MONDAY, MARCH 9, 192U PAGE FOUR EVENING HERAU), KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Daddy's coining with "after eVerymeal" mm. Were, fluis ore - , scribes & clever nlan. I TYiivt shoiLldipBcai J to. every mem ! n Phone 93 Quality and Price , ' To deliver to yon invariably high quality printing at a right price we made an investment" of ' thousands ot dollars in'" plant equipment. We have . the . best employees available. We want your bus iness in printing. When we get it we are going to keep it with , a printing . service that will give you satisfaction In every single , detail. , . . W.O.SMITH Printing Co. "Quality Printing" P LLY. P Phyilolani warn aialnit neolaetini aotiihi ' and eolSs and till of tha serious lung eon Itcatlons that nay ralult. taadlni physl claaa now presenile BAL8AMEA (or all kroa tllal atlaetlona. BAL8AMEA il pura tabla artparatlon mada from a flawly du eovarad plaat Dr. Ban). F. crattraa, Anoar aoa, Mo wrltaa: "I mo H ncluilvily far my praetloa and my tamlly. It la aulek. aura . and aa(a la Ita action Ilka notblm alu." Toward Uio end ot the InHuenza epidomlc a BOTrrDment phyalclan noticed that a tribe ot Indiana In NoTada. by the use of olla from ' a uatlre plant were Immune from the raraReo of Influenza. Ho used these oils anions bla white natlenta and then In a hosDltal OTer- flowlns with 'idesth" casea. Newa of tha resulta swept the world and for some time ' It wna not. jioaslhle to eupply the demand. BALBAMKA has now been standardized and Rlvea uniformly miraculous resulta In four ways : 1. It soothes the InUamed mem branes and rellevea Irritation. 2. It Increases secretion of mucous and permits easy ex pectoration, 3. It atlmulates pores of the kin In throwing off body poisons and 4. It ftrlkes at -the cause, checking germ acUon ' mmedlately. .... !o not conftlse If with ordlnnry balsam cough ayrupa thnt are only aoothlng syrups and do not go to the bane of the trouble. Unlike other coukh remedies BALSAM KA la free from cool tar and other harmful nar cotics. Plea-utnt to take and absolutely aafa to sire to children. He aurs you set BAI-BA--MFA with tha picture of the Indian on the packslte. flnar- anteed to relieve any couitn, no manor irom what ckuae, or your mouey back. All drug. -(lata aall BALSAM BA. , - in k tmnth. irniMi hiiv it Iran .Star Drug Co. . . ... mm tor , Chronie USA STARTS 01 COLD mm - This delightful, lonii- . lastlnft-bencflclal-refreshment gives the penny a feija: value. Its so cool and sweet after smoking. And then when you get home,, how eager the little folks are for their Wrigleys. Four Holstein Calves Delivered W. F. Jinnette, a progressive fanner of cie Merrill district, la now the -owner ot tour Hilsteln calves which arrived here from Tillamook last night and this afternoon. Mr. Jinnette has an order for seven Kolateln calves from rillamojk. He will use' all but one, wJich wit. be turned over to his daughter, Fiy Jinnette, for county club work. Down From Fort Klamath George Hoyt, one ot the Urge livestock operators of the northern Klamath Basin, was a visitor in Klamath Falls yesterday U call on friends. Returns From. Ellensburg After a visit of two months in Ellensburg, Wash.,' vKh her daugh ter, Mrs. H.- C. Bench, Mrs. C. A. Doty of - this ' city returned hat night to Klamath Falls. She was met . itf Portland by ' her husband, who returned to Klamath Falls with her.-'; -A'-J' ' - " '"-,. ',-: In SlesUortl . ;'.-.,,. i-s-; - , Harold;- Bunch,- -who conducts a drug store at Fort Klamath, spent tne weeK-ena in Medtord on a combination visit' of" business and Here From Eugene ' ' J. L. Clark, who is" in the real estate and timber : brokerage busi ness at Eugene, arrived in Klam ath' Falls to attend to business mat ters. Mr. Clark is an uncle of Linn Nesmith, who Is connected with the California, Oregon Power company here. : , .. . Henry Returns Eugene Henry, city engineer of Klamath Falls,. " returned Ho this city last night after an absence of several days In Portland on busi ness matters. HELP ISH OUT When your kidneys hurt and your i dbck leeis sore don t get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot ot drugs that excite the kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts whl ch helps to remove the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The tunc , tlon of the kidneys is to filter tbe Diood. in 24 hours tbey strain from it EOO grains ot acid and waste, so we can readily Understand the vital Importance of keeping tbe kidneys active. : i , ,. ., - Drink lots of good water you can't drink too' much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tableepoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each tnornng for a few days and your kidneys may then - act fine. Tills famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthla, and has been used for. years to help clean and stimu late clogged kdneys; also to neulral ..e the acids In tbe system eo they aro no longer a source of Irritation, thus of tha relieving bladder weak ness, .i ' . Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; can not injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lithla-water drink, which every one should take now and then to belp keep their kidneys clean and active. Trr this; also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. By all means have your physician ei amlaa. your kidney at least twice a (year, k&v,MwninTi mvi huu DRINK WATER TO KIDN POISON E. W. Renick Public 'Accountant Accounting and Auditing 211-212 HOPKA BUILDING p Jesi I '"BP" Modern, sunny rooms; private telephones; excellent tray service; comprehensive care ex tended surgical, maternity and medical patients. " " RATES REASONABLE KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL '...PINE' AT FOCnTTl 8TIIKET . ' . KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. WARRKN ITOXT. M. D., OWNER AND MANAGER Kxprrt pharmacist available la hospital pharmacy, day or night- Down ' From the Fort Among the usual number of visi tors from the beautiful' country ot the northern Klamath basin, near Fort Klamath, were a party of three ranchers who registered at the Hall hotel yesterday. They were A. G. ' Winter, L. C. Wlmer mi J. V. Briscoe! : Wants to Return . Leslie Rogers, cashier : of tie First National bank, la in receipt of a letter from A. J. RIsley, former resident of Klamath Falls, In which Mr. RIsley expressed a hearty de scire to return to Klamat'-i Falls soon and predicted that in the near future his wish-would be gratified. Mr. RIsley is now living la Forest Grove. . ' . ' " ' . .' 1 In From Bly . . B. M. Adams, a well known resi dent of tbe Sprague River valley region, was a visitor yesterday from Bly. lie registered ' at the Hall hotel. , ' ' ' Leaves for South ' Accompanied by her small son, Steve Jr., Mrs. Steven Sabo has left for southern California, where she i will spend a vacation of two week.) ' in Los Angeles, Long Beac-a, Sin , Diego and other vacation towns cf i California. ' ' Visiting Sister 'In Eugene . Mr. A. D. Collier is In Eugene for several days as the guest ot her sister. , Up From Mt. Shasta (Bisson) That tae appellation Mt. Shajla was a fir more appropriate ncuio for their community, -led citizens of Sisssn recently to change, the name of their town from Sissoa U that of the beautiful snow-capped peak several miles away. From Mt. Shasta yesterday Scott Rose came to Klamath Falls to 'attend to busi ness matters. He Is stopping at the Hall hotel. It's a Ducky . Hat HERB'S a liniquo hat. ..It -Is of felt, trimmed with a duck bill , and all, It comes from Paris and tha bill for it Is probably as. big (JM the bll on ths ;hat,, ,., (, At General Income .Tax Capital Stock Tax PHONE 317 Visit On Ranch 14;1,., . , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whltmore and family wero visitors over. Sat urday night -and Sunday on the Whitmsre ranch. Whltmore is era ployed In the Klamath Falls post office. ' " ''" ' SiruDihra .Ford '' ' Roy Rhlhehari was the first re ported victim of slippery streets and snow this morning when 'his Ford car skidded on-the Third street hill running Into the curb and tearing off a wheel.' The car suffered ad ditional damages with no injury to Rhinehart. -i ' Our strongest ' recommenda tions come from our satisfied customers. , We make very few mistakes In our optical work and whea we do, we gladly correct cur error. . : That means that those who . get their eye glasses here are satisfied. Dr. H. J. Winters I V .1111,1 SH-,-liillal . ; 1 1 Mum IMiiinc I4II-VV UV tcrind i)Ur own lenwta I EAT HEARTY -SO THEY CALL MB HAPPY PATVTV . -. ; '''; ' I suppose everyono knows where Happy mlrht be , John Smith - cr Frank Brown or Bill Anybody for all you know, but they simply call him Hap py Party because he Is. ,.;.-. j '. ' Watch for Mr. Happy' : Party : party r ';fm r res"im tie-'vi v. ym From Hwnn ltkr . Marlon Nine was a bualncss visit or tit Klumuth Falls over the wuk. oiul from his mill at Swnu I-uko. - From MiHlfortl ;. ' ' Anion the out of town visitors mending the 'week-end In the ro s. A. Nelnon and Crrestor A. Chirk, - both reglaterlhg from Mod ford. ,. . ... , ..;' Stin Ikirtt Word hits bet'n received from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown MoKlwoe Jr., announcing the birth of a son at Ocean Deuch, California. MeElweo was at oua time foreman ot tho Poll can Buy ant) Modoc Paint comira-ntoa. ttuNliicaia VUlturn ' ' ' J. F. Loverldgo ot Scuttle aud L. O. Herstull of Portland aro among the many husineKi vlaitora In tho oily .who spent tho week-end in Klumuth Fulls. From Kuirms F. B. Roberts of Eugene loft this morning tor hla homo after spending the wook-ond In- Ktammth Falls. Roberta Is a lumberman from that section and Is Intoreated In the pur chase, of a saw mill In Klamath county, coming here for the purpose ot conferring with timber owners. lipavrti For South C. Morrison of Stockton, Cali fornia was among the out ot town visitors In tho city, roturnlng to hla home this morning after a week end In Klamath Falla Ooeni To Roawbni-sr Paul Dullon ot the K- K. K. atore was called to Rosoburg.thls morning by tbe lllneas of his wife, wh,o'haa been visiting thero with her sister. Dalton stated that although he did not have details of hla wife' con dition, ho did not bellove It to be serious. Business Visitor . H. J. Succop, Pacific'' Coast sains manager for tbe National Fruit Flavors Manufacturing Company waa a business visitor in Klamath Falla ovor tho week-end.- ' Wlllys-OvcrUnd Sfan Here W. M. Ulery. of the Portland branch of the Wlllys-Overland com pany was In .town Saturday on busi ness for bis company. -, -. ' i ' Hero From 'Ctilloquln ' ' -' Alex Shive was In -town from Chlloquln over the week-end trans acting business and ' visiting : with friends. 1' Ben lwla Visits - - Eon . Lewis spent Sunday here from his home in Medford. Lewis formerly, made hla home hore, and Is well known among the young peo ple of Klamath Falls. !. On Buadness Louis Oerber, well known cattle man of . the Horsefly country,' Is In town today transacting business con nected with his ranches. TODAY 18 CLEAX-VP Firemen Forget Hoso And Ladder To Olvo City Hall Clcanxina; Firemen forsook the hose this morning for .brooms and mops and stepped into their weekly duty of cleaning up . the city hall. . Mopa were slung viciously and brooms wielded with ' care and discretion, i (Continued from page one) on the possibility ot their support in constructing a merchants' building on the fair grounds. ' Several plana of financing such a problem were submitted for further discussion. It Is the- keen desire ot the fair .board to enl'st the Itnerest of womens' or ganizations and clubs for, a one aiemoer expressed, "when the wom en take hold of anything, they gen erally put it ucross." j Stall Charge tlMd'J ' V; A form' and typo of contract for lessors of Uio livestock pavilion and horse barns '.was drawn up and ; a stall charge of 25c per day per head, decided upon for all , futuro jurposes to become effeetlve at oinco. The nonrotary was Instructed to ask a definite dticlslon from the ' Bly Rodeo Association as to whether or not that organization would hold a rodeo here on' July 4th, There were 1 present R.'B. Brad bury, president ; H.' N. Moo,' treas urer) - B. M, Ijammond, vlce-presl-dont and manager; Mrs. ' NoWcomb, secretary; Walter ZoUman, N. E. Woodhouse, Roy" Nelsotf, C. A,' Hen derson'; W. S. i Slough, L. 'A West and Frank Sexton, ' j., . i ' -I- --', V ' Even though we spend moire than billion a yerir' on snorts 1 soma of tis' -ar;not' good ono. ;i IISUADSv ARE APPOINTED To Obtain Good Will it is just as necessary thafwe Batisfy.W used car customers as our new. v For reliable used cars see Buick & Star , Garage i. , . H. E. Haujjer Oppl White Pelican Hotel , INDIAN' CAK 81CT Ilojilo Chorktoot And John Watuli " To Be Tried tn lortlnnd Royde Chocktoot ar.d John Wnluli. I two IndKma chargod with a.saiilt , - wiin intoi. to Kin, win stu.uu iruit next Thursday In tho United status district court In Portlar.d, ns tho result ot an ullngod shoot inn lust : November at "Big Anna's" place near Beatty. C- C. Wtolls, deputy United - 8tato marshal oporatlng from the department of Justice of fices at Portland, arrived In Klamath Falls Saturday afternoon for the pur pose ot serving subpoena tor wit nesses at the trial. KXTOMjOIXXJIHT RKTIRXH O. J. IlnugT Bark In Klamath Falls After Long Aburnco After. ' n ' absence . of , several months In San Francisco and Palio Alto, California, O. J. Htiuge,' form er Junior, entomologist ; connected with the Pine Beetlo control work In Klamath and Lake county forests, returned to Klamath Falls lost night. Mr. .Hauge, while ln California, has' been connected with the United States Forestry offlcoa at Stanford University. Mr. Hauge plans to re main In Klamath Falls Indefinitely. NOTED SOPKAXO COSnXQ MlM Muriel Mac Donald To King At Tho Uberty This Weok Miss Muriel MacDonald the gifted Lyric Scotch soprano who Is to ap pear at tho Liberty Thoator Tuesday and Wednesday evening has Just re cently completed a most successful tour of the tnlddlo wont, appearing In concert before many of the pik and Masonic lodges In the largor j cities. I Music lovers la Klamath Falls are assured a real treat in Miss MnoDon-, aid's appearance here. j HIGHWAY KNUIN'KKR HERB Onono of his inspection ' trips Into this terltory, L. B. Campbell, assistant state highway englnoor, working undor Roy Klein, state highway engineer, arrived In Klam nth oily. This morning Mr. Camp bell and C. C. Kolley, division en gineer, were In conference discuss ing maintenance and general con dition ot state highways In Klam ath. Teachers Must Bo Graduates , Before, any candidates . may be hired to teach any of the so-called academic courses at tho Klamath county high school they must show a degree from some standard col lege or unlvorslty. . This was de cided at a regular monthly moot ing of tho Klamath County 'High School board hold Saturday In tin: county school superintendent's of fice. The board sat March 17 the date dtectlon ot toaclion for 1925-1926 would be decided. In 'addition the board went on record as favoring the limitation of pupiu to any of the academic class r.oomu to 26, and In no oase allowing more than 80 pupils being ' taught In any one of the 'academic elnsaos MRU. CONGO ON TRLkL Trial of Mrs. Losllo Congo, charged with noesesslon of Intoxi cating liquor,, opened this mornliu; before Justice of the Peace J. O. Hamaker ot Bonanza. Acting Dis trict Attorney W, P. Myers, Chlo of Police Harry M. Loucks, Stito Prohibition Officer A. W. Stovoni and City Patrolman Argraves left this morning , for . Bonanza tJ ap pear on bohait of tho state. WOMEN GROW TIRED OF HUES DYEIW aiVK THEIR THEHHEA LONDON, March 7. A loading West End halrdt-essor lias said re cently that, hair-dyeing ' Is now one of tho most lucrative parts of his trade. , Many -tvoimon are asking- tor tholr hair to be dyed whllo bocause of the dlBtlngulshed ' effect snow- white jialr gives the" owner; Others j Wood , lfi. , t-... 4 'Wi ' ' ly -j niii I .. m'ftls '. Vtii.V , shtii'l il.ift-,. ,,. ,y . ... Block. ;; , Dry Slab ' Limbe Coal Fuel Oil ,. i'hun vour orders to '- 535 , , ROT Main St O. Peyton & Co. "Wood to burn" . '1 Main Phonr 515 , Swanson's . BirW Shop Mink for the Taai Pol in ihei World - ,.i -mmo 1 1 In on , . . H".''IOII, . , .' . . i ' fr',"ilj Jnitnson, .,ln,t. i-hnrae; , . ' : . musing in Marrel- wntKr waving and roMi,-"! pa pur rurl. ' Hh 'niponlnK. sralp treat, manta, facial massage and manicuring for t ladliw and men Hair tinting and balr , . goods made to order -', . -, Phone 318 ' ., ; V ' 625 Main St lAHlES! DARKEN YOUR GREY HAIR The uso of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded $ruy hair to Ita natural color dates back to grand mother's time. 8ho used It to keep hor hulr beautifully. Jurk, glossy and, attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, fadod or streaked appearanco, this slmplo mixture was applied with wonderful effoct. But brewing at homo Is ,nusy and out-of-dnto. Nowadays, by ask ing nt any drug atom for a bottle ot "Wyiith'a Suge and Sutph ir Com pound," you will got '.his famous old prnpiuntlon, Improved by ' the uddltlon of other Ingrodlonts, which can ho depended upon to rastoro natural color and beauty1 to tho hulr, , .. .... 1 A . will known' fln.tfttiiwn druggist tuya II dnrkuus tbe bulr to naturally 'ind evunl:- thai nobody eun 'ell It lias been applied. Vtju simply ilitmpi n a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your Imlr, 'nklng ono strand at a time. By morning the grey hair. illiMiiiieara. und otter Another application or lo. It becomes bountifully durk and il lossy. Adv, . ; TO BUILD. CRKAMHRY Ceorgo W, McOollum To Ask Coon ell For Permit This Evening George W. , MoColium will ,pply this evening at tho 'mooting ot the elty council tor a pormlt to build a croamery building 6rT Spring street,' to cost $4000. .Tho building will be"' 38 by 100 foot and will Include Wo largo rooms. . r - " : - are seeking a stooly-sroy color whlld ptherg want tho "pepper and salt effect" created when hair begins to too streaked with groy. " ' Red and copper tints are going out of fashion and possessors ot this class , ot dyed hair are most an hvt tdlirffldfgr) ttenoVbrTjctss