PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON " u Tl MENTS IN OIL CASE FOUND NEW MAIN STREET BUSINESS BLOCK Arvlilliiln kkrHrh f lli llika tmllilliin lit hi oiivmsI , ho nur clil mm,.,- iiiKMiiIii mul l:llilil ultivla. Tim Imllillnit to nmtiilii lliiii' l.wrw un tin kiiiimiiI flmir Mini Irt iiirlt-iu ml li miiuiiI llimr will n iimvlumloly Stnillli of rnnnl t ml lull rk Kill Ih uinlpr rh) it i win. Grand Jury Makes Return Against, Fall, Doheny ; and ' ' WASIOINOTON. Juno 30. Crliu- inal Indictment wore returned hr the federal grand Jury today against v Albert B. Fall, former sevrnrar . the Interior, Unrrv F. Sinclair, ann ,. K. U Dohnejr, Sr., oil opnrators, end r'B. I Dohney, Jr., n outirrowth tor tht leasing of the naval oil r 'v'snrves. 'v ' - j. Four indictments were returned. i ioe unx Dunn run, uonncy. ar.. " and Dohney Jr., Charging them with t ccmipiracy to defraud the government ' In connection with leasing the Call ' fornta ronervea. On the second rail -and Sinclair are accused of consplr , ins to defraud in connection with in : Teapot Dome tease. The third ebarc ,id Fait with accepting- $100,000 for ; UilDK his official Influence In the California leasee on behalf of vDohney, Sr. The m Dohneys in (ho fourth indictment are charsed "with inducing Pall by an unlawful 'payment of f 100,000 to take an un , lawful action. " sit . ft . k" .) ,-.:-:-,,Jfir.-.i c- vT? Js ; -i&vs i-r r .... f ' Preiitsrick 8. HarrUon. rvhi(ct of ( All tho h.iinu ni.i tllKilliT U.-afat i ilxrwul ntt.l 1 ,. at... ta-.ti' the W P. ilopka Buildtnir. states that i ami hil m.-til will be furnHheil ! The arrhllerlum . aIL. for ix l..u. work has been commenced and the! be th Eleventh Hour" Now at ; Liberty Theatre Here Thrills Ualore la Itctare Showing . TonJjrbt at Local Play Hoasr. .1, A ruhlnj tornado of wbirlint 'action that moves J awtfUy aa the rpeeding seconds! Briefly, that de scribes the production. "The Elev enth Hour," which began a two day Tun at the Liberty theater last n.ghi. Charles Jones goes through a life time of vxd venture within leas than 'two days counted on the calendar. He had need of all his iron muscle and nerve to do the ntunU required of him In his high-geared melodrama. Submarine, airplanes, speed boats, roaring lions, pirates and high ex plosives are element In the faet . moving plot. Nor did th producer Jorget the charming feminise side 01 .the photoplay. . Shirley Uaaon. 4&inty as ever, is seen as a talented 'society girl, whose ability as a danc- ,f wd -whose attractiveness tn i :"rlety of rich costumes, added con Kiderebly to the evenings enysrmwiu '' Of course, there are some people who aay they do aot like-pictures with) heaps of action and thrills. But- tf they wrere in the audience . last night they probably changed their' minds. Last showing at 9:13 tonight. f , Mr. Ilarrftun U il ll (Hud tu a tht utxli-r the tort trilil thnre torvni romtuDv ; lifiii ilit in.. ..r i..,, Hfi. i i will t.. . Kf-ii! i..ih i building will be rushed to completion. I The Interior plastcrluc and rement i Suaulsh KenaliuaoM ivln und tin-' III rival Kinmnlh KdlU t'rutnr I jike rhe general contract has been et wiwork will be don by White anil ; effect with kikhIsI brick of vart.- blu... ' tenburg. who will place the j Bwlng. plastering cwntractora. Isjled color, laid ui In Klemish hno Mr. William VVlo. rv4ldrut ro- concrete foundation reinforcing. Mr. HnrrUon statta that do teriiiwlth a half Inch wltlte pmnt ;im-r rur thi bttlldln(. rri-rwi-tttins (.eel. etrutural steel snd all car-1 cotta. , hich u belnK manufarturwl I Th t-rra civitu which I. hlshtyJMr. Ilarrim. will W ..n llio s..rk penter work. ; by Claddlnc. Mrllean Co . of l.:n-1 ,,.t in rh .r ..-i.. ill h ..r Ii.. ,-.,mnlnt.,i The brick work and setting of ar chitectural terra cotta will be done by Harry Dally, brick contractors. coin, t'alif., will be on the Job in a couple of weeks.' The structural sftvl haw boen or- u eIbuhI polychrome fiuUh which a Il W -P'ti'd the bullditis will U ipeohil color to harmonize ami hlnd rady for orcitlMUry by iIm tirol with the fac brick work. w-k In N'ovemtier. PLANS MADE ON LAND IRRIGATION Meighan at Pine Tree ! FALL FROM BRIDGE ! INCOME TAX FUNDS Kfc-bULTS IN DEATH ASKED FROM STATE OBITUARY . AUCE M.XDRO After a long Ulneaa, Mrs. Alice Waldron died yesterday morning at s:ao a. nx in the Central ' school where she lives with, her aon-4n-law wbo is janitor of the school. Mrs. Waldron was 68 yeans of ace and had been a resident of this city for 18 years, part of which time she was engaged in the dressmaking bun nesB. She is survived toy two daugh ters, . Mrs. Ofadgo Coan of Klamath Falls and Mrs. Maude Faiu of Mer rill. Funeral services . will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 fror. Wkitlock's cbspel, the Rev. C. C Uulet of Merrill presiding. Inter - ment will take place at the Odd Fel lowa cemetery- - , VIRGINIA RHODES . .After an illness of tm weeks. Miss Virginia Rhodes age 45, died yester- day morning at her home in Pelican city. She has - been ' a resident of .; this county for the past year and a. half, and has been an 1 Invalid since birth. She was born In Mo'gan county Alabama and is survived1 by her Ither. five brothers, two sisters. . Funeral services were "held yesterday afternoon from Wilt- lock a chapel. The Rev. A. F. Sim mons, presiding-. - ' PETITION ON ROAD if FILED WITH COURT . Forty residents of Chiloquln and th Sprague river valley have peti ! 'tinned the county eburt. to ' appro priate funds fort the. Improvement of the county road from Chiloquln to Beatty which follows along the north aide of the Sprague river. The road- petition states la in very poor, condition and ig 'a source of annoyance to not only the residents who use the road 'dally ' but also .-tourists which ,are becoming' more . numerous. . TULE FIRE CAUSES v HEAVY SMOKE FOGS !,$moke from a Tule fire. that has been burning off and on for several a weeks, caused many a new comer ' to make Inquiries of the location of,,Lthe . forest fire. The hula fire was located at the north " end. of Agency lake, and a, steady north wind yesteVday " blew , the . smoke down Into' the Klamath-1 basin coun try,, partially obliterating the usual clear perspective tf the mountains o( ihe Caacada" range. "' 1 " rpe U a llftlit mettut itlmulst tafi' "" I-- - -t--'- (Cbotinued From Pan- On.) ment of expert agricultural and eco nomic advice to the farmers. Includ ing an outline of a practical plan of j procedure. j lmproTmrt Planned. umprovement or general cundltioi. Recomntendations shall be made a to each project on the matter of im proving geoeral project conditions. as diMtnguUbed from individual con-1 dltione, through the tBtahlishment of creameries, sugar-beet factories. etc. ! I'ltimate LosjC Tb,s sub -eet ! shall be exhaustively reported, ana clear and convincing showings made thereon. . The lull assets and tiablll ties of each project shall be care fully et out in diil. The eub-t Ject ehall be treated botn irom I purely legal standpoint, and from an I equitable standpoint. , Transfer of operation and main tenance. The feasibility of transfer ring to the water nserj in the noar future, the operation and mainten ance of each project, or division of a project, shall be discussed in the re port. - .Recommendations. There shall be attached to the report on each pro ject recommendations as to what ac tion should be taken to bring the to a prosperous and success ful condition. , SMl Mi ! t ivnilA.Mi. June 20. (.iloert j jJ.U.KM. June 30 Tho stale (ioldstrom. SS. was tbroan or Jump. ,nori(Miry b.,.,,1 u n n, iv ?o- d from the Uurnaldo brldso rarly'dav bu uu.,n ihn H.Hrii.. ..r today, ilia body van found in th river, both legs brokfo llj had left home with a conUli-rabln sum of money and wntrh. Hoth were turn ing. Officials exprwoiiHl tlx, belli'f of suicide Bad thoucht hi li'xs iwere hrokrn by hilling ihK edga of rm-k 94 DEAD IN STORM LUMBER MARKET IS SHOWING INCREASE . Thomas Meighan in Booth Tarkinctori's 'Pied Pioer MaJone A Paramount Picture Tboma.1 Mciiihan in "lii-d Jtprr Muloni" to b.' nhotvn at the line Tn Tiiratrr, tomorrow anil Wrtl nf,lny In connection with a fiur act vaudeville show. One hundred and twenty-five mill reporting to West Coast Lum berman s Association for the week ending June 21st. manufacturer 90.SSS.184 feet of lumber; sold J7.3S3.93J feet; shipped S3 S9,C0S feet. New business was 8 per cent above production. Shipment were 2 ner ceat belqw. new business. Fifty per cent of all new business taken during the week was for fu ture water delivery- This amount ed to 48,726.581 feet, of which 23, 706,232 feet was for domestic cargo delivery; and 25.202,349 feet ex port. New business by rail amounted to 1.449 cars. Forty-three per cent of the week's lumber shipments moved by water. Thtis amounted to 40,968,657 feet, of which 32.105,306 feet moved coast wise and intercoastal; and 8,863.361 feet overseas. Rail shipments total ed fl,6il cars. ROAD CONTRACT ON LANGELL COMPLETE II. -F. Vlcory has Jui: completed his contrsct for the grading of th Langel valley market road, from the Lost river brid?j .o ilonanin ' Mr. Vlcory In his job moved 1270.3 cubic yards of dirt. thi mate Income tax itrutrtmint for d (Mii-inury appropriation of ISl Ouu to tnit the current rtpxnjm of the department. The board allow! Jlt.Coi of the 131,000 di-flcirm y a.tvi t,y iaio Income lat dnpartmnnt. lopVIng off S6.31U for intvrling and Inrtrtvntal ilM-ij.. and Inrludtng 1 1730 fur THAT SWEEPS OHIOi was ruarketl by a Hit when ttonatpr . . i Jt I'pton and J. N. tmtth nuiMtioi.. tl.r.t El. AM), Jun 30.-Ninety- J 4 lho r,sh, , enipiy ,,.. n.ur pers,ni an. known dead IUy, ,mI4l,, 6f lt,0 , iv. Ohio, us the result of a storm Sat- oartmrnt ininy. im-oii m bornin numuer rv. The Faithful llrart, Would you nty. Although th.. of lire w not u.. trail '. - Hi H , It... er-.y l.i Is estimated at 3o, i"1""1 " ". nuhlef I'm el through, and h 1-oopl.t who think loo much of !"'"'' huur ' iney no not anaan hand at all in China, and not enough in Amorlra. themiiflvva do nut think enough. The second crop of strsw lids vrlll be ripe soon. Trouble with knocking around the world is It knocks you around In- lead, - ' THE COVERED WAGON is coming July 4, 5, 6 at the What's this Ihear about , 'jxewBvdjzk,1. , -si. . .. .-.v.' In opening our Cash Business we offer the following Roast Beef, per lb I2V2C Rib Boil, per lb 10c Brisket Boil, per lb 8c Shoulder Pork Roast, per lb 16c Pork Steak, per lb 172c Pork Sausage, 20c per lb, 2 lbs. for ...,35c Hamberger, 15c per lb., 2 Ibt. for 25c Good Bacont per lb. ., 25c Trulove's Cash Market Phono 241.W 719 Main vcall know Tuesday LET A G.M.G. TRUCK Solve your hauling problem. If in doubt, ask the Man Who Uses Them! ' REX RENNER 236 Main Street OREGONIAN STAFF WRITER AT CRATER Mis. I.uuily, icIhI fi'iilurv wrlinr tor IIik I'ort luiiit tlrnsiinlnn, iaaaii iliroush Klamath Inst night amitupanleil hy KMiard I'rlie, mntinsnr of lh t'ralr l.nki lmls and will iid evnral ilnys gather. IK mnlcrlal fur m-Vpral HuuiUy fra'tire panes whli'h will lake lu thn park and aIJaul trrrltory The new route when to Crater lake hy vlilim of the completion or th Aahland-Klamnth Fall IHshway, will iindoulitedly b sireaseit In Mrs, l.uitdya nrtl.-l l la a new anal" MONDAY, JUNK PRUNE GROWERS TtY ADOPTJSEW SYSTEM H.M.KM, J11 '. "fdj,. . plan Siliiiila.1 l, 11. . ... " "' ' "'S1 hre Hat,,,,,' ' 'w. o at oik an.i ... ..l . '" in.,. ..f 1 , V"s ells.,. I'lmlnli, rnniral ; ' " .lib,,. - ' ' '"n I'liii,. ,, I'o-mwrsiive arm,- ,, " '"" II. 'WI4. ... MJ1, II i'ti in' in iiiutijr llutt .. .. . ww, woninll llal'H km. Illf " ft.,,, Tuesday RASPBERRIES, per crate COLUMBIAN BERRIES, per crate WATERMELONS, peib Wo will not Bo Open July 4th, Please Shon Frl Thursday, July 3rd. 1 II PUBLIC IRKF 126 N. Sixth p,otle t69 PAY CASH. IT PAYS Only $2.50 .12.50 4c Own a Little Farm We have a few choice acre located within three miles of Sixth and Main Streets. City HghU and water available. HOMESITES from 11. acr up to 20, excellent oil, plenty of water for iiritratioii, potxl drainage. EASY TERMS on all theje homoaite make it pot sible for those who wouhl like to own a home in tho country and yet enjoy all the modern convert tence.H of the city to get one at rockbottom price. Rooming House on Main Street s Sixteen rooms furnwhed, nine year, and triced right, for quick Nile. Cine room house fitted up for three apartments, fuminhed on the pavement, Hix block from Eighth and Main Street, $1500 down and balance at $55.00 per month, including interest. New 6 room house on Eleventh street, double garage, electric range and water heater. Good term to responsible parties. RODEO ANNOUNCEMENT; We will make no charge for listing roftma during the forthcoming celebration. If you desire to help take care of our visitors by renting a room for a few days we will be glad to serve you, without cost LETS GET ACQUAINTED Red Star Realty Company 605 Main Street Phone 94 IU$EJEN QUARTS OF MILK TO MAKE EVERY POUND OF CRATER LAKE BUTTER! If you followed every step in! the making of Crate' Lake Butter, from Cow to Customer, you o"'d understand fully it delicate flavor and the gen uine goodness in every roll. You would understand, too, why those who particular who -demand the best are comml more and more to specify "Crater Lake" when they order. Our Crater Lake Ice Cream is also a best seller, because of its quality. We make it In standard f vors, and also in special designs for special oc casions. . . , , .''' KLAMATH FAlic "d r a m fd Y 1248 Main .. ., -; Phont 7 .s aaas3BsasMaBBEBKaarnnsBsasBCSMan w - i t.-Ji-j.' vail. Jl '