Equal Rights, Equal Justice, are the Twin Pillars of Democracy rA Million a Month i Is Klamath County $ Industrial Payroll Member of the Associated Presi Seventeenth Year No. 7220 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1924 PRICE, FIVE CENTS 1bXS&ttXXWL WORK TO START ON ERECTION OF NEW Excavation Under Way For Business Block on Main Street Work oil tho excavation of llio basomeut (or o now Main street busi ness block has been started by Charles Hwlngler on his properly adjoining t lie John Campbell hard ware store. Although deflnltn plans of tho building huvo uni yet been nnouucod Hie tentative clolnllH con template a two-story store building or brick with a full basement. AlthouKli work on the excavation will bo done at oiiro ami iliu bono mont and foundation work coinplelod It Is not oxpocted thut the building will bo ready for occupancy beforo tho end of Ills present year, font to lx :tO,HM. Tho nits hn n Main trect fronl as of 23 fort and a depth of 90 feet to tho alloy In tho roar. Tho pro pound bulldlliK will Involvo a finan cial outlay of approximately 130,000, it tho roport. Tho alto of tho new building with an adjoining I t of Hliullur dlmon alona owned by Henry lloran linn born vacant for tho pn:it two yoar lnco a former building tm'it u u rooming liouno Wan destroyed by ure. llulldlnic operations In the Khun alh Falls business district nro ex poctod to allow considerable develop mont during tho romlug summer, judging br tho opinion of local con tractor who have been nuked to con sider aovoral project thut uro still In tho tentative state. Halrsroum I'lnnned. A salesroom to bo used for auto moblloi will bo oroctod early during tho coming opting by lr. A. A. Koulo, on tho Ep.anado between Wall and Spring. Kxcnvntlon bus boon bogun, and tho delay In build ing la occasioned by tho necessity of Initios tho ground settle beforo erect ing a permononi atritcture. JUSTICE EM MITT RECEIVES HONOR -ON ANNIVERSARY Twenty-alx nioro hlrlhdnys to (to. and then a fow morn for good nieus uro! Thnl'o tho wish of tho friends of II. A. lCmmltb, Justice of ponce, who today la colobrntlng liU sevunty fourih blrthdiiy. and declares tie fee It jut a gay M hu did upon touching hla majority. Juallco of Peace Km in lit hae a hunt of frlendri and co-workers at tho court ho nee who aro extending con gratulation. A parly last night ut tho Kmmltt homo on l'lno street oorvod to bring together a number of old timers who exchanged romln eseensea on the time when Klumnth Fulls was known a Llnkvlllo im tho moro thought of a motor yrlvoii car wus regarded as Just "too rldlcu Ioim to bo countenanced." Tho county official cam to this dlBtrlct' fifty-four years ago, and ix years aftor his arrival ho married. Mr. and Mrs. Emiultt plan to obsorvo tholr goldou wedding anniversary uoxt May. Flvo boxes of clgurs and n hunu tlful plpo wnro among tho gifts giv en to tho Jusllco no It may bo read ily seen ho l not an ardent worker In tho cnuno of thn unll-tobacconlst leaguo. ROTARY CLUB WILL HAVE PROGRAM FOR LUNCHEON SESSION KJamath Kails Rotury club will hold Its regular noon luncheon moot ing tomorrow nt tho dining room of tho chamber of cominurco and. a Hpcclnl memorial program in honor of tho military dead Is being plunn ed for tho nrriilr. Tho aeomplntn program linn not yet boon prepared but tho coimnlltoo 111 churgo announces that prominent dpenkors will be present and an ap proprlnto miialcul program will also ho prouoiilud. CATTLE SALE SLOW IN PORTLAND MART PORTLAND, May 2D. Catllo, alow, weak; hogs slow, weak to u iiuurlor lower; top grade $7.40 to 7.Gri. i Sheop atondv; oggs, butter and butlorrut, steady. Hard white whent, 11.1 5. Western Ited, $1.04. "thio whathkk U'lw ('veil, -Hturmiiui mill at I'nder- wood's I'hnrinacy allows that baro- metrli: conditions have changed but little slnco limt re port. A continua tion of present weather conditions In Indicated. Forecast for next II ; t"lf a-l Kulr with moder- II L ' l I nl" wh"lM ' IX I I lv warmer. Tho Tycos record ing thermometer registered innxl ni u in and minimum lemperulurm to day as follows n Klgh, 88 i tiw, 43. County Clubs Will Display During Fair Fine Exhibit Is Promissd by Boys and Girls Organizations Some of tho bent potato dleplars at tho unuunl Kluiiiuth county fair tilts your will bu presented by tho boys and glrln clubs, Is tho uunounco inuiit of Frank Bexton, county ciuo leader. TJllrtv bnvs. nieuibnru nf llin county cIiiIm, linvo planted 2400 pouniin or cm tilled ueeteu gem po tatnis mid thin crop will bo ready for exhibit for the annual fulr In Beploinber, thn louder reports. Tho glrlii club will also have die plays of rooking and sowing and this exhibit will bo very attractive. .Mr. Kexlon stntes. Owing to the quarantine ngulnnt thn foot and mouth dmcuKo thero Is omit doubt as to tho extent of the cattle displays by tho clubs, but any luck In this department will be tn.ido up for In tho other dmplnys, be re ports. LITHIANS WILL BE HOST TO KLAMATH VISITORS AT BALL Kroin the l.lthlaim or AMhinnd comes nn Imitation to the promot ers of the Klamath Kails I'elicuns to attend a grund ball to be held ut Ashland next Wednesday evening following tho close of the celebra tion on the Klamath Kalls-Ashland hlKhwuy. V. I). Miller, grand high flrz. and J. II. Fuller, effvrvosronce, of the Lllhluiui are urging tho bom.t ers for tho new Klamath marcr.lng club to come over and get acquainted with tholr brothers at Ashland. Although tho I'elfran club pluus have not yet been deflnlloly outlined the plan is meetlnw with 'much en tliiKliinni, according to offleluls of the chamber of commerce here, and muny suggestions in reganl to ofri clal tltlcn and stylo of uniform for I ho contemplated club nro being of fered. UNIVERSITY GR ADS ....... HERE WILL TALK ON FINANCE CAMPAIGN Kobort Kuykundull of Portland, chairman of tho stntu-wldo campaign of the t nlversity of Oregon nlunini, will arrive hero this ufteriiooii tu confer with former l'. of O. students concerning tho driio to rabio tne building 1 ii ml. Tho cuiupnlgn has been a big suc cess throughout the ntnto uud over $:(I0,UU of tho 11,000,000 goal has already been rea.ied. Tho response In Klamath county has not yet inn the expectations of the alumni, is the report of John Houston, local chairman. Although neveral havu already turned in tholr pledges there are mill tunny mora to bo obtained ami a strong endeavor to Intercut the alumni is to bu tttarted, Mr. Huns ton states Although plans have not yet been completed it is oxpectod that a meet ing will bo culled at which tlmo Mr. Kuykeudnll will Im tho principal ppeaker in behalf of tho campaign. RIVERSIDE HOTEL HAS BEEN LEASER Announcement was m.ide (today that tho Riverside Itotol nt Morrill Iuih been leased to It. F. Cox of (iranls l'uss who will tuko poswesaion on Juno 1st. 10. J. Long uud wlto, who hnvo been operating tho Rlver nlde, aro now iin business in Klum alh Kal In ami will devoto their en tire attention to Interests here. Mr. Cox Ntates that ho Intondti to have the hotel courplotcly renovuted lino will enter to both transient and poriuaiieul gnosis, lie plans to pro vide well-cooked nn.'uls and malto tho lUvnrslilu a placo where auto purlins front this city limy obtain sutUfactory dinner sorvlco. COURTHOUSE LAWN WILL BE IMPROVED The grounds In trout nf tho County Court llouso nro being filled in level Willi I ho sidewalk, and prom ise is good ot a future lawn. The 1.. T. Porter Construction company, Is bringing tlio enrth, though il in un dorHlood no contract has been let, payment being mudu by tho yard. The Job was started by Mr. Porter asking if some superfluous earth he hud to dlspivm of might not bo fill ed In In front, of tho Court House, mid now tho mutter linn been taken up by tho counly connniBilonpra. U l thought no lawn will be planted this year, allowing a season for the curl ll to settle. POPE PROCLAIMS A HOLY YEAR FOR '25 KO.MK, Mjiy 21). Popo Plus to day Issued u ' bill proclaiming 1925 a holy year, , Jt SUITES AGAIN LOSE IN ESCAPE PLAN County Guests Persist in Attempts to Get on The Outside An Ingenuous method of Jail brcukingmus frustrated lust night nt the city Jitll, when It was dlcloon that u group of county prisoners worn utilizing a f.tool key, u small wooden mallet and a mop handle in digging their woy to freedom, dis covery v.-na made by Snm Miller, guard, and an Improvised Bind Dag, fashioned of tho lining of a trouser pocket filled with smnll rocks testi fied further to tho fact that the prlnoncrs hail determined to knock Miller oul in their final daih for liberty. Three Are Suspected. Sheriff Low la confident that the attempted break Is the work of three prisoners, Sidney Thfcraulty. 1). Rlchardwn and If. J. DennlM. who succeeded in sawing their way ! out of Jail May 1'.. and were at large I for two dityn, finally being taken I Into custody near Alturas. California. That thcito men wore Joined by two or three more prisoners In their new effort Tor freedom is the opinion a'. I Sheriff l.loyd Iow. Tho three men v,hn were Implicat ed in tho Jail break of two week" ago nro now up before the grand jury. Thcrnulty Is held on a charge of larceny; I'nnt for burglary and IlichafdoOli for laiveny. DIVORCE LAW WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED METHODISTS VOTE SPKIXUFIELD, Mass.. May 21). A proposul for a drastic chungo In tho dlvorco law of tho Methodist KpiDcopa! church was defeated today by ten votes at the clojing session of the goneral conference. Tho vote was aoo for adoption to 310 ngnlnst. The present law forbids ml:ilst-rB to marry a divorced person vhose husbund or wife Is living unless thut person bo tho Innocent party in a divorce for odullery. Tho ehonge would have legalized all marr'ages except those of g'HIty parties in di vorces for adultery. TRAFFIC OFFICER THROWN ON STREET II. K. Knowles, traffic officer was nllghlly Injured bust night in the performance of hid duty, when he was hit by a machine driven by II. II. Sehafer & mechanic. Schafer was driving 25 mllos nt tho Inter section of Main street and the Ks plunudo, according to Knowles' re port, and failed to give a turning sign;l In tlmo for tho officer to see it. Sehafer- appeared this morning beforo I'ollco Judgo Loin linghagen and was fined Sa. Knowlrw' Injur ies consisted of a bruised kneo and arm. Tho handle bars of hW ino torcyclo were dnuuiged. HOT WEATHER OVER COAST IS REPORTED SAN FHANCISOO, May 2D. Hot weather on. the coast uecompanled In some localities with high winds Is Increasing thu fire hunsard to t'or pala nnrt crmvt linmuasliriblv. tlio (weather bureau announced. The hot spell centered on California yos tertlay, but Is spreading today over Oregon, Washington and Idaho. BAILEY APPOINTED TO VETERANS BOARD SAI.K.M, May I'll. lCdward F. Ilalley, attorney of function City, was appointed a member or tho World War Veteruns Statu Aid com mission to fill tho vacancy through tho resignation ot Mark Weatliurford of Albany, lluiley Is Dcmocruuu rvprescntutlvo In tiio tnuto legisla ture from l.nno county. WESTON DENIES HE HELPED IN MURDER TI1J3 DAU.1CS. May 2D. Attor neys In the trlul of A. J. Weston, charged with tho murder of Robert 11. Krug, nged reeluso ot Sisters, begun arguments to the Jury tnis Illuming. 'WleHton on Hie stand late yesterday 111 bin own behulf denied any connection with the crlino. diplomas gTven to academy stud'ents Diplomats for the two graduates of the Snored Heart academy were presented at the commencement ex ercises held thhi morning at 9:110 o'clock ut tho Sacred Heart church. Itev. Knl her 1oosor preached tho bnc enlaurenio sermon. The children w ho have completed the wink In the grade achool received their certifi cates during tho week. Tho nendemy graduates aro Mary Uurry und Mur ray Hnnnon. Herald Will Not Issue Tomorrow In respect to llio memory of the Nation's licio dead Tlio Evening Herald will not publish an edition tomorrow, (Friday), Employes tliui will bo free to participate In the observance planned and thoso who are ex service men can appear in tlio parade. The KciuliI inaniKft'ineut be lieves Hint every Klanwilli biisl ness lioue except those conduct liitt lines ilecineil absolutely es f. -nt lal, should honor those who laid down tlndr Jives by closing Its doors uu tho morrow. H Is to Im- hoped that nil Klamath business liom.es, homes mid ;publlc buildings will display the iiiitlonnl co!'Hi I luiorrow- the 'e day of the year devoted 'o th? observance of tlio nation's fallen li'-roos. i All ex-service men, especially I hew nf the American Ix-gion ",id (lie I'liltod KpanMi War Vet 'inii'i, ore expected to report lit i he Link JHver brMe and murcli in t!ie pa::ul--. Citizens Keneiv.Uy are' re iinlc(l to .11 tend tin- servlees planned mid partlelpale in the obsequies. lllfi IP HUIKUUUH I J OPENED TODAY First Event of a Varied and Interesting Program Is Offered Klamath Falls annual Chautauqua opened huro this afternoon with the first of a series of events comprising one of tho best programs offered by tho KHlson-Whito organization hero in'scveral years. A six day schedule of Interesting and varied entertain ment is promised fqr tho presenta tion herei y Tho ljjles Qunlen-Grten VJtcjr talnere "Avas the attraction for tne first of the afternoon programs. This evening Ells Day players will present tho successful comedy "Six Cylinder Love." "Six Cylinder Love" Is a new play and Klamath Falls people will get It right hot off tho theatrical gridle. It Is an up-to-the-minute farce, touch ing a theme that is vital in this age of motordom. It preaches a power ful sermon against extravagance, and 11 will hit right between the eyes, for everyone cither owns an automobile. (Continued on Poire Seven) BOYS AND GIRLS TO RAISE FUND TO AID TRIP TO CORVALLIS Much Interest is being manifested in the dance to bo held at the Hill yard ranch Saturday evening for the purpose of raising funds to defray tho expenses of ttie delegation ot boy sand girls club members of Klamath who will attend tho Oregon Agricultural collego courso next month. Tho sending of about 70 boys ana girls to Corvallis for tho session will be a fina advertisement for Klamath county as the caravan of IS ear;, that Mil carry tho delegation will stop nt cities along tho routo and will let tho world know they uie from Klamath, say tho farm bureau officials promoting tho trip. LABOR PARTY IS TO FACE TEST IN VOTE iLOXDO.V, May 29. Asquith, lib eral lender, nnnounced .thut tho lib era 1b would not voto against the government tonight. This means the labor government will not bo defeat ed In tho expected test. LONDON'. May 29. Prima Min ister MaeDonald in tho houso ot commons today 'Indicated that his government if it was defeated tonight on a test vote it would go before the country in a general election. NOT GUILTY PLEA IS ENTERED BY WALKER PORTLAND, May 29. Former County Commissioner Walker plead ed not guilty today to the Indict ment. His trial may start Wednes day. All bridge contractors Indicted this week have been served except Tillman, who is out of town. AMERICAN SOCCER TEAM ELIMINATED PARIS, May 29. The. American Olympic e-occer football team wus defeated toduy threo to nothing by tho UrAiguiiyun team nud wus elim inated from further competition for the Olympic title. ratio j DISINFECTION, HORSESIETGO Sheriff Queries Whether Quarantine Measures Are Enforced Correctly "Is the hoof and mouth distaso an automobile or livestock disease." queries Sheriff Llord Low. ffaeriff Ixit questioning lias been aroused by a report received at his offlco today from Keno, where a camp wagon, drawn by two horsrss was taken In custody. The camperts stat ed they have been driving- about Oregon for three weeks, and upon entering ,the state were disinfected but no restrictions placed on them, dosplte tho fact their vehicle was drawn by horses, said by medical authorities to be an agent' In trans mitting tho disease. Sheriff low is of the opinion there may be officers at dislnfeetlne sta tions who are convinced the disease is carried by automobiles Inasmuch as so much thought is given to tno disinfection of motor cars, and horses allowed over the line. Team Is Passed. A. L. Crystal, In charge of the dis infecting station at Keno b.23 allow ed the camp wagon and Its occu pants to continue their journey inas much as danger of infection from the animals at this late date is improb able. A truck load of lemons end pota toes seised yesterday at tho disin fecting station at Keno, was allowed to go on its way, wnen the driver stated the potatoes were imported from Texas and tho lemons obtained from Ashland. Whether the lemons are products of Ashland or not, was not stated. INSTRUCTORS ARE FREED IN MURDER PROBE IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, -May 29. Tho two in structors of the private scaool at tended by .Robert Franks were, Irce today on fecit of habeas corpus, fol lowing failure, of the police t.i place charges against them. Detectives said the crime is as baffling a3 when the boy vanished a wees ago. ROAD COMMISSION -v ORDERS CONTRACTS PORTLAND, May 29. The high way commission today awarded con tracts for several road work jobs, in-Creck-Urlghton section of the Roose velt highway, one mile to the Union Contracting company, for JSS,687. The commission rejected bids for surfacing the Alsca mountain section of the Alsca highway, six miles, and grading .the samo highway eight and one-tenth miles. PORTLAND, May 29. The high way commission today allowed S110, 000 additional to complete tho heavy grading und right-of-way work on tho Blatchly-Rain Rock section ot the Kugene-Florcnce highway. It will bo supplied on a filty-fifty basis by the Mtatu and federal government. WAR TRANSACTIONS CASES ARE PENDING WASHINGTON, May 39. Many pending prosecutions growing out of wnr-timo transactions lire to be press ed to fts quick a conclusion as poss ible under the revised department of justice policy. Is announced today by Attorney General Stone. The cftorts of the war transactions sections ot the department is to be coordinated under a man still to bo selected. RECKLESS DRIVER ; GETS TERM IN JAIL For reckless driving and intoxica tion, A. Flsk was sontenced to ten day.i in jail and fined ?100 this morning in tho court ot Polico Judge l.eni L. Gaghagen. Fisk began serv ing his sentence immediately, li. II. Schutor was fined $3 for speeding on Main street, having no driver's license and failing to signal at a turn. Tho ease of J. S. KaUlo, held for improper parking, was dismiss ed. PROTEST OF JAPAN SENT TO EMBASSY WASHINGTON'. May 29. The Japanese protest aguirist the now Immigration law reached tho Japan ese embassy today by cable. De cause of its great length some time will bo required to decode and study it before it is formally presented to the state department. CONSUL ARRESTED FOR AIDING ALIENS WASHINGTON, May 29. David C. Kerr. I'nited Slates vice consul nt Vancouver, was arrested here to day charged with having accepted bribes to Influence his decisions on questions rotating to the passage of aliens across the Canadian border. Red Cross to Assist Rodeo by Rest Booth Chapter to Co-Operate In Providing Conveniences ' For Visitors Throuigh tho co-operation of management of the Rodeo the and Klamath county chapter of tho Am erican lied Cross the latter organ i.uuon will equip and maintain women's rest room ait the Rodeo Kroundn during tho thj.-oe-day event In July. Every convenience ' will bo pro vided for the women visiting tho show and special efforts are to be made to care for Infants and chll dren while their mothers may wit ness thn Rodeo events. Competent assistants will be in charge of the rest room and every means will bo takem to provide for the many visitors, is the announcement of Ida B. Momyer, chairman of the Red Cross chapter. Other plans of the Red Cross chapter Include the holding of a course In swimming and life-saving at -the local natatorium some time In July. A representative of the Pa cific division of the Red Cross will be here to supervise the course wheih Is expected to be scheduled for two weeks. Medals will be awarded to those who successfully complete the required tests, ttae chairman states. Assurance has been , had from the city health officer that the pool supplied with water from the hot springs 1s sanitary and every precaution taken so that there jUill he no danger of contamination - In the water. LEASE IS TAKEN ON LOT FOR CAR SALES The Certified Used Car Sales Co.. L. O- Arons, president has leased the property to the northeast cor ner of eighth and Main street, and will open an open air used car market there within the next week. Officials of the company are confi dent Klamath Falls offers a field for business of this jtype anj believe the present season viU pr'ove to be highly successful In the sale of used cars. . - ,-; ; Page Jewett and Chevrolet new fare will also be shown by the com pany, according to announcement to Mr. Arens. MAN IS HELD WHEN FOUND WITH STILL Lester de Lowe, charged with having a still and burner for the making ot intoxicating liquor in his possession, was arraigned yester day in the court ot Justice ot Peace, R. A. Emmitt. He pleaded not guilty and his trial was set tor next Tuesday. Accused Is .'n jsll In de fault of $500 bail. BEATTY WILL HAVE SCHOOL ORGANIZED The town of Bcatty Is to have a school during the coming term. Work has been begun on movinK a school building now two miles west of IJeatty into town and a teacher will bo appointed to take charge. Frod Peterson, clerk of the county school board, drove to Bealty yester day and reports the moving ot tno building Is progressing favorably. GRAND JURY MEETS BUT NO REPORT OUT The grand jury which convened yesterday to consider the cases or eleven prisonors now held in the city jail on various charges, is still 1n session, and probably will rest to morrow, continuing proceedings Sat urday. They w-ill report to Circuit Judge A. Ii. Lcuvitt, upon the lut ter's return from Jackson County where ho has been for tho pastiweek. HOFFMAN IS FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER MOW YORK. May 29. Harry L. Hoffman, charged with slaying Mrs. Maud A. Bauer on a lonely Staten Island road, was found guilty today of murder in tho second degree. He was sentenced to twenty years to life Imprisonment. STATE OFFICER TO FACE CHARGE FILED PORTLAND, May 29. William M. McMills. state prohibition and nar cotic agent, indictod on charges of fulling to arrest a man whom he saw drinking, gave himself up today to face the charges. He was released 011 his own recognizance pending an arrangement for $1,000 ball. HOOVER DENIES HE IS SEEKING OFFICE WASHINGTON. May 29. Secre tary Hoover denied a published re port that ho Is to bo a candidate for vice presidency. : KLAMATH WILL , TENDER HONOR FOR HERO DEAD Parade and Ceremony Will Mark Memorial Day, km Obervance Here ..'J T' . .' ; i:.'...)'- In memory and tribute to its Mi dler and sailor dead, solemn cere mony and military parade will bo the audible and visual expression of Klamath Falls - tomorrow ; , to honor those who served the nation In tlmo of need. I . Every mound In the local 'ceme teries marking- the last - resting place of one -who served In -tho armed forces of the United Stale will bear a loving tribute of blos soms surmounted by the stars and) stripes. , . ... -.,,,..'. ..-..- Services In honor of those, who wore the uniform ot the garni forces will be held at the Link river bridge in the forenoon pro ceeding the parade. Flowers1, will be scattered on the water ; and freighted with their message of love will carry on toward the aes to those who rest ! the tar corners of the earth but whose memory will always be cherished ' by thoso ' at home. V y - In response to the reauest of 'the local veterans' organizations Drasti cally -all merchants of , Klamath. Fails will close their places, ot busi ness for the day. Display of the na tional colors in observance of the spirit of the annual holiday will also add to the respect nod affec tion held for th; military .and -na val dead. V-: Program Planned '-. -Preceedlng the oarade. the "fol lowing program will . be hold on the Link River Bridge, la memory of the naval heroes: ' .' i;v, Selection Elks Band. . ' -';." '. .'.. Address Rev. T. A, Meryweathor . Scattering flowers on river 10 school children. ...... '- , . y ; ;, ; . Prayer. . Formation of Parade. , - ' ' . 1. Captain O. C. Applcgato and aides.. ,'....- .. , ,' fi. Gi A. B. Veterans and Speak er ot the Day. In auto. ,-. 4. Public school children In fol lowing order: Klamath County high," school. Central school,. Falrvlew school. Mills school,- Pelican ; Bay school, Riverside school. ' 'C 5. Elks Band. "-.! . - 'sft . Troop 1, Boy Scouts. . '. 7. Herbert Applegato Camp No. 25 United Spanish War Veterans. . 8. Klamath Post No. 8, Ameri can Legion. Other World War Vet erans. , ' 9. Junior Elks. ' - ; 10. Canton Crater, No, 7 -'Odd, Fellows. r 1 11. Knights ot Pythias. 12. Women ot the Mooseharfl Legion. .. . 13. Loyal Oraer .of Moose. . All organisations taking part In , the parade will assemble on South, Riverside Avenue at 9 a. m sharp, where they will find spaces marked tor them to assemble. Ceremony to Be Held Tho following program will be held at the Chautauqua tent: -. 1 " 1. National Emblem March, . Elks Band. ... t '. " 2. Invocation. -",' : 3. Community Slog, "America, - the Hcautiful." .. . ' 4. 'Memorial Day addross, -Rer W. E, Dobbltt. , . ' .; 0. Community Sing, "The Ba(H iymn of the Bepubllc." , S. Roll Call ot departed voter ahs: Indian Wars. Civil War, Span ' tsh War, World War, The Unknown . soldier. , .. 1 . ; ........ -Ov 7. Taps. V .. 8. Community Sing, "The Slat) 1 Spangled Banner, ,--.';.. s. VETS WILL ATTEND .-MEMORIAL SERVICE Plans have been completed tor Ui memorial norv'.ces to tho soldiors anl sailors that will 'bo hold at tho Moth- . odlst church next Sunday ovoning. All veterans organisations of tho city will attond tho service. Itev. T-..A. Meryweather will preach at tho. ser vice. Expectations are that about 100 members ot Klamath Falls post of tho American Legion will meet at tho club rooms or tho organisation Sunday evening and march In a ibody to attend tho church services. BOXERS ARE READY TO MEET SATURDAY, MICHIGAN CITY, Ind., May3.- Tholr heavy training ended, Qeorgo Carpentier and Tommy filbbon tar' day took only light workouts, per haps their final ones in preparation , for the ten-round International con test here Saturday.; , : , . ,, ., EDWARDS WINS MAT . MATCH FROM YOKEL' PORTLAND, Way S9, Blliy Krt- ; wards, of Kansas City, won- Croat Mike Yokel, of alt Lake, m two hour wrestling matcm here Ian night.