The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 21, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY, JULY 21, 102i
arate set, 1
New Organist at Pine Tree Theatre
JlltV - PjINaI fa. ft.&MaJ ril '
i Close 4r Seisidri of
X JtlrUJ Term
r.llrougut bofpre Circuit Judge A.
ty, Vetviu Bt t o'clock (hi morn-
'I ,Pf ; MBUbco , Waltr Tanksliy
Was flucd' 3e6 for possession of in-1
lOkicatlng liquor. Tanksloy. . was I
nbnrtctcd on this charge In the j
tjlroult court late Frldu.v afternoon, i
Despite a plea by bis attorney tix
have him paroled, H. J. Dennis was
sentenced to- serve one year in the
atute penitentiary by Judge Lcavltt.
Uonnta was convicted of entering
Cooholty'a Harness shop- on IJinth
and Main and stealing iiierctinndia"
Jherefrom.; Preceding tho piwtns
of ' sentence,- Judge Leavttt denied
.motion for a new trial.
. Sydney Therlault.. and D. R.
Richards, were each sentenced to
serve one year in the state penlten-
uary. The two men were convicted
of committing larceny In a sheep
raiAP. Their attorney requested the
onrt to impose a light sentence In
M. county jail. 1
'Therlault, Richards and .Dennis,
ill three of whom plead guilty to
petty larceny on May 14 when
Ibey eacaped from the city hall Jail,
were each sentenced to' serve three
months, in the county jaU.
: They will begin to . serve their
term , as soon as their one year term
at the penitentiary expires.
tRobrt Hunsaker and -Deputy
Sheriff George DIetsch are leaving
tn the morning to take Dennis.1
rhertault and Richards to Salem.
With the. passing of sentence on
prisoners this morning the first jury
ttsslon of the June term of court
ws completed.' The jury panel was
vzcused by Judge Leavlt. The next
jaryi trials' will probably not take
plaoe until next September.
s,vv ;
hju'g have ntuvail," ouili' i'liio ' MoV
lumough ranch tid ogpei'l tu spuml
tlo summer lliore, ,
Will, l.oo, county usauaaor, was.
here Thursday mi luminous.
KUtuulh Mils u it a ' bilalitoail trip lined from his rooenl llltwas ami U
nliMl'it tliuy will muni snntM Hew Lmilu ulilu to ride Ills fuvoi'llo horad
llooplu from lliu noil til wlib Intend i Hurry Jui'liauii mill r.inill.v v
'uniting in Kltmmtli coiluty, i lliiliril 'from u trip .iu Hinit;i' I -
Doolor A. A. tSlilllo unit iluliHIitiMa
Registered ut thu onto riimn Lull Mud Burn Oil Bullitt ilruinl
kumiiiiik inn: .Air, ami mm. J. It. fur a a inn alul,
IU-OI'hiI Ih.iiu'u rtlllnliof itf Moluc
Hmtilley. Una Anguli-iij Mr. mill Ml'a
HI. l Vino. Kuyutto, Oliloi All. Illlil
'Mr, s. M. dullard, frt tun Mi', llilil
(Mrs. 1). I, QuInlHilll, l''nllii jMr.
,, ml Mr'. .'. N. K lli'ln'i'i fttdrktwu;
' irssrci Ki'.'!!t K'uiiii:r, Stockton;
Mr. iiii.I M II. II. Tlk'ns. Niii.i
., K'nn, Wn.: Mr.i. . Hi'ii'o ft su:i.
.KI'MiMilh Kti ll: Mr. anil Mi, it. :i,
V..?:imI, NSpuvlu ', Wit.; l.oiiil II.
,j iiii.iu.i. Himmiville. rai.i Mr, mid
'I V.:. i l )olm'iw au:invillo. I'ai.!
Hr'ci lli)lnit, 8udiinvllle. Oil.; Mrs.
I.l'ilv llnilsooin. .Metlford: Mr. Dun
ill i unit' i
All ImlitU Urn ImihV how. "ill i Hi".
I'liy ill Modoc I'olnl oh Hi" rthoi''1
I'l'iU li mill lliii'l'iaon Hiiiwii ii.iiii'ii, i
'hint i.rt tin- Irl.i iu.. iu iii.iil. in. ,. Willi,. Ilnvlil la nlmi I'lllllHit "II nlf
lilhllle. tl'lll, . iilili'lii , i
tlt'lluty Mlini'lft liitilry illail HIkIiI-, .- aiiRloia urn l'iiirt!iiif - ,
tt'iiU'l mull vv h It'll imaliloii hit wuh ; vlry limiil (Mili'lma on Hprliu fioi-li
I'l-fiiilv liliUiliiitntl ion itv I ho iilcul ... ...i ... a!
I'lllai'lia Ik liii.otlnt ' II Ii (lie lip-
iliilviil tit iilj ilic iotiilii thti in--
llvii in:illii.- liu la roiiiliictliiR lilx
work III rollovilig Ilia town of liu
llnalliibUi l(ipln.
Tiii'i-e ftaa li tiallco glvtii ui
Vnll Siiilirllay ctcnlng whli'll la l!
Ju.l lli,i aiiiliu Mil ulll'-'r rlglilor Inn
tUllllil It,
ItiimllliH n niiin'a I'lilm tu iliilui'nilliii
hla rnliini lall'l lia mHiu u wily liu
inli I n K lila ni'luliliiil'a. ,
' StuyliiK ii l nil lilalit nitiy inuliu yiiii
in wl :ii us an owl, hut IiwIk Imui iln
1 hi. ti ho (luring ttio iluy.
; . . , ..... iiiiuiitiRf vtviiiiiii nin.-ii in i.i" : ii ; l
l .Inn roiii, MiMrniil! Cecil llan.i'om, flrl of llio rogillur Ruitlrdiiv iillu ' T'-iw "' wra culli il ln..'
pli'il'ord: Floyd llHiiaoom, Medfor.l; dniu-ea lo Im alt-en this auuimor . ll-. . Bn tlila limy In' why tluty uro
..OSidy, ruisroin. MiMlford; Mr. and jB, tcirk tlwnvi' ilf VIUI Kao ( "'t w"h " rnin "' "ul1,
.TnrM'of .u.r.w v,, UP:
- Pine Tree patrons have taken
kindly to the theater's new organist,
DuBols Cornish, who has come to
Klamath Falls from San Francideo.
where ho presided at- the instrument.)
Chase to have Mr. Cornish play spec
ial numbers from time to time nd
from the reception so far these will
be welcomed, the management feele.
Mr. Cornleh la a musician ot wide
for the Strand Theater and previous experience and his Interpretations of
to that time was organist at the the various photoplays as they ap
Californla Theater tu Long Beach. pear in Pino Tree bills, lends an add
, It in the plan of Manager James 'ed pleasure to their exhibition.
::: :iin itui'sti of Mr. and Mm.
'M'l f'n.-r for several weeks. Mr.
Wilson !-. a brothrr of Mri. Pane, and
;ownj tli lonrM's Xows Stniiil In
i t.irklnll.
j Mr. mil Mr. Hay Taylur. Tlinlma
j "li s. t.yii VWoilan :md Illll I'.aum
I 'ifivn ti. Tv!iiiint)i K-nllu TIiiimiIhv In
j 'n !n'.' hoiMi'ii.r. .owner of the ruclHg horaoj, Hlwood
I Mrs. M il Pits.' ami Mr. Alfred "N'1 Virginia Daro liu.i l.ikin hi"
Wll-.on drove to Kl:-mt' Kails Sat- 'ring or horses up oil lln hiral'
' ' iday.
Klvu Moon was a vlnftor In Klilm
nth Fall! Krdny.
tlus I'aao and Kd Koyl Wvcnt to
Klamath Falls .Saturday to ntti'Dit to
liislnes affairs.
Mrs. Henry Gordnn mid son Hob
drove o Klamath Falls Wednesday
lo visit Mrs. Cordon's daughter, Fayc
who Is employed there.
Mrs. Chaa. Noah went to Klamath
Falls Wednesday to visit her eon
Marvin who Is recovering from ah
operation 'Jor appendtotla In' the I
Klamath General hospital.
'heat a uoiiian In a ilputn, hut w
'.I' ll It run'i hi. iliina.
A iiiiui'ii'r luolia IMiu a ilu'lur lo yn i j
unit ii nli'klii to u fuiulliini ili'iilnr. ,
Ity hum: o iiumr twlat of our Inn
' ' H. L. Smith was fined (S In po
lice court, this morning' for' having
&o drivers license in his possession.
9. 1. Jenkins was fined $2 for the
'am offense.
- . Police Judge Lem U Oaghagen
duasiseed charges of traffic violations
against D. T. Townson and M. L.
CoUeard ot Medford.
-The driver of the Ace Taxi was
fined SB for speeding. E. H. Jef
ferson paid the same fine for the
m offense, t
.. - C. D. Ware wa arrested Saturday
right on the charge of being drunk
on. the city streets. He was releaser
.from custody, on payment of $20
ball.' ; i':
v X form of meisage with vibrating
air currents has been developed by
Swiss physician for treating pat
ients whose condition would make
even the tightest contact of hands
painful V v .'
Have come to stay.
Modernize your home
by installing up-to-date
1 plumbing fixtures. You
can select , the latest
from our ample stock.
' First
123 N. Sixth St
News of the Klamath Country
visitors on a purchasing trip,
Trlhnl Cniliifllmiiil Tom .u
iuhI fiiinlly ure vlsllliig In Kuiiunth
. Tribal councilman llounri Wilson
uliil Coluy Hull atmilt nevnrul iliiya
Imrc. visiting fileuds.
iriuat ( n ti no 1 1 tn i ( Kinl-y WHsim mtin.. they nro iniikliiK iiumn ilun..
1 1, mi xiiiif tnwor aoi'il Ml Ki:k.i'i
o -
May Iiii Jink liimi..i v h-t lu-i hi
Henry Jni-kaou lum fully r-i'iiv-. imni'li, tt oiiu Kport wrllor ii.vh, lull
$1.73 Per Crate
Phone 169
126 N. Sixth Street
Registered at the hotel the na
week were Mr. and Mrs. A. E.1 Mrs
Whitman, Klamath Falls; Mr. and
Mrs. B. L. Hardenbrook, Klamath
Falls; -Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.- Hogue,
Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Waggoner, Klamath Falls: Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Jester, Klamath Falls; S.
H. Voltaire,-Klamath Falls, Mr. and
Mrs. Cus Nichols, Eagle Point, Ore.;
J. M. Garrett, Lake Creek; Ray
Moran, Medford; V. D. Brophy, Med
ford; Cbas. Girsy, Union Creek, Ore.;
A. A. Betz, Union Creek, Ore.; J. H.
Lee, Klamath Falls; Ray Evaneon,
Union Creek, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. A.
?away. Weed; H. E. Hooks, Medforot
Mr. and Mr. Wm. Moyle. Bhawmut.
iCal.; Miss E. R. Webster. Medford;
aX'W. J- Webster. Medford; Mr. and
B. Epperson. Klamath ' Falls: Paul
George Sftonbaker, Skookum,
Ore.; W. H. Smiley, Whlttier. Cel.;
Mrs. Smiley, Whlttier, Cal.; J. F.
Miller, La Grand. Ore.; J. E. Cox.
Merrili. C. E. Cox. Merrill: Guy
Mattoon,, Portland; Harold- Mattoou,
Mrs. L. C. Slscmore and son Ortb
drove to Medford Friday and ex
pert , to spend several days there
visiting relatives and friends.
' George Nichols of Medford arrived
here Friday to look after his cattle
which are pastured on the Peituu
Mrs. Harold Wimer was a Klamath
Bancroft. Lincoln, Nebr.; Stewart Fall'B visitor on Wednesday.
MacDuff, Spokane; Wn.; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Woodruff
Mrs. Mais!. Los Angeles; Mr. and! of Los Angeles arrived Tuesday and
Mrs. H. Payne, Pasadena; Wm. Mill-' expect' to spend the rest of the sum
ard. Weed; Geo. Millard: Weed; ' mer on their ranch here:
Richard Millard, Weed; Carl Sull- Sam Smith and family of Rose-
I Attractive Glasses:
f For Older Folks
A bfippy V expression
and "!' contented mind t
; aie' the v.! inevitable Vre-
; I.ipujtcof correctly, fitted
; ; glasses."' We examine t
; carefully' the eyes of
; those advanced in years
f'thuB insuring accurate
x results.
Dr. Goble
Mn , ril.
iiisj Urunu'i, li-puir.
$100 LoU at $10.00 cash, $5.00 per month
$200 LoU at $20.00 cash, $5.00 per month
$300 Lots at $30.00 cash, $7.50 per month
$400 Lots at $40.00 cash, $10.00 per month
$500 Lots at $50.00 cash, $12.50 per month
1303 Main St, Phone 1
W. M. Montelius, Sales Manager
Tribal Councilman Jefferson Rid
dle' of Sprague and Rndorson Faith
ful apent the day here , on tholr
way to the Agency.
William Duncau local attornoy
at law left for Klamath Falls on
professional business.
Hallle Jackson daughter of Hurry
Jackson broke her arm In falling
off a horse she was riding
Walter J. Kerrigan' publicity man
and secretary of the Wlnoma Auto
Co. ' wth Cecil Jackson returned
from- an' Inspection trip . of thn
roads la tho West Marsh and Silver
Lake and reported tho country tu
a very dry condition and tho roads
are only passable. Thoy left for
hst. ata a AAaliAiTiaaVatatisgaaijaSiali ig.aVAigaliiVaaifciAaVigalAaiAiflllAtal ataaaVAlti afaXat J atuli aliaV Ji at.
c-: ' - '...'-''
"At Your ' Beck and Call"
. , , ; i Family and finished Service
.'i' '..-..',' " -' . ' ' '
Phone 656 ) Office 336 S. Sixth St : J
We employ only white help. .
The College of Literature. Science
and the Arte with 22 departments.
The professional schools of Archi
tecture and Allied Arts Business
Administration Education Grad
uate Study Journalism Law
Medicine Music Physical Edu
cation Sociology Extension
For o cotalofui or any information
tvriU-Th Rittlrar. Uniptrtltg of
Ortgofl. ujm. Oregon
The tk Year Open Seatrmbcr 25. 1924
rt.rMrrtTil .ftM fc'afcliaaaaliaWiTTTrr",TaaT
M!f "if "good
Ot-K C
When you think of your outing trip, think of the Klamath
Klothing Kompany for your OUTING CLOTHES
Styles you will want and need on your Camp and Auto Trips
National known makes for Men and Women. Popular prices.
. . . , .
Klamath Klothing Kompany
Leading Clothiers . ''
ink t I
li UlUL uroa
Now is the time to get your winter's wood at :
. ' ; ' Summer Prices! ',,.';'.'..
Green Slabs hand, picked ...... ..$3.00
Block Wood one load .....$4.00
Five loads or more per load .; $3.50
Also Limb and Body Wood
1 r? Hi!bronner& Rea i :
- Phone 239-R '
Western Savings & Loan Association
140 1-H02 Northwestern Bank Building
I'ndi'r Htute HuperviHlon und Ciontrol
CLASS "B" SavlnBa .Plan - . ,!. ; . .
" Ouarnnteod to Mnturo In 180 Mouths - ' '
STOP Could you not have saved a few dollars per month most of
the timer In the past? ,
JiUOK At your friends 180 months older than you.
LI8TKN Have thoy accumulated In cash $1000.00 to 15000.00?
Monthly Annual Total Quaranteod Guaruntoed
DnpoBlt Deposit Dnposlt learnings Cash Value
S 3. CO 42.00 60.00, $ 370.00 1 1,000 Oil
2.00 163.20
B.25 63.00 045.00 605,00 1.600.00 .
3.00 ' 244.S1
, 7.00 84.00 1,260.00 740.00 2,000.00
, , 4.00 . ' ' 326.40 '
, 8.75 105.00 ' 1,575.00 662.80 2,500.00
' 6.00 408.01
. ; 10.60 126.00 1,890.00 1,110.00 . .'3,000.00
1 6.00 489.60
14.00 .168.00' 2,520.00 1,480.00' 4,000.00
" ' 8.00 562.80 .
''15.76 '189.00 2,836.00 1,666.00. -i 4,600.00
: 9.00 784.41
- 17.60 210.00 3,160.00 1,860.0(1 6,000.00 .
. 1.00 ! . '; . , 816.02 ' i ,
: '21.00' 262.00 3,780.00 2,220.00 0,000.00
i. 1 12.00 " 979.20 i ' V
26.26 316.00 ,4,726.00 2,776.00 , 7, GOO. 00
15.00 1,224.04
36.00 420.00 6,300,00 3,700.00 10,000.00 V
20.00 1,632.04
Klglires In first column represent monthly iIoiiiihIIh.
figures In, flrat column represent avovago month
ly earnings.
If you desire further Infoi mmiuii mull tills coupon to the
Western Siivinga ft Lonn AHSoclntlon, WMto 1'fllli'Hii Motnl,
Kluinuth KiiIIb. Oregon. . V , .
Niune ;
Addrosa ....r.
, Copyright, 1024 Western tJavliigs & Imhii Ansoclatlon
s-.f-mv ism
?'? sr r t n vu .
'rJlUaU ' ill 1 : ',; .. '.A v'.
Modern, sunny rooms; private, tele
phones; excellent ' tray service ;' 'compre
hensive' care extended surgicaljmatornity
and medical patients. ' '
Kates reasonable, i ';.',',.-
I'lne nt J'ourth Birimt
Klamath Falls, Oregon .
Owner and Mankgrer
:- .' ' -, ' 1 -
iv vv it
r.t.:-s'r u?irri' Y.rvwvn -vn ,;: .ui:iri