it f - llv. MONDAY, -MARCH 0, 1925 EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TAGE FIVE frill vfU: VOL! I. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1925 N04 nnTmTT-W-r-mnrffmiTT ymnr IT Trr tfrTiriwririlf ratmfrrirfT-rf -fr-f y.. , . - -r -x-zxrzz.zzz:rs - , - , , Tff J - JSJSS . , , , ,. , 1.HI , .... .. llilii COMMUNITY CLUB AT 'PELICAN BAY MAKING BIG HIT Kniploj- Toko AilvaiiUitn of Many i Faclllllra Off.-nil by . Equipment IIIIOUBS IH M.Wi: HIXKKTAUV Baseball ,TcIU Getting Utulf for Banket IUII Gaino ' TlesPtllcan Bay Community club build) By II. I). Morlous.n, print donliot-lho company lor too u of tbdl employees, Is suci'vcdlng splendidly undor the muniiU'inoiit Oi Janiu .O. Rhode, surrctury. Tbo ..building contain u stand ard basketball flour, which Is uluo uwd Jor daaulng, a reading room, billiard room, a kitoooa far tlio preparation oi refrvtbiuonw, lutt tweet room, and soda fouu lln.l la tbo batstuenl are saowor bath wad locker ficllltlui, ml pac:haa boon provldud for a bowl ine nlU.7 and lio-ung gjllury, ill IboUBhi rttio IiUUt buo: n it- buun ' oompWud. IluMt : tbo banket ball; imu wbloJt lhlb icbool luamt throunliout tbo coanlyT on Intor-dopartmoirt vol ley butt oontcit U In pronrou. Thu atanvia ao' far' arc Uox factory ' loe;V Yard 90; Planing Mill 74; Bawalllb 60; Cok4ouae l&j Bhlp plncdDvpartmont SO. Atbaaaball diamond north of tbo aawiullli baa bvvli lovalad, njid aa aoon a Uia oat'..r porntlta It will' bo railfed and put In ahapo f-or prac llao. '4 KMoland Btaley, well known PoWcan. liay grMlor, hua buen olucl ad cant lb of Ibdbuaaball toum tor tba looinllig aoaaon. Anyrieqiploya of tbo Pollcitn Day Lumbarl' company l olla-.blo tor manibartoblp -In tba olub. Duua art but fifty coma a month.''' Soorolary Hhodoa' la parttcul.irly pleaadd-i'Wltb tlio ahowlng of till Bunday.Maoal, claio, hold for both oblidaun 'aud .aduita. uju claaju aru (roiwing atiMulUr. uoatiuau niiy ollior tblng, Klam i..u uniia uootla ' A conuu unity ro . couiur aluillar to tbo ono '., . i,iMot city."- , Jjy.iO.MV Ol'H" HACK u.uXy Uua" Bchulli bii to W.4UCU..IO 1'ollcan .Oily nttur apnnd log tiw. winter in Bncranionto,' rvady to begin, Vork wbon tbo mill atnrta. ho lanatlll lu poaaoaalon ot hit laat aoaacalla aako. . -; , r , j . i vilnt iv . ! Aaaca M. Miller, 8oulhorn ' Pncl flo Agoot at Algouii niudo a,buut noaaiirlp to Aa'hluod laat wook. i llv ann,tnl tli mlhitr anft In t Fatten mqikjc'h jack - Hanoi ' Mlllor, camp ' cook - for .Sbawuliartram laat aoaaon, will cook lor iModoa Lumber oonipntty'a log glngofamp thla yoar. V prodlcl tbat illba Modoc Jack will bo loo fat abdlasy tor work InslUo of two wookajt ' 1 ' j i.VOU'KB KXT" Hctiv Thraaber, formally of tbo WalOraf, 'baa' oponod a "hop In Ue PolloaauBay Community club. Iliir ry'arfiabavlng and ahoarlng aro In groab domond among tbo man. olujtime scaler j HITS FOR TIMBER ' ' liomny Stanton, a morabor ot tbo prlta-jcrow tbat has ,dono a much to patiaino Liinim Lumbor compnny'a opKiMlldm In tlio front rank of Klamath county, lilt thu' trail yos tar,dayiond will be ready to do his aoallng'ilion the logs liculti to move, Stanton Is gottlng UP In the ranka of . .'Him' j,old tlmora, aa ho apont thrbotea,ra with, Cnrtof & Wobtor noartl Brtiy boforb coming to the CholsoBi mill. Thlg I' hi 'third aoa aoln UWnJtho Lamm' cnmp.uiy. ' '' ' ' ' KWPKNINO . 1NDKKIN1TH ' I oW .definite tlato .lias -boon sol Iqr the itartlng ot tho Al- gojna Lumbor oompnny's saw- ' 1mlUllpr logging camp. Algoma 4 hrfsKbut.a million foot of ! lnilthelr, mill pond, bq tlwrt tho logging amp '; w'lll, hayo , to '(Btam'as .aoon as the mill, t:io i iboxxfa'otory has poon . running onooaJjlitflU Ififlter.,. : WJi' Milling Around -' la keeping with -the time honor ed, tradition ot Initialing lome form U prlxe conteat to Increase circula tion with the inauguration of a uuw Juuruullatlc vonturq, wo are otter ing ,tho fjllng prizes for auy tlmbur-breiut or saw dual savage vuiployud lu the lullla or cuiupa of Klumut'.i couuly who complies with the , tundltloaa: To an uiun wlu cuU vatea aud give p.o.l ui: ciuul" Jobniaoo amok i"g a dc-roiio; Wilbur Nino loafing on tbo Job; Km II Luravn donating to the V. C. T. V.; Harry MlUer cooking a par meal; Polo Chicken an, Invllu llon t3 a poker gamo; Jack Bainpaon looking pleasant; We offer with five paid In ad vance subscriptions to the Evonlng Herald, one silk embroidered lumber apron, With ton paid la advance sub scriptions 13 the Luuibarljguo one cut glass puavy handle. Conteat closes Marcb fifteenth. NEW PLANT FOR SHASTA VIEW TO BE READY SOON 0H-rntUn nt Lootl Mill Expected to flit Under Way by - Pint of April ' The now plant of the Shasta View Lumbor company at the ond ot Bouth Sixth street will be com pleted and ready to saw lumbor by April first.' T'nb mill Is modern throughout, having an eight foot hand bohd' Vlg, "shot gun toed; 'and resaw, giving It 'a capacity ot eighty thousand foot por shift. An Inforoatlng foaluro of the now plant Is the tnrlflclal log pond, Into which water will bo pumped 'from Lake Euwana. A cunttructlon crew of twenty men Is employed In finishing the mill. Logs are being cut from tho hold ings of tho WMte Pino Lumbor Co in Swan Lake valley by Nine Bro thers Lumber company. Thoy will buglu loading for shlpmont over the Strahorn railway as aoon aa tho lnd Is completed and tilled. Forty men aro working at tho camp, which is located near tho end of tbo Swan Lake spur. Ackley's Mill Not to Start up for 2 Months It will ', bo in ' tho neighborhood of two months before Ackley's saw mill boglns operations, according to W, Jennlaon, foreman. Ackloy's are at proaont doing nothing but shipping B-iniQ box lumbar from laat eon-sun's cut. Ackley's 'huve no Ipgs deckod, and will bo torced io wait until the ground gets firm enough to truck them to tho Klamath Rlvar near Keno. They aro towed up the river to the mill alto. KKGIXAIM" HACK IN TOWS Among the old regulars roady to go to work again are Micky O' Connor, Charley O'Brlan, C. B. McKontlo, BUly Breon, 0. H.. Qlrloy, Jack MoOormlckj Jimmy Pratt, and Mickey DoLaughorty. Mtckoy Do Laughorty and Hilly Broea will work tor Pelican; Prutt nud Tlmborllne will probably work for Lamm's. ' New Moulding Plant to Start Operations Soon , The plant of the W.hlto Pine Moulding .. company, owned by ChnrloH Mlllor, J. C. Boyle and C. I, RobortB,. will be In operation aa soon us the mnchlnory nrrlvoB and can, bo Installed. Work . on tho bulidlng Is nearly complotod, Mlllur, wh will superintend the piont, la woll known horo, as he formerly j ani too Mlllor Photo com pany, but haa boon awuiy from Klnm nth t:r somo tlmbl Boylo la divi sion mnnagor of, tho California Oro Bii Powov companw, und C, I. Rob oit; is., ot tho hardware firm ot Roberta and, Harvey. , , , Tho onulpmont ot tho now plant will conniet ot a mouldnr, a ripsaw, a fosnw, nnd a trlnimor. No plan li''(U,Wl' fW lf" h'nulpd,, 't BOX FACTORY OF SHAW - BERTRAM'S PLANT TO START Marlilnrry Now Knrouta and Oper ations Will Urt Indcr Way . About May 1 HAW MILL' NOW OPERATING Fifteen New Dwelling Jlouar Ih-lsig Uulll for Men Itoili , HlUfta Jtunnlng Tbo plant ' of the Hhaw-Ueriram Lumbor company is a bustling place tbeae days. The now box fa. lory building, oreoted on the . eight ot the old Chelsea Box factory, which burn ed lust your, is complete, and ready for the Installation of machinery. The machinery la enroute, and the' company expects to begin tbo manu facture of box abook on Or about May first.. ',;..'..' Toe office, "forraorly located near the sawmill dining ball, has boen moved to, the box factor, and a company, atore Is to bo -eroded ad joining It. . Klfleeu three room dwelling homes, for tho accomoda tion of families aro being erected, making a total of forty-one com pany bouses. The aa mill, wblcb started March first with - botb shifts running, is being considerably Improved, - A resaw Is bojng Installed aa rapidly as possible and a lath mill will bo In operation In a week. The com pany' expects the addition of the ro suw to Increaae the output ot the two shifts, at proaont between 110M and 130M to between 160M 'and 160M. ,., 1 " . A dredger la digging a channel from the lake to the rallj-oid track, through the huge accumulation ot shavings and teuwduat from too old"Cliobioa.,pltut to , docroae .the fire haiard. "SAFETY LAST" 8ld Herbert, employe of the Community Club, Is satirizing Har old Lloyd with a pair ot 6.20 bal loon tortobe shell specs. IlEPAIR CREW Bl'SV . Pelican Bay Lumber company hai had a small crow doing repair work at Camp 1 all winter. Jack Samp son hnj been In cliargo. Charlie Uowllng, steward laat season, boa been cooking, J. J. Brown, Johnny Cummlngs, Arthur Wakoflold Jim Johnson, Joe Myerscouito and J. S. Peck have boea ropatring the cats and locomftlvca. . . . WALK- ON CRITt'lUa . J. P. Baker Is at. 11 around on crutchoj- after having suffered a broken leg tho first ot tho year when he leaped for his life whon the locomotive crane ot the Algoma Lumbor Co., tipped over. . ENGINE UX HEADY Waller K. i Sutherland - logging engineer ot - the Algoma Lumbor Co., who haa boen living In Klamuth Falls during t'oet. winter months Is making preparations to return to camp. -.' ' - . HAS SUNOll OPERATION Harold T. Breedlove, sprinkler In spector tor the Algoma Lumber Co. Is back on the job after having his tonalle and adenoids romoved. Dill" ON. NEW JOB Earl "Dub" ' Holland, formerly mlllrlght and night foroman at Eu wana, Is head bolt man for the Modoo Lumbor company. . . . KITCHEN WORKER QUITS' J. Bresenehail who has been em ployed In the kltchon ot the Algoma hotel has sevorad his connection with, the company. Jim Johnston is First Man . From Camp One . of Pelican Bay Company Jim Johnson drovo down from Pelican Bay camp No. 1, Friday, bolng tho-first man through In a car this season. He mudo tho trip by dotourlng through the Klam ath Marsh to avoid Sun Creek hill on tho Dallou-Cullforulft ..highway, which la atlll Impnssiililo. . Johuson, locomotive onglnoor for Pollcnn, and his flromon, "Cock noy" Joe MyoraooiiKhi 'have been plowing snow from Pollcan' traoks the past tew da-ys. Ho reports that the .tracks aro 'ready farlQP9raon..t. LUMBERLOCUE Eetabllshed March 9, 1925 A weekly paper tor the men" and women employed In the lumber In dustry ot Klamath County. Issued every Monday HOWARD WINNARD -Editor FOR TIMBER WORKERS The average ' mill worker or lumberjack. Is not greatly Interest ed In current events. . Perhaps It would hn falrni t niv thnt thn avorogo man Is not greatly Interest- d In current events. At ny rate, i the factor that appeal's to most of us In news la the peraonal touch. We like to be mentioned in tbe news columns, unlcai we have gotten in bad with tbo authorities, and we like to read of our friends. even If they have. And we like I to bear of men who are doing tbe same things we aro doing, even if wo don't know them. Due to their number, and to tbo fuel that they are mora or less I transient, millmea and loggers fig uro less In the news of the day than men who labor In. other Industries or trades. Klamath Falls, . essenti ally a lumber town, ' gets little news from tbe camps and ml'.ls, and tbe mill workera' and lumberjacks find little In toe Klamnh Falls THE KLAMATH it is me purpose or we mmi:- some people think him. . It b logue, primarily, to i furnish tae : Uo8 h,., had a good Um Aau lumber workers of. Kiumath countyjU(( ureiy nt uke any of his an- Interesting news. sheet, dovoud -,.,,... wlt, u, whRn h. entirely to them and their affairs; and. secondly, to furnish Klamath , r ails na Kiamatn county wiu news from the mills and cimps. We want to please you, and en tertain you, and give 'yon the news, Messrs. Mlllmcn ' nnj. Lumberjacks. If-'We don't,' tell-ufl.' ao; , and .wn-y t Lagging and lumbering 'is no dlf wo don't, and how wo can Improve, i ferent from any other work, Juat And boar In mind that the more 'new it's fine, and the mill or camp news you toll us the more you and seems good. But it's hard'to stick your friends will enjoy the paper. ' I . FWAIINA mivlPANYi rlKOl 1U ') alAKl Jjp THIS " SEASON Day ' Shift Started in January and NlKht 8hift Has Uecn Going i - "Slnco February ; . ..' NEW PLANING MILL GOING Dry Klin Facilities Aid In Increas ing Output Has Smuil ' Cut-up Plant Euwana Box company's sawmill waa tbe first plant to start oper ation this year. The day shift started the middle of January, and the night shift waa added February 1st. ;. '. . Euwana expanded ' 'greatly - last year adding dry kiln facilities suf ficient to handle It's entire output of shop and better grades, and a large planing mill. Lumber for rail shipment is now pulled from the groen chain to toe kilns, from the kilns It passes over a rooted track to the. planing mill, where it Is loaded, the loading dock in the planing shed being long enough so that three cars may be loaded at. the same time. ' . , No trimming Is done on tho green 6ha1n save rotten, broken, or wane ends. The lumbor is trimmed ac- cordlng to the marks ot the grader behind the . surfacer (n the plan ing mill. ' ' ' ' I An Interesting feature ot tbe new planing mil Is the smal Cut up plant, which cuts the sash and door cut-: tings from all the No. 3 shop, the' remainder going to the box tac-. tory. Thla effects a considerable saving, , shop cuttings being valu able, but the percentage In No. ahop bolng tooP low to. allow .hip- Ping this grade. , Euwana Is tho largest locally owned lumbor concern In Klamath county, and has grown In' a few years from a small , box , factory to Its proBont protontlous site. , , BOX PLANTS .RUNNING . V Pollcan Bay i Lumhor,!;;'cotnpany's box factory is ruuning, ngaio,. after a five tiny, shut down .'tor ropalrs. Although the market for box shook la not good; there are now- tour fac tories In oporatton. hoi's, , , Euwana, Big Lakes', Klamath Lumber and Uox, - Policah Bay and Algoma are each. runnlngToua.vdnVvij V. . Hot-Air -Dogs Jo Rosser, genial Euwana saw yer, says he can stand aimoat any thing but to bave a setter, when he gives him a signal, slump down in his sent, crane his neck forward, cloie one eye, and squint with tbe other. That, saya Jo, Is too much. 'Slim Barrow,. EuwanaV lanky pond man, will rose muco enterta inment with tbe coming of spring. filIm na tld :,D bBl enviable t0 el 1)10 latl mU1 crew 'ufnUh him wllh ' llcI 19 kceP pond bouse warm. Rook McCullom still declares the Paige a fine car; and red a beauti ful color. It It wasn't for Income u" Dd the blgh Drlco of a3- llns dils would be a pretty good worlds We've heard of gentlemen woo loved to' battle buzz saws. But .did tackle a ten foot box with a nigger. band mill, or Joe Nixon la sure that the young er generation In. r-mg AO me dog. Hardly a one of tbem en do luu KalUpeli properiy. . 1 The lumberjack isn't as t;o.i Beaide, banks will fail, sometimes; gosh what a fe,,ow ,x gum. mer'a stake In one when ' It went haywire. That would render even lumberjack's vocabulary inade- ' qate, I . 1: -!f-.- -V,7l,'H through the summer, 'and next fall, and by then many a Jack and many aawaust aavage will quit, swear- inK nover to fall another tree or Jugglo another . slu. ' But then, th6re'8 another spring aoead. : J-'hn Powell, night .fireman at Euwana sawmill, says the root ot the race question Is that ' niggers don't know anything, and that most white people are more Ignorant than the niggers. John Johnston declares -that 'an abcesaed neck takes halt the Joy out of lite. One can't crane ones neck to see a pretty woman. . In an attempt to fill the Hot-air-dog column with wit and humor, Luimberlogue haa had a cub reporter taking down the eayings qf Barney Dhlo, day scaler tor Ewauna saw mill, tor the past week. But Just as Lumberlogue was ready to go to press, the despairing cub dashed In with the discouraging report that Barney hadn't made a remark all week that waa fit to print. Charley O'Brien (winding the phonograph). "What'll 1 play, Mick? Micky Delaugherty "'Casey, I guess." ' "Shino" Edwards is the most eag er man In town to have the Camps start up. Shine has been proposi- ""ed - oan Into the uuuil vi uuuuiiig una puuiug lour bits or a dollar out of his pocket every thirty or forty feet as he walks along the street, even when nobody la within four blocks of, him.-. Damn long steps, but damn short Btalrs, says Dutch Mike. . ... - : . , ' , ' , , 3 1 Whl,er Brandy Bill m Z TTn '.i"' lhejr 'dn 1 b"w P"' m? Klamath Falls. DISAPPEAR Harold Hall and Earl Wright dis appeared Into the great open spaces i. above Chlloquln during the past .week, seeking employment. Harold ! had nothing to say concerning the kind of Job ho wanted, but Wright declared he would do anything easy that paid wel. Modoc Lumbor company-was thoir particular destina tion., Blondy Knoder, formerly of Ewuuana sawmill haa , also disap peared nnd. It Is thought that ho Is iiattli Hall and Wright. " FREE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN LUMBER OFFERED TO MEN OF THIS COUNTY; JUST SEND IN YOUR NAME Twenty Five Monthly Hcbolorsblps to bo Otrered by Tim Lamb lofrae Throoshv ArrooKmraM with National Lumber Manufacturers ' . -. Association Hr nd in Your Name ' : t ' v ? Here's one right out of the rlouiK! ' And It goa tor everybody from bos to whistle pnnkl ' Tbe LCMUERIKJCE hiw made arrangemfntit with the National Ltunae Mannforturrr's ansorlntlon wherfbjr it can- offer 25. free scholnnbipa In a free ,orrepondence course In lumber every month. . , IlEJIE IS OFFER ;" - '. -- Mr. W. H. Perkins, News Edit- The Evening Herald. . . . Klamath FjKb,' Oregon. . Dear Mr. Perkins:. This is In reply to your let- ter of January 24th. , We have Just had a reprint made ot the letters In our Correspondence v course ana win ne very giau indeed (o authorize you. to of- fer this course in lumber and construction Information to men residing In your section of the country. . Tho excellent service which you rendered through Timber Toplcj on behalf of tho men of , tbe Coos Bay country la remembered and deeply appro- chited by those of us who 4 know hew mucl. you gave of 'your time and labor to encour- tge and foster thla effort to be helpful to Coose woo came wlthiu the spbere of .your in- fluence. . Because ot this work and its helpfulness to indlv- ldual men we are very glad Indeed to encourtge your fur- 4 thor ef forte along similar lines.. ' Cordially yours...... " National Lumber aianufa- . ; turers Association.- 1 1 -.'?;.". W.. F. Shaw, ' ; Assistant Secretary. -. PELICAN BAY CO. TO RESUME WORK Two Shifta Will be Started at Big , Local Plant One Week From Today '. ' . . Pelican' ' Bay Lumber company, .Klamath county's largest operating Lumber - concern, will start two shifts March 16, after an unusually long shut down, due ' to the slug gish market conditions of last year. Last seascn the mill's output wa3 but fifty-two million feet, but this year the company plans to cut in the neighborhood cf sixty-live mil lion feet, according to superintend ent E. H. Pike. " The planing mill haa been com pletely revised, to permit a more efficient of handling the lumber, and a now moulder and resaw ad ded. BACK FROM SOUTH . , Fred C. Bishop and family have returned to Algoma after spend ing the winter in California. Mr. Bishop ia' employed in the logging camp. .'' - , ALGOMA liOADER QUITS Howard Sinnett, top loader in the Algoma camp,, has severed his connection with the company and Is in Klamath Falls for a tew weeks. WILL GO TO 8. F. ' Earl Powers, planer feeder In the Algomt factory, will leave short ly for San Francisco where he ex pects to make 'his home. , AFTER PINE TREES . r Bill McMillan and Eb CJl'.Jers are teamed together to do some gypo falling for the Modoc Lumber Co. All are agreed that Modoc won't have much Btanding timber by the end ot the season. SNOWBALL OVERDOES , "Snowball" Goddard, sometime night oiler for Euwana,- has strain ed himself. Just how thla happen ed the Lumberlogue news- sleufh could not ascertain. Possibly bo filled an oil can too full. At any rate, "Snowball" la under- the doc tor's care, and may have to under go an operation." R'ARIN' TO GO C. I, Hngen, camp clork for Pelican Bay Camp No. 1 Is , back In Klamath ready for the opening ut campfej Hagenjpont ftwlntef Jjk, Portland, and San Franciseo..v).ft. This lumber courje takes In every branch and pSase of lumber,. -from . logging to selling the finished pro duct. It la a complete course, cov ering several months of weekly lea sons. : , ' .-,-..'.;.'.... And It. la being offered . through THE LUMBERLOOUE absolutely free. Tbe first 25 men or women. to submit their names to THH ; LUMBERLOOUE will win this, cor- 'Ma , '. .K- - r There are no strings whatever attached to this offer. - You don't even ' have to pay for tie postage stamps. Just submit -your name and the name - of the company for whom you are working,, and you will get, this free course in lumber.- If you are not among the first : 25 ' this month your name will . be reserved for the April ,Hstv .; ' . , y., , You fellows in the mills and fac-. torles can now bave an opportun ity of bettering . yourselves abso lutely without charge..: -Just send, in your same -and address' to THB LUMBERLOGUE In care of the The Evening. Herald, and be am ond the first to receive this free lumber course. .... - 'A'' , 'Lumberjacks and mil workers as well as office employes all over the country are taking thla lumbor course,' .It's your tor1 the asking. Just send . in your Dame and THE LUMBERLOGUE will do the rest Repairs at Lamm Mill ?. Complete ; Work , Hums ' The sawmill plant of, the Lamm Lumber - company ; resumed opera tions last week after a shutdown for repair?. - The company's operation baa been continuous through lost season and this, due to the Installation of a steam condenser to keep .the mU pond from freezing. , .Even in .the cold snap last winter It waa pok sible for . the mill to operate on logs taken from the pond, although, a surplus 'had been decked on the lake shore should the pond frees. Thus Is the ilrst attempt to- make all year operation possible In this section. . It Is quite likely that other concerns wil itak's. steps of tola nature In the near future, . '. ' At present tbe output of shop lumber Is being taken care of by a five' stall dry kiln plant. A night shift, will probably be added soma time , this month, which will In crease toe shop output above the capacity of the kilns. More kilns may be added to care for this sur plus, however. . . ! . .' A crew of f alters , started work this morning in the Lamm camp, five miles from Kirk. -. Inside ot two weeks, loading will be under way, and a full crew ot one hundr ed men be employed. , '; i McCullom's Mill Will Resume Work Shortly MoCullom's mill, six miles out. ot Keno on the Ashland higaway, is being overhauled . and repaired; and will start as soon as the ground dries sufftcleatly to i 'permit the trucking of Jogs. '' McCullom Is . doing . part of 'his own logging, and part of It la be-, lng done, by C. E. Randall, who Is logging his own timber and soiling the logs to . McCullom. Kendall . has about two hundred taousund feet decked already, but ot . course no logs, can be moved until tbe ground Is dry. ., . Timber Beasts to Get Into Action Shortly Timber will start failing In the Pelican Bay Lumber company' holdings March 18. according to I. C. Johnston, logging superintendent. . By April I, - two camps will be running full forcei sending out aa average of about 3S0M of logs per day. From t.iree hundred and titty to three hundied'ond simnty fir men' will ne- employed. , :' ' ijiContiuucdin lvage Klght) ' " & i ..... .11 1 i ' ' 1 i ..u ; . J i 4