lEtst Published Daily at KLAMATH FALLS "An Empire Awakening" Celebrate With Us JULY 4TH, 5TH, 6TH "A rip, rarin' rodeo" Member of the Ansociated Preas Srvrntcenlli War No. 72M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, J924. PRICE, FIVE CENTS R AMATON MEASURE BY S NATE CHAMBER SUGGESTION w mm . i i mi m ,m Outline of Development Activities are Listed for 4 Membership Muggustvd outlines of the 11101 Important development work fur the Kluinuth Full 11 chamber of rnmmrc (or tlin coming yiMir urn contained It) a report compiled liy tli orwinl sation official from ilulu received on (lUtrntlonHlri to tho meniheriihlp. The Hut of nUKRcstcd pinna, pre pared by tho irogrin of work com tnlttoo of tho chamber, Is being nvnt to the cliumber members with tho riuiit thai a first ami second vhnlro bo marked. In this way It will bo delormlnod the aentlmont or tho chamber member concerning which of tho plum I tho mom im portant of tho development program. Program Offered. Two folloming program has been miggeted: "The followlug suggested program of work hna been outlined from sug gestion which woro submitted on quoetlonnlres filled out at vnrloun forum luncheons. Your program ot work commute wont over each problem carefully" nn, It won found thai. "b majority of tho nucellon aire considered thoto problem ot paramount Importance. Please baar In mind that many other problem loo will come up during tha naxt yar-Jhat will so doubt reoelv tho attention of tho Chamber of C'om tnerce. r 1. Jlulld n community - confer which would include, a gymnasium, library reading room, and au audi torium aultablo for vnrloua com munity aotlvltloa. 2. Contlnuo tho encouragement ot municipal recreation which will provldo auponUilon of nil play ground! In tho city. 3, Initnllatlon of itroot lights In our bualnoaa dlatrlet. 4, .fllolp aolvo tho problom of thn now high acliool. ' 6. fltroot olgna and mad hIrqb throughout tho city and county. 6. Improve municipal camp ground aud encourage vocation oi ramp grounda throughout tho coun ty. ' 7. Land settlement ami tho on couragomont of agriculture In Klam ath county. 8. Continue io work for the Southern Pacific division point In Klamatlt Falls und do everything poearblo to haelon tho conHtruetloti of tho Modoo-Korthern, 0. "Drlng to tho utionilon of the manufacturer who are planning oo expansion, tho advantage or certain factories und romunufnctiiiiug plants being locatotl In Klnmnth Fulls nnd tho county. 10, Knoutirnge tourist travol In Klamath county, and through now papor publicity, lltoratura and m up give out dnlu which mill bring at tention to thin miction ot Oregon. SPEAKER OPPOSES ' , DRY PARTY TAKING PART IN CAMPAIGN COLUMtlUB, Juno O.U. R. Far rli, ot Clinton, Mo., wan nomlnntad for the prealdonoy today by tho pro hibition national convention. - COLUMOUS, Ohio, Juno .Sup porting hln resolution that, tho pro hibition party hud acoompllshad Its aim aiul should not nomlnnto n 1834 national ticket, Robert 11. I'atton. ot Sprtngfllad, 111., today told tho national prohlbtllon con vention that law enforcement hud become tho groat Issue of today. 1 i COIjHMUUH, OMo, June, 0. Tho prohibition nntlouul convention to day volod to contlnuo tho party mtt jjlilnory, .nominate candidates, nnd mako tho iibuiiI epimpulgn for thn principle. THo diilogatos rejected rpBolutlnn t.iy Ttobert jr. l'ntton of Illinois, proponing no ticket bo pinn ed In tho field. ; DOW WALKER TRIAL , RECORDS IN COURT iPORHLANO, Juno (1. Tho etato tnrtoduoed raoardu ot the county commlMlon in the trial today ot Sow V. Walker on bribery oharge, County Dairy Ratings Good Doctor Avers Health Officer Makes Re port to Council on Local Averages Mi mlily rntliiKH of Kliimuth dlllrli'K Hlllimllled In ,ln. illy collll ell by lr. K. I). I, ii mi b. city hvnlth olllei'r, Inillcute u 'ilKlier utiuunird of milk being ilimilb.it.nl In Klnm ath iniiiity during Muy thun In April. Tho average rullnic of dalrlen for th iiionib of April w.u 71.411 per lent. In ..Mny i he iivitiikm rating lumpi'd to 83. TC per r..nl. No dairy In K liim.it h exeeided the high mark of ss per cent for April hut two eiiualli'd thin nun It. Tho marked Improv.iment wiih tR mining of tho lowem poiventage of i3.f per cent during April to 7 per cunt for May. According to Oty Health Officer Dr. I .a nib. the dniiKnr murk of du I lien a reached when an estub HhIi miint lit miilntulnd lit a rating of Oil per cent nr below. Following In llie unnthly rutlim: llollldiiy dairy,' t7 per cent; J. V. Kteveniion, 87 per enl; V, W. (.owl, 78. S; Jon Wruht. K7 pnr cent; M. Del Kntll. per emit; from I ti m dairy, 84.0 per cent; Mary II. William. N5 per rent; Kit Hut ton, si per cent; Miller Hill Dairy. 88 per cent; John ltohumell. 86 per rem; Miiunialn View Dairy, 80 per cent; lOHt niver dairy, 87 per cent; It. F. Heanley, 76 per cnt; II. L. Martin. Dairy, iwr rent; P. K. Klclmnlre darty'7tri percent; Km 11 Aclielsel dufry, 85 i par rentl Npw City creamery. 82 per com. Indian Reservation Units Will Be Sold July 15 Agency States BIiIh on tho North .Miiruli und Long Prulrlo timber units of the Klnmnth, Indian reservation which wero to havo been opened ycHlerday nftornnon at 2 o'clock havo been poHlponott till July 15, following receipt of an order from tho Indian sorvke tocelved nt Kliimnth Agency. On tho Long Prulrlo unit, the tribal Htundlng timber In CHtlmulud ut 385,000,000 foot. .On this unit I here la iiIho 10,000,003 feet of al lotment tmlber. The vallinuted tim ber atiind on tho N'orth .Marsh unit It 306,000,000 feot. IteiiKon for postponement of the bids Him not known by nuthorltln ut Klnmnth ugency, LEOPOLD AND LOEB INDICTMENTS SENT IN BY GRAND JURY CHICAGO, June 0. Tiao Indict ments, charging J.oopold and Loob with kidnapping far ransom nnd murder, woro roturnnd today by the grand Jury. Detailed' confesdlons of tho youths nro published by . the stnto'a attorney. ROTARY DELEGATE LEAVES FOR MEET WHIson S. 'Wiley, accompanied hy IiIh son WHkoii, Jr., left for Toronto, Citnitdii, yestoi'dny uftornnnn to at lend Iho Hntni'y ilnternntlnnnl con vent Ion ii.i delegate from tho liicul Itiitury cliili. Mr. Wiley nccompiinien Trod A. linker no far as Portland and tvim to have tnkon it train en.-t today. (In piling on being way for n month and will visit several largo eastom ellles uflor thn eluso nt the Riiinry convention. DAWES REPORT HAS VOTE IN REICHSTAG iBBRLIN, Julio 0. Tho Reichstag today approved by a vote ot 247 to 18.1 the position ot the government in favor ot the Dw report. TIMBER TRACTS 810 POSTPONED E IS TOLD TO ROM Rejuvenation of Investment Company Here Is Plea Of Speaker Mmum fur I he uverjiKo man und woiiiuii to coiiHlruct u 1ionii. on the deferred laymeiu plun und u pro gram Of rej ivellatliin or tint Klum a III Home llulldrn Investment Com pany, T"! omllneil today before the Itotuly Club by Jnnic llollund, of Havre, Montnnn who fititered ihe orgiiiiUatlon hi're In 192 1. According to Mr. Iloll.ipd t!n lueiil I'ompuily built, during his ntiiy here al Hull, time, a total of three liouiies. I'pon li's leaving, hoMKVer, ihu move ment via mil promulgated und us a conieiiueuce the company liAo lain dormant. It Is tho preiient plun to tilmulutu new liiteri.it, Untarlunn were told. As a mi unit of building UP a city, re taining ileslrud resident mid uttract ing tb.i right s'Iuma of new ones, Mr. llollund declares that the homo build er could he nc, to remnrknble advnni:ige. . I'lnii U Oiillliusl. In Havre, ho aiild, thn company had construeted 110 homes, and the lock had regularly paid u dividend of 8 per cent per annum. That the amo result could bo brought about here and Klamath Fall benefit In a like degree, iho epeaksr had no doubt, Hie. Iloliuiid anuounced that he .would romatn in K lit ninth Falls un til tha company could bo placed upon Its feet and properly f nnc'.loninR. Ho explained that his presence here was nt lil.i own expense and due sole ly to n deslro to see mutters ad Justed. Ho nuked Ilotnrlans to give their moral support toward starling tho company away on the right rosd. McNARY SUPPORTS PENSION MEASURE FOR SPANISH VETS Senator Charles McN'ury has wired II. W. Itnlhluny, adjutant of the lo cal cump. rnlted Spanish Whr Vet oranj, that he voted against adjourn ment of tho Semite until the Dorsum bill, re-Introduced since voto by the president, was given consideration. Ho alo mentioned that his vote was ncgutlvcly recorded for the purpose of giving consideration to reclama tion relief. The Ihu sum bill provided for in croancd pensions to veterans of tho war with Spuln. Since congress adopted the bonus measure over the prcjldcnt's veto signature, Spaniih war veturans havo been nis:sient that congress be consistent nnd pint their relief meaciurj. As the senate will adjourn tomor row, however, there Is llttlo expect ancy that this mill occur. Senator McXary'B vole, nevertheless, Mr. nnthluny poluls out, should be re membered ns favorable to tho vet erans. MANY CANDIDATES ASPIRE FOR HONOR OF QUEEN OF RODEO Additional candidates tor the honor ot election as queen ot the annual llodoo contlnuo to bo filed at tho local office. Tho complete list so far roported Includes, Violet Darling, Ino Jenkins, Mnxlne Bradbury, Lttln Hans-.Mi, Bertha Hnrrptt, .loan McDonald, tTlnrbara Owen, Martlin I'PP, Chlovor Llndsey, Irene Fplsom, N'ollle Clieyne, Avis Dames, Kllraheth Itnmsby, (loldle Wholstono aiil Bernleo Howard. Voles are now on sivlo and the ballol boxes hnvo been placed In tho business district. The boxes nro nt. Hales, Ilne Tree Hurt Liberty Ihenlres, Club Cafe, Owl Cnfe, Blue Hlrd', Hector's and lit tho Itodeo officii at tho downtown offleo of tho Sonthorn Pacific. LIGHT RAINFALL IN STATE BRINGS HOPE POtlTLAXD, Juno C Light rain fall hero nnd throughout tho male tills morning, broke ji drought of months, All points reported that mueh more rain li needed It crops are to bsnotiti 1 PRDMOTQN Grade School Exercises of Closing Held Pupils Receive Their Diplo mas at Event Held This Forenoon The eradii schools of th.j city held their oluhth grade graduation excr- lelses this nun iilni; at l) o'clock at the I'lrn Tree iln-aler. A large audl tneii i;f fr'ends und r.dutlvc.i of the giaciimlps filled the thcateT, und 83 pupil i rnnilvd their diploma.?. The I'locesslonul March from Queen of Hhoba was iplayed by Mrs. Cha. Wood Kharleln, lh graduates march ing l) twos In Impresjiv.i order. The iiinovution was offered by the llcv. T. A. Meryweather, fjllowing which m an orgaa eolo, Keaiitifully rendered by Us. Kberleln. The oration by liobrt Claye "Tho onstliiitloii of the Called State" spoke well for the' future eloquence of tbc young orator. Two solos by Claudia tiplnk. ac companied by Mlas Margaret Wor den "Hain," and "A Heart That's Kreff," wery.-ioai tlly applauded. The com '. ii Anient uddreu fol lowed, dnlUi ..Hi by Ceo. A. BrL'Coe. superintendent of the Ashland schools. Mr. Brisroe spoke eloquea'. ly. appealing to the natural Instincts of Hie young graduates to go on accumulating knowledge. to be willing to Haerlflco transitory pleas ures for A higher education obtained at high school suj university. Following -1!ie address, tho pupils ot the 7th grade of tho Central! School preiented a Mother Goose Arabesque, ;dnlightful Utllo co talu for trt'bfo voices, accompaiil.'d by tlss Warden. Supt. J. P. Wells picsonled the diplomas, wiili upprnpriute rotnarkj on the lmiortnnce of thn occasion to tho pupils who liuve now completed their grammar achnol course and are about to tep across tho threshold in to a new life opening to them in their future high school carpers. MELLON DENIES Treasury Secretary Opens Fire On Allegation of Means In Probe WASHINGTON. June 6. Secre lury .Mellon today eutered'a formel denial of charges leveled against his conduct of the treasury department by c.iijlon II. Means, in a letter to Uie Daugherty committee Mellon denied in detail Mean's story about his Investigation Into tho report that Mellon had agreed to i.-sue whisky withdrawal iiermits to Rex Sheldon, of .New rk. lit returu for money to help make np the deficit of tho Republican N'atlonnl committee. CALIFORNIA FRUIT IS ARRIVING HERE First shipments of California citrus fruit products eince the lift ing of the Oregon mbargo due to! tho foot and mouth disease In the! south aro now , 'arriving In this city. Yesterday tho Wood-Curtis ' wholesale commission house here! received n full carload of oranges and lemons from California. The citrus fruit Is coming from areas o California that are free of the epiioodic. It is reportod that with thn announcement nf the ralstnc of tho bnu at tho Oregon border that I many large fruit shipments were! started toward tho north. I I CAR IS REPORTED STOLEN AT PLANT 1 llcpou wco Hindi" to Hid police today by Charles AV. Tower, employe of the Cflllfornla-Oregou Vower com pany, thnt some time early this morn ing his Chevrolet cnupo hnd been stolen whllo It wan parked In the vicinity of Iho plant. Thn car cur ries California llconse numbev I,0u3-Bi"0, Tower states that he left the car about fi , m., and It was found mining t T . m, LIQUOR CHARGE COOPS OUTLOOK OF KLAMATH ARE GOOD THIS YEAR Farmers , on Reclamation Projects Will Have Fine Return Is Estimate By virtue of a large demand for their products and an exceptionally good year for crops, water users on tho Klamntb reclamation project will experience a prosperous year. Is tho opinion of tho local bureau of reclamation and the county agent's office. Despite tho fact that the rainfall ill Klamalh has been slight during the late winter and spring, the Link river dam has been the means of storing of sufficient water in Klamath lake to allow a regular flow of water through the Irrica tlon district during the entire summer. :fad there been no dam, tho snow .. ii rs of e .rly spring would h . nOr. bet. 3 saved for the emergency ot a dry summer such as Klamath is now experiencing.- Present indications point to a very gord alfalfa crop. Two cuts of alfalfa tire assured and on many Klamath basin ranches, three cuts nro predicted. Tho market for al falfa is particularly good owing to the long )ierlod of dry weather In California and good prices are as sured farmers. ;r More Potato Acreage Tj..G-cent laureate o po.. lato acreage over last year will also m,ean many dollars In the pockets of Klamath basin farmers, authori ties point out. The demand ior Klamath potatoes is' great and he market price will undoubtedly guar antee a comfortable profit to potato producers. I ' , Ot tho three principal products, grain has the poorest outlook. The grain crop is far below normal on irrigated land and on un irrigated land is practically negligible. Coupled with this fact are reports ot n largo grain crop In Riissra which, whon placed on the market will lower the International market price. ' Klnmnth will bo tha nearest source of supply for California, which will probably exhaust this source before looking to other sec tions. POSTAL TEST TO BE HELD IN CITY SOON The I'nlted States Civil Service Commission announces a post office clerk-carrier examination, to be held on July 5. 1924, for the purpose of establishing an eligible register from which selections may bo made to fill vacancies as they may occur In the position of clerk or carrlor, post office service. Klamath Falls, Ore gon, salary $1,400 per annum; sub stitute service 60 ceflts an hour. All citizens of the Vnited States who meet the requirements, both men and women, may enter ti'Je ex amination; appointing officers, how ever, have the legal right to specify the sex desired in requesting; certifi cation of eliglbles. Ago limits, IS to 45 years on the dato of tho exam ination. Age limits do not apply to persons entitled to preference on ae eo'.'nt of military or naval service. MAN DEAD AND TWO HURT IN AUTO JAM SA1.F..M. Juno 6. Ham- Tuck man, ot 1'ortland died early today at j a hospital. 1.. Simon and 11. I-ovin a! io of Portland, are suffering minor injuries as tho result ot an onto truck ueeldent on Reynolds hill near Indcpcndcnca Inst night. SCHOOL ELECTION TO BE ON JUNE 16 On .In iin 16, u school election will bo In Id in Klnmnth Falls to eleel two director to tho city school board. The directors whoso termii expire are C. R. DeLap and Fred Fleet. I'll to tho present the board has not announced any other Issue to be put heforo the nubile. Both DcLnp nnd Fleet havo signi fied that they will run again tor di rector, No other candidate ha thrown hli hat 10 the ring, Preparations Made for Elks Honor to Flag Street to Be Closed to Traffic During Annual Event Next Week To provide for the accomodation of the Kuests ot the Klamath Falls lodge of Elks at tho annual Flag Day ceremony to be held at the IJ.. P. O. E. building Saturday eve ning, June 14, the city council and police department nre making ar rangements for the loping oft of a part of Main and Third streets dur ing the affair. Main street between Third and fourth streets and Third street between Main and Pine streets will be closed to vehicular traffic starting at 7:30 o'clock p. m. until the close of the ceremony. The details of the annual pro gram are now being completed and W. O. Smith has been selected tc preside at the ceremony. Stanley Myers, district attorney of MuK noniah county, will mike the prin cipal address. H. E. Gets, comman r'r of . the American Legion post, will read, the history oC the flag. Music for the affair will be pro vided by the Elks band. The cham ber of commerce quartet will also be on the program. The Copco pow er officials here will arrange special lights at the entrance ot the Elks building where the ceremony will be held. Seats are to be provided for about 400 people In the street before the B. P. O. E. building .is the report of the committee in charge nf the program, lor tne affair.. .. s r Approximately $40,000 In volved in Court Case Decision A judRmcnt involving approxi mately MO.000 has been handed deevn by Circuit Judge A. L. Leavitt in the mortgage foreclosure case of tho Geary Investment company vs. J. W. Siemens ct al. Plaintiff al leged that on August 2, 1920, the defendant delivered p:a;ntlft six promissory notes. The decree stipu lates that the Geary investment com pany recover $35,160. In nddition the Judgment states that six per cent interest be charged on $3000 from August 2, 1922; that six per cent Interest be charged on ?S.160 from March 24, 1923; that six per cent Interest be charged ot, $27,000 from August 2, 1922; that detentlunt pay plaintiff's attorney's fees ot. $3,800; that mortgaged prop erty be sold to satisfy the judg ment; that tho plaintiffs Hen against the property, bo considered a first and prior Hen and that defendant pay all costs nhd disbursements. CHAMBER DISPLAY BOOST HOME PLAN As an aid In the "own your own homo" campaign hero an attractive exhibit is now being Installed at the offices of the local chamber of com merce through the co-operation of Klamath FC11 post of tho American l.rglon. Tho display which will con tain Information on tho advantages of this county and city In addition to pictures nnd house plans, Is homed In n specially built setting of a section ot a frame ibungnlow. Tho display, although only partly completed, .ha drawn considerable complimentary comment from tour ists that atop at the chamber. MASONS GOING FOR GRAND LODGE MEET As delegates from tho Klamath chapter of the A. F. A. M Aselst nnt Postmaster It. L. Griffith, E. T. Hlgglnson, and Harry Prather nni leaving Sunday morning for Port land to attend the grand lodge con vention. Tho delegate plan to bo In Portland sll ot uit wmU. JUDGMENT FDR GIVEN VOTE DP HOUSE ALSO EXPECTED TO APPROVE ACT Legislation of Benefit . To Klamath County Farm- v, ers Gets Action Y WASHIXGT.OX, June 6. Reclamation 1 legislation va' voted late last night by the Senate which, upon motion of Senator flooding, Republican of Idaho, attached the bill em bodying the recommendations, of Secretary Hubert ; Works' fact-finding commission to the pending deficiency bill. The. senate gave its aooroval ' to both. The House is expected to pass a similar" reclamation measure today. ,f The measure affording relieB to settlers on reclamation pro jects would provide the estab lishment of a bureau of recla- mation.in the interior depart ment and., readjustment ' ot water charges, which would be based on the average esti mated crop , .value- extended over a period of years, Settlera on new'.;, projects... would ba given a much longer, time than at present in which to pay off the charges. ! Deficiency bill carries $200,000,000 . of which, $131,S43,000 is for meeting the firstVcar's cost of the soldier's bonus. . - , , FOREST FIRES ARE CHECKED IN STATE PORTLAND, June 6. Forest fires which have been sweeping the tim ber in Tillamook county near ei right, and which yesterday threaten ed the Booth-Kelly Lumber mill at Wcndllng, Lane county, was report ed under control today as the result ot rainfall and the desperate effort) of fire tighten. T Portland Operative Arrest ed With Woman y Pleads Innocence PORTLAND, June 6. L. R,p it. Pierce special prohibition agent, and Mr. Dolly Quartler were arretted early today At the woman's apart ment on a : disorderly conduct charge. Trial Is set for Tuesday. Pierce Insisted he Was at the room to .protect the woman from Tier hus band. William Quartler, the hus band, wa,? arrested later charged! with assault upon Mike Kuans, who had deposited ball tor the release ot Pierce and Mrs. Quartler. ' ; LEGISLATION NOW IS BEING CLEARED WASHINGTON, June 0. A bill providing 11 permanent national re forestation policy .passed tha sen ate today, . . , ... WfA ft H.I NGTON, June . sHonse resolution looking to general down ward revision, of railroad freight rates, especially In regard to farm, products, paseed the ioue today; WASHINGTON. June . Pre. dent L'oolldge today elgnod the bill to establish fishing reserves In Al aska and to effect other miaiursa to conserve the salmon f liberie t ihs territory, , ,-. . , . .. DRY LAW AGEN LANDED IN JI