PAOE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY JUNE 7, 1024,? H. N. Moo 1 Return After Buying Trip to Southern . California All rumors to the eoutrary not withstanding, outhern California and particularly the city of &oa Angelas, seems to t forcing aUeao with giant stride, according to H. N. Moe, one ot tha city's leading merchants. Mr, Moe ha Just returned from a bwineaa trip a the Cailiorala otty and hai reached home impressed with the situation In the aoothlana, due to insistent reports In this area that a period - -ot pronounced de pression was being experienced there. '"Many steel ..framed buildings, ranting from ten to sixteen stories In hslght, hundreds ot dwellings and scores of factory structures are go ing up," Mr. Moe stated today. "I could not see or feel but that every thing is progressing In Los Angeles along the same lines as during the past two or three years. One has almost to" visit there to realise the rastness of the expansion., ''Business men In uoa Angetw, state 'thai conditions have been but slightly affected fey the drought and so far as the hoof and mouth disease Is concerned I was forced to wait until I returned home to hear much about it. It does not seem to be a toplo of general conversation there and while the financial loss to grow ers who have lost their herds is regretted, it has not materially mat tered : in the urban commercial world." Mr. Moe's trip was occasioned by store, Deeds and an opportunity to make economic wholesale purchases from one of the large establishments now' engaged in transferring its stock to new quarters. Buyers from all large western cities took advantage of the situation and were present, Mr. Moe stated. in the canneries and packing hous es ot the Norlhwrat during lliu frutl packing season. After six months ot Investigation, Dr. Lyle Ktngcry, Frofessor of ilor matologp, and Dr. C. H. Thlcnos, professor of pharmacology, have isolated the organism that produces the disease and they ore now on tnr way. to finding the most effective meant of checking and preventing tho malady. Dr. Kingery will pre sent the results of their investiga tion before the annual meeting ot tho American Society of Dermatolo gists in Minneapolis In July. Fruit poisoning is a painful skin infection which attacks workers who pare and cut fruit in canneries. Those who hull siralwberrles are also liable to be Infected. The disease causes the persons infected to be completely incapacitated for a month or two ana often results In loss or Lthe finger nails. Before the Inves tigations of the University of Oregon men Were made, the cause ot the die ease was unknown. The Infection causes large economic loss to the fruit industry and its workers. "Tien sufferers from fruit poimw- iug were brought to Portland hos pitals lust year, Dr. .Thlones and Dr. KiiiKoi - became Interested In dis covering a cure for the disease, which was then uuclnssified by medical science. They made trips to Oregon orchards and canneries, and studied cases of the poisoning, finally ieolat Ihr the organism which caused the trouble. They ore now oxperlment Ihr ut ilie Medirul school to find the best means of exterminating the or-g.wil.-m from the human body so that cures may lie effected. Call ?55, O. K, Furniture Co., U you have any Furniture that Is broken. We will cal! tor It and re pair it at a reasonable charge. O. K. Furniture Co. We t..:y for cash and sell for cash. 13J N. 6th St. 6-T LUMBER BUSINESS STILL HAS SLUMP One hundred' and twenty-three mills reporting to West Coast Lum bermen's Association for the week endirig May '3lst, manufactured 89, 908)981 feet ot lumber; sold 79, 823,209 feet; and shipped 89,230, 067 feet" New business was 11 -per cent be low production. Shipments were 12 per cent above new business. Forty-two per cent ot all new busi ness taken during the. week was tut. future water delivery. This amount ed tp 83,669,131 feet, of which 22, 680,955 feet was for domestic cargo duUrery; and 11,088,176 feet ex port., New business by rail amount ed to 1,362 cars. Thirty-nine per cent of the week's lumber shipments moved by water. This' .amounted to 34,795,989 feet; of Which 25,298,781 feet moved coastwise and in tercoas tal ; and 9, 497,208 feet overseas. Pall ship ments totaled 1,638 cars. Local, auto and team deliveries to taled 5,294,078 feet. Unfilled domestic cargo orders totaled 125,85.7,262 1 feet. Unfilled export orders 79,675,523 feet. Un filled rail trade orders 3,566 cars. In the twenty-two weeks of the year,, production reported to West Coast Lttmoermen's Association has been '2,161,813,137 feet; new busi ness 2,046,357,046 feet; and ship ments 2,230,645,916 feet. FRUIT POISONING . CAUSES ARE FOUND PORTLAND, Ore., June 7. Re search workers at the -nlverslty oi Oregon Medical School have succeed ed In discovering the cause of so called 'fruit poisoning, a disease which attacks hundreds of workers EAT i Where your money brings "., - GOOD FOODS . QUICK SERVICE AND COURTESY . Reasonable Prices ; We serve meals at all hours from 5 a. m. to . 1 a. m. THE CLUB CAFE 125 South'Sixth St KLAMATH BOY WILL TAKE ARMY COURSE After all other national "weeks" have been observed. It would be a fine thing to have a "Keep Your Mouth Shut Week." ORKOOX AHKIOUUTIUL OOL U'XiK. COHVAl.LIS, June 7. Nonh Truux of Klamath Falls will go to the It. O. T. O. ctinip at Camp 1wii, Weill., tills summer. The men will report June 13 to reeelvo uniforms and assignments. Training mill continue until July SV when the men will break camp. The first part of the six weeks In fantry drill and basic irniuliiK will be eiuplrtslied while the latter part of the time in ramp will be devoted to prnctlcnl applications of tho prln citilex learned. A nractlce trin la In the program. Sports ot all kinds will be encouraged at the camp. Truux ki a member of the Infantry uult. Nothing U more amusing than nn me iu They have commissioned collect their. little account. Stoney-Broke Then I congratu late yon on eattlng a permanent Joh. old fellow trylurf to choke down one ot those modern olive and nut snnd I wiches. 'Rodeo. July 4. 5, and 6. Nnf-8ed. Pattersons for Banners and Signs of nil kind. 7-1 S THE ORDINARY BATTERY t Requires addition of water fie quently. O Usually more or ; less terminal corrosion. O Plates . constantly, disintegrate from vibration and washing of acid. - Jars and sealing crack and leak. over- THE SAME BATTERY CAMEL-IZED 2 Seldom needs water added. 2 Terminals do not corrode. O No wear whatever on plates from this cause. A Jars and sealing do not leak " even though cracked. i Will not over-charge nor over heat. 1 Freezing will not. ruin Batte'ry " even though frozen when discharged. 7 Top of batteiy always and dry. clean 8 Seldom needs attention. C Plates buckle through charging and heat. Q Always ruined if frozen. J Continual slopping of acid eats ' away , handles, destroys battery box and container, inducing short circuits and keeps top in . wet, sloppy condition, g Requires frequent inspection. Q Often ruined through suiphation and high gravity when neglected and electrolyte gets low. 1 Q Relieves that constant -worry. Will not injure your battery, but actually "V prolong its life many months. Just a commonsense electrolyte. lamafh Camel-izing Station ' W. P. JOHNSON, Prop. ' 11th Between Main and Pine FREE BATTERY SERVICE Ci Plates always covered. from ruinous suiphation. Free We take pleasure in making the Announcement to the people of Klamath County that we have taken on the distribution of Flint and Durant Cart and Service, and in a few days will have all models in stock. PRICES IN KLAMATH FALLS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: FLINT TOURING (with permanent top) $1,595 SPORT TOURING $1,695 COUPE, 4-Passenger $2,350 SEDAN, 5-Pa.senger $2,445 ROADSTER, 2-Passenger .' $1,925 DURANT TOURING .'. ' $1,065 TOURING, equipped $1,095 TOURING, SPORT $1,27S COUPE, 2-pasaenger Z $1,225 SEDAN j. ; $1,585 Four-Wheel Brake .... ..... $50.00 additional Balloon Tires A.!.::..... .$75.00 additional , i . . . Colors Blue, Maroon, Gray y A Phone Call or Post Card will bring a demonstrator to your door. imp Phone 130 erial Garage ' Third and Main i I? : rrri'n , BUICK, GARAGE Opposite WHilte ,1'i licnn lloti-l When butter automobiles are built, Buick will build them AUTO S DRIVERS How Good Is Your Eyesight? Don't wait until you have , killed some one by not being able to see them, but have your eyes examined NOW and know that you are right. Glasses will re trieve your lost vision. Dr. Goble 709 Main. Phone 133W, Sa e -No Flame, No Fuiriejs " CookEleetrii Even if electric cookery had accomplished . riothing else, its elimination of an open flamo Vuld have earned it a place in every kitchen. -i' ' ,,: ... But in addition, it operates as no other range CJin operate with a minimum of attention no fuel or ashes, no fires to watch. The uni form, controlled electric heat preserves the full flavor and food value of all meats and vege tables. Think how you will enjoy adding kitchen free hours for leisure and recreation every day ' at an actual saving in household expense. The monthly cost for electric cooking and light ing together is often as low as for other types of fuel alone. See us today about our low rates for electric cookingvSelect an electric range et your deal er's today on this easy payment plan, and have it installed immediately. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Tr jformw okegonI . POWER, COMPANY 1 ' YOUR PARTNERS . IN PROGRESS jcdly