BUY AT HOME; LOCAL MERCHANTS CAN GIVE YOU BETTER BARGAINS ; Published Daily at ' KLAMATH FALLS' "An Empire Awakening,' Associated Press Leased Wire Seventeenth" Year No. 54G4 Uncensored Observations THK KLAMATH KM) (Still a oorokl) In response to a. widespread de mand from a bout of entry read on, tho modsit. author of that re markable novel, "THIS KLAMATH KID," In a written t breath-taking sequel to his novnt which was printed exclusively and et much rink In L'NCKNSOHKI) OIISEII VATION8. It wan Inconceivable, snld out married friend , that Tho Kid aud ills bride could llvs happily In una continuous honoymoon. lining very much married ouraelf, wo agree heartily with such sentiments. Therefore barring futilities iccl dontal or malicious llio author will take Tho Klnmailt Kid and hla bride on a abort jaunt abjut Klamath county. Tho pleasure l nil your. ' Chapter One Woirjr of tholr honeymoon (imp In tho woods, tho Klamath Kid and hli brldo doclded thvy would wander through tho aide open spaces, so they climbed Into tholr CAftrt and drovo along bubbling IIK00K8 until they reached Mer Jill. "Oee, this la MOOHK like It," rld tho brldo at she ale winter FRUITS and munched nt a, tlRA II AM sandwich." "Voa," replied The Kid, "this honeymoon camp muff would KNOK a guy cook M. What we need U mora Liberty, beoium I'm JOLLY woll fed up on thla back-to-nature life whore we're so fur away from civilisation they couMn'l wuko ui up . with a CANNON. It'll just like being sout to jail without having a friend on eirtb to HAILS out. ; "Well.", aakl ithe bride, "If wo Ilka It bore we ought u settle djwn and bo UBLDlN us a nice IiHOW.N house and stay .. here'' until " OA BRABL Jihiwa bla hdru." "".".' " "No air." replied Tho Kid. "I'm a bit I.KAItY about Haying bore so closo to Malln -where they SWAT AlhSN and bite oft your flngera. I'd rather HUNT up aomo other place where wa can get ' us a good ORCHARD." "Aw, I'm HEPPE to you." re plied the bride. .".You're just lock ing for some I'UHUY soft place to light. Aa a provldot I don't think you're worth your HAl'l.T, and If you don't hurry up and atari doing omothlug I'll hove them LYNCH you and UARRY you out under the HILL." "Woll, I TOLLK you WRIOHT nt the time we, were marrlt-J thot 1 didn't oven own a bank 1KM)K." ho replied. "Ilut you got to HAIIN It to mo' at that, bocnuso I'm having aomo poor gnof write thla STOREY about ua, nnd as long aa wo'ro get ting paid for It, It's no HOllitS off of my boota." ; .,' "Yea. and you told mo yon wore tho H1TCHSON of a hltih-cluas TAYIX)Il, and now I find you're nothing 'but a FAUS,, alarm." she answered. "Now listen, honey," ho replied, "wo're on our honoymoon LARK1N, we oughtn't to start (lunrrellng, ao . lot's, ko over and got us an Ico croam COAN and a glnss of III IICII boer, and tomorrow , we'll go on down to Malln." ' -' (To bo continued At. Mnlln ' tomorrow) ii .:. ,-, , , . . '. .'With the addition 'of n pair riinihouiids to tho local prohibition forco, we do not oons'.de.' It a far cry to llqttor witches with pouch ' wands "wltohllig" concoalod caches ot liquor, stomach- pumps, brouli dotoctora nd ...hygrometers. , It seems that In a sohrt tlma a pro .ltlbltlon rnld .'will cause more com motion than a tiro. Kven If no pqulpmcnt other than tho blood hounds la nditod, wo undor.itniid that Officer Hnydor and Htevona, who have now but a King and Quoon, noon oxpoct to ,havo n full royal' fltiah; nnd attroly 1 Oftors Bnydor, Stevens . nnd ' the -Royal flush, starting. (n full crny from n warm empty . left by a cnrelois coft-law -,-or , - bootleggor would oreato us much excitement ns .in English fox hunt, , . ! ' ' " "' ; Members , of thn city council liut told' aii nppllaant for n bus frun qIiIbo that suntathlng conaroto would bo dono In tho near future' ' Tho mnttar hue boon hanging flro for months. In 'our opinion tho coun 'oli 'has boon doing n lot of "Con jjrote things during recent' weeks. Bloodhounds to Be Employed by Liquor Sleuths An Innovation In tho .methods of crime detoctlon in thla county la bo Ing made by prohibition officer Fred Hnyder and A. W. Stevens, who recently purchased a pair of Cuban- bloodhounds of aristocratic llnoago from , tho Justice of tho peace at Weed,- California.' Tho dogs, which ore very gentle and tradable, came originally from the Tinas penitentiary konnels. Tim dnxs, named King and Queu"., will be trained with the help of county jull trutli, allowing them to aidoll clothing or olijectn that the men luivo bundled, and then ainrtlng them on tho trail after the men have a lihorul start, Tho female la partially trained, but King's education ha not commenc ed. When trained, they will tie used In tricking mountain moonshiners and Jull breakers. Snyder formerly owned aa Kng llah bloodhound famous for bis breeding and keen scent. The Cub an bloodhound, though somowhat mailer than the English variety, I morn tractable and possoesca fully m keu . note. ' , Hit. HKS WKAKKIt PICKING. March 10. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. who .has been III here for more than a month, wai weaker today. The south China lender's condition was described aa being r'.llcal, . BIG GOLD SHIPMENT TAKEN OVER MUDDY HIGHWAY FROM MINE ( (NmVIiiI lo The Herald) YRKKA, Cul., March 10. Fight Irg their wiy tnrouxh mud thr! frequently threutoned lo engulf their aulomobllo loaded with $12, 000 wortji of bullion and apnelmen go.lil JtroL tho tndxpondence mine near Happy Camp, II. C. Cutting, owner of the mine nnd president ot till Pacific Coast Chamber of Mines and, Ml:ilng, and (ieorgo Mntnvy ot the mine alatf rojehed Yroka after the harrowing trip. Whllo Huppy Camp Is 7"i miles from Yroka on the tho lower Klam ath Ulvir and the mine Is 14 nlle from Happy Camp It took tlo men Ihroo days to battle tholr way through tho mud, prying tho car from its floundorlngs through tho night nnd with 3 heavy downpour of ralr.' to muka inoro difficult effort. Tho JIJ.0Q0 Is a part of tho (tiO.OOO worth of gold Cutting hns taken from tho mlno In reconl months. He continued his way to Sacramnnto and Sun Francisco. NOTED BISHOP DIES Rev. William A. Quale of Methodist (liiireh HiircumlM nl ' llnldulii, IIALinVIN. Kan.. .March 10. lllflliop William A. Quaylo, author, locturer, educator and for moro t'lan a quarter century one of the outstanding ,tlgnires of tho Method ist Episcopal church, died at Ills homo near horo'yestordoy. Ulshop Dunylo hd been ' In III health for sovernl years. Ho-waa ! yenr old. WOMAN TO TESTIFY Mrs. Helen 101 1 wood Ktokes to Tube Wllncss Hlntid AkhIiihI Her HunImiiiiI f. -. .Is CHICACIO." March li). Judge W. N. (lommlll, presiding at the trial of W. 10. I). Stokes, mlllonulro apart ment hotel ownor of Now 'York, nnd Robert F. Loo, Chicago negro, for conspiring to Oefnnio Mrs. 1 llelun Bllwood Stokes, has rttlod thit Mrs. Stakes can lake tho witness stand. It was learned today. IWDKIKJOUS OPICHATIOX LONDON, March 10. -There was no chnngo In Lord C'ui'zon's condition this morning. It Is now reported that thu operation which hn under went yesterday was for bladder trouble. . . i HKNAThl RlCIWrs WAURICX WnshlngtoiH 1), C," March 10, -An' . nclnvlnlslrMloni iipeot hi Iv ied WnshliHrton .wlion tho nom- Inntlnn of Charles II.. Warren for United Stutos Attorney Oon- Arnl was l'e'Jnetod by tho sonata today. Hoimto lnadors hotly dobutnd tho nominal Ion dur ing tho . morning sosslon, KLAMATH'FALLS, OREGONTTUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1925 J - ;iij.itMr i ii ii. iiii irimi iii J. Z.Xr...ZZZ ED CLOVER HEN SUCCESS IN THIS C0HN1Y Report of County Agent Shows Results Obtained by Merrill Rancher ' That Klumath county Is particul arly adapted to thu growing nf cer tain scad crops was very ably demon strated by C. A. Hill on his ranch near Merrill, Oregon, this year. Due lo the high nltltudo and dry, warm growing weather, It has long boon believed that certain seed crops could be grown, which was particu larly advisable In the face of the high freight rutas and bunting charges on those crops such as grain, potatoes and ulfulfa, whero a large tonnage Is produced. Previous to coining to Klamath county, Mr. Hill hud grown red clover teed In Idaho, and had mode quite a success of this typo of form ing, Mr. Hill cousldered conditions hero fully as favorable or perhaps more favorable, than thoso where he had previously grown seed and back ed up his judgment by planting a, f.mall acreage In 1923. A heavy crop was harv led and stacked, no threshing machinery being available at that time. However, durlrg tho harvest seisin of 1924. he succeed ed In threshing hla crop with a regu lar grain threshing outfit, a clover hnllcr not being available at the lime. As this method cf threshing was not very efficient, considerable lo h was sustained. Results Slio During tho spring ot 132.1, after tho seed had boeS' renamed. It was weighed up nnd tho field measured by tho County Agent C. A. Hender son, also the cost ct production was (Continued On I'nue Five) Former Klamath Indian Agent to Face Jury for White Slavery in May PORTLAND. Oro., March 10. Horace (Irecly Wilson, 52, ot Rsso bii rg. former Klamath Indian agent, will not bo tried on a charge ot violation or tho Mann act uull. May 13.' Tho caso was set for trial Mar:h 17, but Robert Maguiro, Wil son's attorney, tod ly stated . his client had been hurt t:i an auto nc cldcnl and hud also mifrorod Prom tho flu slnco last January, so had been unahln l.i secure wltnosscs. Assistant V. H. Attorney Stearni objected to an cxtonslon of time. "Wilson, was Indicted last Oe tobor and Ills caio has once been poMponod," declared Stearns. "TSe govornmoiit Is 13 bring witnesses from Virginia, Washing ton, D. C, New York, .Minneapolis. California, Washington state and the middle west and somo oT these have nlrondy started for Portland." FLOOR SPACE SOLD FOR BIG AUTO SHOW TO BE STAGED SOON All of the avallab'.' floor space hns boon sold far tho American Legion auto show next week, ac cording lo announcement today by Uooige M. Ilbrth, chulnunn ot thu publicity, conimlttoo. Tho show will be hold at tho Johnson saraga, Eighth and Klnmnth, whero space of 100' by 100 ia available. - Dealers aro showing . mu.ii in terest In tho affair, says Mr. Birth. and at least two of them will have oqtsldo demonstrators hero dur ing the, three nights ct. the show, which starts Thursday, March 19, and continues through until Sat urday, 1 ' vKSfl The entertainment committee h now completing plans for several big features which will be dn nminced In a few days. TO FIOHI" RDY.VLTIKS MALUM, Ore., March 10. After n conference' with Attorney General Van Winkle today the suite high way cniiiiiilHNlon announced tluvt it IvouM deny nil liability to the War ren Itl'OtlieiN poniimiiy fV loyalty on bltullthlo pavement laid In Ore gon and would flitht to the Inst iHleh every suit filed by that com WILSON TRIAL AGAIN PUT OFF pany lo collect royiUtj. ' Supposed Drug Addict Causes Fire In Hotel Through quick work on the part of several guests and Oeorgo and Nick BlaaVs, tho Arcade hotel, owned by Chris Blanas, escaped a severe fire that would bare threat ened the main . part of the hotel last night when one of the guests fell asleop In bis room and set the bed aflro from ' the sparks of his cigarette. " ! When F. Jl. Shulte registered at tho Arcado hotel from Oakland, clerks remarked at bis queer man ner. Later IP the day be i.t said to have accosted Bhinas and naked him If be knew where be could find a doctor that wsuld give him a shot" of morphine. Blanas re plied that It was not in his line of work and could not help him. Three times In staggering down the ball Shulte fell -to the floor from .ex haustion ond wrecked nerves, lie again solicited Dianas for. morphine, saying that he had not had a "shot" for more than 72 hours and that be was In agony with suffering. Lite last night, 11:30 p.- m., guosts In tho upper rooms and sev eral In tbo same hall, were awak ened by lao odor of smoke. ddle Mann, a guest In the bote), rushed downstairs and quickly brought tho fire extinguishers Into play. Shulte was out In the hall at tho time. coughing severely from Inhaling ciankc. It la thought that be cb talnri mo.-phlno In-the city, as a paper was' fjund on the bed tabic with a small portion Of stain of some yellowish subuance ca it. Fol lowing bis supposed "shot" he prcb ably fell asleep and was awakened by tho smoke fumoi. - The room was a. total wreck with the bed clothing and carpets burn. .a to a o.-isp. ; Shulto was taken into custody by Klamata Falls police and lodged In jail where be : w!)l face charges of being a drog eddlcl. ' r " - Tho , loss wai covered by Insur ance, according to Blanas. , AVIATOR DISOWNED XKWrORT NEWS, Va., March AO. Llentrnonl McAlroy, rtvwrve officer training; at Lnngley Field, is believed 10 havo been drowned loriny when ' a piano In' which he unu) IJeuteiioiit Colonel Hlmffer were flying ' fell into the Potomac river. Ti DELEGATES Kelley and Bunnell May Represent Klamath at . Sacramento Klamath county should bo Top resented nt Sacramento March 17, when tho roads ond highways com mittee ot tho California legislature moot to consider the question ot whether the road from SusnnvlUn north through Blebcr and Lookout to Malln should bo designated a primary highway. ' This was tho opinion of the board ot directors of tho chamber ot commerce In session this no;n. Tho board wont on record as favor ing C. C. Kclloy, illvlBlon engineer of tho state highway department nnd County Judge Robert Bunnell as tho two delegates thit should place before the legislative commit tee the stand of Klamath county on the designation of this stretch of road as primary highway In, tho In terest of creating The Dallcs-Reno-Lbs Angolos highway. Tobnceo t'o. C'oq;erates Further cooperation of tDbicco companies In tho stop forest flro movemont 'Initiated In Klamath last summer was announced at tho board mooting by Secretary Sabln. Tho chamber ' Is In receipt of a letter from the C. J. Reynolds tobacco oompnny, manufacturers of Prince Albert tobacco nd Camol clgar ottos,' that nsurod the chamber -of commerce that all packagos ot to bacco nnd cigarettes would benr tho following notice: . ' HKLP iPREVENT FOREST FIRKS Bo careful to avoid dropping burning matches, lighted cigars or cigarettes ' and ashes ' from pipes ffhpie they. mlghi.stvt file. INDORSES IT 0.C.&E. 1ST CHANGE TACTICS COUNCIL STATES Strahorn Must First Have Open Mind If He Hopes for Speedy Action If the Oregon California & East ern railroad will come to a council meeting with an open mind on the question of whether or not a com mon user clauso should be Included In the to the railroad to cross Sixth street at Commercial, It will be given quick action. But if the Oregon California & Eastern railroad persists In taking an arbitrary stand, aucb ai stating that ir the council will aot exclude a common user clause, no action Is wanted on tho crossing privilege by the railroad, then the counc.'l will not act. This was tho reaction of the ma jority of the council last night to a communication from Robert E. Stra horn, president cf the O. C. & E. In which Mr. Strahorn urged speedy action on bis request for a crossing. Slraliorrt Told "It is my understanding tbat Mr. Strahorn has been told Informally at least, tbat he may have the cross ing privilege with the common user clause whenever ho likes," Council man West said. "Pit he has taken the position that If ho can rot havo tho privilege without, the cexoron nsrr clauso he does not wart It at all." Councilman C. Roberts, was of the opinion that something should be d jno on the matter immediately. "Wo should get actios. Tho only thog that lies between Strahorn and the completion of bis road on this end Is the construction of a spur up (Continued on page 3) iS POSSIBILITY Czecho-Slovaks From Chi cago May Choose " Malin Country . Settlement of the Malln country In southern Klamath county by a colony of CzechO-Slovakians Is a possibility that has developed Into something concrete with the arrival In 'Klamath Falls this afternoon of a delegation -from Chicago repre senting over a thousand Czccho Slovaklans v!)0 are anxious to settle In tho west. " ' Tho delegation, accompanied by B. W. Siller, representing tho Czo:ho-Slovakla i chamber of coin merce In Portland, were to have driven to Mnfln this afternoon and spending the night there, return to Klumath Falls tomorrow afternoon The agricultural committee of the chamber ot commerce will meet with the delegation from Chicago shortly before noon tomorrow and will Invito the delegation to be the guests of "the chamber . at the forum luncheon. The Chicago delegation Is travel ling' throughout different agricul tural soctlona '-of Oregon for . tho purposo of ascertaining which sec tion would hold the gvonten op portunities tor tho colony In Chi cago. . i ; -. ' TO BE CHECKED Game Warden Will Notify Fishermen of the Neces sity of a License Lost Klvor cat f'shermen will be asked whethor cr not they have a fluhlng license from now on, Cinmo WKi'den Marlon Ilarnes announced today. ' . . ' - -. "II Is not my intention to be too strict in thu matter because mdnt fishermen do not roallse yet that fishing licenses aro necessary for the catching ct cat fish. As a mat ter of fact, most of those follows thiut are fishing on. Lost II Ivor would purchase u fishing license somo time this - your, so thoy might just as woll buy It right now nd comply with te law."... .. ' . - CAT EIEN Poison Awaits Squirrels When Sun Shows Face Although, during cold and snowy weather, ground squirrels prefer to remain In their holes, the county agent's office la distributing squirrel poison to different sections of the county so that when the sun comes out once again and . the aqulrrels with It, poison can be ' used ef fectively against the destructive rodents. : County Agent Henderson, whose activity during the past three years has been largely responsible for the checking of the grasshopper men ace, stated tbat he doubted whether there would, be as many hoppers !.i Klamath as lost .year or the year before. , Control measures of the ' hoppers is brought about largely by organi zation, of different sections of the county Into control : units. . Last year, farmers organised in differ ent rural w communities and dis tributed grasshopper poison whero most needed. Poison was supplied from the county agent's office. Tho county agent played the part of field man, attending -to the more' aerlaus hopper infestations. Two eminently successful methods of control that ' were tried last year were the burner and the disc ing of egg beds before hatching. As soon as sunshiny weather puts In an appearance reports' of egg beds will be tnrned into the county agent's office and control measures will be .taken. . . . . PASTY FACED MAN SOUGHT BY POUCE , IN JEWEL ROBBERY - NEW ' VORK, March 10. The pasty face of a gray haired man Is toe principal clue police have to the latest of: the. series of Jewel ;robber-j Into night " formation, v wtth " Vhe les perpetrated upon women who ; epeody-new scoutln 'era Hers rest.ns frequent- the cabarets :ot Brvkifirarv-j "oa'$nn.i':irti& pealt, awaltinjs ' Sirs. Beafrice: Perkins", ' 24,' ' from daylight ' for "sumption ' of die whom three masked burglars took search f6r the blicit 'i ireci. Tht gems valued at. more than (25,000 sRikiii- arma -of -the Jilue fleet, sub yesterday after they had entered her marines and deetrjyers, - were ' cdn apartment and bound and 'beat her contra ted for, atlatt. , Ees (-C-t toe and Milton Abbott, her companion, combined, forces ) 'ot : twsutiy-ffve told the police that she had caught , thousand men wore on the morrow, a fleeting glimpse of the face of. a j waiting for the tunMio and -lotlcl-man. "apparently a drug addict;" I Dating dovelopmenia that promJse when his fallen. handkerchief mask had GRAND JURY PROBE ' INTO-DEATH PLOT COMES TO AN END SAN FRANCISCO. JSarch 10. Charges Trade by Ralph P. King, former jail keepor at Ifllo, T. II., that Richard M. HotallEg, wealthy San Francisco club man conspired with htm to murder Mrs. Frederick C. Ilotuling, sister-in-law of tho clubman, 'wore declared to be un founded by the county grand jury laut night and the matter .was drop pod. King was ordered dlsmlssod from custody, but Louis Madison, su posed gunman, who, according to King's tory, had boon secured with Al Reels, another suspected gunman, to do tho killing, was hold oat a charge of burglary. Seels has never been captured. .," tHORVS MEETS THfltSDAY llanquet In Chamber of Coiiiinercr tmisra Posbponemeiit Use of tho cluimtier ot commerce this evening by the Morchunts" Bu reau tor their annual banquet, hi) caused a postponement ot the cham ber milo chorus practice from to night, to Thu'raday evening, It was announced today by Secretary Lynn Sabln. . ' ACTltKSS ItETTKK KANSAS CITY, March 10. Phy sicians expressed tho hopo today that Ethel Bnrrymore, the actress, who Is ill with arthritis would be ablo to till her engagement at a theater hero tonight. , , LEAPS TO HER DEATH Young (iirl. III From 'Nervous llrenU. down, Jumps Off Washington -3Ioiiiiineiit , i 11ALTIMORE, March 10. -A rich ly dressed girl, apparently 20 years old, i plunged 180 feet to her death from the balcony ot Washington monument, ' Mount Vernon 1 Place, here today. ' i v . ' ; The girl was Identified us Miss Margaret Koonta ot St. Joseph, Mo. Sho had ' been " undergoing hospital treatment .fof.-a awtvoua.UlmojU..- '. ic-i' '; : 'ii'i (' 1.:! (l'iT;"Ut PRICE FIVE' CKN'IcT NAVY'S GREAT BATTLE FLEET Gigantic Maneuvers in' Pro gress Off Coast of Lower' California : ' v.--' '. .';; , . ,i- -, J ABOARD U. 8," S. SEATTLE, ,AT SEA, March . 10. It . i ; the' night before battle and. there Is a doeo thrill in .the hearts of the twaqty. five thousand officer ' and aboard cae -inndred and ulse men-of-war off tbo coajt of towr California."! . - , - . . , - . ' The dark hours before dawn what promised to be the first (iay of contact . and action with the enemy in the greatest naval ma neuvers ever held m the. Pajifi;, found staffs ' ot office. . bendlat over charts; radio watches glued- to receivers -in the-radlo- -roome--pn eaca ship,. Intently oarerlag , many : wave binds. Navigators and dtt servers steadily, peering into the. darkaoss of the night: all luniij alertv'. ' --.. . , - ' Mighty Offerodve ' The great black fleet is on j a mighty offensive and la traveling In a screening, convey formation ,with lu fifty-jeven, craft concej tratlng on tho task of tightening Up the line. It moves steadily onwant daring the night, e-ca an'ip conf pletely darkened. :! ... j. The fleet was scaring Its 'goii and ' success loomed in-' th .offing. ' Its goal iwai- .the Pacific coast .af. thoroug'a preparations . weretnode. against a -surprise attack' from.tbi defensive bine fleet. . (' , Defenders IlMdy . -. " . i The blue' fleet ' tor whose .duty la to test, the detenus V Pacific coast against invasion,, wolf . action tbat will write Dew pages .In the maneuvers of the. United Statcu navy., ,-. : - i ' . . ..ti" ". I'lTXIXO OVI MllitCTO Low Grade Fish In ldak Ttlvcr Arol . . Sought by Many . Thousands of mulleti, populating tho deep boles In Link r.ver, Jifjrt south of the Copco idam, are the '.ab jective ot scores of men and young boys. Dhf.rlct Game Warden MaiSpn Barnes said today. Tao uluggLiu. fish which -Is Just" a step blghor taan tho suckor aro c.iujtht ji a bare triple baok." Tho fishermen tarow the ho:k and t-no In. the pVMs and retrieving the Mne rapidly c.'tea snag the fish ou tho bottom. " J" , 1 ! .. 4 roSTPO.VE PARTY Members of DeMc-'Uy hivo post poned the ;cheduled party: ot Friday night until a later date In tho do-t-, eon, due to the baskdtball gnmor n which a number of the prder;wIH participate -with Morrill playing Klamath men., , The roguSIr sosoloa announcement. PORTLAND AUTOIST' ' GETS YEAR IN JAIL' IORTLAn'd, Oro., March lo'. Sentence ot one year In, Jail wo4 Im posed today upon Luc.Iea Intourolki, who was found guilty ct faMIng to render aid aftor a truffle accident.- Police charged Latourelle was lhe, driver who oa. December 28. dt struck and run down a woman on downtown street, sb'Itcd gnrs id drove over her body "after looking out ct tbo cur and eolrg her u.nlrr tho wheels. . . ; i im( , ' ! I' V TO HEAVB OI'KNKU I WASH1NOTON, March 10.U Washington baselull" officials today put In their bid to have President , Coolldge bpin tlip season hero April 32; Jay throve- Ing out tho first halt In tho . game with tie Now York V Yankees.: i '" -', 'V. i! : .'.--'. ; . The official ...invitation was extended at 1 the White, House and the president Is' expected to accept It It fie Is' Hers then. STEAMS NORTH 1 f. -'4 . ftttt i- ' .-. a. it