The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 28, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    ...ij VVglXNHSDAY, MAY 28, 1924
I ; , ,
Furnished Hnily by Till) Went
Const oil k fins Company
for Hi" Information of the
1. 1
Look What's Caddyingf
, lli'tci .''iii( Mmiili hiiKniii .
t T. II, Hhiijihoii, fiiilntr uf H. !. mill
!W. U. Hlnipmn, t'linl nullum, l lime
from Hill City, H h link m u iilxl In
. now Willi lilii kiiim idi :lin (lurlim-
I a in. whom ( lu.y hiivit llui .'outrun
i for li nxwivniliig. Simpson Hr. i
H nil I run il mini Iml like, tin I -ildnr
. Ilf a ml Hiiyn III; will iiliiy rue I III'
HUlliiiuir now llnil IiIh sons have .in h
' convenient iiiiii'l(H whnrii oiiii run
' Klljoy II 111 0 1 1 1 1 1 II I II Hlljlllll'll,
Now Mii'vlco HnilloiiH
I 0, it. niHtoi rr. mm j. d,w m
i Hut HlllllMni'il (III I'liniimiiy, nut ol Hie
- HiinnuiiHIti) olfli'ii, lire nl ny lai; ul I he
-W'lillii I'i'l lilt ii linK'l Mr ii f.w ilny.
while lie in In connection wild llii'
J Mutliin lit A II n ii HprliiKM. Tlu-y w
: nlwi Itmklnit nftor tlm Initialling oi
( it new Kiuiioii ul K 1 1 k.
. I'oyii Hhort Vlxli
I C. :. Callmy of Albany, nml
Mm. Cttlhcy left hern lust iiIkIiI fi.
I moUir trip lo Nevudu. Mr. Cut liny
I bun many friends li"rn who wore
Jglud to groH Ii I in, iiIiIioiikIi tlm vls-
lt wan but n Nliorl ou t. Tim Citthey's
will spend a fnw ilnyH In l.lik"Vl"W
bnfgiu leaving llio aluln.
To Visit Kn.i'fti
' Mm, K. II. Jefferson iirioiiipunliHl
1y jtwo friends, Mrs. I'orry Ia Imv
mill Mm. ipiltiiC Whltn will leave to
aVy tor u. .iumIit 'trip lo Sninm lo
ha Konn about a fortnlKlit. Mm.
Jiiffvrsnii In driving her mw cur,
Hllidylnic At, IU"rkrlry
' MIhh Amy Thoiiipmiii, who hun
a. taught miikhumiitlrs ul lim Klmimlli
Comity IiIkIi iirhonl, In Inking llio
Indiuiiior wwilnti roursij ul tlm t!nl
jvoralty of Callfornln. Miss Tliomp
Uon dom not -plan to rut urn hero next
'full. ,
! Rot urn South
I Charlm llllny of San Francisco,
former Klamath KuIIh resident, rn
jlurncd thin morning to lha otithcrn
'city, after spending u month here.
'Mr. Itlloy will come here again horl
.ly to attend to busli.ona lutorosls.
Will Camp at Silver Lake
7 Mr. and Mn. 0. U. llulrk, Mm.
E. D.. Lutx. . and J. It. Hull or
Myrtle Crook aro stopping off a
tow days at the Hotul Hull on their
wai to Bllver tUike where they will
visit Mends and camp for the um
JyCve Fur I'ortlanil
Holland Itoilolph, accountant for
a number ot lumber' companies In
lhl district, has left for Portland.
Mr. Uodulph will return here for a
abort atay and then bo to Ban Fran-
claco. . , ,
I.aiubcrninn Krom riprngua River
1 W. A. Hrhmldt and family ere
vlillluc frlondH In town from
Bprague Itlver, whero Mr. ttcmnldt
li a prominent lumborman.
Lrft (or I'ortlnnil
A. W. Mooro of the forol aorvlco
loft tor Portland this morning In
'conectlon with novernmont buelneti.
" 4 aval
. 1. i
CVrananf) I
ffktn I II
LjfS' MIIHll x.
U n "THE la
R Danish A
' V freduMon lm
luitil ,
POlA NKtllll In Ihn . uiii't.
'. of clini-Hcti'r part thut iiindo
nT rainoiiN. a iiililion ilollnr
production nml n atory of a
thousand thi'llla.
Last Times Tonight
Coming Thursday
. Rex Beach's ,
, Famous Story
A upenFeature
(IllllillllK lluini
Mr. iiiid. Mm, W. H. Colnr of W'r I
liimtivi' I'ini'ii In Mm Hot Kprtn,;,
Alllllllllll. 'llll'V Ulll lllk.' p.lhKl'M.'llll
III' tlll'll IH'W limilll Mlllllf tin:') If
J illy. '
I'l'niu Vi Iii.t It -
I,, I), l''n'lcl.i lo hi . .ilnyini- n!
til H I In Id vv I it ll.'ti'l vslillu In, in ii'ii-r,
Nl'lll'IIHllll nil 1iiii.Iiii...i.
IIoiii, In Mr mid .Mill.' Ktiiii" ul
Cl.ll.iii:ln til thu li inn. uli V;t I
Iju il 1 1: ) , ,'iiiy L'V. a miii,
oi'n To ll-'oliy.
Klipi'i'li'li mli'iii of riiiinly ,i'liii.i'n,
Kri'd I'l'li ion ilrnvc to lli'.illy liiln
tiiiii nl :n:. pliiniiliiit i,, t,p. ml t It o iluy
Wi-il ('mini wi'll toiluy mill nIiow
Iii; i.ll foriiiiitlnii i IiiiiikIiik to Hlnti;
IiiUIi'iiIIiik linn llii' i liiiiii'i'li of pli k
I ii it up iihii'i' oil Ih vry proinlHliiK.
I'Viiiii'Ihio In h I I'Vi'lililK, MIhh (iriinl
Hliifii Hint hIik Ih mil Korry lo ln
bulk In I In in ii t Ii KiiIIh ukiiIii.
Ill Oil Itllflll
Krml Appli'Kiili'. nwiii'i' of ii Id iK"
ran ell In Hwuii l.iikn wiih In Inn ti yi-n-lentuy
on Inuiiin.ui.
Son (ii-mliiiitt'ft
Junii'n Urlwoll Iiiim mm" hoiiHi toj
atti'tiil tin' ifimhiiiiliiii of Mn ji.iii.
Ktlwln, from Hiinlii cliir.i t'iilli'K".
In I'rniii Wiiiiliui '
I. Townr of Wonli-ii wim In :
town yoBii'iilny on Iiih.Iihm. ',
Iti'lnioiil To (icrbi'i' '
.lllllill I'MIII'y Ih Ih'lll
A (ili iuiM i aliln i.viiiii look pliidn lit
llio bciiu. of Air. mill Mm. Waller
Weal on .Muiiiliiy la it win -ii a number
of frlniiil,) ;n,.j'iii.!il;(l to ciilnbnitf
lii" 2lli'i wi 'lillni! iiiiiilvnrhiiiy of Mr.
nml Mm. C. M. Itiinmliy. Thoxi'
)).... iliI tuvu .Ml. null Mm. ('. M.
Iliiinliy mill il.iiiubKir Kllznbi'ib, Mr,
.1. .1. MIII'T and ilmiKliH'r Alii'i'. mill
M'lw Tlilmilu Anili'I'Hoil of .Morrill.
Ili'tlli'iii'il lloinr
Sim. K. M. Ilnlil will, hTi. Win
l'Oiianl and Mm. IlinU
ovnr from l,iik'.vliw Mondiiy, Mm.
I tit lit win mill Mm. Ili-nln k.'Uh iihik
loilay. Mm. U'oiiiiril, who ban ln'i'ii
Kttmy on arcount of poor bruit h him
ri'turinul itrcally bcnuflti'd.
& BavliiK bank. QOD." aamfl a
above' deacrlpMon, lt. WM SW
Hue. 2. Twp; 3( n. 9.
8WKNWft7JfWtfSWW'"lt f,,. ail
Twp. 39, K. IS. Part 'f )W'NSU.
NEUBHK." of Heo. J.
Twp. 39, .11 lJ.;((i,wrlbi'd by Mctita
(Itoigi; Ul'ooiiiliiKcunip, Minnie, to ?" Bounds).,' i
I1, a. A. . llurK, & Sal., Deed, iil. nni- K,lnM,"rt M to Ml.
vld.d 1-3 Intormt In ll thai m rbvH K' H"w ul M..'0-l,' K..TK,
intormt III Ml that pt. df u )5 m lwtnV H,aB,
A I KiililllK'r lloiiu
I). II. Caldwell, nd'ompitnled by
Ilia iilnri., Mm. Klllot, k'fl Suturdiiy
lo iipnnil a wi'fik hi tlm foriiii.r,i
KiinimiT bouio at the lk'; of the
WooiIb.' 1
Mm, A. I .ii Oraniifl. with lim- hoii, "' '' '
Hilly, ha riMiinwd lo (l-rl...r nfu-rl nr- fburlna O'llara, phyHlclun at
a vUll Iiim.. lit (In. homo or h..r K""""lh Auoney. 1" t" ""'
,i. i...... ii... i .... , a Hhort tlmo yctorday.
diiiiKhii', Mm. Lim Iluimtnii
a Hhort tlmo ycdorday.
Owim fliMHO I-nitoi-y VMilii I'-rli-nilit
J. It. Itiibnr, ownor of thn, Mr- '""1 Mr"- A' I,"v,',
factory at Mulln la transiictiiiR bun-; (ir,"" '' Bro vtoltlng frl.r
Iiiohi in town today. I u,Ka u'r a fcw "
Will VMt at Portland
Mm. J. Iloldi'r from Utkevlnw
paod throiiKh town thin inornlnK
on hnr way te Portlaud to vlull
frlonda and relatives
Hrt(' Mini
M. Ulx, (iiniKi' nun from Anil
land la In town today. Timoii aro
about tbo aiinie In Aihland uh In
Klamath Falls In lha icaruKfl bunl
ne, Mr. Ulx states.
SlioppliiK Trip
Mrs. K. V. AniU-mon of Chlloquln
pent yenterdar In Klamath KiiIIh
ltfurniNl I'Vom San Krauclwo
l. li. Ilankln or tile Stewart mid
Well h company, returned from Snn
KranclHCo lat evening.
H. P. Mini ll. n
J. II. Duncan, S. I. man from
Dunsmulr Is In tha city on railway
Towy ll lorn
Mr. Krvlng Kustemon and daugh-
' tern are in town for a few days from
! llio Topy Lumber company, near
IIIhIkip Hi'iiiIiikIoii In Town
Olshop Win. P. Itemlngton, K pin
copal liUhop from Poudluton is in
town ror a day or two.
j Advance Ajen
KUiott Adams, the Chautuunuu
j advance agent, Im here from San
(.Francisco looking after the start of
j Chautauqua activities here.
I-. B. Marilmll
C. C. Wells, IT. 8. .Marshall Is In
town from Portland on luminous.
i Hitp From Ileiid ,
! J. O, Sullivan and J. Brosnam are
I staying at the Arcado Motel while In
I town from Bond on 'business.
' TllUlMll t liUnlllCM
Claude Hultermnn of MacDoel k
Hi'tuiiuil I'roin Knn KiiiiicInco
Minn N'ell Grant of the Boston
Doauty Shop returned f,.om Ban transacting business In this city to-
I ffnl
The best mayonnaise
and the most delicious
cake, doughnuts and
cookies all made during
the morning in record
time with
Eleven Points of Amaizo Superiority
1. Fries beautifully, thor.
oughly, quickly.
. 2. Does not smoke at cook
Ing temperature. .
3. Does not carry the flavor
of one food to another, so
canbeuied over and over.
4. rleata quickly.
5. Meaiurss eailly and accur.
6. Blends rapidly with other
7. Neceiattatcs no melting.
8. Mokes dellcste, delicious
cakes is an ideal iliort
enlng. 9. Maintains the delicious
natural flavor of foods.
10. Does not curd In mayon
naise. 11. Itscsn Is dustleas, ruitleai,
easy to handle and store.
5W far the Amaizo Coot Book cf helpful selected ttciptu
It's Free. AJdriui ill Wist Monro St., Chicaio, UL
American MaizeProducts Company
x New York A - .. Chicago
. .,'Ma Mi-i-t a crnlf Yaw an Wf 11 a aa
iZJa'sr PmlBO. Carw.ll 1. driving while U caddy stand, patkntlyy
Siindiiy (,uei
; Mr. ami Mm. John Hemstrcct. Mr.
uml Mrs. Win. (irngnry and children,
and Mr. and Mrs. Chlblera of Med
ford .worn the Ruets of Mrs. ieo.
Ilaldwin and i.Mltw Afciud .Baldwin
Inst Sunday. Jim. H!mireil and
Mr-i. (irngery aro cousins of Mrs.
IJuldwin'H whom she had not seen
for wenty-lo years, so their unex
pected arrival Sunday was n pleim
urolilu mnprlEo.
Charles Foster Shepherd who
passed away al his home on the
Boulevard ul Ashland, Oregon,
May 26th was born in Bureau
county, Illinois, October 28. 1847.
The family moved to Ohio during
Mr. Shepherd's early childhood and
he waa a resident ot that state un
til 1873 when he came to Portland,
Oregon and engaged In the piano
business. Many of the square pianos
and parlor organs wild in Willam
ette valley homes by Mr. Shepherd
came around Cape Horn by schoon
er, being several months ta route.
After several, years he returned
to Ohio and was married to R.
Medora Twining, at Findluy, Ohio.
The lure of the west and falling
health called him again to Oregon
and In 1889 he permanently locat
ed ut Auhlund with bis family.
By camping and pioneering an ex
tensive territory throughout South
ern Oregon and northern California
In the' piano business he regained
his health and established an envi
able reputation for the quality of
his Instruments and the- reliability
of his word.
- Ho was a member of the Blue
Lodge, chapter, Commandry and
Shrine or the Masonic Fraternity,
the B. P. (). K. and the I. O. O. F.
The widow and son Karl, a mu
sic dealer of Klamath Falls, survive
him. The younger son, Kale, passed
away four years' ago.
Suits on file In the circuit court
includo a mortgage foreclosure to
the amount or J200 filed by K:U
Moore against Abraham Clii.'i!o uui
Marian Charlie; J. F. Reynolds has
sued the White Pine Mill I ' fo
(485.42, alleged due on a rePira:t
for falling tln-.l'er, bucking and
hauling timber, and Joseph F.
Harris has sued Frank Buck . for
212.50 the amount ot a loan Har
ris claims to hare made Buck. Mrs.
Alameda Isaacs has filed ;ult f',r di
vorce from Oeorge Isaacs, bavins
cruelty as her grounds.
James W. Sullivan, administrator
to First St. & Savings Bk., adminis
trator's deed, $3.00 I. R. S. Portion
or WHSW14 or Sec. 2. Twp. 39 8..
R. 9 E. W. M. Southwest ot or be
low the government canal, contain
ing 30 acres. - ' -
Michael R. Sullivan to First State
In supplying your table with the best food products
on the market at the lowest possible cost to yourself
just walk through the Public Market Compare
the prices, (which are all plainly marked) with
those you pay elsewhere, and let your good judg
ment decide.
3 small ens 25c
S 3 med ens. 33c
3 lrg. cans 65c
Limit 12 cans
to each customer.
13 bars $1.00
2 Baked m JYlo-
it a nans fnr Sftr.
Limit 12 cans
to .customer.
Onion Sets, per lb. 10c
.... i .
30 Bars .: $1.00
3 med ens. 40c
16041 S lro- pans fiKr;
" o
Limit 12 cans
to customer.
Ripe Cherries
f"jYour choice
Rjper can ....10c
EtCvSO Limit 12 cans
2 to customer.
Gooseberries, qt ....15c
Per Pound
Phone 169 "Pay Cash It Pays" 126 N. Sixth St
At the Libe
'Tlm l.lliiii'ly Hun Hid .Plelt.res" , .'
Final Showing Tonight .'of ''.'',1 '1.'';
"The Leavenworth Case" I
The great mystery drama that will hold you . . 'i
spellbound. ' v ; ,( . '
A thrilling melodrama of the Southwest is
"Hell's Hole"
with Buck Jones starring. A stirring story , with the
r - popular .Buck Jones at his very best ' .. i . '.
We take pleasure in again presenting :
"Where the NorthBegir
starring the famous Police .dog, RIN-TIN.-TIN!!'We
have arranged this showing by wire on account, of
the arrival in our city of this famtfus dog and his
owner and trainer, Mr. Lee Duncan, kin Duncan is
here to prepare for the making of the next big pic
ture featuring Rin-Tin-Tin and Klamath Falls is
fortunate indeed to see this wonder dog in. action!
Watch for further announcements. ;r r '-". " '':-;
. V" -
Our delicious and wholesome EATS! ;v .
You too, will say they can't be beat
The best of foods and service at reasonable
prices We solicit your patronage. - .i v i?
r.. ;)-' W, k ... .f.l.fl.'.w. ," M,tO. k4l kmlA't '
The Club Gafe
"Serves You Righr
On Sixth Street Just Off Main
I t I I'M-I 'M "I H
Announcing the Opening of
Eagle Ridge Tavern j
Make Your Reservations Now for the opening day;
dinner, Sunday, June 1. . ;'
By Special Arrangements ; ;J
Motorists Will be met at Lamm's Mill, which is a
ui l l i u t. '' :''' -
nail uuui 9 isa i &i ijj iu uiv. iktciu. t.-;-N .;".JX
Fishing, Swimming, Acquaplaning . .- :
! Mrs. F.M. Weston
Mrs. Nester Kilburn I
T-t-H-1 I' I I-1 t44't''t'l''l'l''l''t'4't'l'''t
Dr. Goble
Optometrist and Mfg.
.;" V ; V '
We examine the eyes
without the use of
drugs." Fit the Glasses
and grind the Lenses
for you at' . " ' V
709 Main Ph. 133-W
Broken Lenses
' Replaced
Frames Repaired
lunch ;u
... ... - ' ' ; .'' i
Now Servetl Every Day exceat
' Sunday at the ',
60c .... 12 toJ t30jp.-M.
A..D. SH0JIT, Osr.