The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 23, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    OmXS MARCH '28 19it6
Common Sense
Will tell you
- ' ' The more and smaller the
" voids in hollow tile walls
i The More
"flAaS rot
t ST5? Are in VniiR
,O0- ft -V
V Specif y and Demand
Six .Cell , Columbia Square Tile
Six Cell Interlocking Tile
Porter Construction Co.
Phone 13
ftotMea w nltttutlMtiit aaata
'lHln tell ef t eerteai ee"
edeaSeee taat My malt Uaalai alnrai
iUeVe. ireeYrl BALSASIEA lar all area
Mral aweetleaa. BALSAMS. U a tare nae
..Uli areearatlea leaa. frees a aaarly -SSIaoKl
Or. Beau. F. CraMrea. Aaaar.
eee. Ha. write. : " mil emeereetj- tar am
. ZrMNa eeS ay fail. it U ao.ek. sere
aae eafe la Ra aatiaa uae aenues ewe,-
fvward Iha and of the laftoeoaa epldemte .
A miant piLndcUn BoUced Hal t tribe
of lodluu U Nevada, by the me of olla frofa
- a naUre plant vert Immune from tha nnpa
- at Inftaeoxa. Ha used these oils among hia
' white bellents- mad then la a hoepllal OTer-
skrwtarwiuv -death55 Ms. News of Iha
iwnM awest the world and for aorne Uaje.,,
It a not poeelble to suCDlr the demand-
BMIUMIFA baa ' so been . standardised
and alfea uniformly miraculous resulta la
irmrw hm 1. It arathea the Inflamed mem- "
branee sad reileres irritation, r It tnereaaee
, aecraUoB of mucous 'and permBe aaJ aa
' pecloraUon- X . It sUmulatee porta of the
. ekin te 'thrdwIBc otr body -pouone
ad (. It
strike at U
germ ,actlon ,
Do BQi confuse It vim ordinary talsam,
eoqib ajnips that are only soothing irrupt
i am oo not go to too Due or uw wtjuoi-k
ffriTtaw nWMr- mtntviliMi BALAAM EA la
fir fnm. cil Uf an athef-. harmful J
coua. riaasani vo ui ua wwiuw;
to tin to children.
je wri too rt BAL-FA-MK-A With tha
plctum of w Indian on the packartv Ooar- :
tiHr. in Mimwm an miivh. nn matlr from
what ottsa. or your moMj back. AQ nii- " J-
' In , KlamaXh FI bay. It, troro
BUr, Drug C9-- ;;
Cougha ,
to work off the cause and to
fortiftr the Bystem against
an. attack of .Grip or Influ
enza. A, Safe .and, proven
Remedy. Irice 30c. .
" Almost . overyono knows that
Saga Tea and Sulphur, properly
compounded, brings back the na
tural color and lustre to the hair
hn faded, atreaked or gray. Yean
go the only way to get thla mix
ture vaa. to. make .it at borne, which
to njony d troublosOme. , Nowa-
v !
Gr .' ,
dry kilns
Klamath and Market
, Appreciation
those in charge of
sxpreased 'by
the American
Lcglon automobile show thla morn
ing, when the summary or the ex
hibit was obtained from Legion of
ficials. Tbey especially wished to
thank the following: Paul Johnson
for the use of the garage; Klamath
Falls auto dealers tor their part In
the exhibit; D. O. Van Fleet tor
electrical work; Shrine club tor
yielding their show date from March
20 tPt March 27;. The .Evenlng Her
afd and the News for (publicity;, G.
Jl. Wirtz for use of. .toe. piano; the
Mlsses.Xfuaiaai, . . Ilndse y,. . Francit
and. .Jenkins tor their part in aell
lqg national ; safety . badges; .. .the.
merchants iwho assisted in the suc
cess of the style show;, women of
.tig Lef ion. auxiliary .for conduct. ,qf
the. (Caateen; tie, Melodr, trlQvcou
sUtihg of Harold Bell, Frank Confer
and Johnny Houston, who , con
tributed wfththeir .Voices at the
last night' of ''the ! dance;" and the
.legionnaires., whose , untiring., effo-rts.
made the show a success. 1 ; . , .
, The affair was highly luccessral
from' a community proposition and
means' much to the city of Klamath
Falls in the success of such 1 pro
ject. More than S615 persons, not
counting those under high school
age, attended the exhibit '
f : v
.,WiVtKESGAN, Ills:,, MaWh 23.
Jack ' Johnson, 45,- Chicago oogro,
formerly world heavy weight, pugi
list, . was arrested . here yesterday
charged with speeding 4 miles an
hour.-: t ... ,D ..... ;. ... i..;-, . :
- . :!.:, -r '.-r-.i.
McKEESPORT, Pa.. March 23.
John Wl Davenport, 62, boxing pro
moter, is dead. , He. Is credited by
boxing fans with having started
Frank Klaus of Braddock otn the
road which eventually led Klaus to
the middleweight championship.
ST. LOUIS, March 23. The Car
dials yesterday scored a double
victory from Oakland, at Oakland,
California, winning the morning
game four to three and the after-
nqfc contest 10 to 8. :
Drunk pigs in Kentucky showed
officers the still, they followed the
pickled pig's feet. -' ; J
days, by asking at any drug store
for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large
bottle of this famous old recipe. Im
proved by the addition of other In
gredients, at a small cost.
Don't, stay gray ( .. Try it! . ' No
one can possibly tell that yon dark
ened your hair, as It does It so na
turally ana eveniy. tou dampen a
sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand- at a time; by
morning the gray hair disappears,
and after another application or
two, your hair becomes beautifully
dark, glossy and attractive. Adv.
Malt In spoon) inhale vapors)
apply freely up twetriia. '
- V VapoRub
Veel Jar, UJ
News ot the fyamauitountry
v '. . '. LI
.'Mrs. J. W. Sroggins has lett
for visit with relatives in Arbu-
ckle, Calif. She Intends to re.
main until after Master.
Mrs. J. A. Drown who was ciUcd
to Medtord by tbo lllnoss of hor
father has 'returned to her home.
Mm, Brown reports her father to
still be In a serious condition.
Mrs. R. L. Dalton was confined
tu her home this week with an at
tack of flu. i
The Merrill townteam played
Pelican City Tuetday evening. Mer
rill lost the game' . ',
If.' F.- Toll of Eu.teno mho owns
a ranch north of Merrnl is here on
visit. He is wlu his daughter
Mm. Paul Lewis.
Mrs. R. H. Anderson has been on
the sick list this week with a sevore
cold. -
Tuesday tha Irish celebrated their
patron aatnt by a big celebration in
Tae school- gave a halt holiday
and a large crowd witnessed the
races. ' Merrill iwon the tug of war.
Among the Merrill boys .. winning
prizes were: Clifford and Victor
Shuck, Marlon Oraygael and Silly
Bailey. Intto evening there was
one of the. largest crowds 'of . anr
time, at the "dance. Supper . was
furnished by the ladles.
Mrs. Titos'. Lynch entertained at
Midnight supper ; to a number . of
friends attending the St. . Patrick's
Mrs. J. A.! Murray has been, out
ot the Library several days on ac
count of illness. ' . ; :
Mr. Tate from -Portland gave
slides Monday evening on the pic
ture "The Hour Glass". Thla was
la the interest ot the M. W. A. and
shoiwed the work done by. the M.
W. A. Mr. Welch ot Aahland. de
puty ot M. W. A. was also here at
at that time.'. -
Dr. Craver ot Klamath Falls was
called to Merrill Wednesday.
Mrs. - W. F. Jehnette manager of
the-- High. School cafeteria la 111
with' an " attack of flu. ,. Mrs. Thos.
Blake.' las taken '-her' place ' while
she Is away. ." ' t--
Mrs.-Zlabeg4t Malin was In Mer
rill Friday.--J V- .
Mr. and . Mrs.' Elmer Stukel are
visiting In -Sacramento, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Sort -Ferguson and
threat children are', all confined tp
their.' abedauwltli.' a .severe attack
ot flu. Miss Jennie Ferguson of
Oakland,- Calif., i arrived In -Merrill
Friday evening to care forher"bji
thers family. ' . :V '
Mr. Dunn has chsrge of tie cre
amery during Mr. Ferguson's illness.
A son, was bor nto Mr. and Mrs.
W. ; H. cHatfleld : Thufjday.-.
Wedrresday the Ladles Aid met
at the club rooms. As this was -the
annual election ot officers the fol
lowing were elected: President, Mrs.
J.' W. Cogglns; rice president, Mrs.
W. F. Hill; "secretary, Mrs. N. ,E.
Woodbouse, treasurer, Mrs. M. L.
Moore.-- The hostesses for the after-1
noon were, iMesdames C. Bowman,
Oeo. Wright, M. A. Bowman and
C. A. Hasklns. Refreshments were
served during the afternoon. Tho
following were present: Meedames:
C. C. Hulet,' C. E.' Paterton, J.' A.
Brown, - Oeo. Of field, . J; W., J.' L.
and Velton Hasklns, cW. F. Fru.ts,
W. F. Jlnnette,. J, W. Taylor, W.
F-j Hill, M. L. Moore, Bud Hill,
faun Westbrook, N. E. Woodhouse,
Ed Harwood,- Lester Turnbaugh, Q,
IL, Carieton, and C , D. Cborpenlng
and the hostesses. The next meet
ing will be held ui the home ot Mm.'
K. H. Andeison, with Mesdames
An Jerjon,' Dalton and Harwood hos
tesses. Mrs; Westbrook gave a read
ing on the American Indian.
The last xt the series of study
on missions in Chldi was held In
the club rooms Thursday evening.
The rooms were decorated wlu
Chinese lanterns and one of the
features was -"eating" rice with a
chopstlok.. These have proved very
Interesting to those who have been
able 03 attend. ' ' i .
W.. F. Hill and C. E. Craig were
In Klamath, , Wednesday to see Mr.
Crafts brother aod W.
are 111 rrlta pneumon
Tfotter had JU3t'7dJ,,a'fl' ' Mrs. Mary R. Borko,
iys In the woods l12,' S"n(,BJ, """ a ocal
ath Falls. Mr,
worked a tew days
when taken' ill, ' '
Mr, and Mrs. J. I). K'dwali wltl
start at once on an alditlon to
their, house.'- The lumber li being
delivered this week. .;''.
E. L. Walaler. was a Kljmuli
Falls . visitor Thursday. .
'. Oregon soils deficient in lima
possess poor "tilth." ' Lime makes
sol) more friable and mellow and
established good granulation, the ex
periment station points out.
The earliest Oregon head lottuce
Is that 'grown ' to" a ' state of solid
heading In n cold frame, report! the
experiment station. . This crop, u
ttally called frame lettuce, Is much
in demand In the spring and late
fall, The plants 'Invariably' make
find solid hoada.-- The time ot sot
ting the young plants In the field
Is usually early In Murch. Tho orop
will begin to mature on or about
April 15..- , , . ,
. Paul Kruuso Is in this vicinity
from Klrbyr Ho- Is calling on
friends and: relatives while tore,
Mesdamea John, Qoorge and Fred
llagnlgtelu -attended, tha meet In ot
the Luthurau ijtdlea Aid at the
homo ot Mrs, C, Rom-feld t Klatu
oth Falls Wednesday afternoon,
Mlas aoi'trutle, visited with friends
at i Ashland far o low days last
wock. ;
Mrs. Matt, Eganand Mrs. A. N.
Simpson were shopping at Klamath
Falls Saturday afternoon.
Hans Uhrman is In bod with a
bad cold the last tew days." .
J. P. Baker who bad his leg
broken some time ago is able to be
out and around agatp, ,
II. B. Loosley and daughter Hel
en visited with Mrs. II. B. Loosley
at the Klamath' Valley hospital .Tues
day. -; .- -. , -j-v: ',
J. F. .Martin and family returned
home ' Wednesday . after spending
the .winter at Taft and Fresno,
California.; !
F. B. and L. L. Miller arrived In
4own Wednesday from Dlllard, Ore
gon, for a brief bualnsss visit.
C, V. Loosley was transacting bus
iness In the valle,y Monday.,. ; '
Mr. . and Mrs. . W. E. Nicholson
and son returned to their , , home,
near Medtord Monday after a brlof
visit with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and
Elva Moon drove to Klamath Falls
Tuesday. '-!.... 1
MrN Robert Ballowr who, baa been
making his home 'here with relatives
left Monday tor Gnats Pass where
he will remain Indefinitely. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wherry and
small daughter' of .. Payette,- Idaho,
arrived Sunday , fojv an - extended
via wnn .urs. wiorry's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Coulter.
Vere Smyths drove to Klamath
Falls Monday to meet Mr. and .Mrs.
....... .. t.vtui. ( yL$ u.anaicuwna
L'snuda, who .expeot, to ,' spent' the
the summer In Wood River" valley,' !
nu uiu losuioneti quilting - fwrty
was iven . by Hn. B, fT. Youel
Wednesday.-Thai lidlea spent the
entire Jayr ijnlltlng, enjoying ' ;. a
wvicuaiu -uiijner at tno noon hour;
mesa who enjoyed the day ' were:
Mrs. Mion, Mrs. Gray, Mrsl. Bunch.
airs. tJriscoe, Mrsi'Noah. Mrs. Fer.
guson and -Mrs. Youel. ..'
Millard Bfiscoev-aod Jerry Slie-
more are busy working roirds this
week throughout he valley.
Pete Card returned Tuesday from
prolonged visit In Medtord re
covering from a ionsll operation.
He left' tar. Anna" Springs camp
Thursday . morning ' to resume his
duties after on absence ot three
weeks! . . .
A. G. WImer, who has been car,.
fined to the hosoltal in, Klamath
Falls for some time is able to be
about again. '1 .
, Mr. and Mrs. ''. B. Bennett, Mr,
and Mrs. C. E. Hoyt, E. M. Leever
and Mrs. Viola Pape weia among
tnose- trim the valley ,who were
shopping and transacting businoss
In the county seat, Thursday.,
O. B. Bunch received a telegram
Thursday of . the death ot,, his . bro
ther . In Portland."""Mr.i and ' Mrs.
rjnnch left for Medtord Immediate!
In order to take the Friday mcyrn
Ing train for Portland. y
. Dave Magness of ChlloQuln. was a
business visitor In-'-town Thursday,
in the Interests of the Algoma
Lumber Co. '.'
An Illness of one week with Intlit
enza which developed: complications
Potter wh o'of "neumon,! nature and which waa
i t vi. I 'H'ther Intensified ' by child birth.
iiunjniui. Mrs. uurko war tbo wife
ot P. E. Burke, well kne-.wn Insur
ance man of thla . ' i ;
The end camo at 1:16 A. M BurJ.
day. Fr day nlghi,' Mrs.- Burke IS,.
came mother of a iron and this I0,. ba.:.th0 final , ;7ran
vav.uunieti ner powers
shitaptje. !'
'Mrs. Uurke wbb born at IL..,rn,n
Illinois, December
li JV82, Sho
has been a resident of Kinmnih
oounty having come her wltn nor
husband and family f4om- 8cobey,
Montana, The Burkh ,!! reBde
at 1623 Johnson .w,,' ; ' ;,
Funeral services h L0 'heen Mt for
Friday morning - t.u 0.ciock,
where a requiem will be offer
ed by the Rev, Fry her. Ai hl f.
The ; funeral co p. mn procec(j
V , " - , . '
',. . ' .;'
oCOPC0 1 Preferred
:i. tii
t v
,. r '. ' ?f his
.,(,). n.. e
.Ask any member
of our organization -
or mail thiscoupon '
todffy! v
buria-r" C'hn,C-b ' . th' cemoleJf .'o'
Besides her' husband. Mrs.. Burke
Is .survived' by six, children- John
P. Burke.'aged 10; Mary 8'. Burke,
r4 a? Lf
;,.:' .. a ., i,
1 -' Li
gvs.r. x?iiy roft Jaa3-jjlS3'rT 1 11
2--T.(- .Me! yesLc iMtsf
; 'O-O ArteO rji r- i 1
. . ... i,
price of this Company's
1 Prftffirrnrl wVi.Vti hM-Un' 1 ' 'iO'J''
at $98.00 per share since
offering seven months ago, will be Increased to
$100.00 per share on April' 2, 1925! ' '
No change is to be made in the present par- i; !
tial payment plan, adopted for the convenience
of those desiring to arrange their investments
in this security on a 20-payment basis with in
terest at 6 allowed on all installments paid. -
Effective April 2
' This increase in price is made necessary by
an active demand and strong financial market . ' .
tyP9 of security throughout the country. ' "
, ... n is tururterjustifieci by the satisfactory progress
,'whichi'ts:' b6ihg'made'tCAvard the completion of .
the Company's new important developments. ,
These projects, when completed, will materially " j '
increase the Company's earning capacity. ' '.
. For full information concerning Copco
7 Preferred Capital Stock and interett
bearing partial payment plan, aik any
member of our organization or simply clip
and mail the coupon below.
Grants Pass
!. ? CALIFORNIA i. .
ci Yrcka .,' , m vOufumuur t----'
Please aend me foil IrUormatiori about your 7 PreYerrxl
Stock and special partial payment plan.'
fil I. II !' -
' '-' . ... ;t I..JI ,. .
aged 8: Eugenia C. Burke, aged 6:
! R1f M' Burko' "od
'. Burke, aged 2; and the Infant son,
! Joseph, born Friday nlgfct. . n ",
- i J-J3
eiKta by mjt annuel, aec.'
wy"'vio-.c:.. :-, BY CONDO I
! i
I. r " eLaaf IB 111 - tu 1 1 II 1 1 1 II I III 1 1 II I
. .......... , . -
Capital Stock
present issiie of"
its flirst'publio ' '.Af
t.tJ.) Hf-Ah
1 1.
-v.':. r-l.'h
, J nAv. itri '
''.4,,:,' t,Jl.'l
Jh . rsl
i; t .. li. .isi
iOamath Fall '
1 Sa'C), .fti)
'J-i tWH
r,--;) -Hi v. 't
...k'.tl t ..
l.y b-VJ
i UiH.U A
..! r. i')iii:
; ; $2481.00
The above amount has been,
given away by us In prises,
687.80 more, will, he , given
sway as follows:' ' '' '. '
First prise I(t5 Ford 'Tout-'
Ing car.. Besides (this . splendid
flrnt prize iwe are going to give
away, 40 oihor prltos. .,'.-'"
-:l' '!2 3" ;4'j 15':
1 2 ' 3 4 I 5 j
1 2 3 4 5 j
' 1
1 2 3 4 5 j
1 2 1-3 4 5
- !" I "'I'" ":
Iloarrnngo tho figures In the
above square in' such Vmunner
that they will count 16' each way
(borlxontally and vertically) , and
sen d ,(u s; . your ,( anitwer ,, tpgethoT. ,
with, your nnmo and address neat-'
ly written on a sheet ot'paper and
If your answer Is ooT'reot 'iwe will
at once mall you a -aplendldi il
lustrated prlio Hat describing the
prizes and, giving .full . Information
and rules. In case of tie general
appearanco, neatness nd hand
writing of entry will be consid
ered factors, It correct wo will
advise you by return mall of a
simple condition to fulfill. Don't
Rnpd any monoy. You can be a
.prize wlnnor without spending
one cent of your money, , .
Bond your answer ot quickly.
' ' ' 187 flouth Commercial .. ,
' Hnlcm, 'Oregon ( 'i
.1 ..J
' U,
'-...' I'
v U
' t'.u
t '.':'.-