Sup? lEtitwtto Visit Crater Lake Via. Ashland-Klamath Falls $1,000,000 Highway Published Daily at KLAMATH FALLS "An Empire Awakening" Member of the Associated Press Seventeenth Year No. 7269 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 19,. 1924. - - r- r- r- PRICE FIVE CENTS IOU0R LAW SENTENCES TO JURY CONVICTS WALT TANK5LEY -IN LIQUOR CASE Only One Ballot Taken In Trial That Has Many ,. Unique Angles Waltor Tsokaloy, kid of George Tenkaley. pruhlblllun agent whose whoroabouta rn unknown to offl coro, waa convicted lute ymlerdny nftoiuouti on u cliurjio of liquor pcaaoaslun ou t lin first ballot by Jury Hilling in dm circuit court uorv. Tils ce was it ulq utt in I he court auuula of lhl county In Hint Frank I.. Mum, n Homey for the defense, aid nui oiuimna tentative jurors, cllil uul make an opening suilomoiil, illd not examine Huy witoewuw on behalf of tbe defense, una did not make any closing urKiiniuut. Tbj Main did nut make any opening atutninunt. Tankalov wu assorted an Jiiun i ut Flmt and Klamath avenue In posa-' union nt 20 gallon of alleged liquor, Testimony .showed that shortly after hid arrest ' Ilia father (I, W. Tauksluy. state prohibition offi cer, appeared from behind a lumber pile In Ilia Arkley Lumber yard and hastening up to the party of raid Ins staled thai ha had usort hia aon to aoll liquor to a bootlegger in oraer mat iib iiuint rnako an ar rent. Young TanKalov waa placed un dor arreat and anvoral daya later waa indicted by tlie grand Jury. ROCK CREEK ROUTE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC Pure Bred Hogs Are Brought to Klamath Farms Drove of 1000 Is Planned For Demonstration Ranch Here Ninety bead ot pure bred hogs (be first shipment of a drove ot 1000 that will bo brought to tho J. H. Kolly demonstration furm In the Bonania district have been nurchased from tho Otoy ranch neur Dorrla, .Calif. The hog will be bred at the 160 arre Kolly ranch a a part of tho demonstration plan launched by the Klunnilli Dairy Cow und MoK com pany receutly organized here. The hoga will be thoroughly In apectod Prior to bringing Hid drove over tho alute lino from California. Dr. O. O. Prentice, Klamath county viiierniirlun, will have charge of tli'o Inspection of the shlmncnt. A herd of puro bred Jersey dulry rows haulso been purchased by the eompany In tha development of thn program, arranged for betliir stock In Klumulh county. ; - to FOREST IMF ! Mart lamnaign Here in August S CONTROLLED WHEELER TAKES PLACE AS iT E, IS BELIEF Fire Situation Improved But Precautions Are Not Relaxed Klamath Falls Vets Plan To Assist jn jState Memberships ampalgn for Membership o Legion's at their coo The now Rock Creek road Is not yet open to motor traffic officiate In the county aurveyor'a office an nounced today. "Nor will It be open for acveru mouths to come," ond . englnoer alated. "Dur1ni,tlio past fow woea more navo ijeon scores of autoa that have drlvou out on the road and at tompted to got through ito Itock Crook. All have been forced to turn btck, . N "In addition there Is dungur to motorists who drive on the road Considerable bleating is balng car ried on where J. Mills is working an forco account 18 miles from Klamutb Falls and the danger from falling rocka U great." HEARING IN DEATH CASE WILL BE SET W. M. Johnson and Wlllluui Slov ors charged with nieiMlaughter In connection with the death of Frank Drown ut' Croacoiil. thn ovonlug of July 4, will be given a hearing In Justice court boforo Juatlca ot tho Poaco It. A, Emmltt to dotormlno whother thorn Is sufficient ovldmico to hind tho two men over to tha grnnd jury. 'Johnson nnd Slovo havo been held In tho county Jail since .their ar'roat on July 5 by Sher iff D. L. Low, Tho caso of state vs. Bnydur und lluttorflnld, charged with possession of llinior, will open In Justice court on Thursday July 24. TWO BANK BANDITS ESCAPE AT OSWEGO PORTLAND, July ID. Two un iiiuuliud men at noon today locked tho cnnlilpr, hiinkkuapor, nnd a woinnn customer In tho vault of tho hank of Oswego, ut Oswego, umi oucuped lu an niitnmobllo with $15,000. POULTRY RAISERS TO OPEN MEETING V Invitations 'for thn second annual poultrynicn's convention to bo held at tha Oregon Agricultural collage nt Corviillis July 23 to 23 havo been received here. ' A big program of In teresting mid vnliinhln dnmniiHtrn Hons In addition to lectures by ex ports In poultry raising has Ime'n mi nounncd for the .three dny session, Tho unniiHi nleetlon of officers of tho Oregon I'oultrymim'a association will he held I he second dnv of the convention. , GERMAN LOAN WILL PROTECT INVESTOR LONDON, Julv m.-Tho commlttoo of thn In to in I llo it conforenuo lii churgo of niinctlons lu event of Oer miuiy's ilnfniilt under tlie Dnwes UL FOR U. S. Kll I Ffl RY ilflnRc!oMSH l I LLLU U I I 111 (J U tl ' "on h hfal dangotro3usPou" Klamath Falls post of the Amer ican Legion will do Itsfebere In the j ' ! statewide membersbl j campaign which Is hoped will lling the na A record of two roDoerutlvo ,iuv ' tional MacNIder trophy to Orecon. I without the report of a fire In Klam- according to H. K. Gets, com- ui luuuiy is toe statement of the; rounder of the local post and M-mf nee' Today. " 1 7,"" D""1 f the All the fir.. .i.h... ... .."" cunty. under control and no new blazes have ' In effort to seire the cov. hfen located In the past 48 houra," : ,!,-"' Hanford MacNId la the report. - j Trophy for Oregon, minoiiKu io Doner or watchful- Kin ('..mmIva i,ii tt::!tri2'- ' t Saturday. Is now. under control here, the for-1 at'e"lel to InnuBurate a statewide out protective officials state. ; membership drive from August 1st A report recelyd at the local forest 'o August 10th. During these ten office from State Forester. F. A. I'days, the 118 Legion Posts In the Klllott states that a total of 306 the state will have their committees 00 of the fires were reported as of In-; , "V Worla Wr wI, hav0 re" cendiary brlgin. Thee fires Include ne,ved an honorable discharge for only those under the Jurisdiction of I War Service. the state aad not those sDotted In I Oregon huH ulreiidi- ini-mimoir i.u the national forest districts. I memhershlii t ,Ph number of I strength than that during the whole illar period nf . preaeul aea-1 , . ' lor", one. I.ttut I """" !' aiuwng me siaies in TO LAFOLLETTE OREGON CHERRIES TO BE BARRED BY CALIFORNIA RULE SACRAMENTO, July 19. Effec tive July 21, all cherries grown in Oregon except those from The Dalles and Milton-Freewater. sections, will be denied entry Into California. Tbe embargo la announced by tbe state department of agriculture as the re sult of finding during tbe. past few days cherry fruit fly In a number or cherry shipments from' Oregon. . g a ' rvftiuuui,, JUiy uaiuomia vcuiwiai ""wi nwuu ban on Oregon.' cherries lias little ef- Offers of .Third Party Group 1 WASHINGTON, July 1 Senator feet on this years crop, as shipments are about over. DAWES SENDS WORD TO ALLIES' SESSION JUSTICE TAKES DECIDED STAND VOLATO Longer Jail Terms Urged On Court by "Higher Officials', ' ' t nvnnv t a 'ri... .un.v .... - Burton K. TMieeler. of KosUni.1 -... l. 1:, i, t J "re ana now tbt eDre,rcrmC,t?eTrd.nVohu eriy conimuiee, iooay announcea nis oeraoi cans deration ar nn-' uoortprf f .hn r,.. u i acceptance or isecond place on the Lnw . r ffnrt. , ,, , i Pmi,r V . r."..-. "tj::.,"Ji..y,:AT konw n our efforts to point outlEmmltt in a round Uble dlscuaalon id oV LaFollette 1 the Prcttcal economic and com-jof the prohiblUon law this morning Although he previously had de-i"!?" "'n"e bal of future cooper-; following the sentence of P l Wllk clared he would not accept. Wheeler atlon ei"e th a'"ea ad Oer- "" " W , f,ine, "f f for iiquur. um lawyer special state dared he would not accept. Wheeler at,on .P""? '"e a'Uen a?d , Ger: , P ? , . , 26,? 1 yielded and reversed his decision af- Charles O. Dawes declared P"'88'0" f intoxicating y llqu tor he had been urged to do so by ,n message to his fellow members) Other members of the syhiposlt LaFolIctte and several of hie prln-l of the first experts committee, made I weJe 1L an.nln' luc.a' 'a3 LaFolIctte and several of hie prln clpal advisors. "I am Democrat, but not a Wall Street Democrat," said Wheeler in a letter accepting tbe nomination. "Tbe Democratic party," he contin ued, had "wantonly abandoned an opportunity for great public service" and both it and the Republican partv had "ignored the call of unorganized j p a Dipc ODDCD Kirvr ir,llllnn vhr. an vlotim. of itrpaonl IV11C3 UtVLfCA. 11U1 economic disorders." mi hi in lodav hv Owen n Ynnnr ant E. I. Klllott, The message was In reply to onel pr9?S?ai.?T' . ot felicitation sent to the vice-pres-l ",gnI, ,a,lons', Justlc Kmmltt identlal nominee of the Renublican i ont'"!le: 1 receive word from hlgh- Dowes" report. Persians Attack . Carriage Containing Two Americans I season only 59 forest fires were re j ported compared with 306 this vear so ir, ine slute forester etatea. Report Is UHtctl. The following la the report of (he state forester: .ee than one-fourth acre, 'CO WASH I NOTON, July 19,A 'fuea's ngo to tho atat0 department ' from American Minister ' Kornfeld at Tehorun, Porala. aald Vice Consul Hubert Imbrlo died from shock yea torduy afternoon after having been brutally beaten and kicked bv a mob. lint brie and Molin Seymour, alo American, had stopped their carriage to watch a religious demoustrutluii In the city and were rushed by the mob who mistook them for members of a sect known as HhIihIs. against which the demonstration was direct ed. Seymour's condition U sn ser ious he has been unable to mak nnv etatement. the Union. County membership chairmen hove been appolnted'for each coun ty to assist Legion Post officials In making arrangements for the drive. Fred K. Kiddle of Island from one-fourth acre to ten acres, j f'r. who was retired as State 110; tnore than ten acres, 136. This yeas), ft covered a toml area of Jii.iiiiii acres. . "Outside labor employed In flght iug and suppressing -the fires cost approximately 4:10.000. not Including the salaries ot tli0 300 wardens and patrolmen employed regularly by the state forester and private associa tions. Damage to logging equipment, logs merchantable Timber aand act Hera' homes has been estimated at 1100,000. "A segregation ot the causes of the fires follow: "Incendiarism 74. smoklnr 62. slashing 37. miscellaneous 37. camn- ere 20, lightning 21, hold-over fires'! 18, unknown 14. logglna 11. loco motives 8, hunters 4, and berry pick ers 3. One tire orlglnuted from a broken transmission line." FARM EDITOR HERE TO VISIT KLAMATH commauder of tbeorganlsation at the -Portland State': Convention last Juno, has been made chairman of the drive. He will be assisted by Harry jf. Nelson, retiring State Ad jutant ot the American Legion. SALE OF BOTTLING WORKS UNDER WAY It I can find some good western furm publication for anln I will pur chase It and Mettle down In the west," UKsorted John 15. Pickett. former managing editor ot the Country l.lcnlleman muguzliie, who with his family Is touring through Negotiations for the purchase of the WTiite Pelican .Mineral SDrinno com puny of this city by the Klamath ice and Xold Storage company are under way und it ia expected that the deal will be completed by Mon day, according to announcement mime this afternoon. The mineral snriuKS coiiinanv which was established here about HIGHWAY REPORT Kobert'soTonTl'j.owe...'''' ' HAS NO PHANrFS Announcement Is made that for rVi t r. 1 , T,, "e Present plena are that the mln DURING THE WEEK Ural springs bottling works on bpring street will be operated by the now owners but that the future management is to consolidate the plnirt with that ot the ice and cold storage company. Air. Powell will remain with the bottling company under the new own ership; lg the announcement. DKTROIT. Mich., July 19. LaFol lette's campaign is endorsed by the United Brotherhood of- Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop laborers. SPOKANE, July 1. Kara Meek er, pioneer, announced he would fight ljiKollette. taking tbe stump for Coolidge and Dawes. MORE TIMBER LAND ADDED TO HOLDING Blocking up hie timber holdings in the eastern part ot the couuty in or der to have a solid unit, Chester L. Hovey acquired another small tract of timber yesterday from Miss Nellie Ward. The trait, approximately 160 acres, was sold to Hovey for )2S50. It Is located in section It, township 37 south range 14. . FOR WHOLE COUNTY 'Wording of the emergency order from the state livestock board with regard to the muzzling or tying p of dogs ia ambiguous according to County Agent C. A. Henderson. "While tbe order on the face ot It appears to Include : the whole ot Klamath county, in reality It takes in only Klamath Indian reservation. Dogs owned by Klamath, residents living outside the reservation will not be required to muzzle their dogs." WOMAN IS WlftNER" IN GOLF CONTESTS SUPPOSED KILLER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Condition of state highways throughout Southern end Centrul Oregon remains substantially un changed from lust week according to the weekly road reports received hero today by the locul elate highway of fice. As Is the caso during th hot Klamath couuty. .Mr. Pickett ro-j ",,mmer months when there Is no ecnlly resigned his position with the Oirtfs 'Publishing :omjany which pntH out the Country Goiitlomun, and is touring the west. I llko tho west aud would like to muko my homo out hero. 1 have no particular locality In mind, as It all looks good t omo." Mr. Plckott talked over tha west ern agricultural situation with Coun ty Agent C. A,' Henderson and F. IL. Dullard, sluta county agent louder. le la recognized as nun of thn fore most uuthorltlus on'nutlonal fiirtn problems In tho United States." 5 KILLED AS AUTO DROPS INTO RIVER IIUICNA VISTA, Colo., Julv 19. Five uernotis were killed last night when an automobile ' broke through bridge and dropped fiO feet Into thn Arkansas river. Tho dead aro lUyrau Tipton. 36. Miss Ruth Skoels. 2fl, Hilly Tipton 10, Catherine Tipton S. and Jjick son Tipton 6, all of Florence, Colo. Ttiny , wore driving to viBlt rola tlvos at tiuetio Vista. Mrs, Tlnton. wife und mother, is dungarously In-1 .lured. , An Infant escaped unhurt. The Afother und bnbv wnro thrown lour of the car. Mm. Tipton said radius rod broke when tho party ws Hearing Bounu Vista. The hus-, band was driving. Tho rod was re- palved with wire and tho accident nppeued n short time afterward. . . moisture on the rood to act as binder, the rod beds ore consider ably broken down. Tho local stntu hlghwuy ortice, not having sufficient finances to sprinkle all the highways In -the county, aro now experimenting with it grade of clay and will in the near future plok out the worst nillo of road on Tho Dallee-Callfornla high way between here and Morrill ond opt end this clay on the surface to see whother It will furnish the needed hinder. AMERICAN TENNIS TEAM TAKES SETS GOVERNMENT DATA ON REALTY READY WASHINGTON, July 18. The fed eral government has $1,542,655 -511.81 invested in real rpoperty, it has been found by the Federal Real Estulo Uourd named by tho Budget Uureau to appraise tha holdings. The public domain aand the na tional parks are not Included in the appraisal. MINE CREW FORCED ;TO QUIT BY; UNION WILBUR, Oklu., July 19. One hundred miners went to work at the Dengnun and Mct'onnoll coal shaft. here today und nil immedlato pros pects of a threatened repetition ot OLYMPIC STADIUM, COI.OMBIM, Franco, July 19. Miss Helen Wills, und Mrs. George Welehtmiin. Amur. lean pair, won the "women's doubles j "'o disorders that occurred yester chnmpionshlp In tho Olympic lnwu I la,v ,lt ,,,B Kulninlu mine t Cam tcnnls ronipetltlolH, defeating Miss 1 1,r'u seemed dissipated, According to Kathleen McKflne and Mrs. Phvllls ' Shorlft Purks, who w'lh five deputies Cnvell In the finals, 7-5, 8-6, ' guarded the shaft. A team ot I .MeALKSTER, Oklu.. July 19. defeated a : About 100 miners, most ot them arm- PORTLAND, July 19. Oliver Cameron is In a hospital suffering from the effects of an attempt at sul cide'by Jumping into the river from a bridge, showed little interest when informed today that W. A Gay, whom ho supposed he killed in 1902 in Ala bama, was still alive. HEAD NURSE COMES TO HOSPITAL HERE To replace Miss Evangeline Har rison who took a position as nurse ut the Community hospital in Ash land, Miss Sanderson of St. Paul, Minn., arrived last night to take over the duties of head nurse at the Klamath Valley hospital. Miss San derson comes to Klamath with a wide experience In hospital work of other localities. SUSPECT HELD FOR SISKIYOU MURDERS DAVENPORT, Iowa, July 19. The police released the man arrested as the DeAutremont suspect LONDON, July 19. - United States tuthletes British team by seven events In three, in a post Olympic tournament today. BOARD OF CONTROL OF BEETLES MEETS For the first time In over threo months, tho board of control of the plus bottle warfare met vesterdav fernoou In the office of F. P. Keeii, i associate entomologist and chairman SPECIAL ATTORNEY.. V-!?' k0"1,1'' Pre8BI,t l " moot- NAMED IN CLATSOP I thn Klamath Forest Protective Auno. HAI.EM, July 19. At the request elation, W. IC, Brown, supervisor of ithe Fremont 'National forcwit Mr schome, today unanimously agreed of Clutsop county citizens the gov- Hownrlh, bond of the Indian forest to Insuro Investor In the loan to .ernor Inle vestordav Appointed A. W.I service and Mr. Keen representing (lormnny of priority oil nil Oorinan Norblad, . Of '. Astoria, special prose- j tho government. Thn plnn beetle rosourcos In thn event of Gornrany's cltlar of prohibition violation cases In post here is now practically eradi nwatilt. . I Clatsop county, I entail. ed today overpowered guards at the Ka 1 1 n in mines at Cumbria, without apparent violent, and forced a non union mine crew to leave the work WRONG PHONE CALL CAUSES EXCITEMENT DAVENPORT. Iowa, July 19. Threo men. one of whom is declared to he Roy Dentremont, alleged Sis kiyou train holdup, were arrested here today. i party by. fellow members of the I , , i!!, ,"IB,ence committee which drew up the " ,',1 T .1..?"""" I,D0,H, "Oh, yes. Judge, I agree with you," nr. Manning interrupted, "but sure ly vou are not going to make that an iron clad rule and fine the man who is caught with one quart of liquor on his person as much as the man with five, gallons or the man on first offense as much a, hardened offenders.. I ''"V;- -,' ', "No, a don't,', think the Judge means that,"- Mr. Elliott opined, en tering the discussion'. "What he means isf this. and co.vect me if I am wrong Judge, (hat the scale of penalties will be raised a certain per cent. That is, a man charged with possession ot a quart ot maanshine fined more than he is now ... J but not as much as it he were caught iu possession of live or ten- gal- , Ions. - , "Yes that ig right," Judge Km mltt said, "but here is another angle to the situaion. .The Jail siattion hi Klamath county requires that many prisoners be sent to the Mul tnomah county lor incarceration, the county to be billed for the prisoners board and room and passage both ways. - ' "Well obviously:' It would not. bo worth while to send, a prisoner to Multnomah county for Just thirty. So I might Just as well fay at this time that when Jail sentences will be 1m- ' posed in tbe future, there is strong probability that the majority pf them will be over thirty days.. Taking all he glaoue himself, V Wilkersou who with R. Nye and J. Molkey were charged with possess ion of liquor, pleaded guilty, this ' morning and was fined $250. Wllk erson explained, to Justice Emmltt that Nye and ittirikey were not con nected in thn riiisdeuieunor at all: and that he was solely guilty. The three men wore arrested in, a road house six miles from Klamath Falls. . . PORTLAND. July 19. Mrs. L. W. Palmer, of Oregon City, successfully defended her title -as state woman champion golfer today, oeteatlng Miss Eleanor Brodie, ot Portland, In the final at the tournament today. Dr. O. F. Willing was eleven up on A. G. Kyle in the first 18 holes r 1 Dm finlll tiraCrn Da,A KamntAn 1 ahio at noon. RAINS SLOW WHEAT HARVEST OF STATE PENDLETON. Julv 19. A light rainfall last night will slow up har vestiag in this county tor a day or two, according to grain men. (Harvest Is on in full swing in tbe wheat belt, and a decided spirit of optimism pre vails among tho growers due to in creased prices gUfered for wheat.' Despite strong bids, there is little wheat being sold, as farmers are holding. , . PRICES ON BUTTER AT PORTLAND RISE PORTLAND, July 19. A two cent advance in butter and butter fat effective Monday, is announced today. Print butter will be 42 V4, churning cream 39 cents. Hard White wheat is 11.36; West ern Red wheat $1.26. . Livestock is steady. Eggs weak, a fraction lower, firsts 25, 26, hen neries 26 to 27 M: cents. Butter firm, firsts S7Vi cents. Butterfat firm. TWO BOYS CHARGED FOR DEATH THREAT POSTAL PACKAGES TO BE SENT BACK Because many people fall to, meet the charges the local post office ot- ficiuls must ship buck but ween 40 "nd JO t. O. D. packages eaoh week. The packages ar held In thw post office for thirty days. Thau' if tho person . to whom they are sent does not pay the charges all that ia loft to do is return them to the sender."; ' Ytmter-' day afternoon in. the local postofflce the weekly clenn-up wu progressing and approximately 50 packages were being prepared for their retura Journey. ; i ' ' PflRVr.AVn 10 Ta.-n eleven-yeur old boys were arrested I BONUS FORMS WILL today charged with writing two loiters demanding money from the recipients under death threats. AGKU MAX IS SUICIDE. FUNERAL OF WHITE WILL BE TOMORROW Three culls over the "for flies only" telephone' kept the local fire I department at fever pitch yesterday. The calls were from locnl residents who desired to obtain fire permits. The only time the "for fires num ber should be used. Fire Chief Keith IC. Ambrose pointed out. Is when there Is a fire. Tho fire phone Is 124. For ordinary use the commer cial number ef 47 should be usod. Funeral services for) Ted White who died here Thursday will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Whitlock chapel. It was at first nrranged to have the body sent to Torrlngton, Conn., for buriul but interment will take place here In stead, according to unuouucenient ot officers of the Knights ot Pythias lodge who have charge of the services. SECOND SUIT FILED TO ABOLISH BOARD SALEM, July 19. A second mun daiuus proceeding was filed today in tho supreme court uxalnst Secretary of State Kozer, by supporters ot a movement to abolish the public serv ice commission. LON ANGELES. July 19. F. W. Helwig, 80, retired city treasurer ot Lincoln, Nebr., was found dead to day on the floor of a light well ulne stories beneath the window of his room In a downtown hotel. A note in the room indicated ho committed suicide by Jumping from the win dow. He had been In ill health. . . . CAMP LEWIS HAS F1HKS. SEATTLE, July 19. The authori ties of Tacoma and Camp Lewis are seeking firebug blamed for series of incendiary tires at Camp Lewis Including one destroying tho war de partment theuter in Green Park, with a loss ot $30,000. BE GIVEN TO VETS Only about hult of tliu-totul num ber of world war veterans fn Klamath county huve, obtained tho appiicutlou blanks for the federal bonus and Klamath Falls post of tho American Leglun will hold another ihocitlug Monduy evening at tlie court house to distribute the forms.' It is esti mated thut there are about 85U vats eligible for the bonus In this couu ty and the Legion officials are urg ing that they come and obluln tliu blanks. : . SlAX DIES IN RIVKK. NKAVBERG, Ore., July 19. Mar vin Garland, 27, farmer at Rex, Wua drowned in the Fernwood river last night in attempting to save the lives of his sister end brother and a young woman who went beyond their depth temperatures today as follows while swimming. The girls wore High Itk saved by others.. . bow THE WKATHKH ' The Cyclo-Htormagranh at Under wood's PhMi mucy registered - a very even ' bnromutrlc -pressure . ' during the last 4S hours and a flan day Is probable tomorrow. Forecast for next 24 hours: Fair with moder ate temperatures. Tho Tyco record ing thermometer registered , maxi mum n,i minimum