1 1 . PAOS six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ILCOilUS G E BY U. S. 50 Companies Attacked on Anti-Trust Move of WTWItllllVlll i , WASHINGTON, June 25. Fifty ' or more principal oil companies in tbe United States are attacked In antl-truat proceedings by the govern ment today in tbe federal court at Chicago. Ittcfrney General Stone aaked an Injunction to restrain the companion from future violations of the Sherman act which he charged agaliut them. The complaint charg ed combination and conspiracy In restraint of trade among the several slates and "with foreign nations In gasoline, kerosene and other pet roleum products. Tbe oil suit constitutes one of the most sweeping anti-trust moves by the government In many years. Besides the (principals the attorney general named as parties a number of "secondary defendants" whom he charged were in combination , as a result of accepting licenses from one or nwe of the primary defen dants. Nearly all Important com panies. Including all of Standard OH companies, were cited. The at torney general charged them with having combined to control produc tion of gasoline by the pooling of asserted patent rights In violation of the anti-trust act , CATTLE BUYER HAS COMPLIMENTS FOR HERD OF KLAMATH A tribute was paid to the Klam ath oattle tudustry yastordsy by nutch Smith, manager of the Chow- Aiican cattle company ( Paisley, Oregon, Bald to be the largest cattle company In Oregon, when purchasing a number of thorough bred short horn bulls of Durham stock from Tom WTattcra and U A. West who operate the Ankroy rnhcli Mr. Smith stated that the shorthorn bulls were the finest he had bought for Borne time and that if '65 head were available, he would have pur chased them without a question. , This, cattlemen say, from a man who Is managing the biggest cattle concern In Oregon and one of the largest on the Pacific coast, Is a tribute by an expert to the cattle raised in Klamath county. , Mr. Smith purchased all the short horn bulls available on the Ankeny ranch. BUCKERS ARE HERE . FOR RODEO EVENTS TO OPEN NEXT WEEK II T PARK IC MPHOVEO Grounds Remodeled and New Buildings Are Being Erected ALLEN WILL SPEAK AT KIWANIS LUNCH f. . Jake D. Allen organizer for the state chamber of commerce, will be the principal speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis club tomor row noon at the chamber of com merce! Mr. Allen will speak on the relation of civic clubs to the com munity, 'development. The enter tainment committee has announced an extensive musical program. DALY TRUSTEES TO MEET AT LAKEVIEW ' On his way to Lakevlew to attend the annual meeting of the trustees of the Marcus Daly estate, Carl Ont hank, secretary to President P. L. Campbell of the Unvlersity of Oregon, was in Klamath Falls today. The trustee! of the estate will meet to morrow, i The estate provides funds for boys- and girls of Lake county to attend the institutions of higher learning. jot. .the state. About .20 , students are now benefitting from the provisions of the will of Mr. Daly. Tbe; educational fund amounts to about $1,000,000, Mr. Onthank states. Ninety-five head of bucking horses are coming here from Bly for the annual Rodeo next week. Fifty-five head of steers will also be on hand tor the big events slated for the celebration, is the announce ment of the Rodeo management. , A string of seven running horses from the Mv.rphy. stables have , arrived here for the show,, is the report. Twenty-five riders and ropers have already been signed to take part in the Rodeo affair here and others ara expected to be obtained this week, the ehow officials state. . Some of the buckers of the Bly district that will be sent in as at tractions for the Rodeo are. Funeral Wagon, Whiskers, Moonshine, and Poison. BUS FARE REDUCED TO ONE-CENT RATE LONG BEACH, Cal., June 25. One cent bus fares between tbe hours at 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. have oeen put into effect here as an experiment by a private bus com pany. A nickel is paid to the driver as before, but a coupon good for 4 cents in trade at about 100 city stores is given with each ride. 3 AMERICAN PLANES HOP FROM RANGOON V There-are about 10.000 knowi, varieties of fish and often a man at a swell summer resort thinks he is all of them. CALCUTTA, Jan. . 25. The American world filers hopped off from Rangoon this morning, tor Chittagong, 500 miles. They stop ped at Akyab, on the Eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal. . In ton days the old Altamont city auto park, across from the county fair grounds, has undergone a trans formation that astonishes the oldest residents. ' Under the supervision of Fred Garlcb, who purchaed the prop erty to build a modern auto park, the grounds are being remodeled, buildings are In process of construe tlon and the old Altamont raacn house Is being torn dawn. Sixteen tent houses have boen con structed on the east half of the property. A building is near com pletion .which will be used aa a gro cery store, an office and a four-room apartment which will bu occupied by Mr. Garlch and his family. , , By Rodeo time, Mr. Garlch hopes to have a dance pavilion completed. A crew of workman started yester day to tear down the old ranch house. This job will be completed this week. The property includes eight acres with a frontage of 350 feet and a depth of. TOO feet. The entrance was is In the center of the front boundary racing on the highway, and a road will be built extending from tbe frontage to the rear line of tho property. 'Branching from the main entrance road Garlch plans on buuu lng a road extending south to the eastern boundary of the property, from that point west to the south western corner and north to join the terminus of the main road. . In like manner a road will be con structed branching north to the northern boundary and from there following around tho boundary o. the property to Join up with the tor- j minus of the main road In tho cen-1 ter of (western boundary line. I Before fall, Mr. Garich plans on constructing 20 bungalows on the southern half of the property. Th'ls can' be done he says by cutting only one tree from the grove of poplars. Already tourists are patronizing the park. Between 30 and 50 cars arrive every day. this spring aud summer the commer cial cherry crop 1n this section Is the largest for a number of yonrw past, according to tho manager of tho local Tanners' co-operative asiio elation which operate a largo fruit anil vegetable cannery In MugiOio. ' Tho crop of Itoyai Amies, ninic and ljimborta Is estimated to be of aiK'li proportion that tho association has announced It will not handle the earlier and smaller varieties In any quantities as tho capacity of tho pint will be taken up with the three varieties named. JULIAN RELEASED I ON FRAUD CHARGE! , A charge of fraud ut common law ngiilnst W, O. Julian, a former, automobile salesman of this city,' was dlamlsaod by Juntlco of the Peace II, A. Kmmltt late yoaturtluy afternoon. Julian was chargod with having unlawfully cashed n chock. The hearing yesterday was to de termine whether there was suffi cient evidence to bind Julian over to tho grand Jury. USED CARS You can't be too careful about or dering goods correctly, says our of lice ooy. Look at those oil men down In Washington. They didn't realty wurt Tea Pot Dome they wanted Domes of Silence. 1 Dodge Touring 1 Gray Touring 1 Studebaker Touring 1 Ford Truck . 5 Ford Tourings 1 Ford Roadster 2 Ford Chassis 1 Used Tractor -All on Terms 5! I Balsiger Motor Co. ij Eighth and Klamath H4-t-4 l tt-44- t t 44-4-K44'4-M4 CHERRY CROP GOOD IN WEST DISTRICTS EUGENE, June 25. Notwithstand ing dry weather in western Oregon FOR SALE OUR OWN PROPERTIES ON EASY TERMS $100 Lots at $10.00 cash, $5.00 per month $200 Lots at $20.00 cash, $5.00 per month $300 Lots at $30.00 cash, $7.50 per month $400 Lots at $40.00 cash, $10.00 per month $500 Lots at $50.00 cash, $12.50 per month THE KLAMATH DEVELOPMENT CO. - 1303 Main St, Phone 1 : .-,, W. ,M. MONTEL1US, Sales Manager. Prepared for discriminating women who appreciate economy and time saving; when it may be had with out sacrifice in quality. Amaizo is the perfect oil for frying, shortening and salads. Aifc your grocer for it Send for your FREE copy of the Amaizo Cook Book Address: 111 West Monroe St., Chicago, I1L American Maize-Products Co. New York Chicago 00 Even if she does rouge nlcelv, find out if she can cook. Two can'l live on rouge alone. ST I s, 3 & a Pabco m Produce cDon't Buy Roofing on the Installment Plan Why buy ordinary roofing . that you have to paint every three years to prevent its dry ing out and leaking? Buy MALTHOID ROOFING that requires no paintings for ten years. The first cost of Malthoid Roofing is less than the cost of paintings on other roof ings, and its first cost is its only cost. Buy It From BigBasinLumbeir Is tbe Nation's fceatest Playground Every American should share In too Inspiration of Its towrrinf peeks, leaptnc geysers, jrrowtlne; grotto, boiling cauldrons. In the midst of which a r maffnl iocnt hotels, cfaftrnuiffeot tnr Tlllarfl, 300 miles of matchless boulevard and all the comforts of home. ( Bend for otzr booklet. It telta ths thrilling acory of nature't wonderland. Our THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Service DAILY between Portland and Wf TeOowvtone by the h Union Pacific System mum wis trip very comfortable. Let our representatives make your Itinerary and arran oe your reservations, etc. 1 J. H. O'NEILL 1 . i Traveling Passenger Agent with bftadquartnm at 6X7 PHtoefc Block, Portland wiTl Anil personally and arrange all details; drop him a card or address WM. McMUKRAT ' GneraJ Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon TT- It, cAUiraviA omgon Klt COMPANY I The Hot Season IS ON ' GET YOUR REFRIGERATOR EARLY! v The Furniture and Hardware Stores carry a full line Klamath Ice & Storag Company An (Announcement by THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY The California Oregon Power Company an nounces the completion of arrangements for the immediate investment of several million dollars in Southern Oregon and Northern California. This new investment "will become a permanent asset of the entire territory served by the company, as it will be converted into new power plants, dams, transmission lines, equipment and other productive additions to its properties. ; This announcement is made to our customers in . appreciation of the wide public interest in construc tive developments of such magnitude. , , ... Its Real Significance ' ' . The California Oregon t'ower Company points out, how ever, that the Importance of this construction program to the communities with which it is a "Partner in Progress" docs not lie in the mere investment of millions of new capital' In the' territory which it is privileged to serve. ' The chief significance is found In the cold facts that justify the investment; in the continuously Increasing use of electric " power and light; in assurances and contracts already in the possession of the company which' guarantee the profitable absorption of this Increased production of electricity, , ' The Company is also pleased to be able to inform its Preferred Stock holders that as soon ait the new construction is placed In service the financial strength and not etirnings of the company will be even more satisfactory than at present. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY i 1 . , PHONE 58 , Hang Up Your Card! PABCO' PRODUCTS 7: