 to 1(1 years, nought biding places In terror when tho father ran nmiick, but' nil woro alnshml, ono seriously, boforo they were nblo lo cvndo him nnd fleo from tho house. Ethel, 11, was re ported In a serious condition with a wound In tho neck, LIQUOR RUNNERS I OF S IN GUN BATTLE One Member of Posse Slain in Fight Last Night Near Salinas, Cal. EMPTY TRUCK FOUND Bootleggers Believed Tak ing Liquor From Boat When Surprised KAUNAS, Calif.. July ". W") A triii k unil a pnHn-iiKr auioiiiohlle, both equipped lo curry lliiuor, were found In a vacant lot toiluy near Iho point u Moss lauding, wheru MinpiM'lcd ruin runners and a nher- Iff's piiHHi- "iiiiiiKi'd In a pistol bat tle liixl iilitbl, reKiillIng In Iho death of N. II. Ituder. a memlier of the poHH", unil tbu shooting of Kberiff W. A. Oyer und Ifarry Livingston a stute truffle officer. Tho sheriff's office uIho received word that on ntitomobllo fleeing from the scene of (he shooting bad been slopped in Sun Jose and three men arresled there. The presidio at Monterey denied reports that troops had been sent to the scene of Hie shooting. Mii-i-irr Woiimii-d Kherirf Oyer was shot In tho knee and Livingston through tho leg. They, am In a hospital here. Tho finding of the empty truck and automobile Indicated that the shore crew of the rum running out fit hud been surprised before It was possible to land any lliiuor from n supposed big suillug boat off the landing. There were no signs of any such craft today and II Is be lieved that It put to sea as soon as the shooting started. HiisK'ct Taken I'ossemun were still on guard at 111" scene of tho shooting- today. Two of tho suspected run runners were rnpturi'd and brought hero but only one name was given out that of John Muy. The flRhl Inst night came with such dramatic suddenness that of flclals here pieced fragmentary ro ports from tho scene of action to obtnln u connected story. Help Kumimuicri Harry Livingston, a state traffic officer, drovo a shot-shattered nuto. mobile Into Wutsonvlllc, nonr here beforo midnight, with an appeal for help. Tho appeal was relayed hero and Bhorlff Oyer organised a posse and moved to tho scene. As ho approached Moss Landing on a dtirk country ronu iiaiiKcn ny ditches, tho sheriff said, faces bob bed up from both sides nnd In quired as to Iho business of the rberlff nnd bis assistants. When tho sheriff Identified himself the cry "Shoot 'em" cunio from tho men In tho brush and they opened fire with the two-word warning. KXCOl'NTKH H'KIIKIKiS WASHINGTON, July 7, (!) Tho MacMillan arctic expedition has en countered many Icebergs in Its run from rlatllo Harbor to Hopedalo, Labrador, tho navy department was Informed today In n messngo from Iho steamship Peary, filed yesterday. "Tho Toory nnd fiowdoln havo been steaming slowly through tho Ice all day, bound for Hopedalo nnd windy Tickle, Labrador," tho mes sage snld. , "There are miles and miles of looso. cakes of Ice." ROBBER RETURNS PEARL NECKLACE Jewelry Stolen Nearly a Year Ago Shows Up Mysteri . ously Today CHICAGO, July 7. A costry pearl nocklnco, taken nt tho point of n pistol Inst September by a robber from Miss Hostor White, daughter of V. Edtion White, bond of Armour & Co. has been returned to Col. A. V. Wblto, Lako county prosecutor. The prosocutor refused to say In what manner tho pearls had been recovered. Tho Whlln robbery was ono of a series confessed by sovrnl youths who named as nn accomplice Jack nurund, foster son of Scott C. Dur nnd of Lnko llluffet. As a result of their statements Durnnd recently was arrested In Los Angeles whoro ho worked ns a black fnco target In a ball throwing concession of nn amusement nnrk. West Resigns City Council From 3c.. Ward No Reason Given by I Veteran foi Sudden Action v- M. S. Wo-, for rule years council man from the 2nlfard, last night mi bin I Med his reslghaUoa from the city council. No puwin fur his ac tion was given, e thfr by word of m-jiit-i or In the brjif letter tj his felbw essicluies. Almost without comment he resignation was ac cepted. Council member InlK-ated that action will betaken shortly ti hold a special elocti.n In the 2nd nurd to name his successor. Already the discussion has started as to who will be West's-successor I . ' . . . ' ilw. ,.;.V.n..l f,njt'il,u r.r A 4 J. Lyle bus Jxen most freiiiente!y beard In this connvclion. It Is rij; ocnlzcd llint whoever standi at a candidate must havo a re, i 't Heporis of the blaze are meager, will stand the M.-nrchllght'i m"v 'la,tno" J- K'mhall, secretary ii.. I,.. ,. , ,,innH r,i ' of the '.association, was of the -.. ........ , j 4 , ly tho railroad . :Ogram lha city must follow the near fu . As one man expressed It, "The WsNi I who wins must not carry the brand oflany special Interest. There Is too mocli at stake." Vays and means of prcplriag for an lo.-ganized growth of the city cime up ; last night when ojuncilmen suggested that soma uc(ja be taken on inning and numbering of bonsiw. cDtilif . not secure a tXl ulrMl num bering R.vstem unless each ihouse were numbered according to iho blue prints in the city re:order's office. ; ... -1 i , Application of H. W. Ashby, a f irmer empbyBvof the WarJen Con Klrnctlo-n company, n-as received list night for tho uos, tiuniif paving apector. Mr. Asllby askedr $250 month. The council deterred acttnni on the application pending consideration of other applicant. ; s- Another "Largest" Still Is Captured Moonshine Can of i50 Gallons Capacity Taken PENDLETON. Ore., July 7. One of tho largest stills ever taken in this county was captured last night at 10 o'clock southwest of Meacham in the forest at the top of the Blue mountains by Deputy Sheriff Stokes and nn assistant. Two operators were taken with tho plant, which was complete in every detail. Ed Welch and Mrs. Mnudo Hoyden, wlfo of A. M. Boyden of Pendleton, were taken with the still and pleaded guilty In tho Justice court Inst night to the charge of operat ing a still nnd ball was set at $1500 for Wolch and $750 for Mrs. Boy den. They were bound over to the grand jury. Tho still was of 150 gallons total capacity and had an estimated out put of 25 gallons of finished prod uct per day. Tho plunt Is believed to havo been In operation for years and to have furnished liquor rings ill Pendleton nnd LnOrnndo with liquor for a long tlmo. Coolidge for Reduction of Income Taxes SWAMPSCOTT. Mass., July ". () President Coolidge feels that tho next reduction In taxes should be mmle on Incomes all along tho lino. Whllo leaving the actual prepar ation of tho tax reduction bill In the hands of tho house ways and means committee and treasury of ficials, Mr. Coolldgo hopes that It will provide for general relief nnd at tho same tlmo make possible the greatest amount of returns In rove nuo. To accomplish this end, Mr. Cool- idgo thinks tho maximum surtax should bo cut at least to 25 per cent. If It la tho opinion of ex ports, however, that a smaller maxi mum surtax rate, even ns low as 12 per cent, would produce greater returns to tho government and stimulate business, he would favor this rato. Tho president also stands on his previous pronouncement that tho In liorltnnco tax should bo greatly re duced It not completely wiped out ; TIBER STAND rn,!ArTrMrn n mntftitiiu.Di SFfMUS FIRE Reljef Called for in Control of Antelope Mountain ? Blaze ; . REPORTS ARE MEAGER Lightning Said to Have Been Cause Fire Fighters Rushed A hurry-up call for relief In the control of the biggest forest fire of " .e season to dote, was received ",lv Horning at the Klamath Kor- ,. I'r.if uft ivti !,u:jn'lnt l,n nffir-f.a i ' - XI offices. The -fire is located on the heavily wooded slopes of Antelope moun tain. In. the Silver lake country. opinion (that the fire had not crownedas yet. Rangers called for ten men, and as fast as tho men can be relieved from their duties In this section they are! being dispatched, to tho fire. j The fire, which was started by lightning,; is crawling ip the slope of Antelope mountain. Control of the tire (will probably be effected in the late afternoon or night, when fire fighting has proved to be most effective. Fire Threatens wauna Box Co. At Noon Today Fire of .suspicious origin broke out shortly nfter noon tmluy in the box shook warehouse, ailjacent to 1 the box factory of tho Kwauna Box coiiHutuy, on south Sixth Htrwt, antl lil Iamnf;e of several hundred dol lars before ft was placed under con tro!.. Had it not !ecn for automatic sprinkling system which was recent ly installed by the Kwauna Box company, a fire of larger proportions would have resulted. Heat from fire, melted one of the fusible links of the sprinkling system which auto matically rang a bell and at the same time released water on the fire. The local fire department was called and soon had the fire under control. Flit Chief Keith Ambrose who Investigated the fire, reported that the origin of the blaze was suspic ious and that a further investigation would be made. It. II. WHITE LEAVES Prominent Lumberman Spends Sev ern 1 Days in Klmnath It. B. White, owner of tho For est Lumber company, left this morning for Roseburg, where he is interested n tlmoer In that, re gion. Mr. White is negotiating for the Modoc Lumber company, owned by tho L. B. Menefee Lumber com pany Interests of Portland, Ore. He is also negotiating for tho purchase of a large tract of timber In the lioseburg district. He is expected back in Klamath in ten days at which time the sale of the Modoc mill will probably be completed. OREGON EDITORS TO VISIT CAVES State Association Will Meet at Grants Pass on July ' , 17 and 18 C RANTS TASS, Ore., July 7. A trip to the Oregon caves will be tho feature of tho annual gathering of the Oregon State Editorial asso ciation, which meets in tihs city on July 17 nnd IS. This trip will be made on Saturday, following the business session of Friday. Cars are being provided by tho Grants Pass chamber of commerce for thoso who do not bring their own machines. After tho trip through tho caves tho Oregon Caves Resort company will provide dinner for the visitors. A enmpfire entertainment, aided by an orchestra of collego students from O. A. C, whoso members net as guides during the day, will be given In the evening for thoso who desiro to stay. A trip over the Grants Pass Irri gation district also Is scheduled. Ewauna Logger Severely Hurt in Auto Crash Frank Olson Is Struck Down by Car on Highway A puff of wind which lifted the hat of Emll Matson from his head and deposited It on The Dalles- California hjghway. a half "lle,ACTION TAKEN TODAY Injury Inst night at 9 o'clock of Frank Olson. Olson was struck by a southbound car. driven by Chris nianas, owner of the Arcade hotel, and sustained a double fracture of the left! leg. He was taken to Klamath General hospital last night fori treatment. Hlann Olson. .Matson and Oley Erickson had Just crossed the overhead crossing , on their way to the Ewauna lumber camps, when Mat son's hat was blown off. Olson ran back toward the crossing to recover the hat and was just stooping over to pick It up whin Dianas turned the right angle curve at this point. Tracks showed that Hlanas struck Olson on the left side of the road and then crashed into the highway fence. Blanas' car was badly wrecked in the accident, although neither he nor several companions was In jured. Matson and Erickson reported the accident to the sheriff's office and askjfd that an investigation be mat. i. Sheriff Hawkins drove to the -cene of the crash this morn ing and reported that from" what could be gleaned by tracks in the road, Blanas swerved over to the wrong side of the road and struck Olson. Ralph Ince Weds Dancing Beauty NEW jVORK, ; July jr.J.jiclln Mende2, dancing, and screen star and daughter of the late Ciprlano Castro, dictator of Venezuela, has been cast by Ralph W. Ince, motion picture producer, for the role of his bride. . The girl's stepmother, Mrs. Joyce Bryce, who lives here, has re ceived word of the announcement of the engagament in Los Angeles. Ince was divorced last week In Los Angeles by a sister of Anita Stewart. ' A month ago Mrs. Ince obtained a judgment for $9061 under a sep aration agreement. Ince also has been a defendant In a $50,000 damage suit by his brother in law, George Stewart, which was brought after, a fight in an automobile on the way home from a dinner at a country inn. PORTLAND, Ore., July 7. Everything else on the program of the Christian Endeavor convention here was secondary today to the parade of delegates and visitors this afternoon. With Portland's choicest summer weather prevailing me turnout of marching, 'singing Eu deavorers was declared to bo virtu ally 100 per cent. FLAGS RECEIVED WASHINGTON. July 7. (P) Oregon and Mississippi flags were accepted by Postmaster General New today from the post office de partment's collection, which now lacks only the flags of . Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, North , Da kota and Wyoming to make it complete. ' - - MONOF.LIj resigns SWAMPSCOTT, Maas.. July 7.(P) Frank W. Mandell submitted his resignation to President CoMUlge today as a member of the war finance corporation. Real Prosperity Revealed in Statements Issued by Country's National Banks NEW YORK, July 7. (JP) Rec ord breaking prosperity Is revealed by bank statements Issued in answer to a call of the comptroller of tho currency for the condition of na tional banks ns of June 30. Resources, deposits and undivided profits of the lnrgo Now York Insti tutions exceeded tho previous high totals ot 1919 nnd 1920, , boom years. KLAMATH NT WILL GO AFTER S Special Representative to be Sent South to Boost This Section County Agent Hendenon May be Sent Into Owens Valley District Klamath county will send a representative : to the I uwciw l aiicv i;uuilbiy ill ail effort tO induce farmers Of that Section to lnpatp in Klamath county. Ihis was decided today by the chamber of com merce directors, following an urgent aopeal for action by Sam Head and A. L. Uishard. ' ' A special chamber com mittee will confer with the county court at 3 o'clock tomoirow afternoon and isk that County Agent A. C. Henderson be sent to Owens Valley for a month or six weeks. If this is found to be impracticable, the cham ber of commerce will fin- mce the employment of a representative agent. Sam Head has made sev eral trips to the Owens Val ley country where he form erly resided for nine years. Because of the water litiga tion with the city or Lis Angelas, Ube, ..Owens yultpy jHP'.-re , eouv pelied io seek new locations. The city of Los Angelea'U n;w buying up the lands cf the' farmers end fhey have plenty lot aisi to pur chase f irms elsewhere. Mr. Head dec'.ared that ull of the 24 Owens Valley farmers iho had broug-it here ftf6 favorably Im pressed with the Langell Valley d'.s- tri:e, and he Is confident, that many of them will come, here , -to kKute. as soon as tney i:iave stiu tneir farms to the city of Loa Angeles. ; . Many communities throughout the west iave agents In tho Owens Val ley country, and the decision to send somebedy from Klamath count waa made In a determination to In duce desirable settle, s to locate acre. .' Another Earth Shock Is Felt Arizona Seismograph Reveals Severe Temblor TUCSON, Ariz., July 7. (P) A severe earthquake shock within 700 miles of Tucson was registered on the seismograph , of the United States magnetic observatory near here at 7:13 o'clock this morning. Tho temblor continued for approxi mately halt an hour, II. K. Ludy, observer In charge, said. Mr. Ludy. raid ho had not de termined' tho general direction of the ouako. ' . TREATIES RATIFIED PARIS, July 7 () - Tho French chamber of deputies today ratified tho two treaties pertaining to cham ber drawn up during the. Washing ton arms conference. ' ' In Chicago, state and national banks showed combined Increases In deposits of 1127,000. The doposlts of the National City bank, the largest In the country, ex ceed (900,000,000 for the first lime. The total In the statement sub mitted to the comptroller Is $10, 90.1,1105, a gain of more 'than fKO, 000,000 since April, OIN FARMERS