The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 22, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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Visit Crater Lake Via.
Ashland-Klamath Fall
$1,000,000 Highway
Seventeenth Year No. 7271.
Eighth and . Main Project
Held Up for Further
, i'llllil'llclioll nf II lllltullllnt filling
Hiutlon on KikIiiIi niiil M it I n by
Hlullliig brother, wan frowned on hy
majority of i hi' dly council IiihI
II 1)1 III when llin iinnlirutlnii fur per
mUMon to build wiim r.-ml.
(.'niiuulliiiiiit W. (). Uniiih, J II,
Coviirl ond W. I). CiifiT cxinowocl
iiii'ini'lvi' ii n inn in fitvnr r u fill
ing elation ui this iiiilnl, k'vIuh an
Ihelr principal reason lluitVhn Iruf
flcn ui thn InO'ritoRllim wns no
heavy (but the pillillr would be on
iliiliK"rii lluirnliy.
After u general IhcuhmIoii mi wliiil
action ulinuld hit taken. Ill" matter
was r-rTi-i in I lin atrcui commit
li'O fthlili will r ii port at thn next
intcllng (.f ilia council what thair In
vestigation ilUckuri both as to the
uitvlimblllty of allowing (he permit
nil tb power of the ally to deny the
application. The Btallliig brother
rn said to have taken thro year
lease on the oorner lot frrim Thick
Williams, with an option for three
yearn more. The contract for build
In bus IH'n let to Louis K. Porter.
Club Ih-nlwl Ureiiao. '
As a follow-up of the liquor rail)
romluctoi! here by itute officers laat
week, iho council don ltd the Kluin--uttt
Soclul club license to operate
In Klamath Falls sud lusiructud Po
lice Judge Lena, L. (Ingbagon to In
form the head of the club thut the
club must cloee Ita doors. The ques
tion of granting the club perniU
alon to opersto be been hauglng fire
Ince March. The olub claimed, Mayor
Arthur R. Wilson eald. that I hoy
were a fraternal organisation and
heuce out of the Jurisdiction of the
city an far as granting of llconne.wa
According to Mayor Wilson, a re
rent decision of the stnto suproiuu
court, place club of this aort under
llio Jurisdiction of the oily unit It
was with till decision ns a fnrtlfloo
Hon that tbo council donlcd the club
permission to operate.
! PrRpertjsholdar on Wilier aldn ot
the uUfy. l4idlii from 1'luu street
south l,o'P", feet nlong lliu now .Mc
t'arthy jiuljdlng und frnm there i'umI
tu Savotitb' afreet, deeded to tho city
a 42 by 30 sootlan of land to the
olty laat night,. They plan flu paving
thn4Wa Mlpy and alan the 42 by 110
.......iJ I.'1'.'..!.. II.... ...t.lln.7-
nvnvuaj ii uiuvi ii"l miiuiimiiin'n
nun juoko' the turn.. Thu work will
atari Immediately and will bn ftntsh-
t'd bofore winter.
Hotel (leu Permit.
The" polios committee roporiod
' favnrnhly on allowing tho Luke ho-
(Cantluuod on Pago Six!
CHICAGO, July 22 Senators
LnFolletln ahil Wlwolor will opon
tbo thjrd llokot. uampnlRii In the
ouatei'n seaboard nnd New lCnglund
Hint cm, inuring Ino woHt mid roiiIIi
over dlvergnnt rntitou to every stnto
In thn union, Jlnprcsontutlvo John
M. Nelson, National manugor ot Inn
LnFnllnlle candidacy Hlutnd today,
O Kf In M1 to"
on Iht gams Street
Unlrh man
Uhifh man Sold
hi couldn't etfordit
nills for RnV
furnilurs, flxlurrt,
s&S? . m paid for trnt
W u HOLD kiaooda
n nt, l tsnr to OCUfc
Fire Hydrants
to Have Thread
Standard Here
Deputy State Marshals
Soon Will Be In
Klamath Fails
l'or thn purpon,, of HliiiidurdixlliK
i Ho ihruudx of thn flr hydrunla In
ih In rliy In conform wilh I In- provl-
f.lniia of tin1 new Hint" law ri'priwn
uilvca of I Ii,, Hi ii I it flrn iniir iIiiiI'h of-
(lii. will hn In Kl nil F.'ll" In III"
ni-ur fiiliirn,
'Kilwlii II. Wailtii mid W, II. NVw
inycr, rtliilo dnputli'H, iiim now on u
Kin r of lh Houlliniu Omgnii illxlrn l
mill will hit lii rn rollowlng u hIiiv iii
Jiii'kannvllln and fnuii IHT" will ii '
l.uknvluw. .
The alntn law riiiiHrrn thai ull fir,.
llyilruulM of tho atatn hiivc u aIiiiIIiii
lliri'Hil In ordur thut 'lw isihii of n
liirno ronfliiKriillno (hut aid rnulil he
Mill from nllior nltli-a. Th- luw wun
advocateit follnwlnx thn Iiik fire ul
Anlorla when the Portland flrn dc
parlment aent to tbn aid f Aatnriii
wu hampered uy thn fact that Hie
hoait couplings would iiint fit 1 he
threads of the Astoria liydrauis.
Thore la no cost to city In thn
change a fundi aro provided tor
the work by the insurance .compan
ies ot the state.
-"Nosrly loo munlolpaMMeae-vt
atatn have already bad the hydrant
threads changed and there are phniit
120 more yet to be visited by I ho
deputy flrn marshals.
In order that thn molorml will
be uunble to miss them and park too
clorte. Fire f'hlef Kotih K. Ambrose
has had all thn flro hydrants in
Klamath Falls palntod a hissing
bright rod which - cannot ho over
looked. Thn work- wo cnniploioil
Wllllum Bluvcrs mid V. M. John
son were hound over to tho grand
Jury for further Invouilgatlun on
tho churito of nmnslnughter In con
nnnlion with thu ileuili of Krunk
llrnwn at crescent,' July 4, by Jua
lUn of iho Pen co H. A. Kmmltt nt
3 p. m. loduy. Bond was sot lit
glovers and Jnhusun ' wore ar
rested fln.lho sama night' ot nrown'n
doulh. Thny nro vhargod with
having struck ' llrown nnd brought
about a homhorrnga of the bruin,
which doctors tostltied at the In
quest, was the direct cause of death.
Thn nltogod tight botwotm Drown
unci fllovors and Johnson In said to
have tukon pluco betoro a barber
shop nt Crescent, about 9 o'clock
In thn evening ot July 4. ,
Slovera and Johnson have been
hold In Jail alnco Ibolr arrest by
Sheriff I., h. " Low and Deputy
Shi'ilff I.. S, Slllnry. Doth men wero
omplnyod In tbo railroad const ruc
tion, work on the S. P. Klamath
Lakes routn near Croscent.
Two dlvorco decrees wore ifrunl
od Into .yeslorduy uftomuoii, by Cir
cuit Judge A. U I.oiivltt. ., Pearl Pal
mer; wus griiuled a divorce from U,
I). 1'nlmor. In Addition Iho jlneroo
stlpiiliitod thut Ihn dofenduni pay
Mi's. 'Palmer $ :t 5 n month fur the
support of herself und two minor
children. "
Curl wybsler Wur grantnd o dl
vorco from Rllon Webster.
' Moth c'linee were docldcd on from
testimony sublnltted by flrant M
Hnymond who actod us roferco In
both cases.
Throe men were nrrenteclf last
night nn the oily atresia for bolng
In .nn Intoxlooted condition. They
were Charles Anderson, Ralph Bur
chain nnd Oscar Anderson. All
thrnoiwero flnni $20. .. Httrcham
plonddd nnt gltHty but 'when testi
mony brought out tliat ho hnd tnkon
mono lib nit two drinks; Police Judge ll tiaahaaen cnnoludod that he
.was ffullty and iflnei: him the sbssl
II w
Delegation; Will Attend
Meeting at Altur 'n
Km in ii i h lill will semi a I'liin
iliitlon lo Allui'us InliiiilTow tu nil'"!
Willi Dim iiilvisury hoard of tint Cull
furiuu HUH" Highway CiiiuiiiIhhIoii in
roforoncn In u rond pniKruiii which
ll is Imp", will PMiilt in routine a
lillthwny in iiiiiiii'cl wilh Iho Ori'Son
unit now ililiux ut Mulln.
Thil bourd of illioclnrs of tan Kluiu
nil County Chumhor of Com mora
tndiiy took nciiiiii on tho mullor
whi'ii loltors nnd tolograma eunt to
VV. I'. Diilmn liv F. Aulilo, viii
pii'iil"iit cif iho Moiluc County, Calif.
IJ'Vnloiiiient Honrd wer mad and
thn need of a di-logutlnn from here
wim polntod out.
Anting l'r-lil"iit U. c. (iroeshock
miiui'd hurt null aa u clialrrruin of a
ciimmllt! lo attond iho Alturas
m'ttotfng lute today Mr. Hall was
obtaining promlsoa Trom a number
to lake up tlio delegation. It was
slated ut Ihs hoard meeting that Al-tirnilras-'ngreed
with the Cellfornin
emnmlselon to a highway unit ending
at Aden and according' to Mr. Daltou
this situation works admirably for
Klamath "County nnd a connection
with the Malln tormina!.
.trisa firuco Millguto and Police
Judge I.. I., linghugon appeared be
fore the board with an announce
ment that Ur. Csppj ot the state
hruird of health will be In this city on
August g and at a Joint mooting of
civic bodies will present a plan for
u county health unit. A committee
composed of Ii. M. Dubb and Jack
Kerns was mimed to procure au
vnnoe data and comparative coat flR
urivi on the proposal. ,
The question of road signR wus
il ism -pel a report made that a num
ber of arrows marking the route to
Crntuc l.ako would soon ho posted
within Iho city limits.
Co-nporatlon wit Ii the forest serv
ice lu sharing the cost 'of a road
extension at Sugnr Pine Mountain
lo the nnllos-Callforhia Highway
(Continued on Page 5)
County Board Takes Action
To Accomodate Modoc
Point District
(Irnwih of the settlement nil.
Lamm's mill hail Impelled the comity
Mflionl hoard In authorize the mov
ing of tho school house at Modoc
Pnlnl n mllu closer In the mill. The
mill noil lenient on the Dulles Cali
fornia highway tins ncen grnduully
growing and tho board that
the IiohI Interests ot tho, public
would bo served It the Hohool
building would be located elosor
lo a oen I or f population. No nr
ranRomeiits havo as yet been mada
tnr the moving, nor has a,ny suitable
slln yet been located,
A committee trom the boat'd re
ported favofnbly on the construct
ion work In progrons on the two
now school Houses, at Lorella and
Lone Poo valloy and the addition
to thn Mnlln school.
Tho regular monthly bills were
allowed. Present at the meeting
wore, n, W. Tower, chairman, C.
It. nowmnn, George Offleld, Char
les Mack, County superintendent ot
schools Mrs. Twyla Ferguson nnd
County School Clerk'Fred Peterson.
' neslgnntlon of Mrs, ' Eva! Adams
who' taught at Clalo school near
Morrill nnd Mrs, , Delia H. Nichols
who was 'the toaohor at. Algomn
iphaol wars ggospteij by thi boar.
Member of the Associated
Are Ready for
Year's Harvest
j Good Crop Is Promised
I in Klamath Patches,
Is Report '
Klumulh county's annual huckle
berry crop la fast ripening und will
sunn bn ready for the gathering. Is
Hie roport sent by S. C. Hamaker
who bus Hpent many Hummers
soiirVhlng out. thu berries and has
ii fund of Information on the sub
ject. Mr. Ilnipakor nnw at Huckle
berry moulitnin, Hie center of the
berry patches "f th county, states
(lint eight families lire now camped
at the mountain and ure gathering
berries enough for camp use.
There will be. a fairly large crop
I bin rear and expectations are that
a big invasion of the berry hunters!
will be under way during tne
coming week-end.
The Huckleberry mountain
pulchss are In among the green
timber and tbere has been ho fire
In that section this, year to barm
the crop. Is the report received
here. '
I'nltcci States Senator Chan. L.
McNary who is spending tbe summer
ut Ills farm near Salem, Marlon
county, Oregon, will visit Klamath
County this summer. ' The dates ot
the Senator's visit here have not been
fully determined upon.
Senator McNary wired Linn V.
Nesmith today from Salem as fol
lows: "Have not had time to ma
ture any plans tor visiting In various
parts ot the state to study condition
that may need my attenion in Con
gress. It may be that 1 will noi
visit Klamath until tho irrigation
congress meets in Septeuiber, as 1
did when It met in Vale Inst year.
I greatly appreciate the support
given me in Klamath county and
will soon thank the people there In
person. Shall advise you ot my
coming in time for you to make all
arrangements for my stuy there."
Senator McNary is thoroughly fam
iliar with this county and his visit
hero will be in the nature pt an
outing to spend his tlmo resting and
enjoying the lakes and beautiful re
sorta rather than delivering address
es In various parts of the couuty and
going over the same things that ho
has seen before. It Is expected that
Senator McNary will be here between
August (.l8t and liith.
Following their sentence to one
yenr each in the etulo penitentiary
and threo mouths In the county Jail,
indictments ugolust Sydnoyl Ther
lault, H. J. Dennis and D. Richards
charging them with stealing twd
horses on the night ot their escape
from the city Jail May 14, were dKT
missed by Circuit Judge A. L.
Loavltt yesterday upon motion of
District Attorney Brower.
The three men were tried ou one
horse r.teullng churgo but th( trial
ended with a hung Jury, -
CHICAGO, July 22 Jacob Franls
father ot the murder -victim, will be
the first wltneas tomorrow, at tho
hearing to determine the punishment
nt Leopold and Loeb. States Attor
ney Crowe will make nn opening
xtntument auggestlng the death pen
alty demanded by the state.
The Cyclo-Storniagraph nt Under
' wood's Pharmacy shows a slightly
downward trend to barometric pressure-
this afternoon. Higher temper
atures will probably prevail, wltb
brisk winds tonight. .
Forecast for next 24 hours!
,' Fair nnd warmer. "
The Tycos recording thermometer
registered maximum and ' minimum
iomperatures today na follows:
High .... 80
tlOW itHMlMllltHHlMt"
. 4t
JULY 22, 1924
Farmers Declare Fodder j
Is Sufficient for Sis
kiyou Cattle
Thut tbere will bu sufficient fod
der fur California herds of cattle in
tbe Tule Lake district In the near
future after the grain harvest. Is
the declaration of ranchers ot that
Heel Ion in commenting on tbe re
quest of California stockmen that
6,000 head of cattle be allowed to
come into Klamath connly for pas
turage. '.Much of the grain which can
not be taken up In tbe combines
during Ihe harvest could be cut
and slacked and provide sufficient
winter feed for a large number of
cattle" Is the report ot W. C.
Griffith, rancher of the' Tule lake
district, here today.
As the Tule lake fields are over
the line' In California there would
be no restrictions concerning the
bringing of the herds across tbe I
state line such as were brought out
following tbe recent request ot
California" stockmen that a, herd of
6000 be allowed to be brought Into
Klamath county for pasturage from
the forest fire swept sections of
Siskiyou county.
Several thousand acres would be
available tor pasturage tor cattle
after the grain Is cut. Tbe cutting
Is expected to be under way by
tbe first of the month. Pasturage
after the groin harvest has been
(Continued on Page 2)
Buildings Are Endangered
By Blaze Believed
Two fires, ' thought to bo ot in
cendiary origin, seriously endangered
the Klamath News and adjoining
building on tho alley between Fifth
and Sixth streets between Kliimath
avenue and Main street, the Robert
son's Taniale house between Eighth
and Ninth streets on the same alley
way. The first fire, which was a
number of biasing crato boxes was
reported in at 8:30.
The blaze was extinguished In a
few minutes and the fire department
returned to the fire station. Hardly
five minutes after their return a
second alarm was turned and a sec
ond tire, identical with the first, was
found blazing behind the Robertson
Tamalo bouse.
According to Fire Chief Keith K.
Ambrose, three boys started the sec
ond fire and it is thought the first
also. In both -cases frame buildings
nn the alley were seriously menaiced
ns a strong north wind caught the
flumes and scattered the sparks.
WASHINGTON. July 22. Having
determined on tho outstanding tea-
lures ot the Republican campaign
organization. Notional chairman
Duller and his a) '.as today turned to
consideration ot plans tor a nation
wide campaign. Butler declared tin
Republican presidential contest
would be carried into every section
WASHINGTON, July 22. Three
thousand civilians are reported, to
have been killed hnd Injured In
fighting at Sao Paulo between Bra
glllnn federal and revolutionary
forces, No Amerloan .victims are
Postal Gain in
Klamath Shows
Best for State
Increase of 43 Per Cent
Is Highest of Any
Oregon Office
Klamath Falls during the month of
M4y this year showed a higher per
centage of gain In postal receipts
over a similar period of last year
than any other city of the state,
according to a compilation of postal
receipts of Oregon received by the
local chamber ot commerce.
The Klamath Falls office shows
an Increase ot 43 per cent in Hay
1924, over May 1923.
The following figures on postal
receipts tor va'Sous Oregon cities
have been compiled showing tbe per
centage of increase in May of 1924
over May of last year:
Albany, 6.5 per cent; Ashland,
6.6 per cunt; Astoria, 3.4 per eent;
Baker, 2.6 per cent; Bend, 4 per cent;
Bonanza, as per cent; CorvallLs u. per
eent; Coqullle, 40 per cent: '.-alias,
8.7 per cant; Eugene, 16.9 per eent;
Gardiner, 40 per cent; Gold Beach,
11 per cent; Gresham, 38 per cent;
HillaboTO, 8 per cent; Klamath Falls.
43 per cent; La Grande, 1.8 per
cent; Lebanon, S per cent; McMinn
Tllle, 21 per cent; afarshtlald, 11 per
cent; Newberg, 30 per cant; North
Bend,. 21 per cent; Oregon City;-31
per cent; Portland, 8.37 per cent;
Rainier, 30 4er eent; Roseburg, 14
per cent; Salem, 12 per cent; Silver
ton, 13.6? per cent; Springfield, 16
per cent: The Dalles, 17 per cent;
Warrenton, 14 per cent. . .
Turn imv tnanhara were elected to
the staff of the Central school at the
meeting ot the school board last
evening. Miss Anna Johnston . who
recently returned from Hawaii will
teach the second grade -tatlng the
nine nt Ari Ruth M. Dixon, resign
ed. Miss June Dunlap ot Central
Point -who for the past two years nas
hppn tAaehlnir at. Albanv Will teach
tbe first grade at tbe Central school
here -tilling the vacancy as a result
nf the vAalrnatinm nf Eleanor Robin-
son who resigned recently to accept
a position in tne1 roruana scuoois.
Miu niTnn wh- has been a teacher
here for the past three years has ac
cepted a position teacning ai me uus
AnvnloB achnnln ! . AFtaA Johnston.
formerly wag a teacher in the schools
here before going to Hawaii wnere
she has been teaching tor the post
three years. Misjs Johnston recently
returned to tho (United States.
LONDON. July', 22. The guar
antee provided. lor safeguarding
the German loan which it is proposed
to launch for the Dawes reparation
plan, were tbe chief topics ot dis
cussion among delegates of the in'
teraUIed conference today.
Dslcussions . between tbe financial
delegates of the conference .and
British and American bankers wno
aro being relied upon 'to take up the
bulk of thn proposed S200,noo,nnu
loan, wore continued today,
LONDON, July 22.---Ambassador
Kollog today presented a; proposal to
break the deadlock in the Interallied
conference on guaranteed for the
German loan.' The fate of the Kel
logg plan will not be known until
tomorrow. .
Severely Injured as the result of
a log rolling over his legs and hips,
W. O. Smyth, a logger who wan
working in the Big Lakes logging
camp near Hlldebrand was brought
to Klamath Falls and taken to the
Klamath General hospital tor treat
ment. : While Smyth's Injuries are
exceedingly painful and his hips are
crushed, hospital authorities stata
that he will recover and. thBt accord
ing to the present Indications ha will
regain thej full use ot his limbs. The
acoldenit cccurrd lata yesterday at-
lavhilflH ' - .1-- - - I- '
. 6,4. .
Published Dally at
"An Empire Awakening"
Many Aboard Boat .Struck
By Tanker Off Coait' v '
Of Rhode Island .; ,: -'
NEW) YORK, iltily 22. BtW'
800 and 900 passengers ot tbV
steamer Boston, rammed by the tank
er Swift Arrow off Point Judith R:v
I., last night, were enroutc ro various
ports today aboard several steamers
which responded to calls for nelp.i
Three persons were killed, and one' I
Injured In the crash, according to'
reports to the Eastern Steamship
company, owner ot the Boston. Other
reports put the death list as high as
five. The Boston ws badly crip
pled and ws In tow of a tug 'of r'
Newport. The Swift Arrow Is anchor-
e( off Beaver Tall, R. I. . n i-i ' "'
Shipment of 100 Sacks 'of
Sugar Arouses Interest ' '
of Sheriff
One hundred sacks ot sugar de
livered on July 4, led to the ar
rest late yesterday , - afternoon ' ot
Anienopoiis ana J. A. Anton at . a
ranch 13 miles south ot Klamath -
Falls and several miles southeast
ot the Lost River diversion dsn.
The largest bootlegging outfit ever
confiscated in Klamath was brought
here last night. ,.(.,..,
On July 4, word was received at
the sheriff's office that a large
shipment of sugar was leaving town
on The palles-Californla highway.
Sheriff L, L. Low immediately de
spatched a deputy to follow tie
track. At tbe Loit River diversion
dam a car passed the. sheriff's ear
and stopped by tbe truck. Imme
diately the truclc turned around and
returned to Klamath Falls. , M v
Ever since, the sheriff's ' off lee.
has been attempting to locate the
bootlegging center. Yesterday, after
noon, Sheriff Low, aocompanled by
Deputies Lon Burke. George
Dletsch, Special Agent L. B. Thayer
and State Prohibition Agent' F.vV.
Snyder conducted a raid on a sue
pected ranch house. 1 Their ' sua- ,
plclon was rewarded ' by two SO
gallon stills with a capacity of 126
gallons of moonshine, ,- three . Im
mense vats capable. ot holding JS0O
gallons of mash and all Other .neces
sary equipment which goes t,o make
up a modern bootlegging outfit
In two of '.he vats was .' large
quantity of miut and rye In a' ter- ,
mentlng state. Approximately '. to
empty sugar sacks were . found la
the chicken house nft' tbe' Tate
were located, , '"" .'-.'. ' " , .,,
According to Sheriff Low We two
men lost their knowledge ot " the
English language ft Soon as they
realized ' they were under arrest. : ,
One of the men however asserted
that he had been In Klamath two
months and did not .know that tbe '
bootlegging equipment, was on the
land he was renting, ,;
The two men are recent arrivals
trom Vallejo, Calif. Thi fcootleggHg
equipment waa brought with . then. ,
Both are In Jail. Charges ot pos
session ot a still and' operation of
a itlll will be preferred against
them according to tits sheriff. '.. '
SALEM, July 22. Supreme court
deolalons today- inoiuoed, state oi
Oregon vs. flrwln Wakefield,:, sppe
lanti.'' Appeal ' trom tk county
trom conviction for srl'me of adultry,
Opinion given by Juitios . Cosbow
reversed Judge' Bteb14r td tUs
rsi Is Timsnded, ,,. ,