The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 28, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    WEDNESDAY, MAY 128, (194
, Page Four'
Itsaed Dally except Sunday by
Office 1 lu nonn t-igmn
Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Klamath Falls,
,v Oregon, ondor the Act of March 3, 1879.
. .-. Member of the Associated Preaa
-v -THH ASSOCIATED PRBS8 U exclusively entitled to tie use ror
' ItM IB 111 IB umuv t. aauta a sow vu
ofrepabllcatfon of special dlspstches
The Evening Herald la the official
"subscription RATES
Delivered by Carrier
ONB MONTH .......
.Phone fompiaTntT io'tsT before
J AGELLAN, in his sailor's heaven, should have the news
JY1 - that a British company is establishing an air line intend
ed to circle the globe regularly in 17 days.
A spokesman for the Imperial Airways, a $5,000,000 con-
' te'rn, has' already issued a timetable, lacking only the opening
date-The flights will be made by a system of airplanes and
. airships'. The rout jviJlr'be fo Paris, thence to Constantinople,
"rcachinithere tjie morning after leaving London. From the
Turkish capital an airship liner will make Australia in nine
days. Another such liner will forward the passengers at ex
press speed to Sail Francisco, and big planes will rush them to
New York) which will be reached on the fifteenth day. The
next two days 'Will "suffice to take them back to London in an
airship.-.' The lighter-than-air craft "will be Zeppelins.
, This makes even a' Hardened tourist feel a bit dizzy. It
makes anyone but a. confirmed speed fiend wonder, too, why
no provision is made for sight-seeing. What is the use of going
around the world, if you can't stop on the way and look at
the Interesting places, getting into touch with strange cities
.and races? Yet for sport and business purposes such a trans
portation should have a powerful appeal. There will be rapid
transit par excellence. There will be a big patronage, too, re
gardless of cost, from those who want to take a whirl around
- the 'globe "just to say they've done it." 1
J-."."'.;!' As -far. a. the travplino- i rniir-erned it will nrnhahlv
De fdf the'iltosij "part very monotonous and restful, for those
-.who can stand the confinement.
'k-li'-'.Tnife "6. seven orators of hieh school ape will meet in
'Wactlino-tnn D T rrmrlnH tVA nstinnal-rrntri-lin cfin.
test on the Constitution of United States.- Each of thesei young
' saTrersVf.epresents a section' of the nation covering1, several
states:: Each one has won first place, first in high school, then
' in-rity, ;;CQUntyy state and zone. When they give their orations
iOfie'.c'apitai; the members of the Supreme Court will judge
. tlft'jinnersand the President .of the United States will preside,
i ;i ,?ke "nal contest will be of tremendous- interest to' those
sens'peaTcers, to their proud families and to the communities
.- froinwhich they come. But the weeks of. work which lie behind
it artalso of interest. One newspaper editor sums up his faith
m tfie' 'value of the national competition in these words :
; Thr'e have been many high school contests' in our cotrn-fl'on-
perhaps 4hat is so far-reaching as this one ' in
which' mofe'than a million students have taken an active part.
School instructors tell us this contest- has done more to
awaken interest in our laws and government and to create
respect for; bur fundamental law, the Constitution, thai any
other-vent in our history." : . .
' 'A ,
' 9"r of the most surprising revelations yet made in 'any of
the Washington . inquiries has been the incidental discovery
that tnere'is a prominent bootlegger in a federal prison
" ";( - ; v '
"The Italian governftient reports that it is not going to have
Y:0:iict this yean Mussolini should come over here, and
lea'rrTfiow to turn a surplus into a deficit. ' .
..- mjr ,.'.
..... 1 '
Cojigress acts as if 'ft considered a veto a presidential im
pertinence rather than' a normal act of a co-equal "branch of
-''l;AMfn1fe niav pnmp wlip,, tha
-i.; --------- s
a teauty spot will be classed with
.e case qf. Governor Pinchot goes to' sliow.r'hw even the
putllcrJliay be fooled for a time by a man -who takes himself
toflr-seriously. . ,
.vv.c.. -A- -. "' ' ' ' ' . . '
.TJiertheofy is resented that "the Jiiiman. rare; sprting from
' ,'Spitie of the county prisoners
tyil.The others are tearing down the city jail. "
v-.vvi ' . '
' The" Japs do not seem to be in any position to return that
caJ;thatour;"aviators have paid them. .
. i
; Now if we could only stock our underground streams with
raojpeople would probably firy them.
Sheep, may come into urego now by being fumigated.
Tlie.liave gotten into the tourirt class.
.-.'It. looks like the Klamath County grasshopper was about
ready, to hop off.
; 'Most people are on tlye right ijoad but many are -traveling
in the' wrong direction. ,
'....V.;-.,,, . ,. - . . r
tit's ddida ,wheii iarry(vdoesn't Thaw out. '
The Uemld Publtohlng Company,
nv., -
.. President and Editor
herein are also reserved.
paper of Klamath County and the
p. m or 6S-W. after 6:80 p
MAY 28. 1924
the man who'binm down a
have torn 'down the old'coun-
1 -3
asF " ' "" "'
WASH XNOTON, D. C, May 28.
All the big gunB ot the Republican
olid guard forces, charged to the
muzzles with. shrapnel and T. X. T-.
hjavi) been concentrated in a. terrific
political barrage designed to blast
the chances of Smith W. Frookhart
ot Iowa for renominatlon es Repub
lican candidate fo the United States
; Why this massing of forces is
deemed necessary against one indi
vidual may be : understood when ft
is known that tlhe man thus opposed
by this concentration ot stand-pnt
heavy artillery was actually., not
figuratively the crack sharpshooter
ot the American army during the late
war and in politics has shown an
equal facility in scoring the bull's
eyes, t .'
Senator BrooWhart is even more
hated by the old guard Republicans
than Is La FoIUette, and next to La
Follette is the most feaired.- Threats,
intimidation, rill the pull and press
ure than can be exerted by the iiow-
ers that be In Washington, Itave
failed to swei-ve him in his ffeht
against the pet policies of the Repub
lican "rcgula.-j" and for meastircs
which htj party i opposition brani. as
radlcall" and "c lestructtve." . i
Brookhart wn a leader In ; the
tight wnjch blot ;ked the selection of
his Republican , fellow senator ft om
lowa, Aioerc a. uumminna, tor an.
other term ao . chairman cf ths Sen
ate Interstate .commerce Committee,
which posses, on railroad legislation.
This, natuj-ailv, won him the
enmity ot iU tilie groups and Inter
ests favorpjble to the Esch-Cummln. ts
law, whlcA wBs thus made vulner
He fathered (fte resolution for an'
Investigation' of the conduct of the
Department of Jt istlce, wnich reunit
ed in the dismls lal of Atty. ricn.
Daugherty and d IscloBed a story, or
graft and corrupt! on "lnlluenco" a-a
favoritism that' to still uncoir.plot jd
In a dozen other w ys ho has d:::iirl
ed the peace and i the patience of
party chiefs who htlleve that flrat-
tcrm oenators, like f good li'.tlo boys,
"should be seon an d not heard" and
rhould oboy the. 01 Uts of their nen
lors and paternal lurty "leaders."
' t"
Since Brookhart f would do nono of
these things, and :ft ot only has spok
en out In mectlnr ', but has proachod
doctrinco that rin i if rank heresy to
old guard RopuMIr n cars, the order
has gone out to "ge4 " him.
"Iowa Repubtf.caa , Beat Brook-,
hart," H the udinoi Itlon in large
type heading an pp eal being mailed
Into that atcto to every regkterca
Republican votm', :.. ;
"The RopTrh'icf.nrt', of Iowa," saya
this document, "ovi it to them
selves, their atate, t idr pan and
their country to V ''cat Bonator
Smith W. Brokhart f renominatlon
at tho' primary to b haltl
2. ' ! '
"Brookhart should V defeated 'bo
cause he !o not a R epublican, but
an lmulflcnblo enemy ft Republican
Ism." ' i
And so on to the r ".nt of about
5000 words, In whicl t the flshtlnR
Iowa sharpshooter ia o'-cturcd an a
.man illkely to overthr p tho ;hole
AWefrtan-. institutions and Ideals,
substituting therefore a , ijovernment
more wild and, weird thavfi anything
Nikolai Lenin ever'-.dl toanft'd.
o : ' f,
"Old stuff," says Jjrcokhart, grin
ning as he reads tho document.
"They said all that two years ago
when 1 was first elected.
"This is simply an effort of the
privileged interests, headed by the
-railroad, to discredit and defeat
mo. My people in Iowa will recog
nize It for what It is. It'll leave It to
them to decide." .
Brookhart Isn't even leaving
Washington In an effort to protect
his fences In Iowa. ,
iHo'U stay on tho Job here, loavlng
his enemies no opportunity to slip
something across while he'9 awoy.
And it he's worried or nervous. It
doesn't show to date In his trigger
x Fisherman found $ 10,600 On i'hej
banks ot the Potomac, sluybo that s
the dollar George threw across, with
A bill has been Introduced :n
congress to require the house of rep
resentatives to King "The star-
Spangled Banner" every morning.
It's good as far as It goes. But why
not require them 'tb spend the en
tire morning in singing? at would
save us a lot of money. -
Life U Just looking well, feeling
well and acting well.
A husband Ja a person who ex
pects you to save at least thirty dol
lars o week out of the money ho
didn't give you.
And there's the small boy wau
hopes that before It ell ends some,
thing (will be done about caitor oil.
Talk about progress In Juzz mu
lc. First we had "Stumbling" fol
lowed by "Falling", anil Ulnally we
have "RolUng down the Stairs."
Wo etlll maintain f.iat the two
main points of fencing are the ends
of tne swords.
Hever Judge a man by tho um
brella he carries. It often belongs
to comi3 other follow.
When ye have killed your en
emy with kindness you have created
a friend.
Once a little maiden
Made the maldcn'o prayer:
Made It on a weak-end night;
Mado it in despair.
Made it to tho (lod of Lovo;
Mado it very trltn;
Made tho blind lod promise her
JiiBt one dute each night.
A 10-yeav-old hoy's way of making
love Is to pull her bobbed hair, or
cliaso her screaming down the street
w:th a handful of snow to put down
1mm- hnck.
A good listener gains both in
formation and friends.
The most absorbing home strelch
tho effort to stretch a pay check
from one Saturday to anothor.
Still there is no lndy's hat In tn
presidential ring. Probably they
uro all waiting for the new Fall
Charity formerly began at home
but now seems to begin at the oil
well. ,
N'erer argue with a fool or woman
The fool can't think and the woman
can't stop.
" iWIhen. a roan le. sorry about a
thing ho wishes it hadn't Happened i
When a nvoman ia sorry she wiiihcs
It hadn't been found out.
Women aro braver than men. No
man would dure try on $125 gar
ments If ho had only IS cent.
"TIs moro blossed to glvo I sun to
reoolve said the henvy-welieht champ
as ho socked tho challenger another
A I'len For Tho tYowdeil Life
Hal and Miiry picked nn Island,
Just a scrap ot dune and highland,
As a perfect spot to Hvo and live
and smile and '
Bill and coo.
And their laughter rang out scorn
When. their friends remarked qtillo
"Oh, boy! you two wilt larn lo hate
that boune full
Of just you."
They declared that crowds woro fear
Desert Islands were moro choorful;
"Lovo's enough and lovo Is all"
iney spoxe an Mrmi,
While a smile:
Then away they sailed, delighted:
At tho talk their plan oxcuca.
Quite prepared to give tholr lonely
Scheme a trial.
WJion a steamer called ont noxl
With some presents friends had
bought 'em,
For a half a day the captain sought
and sought 'em.
Shouting, peeking;
Hall was. found with an airy
Cavern far away from Mary
He admitted ,ln a manner scary,
They weren't speaking.
WOien they found her, Mary slated;
Twosome stuff Is overrated
I am bored to death, mltunderstooa,
mismated, .,
Too, of course; ,
Take me back to civilization, (
Where ther's noise without cessation.
Whore there's styles and population
And divorce!"
iRefuaals to testify In recont gov
ernment Investigations doe not
prove there is honor among thieves.
o jl
Mall robber escaped In Chicago,
Slnco they catch so few of them they
should watch them more closely. -William
J. Burns, the riorld-fa.
moua detectlvo, hat resigned. Being
u good detective ot entitle he Is
These aro the days tHo commonee.
ment dress Is glvon moro careful
thought than the commencement ad
dress. .
When they nlgn a treaty in the
Balkans It Is usually Just for the
You con tell spring by the Increase
.In modlclno advertisements.
It is a wise man who (looks things
over Instead of overlooking thlngt?.
o $
The center of flower culture for
perfume Is In tho Maritime Alp o
that m'ay be why the mflM Is so high.
o '
Worry Is a great tiling. Many
pnople would be Jdlo halt the time if
they had nothing to worry about.
Rouge Is supposed to be going out
ot style, Iwhich is the only way IU
Ute can, tts -stopped, i
Mr. and Mrs. Co"rti'lnht and Ml
Will m a tthlpluy left WodiieMdliy fill'
Rod 11 1 ii r r where they ex pea In miike
their home.
Cliuutiiiiiiiu representatives were
In Mmlln, alTuiiRitiK for eiilnrtalli
litems to ho given In u cliiiillauquu
course nt Mullii next full untl win
ter. Tho flint entertainment will
be sometime In October.
KlorviH'o Kulidors Is out again ufler
nn attack of the meuslnii.
Mrs. John Holier ht In tli Klam
ath Valley hospital where she
operated nil for ipiviiillelts, Mon
day morning.
Little Cluyton Rubor In alto In the
hospital recovering from un opera
Mr. A. W. ,Mii ik on and dnimhtur
Margaret spent WcdnvsUuy In Mutln.
from Klumath Kail.
Mr. and Mxs. I.ltclier Ilolbrook and
children, Karnutt and Helen mere
visiting with Mrs. I fol brook's slHtur,
Mrs. Dallas l'owoll on Snturduy, from
Klumath Fulls.
Tho now acliutltllo for the Mulln
stugo has been put Into fnrco the
pant week. Tho stage roarhiM Mulln
at 10 a. m. nud leave ut 10:110. I n-
dor tho new schudulo mull reaches
Klamath Falls our Her, which Is u
great advuntago.
Mr. M'. A. IJvlUKuton was In .Ma
ilt) ntttrndlng to buaJnciut mullein
on WledniMduy.
Active war anulint tho graushup
pers Is going on In the lake region.
I'olsoulng In being done, alo sprity.
Ing and a burner Is bulug lined with
good roAiiIi. Although Jimny tire
being killed thent aro conMantly
now grasshoppers hutching.
With lh dry weather, frost ami
the gruwhoppors, tho crops In iiuiny
places have suffered greatly.
Oils Osboruo of tho Klamath For
est Protective Association has v
tabluthod headquarters hero for the
summer months.
F. M. Mllllor who Is connected with
tho Commercial National Hank of
Lakovlow, twos in Illy Friday on mat
ters of business.
W. W. Flnley of Klamath Falls
was In Bly lust week attending to
business matters.
Mrs. Pearl Palmer has relumed to
her homo here after spondluK the
oast fnwimonihs In Klanmth Falls
D. O, Glvan, Scott Wa,'rs" and
DnVo Campbell made a'trlp to the
Scycan marsh tho pnt week lo gnth
or some hortos rnnnlnK there.
Mr. and Mrs. Je l'urktr anil
duughler, Mrs. Bertha Hell made
trip to Klamath Fulls.. Iftt week
rolatlvo to tho water rlkhis of the
Dell ranch.
iN. C. White of the Fremont N'u
tlonul Forest Is In this vulley this
wouk on offlclul bundles.
J. N. Ulvun who l one. of the
mombors of the board of quarantine
agulnsl tho hoof and mouth disease
mode a trip to Klumath Falls Sat
urday for a meeting with the other
members of the bourd.
Mr. and Mrs. (illbort Harrison ra
cently Installed a radio sol In their
homo here.
Mayor Wilson of Klumath Falls
was a business visitor In this valley
the past week.
A. 8. Connor, Walter Campbell,
and Evcret Wbetstono spent seversl
days recently In Klamath FalU on
matters of business.
Mr. Johnson of the tux assessors
office was a buulnera visitor In this
valley this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. C.Ivan drove
into Klamath Falls Friday, uuo n
turnod homo tho following day.
Mr. and Mts. Marvin Crow and
family. Mm. J. N. Ulvan and Elba
Boll spent several days tho punt weak
camping and fishing at tho Blalsdell
James Watts formerly (if this place
but now Jiving In Modford, was hero
Get Your Refrigerator early, vi.
The Furniture and Hardware Stores carry a full line
Klamath Ice and Storage :
Phone 58 ,1
Hang Up Your Card I
IiihI week looking after ranch Inter
ests lie Iium luira. : '
illlmi't 'lli'owii of l.akevlow In
Illy Huturilay.
Felix tlroen, lmeimun of liko
cnunly drove III sheep throiiKll here
the past wix'k Mirnula In tlli'll' uiu
nier i.iimn In Hcyciill, ,
,1. V. JU'Aullffe r Knit KliilM
wm looking ufler sheep Iniort am
liiire Ilio past week.
About ii tlnniiunil head of catiU
belliiKUiK lo tho MO iiiueh ut Adel
were driven tlirouKh hero lh Mini
or the week enniiito lo piiaturu iu
tho Fort Kliiniath founlry. . .. - .,
Miss Hnruh French. Itmcher In
Tenuunt gruliiiuar scluml this Isnl
year, loft Suliirdiiy for Berkeley.
Mr. I. J. HfiK of I'lnelaud wjs
uhle to return lo work Mouduy after
severul days Illness In thn'Wenil
litiHpltal. '
Mr. c. ". Murphy returned Tu.
duy from a buluei trip lo Sun
Krunclscu. ..(.
Mr. J M. White, neutral nuiliutter
of Km Weed Lumber coluputiy, WuJt
il vlnllor In Tennuut on Friday, uad
Tho Kturk vlnlled Iho hoiiiu of Mr.
and Mm. .11. . Iloykln on May fi,
leaving twins, a sou and a daughter.
Tim Imhy Rlrl died t birth. Kit
fiiiHTnl was h"ld In . tho Temuini
Cliilntlun ihurch' on' May it. . .
Ariliur Man iim wus liuttantly kill
ed nil May 23." He W0 workln "tt
llin Weed Lumber ruinpoliy loader
niiinber 1 and fell beneath II. Ha
wan cniKhed by IIiii loadsr trucks,
Arthur Mnrctim was' 20 ye.irs old.
He lias a brother, Arlln Marcuni. Ilv
Ing at Teniiuiit. Il1.t body was fnt
to Mareolu, Oregon, for burial.
Mr. Robert K. Murphy rainrned
hum" from Klamath Falla where he
has bwn In high school for tho pit
year. '"
The Tennant Imsehnll leam defeat
ed thn Klunuilli FulU lenm ly
score ot 15-3 on Sunday at tha Ten
uunt ball park.
Father A. S. Larson ot tha Buored
Heart Rectory lot Klamath Falls
was a visitor over '.lis woek-end at
tho Hans Anderson ranch at Sil
vers. William L. Crume. councilman
for the Indians of 'Montgomery
Crook, Calif,, has lot l to attond
council there In tho InlerosU of a
suit pending by tho ludisns against
the t'ultcd Status concerning land
claims. 'I '
Trlbul Councilman Donnls Crow
ley mid family spent Sunday ut
Kliner Hill and family of Wood
River were vlnltors (it Chlloquln
over Sunday. '
Lincoln Uiitler and family, wore
Sunday visitor at Chlloquln.
Rev. Sarieut Brown ot the
Shukcr church at Chlloquln was In
Klumath Falls Saturday lo arrange
for tho iSundaJ services -: at his
church. .'
Peter Sconchlon and family worn
Klamath Falls visitors Saturday lo'
purchoso supplies for tholr ranch afc
Soragtto. I i , 'v
Ellin Murray DuVnll died Satur''
day at tho Klamath, Valley hospital.
The funeral services yar held Sun-1
day aftornoon at Chlloquln. Inters
ment was at the Wilson comotery t
: Waldo Jonah who hi confined to
tho hospital us the result ot Illness
la reported to be mush Improvod., -
D David of Modoe Point was a
Klamath IFalls visitor1 Saturday to
purchaso supplies fof. his ranch.
j i
It Should Havo Uei Polish
Buld-Heudnd Guest -Well, onny,
what is It that amuses yout
Nothing; only mother has Just put'
a brush and comb In your bodrooro.
Opportunity comes llko a snail and
goes llko a rabbit.