The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 15, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1920
iMavd J)lljr esncpt Huml'iy by The
Herald J'ulillnlilng tympany,
; Of lira, 110 North Klghth Htroet
Klamath. Falls, Oregon.
LVJUER Vr' KOOI), Pres. A Kdltor
Entered second-class mnttnr at
the post office at Klamath Valla
Oregon, under act of March 3, 1979
Member of dm Associated riaa..
H TH1 AfiflOOrATKD P11RSS la SI-
' clusively entitled to tho una for ro
,! publication of ,, all news dispatches
erodlted to It or not otherwise cred
ited In this paper, and also tho lo
. cal newa published therein. All
, right) of republication of pedal
: dispatches heroin are also reserved.
f The Evening Herald la the official
t paper of Klamath' County and the
City of Klamath rails.
8 Delivered by Carrier
ONB TKAB . .. rt.50
ONH MONTH . .... .. .68
J By Mall
. ONB TEAR .... . 5.00
TUESDAY, JIXY 15, 1021.
; , iiv:y.' , ;
i Tho United States government Is
iSoIng to participate In two Important
European conferences. At loast. It
, bias agreed to participate In one for
: Inaugurating the" Dawes: reparation
Man; and It will be invited to attend
thp other, dealing with allied debts,
"as soon as the first Is over. It is not
-lively that the government will ob-
.;et!t to attending the Second, any
mcre than the first, because of Its
(Croat Interest In the subject dis-
cusscd. ' -" , . .
- .'
f This Is getting back Intji European
affairs on a business rather than a
Apolitical basis. The reparation plana
Vdlrectly Involve the billion or so dol
Jlans that Germany owes the United
'States and indirectly, several billions
:'that are owed by the Allies and will
.-probably never be paid unless Ger
'many pays tha Allies first, WSth that
business arranged In a (way ' that
toeems generally satisfactory and like
ly to produce definite results, all
'of our foreign debtors will be In posi
tion to get down to brass tacks re
garding their war debts tb the Cntted
There will be efforts in such a con
ference, no doubt, to persuade this
.country; to ease the burdens of its
' debtors, on the ground that they were
J war associates, in a common cause
-and have been In great difficulties
ever alnCa the war, and deserve con
siderate treatment. & ' '
f There will probably be no disnoal
: Hion on the part of the American gov.
ernmont or people to deaf harshly
with them. Uncle Sam Is no Shyjock.
But certainly there can be no special
'favor or remission of debt in the
'cage of any debtor who has never
shown any desire to pay what he' bor
rowed, oi who would use, for prep
arations any part of his principal' or
Interest that might be remitted.
T Another lynching record has beed
;jnade on the favorable side of the
jj-eport. 'During the first eix months
ot this year there have been only
-ifive lynchlngs. The department . of
.'records and research of Tuskegee In
stitute has been keeping a careful
. irec'ord pt lynchlngs tor 40 years. This
jhalf-year's low mark Is the best yet.
f During the first eix months of
-.1923 there were 15 lynchlngs; there
-fwere SO in the same period In 1922,
and 36 in 1921.
-. There are various causes for this
improvement. Stiffer backbones
.jtimong the representatives ' of the
- Jaw have helped to ouell mob snirlt
,Kducatlon against lynching must
have helped a little, too.
. ;y Lynchlngs have been, among the
darkest blots on American life. Far
Atroin helplngin the solution of our
,v national race i problem,, they have
Aggravated ill feeling and have fos
tered all the evils represented by mob
I-spirit and .mob action. The slowly
diminishing number of annual lynch
5Ws seems to indicate a change for
the better. That should mean a
. calmer facing .of the situation, with
reliance on sanity, tolerance and edu
cation, rather than Intolerance and
brutal violence, for eventual solution.
Broadcasting has stopped in the
host IlerUlaa wave , circles. , It's
radiocasting now. '.. But tho result is
very much the same.
"New York Financier and Com
poser Dies," one reads. It takes a
song-writer tO'Ri't into the financier
Class nowadays. "
Bomathlng' new ; In Moxlco.
prrnltlc'Jt elected by ballot. ,
I.lghtnlBR bug.' cro not so dltfer
frt from some men. A lightning bug
ran pn where lie l:na bren but not
her ho la going. .
1,0N' HON, July 15. James 1.
Mooney, vice-president nnd-iilrerto
of (ii'Mcrul Motors ('"ipoi'iitUm in
charge of Kxport ConipitnloK, told the
convention of Asxiielateri Adverlis
hiK Clubs of the -World today 1 lint
rebuilding t Industrial anil commer-
diil structures awaited louder who
would provide for workers sound
economic, program thai 'would hast
en the day nil had exppctcd with
POHCH. ' , ,
"The tools are available and the
labor is ready tn "work.' he said.
"The need in for leaders, orgniiiser
with mental and moral courage who
will place (lie tools In the hands of
the laborer, finance the laborer to
(he extent of providing lilm with
tools and materials and finance the
exchange of the, laborer's products.
This leadership must come out of thej
ranks of such men as are represented
here at this convention. The present
day Im the day of the Industrial and
commercial leader."
Mr. Mooney asserted advertising
must bo counted on to Piny a great
part in reconstruction and rehabili
tation, because it could be' made so
Important a factor In distribution.
Great Xeejl Told.
"The world today Is standing In
great need of having Its distribution
system re-created and re-vlvlfied."
he. said. "The production facilities,
although somewhat impaired by the
great stresses infosed upon tnem
during the war, stand generally
ready; men are eager to work. How
ever, markets ore needed for the
products; means of facilitating their
exchange are needed. . The old chan
nels of distribution through iwhich
goods flowed prior to the war are
gradually being re-established and
now channels, made necessary by new
political conditions, are being con
structed. Advertising can very effec
tively increase the rate of growth of
these national and International dis
tributive systems."
Mr. Mooney characterized the con
vention as a symbol of co-operation,
an expression of the eagerness of the
peoples of the world to work to
Out ot -understanding and co
operation between nations, between
political and commercial leaders and
between capital and labor, will evolve
the program ot rehabllitatkyi for
which people are hungering," he de
clared .''. ."-,;
, Economic forces must be allowed
free play, he said, natural economic
laws must be respected and bo im
pediments should be placed In the
way of their working out freely,
Kcnnovilc I.w Cltwl.
"The nation prospers best." he
added, "that takes advantage of these
laws rather than resists them.: Pre
judices very often obscure economic
Imagination and prevent accurate
economic appraisal." ' , , r
Alluding to the development of the
motor car In the last 20 years a an
important factor in economic and cul
tural progress, he said it had proved.
that what it '.'added annually to the
wealth of a nation was greater than
its annual cost, ;
"Advertising has played a corres
ponding part in raising standards of
living," he said. ,"U makes people
want things. When they want things
they go to work io get the money w
pay for them." - -,
Mr. Mooney urged the delegates to
go forth with the Idea of helping
to Increase the comfort and happi
ness of millions of families,
"Let us dramatlie the worker,"
ha added. "Let us create an fttmosr
phere about him and about the leader-worker
tllt will insure them so
cial advantage. Let us take such in
terest and such part In governmental
and political affairs as will Insure
econoflilfl staouuy and progress. -
John Niblick 'Sow. do J know
whether or not you are 4 50a 09.1
dy?" . ' '. ' -''
Boy ''I can't count over eighty,
sir." , ; - '
i- " o
"Bobber Shop" I The C-wrei't T"n
I can't get shaved; I'm In deapair.
; There's a girl In every barber's chair.
Dc Marquis in Xew York Herald
Tribune. ' '
The federal oyernment ! taking
ten tn nromntA oif-dOor recreation
Every man has the right iailfi fhaaed
by picnic ants. .' ;
;. She was In a telephone booth and
had just put in a toll call. She wept
bitterly as she pulled down on they
hook to attract Centrals attention.
"Hello," came Central's clear voice
"H-hello," she sobbed, " I w-want
niy money back., Harold wouldn't
speak to me." , '
; o . .
All men . have their pecullarltlwi,
but the single ones Ore allowed to
forget about them now and then.
'Water tank of a Chicago laundry
Collapsed. How strange! We thought
thev washed the clothes with sand. ;
;)'-''- ;. .. '. o .. ' ,' '
Two men were arrested for sleep
ing in a Lo Angeles theater and we
think we have seen that show.
A giirdoner who started, out with
the slogan "Watch ugraw," tells us
the weeds must have heard It. ,
s- A j Washington man who went In
swimming Just after eating a big
picnic lunch was rovlved In only 45
minutes. . i.. .
. Golfers and woodpeckers are
about the only birds who use tholi
beads to (at into tha bolt.
fei f ' -; . -Lhi K& hi9 c Mill t'MlM '
ta. , 1 CJ ' . '
A Hhrton "Calvary." . .
jjKWS Is at Imnit that on top if
jan ami chewing gum, busVlwi'l,.
uiAh-joliiie oml liiu'k scrtiteherii, a'l
jthor American institution Ins hit
the loiiBsufTerinff' Vrcnch: cleAu-up
wokJ.-But, lileo fttin Strwu rw
tip, it hns naiLiind r.;iic a b't of
tretrljinj in transit mul a new com
plexion un arrival; they .call it "le
conurs du . vilhipe cixinot" owr
there, and it will hit each p-vvImH. i;i
turn. The village, which nt the fml
of three years hi showt ilsflf mt
ci.nslsicnily spotless , will ' hb' pro-
' claimed th(p ' ' "prettiest ' villasc' uml
fi the pi'ise-nnmry. , '
Brittnny ! next in 'order. Br?t
tflvny, where the country fvlks still
sleep in elset-bctli with wotMlen slid
inr panels while their ruddy com
plexions renin in the envy and despair
oi every devotee of the edt n( .open
wiudnw!: Brittany.' where the ob-
, bled anil crooked tlwrouxhfurc hunlly
eem wide enough to keep the palded
old house Ircx eicclins ove.-h-d,j
- : :
rv ii ii-iiv ii iii-vT ;
S KA SfrvUe .Writer. : spending money to carry It over his
XK-W! YOUK, July 13. Jiveij .' absence,
cloud ha.) Its silver lining, even In; So he's going 3 vl-!! a Epa Lr
politics. ' Uwo, rolax for a while In a villa far
: The darker clouds lowored over
tho Oemocratic contestants, wrung-
Hns to dotermlne who.. If anybodv,
jihould , he. nominated to carry for-'
ward the fight tor freedom (from ff wltho't disturbing h! seal at
Republican rule) this fall, the bright-! the cabinet table, ,
r apd.piore burnished became inuj 0 " .
silver sheen from the Republican ' In addition to 'cabinet' officials,
siile of the thunder cloud. : , diplomatic representative)! are bid
; Bu bright. In fact, ms the 6. Q. P. dlnit adieu to tlm It. s. A. for th
view of the political future become hectic period of the campaign, ptr- 1 mt .tho. maiden 1 adore -that
about half the cahinot at Wash ha,ps the most significant of thoje 1 Don ,l10 avenue;
ington isn't even pretending to ap- departures Is that of Ambassador 4l,n wor9 11 "'"""ing tailor-gown
pear busy and important. And al- Hanlhara, who returns to Japan to - A dream of gold and blna,
though Republican administration 1 talk over tha recent Japanese exclu- A 0,lap 1 liatB Wtts ut 1,ur
'Ui:ads, fir purpose of the campalgp.
ran . supposed w, -ue . interested in; . 1 , , ,
things Kuropean. pr to recognize any i OUTPUT fir I I (MRFD
angles of Interest In'foreign arraira. j VW rW W -WJJ5E.n
except such as pigj- be seen from ( ' IS LESS THIS YEAH
distance, the first two member OH . , ,
the pabinot are actually shutting up; : West Coast I-umhcrmeirs Asao-
their desks, turP'ns the tyaita over j elation weekly reports on production,
to subordinates, and setting pal) for 'orders and shipments, for tho first
that misguided continent where the - twenty-seven weekS of the itaat five
terrible .League of Nations has nn
Mo enchanting, indeed,, does the j
pojiucai priwpeci appear ifl inem,
that cVen that International dragon
inspires in them not the slightest
fear.- , ' "
Charles Evais lighe, secretary
of state, will follow the pxapiple of
the Prloea of Wales on Ills latest trip
to America, and travel Incognito, as
It were. . . '
The prince, you wn rHiuumiinr,
came among us laet as plain ICaron
fjenfrew. .Hughes will attempt to
iliftt Ills official identity as secretary
0f UI0 Hftd will travel simply as a
member -V H' AmPrlcan B"r Asso
ciation. For I1- I to H'fnil in." an
nual meellng of t-'lat oiganUfltlnn,
.-l,l In T.rtllflOn. lllht
which will be bold In Lomjpn, mat
Hughes Is, ostensibly', ;n"'n8 ie
trip. , : '
Just why the American Uur Asso- f
elation should , meet abroad. Is not
generally -understood. It has been
miggested that tho reason Hns In the
fact that the bar Is no longer a legal
Institution in the U. S. A.,- and the
association,' being Btrlctly legal In
character; Hs liteating where there
Is no bar to bars.
Tliot, of course, Is ft iiMsantry,
but even at that may conceal a hi a Ifl
of truth. Bo far as Hughes Is con
cerned, however, his participation Is
purely that of a VBcaj.lonIt. Any
thing he may pick up that 111 be
helpful in guiding htm as secretary
of state, after he resumes that role,
will be considered as clear profit.
,,.. 0
-The 'second caUlneteer sailing, for
foreign parts, with hla mini wiped
free from' worry as a result Pt !))9
domestlo differences of the J)emo
crats, Is Andy Mellon, secretary Of
treasury, -' k .
. Having "out a, iselW tor tha
Clean- Uy Week In
. ' ' Jm- V ' .: 'i' :"9
Hritliiny, whete old wunien of seventy
lac t'ups and wntttlt-u swwp
the hi reds wit It a swing and pep
thac wnld shame the n-.i ot New
York's "whku wiuHn"; lUttny,
where, any v II luge hello kneeling by n
rutin inr brook will cuth ennjth
linen in r d;iy t keep, nn A.nerieaii
hiumlry busy for a wet : llrittnny,
here wt;ithei !H'tei :iiloij wnp
yarns in d;irk huvettes in an ntti;o
Hidiere ihEeU and ptinsenr, .'IKhi-Ii t
c.iu!;e a p "h oat'ltritinny Is to hnve
n te:i:it:p!
How will they d It ? Wilt fnne
ertrpriN"iia Amir:r? ir?M numJiiit
tiiv briny puthin H even imiMlrrd
ye,r.v ti.e -jraulta rnmpnitH t liiv
I'K-ic S'nint Mafo'. Or will they b"r
row a. f-rco. of winduxr le:mer f:'tu
r skyweaper to perform with .!
d?r. ijnep;'e find ch.i'noU leather un
i he" sis-hit tlrod-ycnr-old windows slit
through tl r-e feet t will In smell
feudal enb nnt't manors n Jo l:n
nnd Kerjt;in? The Ingenuity of
Aer"ean Ini"- i -v with its ready
made plan- to tate 4hnt root iflf
your rr'ttid'1 fr ' the next twenty
iv.! r?-ill !t ha Ci'-lleon to "renew
-Icmuuiy In his announci'immt h.i
;'uok that the greatest surplui in It i
liUtury, . Andy Uellevos he can' g.-
away for a tew monthd without I'M'
nation becoming bankrupt. -Anyway,
he's leaving It with a n:ce role of
removed from any aenutorlal com
'mlttod room, and make the most
' of Ws present Ipipresslon tint the
Democratic donkey can kick Its heart
aion act,' . y, ... !
years, areas follows; ... .,
Production ln,1924, 2.565,603,357
fPet; orders 2,467.195.613 feet! shin. I
menlj 2,678,964,382.
J. Production for twenty-seven
weeks In 1 0 2 i was 3. 06 per cent lees
than for the same period In 1923;
18.40 per cent greater then in 1923;
ill). IS per copt greater than In 1931;
and 16, S9 per cent greater than 'n
the first tweniy-seyen weeks of
1020, ': , .. . ,
3, Orders, thus far tills year, have
been (1. 117 pey nedt less than In 192.1;
'i.J7 pr ceiit greater than In 1922;
76.95 per cent greater thun In 1981;
and 45.(lj per. cent greater than In
tho first twenty-seven weeks In 1920.
3.' Shipment, thus far this year,
have been 8.16 per cent less than In
' aog . 05. 22 per cent greater than!
.. ,1..' ' . ,.. nn !
for llin an mil period it H22; 93.92
per cent greater than In I93J; and
37.94 per, cent greater than In the
first twenty-seven weeks of 1920,
White Pelican Offering
New Mae Marsh PktHre
Thore is not a du'l moment In Mae
Iftarsh'i now photoplav "'(ii)y-t!lo-Ncxt-Best-Thlng"
whlcll sin nde
in .England and Ireland and whlcll
comes to the While Pelican theater
today, Wed. and Thursday, as tho fea
ture. aUiW'pn. There Is romance
and there is addnjire; there is ac
tion aplenty that Is swift and during ;
(here are comedy scenes that niulie
you chuckle and others that bring
ringing laughter. Thore Is pathoB
that brings plean tars, which quickly
are dasliod oway-by lightly amusing
entertainment. And with al this
Mae Marsh present, a portrayal pf
Mildy Adair that has been classed
as bar gFeatest characterization; as
bolng tlm hlghpsf attainment of her
artistry. , '--t- ; '
Ittf t -A. I " '"iaaawasaMBMSaaaaaiwaaaaaai aai la illir miTl'IT'TlH I
(he !uirphdnti-d Kttbli'H of 'Ur
mi t ned and iMuinhtd by M'ven liitnael
yeurs of llretoii wiuU mul i-nhtY
tn lt:i't"tt Villi! ilvs where tit' chit
dtoii'N jtitrltv follow nu.eU th halite
patterns, tin fitunnis ilhuettm of
Mime American dirt ohnarm viiM
fli well omnish. iien-l-a.'ar, lit ntlek,
Amndeii lioe and all; but what flifura
would oitr nliliiniioiiM tui-lmed twirn
hi ret to.iu-hiEhv -tit uin-mif thv ho
vxn vUuins and itrave-faced aalnta in
l.'t.S ri'lh1 mi p.isUMty ;ioiNid on tl.e
a iinv niul a rou ml the .me t t h
cruettix of n m M vv u t lb w n t u ry .l'e;un
'"ealviiiy"; '1'ltr ttorritiid vtihter-
would tottcly weave a hry 'i nnd
nnmi.d thens (tu l eu:(jif! them it the
d"Mihtti inajett n! Venn I'M:. .Uieiv
1 e the eiitiuacc ti the ntliev ie;;ou ,
of Breton Mkt-tre. '
The crt'e(eMt ;t:T of (be i uv
chirekd and cniplmd tho fiiiitrtstic.,,
eanKt of ltihtany for ui nmny cen.
, turies that itt v'v;illv ptd;elirtnntle
cliiTv, !i ntnnbrl ha," and inletf,
nnd Its Rem-! ike :r:ns f lnlnnd nr
about elr.tti nf mm, ' wind nnd
wen'hr ran v i!.?. them: but Ker-U,
0! r rt' ! t!, rett tit th Hiittkeo
I wanted tho gold, and 1 gut It,
'shouted the orator as the Uintlst
; fntene( the -gold crown on hl
correct this sentence: That1! all
right,, dcur, she comforted. Mother
knows you can't have n goad t'm
w,thou, sollingc-othes. .
Tell a man there are S7.S4a.4t
't-iis and he will believe you., lint
If a sign ay "frcli pslnt" he will
: n personal Investigation,
, -o
Tin-: Ki tf.vit 1'it.ii
.A,ul ,,ntl1 ' """, alas!
; 'iriM hi merry ciioi,
1 Tllut llHltn'r w mo puss,
4 . . ; , ,,
I watched them enter a cufe, J
r Where oft we ataed to dine;
M funco 'ay tnem vis-a-vis
Across the fruit and wine,
',ut one, reflection gave a cont
(,f sugar to the pill.
Tola time It was the other man
Who-had to pay the bill!
Kid Say, M'athla milk's bet tern
it wae yesterday. ''i ' ,
Ma Sonny, don'tay this milk's
bettcrn say :.:fltere"s Jinoro milk In
the water todnythaa tlitira was yc.
torday, - .'; j' :
Our put rons nro nhviiys
sured of prnperly prepared
mcnls Vo employ compe
tent help, v
Club Cafe
"Seryeg Vou H?ht"
125 South 6th St.
- . --MiM." 1
ie, wli-ro mi milet inula one mrty
tr the elnireh In-1 Is tiillinn for (ho
ion o of the drowned will muni,
ictieitl von I iitmnee a erew of dlv
to iHTujifi i Im bu roai'len uff dn-
nt recti and mow tha neawoed ou Ihe
Juwni? ttr hadn't w bettor wait n
lldierfolk luire don (hew many
ivnturien, unilt this dlnful world Mlittt
have eleaiiMHl lt-.lf ot profatiity and
impiety, when thttto miliuiurine ettlei
of the dcnil uill ride Pirniii In ull their
Iteniliy timid Universal UoHaitnuM?
iVrlmpaj we had, It uplritunl imndor
and purity of thought b preferabl"
to a merely wpotlcM ext.'rlor,
lint perhap tlie (horndt pruhlem
will be to lit n butlilub on the earthen
tl ;or of n Breton farmhold nnd train
tlm fi;mlty to it -n rUky Jtb in
thfhc unheatcd dwellin), nnle lie
b;thers are willltm to dry lhi'UHeleet
hh w did tn the A.K.V by n nwift '
'ioeitet of r-tthtftnh-Mitlai In Hoi-e
proxitnity ttt a red hot, pot-Mlinl
xtove. Am n ooinpvotnM, we inicht
JinBet the Otympinn nerenlty of our
Jaimner frlernK who Hjrht a tire un
d r n barn-lful of water on the front
p'ltth and mirwy tho dolnir of th
ttriet from that placid vrtntntjo point.
At any ran, there, will' be neither
tin';i tin nor pie dibr to p!ck up
nljont the Hreton lnnd-npe, nr
w it windblown liewnpiipor hi found
dr:tp-d nlotif the thorny htlftn of
I'iiujtiOrc mill Mtorbllmn. As wi
News of the N Klamath Country
I ,
' Hairy Wright and wl' Jft 'nr
1 Klmatli Falls .on a hulnn tnp.
, ft
t Ktsi for several days. , '
j Wade Crawford -and wife return -
' "d from San Frunolsco wUnre they
! motored' and visited several of thnisud buthvrs, also kwimmlng races
, lurgfl cities and report the roads In , which wore a grunt .uccniM.
( very good condition. i Walrcr J. . Kerrigan, well known
Cecil Jiiekdiin, son nt Albert Jack- j publicity man left (on Klumuth Kails
j in left foe. Klamath Falls on of fU i on a business trip In the Interests
jelal business. j of locating new capltnl In Klamath
i John .cc Jinll, Edwin Wilson unu County.
; K. 3. nines ore stopping in Klumnth
i l-'slls. ; .
i Thn f'llllootlin Tninubllwktf tnl to
: llic .WIW1 basebull team ut Wlul-Kte
Healcliier babies from fresh,
live air. Mothers more fit.
There's health and comfort
la homes with O-E Fans.
They cost about one-half a
cent an hour to run. ,
G-H Fans are sold under the"Ch celt" Seal.
Behind them is the responsibility of both
the General Electric Co. and the Pacifig
States Electric Co, Sold and serviced by
"Check" Seal contractors and retailers,
t'Casok" SmI
meditate upon lha utrnng row ot
prehlMtorln inoiiollthai uu the wild
tuoorUnd above Caruac and l-o
marlHtpier, no liedranlM remiiHlK ot
dUeardwl 111 v rem will mar their lr
fei'L allitnment, no woruuut rublirr
tirtvt crown thnlr nmltn browg. In
t ho uft white mhita that float un
tfattliiaiy In ml wart In from the
tho lengthetilu tthndowM of theita my
lerioiiN itrey nkt will look like
tipwtral pntcvtwbin of petrified ibiMtn
of tho Ktoim Atto; a uliffht ulckruluf
of th hreeitn will uh-r In the lour
while, (urnirtitu tA ill very beard of
ItniiiliO prleMM hudlnv the thmtif
pilsrlimiKe to occult aauriflce on yon
der allnr. wbiln the auu, prrt-hnnc
reluetnnt to wit lie- tha unholy rltee.
drawn a fleecy whUp of cloud acroM
ItH htiHltlnir coonleunmo and ainka
bevond the wculern sea.
' 'Hiero We ahull follow It III A roe
tcioxl frame of mind, and once home
to our Itrvuldetf, we may well bkl our
vibrant AtnerUnu enemy to pmi-a a
whlla In 111 dynamic iuett of nw
(leldn In tho broad domalu of bu
loan prtigretMt, while we lUtcn ttnv
eznln with Anntole f. Urn tn that
" . . unique note of gravity, tf
charm, of nwtetiie, uf , . en
rapiurei) melancholy , , . which
the tvido Nout of llrittnny knnwa ao
well how to play upon the heart
chord of i every lover of 1(4 undylof
lis me.
nuto camp bniteball grouniU HuniUy,
I j the ir blng 1(1' to 10' In favor'' nf
' 'Mnlln. Tha Tomtthawks showoil lark
: of practice and expect to come back
jt(J tMr iormqr mnndnrd by Sunday
! .'w,,, meet the Fort Kl.m-
,"; -'
; Wlul-Kms a:tn camp gruunds waa
the steno of a large body of canipirs
Kil, Kelt local contractor was In
town for a few hours unit returned to
lleatly where he la building a house
! for C. Kulthfuil.