PAQB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, JUNK li, 11)2-1 The Call of the Home By MILES CANNON, Director of Farm Economics, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation On January 1, 1(23. there were 438,000,009 chickens in the flitted Bute, valued at approximately $400,000,000. The! annual produc tion of chicken eggs Is estimated nt 1,700,000,000 doien. The aver age farm price of dreased .poultry ilurlBr Inn vmm 1414 In ia$q ihhIh, i; slon, was Approximately 17 a per j pound, fluctuating not to exceed two i conta per pound during the twelve months of the year, For the same period the lowest average farm price J for eggs per doten was 24. 60 tor the . month of July, and the hlghcct 45.4c " for December. I The United States exports annual ly approximately 13.000,000 doien eggs nd imports J, 000. 000 dozen and (7,000,000 pounds of dried, froi ! on and egg albumen. There ore held sin cold etorago during the month of August ." approximately 10.000.000 oases of eggs, which by March are r reduced to as low as 13,000 cases. The cold storage holdings of poultry ,ln-1929 reached 103,000,000- pounds as against 32.000,000 pounds In ,1917. - ..: vln the preceding article we were discussing the merits of this industry : ,oa related to the ordinary water users on government reclamation projects. . A-close investigation develops some very Interesting facta. As noted by .w. Shephard, we hear considerable ijolae along the line of other agri cultural industries, but little or -aothlng about the poultry grower, tt may be illuminating therefore, to compare this line of activity (with Jne sheep indotry, with which al soost everyone Is "familiar. ?. Sheep Valuo Stated. : According to tho census of 1920 Ihere were is the United States S5, $00,000 bead of sheep, valued at 9S98.000.000. To this we would add lb wool traduction, about 229.000, iflO pounds, with a valuation of 1120,000,000, giving aa a total valu ation for the sheep industry of 2515,-1 000,000. The same authority gives the valuation for the chicte,u raised that year (19191 at )3Sti,240..1ti7, and Hie egg production at $6(il.0S2. 803. total f 1,047.323.170, In other words, iucludiug chickens only, 'the poultry Industry of this country li j Hhown to be $5.19.000,000 morn than the sheep and wool Industry com- j bined. Of tho total source of (armors' j food supplies in the United States i ogtM and poultry constitute lew than i 3. It Is safe to assume from the! foregoing that the poultry industry during tho next dorado will assume largo proportion and this line of production is well worth the consid eration of progressive farmers at the present time. The problem is. How may a man of limited means got into the poultry business? From tho experiences which have been supplied the Department It would seem that poultry U being con fined quite generally to the 4fl-arre farm and the character of the Indus try necessarily connects It very close ly with a system of diversified pro duction. Alfalfa hay and grain seem to be necessary and through the mod. turn of .these crops, poultry is close ly related to the production of other profitable lines, uob as lambs and dairy cattle. Kuuirplo hi Cited. As an example at what Industry and good management may accom plish even In these trying timea we introduce the experience of Mr. and Mrs. XI. L. Russell of Meridian, Idaho. (BoUo project) In 1917 they pur chased an 80-ncre tract of sagebrush land but soon after reduced it to 40 acres. Their capital consisted of $500 down payment on the land and suf ficient means to purchase a team. cow and a small amount of equip ment, bat not enough to build a home so they were compelled to rent a small house on an adjacent farm. During 1923 thelr-six seres were cropper, producing S t tons of alfal fa, 3 titona of clover hay, 43 bushols of clover seed, 160 buehcla of barley, 106 bushels of wheat, and soucidor abln pasture. A family gardon and orchard provided a large share of the actual living expenses. All of the crops raised, with the exception of the clover sued, were fed on the place to livestock and poultry, 'They started tho season of 1923 with :too purebred KnglUh White Leghorn chickens. The receipts from egg, baby chicks ami cockorls amounted to (somewhat more than SI. oiid net. In addition, they had fi milk eows, 2 heifers, and a team. Tho cream chocks, reeolfji from the sale of tho clover seed, etc., brought the returns to over 13, .100 and. af ter deducting all expenses, taxes and overhead, the total not return was about 22,000. They naw have a 7-room modern ho'.'.so with full basement, equipped with electricity, furnace, pressure water system and bath; a good water supply from a 2SS-ft. well; a well butit born mbich provides room tor 2rt head of etoek and atorago for about 4 0 tons of huy; a modern poul try liouso Vlth floor apace of Hfi3 feet; and a combination garago and granary. Mr. tuul Mrs. Rutwcll attribute their success to Industry and the ('nil of the Home. YOU'LL ENJOY OUR Special Merchants Lunch Daily 50c 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Special Week-Day DINNER 60c 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. Short Orders All Hours Orchestra Music Daily During Dinner Period. The Golden Glow TIC Mnla llr'r, 'V W,- M-rvr n lr' (IimmI NOTICH. . Complaints of mm.dcllvcry of Tho l.'veilll.g Herald ulimild be telephoned to the Herald office, Phono No. NH, iH-foro H o'clock . ill. A spet'iol me, .longer boy will lie. dispatched' with the iiiIkMiiu; ropy if this is done. Do your own proposing. If you must, girls, but tor a man. It lukee all tho ill rill out of hunting to have the bird como right up and stick it littlo head In tho miistlo of tho gun. Liberty Picture Star - Talks About Husbands "Women . Men Marry" Will Shown Hero Hlaitliig With Today Ho Florence Dixon who In company with u galaxy of stars, shines bril liantly In "Wonui Men Marry" Kdward Dillon's epoch making photo production which is to hold tho place of honor on tho screen of the popular Liberty theatre, says that working under Mr. 1 Dillon In this remarkable pleturo Iiiih given her uii entirely new slant on the imiHciilltiu portion of tho world, Miss Dixon who has not as yet taken unto herselr u hUHhand thinks that marriage la a .vomlerftil thing 'mill Vllt Hi, ,lu II'miM Hint ulii, fertiti aim will never miisl"r up couriigo to tako the fatal slop, "Perhaps I am an ldoaliat," siiys Miss Dixon, "ami perhaps I would usk too much from tho man Into whoso hands 1 would hit out i'iHt Iiik my happiness uud honor, Yot I reallto how groat tho Joy muHt bo to know that In tills world will) Its myriads of peoplo lliocn la so me one who Is living In unalloyed thought and deed for me. That Ih my Idea mid perhaps I would tin too exact ing In my domiuids from a more man. . "Mr. Dillon's nleluro Women Men Marry' goes Into tho siihjnct I more dooply uud also more dollght fnlly than I could over do. I wonder how ho can know an much about imiti'lmnny, fur you know liu Is mill only u lonely good looking young bnrhelor." , Dance. Tonight At Open Air Pavilion BULOWSKJ'S APOLLO PAYERS e,, f Tti Y VT Star J tuft no i m of Service, Quality and Low Prices VAVorSy. MU.K OF M Vi;KS( Au effl -I. lit lllltliclil and luxatiro for tho 'SjTfcfl relief ' of heartburn. I53?l coiistitpatloii and In- 1 SfSS H tt tl iKeat Ion. K I n cts 1 Quality. Highly roc- ommonded and young. for dd Full pint 50c Rexall Orderlies Recommended by us as a gentle acting Pleasant and Effective Laxative, ideal for children, aged people and invalids as well,, as for ro bust persons. Convenient Tin Box of 60 for 50c Aspirin Tablets uiu inado (10m tho li In liu it purity true uplrln, so skillfully prepared Hint they dlklutugnttu luunud lately in watur, There fore, Ihey give iillliost ItiMlnnt relief against pain. Bottle of 100, 69c z r- i Additional Values In addition to those previously mentioned 8th Annual Sale of Progress Pure Linen Toweling, unbleached, yard...:....... I2V2C 81x90 Victory Sheets, bleached, $1.65 value. ...$1.25 Reductions on all Beads and Jewelry, now 20 Ratine, New Patterns, $1.25 value at 89c All Trimming and Novelty Braids 20 27-in, Ginghams, 12c, 36c in. Scout Percales.... 15c Heavy Unbleached Muslin, 25c grade, special at ... 15c Entire Infants' Department at a discount of.... 10 Draperies and Bedding at 20 ZJ -1 SUMMER FROCKS About 75 in a lot, we cannot de scribe them here and you cannot appreciate the values unless you you see them. 1 ': . -.. Included- are Voile, Linen Tissue and French Ginghams. All colors and sizes; values to $8.5.0, special $5 .75 Just in SILK SKIRTS Three dozen direct from our resi dent buyer in New York. Very similar to the skirts you have been paying $10 and $12.50 for, Silk knife pleated, in greys and tans. Will go fast at the price of, $5 Unusual Values Throughout the Store f T t t ? T T J T t y j y y y t T ? f Y V t f ? T ? t f Shaving Needs Gillette Raiors, New 3.00 Olllette Brownie Knors ... $1.(10 Ollletto Blades, S for BOo Auto.itrop Razors, ft and (kt.oo Autostrop Blades BOc Uurhum Duplex Raiors St. OO Durham Duplex Blndvs OVt- Gcm Safety Rnzors - $1.00 Qem Blades .50c Ever ReadyRBEors $1.00 Ever Ready Bludes 40c Enders Safety Raiors $1.00 Enders Rasor Blades 35c Blade Raiors ....$l.BO to S8.SO strops $1.00 to $ Frani Swaty Hones - $1.93 Rexall Shaving Lotion sno Gentlemen's Talcum 85c Krank's Lather Krectn 85r Exonall BOc Shavo BOc Shavald BOe Colette's Shaving 'Cream 85c Colgates Sharing Stick 35c Colgate's Stick Refill ..i5c Palmollve Shnvlng Cream . 35c Mennen'a Shaving Cream 35c Safetee Shaving Stick .25c Styptic Pencils -10c Colgate's Barber Bar 10c William's Barber, Bar 2 for 2So William's Shaving Cream .J...8BO William's Stick Refills sue Willlam'B Shaving Powder 35c Rexall Shaving Cream ...80c Rexall Shaving Stick ..8c Shaving Mirrors -. 30c Aromatic Cascara A splendid non-alcoholic tonic laxative, pleasuut to take, equally effective with children or adults.' 2 oz bottle 25c Well Known Toilet Articles Aruiand Kace l'owdor....B)o f Harden tllo Tiilrum... Amolln Powder ...Hoc - Glenn's Sulphur Snap Angelus Creu n $1.00 tlrave'a Tooth l'owdr Altnu Jiadu Kacu Powder nor lltwsnmer Knco Powdur A 111 11 111 1 Sliumpoo .lftV Arubnl.uie BOr Arbutus Complexion Criuin SOr H Ayor's Face Cream .. Aurea Face Powder B BANDOLINE IKc liulbasweec iMr Berry's Frocklo Ointment ... WK Bird Rouko' 2.V Bouriuot Itunico Powder.. Driilluutinu Caloulte Powder l.Oi L'amellluv BO Cremo de Camellia floe Camplior't Ice ..'....'..........'....10' Cara Nome Fare Powlur... $2.tW Cunthrox '.. ......... (loc Cocoa Juttur Cold Cream ...BOc Coly'H Face - Powder... $1.20 Cutex Preparations 3c Dcmiracle ..70c DJerkiss Face I'uwUur....(J5c DJerklss . Creame , 05c Dorln Itnuge ...title D. & R. Cream ', 35c EElcaya Cream .'......OOo Eipey's Cream 25c Evcrsweet 30o FFrostllla '. 85c Floramyo Face Powder $1.00 Forhan's Tooth Panto 00c Fuller Nail Polish 05c Freeman's Face Powder BOc Florida Water BOc lliulmit'n Cold Crenm U'nua d'Oreul .$1.00 Hennd's Fluff Slininjiuo . $1.0(1 Hind's Honey uil Almond Cream Ilnwuril'it lluttermllk Cri'iim llyglo Null Polish ...15i' ... UOc . B.V .. SS.V ...BOc $IJi( ...UBr . BOc 7Sc 85fl Java Rica Pudur Jolinnon'n liaby Talc... 30c Joiitii'il Fnco Powder BOc Jap Rons Soap, 2 cakes .... K. Kolynos Tooth Pasta . KUnio Tooth Paste,... Kora Konlu Krenk's Jimon Cctwin .... 00c .. ..18c ...BOe .i.SBe ....(K- 25c ....85c $1.00 D LLs Bluncho Powder 00c t.laka Cold Cream 7Br L'Orlgan Flaconuttns .....$ l.Otl Lyon's Tooth Powder ..80c Muvls Talcum U5' ...25c ...OOc ...OOo ...80c PPubecco Tooth Puti. Packer's Tar Houp Pomiielnn Mxhl Cram Pond's Vanishing Cream , Pepsodi'nt Tooth Pnsto Pulmvr's Almoincal , Piilinollvfl Hliunipoi Parker's Null OIokk I'nreilUo Cream Pussy Willow l'owdr I'o 111 liulu 11 Huy Cream Pond's Cold Creu 111 ... Rnbertlne Rod Feather Crenie ... Renlnol floap Kuppurt's Face Bleach Revelation Tooth. Powder. lied Feather Kongo Itnlnler Natural Soap S. Splrft Powdur ,.,., . Squlbli's Cold Cream, SantfaopUc Lotion Rcmpray Jovenay '. Silmerlne ' Hllllinau's Freckle Cream .. Swan Down Face Powder.. R , ...! .....0o H.Vi ... .50r fitir 300 BBC ... BOc ...OOc IIBr B ...JMv aoc a.25 85c .....BOc .. Soo .....noc i...$Or ; 6ue .'... $1.00 ..tJOe ....lUM Mum Mary Garden Rouge .. Molba Face Cream .... Mulslfled Cocoanut Oil M linear 1? ; Muybelllne Menueu'a Talcum Mlraga Cream Nonspl Neat Nadlnola Odorono Oriental Cream Ollilne N Nad o 70c aoc -....BBC BOo .. BOc BOc .. BOc 8B0 $1.S0 $1.10 T, Tokulon Creams ......trie Talcum Jo&toul tl5c Three Flowers Cream Bon Three Flower Talcum .......... ,.85o V Victoria Cream 7 Bo Violet Cernto OOo Violet Dillre Cold Cream ..'..B0c Vulvellna Cream ......BOc V'lvoudou N11 1 1 Polish ........... ftBC Violet Sec. Toilet Wator....$l,00 $ W Woodbury's 8oiip.......4Be . West Electrlo Curlers....Bo Wlldroot Tar Shampoo -JHa Wooilbiiry's Facial Creuai....00o Walnuttn , 7Bo Wurnot's Powder .'. 80 Witch ifaicl, V4 pint....... iOo FOUNTAIN PEN Waterman "Ideal" Wahl Tempolnt C2.60 to $7.00' Everaharp Pencils $1.00 to $12.00 Fountain Pons Repaired STAR DRUG CO Fifth and Main Streets HAIR NEWT Vonlda Hair Ktta, Cap and Frlnga shape . Sligle or Double Mesh, IBe, a for 25o. Oalnsborough Hair Nets MAIL ORDERS PHOMITLY , FILLED DIVORCE GRANTED TO JACK CLIFFORD NEW VORK, June 19. Evalyn Nesblt, former wSfe df Harry K. Thaw,. was divorced today by her soc- ond husband, Jack Clifford, actor and dancer. The decree was elgned by tho Judge who heard the testimony two weeks ago. Denmark's queen went akutlne and fell through the Ice. That's what Is rotten In Denmark, the Ice. The Pacific Savings & Loan Association Assets Over $7,000,000 Why not open up your savings account with us, your money is with1 drawable on demand. We have never paid less than 6. See, JACK SLATER 206Ha'rt 6uflding"T l . is CJhe, Bestibffu'Wins FORDS We have several Fords. All in good mechanical shape, priced from ' ' "I . .. , $125 up BUICK GARAGE Opp. W. F-, JoteL iiCffefeyjOTRUTH IN ADVERTISING te-i"i 4.- iwwvTici