The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 23, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    .'!!" ' ' ' . '
No. 3
' '..jU'-.. I .1, ;
Pelican nay Lumber Voiunun) M.iii
I'urrhNne Alrplmi lor
K Joviiiriit
chaperlnUmdonl Pike Believe
Quallflc as lualrurtor
For Novice
. Pelican City, Mar.. 23. CowUi
(Urged through tbe streets of Put)
can City thin noou oyulng tlio now
Lincoln Hluudurd Airplane ruiulvcd
hart today by Aco W. L. Jackson.
Officer of the law dispersed tho
crowd! sufficiently to allow Jackson
to novo tlio crated machine to l.o
dry kllu, w.ioio he will atari' inuim
dlaloly to aisauibie it. Tlio motor.
SHIP three CiliiOor. I fuii'U ru'
try type, li expected ,w ,air,ivo any
day. Tbe exact duto' uu which ilia
Bikcbluo will be jm'iiib:o.l end ruauy
Cor lt trial has tin booii tui.
and Aco Jackson la buttig i'onuuuaHJ
ly besieged by quuilus a. W tru
time aud place of the 'llrWV flight.
Ace Jackson U at priwvut uuJu
cldad whether to lake a course In
aviation from the Cor
reapondonce dchool, or to accupt tbe
olfor ot Muporlnlondeut E. H. Pike,
who oace rode In au airplane, u
Instruct him. Before beginning hU
Instruction, Plko oifu.a id bat an
aum Jackeon will rUk tbal ho can
alap Into the machine and pilot ii
to elevation of twolvo hundred toot
and return safely to the g round.
Jackson faara JWacwpl the .fakf
for (ear l'lko WilCloao.
' Pelican City, Mar. 13, Tbu po
lice were again called out, ij u.
.. .xi.:..'.JiV"-Af.. i'
Ing We dwolllng oi Aou W.
Jackaon, early tnia morning.
causa of the gat .unuk w .ou,ik..o...,
ocamulit. hui iaou
the baud! of Kreeiana(biaiuy o f
peace officer. vTh(T,Uocoilieht'
an Insuranco policy on t j life 'tic'
Aca Jaokaon,
, (A l liS.US'O , -nicij a4
tVory mumoor of lu.
beneficiary, bvery
crowd aearcbed b the ofllcurs baa
a similar policy, and It was iaruu
later In the dajrabU-Ute Juauruucu
offices In KluuMlh Fails woro ru.n
ed by crowds ot would be bonefUt
evrlea late last and early this
' , Earl Holland, formerly night fore
man at Kwauna, baa quit hit job aa
; belt man tor the.Jdotjoo Lumber com
paty and..oc,cupM the poiltlpn ot
sutrlnteniott of 'tho Campboll
Td1 riilll oh Bprague river.
' b.-i uVlbiondor, ..tormorly ;on . tho
city 'tire-'force, has '' returned to
Kkm'ath 1 hfibr1 "''yonra alwoiwe,
mit.of .which. 'wa.' spent" In.' CuIIt
foinla. Hlrico last July Alcxnndor has
been ijorklni for tho- lied River
Lumber company In the capacity
: of: Umekeepor. Ho roports that Paul
iBUnyan-ls rolling logs Into Woat
wood at furious, rato.
t, ! ; . DIXON HACK
.' ;. Fred Dixon roturnod f,om Frisco
Thuraduy ready to go to work again
'at Pollcan Day camp. ",
; i;.Bort OlIHa. woll known top load
t ef. wr In town during ;tho woek
. from Whoolor-Olnuitead's camp.
. from Whi
, ( 1,,.,, Jl
,'C.fB. Randall Jwaa-In town'from
MoCultom's "milt ' Thursday : gdttlng
rmwir. 'tt,' tha"rI)Hkov'wlilch"ho la
w . . j 1 1 it.. Jmim f im Inn
, ' mftoljInbidfAfijaopiKna It la ropalrod
i Itanddir will 'lt ttrbdglng the mill
' pdntt'ln' ftropaifaVlohr the aonson's
' i if.'..-!.'. "A VH W - " -
) t."'. ".'..v.-t ;.:.
!. ( . J .. , 1
i nA.nnoAV imtbovkh
f 'W. . Barrow, formorly of. tho
; BwnunaY roon chain crow, who has
been 111 for sevoral wooks, la con
siderably Improved.,
"' IlUN IXXK3EB ,; '
I Lylo Magnus, engineer, hoy Olas
jco, eonduotof, Bill Jones, 'fireman,
- nnd Loe Hutohor, braltemnn,' have
charge of the .Chlloquln Lumber
company'e logging tram this season.
i if-j -' v l,'. .. ia,. . '
The aawmlll plant of tlio Modoc
Lumber company atarted sawing
lumbor, llila morning. Tbe com
pany had planned on starting tbe
middle of laat week, but repairing
and ovwriiuullng the mill took long
er tbun waa anticipated,'
tbu logging camp la now running
full force, ahlpplng twenty alx cara
por day lo the mill. The tint ablp-
inuiit of loga from tbe camp, 11
can, arrived at tlio mill alte Thurs
day. Tbe Modoo poople expect u
cut 120.M par ehlft, according lo
Manager Duatch.
Alfred D. Collier of the Swan
Lake , Moulding company, left for
Portland Thursday to attend tbv
wadding ot Mrs, Collier" sister, 'Mum
Ernngollno Fostor. .Collier drovo
as far o MoAford the' firm" day;
stopping , thro ,fo lock, over, tbe
plant of 'the Owon-b.-oson' Lumber
cumimiy. He wlllvUlt levaral otU
er valley lumber cnmponlca iwhllo
awnyjt llo aud , Mri. Collier are ex-
o:tod to return tomorrow.
' Joe Hail ia getting out aome coder
polea for the California Oregon
Power company lo be used In ln
atalllng tlio electrical equipment In
the now planing mill.
The Shasta View Lumber and
Box company ,1s lnatalltng Ha elec
trical equipment. Tbe two hundred
horse power motor for the bead rig
la of. a novel design,, being apeclally
constructed with three bearing, to
eliminate' vibration and strain.
1 Nine llros. Logging company has
biirt',hhlpi)lri f'r logs from Pino
tauLorbvo to tho W'heoUif'-OlmstiKid mill
' Vt.. "Mnrnhy. lozxlnc suocrln-
londcni for the Weed Lumbor com
punx,. ft nTcnpnnt,!,. California,.' to-
gthor w'th : lila ;famlly, spent tho
weok end with MY. and Mrs. C. H
If automobllos are a sign ot pros
perity, . the Swan Lake Moulding
company must bo flourishing. Emll
Larson has a new Dodgo ooupo, and
Alfred D. Collier a Hudson coach.
i There are just 9 more (too cor
respondence courses open In the
lumber course- which Lumborlogue
la offorlng 'to! tho men aud womon
omployed In . tho Industry In tho
Klnmnth eountry. Bo far-41 men
and womon have fllod their applies
tlons for th'a course, and all applied
Hons have ' boon forwarded to the
National Manufacturers' aesoclatlon
s Thoso . whose ' applications were.
sent In the first weok should recolve
tho first numbor ot tho coursa by
tho lattor part ot this wook. These
courses coma direct from Washing
ton, D. C. and It tnkes about two
wooks from tho ttmo tho applica
tions are received by tho Lumber
loguo until the oouraos arrive here.
Tho first ulna peoplo who submit
thotr names for the courso iwlll got
lit under the March quota ot 50
Hooraftor but 25 applications will
bo takon In any one month.
. This courso does not lnvolvo one
cont ot money." All you have to do
Is to Bond your name and address
to The Lumberlogue and the course
fill be sent' absolutely without cost.
'; Chris Kongsalki doesn't, dare, 'use
tils car there days., Ho can't find
a- basket largo enough to eaten and
hold flying, .parts lost on the road.
W. E. Lamm was in town from
his mill to, atlond the mooting of tho
Rotary Club Friday noon. , -
Tho Reese Blowpipe company Is
erecting a cyclone and blower at the
plant ot the 'White Pine Moulding
company. Tho building Is complete,
and ready for the Installation of tho
machinery, which should .nrrlvd be
fore tho middle of April. ' "., ;' ,., ,
Established March 9, lv2t
A weekly paper for tbe men and
women employed In tbe lumber In
dustry of Klamath County. i
burned ovory Monday
Men arriving from tbe fir districts
of Oregon end Washington during
the past fow days roport common
labor aa low aa $3.20 per day, and
m'lls operating but four and five
days a week. A minimum saw mill
wage of four dollars for eight hours,
all of the mills running full tlmo
and several of them two ablfts, and
the asaurance of an early start for
tboiOjnot yet In operation convinces
us (hat It la a mighty good thing to
bo n tbo 'pine bolt.
; li. e bocomlna- easier U gather
I l . ., ,
irUUirlnl for-Lumberlogue. The first
week, and, oven the second, some of i
the mill operators and a few of the
men -amnuid to foar that we were
trvlna- to nr Into tbolr business or
personal ;ecrota, and Intending to
broadcast them after applying all
known methods ot Journalistic dis
tortion. But the men generally are
gradually beginning to believe that
we lntond to do as wo stated; 1. o.,
run an Interesting sheet ot lumbor
nows. '
Ewauna Box company Is .extend
ing the railroad, track by, tbelr . un
loading ,aklds- farther, erpuod the
mlir pond.' 'making ft "poeslbla to
unload four- cam .of logs without
switching baVlr-taWmqtles.. - form
orly brly two could botiildadod,
irnd by tho' add'tiih of'i(Jlj''extra
rack tinloadlng wlrt'Ve'.jcjyBfcfcrably
tiff-dod up. tt.-'K "J
X :...LiA
Mill foreman'J'ou ap't one of
t!iee y,va, that, Tuivs-do,wn! W, saw
'nd haa a sharp one on when the
rhlRtlo jruhfVU'J J.
Monty flle'gh Not, me. I alwayr.
got It changed five mlnutos" before
hand. '''.
Windy Good When I was in Lon
ilon the last tlmo, a policeman touch
ed his cap to me and aald "Good
"Vi-nlrg. my Lord."
name; Dhlo That's nothing.
Tim IjM tVr.e I was In Now York a J
j'ollmmnn touched h'a club to mo!,;.. , ,. .
and said "my Cod, got,..ptf , the j,a candle, , Some t cooks : used y, ta
Trass." ' ci StV-much grease. It was aald pt one
"You've aot to uso your shouldora.
fur Bomothlr.g bsldea a-sU, hivngor.
saya Bb Chlldenr.
Jlramy'Jobnaton Hy, Alex; what
a a-morth,"-' M.. owJii
"Alex 8hlvo--Af mor6r? Is' a-man
who uiea tlvo word 'vlrgln'Tn anyway
oxcopt as an adjoctlvd"' in fiotfneetlon
with the noun forest.
"An absent minded man," eays
tfook McCullom, "la one who throws
hie dirty blothes In the bath tub and
goes to sloop In the laundry bag."
) Jack Doan Charley, that check
ou gave me' yesterday came back
marked N. B. P. ! ;
Charley Swindler that' funny. I
aaw an ad In , the ipaper only yes
terday saying too bad had a sul
pluj ot $3,000,000.00. ' Bup yrievor
mind, it tho're short I'M glya'em
t chock for enough tbcovor It.
" There are 'twl sldos to everything
but the most exponslve phonograph
records, says Joo Myerscough. "'
,n , ; .iji'W;, - ; '
Some, men .save all tbelr money
tnr V rlnv Hav.- and then fflva It to
a bootleggor for a wot night,' 'says j construction, "contractor tuinT
Eddlo Pulley, - bled Into the waters ot Lake
- ' . ' ; ' I Ewauna Tuesday while super
A full crow ot men will bo at 4 ,, th6 buiidlnK of the plor
iwork m tne camps ot tne
Bay Lumbar company by April twenty-fifth.
Tho first logs will bo
loadod April flrat. . ' 1
' Tho Womon's club of the Pelican
City community club has been tak
ing up folk dancing tlurln'g tho
week, -; '--'- ;.' ',' jf
Here's First Paul Banyan
Yarn; Read It and Laugh
Feeding Paul tfunyan'a crews was
i complicated Job: ' At no two camps
ixere conditions tbo aamo. The win
ter bo logged off North Dakota he
he bad three (hundred cooks mak
ing paucakos for tho Seven Axemen
and the little cboroboy.t At head
quarters .on the Big Onion he bad
one cook and 482 cookces feeding
a crew to big tbal Paul himself
never knew wltbln several hundred
men either way, how many men
be bad. . ; . ,
At Big; Onion' camp t'aere- was a
lot of mechanical equipment and
the trouble- was man who 'could
handle tbe . machinery cooked' like
I a 'macaiulst too. uno . cook n got
between the flour bin an-. tbe
i roatvlcellar. and .(nearly starved1 to
1, . . . f.,j-..- .
took' came and " wenf.- - Some
wore good and Others just able to
' ' Paull never kept a poor due.
ver'' long.''1'-There' 'was 'one" jigger
who seemed to hav learned to d J
nothing but boll.' 'Ho made Sou?
out of everything; and did most of
bis work with a dipper. When tbe i
urn luiB-aieu urunu vruusu iu to i
uu u., " - - "Mcooka, tbe Baking Powaer Bum and
ilake water till the crew atruck. i 108 Sourdough Stiffs, fjourdough
HI) Idea of a lunch box was a Jug i belonged to the latter schooL He
or a rope to freeze1 soup onto Uko : made everything . nut cotfe out of
' el :;' ' i ,' ":; . , '
Cooking Hotcakeis
a . , t -- 'A i
-(.in The Cook
I I " .-'! '
ofe, Put Anatwu.
VAIl of wTra IK 1
te- -amir,csTTH
., ,',.. ,' . , .. 0 !'
Ur.i ' HUI 'HUntor, Ui nilil
I to 'lengthon Ewauna's unload
I Ing track. Whether Mr. H'unt-
er slipped or was trying to
emulate Paul Bunyan'awl run
about the surface of tho rake
on air bubbles Is unknown, but
eye witnesses . say that , the
splash wag 'cjpnsldorablip. ' . ml ;
' '' ".X
I ! Cooking Hotcakei at Paul's Campjv I
i '' ' --r
Paul Punyan . : .
I ii i ii lagsa . .amis
Court Oi.v HeU fUvHt' lumbcr GOi
of .these that he 'aad to. .Wjatr.: calked ;
sboea'.to keep lrom . eliding out of .:
the cook-shanty and rub aand on
his handa when he picked up any
There are two :nds of camp
&t Paul's Camp ;
Cuts and text courtesy Red River Lumber company
. ' - ;. V
Sourdoughv lie iai, On;y?.one ,brm
and one; log, -,the-i other.; members
having been tost'uwttenhfs sonrdough
barrel blew u'p. "''Sam ;brtlelate4',a't
Tadpole ':-.rtJ i'eaiidifie'rSfthe1.
winter, pnat uijnaerso irro jCnargjj
'After 4n' 6ttre-haa:tailed"ak'B!)-
Oniori"cithrp,' hur hWed ':hls"cb&slii
Big Joe. who (;me fromthree ycejss.
bolow., Quebec. ( ho?, sure put
a "mean' Scald cn , tho chuch. He
whs the only man who cjuld make
pancakes fast enough to feed , the
crew. He had Big Qle, the black
smith, make him a g.Uldlo that ixaa
so big you couldn't tee across It
when tlte stoam was thick. , , Tie
batter, stirred in drums like co-n
crete mixers was poured on . with
cranes and - spouts. ." The ' griddle
was greased by colored boys w'ao
skated over the surtacei with hims
tied to their feet. Thoy had to be
co'.orcd bo8 to stand the heat. '
At tnu camp the flunkeys wore
roilor skates and an Idea ot the size
of the tablos is gained from tie fact
that they rlsti'Ibuted the pepper .with
tour horse teams.
;i l ' KNOWUES BAFFLED' .,: ,
Traffic officer. R. E. Knowles Is
still looking for the Ford coupe
that so mysteriously eluded him last
iweek. Ktnowles was hot on the
trail ot the spoedlng coupe until It
circled tho driveway In front of the
Pelican Bay offices and apparently
dlsappoarod Into tbin air. .
Loe Smith, purchasing agent for
the Pelican Buy Lumber company,
loft last week for a two weeks visit
with ' friends anc, relatives In. Mte
saav),'il!;'";''" '- ' .
! Bbaw-Bertram expects to have Its
new lath mill In operation this week.'
The new resaw will not be In opera
tion for perhaps two weeks.
., The box factory building la com
pleted, and ready for machinery,
and a block bouse Is being construct
ed and work la pi)greng rapidly
on the new dwelling houses, which
will probably be completed in a day
or two. .... . v. v,.., .
Try warm Calol Red Engine oi
fbr shampooln and massaging pur-
1 pose. According to H, J. Bell, night
"oiler at Ewauna, it covers more
' ground thani jriafly' of ,Uo mucS 3ad-'
can'Citr ftfaat thAre ia rhra ane-
the Umber along tbe Ashland-Klam-
ath Falls highway oeTond Keno.---
"Yes'm those bananas are seven
cents apiece, or three for Quarter"
tald Pelican Commissary manager
O. O. Parker to a lady customer. .
"I'm at native son of Missouri,'
says Noel Turner. ' .
- "I'm afraid ot these confounded
motorcycles give me a good safe
airplane,"-" says -'Ace I Jackson,' hlga
priest of the Pelloan Bay 'dry kllhs.
A'; wellkndwu "mill sorperllitend
ent Was approached-oy" i et'-nn-
prepafleasin!'Bheepman.. who "Was
'Jedonrpinfea Tiy -hW' stilf"more''uia
.irepUtisessrng'' 8on.t'-t 'd' '
a: 8heepmanil-a "Wieli yotf d"glv; ;toy
Van. "S-iob.-".. 1( tbi- bfm toJ bi- a
umoe'rman.-1 "
Superintendent "' (Tryibg to . b.e
ia'otf'ul) 'hn't" tlie 'sheep busne3s
Ubom'lng Juat no?" J ''
Sheepman-Oh''never tetter, a'ev'.
? better X'."' -s-- ' '
Superintendent' if- Er, ah- don't,
you think' your son would do bet
er to follow in your ' footsteps, as
t were?" - '
Sheepman Well,' I'll ' tell ' you.
The k!-d can't count above ten, so
theres no .use try In' to ' make a
iaeepherder outa him. But ho
ughta make a 'crackla good mill
man.' .. ' ' ' - I V '.,'.';
:. Tbe.'camp Of the Ewauna Box corn-
'bny'-iWa' present shipping twenty-
tVo cats of logs' per day. ': This out
put is expected to be Increased by
the? new quarter -swing stationary
McGUfert jammer' which '.arrived In
camp -Friday. :?.: "'.I'A
" 'A - torgB-'-new -lAimerlcan " saddle
ta-nk iod locomotive is enroute, and
Is expected to arrive about the Tret
ot Apcii.; ; , , . ' !
The Pelican City Community Club
Basketball team defeated the Merrill
Independents by a score of 26-15
last : Tuesday, f Tomorrow night the
Pelicans will play the Fort Klam
ath Independents on the Sort Klam
ath floor.- ..... - ... : ..: . . ,
Mrs. M. C. McEIlen was eaiicd to,
San Francisco Friday by the illness
of her daughter, Mrs. Melchlor. JMr.
MoEllea runs the store at Lamm's
mill.. , . ''I'-.''; V"
'" '.":.-" i.X", vi-V
' ' ; iiOOKINO FOR ACTION .. .
! Alllo' Taylor, a likely looking
young" featherweight,, who Is now
punching tractor for Modoc would
like to exchange cuffs for tour or
six rounds with anybody his weight,
the match to be held in Klamath
Fails. Taylor, who has' had consid
erable ring experience in Bend and
Portland, has fought two draws with
Billy. Moecott, and one draw with
Baby Blue, the colored feather
weight." ', ' ;'.' :: ; '' '
- Harry Thrasher, Community Club
barber,.;, has. Installed a violet; ray
machine In his shop, and is now In
shape to properly array the boy. -
",::"- - ". - '
C. W. Woodcock, and Q. A. Wood.
cock or Gronu PaM Shlpptag
- Machinery Co Stto. .
transportation of Boiler Over Soft
Roaula IMfflcnlt Truck
Machinery 10 Miles . :
. Another '. mill tapping the vast
pine timber belt ot eastern Klara
ath is being built at the base ot i
Bryant mountain, 10 miles south
of Bonanza, by C. W. Woodcock .
and Q. A. Woodcock of Grant Pass.
The two men, both of whom for-
merly operated, a mill in Josephine 4
county,"-have been working steadily .
the past two montis assembling ma- '"J
ohitaery, selecting site and buying
timber In preparation for tan active
year, In, manufacturing .pine Umbsr.
It 'is ! expected b haW that 'taai
chif ery 'ins tailed and on hand ready '
tor operation i a month s time, C.
W-. 'Woodcock , 'aald- tbir morning.
Accompanied iy bis wife, 'Mr.. Wood
cook: waa on' hi:, way1 to il home
in Grants Pass. . ' '
Hodern Machinery. -
The new mill aril! have an etgbt ,
hour capacity out of between 20,000 a
and 25.000 board feet. It will be
outfitted ' with most . modern ma-; -
c!Mnery , end - ' labor ' saving ap-
pllances. :: ; , ' V .
'."By the installation of modern i
auxiliary machinery, I - hope ' to i
make .the 'mill Into one of the .boot - i
of ';the' mailer:: lumber concern' Ib-'.-k
the '. county,", "Sir.':' Woodstock ald
today. - . . , - .1Y
' In the neighborhood of . 20 ' men i
Wilt be' employed at . the new .' eoh-. .
cern on" Bryant mountain. Tlnrt4r,.;
for' manufacture; will be : draiwn
from B'ract oCjtlmoer,' aggregating
between .. 26 aad. 30-- million- feet-t
which ,1 either.. owned, by the itWb-.
Grant" Pas' men ' or is being . ne
go tjated lor . by. Ihem. . ...i , 1-41'
M - Same a Lorenx Mill 1
"' "The mill In 'size would correspond '
to the Lorenz mill or the W. 'P.'"'
Miller mill Ijcatcd "Teact" of . Klam
ath Falls and In the same general
territorjr i. The lumber would '(be
shipped by truck ten miles the mill '
to tbe O. C. ft E. railroad, and over .
that railroad to be marketed either
in Klamath Falls or some place; out- -side
the county. Mr. Woodcock felt
that a certain demand would be -'
shown for pine timber in the east
ern part of -the , county, which hi
concern could sunplyj . ; . j
... Great -difficulty -is being "expert I.
enoed in transportation of.' maoftin-
'ery to the site. The . mill Operator, :
whan i they ."".ahnt, .down 'their- Jose' I
phlne, .county plant, shipped. J car
load of machinery to Klamath Fall' :
over : the' Southorn Paciflo and 00 '
out Into 'the eastern Klamath oodn-5 'j
try over'.;theN.f. C. ft, E... railroad. J
From 'B6nonza'::tt was hecessary tt
transport the' machinery bver roads !
mucky from, spring rains and snow. ',
Particular trouble is -being experl- .
enced In the transportation ot a big
boiler Hat Is being moved from the
railroad to tbe mill site on roller.
I Purchased ; Longell Co, .
The ' -Woodcock - brothers pur
chased i some time ago the; Langelt .
Lumber .company, a small, mill on
Bryant; mountain. Not taken Wfth
the site ..tills . mill ocoupled, they
transported ) that . machinery of the .
mill which iwas not obslete. to their -own
site purchased from a rancher
several miles away. With- their own
machinery and new equipment they
will build 'an. efficient plant. ?
; Mr., Woodcock was ot tbe dpInTon' '
that market conditions did not-war-' '
rant the high price of pine timber '
paid in Klamath Falls. He cited a
number of prices paid for timber
units recently ,(as examples ,of
orbltant prices. He attributed
high, timber "prices to " i lumber
boom. . v
Gilbert Wilcks and Billy Dreen left
tor Pelican Bay's logging - camp
Wednesday. They will run the jam
mer, . Wicks being en engineer and
Breen a top-toador. : , -
Earl Wright, brakeman for the
Chlloquln Lumber company, wna In
tow.n over the week-end on business
and pleasure. . ' 1
(Continued on Page Eight).