-war TJwm 32 Mainly. About - People ALJhe LIBERTY Or. rmmr. mmm klamath 'vaux mvfirtn Richard in "The Shock Punch" A io Wfi'Ttil mixture ii f ilriiinille dynamite and I.iiiikIiIiik Lightning THURSDAY "Western The Washington Cafe It tlio moat popular anting placo In Klamath Falls today "There's a Reason" rou CAN EAT BETTER FOR LESS AMERICAN AND MM Bouth Blxtu Wakh his Ab liby'jt health depends on the of its milk. And remember this the best of milk loses its wholcsomcncss rapidly when exposed to a temperature wurmcr than 50 decrees. A wcll-iccd re frigerator is the only safe pldce to keep milk. Don't tuke chances with your baby's hculth. Take Ice regularly. i KLAMATH ICE t ? Phone 58 t t ? I Mnsmni national association of ice industrihs 1 I '" 1 ill iiiiii i urn mi 1 I KIWANIS Community Dance Thursday Night Venetian Dance Barge Everyone Welcome Let's Go Where? Merrill Community Hall Friday, June 19 Al Iloiuilng's Symphonic I);inco Orchestra Featuring New Wonder Conn Insiuments ALLWORN OUT? Hit Xn Mr. Mr-Kw, Who Ti11h Hl KxMrlrnro Aro you tired nil tho llmo; worn out night nnd day? Does your back acho as If It would break?? Do you suffer dlzzlnoBs,. hondachoM, rheu matic twinges or distressing urinary disorders? YqM hnYo OJd caiiso, then, to bo nlBrmod about your Itld soys. Do an many folks In this lo cality recommends ;Uo noun's Pills a Btimulnntdlurotlo to iho kid neys. This yplciil cnio Is con vincing: i. F. E. McKcoi Jiicusonvllln, Oro anys: "I hud a dull aching through my hnck and I couldn't do any stooping or lifting. My kidneys nctod irrogularly, loo. I isnd Dunn's Pills nnd they soon freed me of nil tho trouble nnd mado my nark woll nnd strong." ' Tho nbovo Is not nn Isolated case. Mr. MkKoo la only ono of many In this vicinity . who hnvo gratefully nndorsod Doan'a. It your back nchos, if your kldnoyB hoth'jr you, don't simply ask for n kidney rem edy nsk distinctly for DOAN'S PltiLS, the sumo Unit Mr. MeKoo had. 00 cents nt all dealers. Fostor Mllburn Co., Mfru., tluflalJ, N. . Y. Adv. Dix BUCK JONES IN Luck" 9 CHINICHK IIHIIK8 ' Woo MUlliK, Prop. milk often its very life nourishing quality DEPRND ON U N E C IN. ALL .WE AT HER. & STORAGE CO. l Girl's Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Miss Cecllo Ilernice Chnmhnrlnln, who died yes terduy afternoon nt Iho family home nt 3 1 D Ninth street, will bo hold nt 2:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The services will bo hold nt Whit lock's chapel and will bo In chnrgo of Itev.. Arthur Hlco nnd Uev. A. F. .Simmons. Following the services, Interment will be at Odd Fellows cemetory. FHOM MAItVSVll.I.K E. C. Powell nnd C. W. Shaw of Marysvillo, California nro In tha city and pliiu to remain hero for about n week on business. FltOM ItKSKHVATIOX Walter J. Kerrlgan, publicity director for tho Klamath Indian Convention and IClden Miller of the flniinco oommltteo nro In town to day making flnnl plans for tho con vention, MKItKIMi. KOAIt MAX Hubert Chaney of Merrill Itond nMunded lo business Interests hero this afternoon. WOOllHIDK KKTIKXH I,. Woodsldn of tho Golden Rulo, who has been In Ashland visiting with his family for tho past fow dnysi returned today. FHOM CHILOQl'IN Mrs. Cyril llenson of Chlloquin Is in today shopping. ' LOCAL MANAGER WANTED Security Life Insurance liiit;iimy of Chicago An opportunity prosonts Itsulf to some local man f ambition, In- , tegrlty and ublllly to m.nko a connection with this company. He should hnvo soma Bales experience, not necessarily in tho Insurance business, limn bo nblo to furnish locnl references and In order to succeed must bo a hard worker. To such a man wo will give nn ngency contract that will bo profitable and that will enublo him lo hiro siih-nKonts, Thnro Is no lino of business that without Investment of capital, offers rewards nn great, to 'Intelligence nnd good Judgmont. If you llilnlc you can qualify wrllo, enclosing this udvortlsomont lo Iho SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE CO. Times Ituildliig, Portland Oregon . MF.IIH AL HITDF.XTS IIF.HK Ti Spud Hummer Hern Heroin lie tinning to I'ortliniil Cecil Adams nriil WIIhoii W. Lem ery urrlvnd in Klumiitli Fiillii yes terday from Purthind, where they iir Juniors In tlm Oregon medical school. Until Intend to work here during tlm summer vacation. Aduins Ik wiill known hero, having graduat ed froni tliii Klnmutli IiIkIi school In 111 IK, whoro ho was prominent In student nctlvltles and athletic. Lemcry's homo l In Canada, but Imlh men attended Iho Vnlverslly of Oregon. MAII.INfi 1HTTOXS Ol'T Nlipclilllflllleilt'll Of fill' I'lflll'luK l' I'lnal Work of Year Close to SO student In III" pub lic schools lira being mailed certifi cate which are given by the Palmer school of writing, a well n Homo 64 who are receiving tin rainier hulton. Tlm offlc of .1. .Percy Wells I today mull I ii k all these award to ilia various students. MltS. DAVIS BETTER Accident Victim lUsfliiirK'tl From Hospital Mrs. Earl Davis, who Hiistnlned n skull frnjture when her husbands car overturned Juno 7, has been die charged from the Klumatli Valley hospital. Mm. Davis was Imprison ed beneath Iho car which burned 'completely after overturning on the road near Algomn. Sho wns pulled from tlm wreckage unconscious. FltOM ItOCKY IOIXT I). J. Puckott or Itocky Point spent Tuesday In the city. y IXHPKCTIXU tOXSTIlfCTIO.V F. 8. Lang arrived in the city this morning and will Inspect con struction work for Iho Soulborn Pacific. HOCK CKKF.K HAXCH D. K. Alexandor and W. Uerkln were In from Rooky Point yester day on business. ltlSIXKSS CALL O. Shelly of Sun Francisco was In tho city yesterday culling on tho business men. LKAVKS FOIt HOl'TIC J. F. Dubby who lias been In the city for several days on business left this morning for Sin Francisco. FOKTLAXU VISITORS Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Field of Port land wcro visitors In the city yes terday. AI.tiOM.V I'F.OPI.K Mrs. J. P. Iluker nnd Mrs. John Windsor both of Algomn shopped hero this morning. FROM Sl'IUXO I.AKK Mrs. A.H. Shopard of Spring Lako was In tho city this morning shop ping. FROM WEST SII)K OF LAKE F. II. McCormnck was over from tho west niilo of tho lako this after noon on business. RICTIRXS FROM FISIHXG Ffcd Hleslnger returned this nrtornoon from Llamond Lnke, where he has been on a fishing trip. SHOPS FltOM MF.HIULL Mrs. Abbey Halloy of Merrill shopped In tha city this morning, returning homo this afternoon. HF.RK FOR HAY Mr. nnd Mrs. "Ross" Richardson of Bray visited In tho city yester day. Thoy returned to their homo lust oven In g. HOXAXZA SHOPPKRS Mrs. Roy Dysert nnd sister shopped In tho city today from their homo at Honnnzn. Captains In tho old East India can pnsa tho physical tests, company's ships .wcro frequently knlghtod for their services. - ........ I I'YIVIJ MeXKAI.Y IIOMK Mr. mill Mm. Tliiiiion of Oakland Here to Alleiid o HhhIiicimi . .Mr. and .Mm. Frank Thompson of Oakland, California are occupying tlm homo of Mr. and Mm. W. Me Nealy during tlielr absence In the e.-ic.t. Mr. McNculy I representing tlm local Klwaninni nt the national convention being held In Iho Twin Cllleii. Mr. Thompson will ulso look after .Mr. MeNenly' business Inter est here. RF.TIKX FROM SALEM llrotlier mid Sister Have Ilecn At tending School lit Hiilcin Mr. and Airs. Walter Miller re turned last evening from Salem where they motored to get their son, Jack, and daughter, Lelha, who have been attending school there. MKKTI.NG WITH MltS. 8TIX80X Hoclnl Club of .Melliodist Churcli arc Meeting Tomorrow Members of the Tea Cup Club will meet with Mrs. It. K. Btlason at 119 Washington tomorrow after noon at 2:30. On Train and Vacations . letters must often be writ ten without the conven ience of a desk frequently In a hurry. Lord Baltimore Writing Portfolios are made for just such em ergencies. The writing case cover, placed on lap, knee or chair arm supplies toe desk, and the paper Is fabric-finished stock of high quality; Complete outfit with 50 sheets nnd 24 envelopes. 50c STAR DRUG KLAMATH FALLS, ORF.GOX Assorted Cookies Angel Food Cakes Coffee Cakes and GOLDEN KRUST BREAD Klamath Bakery 826 Main Picture Framing Mail your Kodak Finishing to . ' Stinson's Studio ; 737 Main 8 Hour Service , WIHKMAX FAMILY TO IXK'Al K Iffl'lf t V ltlfl.v T IJ11'4TK Will Milk Thin City Future Home rfUHig imprrsHca wiiii loiimr, C. M. Wiseman and family return ed to Heattlo yesterday to dispose of their property there and return to Klamath Kails to reside. Mr. Wise man who Is a brother of Mrs. Frank Ankeny of this city came hero about six weeks ago to visit his sister and secured a position with tha Drum mond print shop as pressman. He was so pleased with the future of Klamath and the delightful country that he has decided to come hero to make his future home. LEAVKS FOR ASIILAXI) Will Sienil Coining Week at Ash land on Huslness anil Pleasure Mrs. A. E. Hcnsley left today for Ashland where she will attend to business and will visit with her duughtiir, Mrs. C. W. Gllen. Mrs. Hensley plans to be gone about one week. STILKS IIF.RE .Much Improved In Health After III liens With Spotted Fever Mr. and Mm. Perlo Stiles were In tho city lttto yesterday from their home at Bwan Lake on business. Mr. Stiles reports he Is much Improved in health, having recently suffered a severe attack of spotted fever. Beauty Shoppe at Moe's Store Will Open by July 1st With work being rushed, the beauty shoppo In connection with Moe's shop for women, will be open for business by the first of July, ac cording to an announcement made I by Mr. Moe today. On a recent trip to San Francisco, Mr. Moe purchased the fixtures for the shoppe and engaged the services of Madame Panario of San Francisco, recently of tho Cosgrove beauty par lors In that city, to toke charge. Madame Panario Is considered an expert on hair and scalp treatments, as well as facial work. Coming with her is an expert marcellist. Plans aro under way to have a first class man barber In connection with the beauty shoppe who will cater to the women and children of the city. Work Of School Nurse Is Lauded Despite the fact that this was the first year a school nurse was ever employed by tho school board, a re port which was filed in the office of Superintendent J. Percy Wells by .Miss Agnes Covalt, shows a great scope of work 'was accomplished. Early in the year the County Health 'Vnit was organized for Klamath county, and in order to co operate with this unit, Miss Covalt was placed under the direction of the county physician. Miss Covalt was paid a salary by the school hoard and her work was devoted to the city schools, and families repre sented in the city schools. In March Miss Covalt's health failed her and later in tho school yonr she resign ed her position, to accept a more desirable ono and thus tho work for tho first year was considerably In terrupted. Her report follows: School visits 281 Building and ground Inspections 12 Class-room inspections 4231 Notos to parents 1200 Visits to homes Of school child- ren 686 Class-room talks 251 Other talks , 10 Handkerchief drills 30 Classes in home hygiene and caro of sick 11 Gasos referred to County Hoalth Officer 116 Cases referred to family phy sicians : 900 Cases referred to dentists 598 Pupils takon to physicians for clinic work 7 Pupils takon to dontlsts for clinic work 9 Tlmos pupils weighed nnd meas ured 3064 Inspections for physical defects 1136 Not found defective 246 Defective hearing 11 Defectlvo vision 107 Defective oyos 28 Defective tonsils 467 Defective nasal breathing 192 Dofoctlve toeth 698 Underweight, 10 per cent or moro 385 Ovorwoight, 10 or more 169 Symptoms of goitre 32 Orthopedic 6 Discharging ears 6 Skin '. 9 Pupils excluded from Bchool .... 139 Defocts corroded , 854 LAST SHOWING OF You may hate It, as you hate the dangerous undercurrents of life, but you will he fascinated, thrilled, held spell-bound , , - THURSDAY A VAUDEVILLE TREAT WALTER H. GALLOWAY AND HIS OREGONIAN ORCHESTRA of KGW Radio Station fame, direct from a long Portland engagement And New York's Latest Sensation "SING THEM AGAIN" You'll be Surprissed POPULAR MONTE BLUE IN "HER MARRIAGE VOW" It's a clever picture, with a solution of the problem of whether a maa Is married to his borne or bis business FREE - Schilling Aluminum Measuring Spoon with each can of SCHILLING COFFEE At the Following Grocers: Hurry Cash Grocery Falls Grocery Co. Houston & Phelps Santford & Co Finnell's Grocery The Sunset Groceiy Your money back if Schilling Coffee fails to please iw rT.- DAT mm XICHOLSOX'S HERE ; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nicholson ar rivod in the city this noon from Medtord and will go to their ranch at Fort Klamath this afternoon af ter attending to business interests hero. D1XOX OF MERRILL ROAD Percy Dixon returned to his home on Merrill road lost evening after attending to business In the city during the day. MRS. COXXOR SHOPS Mrs. J. W. Connor spent the foro noon in the city shopping from her home at'Algoina. FROM THE SOt'TH C. W. Hale and D. L. Brenen of Oakland, California are arrivals In the city. Both are stopping at the Arcade hotel while here. IX FROM 8WAX LAKE Mrs. W. Nino of Swan Lake is In j the city today shopping. t WHILE THEY LAST Berryman's Grocery B. P. Lewis Store Stone's Cash Stores McKim's Cash Store H. H. Jenkins shelf for instant use It's Nestli's ALPINE SERVICE Our obligation does not cease when we deliver your glasses to you. IF, your spectacle frames are bent out of shape; IF, your eye glasses do not set properly on your nose; IF, your heavy shell rim glasses slide down on your nose, or the temples hurt the back of your ears Bring them In and let ns ad just them proporly for you. This service Is free of charge to anyone wearing glasses re gardless of where they were purchased, In order that people may secure the utmost comfort and satisfaction from their glasses. Dr. Goble 700 MAIN Eyes Glasses Kxamlned Fitted Repairs . Quick Service