tali Equal Rights, Equal Justice, are. the Twin Pillars of Democracy 'A Million a Month Is Klamath County's Industrial Payroll Member of the Associated Press Seventeenth Year No, 7224. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1924 . PEICE, FIVE CENTS ERCE JIMS ES Resolutions Passed for Me morial Observance in V. This City Resolution requesting I l"i I is la Hi ll Hi Falls men hunt clone lliolr places of business Mamurltil Day M wull at olhnr national holiday wore punned n tha mc-llng nf Kluiiiitth Fnlln pool of tlio Amorlcun Legion uni nlslil. Tlio legion ikihI uk fur respect far tha patriotic holidays Including Memorial Day, Independence Day unit Armistice L).iy. Tlin following i, tlio resolution passed : W31KREA8, It Is tlio cuslom lit curlalo business liouaci selling dry goods, clothing, furniture, groceries, porting goods and hurdwuro In Klamath Falls, to remain open all day on patriotic holidays notably May 3Ulh. Momorlui Day. July 4 1 li . Indopundenco Day and Nuvombir 11, Armlatlco Day. while u great ma jority of such hoUHn cloiw, uud WIEnt"A8, thla In Inconsistent wun true loyany ami inn acccpicu coda of American butlm s ethlci, and WfHEREAS, thla practice s.rves ut a Voor example to the youngor gen ration In the community, nnd has a tuudonry toward bringing In an undeslrablo typo of merchants. NOW, THEREFORE. UK IT UK FOLV.BD, That ICIiimilh Post No. S. In accordance wlili tlio iiniimiuged principles of tlio Grand Army of Hho Kepubllr. Veteran ot Indian Wart. l!nlloj Spanish War Votoranj nrd the American Legion, dlsnppr.ivt-s ot ihlrt practlco und urges all tr'icx ttiiHLM to rointiln closed nil diy nu these holidays. Tho contluuod practlco of tlio dis rropuct for thono patriot I.: twlldiiy will oauo audi offenders to l' ro ll aid od as dliiloynl 10 our national Mean and institutions. (Signed) HF-MOLUTION COMMIT TIOK. KLAMATH POST NO. 8. AMERICAN LEGION. Fun 3. Wallo. Itcv. T. A. Mcrywea'.her. I.lnn W. Neitnlth. Alfred I). Collier, title. M. P Andrews. Approved by tho Exacul'.Vi) Com mittee II. E. Clots, cli'i'-ii-uu and commander, (ieo M. Hariri, adjutant. LAW ENFORCEMENT CONGRESS TO SEND INVITATIONS HERE Invitations to local church organ UnllonB or Individual who arc In terested In tho enforcement of tho prohibition Jnwn to ultund tho law enforcement congress to bo hold ul Portland Juno 1 to I liuvo boon rccolved lioro, Launching of u criiHiido that will contlnuo until tho prohibition stut nlos nro thoroughly enforced In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Ih tha stated aim of tho niitl-Hnloon leagues of tlio three stales which nro sponsoring tho Northwest Cltl hoiih' Law Enforcement Congress. Tho program, now virtually com plete, embraces ovory phaao of law enforcement, with William "PusHy foot'' Johnson, (luvornnr Put M. Neff ot Texas, uud other well known npoukers, fuulurcd. Not only will tho dry officers' ro latlun to bootlegging actlvliloH be dlscussod, but tho responsibility of tho Individual, the parent, tho church, the pross nnd tho prosecu tors, Is to bo glvon a thorough uir liiK, according to W, J. Hcrwlg, superintendent of tho 'Oregon Antl Hulonn League, nnd other prohibi tion Inadors engaged In framing the program, THK WKATIIKH '. Tlio Cyclo-Stormngrnpli nt I'n dorw&od'fl Phnrnmcy shows u slight rlso In Imromo trlc pressuro to day. 'Colli In u oil fair wo it her Is Indicated, Forecast for next 24 hours: Fair with brink UjVfc- i wiiuis which win .. T ""iir'n cording thormom- LEGION MERCHANTS TO CLOSE I Si il H I euir l ogislvrud niiixlnitini uud mini -mum tcmpornluros todny us follows i High no . .Low 37 New Theatre Will Soon Be ' Open in City Negotiations Being Con cluded for Taking Over The Orpheus .Mr. nnd .Mrs F, W, Scbrean of .Mid ford and Central Point, weru in Klamath Falls today concluding, ne gotiations for opening a new mov ing plenum house here. Tho ' 8:b r on lis who have a first class theater 1., f-..(t(rl ll.,l..t ..... inl.l ....... .,, i. ...., i i,,,v uiii kiiyiiih tha Orpheus Tlivuler on Main Kirci.'t and win open with flrstj t-mna jiui ivi uiiiiici-n ueiwi:un J line 10 and iO. The bent of motion pic ture equipment will bo Innlnlled In cluding two Slx-H Powers machines. Mr. and Mrs. Kehrcau plan to matte their homo hero permanently and will lake a hoinu in Klumuth Falls. TWO DIVORCE SUITS AXE FILED IN COURT Alkglng cruel and Inhuman treat ment, John 1 .')! Iliowers ban brought suit In tho circuit court agalnut Ada Churlotlo Iirowers. Specifically, Urowcni ullcgcj that on October IT,, 1921, thul hU wife curs ed and (.wore at him and left his III Do for a period of nine months; that In tho summer of 1923 sho enn ilucieil herself In nc anludyllku man ner at iliini-c.i held ut Fort Klumulh; and Ihut In .MUrch 1924, whim he remonstrated with her for keeping company with a barber, she deserted lilm ond hat ever Mnco been ov.-.iy from It I Ilruwerii pruyj (hni lie be j given partial custody of their one; minor child, Niel 1-owlu, aRcd 3. Thai couplo wero married In May 1920 nt gulncy, California. Cliiirglng (hut her husband desert ed her on July 1, 1!22, und has over since been uwtiy from her. Kvelyn Currlo hui brought suit for divorce from Plerri Currle. WJien the lijfl her liusbund on March 1,",, 19!?l, bocuiiHO of being nuKged he followed her to where she wii.i Htuylng In KJumath Falls und mould not leave till sho threatened to call tlio police. Jlrs. Nan J. Owlngs cumplalulng ugalnst her husband In u suit for divorce brought In tho elrcult couri. Tho collide were married, May f. l'J23. WOMAN WITH CHILD IN ARMS HOLDS UP . BANK AND ESCAPES FAllMI.WroN, 111.. May 27. -A womiiii with n baby in her arms hi ld up I he Ilnnk of Fiirmliigtoti this af tcrnoou uud escitlied with S I ". She forced the bunk employe nt the pulm ot u revolver to hand over the cash. - ADVICE GIVEN FOR y CRATER LAKE TRIP .MolorLUH who aro pltianlin; to inako tlio trip to Crater l.ako are advised to not drive beyond it short distance ot tlio hr-tidiiuartei build ing us It is Impossible for a large cur to turn ui'ouud und drivers liu'vu lo back out. Many visitors la '.lie park from Klamalli Falls report that tho bisl method la to ilrlvo to the headquart ers building und then walk about a mile to the lako as (Ills will save time rather than uttemptlng to drive farther toward tho rim. There .Is still nboul flvo tool ot snow on the road near tlio lake, the visitors re-, port. BLAZE DESTROYS WASHINGTON MILL KVHKKTT, Wash., Muy 27. Fire caused $100,000 loss destroying th. Hank sliliiho mill, u store nnd throo dwellings at Siuih. EARTHQUAKE HITS HAITI DISTRICTS I'OHT All J-HINCK, Haiti, May 27. All onrlhiiunko today wrecked building nt Port Do Pulx, killing three persons uud Injuring Boveral others, COMPANY H TO HELP FARMERS Stockholders Form Dairy Cow end Hog Corpora lion in Klamath Organization of tho Klumulh Dairy Cow nnd Hog company has been pcrfcclt J to work In conjunc tion with ihc Dairy Cow lcn com pany to place dairy cows and bogs In Klamath county. The company lias taken over tlio creamery prop erty ul Donanza and work stuns today on changing II Into a cheese factory. A public killing plant Is also planned whereby tho company will endeavor to place the consum er closer lo tho producer and aid In marketing everything the furnier produces, the organl'.crs state. A small mill will ulso be placed In operation for the manufacture of feed tor dairy cows ind hogs. IjiiiiI .Is Donated Thirty of the nuit prominent farmers of the valh'y In that dis trict and tlio business men of lio nnnza liavo taken an Interest In Ihu new company and F. J. Bonne has donated laud for the erection ot tbo killing plunl and tha feed mill Is the announcement. The parlies responsible for the company are In touch with over a hundred families who arc looking for cheap rirlgated land and who undcrstnnd tho dairy Susiuesa. Theso families will be brought In und placed on tho laud These pur tlrn have rpeut six iwutlis " In looking over the different states for a suttnblo location for develop ment of a project of this kind and have found nothing that couals this County for tho cheapueis ef tho Ir rigated land and tho opportunities offered for tho dairy and hog ImieI iicbs. Itoso Otey Soulu has been elected secretary of this" compnny and will nlao bo a director. Stockholders Listed Stockholders In tlio company In eludo W. H. Sparks, A. J. Hickman. W. C. Pnnkcy. Earl 1). Drown, W. J. Urown, D F. Driicoll, David U. Turner, J. U. Casey, Thomas J. Sparks, F. J. Bowno, It. S. Sparks, W. S. Itechdoldl, John W. Turner. A. M. Novotny, A. K. Burg dorf.. John Miller. C. li. Slack, P. W. Slnck. C. E. Provost, 1.. C. WlBhard. Mlko Pudofr, Martin. Stochslur. K. C, Walker. From these men will be chosen u bourd of directors uud an advisory board The .purpose of the latter body will bo to keep the producers ill close touch with the consumers. HODLER WILL COACH MARINE GRID TEAMS SAX FKANCISCO, May 21. "Duke" Holder, former Oregjn Agricultural college football star, has tbcen signed to coach , the Marc Island Marinas football lea in this rail. Holder has been coaching the Polytechnic high school here. GRAND JURY READY TO ACT ON REPORT PORTLAND, Muy 27. Tho grand Jury which bus been Investigating county affairs was reported ready to tuko uetlbn on Its findings which lire being drawn up Ivy attorneys who huvo been directing tho probe. ARGUMENTS START FOR WESTON TRIAL THE DALLES, jray 27 The opening argument wero made in tho third trial ot A. J. Weston hero today, following the comple tion ot the Jury lute yesterday. The case Is here on a change of venue from llend. Weston is charged with killing Hubert Krug In 19111. , STATE MEDICS OPEN ANNUAL MEET TODAY PORTLAND, May 27. The fif tieth nnutial meeting of tho Oregon Medlcul sucloly opened here today. Dr A. C. Kinney, who R0 years ngo helped found tho org-inlnntlon, will become president tignlit tomorrow. ORGANIZED Klamaths to Discuss Loan Plan Measure Indians to Receive $750,000 Annually on Tribal Land Sales To discuss further tho reim bursable 'loan plan as advoculcd by the bill now pending In congress u tribal council of the Klumuth In dians is being held till:; afternoon lit DuV'all hull at Chiloquln. The Klamalli d'-degallou left Klamllll Fulls, last February for Washington, D. C, !n tho Interest of passing a bill S. 2CGS, which bill calls for reimbursable loan of a, 000,000 from the United States government, ;ho loai to ' be paid back by tho Klamaths from the funds derived from the sulo of tribal timber. . . Dr, Hubert Work, sccretury of the Interior, reports In his recent letter to tho committee that the Klamaths will be receiving $750, 000 annually from the sale of tribal timber. A meeting of the Klamath Tribal Council was held in Chilo quln )t'slcrday afternoon at DuVull hull and 11 was 'decided to have an other hearing today so that all the members would iTe able to attend as some have to travel great dis tances. This loan Is looked upon with great Interest by all the peo plo of Klamath county and will be of great benefit to tho Klamaths. KUYKENDALL HERE ' TO CONFER ON THE UNIVERSITY DRIVE To meet with tho alumni und former students of the University of Oregon that reside in Klumath Falls Robert Kuykendall, chairman of the stuio committee in charge of the campaign to raise funds for tho uni versity iulldlng program, will In here Thursday. Harold J. Warner will also bo hero to represent the state alumni, according to word re ceived by John Houston, chairman of (lie Klumath county committee in charge of the campaign. Houston is planning to arrange for a meeting of the V. of O. alumni and students to meet with the alumni representatives. RUNAWAY GIRL WHO DISLIKED SCHOOL FOUND IN CHICAGO CIMCAUO. Hay 27. (lertrudc linker. 10-year-old academy student, thought victim of kidnapper tsiiiiv hiV disappearance last Wednesday, was fo;'nd last night keeping house in u stable-keeper's apartment. She had taken up the duties of sweeping uud cook i uk in preference to schoc! work, she said. Sho was taken to the juvenile homo pending the ar rival ot her mother from Yakima, Wash. Bert H. Jeffery. nt wheae apartment she was found working is held by the police. SPANISH WAR VETS ERECT FLAG STAFF Herbert Apploguto Camp, United Spanish War Vctcruiu has completed tho erection of tho new flag-stuff in tho city cemetery, from which the flag will be flown at half mint on Memorial Day in memory of departed Veterans. The staff replaces tho old wood monument which bus been there for several years mid which has become badly weather beaten and decayed. Tho now staff Is about j lllll'ty leei Jllgll, llicoiy pccieti mm firmly cimcreied in the ground. CHAMBER REPORTS MANY CARS COMING 'llwenty-ihree cars trom othrr states wore registered nt the Klam ath FnlKi chnniber ot comin?rco laid Saturday which Is tho largost num ber recorded huro on onu day this year. Nineteen ot the cars word from California. I.ust year tli rec ord day during mid-summer r.htiwcd Jt2 "foreign" ours registered at the local fhaniber. A steady Increase In the 'number of motor tourl'ts coming hero ii not ed lit tho eliiiniber registration office with predictions Hint the total this your will doublo the figures ot last year. . " mm in PLOT TO EVADE Fruit and Vegetables Come In Through Quarantine Patrols With tho arrest yesterday after noon of a fruit and vegetable boot legger' at Malln, tho Influx of fruits and vegetables from California has been stopped. The truck which wai laden with citrus fruits and green vegetables was etripped, fumigated, and the driver released on his own recognizance. Suspicion of the importations of fruits and vegetables into Oregon from California originated from the Keno dlsln'cctiing station. Al Crys tal noticed four or five trucks passing through Kea3 on their way to California every few days. ' So often did the trucks corns through that he came to recognize the drivers. , Suspicion Aroused But the trucks never cams back through Keno on their way from California. Investigation disclosed that fruits and vegetables were be ing sold in Klamath Falls that did not come from tho Rogue River Valley. On Saturday afternoon, the mat ter was brought before the couniy court by Klamath caitlemcn. backed up by the county agent's office. Tho county court offered their hearty support in the stopping of any unlawful importations into .Illjujath couuty. v - ; By the establishment of the twq disinfecting stations at Merrill and Malin on the bord:r, the routes open for the bringing in ot fruits and vegetables has been cut off. METHODISTS RAISE BAN ON AMUSEMENT SPRINGFIELD, Mass, May 27. The Methodist ban on amusements except those "which .'annot be used in the name of the Lord Jesus," was lifted today by a five to one vote of the (Methodist Episcopal general conference hero today. A minority report iorbldding at tendance at theaters on Sunday and specifying (dancing as Immoral was tabled, 64 to 9G. PHELEN SLATED TO NOMINATE McADOO CHICAGO, May 27.-Jamcs D. Phelan, San Francisco former United States Senator of California, has been selected to place the name of William G. McAd'JO before the Democratic national convention ' of New York. He is McAdoo's personal choice. BIDS ASKED ON NEW SCHOOLS IN COUNTY Plans for the new school house ui Lorella, at the Lower Poo Valley and the addition to the school at Malin. having been approved, bids for the construction aro being advertiseu and twill be open ut a special meeting of tho county school board to bo held on June G. The school houses will bo each one room structures. BILL PROVIDES FOR PARTY GIFTS DATA WASHINGTON. May 27. Curry ing the lloruh amendment for full publicity on political contributions during the progress ot campaigns, tho postal salary increase bill pass ed the Senato today. NEWARK HOTEL FIRE CAUSES SIX DEATHS NEWARK, May 27. Six men nro known to bo dead In a fire to dny, which destroyed tho Windsor Hotel, on Hulsey street. Tho hotel housed 100 men lust night. JAPANESE CABINET TO FRAME PROTEST TOKIO. Muy 27. Tho cabinet w ill meet in extraordlunry session tomorrow to reach a decision on a protest to America on the now Immigration bill, containing the clause excluding the. Japanese. 11 IRRIGATION BILL WILL BE PRESSED COMMITTEE SAYS WASHINGTON, May 27 Jiy a formal Vote the Iwuw , Hrlgatlon committed oV-tldeO today to press tho bill designed to afford relief to settlers ou reclamation projects .and carry ' out tho recommendations of Secretary Work's fact-finding rommJxoion. ItrprescntaUve Ha ker democrat, of California, declared tho bill would cluu-go off more than 928,000,000 on tlio eve of an election, and ask od more witnesses be summon !... Ho was not supported Dy the otlier committee members. PROCLAMATION OF HOLIDAYS ISSUED BY MAYOR WILSON Memorial Day, May 30 and the afternoon ef June 4, the date of the Mile High celebration, were pro claimed holidays by Mayor Wilson last night and the action was approv ed by the city council.. Mayor Wil son Issued the following proclama tion urging the merchants of the city to recognize Memorial Day and simi lar proclamation will be issued in a tew days asking them to recognize the afternoon of June 4. The following is the proclamation for Memorial Day: WHEREAS, to promote patriotism and loyalty to our beloved country and to Bhow respect to the dead who have fallen in their defense, a day is yearly set apart tor observance of Memorial Day; AND WHEREAS, tbfsf day . haa been for many years observed and the need for observance has been freshly brought to our minds by the sacrifices in the great conflict through which the country has re cently . passed ; Now therefore, - I, Arthur R. Wilson, Mayor of Klamath Falls, do heartily commend tho action ot tho merchants bureau of our city in recommending the closing of our places of business on Friday, My 30, and express the hope that this closing will be general in the city and vicinity to the end that all may have the opportunity df joining with the veterans ot Klamath county and other organizations in tho proper observance of this day. Let us do our part by decoration and participation in Memorial exer cises to sho, our devotion to the heroic dead ot the nation. (Signed ARTHUR R. WILSOX, Mayor of Klamath Falls. TROPHY AWARDED ON ATTENDANCE AT CHAUTAUQUA MEET A gold lined, silver 'loving cup has been awarded to tho Klamath Falls Junior Chautauqua for the largest attendance ot any of 140 towns on the Pacific Coast at tne Ellison White six day circuit enter tainment. This city ha3 been des ignated as the banner town, and un Inscription to this effect Is ou the cup which is to be put on display at Underwood's Pharmacy, Seventh and Main street. Klamath Falls was awarded a pennant for attend ance during the season ot 1922 and executive of the Chautauqua, which opens hero again Thursday .of this week, expect the previous records to ba surpassed this year. HOLLAND ACQUITED IN ASSAULT TRIAL Two minutes, just long enough to choose a foreman und sign the verdict, was tho time taken by a Jury to return a verdict of not guilty against Earl Holland, tried on a charge of assault and battery lii the Justice court yesterday after noon. Holland was charged with striking Mnude Revenue and Frank Franklin. Jurors in the case were : O. A. McCarthy, J. T. Jonkis, Jumper Dennett, I,. O. Areas, Frank Arm strong und F. It. Mutt. WEED BOY LOST AND SEARCHERS ARE OUT YREKA, Calif,. Al ly 27. Search ing parties nro tollo.viug trulls for William King Jr., son of William King, superintendent of tho Long valo Lumber company, Weed, Calif. Kiug has been lost In the moun tains since early Sunday when he lulled to return from u fishing trip. Young King is a clerk In the lum ber mill. ...iliij. GOVERNOR HAS . CHANCED MIND ON DECISIS , . . !'-';,...'. ;V Chief Executive Aver Epi . ... . ..-.t zoodic Still Prevalent In California . SALEM, May . 27. Oregon , will not modify the quarantine against California products at least for two or three weeks, the governor do elded today. It in that period Cali fornia can show an actual cessa tion. in the spread of the foot and mouth disease, the quarantine" will be modified, probably to admit, all fruits and vegetables when ; fumi gated, but not wool. The governor's decision is based upon advice ot Dr. U. T Slmms. Oregon's special representative i. In California, Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian and Walter K. Taylor, chairman of the State livestock san itary board. Maps were produced St the conference today showing there has been a spread of the disease,' in the last two weeks. The gover nor Is to Issde a statement setting forth the exact conditions' upon which the modification - will be made If the spread Is stopped. , ... Dr. Lytle said the federal author ities resent Oregon's stringent quar antine and declared that federal livestock Inspectors have been with drawn from the' state. Dr Lytle . re cently requested a federal Inspector to be sent into the state- to assist him in sheep scab work. He- was told do inspector wag available, and that if one were available be would not be sent to Oregon. . - '- ' Governor Pierce's decision con cerning the continued ban on the importation of fruits from Califor nia will result In tromendous finan cial loss to commission -merchants of Oregon, according to a state ment made today by C. E. . Jay, Klamath Falls manager for ' the Wood'Curtls Company. Mr., Jay de clared the situation is serious and stressed the necessity of allowing California (products to be Imported if this section of the country is to have fresh fruits or vegetables ot any kind. . - " That the , products . 'could ' bo brought in from the territory about Sacramento, California, an - unin fected area, was Mr. Jay's state ment.. Freight rates from i thsj south are much lower than on com modifies brought in from tho Port land district, - and tho selection much larger, according to Mr. JyB COOS BAY PIRATES f WILL ATTEND SHOW, Two carloads of Coos Bay PlratesJ will be among those present at tnsj "Milo High" celebration to be hold at Hayden Meadow June 4, accord ing to word from Captain Kldd Tay lor, big chief , of the booster club. The Pirates are coming, oyer on a friendly visit to assist In the success of the Klamath Falls-Ashland show but true to their name and reputa tion they are firm In the resolution to take back to the bay the silver trophy In the stunt competition, Is the announcement of Captain Kldd. ROAD SHOW WILL BE TOPIC AT LUNCHEON Plans for the road opening cele bration to be hold . at Hayden Meadow on the KLunath Falls Ashland highway Juno 4, will be the principal topics 10 he dlsouanod at the chamber ot commerce lunch eon forum here titnonow. . Wind shield stickers will be distributed to the enr owners who are to tuko part in the caravan from here. Tho chamber speakers will urge that as largo an attendance as possible rep resent this city at the celebration event. '' ' . . ' ' MUSCLE SHOAL BILL GOES TO COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, Muy 27. The Norrls bill tor government opera tion ot the Muscle gliosis proji.rt was reported today lo the Bonulu agricultural committee by a vote ot 11 to 4. A motion to report on tha Ford bid was defeated 11 to S. '