Mfat Celebrate With Us JULY 4TH, 5TH, 6TH "A rip, rarin' rodeo" Published Daily at KLAMATH FALLS "An Empire Awakening" n SO Member of the Associated Press Seventeenth Year No. 7233. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JUNE 7. 1924. PRICE, FIVE CENTS If is II FOREST OFFICE COMPILES DATA ON'TIMBED FIRE Summary of Conditions in This Area During Dry Season Announced Two flroH. one originating from n bolt of lightning unci the olh'T from a campflro, t hi ouUlicil large bodies of vlrKln yellow lililii In lln iiotilh wcatorn nci'llon of (ho county UiW week. Nut until from 20 (o Ml men had buu placed at each fire could they bo controlled. Probably tho moat spectacular f If o of tho year mud thu brush cunfluK rntlon on Hie Jtitiny crck slope Ju.-t ncrnna llio mule Una, which with a toulli wind behind It, hud noon worked north to a point that thrcut nuud mmi of tho fined Wvyvr-liaauanr-Klamath timber holitlUK. On tho day that thu (Iro ruged ltd wont thu relative humidity had pass--,1'd tho danger point and wai hover ing between 10 and iiu. To got (ho flro under control, fio men worn neciamiry. Twenty em ployea of tho California-Oregon l'owor company were rushed ho rceno of the blaio to aid 10 forest fighter from Ilia Klamath Korea! rrotortlve association and 20 home menders who were utrlvlng to mive thnlr hollies ' Man In Ibingn'. (n homesteader, who wiik unable to Inava Ilia ruUIn because nf 1111 In jured foot, wa In dnutci r of loalng Ilia Ufa until tho furcit fill lira were able 10 roach lilm. At oue time, tho cabin wai nearly turrounded by flame. Indicating how low relative humid ity nld forest flro. i a. atory told by one of tho fort lit fighter of a spark that flow several hundrud root, alighting within' aoveral feet of-tov-rrnl experienced forest men, it iKhltud l fw aecond a aectlon of brush four for-t iure w)lch the men wor.o . uuablo to quell without iiiilstasco. Whllo no habltnhln homcatond cahlnn were destroyed, tho grating land of thnt auction wn.i entirely burnt off mid will, 4t la luld work a hnrdahlp on tho aettlnn. An Interesting side II Kill J tho re port that thousand of rnttlosniike wero killed by tho flro. That scr Hon of tho county la no'.od for lt iiuundnnco of Bunkos nnd whole dona ..of the reptiles wco wiped out of ex istent.'!. Flro la Klarti il. A rnmpor on Bponcrr creek Sun (.'y night left his flro burning und in n abort lime, n fire wuh blr.ilng ' til li- I 011 rugi' Seven) Loeb Charges Companion Was Leader in Plot to Kidnap Franks . CHICAGO, Juno 7. All blnmo lor D'rnnkH' murder wuh placed upon Nullum Leopold, by hit form er chum, Hlehurd Ltieh, In n eon reunion tho latter inutlo public to day. Tho ptuenla of tho youths lu suml n statement denying they would upend a largo sum for de fense. - ' i ' "I want to sny tlmt I offer no oxcttiioH," Bull! Lonh In ending hln coufeHHlnu. "It It Jtntl not been for tho HUKKCHtjon tt till Htlmulaneo of Leopold thn ei'liuo would not htivu linen commlltod." The typewriter imppouml lined to write the lildliupplltg letter sent to J'rankH wum found today In Jack non Purk lagoon where Leopold said It wim thrown. . . H. R. HILL LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA , II. It. Hill, until loeenlly the elly editor of tho lOvmilng Herald ac companied by Mrs. Kill, departed rrom Klnmnth Kail.) today and after a (Iii.v'h stop I" Medfnrd will leave for California whom they Intend to multo tholr hnmii. Mr. Hill will lo cate hl family for llio Mmo being In i:torkoloy where It Is his lutontlon lo nltoiid nit cliissns ati tho I'lilvoi Blly, pnrtecllng n nntlvo talent In enr toonlng. .Prior to hl tlopnrtttro Mr. a I til sold It lfi hnmo hnre. MURDER BLAME ETON LEOPOLD Bend Party Will Be Here at Forum About. 25 Visitors Will Have Charge of Program Wednesday Kluinulh Kulla chumber of com intTCo will bo to a delegation of mcmhcr.i from thn lien,) chumber lit tlm fur 11 iti 1 11 11 1 li 1 on of thn local organization next Wednesday noon. Word finm Ilnnd la that about 25 lire exported to be In the party of vlrllor mid that they will urrlvo hero tli.i evening of Julio 1). (J.iod hlhhwuy la oun of thu big mutuitl pioblcuit of both llund und Kl.-math Knll.i mid this topic will bo dlicunred by nomo of the progrum ipeukvra. Tho progrum will bu nliort nnd nappy and will not extend over tho regulur forum period, la thu an nouncement. In addition to the talk -by tho vle'tora there will b Lrlef roapunnna by representative of Klumulh coun ty chjimber. . The following la tho program an nounced: preliminary Mulo Quartet from Ueud. Opening remark! Dy Chairman II. II. It-Armuud. Addre, Mutual Itond Problems Judge It. W, Kuwyer. Itoapontc 'Member from Klum nth Kails. 1 Address. Development of Central und Hntithwostern Oregon H. b. Ilninlttiiii. Helee'.liin Mill" yuurlct. Addn a. Scenic llcatillcs Along Thn Imlloa-Cullfortilu Highway Jay II. I'plon. Closing Addntil -- .Member from Klumnth county. NEW FORESTPHONE LINE WORK. IS NOW -BEING COMPLETED w,b ih.. ,...! iiniiort-'to V 1 1 h 1 n n ant unit of tho now forest telephone j lino acrvlce will bo complotcd ac cording to Jack Kimball head of the Klamath forest protoollvo uasocla tlon. Thla lino Is from the Knott much on lllg Mursh. to Deur Klut and connects up several Important sections of timber.' Construction work on the line extension from Walker mountuln to Knott ranch will probably start be fore July 1. Mr. Kimball predicted. Tho forest service, Tho Klamnth Forest Protective Association und the Indian fOrest service, are co operating in thu cno.itructlon of new lines lo "complelo u lelophonu system that 'Will bo nblo to touch everybudy or timber in Klamath county. This lino extension work will bo completed this summer. COUNTY PRISONERS ARE BEING SENT TO Mill TNniWAH T All ; To relieve cngcUon In thu city , " ' " "" , , ,1 a sirs rte; JTTXZFSiZZ r conrl huvo como to tiu nnroi'iin nl with the hoard of commissioners of Multnomah county whereby Klamath county prisoners may bo Incarcerated I In the Multnomah Jail nt lite rain 01 $1 per prisoner per duy. Tho prisoner,! to bo taken lo Port land nro ltoy Tunksloy, Peter Cross lin. Kd RusRel, Leonard Moore, D. Llifow null II. A. Johnson. Sheriff Low will wall until prisoner's indict ed by tho grand Jury muko their ulcus on Tuesday at 2:30 p. 111. It any prRioners aru sentenced to servo terms 111 iiiu huhu i,i:iiii.-niit.,, will tnlto them to Snltin on his trip to Portland. ARMY FLIERS LAND . AT AMRICA ON TRIP AMHICA, China, Juuu 7. The Ainerleun army globe flyers nrlv od from ahunghul, at 4:30 p. m. to day. All threj iplanos, pilots nnd mochati'lcj nro in good cotidllion nf ter tho GOO mllo flight which wns complelod In nine hours und 4i lnln utoa. Thoy plun to hop oft Tor Hong kong at 8 o'clock In tho morning. STREETCAR STRIKE MAY MAR CONCLAVE CLI'iVULANI), June 7. With the republican nnliounl' convention only thrno days away, Cleveland faces 11 Htroot car Ho-ttp. T-voiity-threo hun dred motormoti iiniN conductor" voted to strlko ut midnight Tues day, tho day the convention, opoiui, unions tho compnny grants a twelve cont un hour wago Increase, awarded by tho arbitration board Tuesday. CRATER ROUTES ARE ON CLEAR Snow Has Fallen Past Few Days But Roads Clear Is Report Leaplto 11 half .Inch of (.now that fell In Crater Lake national par1, Iiihi night, tho three roads leading to the Crater rim are open to mo tor traffic uccordlng to udvlce over long distance phone from Crat-'r Lake Lodge this morning. Generally gpcuking the condition of Klamuth statu highway has not materially changed during the post week. Owing to roud construction on tho (Jreon Springs hlgbwuy be tween Hpgneer runch and llayduti mountain It la necessary for holiday motorists to alow down to 20 miles an hour over the lose gravel In some sections of tho road. Pacific Highway Portland, Oregon City, Salem, Al bany, Karrlsburg, Junction City, Kugene, Coltugo Grove, Koscburg, Grunts Pusa, Mcdford, California State Line: Paved entire distance except botwecn Ilarriwiurg and Junction' City which is food maca- dam. Kree county ferry ucrosa Wli- lumeiiu river 111 nurriauurg. Itepalra being to Winston bridge, 6 miles south of Itoseburg. Closed ut 2 n minute intervals be tween 8 n. m. und 5 p. 111. Night traffic advised to drive slow on ue count or rough condition of deck. Albany-t'orvnlllN lllglmny Albany-Corvnllls: On account of concrete paving operations tho West Side roulo ia closed to nil traffic. Tako east sldo route crossing Wll Inmolte river nt Corvallla. Macatlain Ijod and In good nindttlrn, .,' , ".Miainl-Tlllnmook-Ilebo, part pav ed, balanco good uiHcndum. II')bo Ncskowln: flood macadam 'i "'!le "o1""1 of Ncskowln. bul- "f u,l,r ''oue,rut,1)1a ItoOKCvcIt Const HUliMny Coon nml Curry Counties Lukesldo-North li-iud: Open und In fair condition. North lleud-Marshfleld and Co qullle: Paved. . Co(uilIo-ljuudou: Kui'th roud open nnd passable. Murshflcld-Unndoii ivlj Seven Devils Itoutc): Open ur.d in fair condition. Ilnndou, Port Orford, Arizona Inn Kxcellent inaendam. Arlrnnu Inn, Hold lieui-h, Drook- (Continued on Pngo Knurl STATE IS SETBACK IN WALKER'S CASE BY COURTS RULING POltTLAMI, J linn 7. The prose cution uftctcd fetbaeks toduy ill the trlul or How Wulker lliiough a i-rlltur liv liult'i, ('.'miiiiIiiM cualnst I , r ....1 'lug the alleged $S..'U() which the itato contend l-.nglneer Moineis i i ' IhiVj. a.i1i1iv .1 Wm nil. t-niurarrnr. , ,' . j cwvcraallon he K,1,lt'(',U 9 PRISONERS TO GO ON TRIAL TUESDAY lno prisoners, liulilcted by the Klamath county grund J"'', wore uiralKiied this morning at 10 o-ulbck In the circuit court before JuiIr.i A. I.. Leavltt. Following tho rending 1 ,1 1 ...... .... I I. i.i.i.h ,.ii.i, .llirlfe(, I , lmo ,' pl.lson. ... ... I... .l.i.t.. ..I ..... .... Timaflni- 8 ., , ' ' The prisoners arraigned. e,e The pr , .oners tirrnlgned wefe C-.,:- ..... , i,.,,;,u qv.iii,.v -.., ,.i .... 1 1 p.,. i... riviMi .nlliiA .lames .n' n'1'....'jlsm' Prlen """ " Alice Z. Tloell linusoKoepor, WAR FINANCE NOW FACING NEW PROBE WASHINGTON', Juno 7. ilnvos:: gnllon of transactions of tho war finance corperiillon particularly a regards alleged favoritism In deal ings with Senator Gooding, Republi can of Idaho, was ordered lodny by the anna to on a motion of Gooding. OREGON GIRL GETS ARTS SCHOLARSHIP CHICAGO, Juno' ". Agues Nixon of Urownlne, Ore,, Baker County, has been awarded tho Uyron La Ihrop scholurnhlp curryln with It $800 by tho Art Institute of Chica go. 8he Is a Btuiieni in ine scnooi of seulpltirp. j Bids to Build 2 Schools for ' County Ready Brick Structures to Be Erected at Lorella and Lower Poe Valley f Bid for tho construction of two now school building und u one-room addition to the school building at Mai In wero opened ut a special meet ing of tho county school bourd. The bid of Charles 0. Withers on r. 11 thrin Join wo 'accepted by the board and construction will start wiialn tho next few weeks. On tho two tthool housca W iner submitted a Ibid for a frame building and a bid 1 lor u brick building. Tho bid for a brick building was chosen by the board I" both ca.n. Mr. Wiitliem bid fl'Tl for tho con atructlon of a brick cchool house at l.orella. Ula bid for a frama build ing wim 1 3; 11.' Kor the new achool in Poo Valley Mr. Wlthera bid $3G71.ti8 for a brick structure and S3411.SS for a frame structure. The bid for tho Malln addition Including excavation vaa accepted ut $2154 Tho difference between tho bid on the frame and brick achool buildings waa $260 In each bid. The school board plan on having the two new buildings and the addition ready for occupation by next fall. TOKIO IRS ARE mm m Gang of Ruf f itiis Break Up Dance Attsnded By For eign Colony TOKYO, June 7. Uang3 of Ron! "political ruffians" tonight forced several motion picture shows exhib iting American films lo close. Anti Amcrlcnu feeling here haj reached a serious liclghl. Ruffians broke up a Saturday night dauco at the Im perial hotel which was attended by many members of ho forolgn com munity, with a demonstration against tho American immigralhyi exclusion law. Entering .when tho dance was. at Its height 30 Itonl took possession of the dauco floor and made bitter sine: profane Anti-American speeches which they punctuated by dances with swords drawn. Two American women fainted. The police made no move to halt the demonstration though they knew of the plans for It since S o'elorl: In ho nftornoon. Demon 'trillions are part of a move planned to evict nil Americans rrom tho country. jWOCUS VALLEY HAS j WARFARE ON PESTS Uy vlruu of scientifically scatter ing poiHon in Infested spot-s, Edward (ieary mid .Kverett (ioary have prac tically wlpt'd out gc.isihoppi-i'a In Wocu's Valley. The two men worked over the territory carefully and their efforts iworo met with great success. AVoclis Valley was formerly knor- as Wocuh mursh. but tho former ap pellation has been disoard?d. Diking and diulnago has clianged the land from an unproductive limrsn to n fortllo bottom land valley. PASTOR SPEAKS ON CRIME WAVE TOPIC The ltev. T. A. .Merywcather of W" U. Is dl- f "', ""r""1, f,1 ""v '? iKocial Service ill the District ol East- I '"'" Oregon Due to his studies Into I Dellology und crime, his sermon to- ...mnine will Im of hlterrel " . , . 1 l 110 tOillc IS, I ue v. 1 one .wi.e aiiu UollgUin." The problem of crime, particularly among .voung people, is a tremendous problem racing the country today, tho local ptwtor believes. VACATION SCHOOL PLANS POSTPONED Owing to v. oik neces sary In preparation of the e.iurso, the vacation Bible whnols that are to bo held In Klamath Kails dur ing the summer months hnvo been nostnonod tor 0110 month. The classes will be held .by the Presby terian and Episcopal chinches and will be under tho dlrooilon of I. O. Addieott of Berkeley. Cullf. Air. Addlcott Is lime now and will re main until the close of tho vnen linn schools. GER E TERM OE COURT IS Thirty-Two Names on List That Will Appear June 16, Is Order . Suh-pocnas are being served on thlrty-otio tcntativo jurors drawn -as the Jury ,anc-l for tho Juno, .1824, term of the circuit court by Sheriff I.Ioyd Low and C. K. Do Lap. The panel will report In the circuit court rooms June 16 at 10 a. m. , PunH i Listed. The following Is tho panel: Kdward Havillna, farmer, Malln. W. E. Clements, bookkocjer, Klam ath Falls. Harold Christy," logger. Klamath Falls. Alice Z. Goellcr, hopsekeeper, Klamath Falls. W. A. Brock, farmer. Crescent. Floyd Greeley, laborer, Klamath Falls. s C. E. Draw, farmer, Olene. George Beck, farmer, Hlldebrand John Ackley, lumberman, Keno. Chas Pickett, farmer, Malln." Cheater DoLap, farmer, Klamath Falls. Oliver Dewa, lineman, Klamath Falls. Cecil Connolly, farmer.-forclla. Oscar Burch, farmer, Ft. Klamath. Henry II. Craliam, farmer, Al- goma. . '. E. Bdwdoin, printer, Klamath Falls. . II. J. Gordon, stockman. Ft. Klam ath. Robert S. Fry, U. R. S., Klam ath .Falls. Cleo. W. Hratton, merchant, Klam ntlt I'allfj. . f CbiiBr puughC farmer, Malln; ' -Y Blanche Agcr, farmer. Keno. John Zblnden, farmer, Malln. Fred D. Dunbar, Insurance, Klam ath Falls. H. E. Pelts, merchant, Klamath Falls. Matt Fassett, laborer, Klamath Falls. Lucilo Barnes, housekeeper, Klamath Falls. Cha?. Ager, farmer, Midland. Theodore D. Young, rancher, Mid land. Geo. Boyd, farmer. Sly. Con Curtln. stockman, Klamath Falls. William Green, farmer, Klamath Falls. Ocar Shivc. banker, Klamath F.1II3, drawn In place of Theodore D. Young, who Is out of tho state. V. W. Baldwin, merchant, Klam ath Falls, drawn ih place of Chester Dcl.ap, who has served within the past year. PHONE DIRECTORY SOON WILL BE OUT The new telephone directory for Klamath and Luke counties Is ready for publication -and fwjtl soon ha distributed to subscribers, according to It. K. Crego, manager of tho Pa cific Telephone und Telegraph com pany here. The directory showing many additional scribers is indica tive of -tho growth of Klamnth since (lie publication of tho last directory, the manager states. Crews of the telephone company huvo started work on tho rebuilding of the Altaniont local line. New poles and wires uro being Installed In this section. BUDGET PREPARED ON CHAMBER WORK Preparation ot tho the Klamath county budget for chamber of commerce for the coming fiscal year Is now under way and a meeting of the rinatiee committee will be held Monday to discuss the tenta tive budget tout has beon outlined. This will be the largest develop ment year In the history of the local chumber. and plans will be made to obtain tho necessary funds lo carry on tho program ot the or ganization. ALUMNI ATTEND AT GRADUATION EVENT Several alumni ot the -Oregon Agricultural college of Klamath county are planning to he present ut Corvallis for tho annual com nienccmint ot the institution. In vMetlons for tho firty-flfth event which will close Monday have been received here. Nearly 400 seniors will bid fare well to tho collcgo at 'the annual commencement starting yesterday and endi'ag with graduation cere monies June 9. Hundred ot nlitmni are expected back for their class reunions held at tho same time. PANEL FOR UN HERE DRAWN HOUSE IS OPPOSED TO SENATE IN PLAN FOR RECLAMATION WAMIJXGTOX, Juuo T. Tbo aenate reclamation rider to the deficiency appropriation bill Ut carry out recommendation of Becrctary Work' fact-finding commission, waa rejected today by the house and sent back to conference a few boar before adjournment. Tho house also rejected thu senate amendment pioporing expenditure of $(!, 100,000 on six irrigation pro jects including HI, 250.000 for Owyhee, cf Oregon-Idaho, and i"H),000 for Warm Hprlngs, Oregon. WASH1SGTOX, June 7. Conferee on tlie deficiency ap propriation bill met today in an effort to adjust difference between the House and Senate but reached no agreement at the first session on the Senate reclamation "rider" which is in line with recommendations of Secretary Work' fact finding , commission. House conferees on the defi ciency appropriation bill report ed a disagreement" today over the senate reclamation amend ment and Chairman Madden of the house asked that they be supported by a formal vote of membership. . .Representative Sinnott, of Oregon, offered a preferential motion that the senate amendment be accepted but a roll call was delayed by lack of a quorum. MACLEAN CHARGED AS MURDERER WHEN WIFE STARTS SUIT TACOMiA, June 7. That Kenneth Ross Maclean, son of A. B. Maclean. Tacoma grocer, and not Nettle Volk Maclean, his girl wife, smothered to death their infant girl in Bruuswlck. Maine, lost February, beat and kick ed Jjlif'-Trife into "iujenslblllty and then abandoned her, is charged in suits filed today by the wife in su perio rcourt here. One seek di vorce, the other is against A. B. Maclean and wife demanding $35, 000 damages for alienation of af fections. COUNTY CLUBS ARE MAKING TRIP PLAN In the neighborhood of 75 boys and girls of Klamath clubs will laave at 4 o'clock next Saturday morning for Corvallis where they will at tend the two week's course given by the Oregon Agricultural college for tho especial benoflt of members of boys and girls clubs.. The party will leave in automo biles and will be escorted by a state motorcycle ppliceman the entire dis tance. Indicating the increased in terest In club work is the fact that last year 48 attended the course while this year County Club Leader Frank Sexton predicts at least 75. OIL WRANGLE OPEN AGAIN BY SENATOR WASHINGTON. June 7. Bitter j issues or the oil scanuai suuucuiy cauie to tho fore again today when Walsh dought the senate approval of a report written by him and ap proved by a majority ot the oil com mittee. SpenC3r and Lodge object ed to consideration. BLAZE IS REPORTED IN BRUSH NEAR DAM A small fire In the brush near tho -California-Oregon Power com pany dam below Kouo was reported to headquarters of the Klamath ....-... u ...,.. I.... Vnu.wlntir.n here " ' ,", ,h ! l" " h " " " " r. scene of the blaxc had It under con trol before It reaslicd the deusc stand of timber on the slopes of the Klamath river miyon. Cause of tho fire was unknown. MORE TIMBER LAND PURCHASED AT BLY Contlu'.'ully adding to ins timber holdings in tho eastern part of the county near illy, Chester L. Hovey purchased a 1G0 ucro tract of tim ber from Mrs. Martha Woodard for approximately S2."i00. The tract of timber is located In sect-Ion 8, towu ijhlp 118, range 13. ' RAINFALL IS HELP IN UMATILLA AREA PORTI.AM Juno 7. Haiti- coa tlnucd In Eastern Oregon. Pendle ton reported rain last night which will add 15 per cent lo tho wheat crop of Umatilla county. Snow In somo partB of Central Oregon. Mcachnm, on top of the Blue moun tains, reported over eight inche frUlay. . .. E PHYSICAL TEST ' Reports on Examinations of 866 Children are Sub mitted by Nurse . Reports on the physical examin ations of the pupils ot the grade schools of Klamath Fall durlug , the past achool term ; have been completed by Lydla Frlcke, county health nurse. A total of S6S chil dren were examined for various de fects and were weighed and Pleas ured. A total of 112 visits to pu pils at their home were also In-1 eluded in the work tor the term. The report covering the entire examination period list tha different defect a found in the medical ex aminations and also the percentage of the total number who are over weight and underweight. ., . ; Report Is Made The following I the report for., the achool term: No ot pupils measured, welshed and inspected ......... ...84S 10 or more under valght . 10 or more overweight - 4J Not defective 10$ Defects found .'.- Vision .'. 161' Eye . 29 Hearing .-. - - :. , Ears -i 12 Enlarged Tonsils .. - 388 Defect of Nasal Breathing ...108 Teeth .....489 Goitre ..r '. 18 Skin Number of visits to homes of school children, :,..... ;...U8 HONEST JUROR HAS 1 OPINION AND THEN v . TRIAL IS HELD UP When is a Jury a Jury ia the question puzzling , Justice ot the Peace R. A. Emmltt following a point raised by W. P. Meyer In the trial of E. Chllders this afternoon for possession of Intoxicating '.li quor. - ' ' ' . '' ' The Jury for the -Chlldere' case had been chosen before the trial by the usual custom in Justice court proceedings of the attorney foe. the defense and state to each strike three names from a list of it ten tative Jurors drawn from .the. Jury box by the' Justice ot the peace1. Came time for trial and Deputy District Attorney E. L. Elliol,Vked one of the Jurors what his attitude was on prohibition. . .1 : "Well I'll tell you," the honest Jouor replied. "I -would not convict . any man for having a bit of liquor Just for his own use." . Mr. lElllott immediate:', aiioved that the man be dismissed and an other Juror selected from the Jury list. To this suggestion, Mr. Mayers; counsel for the defense, raised strcn uous objection, holding that the le gal Jury had been chosen and that nothing" the court or jitate could da would niter this fact': ' Justice of tho Peace Enuultt, nl lowed Mr. Elliott's motion and then asked Mr. Meyers If he would try; the vaa with five Jouors. . Mr. Meyers stated firmly that he would nt and, In. fact, would try tho case only with thcrrTlglnal Jury, which, he claimed waa the only le gal Jury that could 'be used in this case. . Finally In disgust, Justice Envmltt dlsmlsued the Jury and set June 11. as the dute for trial. Mr. Meyers stated that he would not take part in the drawing of a new Jury nnd n-nnld be onlv satisfied with Mm orig inal Jury selected before the trial, y THYE VICTOR WHEN HE MEETS EDWARDS PORTLAND, Juno 7. Tuye look two out of three .falls from Billy EdViMurds hore last night, in a wrest ling match. ,.-',- -.- ; , THK WEATHEIt Tho Cyclo-Stormugrnph ut Under wood'rt Pharmacy registers a slight ly lower pressure, thla uftornoon, Higher - tempera-, lures will probably prevail tomorrow. Forecast for nnxt 24 hour: Fair end warmer. Tho Tycos record ing thermometer registered ma xl rmum and minimum Uuiuuiaiurus today a follow: ' High - .- ' Low 3i ) GRAD SCHOOLS CHILDREN HAVE