M K'J n s Viiit Crater Lake Via. Ashland-Klamath Falls $1,000,000 Highway Published Daily at : KLAMATH FALLS' "An Empire Awakening" - Member of the Associated Press Seventeenth YearNo. 7270 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 21, 1624 PRICE FIVE CENTS- TO swrrr-r T? - V-:., ' ; . .'.!'. '' -,'" ;' MATH URGED TOi BOOST ALTDRAS ROAD m 44 I). S. Sells L FII 11 LAND ACCEPTED 0 Contracts on Government Tracks of Klamath Are Ratified Word was received here today I but the bid of tlx Euwans Hox company of Klamath Falls on the Long I'rnlrlo timber unit hud been accepted by the I'nltfd states In dian servtc uliil tha contract let t thn Kwauna company for the cut tins of 180,000,000 fnut of II in bo r. Tha local company bid S 3.67. tha highest price Orogou .yellow pine haa ever aotd for. The contract award alao Included nil fir and lu cerne cedar at $4 n thouaand and miscellaneous species at (1 a thousand. Under the contract with the gov ernment the Kwauna company miint cut a minimum of 16.000.000 board feet of timber from tha unit In n year and not or 0.000,000 board feel. At a maximum cut each year the entire uult would be gone In II yeara. However, local lumber nmut point out, the fluctuatlona of , the market , would require a mini mum cut ' aome yeara and It will probably be over 18 yeara before the timber la exhausted, The amount Involved In the pur chime of the timber unit la apprnxl mately $2,600,000, WASHINGTON', July II. The Interior department today awarded to the Bwiunn Hox company , of Klamath Fulls, u contract for cut ting 88S.0O0.OOO feet of timber on 4.600 acrea unallotted land In thn Long Prairie unit of the Klumnth Indian reservation, prices to b paid nro 18.87 thouaand font for yellow and augur pine, $4 for Douglas fir and Incenao cedar, mid $1 for other species. Thla Is the highest price ever puld for this eluaa of timber In Oregou. Receipts will go to the Indiana. GOLD RUMORS FAIL TO PROVE UP, SAYS LAKE PROSPECTOR Hupurta of the finding of gold lu the vllilclly of Diamond l,ul(o re cently are unfounded, la the roport of W. II. Cox, packer nud gulda of ho Diamond Lako district who ru sldca at Prospect, ('ox wVnt Into the "gold Holds" but he reports that lin fulled to flud unytlilug morn vnlu nbln thau lavn, but the in plenty uf that. Several other prospectors u I no equipped with puns alerted In ', vostlgatloils on received minors ot the gold find. They have till come out now, Cox states, mi (I 'they fulled locate any of the paying ore. "Not oven u color wus found," l the cmii nioui of Cox. ' a A Kl V DAbrirc acit FOR TOURIST DATA! Within the past two weeks over ' Hut) Klumulh county publicity fold ers have been dlHtrlbutod ,ti tourists lit Dm aol'VlCll stulloll nil Hid Pacific highway nt 'the Junotlon of the new J AHlilnnd-Klnmuth FiiIIh route,. Thu i lllnriiturn Is lieuvy milling-the many . lourlats thut are milking 'the . trip J .. l nil. i... i.lu 1.1..1. i.. . thii report received, f Hiindfly the 'rhnnihor ut ii'onuiioreo, lime registered ', !llj jilit'S' from olhflr slutes. All of "Ihn ' parties were on tholr Way to , .Cratei' lahe'. .' I .' 'V :, THiU WKATHIOR The ('yclu-Htoi'iiiiigriiih ut Un ilnrwuod'a Phnrmucy shows but Ill lie change In barometric conditions nlthotiKh thu pressure la allghtly' higher. Forecast for next 24 bourn: Fnlr nud Wiirnier. Tho Tycos recording thorinonietnr registered maximum nud minimum (.emporuliiies today us follows: . High' l,t. 40 Low c. 49 Timber to Ewauna More Churches Urged for New Rail Line Area Presbyterian Synod Takes Up Problems of That ' Territory Organltatlou of addltloual church es along the ne of the new Klamath Lake route Is being considered by the Presbyterian synod of Oregon. The question of this church extension was takeu up ut the minim) meeting of the synod held ut the 1'nlveiwlty of Oregou. Dr. Wulluce II. Lee, of Albany, spvaklug of work along (he line of the rullroad development between Ku- geuo and Klamath Fulls, wild: "Two or three communities along the. way ought to be orgunlxcd. but we haven't the money to do It. Is It right for ua to let a community come Into be ing with all the centers of vice oper ating without o"f starling religious work simply becuuse e haven't the fund?" The problem of the'siiiull church and the church In sparaely auttteo territory cume In for Intensive dls- cusslon ut the auaslou. Thn plan of fvdorallug churches. through uniting. on building and maintenance with kindred denomina tions, wna urged by Kev. W. O. Forbas of Ban Francisco, who- it en gaged In mission work. "The problem," said Dr. McDowell, "la to prevent competition in these smaller dolus. Competition may he the life of trade, but It uniy be the death of religion. Tho ustiouul rep resentatives of the aeveral churches agree on this policy of non-competi-tlon lu aparaoly-aeltlcil fields, but somewhere along the line (hero ' come opposition und the competition .' gnca on." Dr. A. K, Casewoll, of tho t ill-, veiKlty of Oregon, an elder, expresses i ne opinion mat with tne great de velopment In modem trunsporlatloii, due to good rouds und the uutomotilln u good bit of the need for the smuller churches hud' been done uwuv with; he see no need for the smaller church within eusy reach of thu larg er body. BOY SEIZED BY CRIP, DROWNS Ddell Lake Is Scene Tragedy Sunday Afternoon Swimming In tbe cold waters of Ddell Lake lit 4 o'clock veslerduv uf- teninon Curl Unihuiigli uged is, ventured Into too deep water und , when hid muscles contracted In ' crumps, drowned despite the frantic ''no reaeon why It should be rising.' ef furls if u companion. All attempts ' -' ot resuscitation was unavailable. ', MAN ARRESTED FOR t'inhnugii lK a resident of Otlell i uiinncifiMP rT? WTIVE Luke. Hu 18 survived by his parents. MUKDhKlINLa Ut Witt. .According to Deputy Sheriff L. 8. Hltlerv who after making a thorough ) VANCOUVKK Wash.. July 31. Investigation reported to Mherirf , l i Uh'hnrd Connor, held In lull here I. .Low, the body will he taken ' to for the Tucomu nulhoiitlos, de Iteud, w herii I'lincral aervtcivi and 111-i dared' today he la tbi;. victim ot a li'i inent will take place. I frumeup, thut hu knew nothing ot 1 , , I the death of Ills wife, whose bodv BANK FUNDS TAKEN IN BANDIT ATTACK r. 21. Four up a mos Keuion In POllTLAND. July armed men today held seiiger or the bunk of the outlying I'oiihind . business dis trict mid escaped In nil utllomnbllu with $2,0110. They forced tho mea- j senuer'a ear to tho curb with their ear und rorcnil hi in to hold up lilsjilliy III an abandoned well near hands Inking money which be had (lieendnle, II rs. tone Hull ot Ash collected from tbe hunk's customers, ford, girlhood friend of Connor's The holdup was four blocks from I wife oMalnod the Information from she bunk; Thi robbers escaped In Connor leading to the finding of an automobile bonrlng a Washing-1 the body and aiding the authorities ton license. , J by posing as Connor'i friend. niTTirnnnnill UflMLt UUnnflL El Petition Is Prepared For Southern Pacific i Officials tentions of stockmen ot East Marsh and Silver Lake the dis t ilt-t requesting that the Southern pacific company establish a cattle loading aiutlon at Lent north of Kirk are being prepared. The own rs of over 7000 head of cattle have already signed the petition asking tho railroad company to provide for the corral on the new Klamath Lukes route. Among stockmen to sign the pe tition ure George Mayfletd, William Thompson, F. E. Bolinger, Len Itoyse, Charles Iena, and B. Heff- ner. The petition states that the cat- tlomen will drive their atock to tbe proposed Lent shipping point thus saving a great distance of unnec essary travel which baa been a drawback to their operatlona. The new corrul ut Lena la convenient to their range holdings and of easy accent' for other- stock-shippers , "of thnt district. - It la expected that by the middle of next month If arrangements can bo made that shipping of cattle over the now Klumnth I.Bkes route will he started from the Lena corral. FISHERMEN AVER ' BAD LUCK IS DUE TO WATERS' RISE Trout fishrermen returning from Wllllanihon-llivor with empty creel give ae their reason for poor luck that the river is rising. - "We bad flailed for some Uuin without uny strikes," one angler said, ,"ind could not lundorstund wlint the reason was. All other flsh ermon seemed to be having poui luck uleo. "Finally un old Indian came down the stream and asking him what the trouble was ho replied fHat the river had been rising for tho past i or three days and wasnow three Inchea higher than last week. "ft waa then that we noticed a large quantity of bark, moss and gen eral debris of the river and we con cluded thnt thore must be Mrme truth In whut the old Indian said." Officials' at the United Suites Reclamation Dureau staled today that they had no Information that tho river was rising. Herbert 11. Newell, local manager of the Klam ath project, pointed imt thnt It 'would be a remarkable phenomenon If the report were true. "We huv0 lmd no Information of n hea,vy ahower In the water shed of thu Williamson river und 1 can see Wna found Sunday In an abandoned well near Gveendale on tbe Ttoy road. TACOMA, . July 21. Richard Connor will be brought to Tacomu soon from the Viinuouvor .lull, where he bus boon held, offlceva nn uoiinced today. He will bo tried, charged, with slaying whoso body wns found his wife early Sun- OUTE tompany urnrrnR ennn at Crater Lake Best for Year Hood and Shasta Both Are Plainly Seen at Lake Sunday From tbe rim of Crater lake yes terday afternoon, could be seen tbe highest peak of California and of Oregon, ML Shasta and Mount Hood. Looking from Garfield Peak north along the- crest of the Cas cade range, the distant peak of Mount HOod, overlooking the Col umbia river, waa clearly dlscern able. To tho south Into California, the naked eye could with ease make out tho toworlng snow-capped peak of .Mt. Shasta. Bangers ut the luke declared Sunday the most Ideal day fori bringing out the best color In lake nd for seeing a long' tance that -hug occurred yet the d la this season. In addition to the many crowds of tourists, there were many Klam ath people who were lucky enough to be at the lake and enjoy the ideal day. The road to the lake Is In excellent condition and the 62 miles tin be made with ease In less than throi hours, - . - iff, 'V -': f QUNTY JUDGE FOR LANE VISITS HERE grating. But Klamath, in common . I with the entire Pacific coast, has Judge C P. Barnard of Eugene, experienced an abnormally dry year member of the Lane county court, j and hence range lands are at a accompanied by Mrs. Barnard and. Premium. their daughter Miss Elolse Barnard j The livestock in Klamath now wore Klamath Falls visitors here j approximates 30,000 head, 12,000 lust night and this morning left of which is in the northern Klam for crater Luke park for a short ath Basin country In the vicinity visit. Although a resident of Ore gon for many years this is the first trip into the Klamath country for Judge Barnard. The new Ashland- Klnmath Falls highway received the compliments of the Judge who : day afternoon and will report- to has been instrumental in good road i G"vernor Walter Pierce the re development as a member ot the suits of his Investigation here. court of hla home country, I SAGE HENS SCARCE SPORTSMEN REPORT i Although the annual 13-day open! season on sago bens opens next week, local sportsiuou wbo have looked over tb,c field are predicting thap the shooting will not be as good this year. A scarcity of the birds has been reported from most of Klam ath county although Lake county seems to have more attractions for the hens. The uge hen season in California also opens August 1, but (loci not close until September 15. one month later than the close here. TWO DIVORCES ARE GRANTED BY COURT Two divorce decrees were grunted " '".. nere to i .... Saturday afternoon bv Circuit Judged0"1- sauk lust "'8'" " Bodega A. L. Lenvltt. Murv Jackson was I "" E1R"1 1;n ol,ourd were ,'"sc,u'1 grunted a divorce from AU'KInley Jackson and awarded ctixtody of their lllllint child Pearl. Tl... defendant wus found to be in defuult for wantj,he lus Sen Hanger, towing thu barge i of appearance, ' , ' I summoned the coast guardsmen. Another defuult Judgmout wus'cu- j tcred Wlieu Judge Lenvltt granted I ELK.S LODGE PLAIN b Merle A. King a divorce from Alonzo J GRAIN ELEVATORS OFFERED FOR SALE MINNEAPOLIS, July 21. Thirty six grain companies ot the North west today ottered to sell their en tire holding's, including 1.01,3 conn. try elevator, in Minnesota. North and South Dakota and Montana to the ) American Farm Bureau federation. . ; CATTLE PRICES FOR PORTLAND ARE LOW ; PORTLAND. July 21. -- Cuttle slow, about steady; hogs tlo cents to $M higher, top grado bogs f 9.25 to $D."."i; sheep slow. ICggs steady; butter prlnte 2 cents higher, prints 42; buttertut 89 cents. Butterfat is 44 M at San Francisco'. " - IIUIILIUII UUUU HEAD OF STOCK Requests of California to Herd Cattle in Klamath Held Impossible "Impossible!" This la the combined opinion of State Veterinarian Dr. W. H. Lytle and County Agent C. A. Henderson after a conference here . yesterday morning on whether It would be possible to comply with the request of C. H. Hecke and allow to be shipped into Klamath County 6000 bead of cattle from Siskiyou coun ty, Calif. It Is Just a question of available range land," Mr. Henderson aald "We know that there is not suf ficient range land for an additional 6.000 bead of cattle In Klamath county. There mlgbt possibly be room for 1000 head but that Is even doubtful. "If tbe owners of cattle in Sis kiyou county arrange with Klam ath ranchers to graze livestock here there is nothing to stop them pro viding, however, that they comply with the boot and month quaran tine regulation which stipulates that all cattle coming from California Into Oregon mUBt be held 60 days within 15 miles of the state line before being brought Into this state." Under , normal 'conditions. Mr. Henderson pointed out, it would be possible to bring the 8000 bead of I cattle Into Klamath for summer of Fort Klamath. Ten thousand head of cattle have already been brought In from the outside -for summer grazing. Dr. Lytle left for Salem yester- I BRIDGE CONTRACTS AT PORTLAND MADE PORTLAND, July 21. Formal award of the contract for the new- Burnside bridge was made today by the county commissioners to . tbe Pacific Bridge company, amount, $2390,173. The contractors an nounced the old' bridge1 will be closed within two or three days. Two piers of the new bridge will be ready before high water In the fall; COAL BARGE SINKS, CREW OF 8 IS SAFE SAM FRANCISCO. July 21. The barge Isaac Reed, which wns being uv "'"' """-" u.mb ...... ' been leaking some hours, und ef- ,UM l "' """"fi . SERIES OF DANCES The first ot a series of special uf- ralrs planned by the Klamath Falls lodge of Klks will be held Wednesday evonlng July 24, when a dance win be held at the poplar Grove pavlHion. The affair will be for in embers ot tlio local lodge and their families. The lodge will hold only ono bust- n89 seoa during August and the regular schedule will be resumed In September. AMERICA WILL AID IN EUROPE TANGLE LONDON, July 21. .American assistance In the necessary meas ures for the economlo rehabilitation of Europe may be counted upon, Secretary Hughes said here , ' to night, speaking at. the Pilgrim dinner. I Fire in Forest of Biy Area Is Proving Menace New Blaze Breaking Out,! Crew Sent to Scene j From Here A fire to a heavy virgin stand of timber to the east of Biy was a dangerous menace last night and this morning according to reports from tbe Klamath Forest Protective Asso ciation offices today. The blaze cov ered an area of 70 acres and was one of the most serious that have broken out In the east of the county this year. . Five men, sent out last night, are: etill working to keep the fire under control. According to Jack Kimball, head of the association, the fire was virtually under control at .2 p.- m. today. Origin Is unknown. A small spot fire Is heavy tim ber stand south of Biy is being watch-' ed by one man. - Tbe relative humidity today at 2 m. was 16 degrees which Is 14 kbelow the extreme ranger ptint. GUILTY PLEA IS E Leopold and Loeb Astonish Court by Changes in Defense Plan CHICAGO, July 21. The fate of Nathan Leopold Jr., - and Richard Loeb, ..indicted for tbe kidnaping and murder of fourteen-year old Robert Franks, rested today "In the mercy of the court," when a plea of "guilty" was made in court by Clarence S. Darroft', chief coun sel for tbe boys, and affirmed by them after they had been warned by the court of the consequences of such a plea. Tbe degree of punishment, which may vary from an indeterminate prison sentence, a life sentence. In carceration in an asylum or death, will be determined after hearing as to the boys' mentality, which Is to start Wednesday. Changing of the plea of uot guilty to guilty was aj Rrcat bui prise 10 me court. In entering the guilty plea At torney Dnrrow said the defense ad mitted tbe correctness of the facts substantially as printed in tbe news papers. He asked- permission of the court, .however, "to offer evidence us to the mental condition ot these young men and their degree of re sponsibility," and was willing to submit the question ot mentality to a joint conference ot alienists em ployed by the state aud the defense, but tho States Attorney Crowe ob jected, saying the state could not on ;- show the boys guilty of the fact but thut they uru sane. Judge John It .Caverly agreed with the attorneys to hear such evidence, both as to the facts and the mental responsibility us tbe two sides might wish to present to him for Itis information. He said he would lot nothlug Interfere with a j speedy conclusion of tho . hearing. Darrovy In u statement denied thut the defense would seek to re store the boys to society. "I wish to say frankly to the court that , we naver have entertained such an Idea.- We are of the opinion that these two young men should be permanently isolated." States At torney Crowe declared he would In sist upon the extreme penalty. STATE FORCE GOES AFTER RAIDS HERE All trials arising from the raids Monday and Tuesday of last week by Burns Detective agency men and (iite and county officers have been postponed until August 11 due to the departure of the majority of the participating officers for an other location In the slate. The des tination of the officers wus not mndn known. The first cuse m!l for tvlnl Is State vs. Willie North, . Edna Terry and Pearl Moore, ID Or YOUTHS PROPOSALS FOR Hi- California Advisory ' Bm . To Hold Meeetings on 4Ut. Project This Week lu order th'at Klumath Fall nut benefit by proposed road connections between hern ami Altiilaa thla filly j hould De represented at meetings ot ! nine membera of the California mdrlt I onmmltlaa tha, will hi fcalri at -.. a , .bAvieo hU .rrt,n. , urma ,,, t..i.j h wuiiam v Dalton, president of the J AnleriCan National bank. ;' J V- The communication sent here by; K. F. Auble, vice-president f the Modoc county development aboard, urges that a group of representative men from this city and county who are Interested in. road development should attend the meetings . a the probability, Is that decisions will be -j made concerning, , proposed .jroutte from Altura either, to tbe nortn sy way of Lakeview or to Klamathi Falls to connect with The Dalles-CaHforala highway. ' ''.' Z'.-V' -'v The California highway 4jotawUl arrive at Alturas Wednesday evening and the following day will gatbef'M a meeting at Lckevlew, la the, word received from Mr.' Auble. . ;-- w .' - Tbe improvement---of the..-- re4 through Modoc county from Alturas to connect with the surfaced. ro4 at Mulin would provide an excellent route from this city and' this Is tho plan that Is urged should be pre sented by tlve JClamath county repre-... sentatives at the road meetings. The bher proposed Improvement would run directly north toward Lakeview connecting ..with the- Lake county road at New Pine creek on the statu line. ; ; '. s;.i'."i "Send your beat boosters to these road meetings as Improvements tnat wllWie ot benefit to Klamath couny, providing connection with California', will be taken up," Is the request sent by the Jloddc county development' board officials. '. . ; RED CROSS COURSE -: J IN SWIMMING HERE TO START JULY 27 ' Representing the Pacific-division "'. ot the American Red Cross. aB-Wy structor in swimming and life saving will be in IOamuth Falto July -27 to sturt a two-weeks course here.iWord has been received by MUa Ada 8. - ..hnli'matt t.f t-l.n Klamath county chapter, that all arrangements have been completed for tneisworg here.. TheT classes will be hold ftt the naratorluni and Dr. B. D. Lamb; "; city health officer, has assured the Red Crosa officials that the tank Is sanitary nud In good condition for the work outlined.:- ,; 'ft",'': PRESIDENT SCHOLZ , OF REED VERY ILL rj1 t - .. Portland, i July 2t.-Phyaio. ians today held elight hope-for the 'recovery of Dr. Ricnare v. bvuui. president of Reed . College, -;flj0-i . Ing an operation, last Frtdu j j FEDERAL FORCE IS ATTACKING REBELS : - - ? V s , UL'ENOS ' AIRES, Jul : 21. A federal assault ugaiust Sao ;PauU), Rriizlllnn metropolis, held by InsUr- ; rectlonists may have already begun official dispatches from .Rla Janerlo indicated. . ,i ... , , . . . An Example icr Business JVYeni'V. NEW ROUTE ARE it