) Page Eight THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL, 25, 1924 MANYTO ATTEND I M'MliiuiiHi cliurrh, in iilmintli)n on 1 k-nvliic this Hfli'rnoKii.- H will bo j nno of llio Kpoukxrn m ; linn. ho convcn EPWORTH MEET In order to ntluiui tho niinunl Ep worth convention for the southern rtlatrlct of Oregon, held this rem it Ashlnnd, over 20 monitors of the local Epworth league of the Motli odUtt Eiilvcopal church are leaving this aftornoon . to epend the week end In Ashland and tako part in the program. Tomorrow five members of the league from Donania are leaving for Ashland and many more wool were unable to spsnd the wpek encl'ihere will leave early Sunday morning. . Tonight a huge Epworth banquet will be hold at which all members from the aouthorn part of the state will meet. Tomorrow morning and afternoon will bo devoted to lectures at the Methodist church in Ashland. In tbe evening a wienie roast will be told n the banks of Rogue river. Sunday morning the entire con vention will attend church services and that afternoon (will listen to lectures. Plans will be formulated at the eonventlpn; for the district In stitute to be held' in August. The convention will tie brought to a close late Saturday afternoon In or der to allow thno for'ytsltlng mem bers to return', to their respective towns. V- ', ' -i' ' Among th-3 Klamath people who are attending the convention are Mil ton Rice, Gertrude Mustoe, Gertrude Smith, Ruth Cofor, Doris Yadon, Es ther Hornby. Ethel Nelson, Harel Noble, Marjorie- Hunsaker,.. Miss Catherine Upp; -Miss Josephine Upp, Geraidine Mars, Dorothy Skillington, Clara Dollarhida, Paul Arnett, Prank Upp, R. EL Patterson, C. H. Barn stable, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Arnett and small son. Ruth Mlnier and Mr. and Mr. Hoffman. The Rev. Frank L. Moore,-pastor of the local DAIRYMEN GET PUREBRED BULL Joe Wright, a dairyman residing near Klamath KbIIk, is a recent pur chaser of purebred llolstoln bull from I He V nation Mock farms. Thin calf, I'rlnoo latador I'anary, sliowu true llolstcln typo. Ho la sir ed by Walker Matailore Prince. grnniixon of a former- world's , rec ord cow out of Itouwtje Mutador Canary W.th n rvcord of i.l.9 lbs. milk and S0S39 lbs. butterfat In sev en days. - : ' . j ' ' As Wright now ha. a" herd of high class lloleteiiis. it i expected that thU bull will produce wonderful re sults within the next few years. Bulls of a-uch quality, are an asset not only to the purchaser, but to the entjre county.- ". v On lirst night's train three pure bred calves from Tillamook county arrlvea 'or Joseph Fooler, rancher of the Round Lake road, and this morning were taken to the ranch by County Agent C. A. Henderson. Office Girl Is Given Square Deal In Film Imirs and wins lilm liwtiy' from the aad-eyed, weeping wife. Hut noth ing murh has been said about the earnest, young woman who makes h-.tr hoM'n battles her battled mm helps him In his great fight lo carve out a living for lilmwlt and family, lu "Daytime Wives," tlio private secretary Is shown ns a beautiful and earnest young -woman with high ideals, who works Jealously and un selfishly for her emplnyer's Interests and ivslstr nil temptations to become a female lounge llxard and Jail mani PARTIES REAOY IN . PENNSYLVANIA FOR ' PRIMARY ELECTION "PHILADELPHIA. April 2f Presidential capdidates do not di rectly figure in the primary to be held In Pennsylvania by all political parties tomorrow. Althouah the luw permits such candidates to place their baiuos on the ballott in mvn electors on opportunity to vote thulr preference, not one'' n willed himself of the privilege. The republicans wm name Vi delegates 10 the Cleveland ronven i Hon. The demo-ruts will elect 8 a delegates to the New ork ronvi'ii i Hon with a total vciio of 70. the parly rules provldlnt; fur c'ntil dele gates ut large, tour 'm-ili and four women, with a halt vole each. On the republican i lde. the candi dates for delegates are not offi cially plcdgel ,to any presidential candidate', , hilt.,, stut-i liuders. said they expect that the delegation to he elected will he unanimous tor Pres ident ("oolldge, Thu majority of the state leaders arc supporting a list of seven candidates for dele gates ut large made itp of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, Governor Plnchot, Senators Popper and Reed. State Chairman Hurry Uaker. Cort gresamau W. S. Vave and Mrs. Eliabeth Price Martin. There laa contest for on0 delogute at largu. Ralph Beaver Sltraaaburger, a Hlrum Johnson supporter in 13JH, tout now an avowed Cool(dge man, oppoalug Governor Plnchot for one of the seven "slated" places. ' On the democratic side 17 i-untll- tlsUx.iire In .riiti 'ruciiW, thJ :ht plarra I'm delegaics al large, three i lementn w ithin the purty eonteMiIng In tvln the delegation. The fight I" a fuctWu,tl one and pccKldrnilul ntnrtliliitnt were not drawn Into the cnniext. ! .... . u i The demnerulM are also clinleud. lint for rnnlml til' tli'i utatb cnin inlllee, members nl which- will t . elected at the prima r. The tin pyitauce of thla fight !s due to iho r.'ict that the statu commltltie ". will elect the next national eommUljie., men. An sttrmpt to have the n lloiml, cnnunltteumuu t'lwhM dlr'ert ly liy the democratic voters ut the primary, tis was done In 1D14 uud 1930, wus! -defeated hy a foilrt de cision. Thn present nuttuiial com mitteeman is Jnsnph Oliffey, Pittsburgh. .Indue Ku'ih ( Hoi), nlwell, I'hllurinlplila. suuvh: lo have the committeemen olmtml illrntlr lir ;he voters. lie Is a candidate for t'lo place an.l wll Ul; b'.B riglil into the state coiumlttKi. ln is op posed by im'mbers of the preheiil state committee, headed by Stale Chairman Austin K. McCullough. Before the court dwlslou, Stale Chairman McCollough threatened lo can't' Ih rontcsr'-lutei' lliii- naklniiutl committee meellllg at New I "I K when the convention ui-'els, There are Home content In lint li inn Joe purlieu for .lUlrlrl national delegates, largely Hie tehull of fac tional dlfforcnctt rtiher than of priuililcnllal prelerence i. All pai'lles will noiiiliiale caui!! dalea lor coiiki'chii in the II II enn Kienaliiinil iHslrlcln, for Hie stale Henatii III l!n dlnlilciH and for the lull membership of the Mate house of repiesentnllvus, fundliltlea will also he nominated by till purl lex, lucludliiE'KiicHallstiaiid prohibition, for Judge 'of Ihe'slale superior court, state Heusurer and auditor; generul, r"' i.J.C v ' i j l i COCHRAN HERE ON ELECTION CAMPAIGN (ioorge ,T. . Cochran, . republican 'fundldute for oongruss from thla district, wua In Kluniath Kulla to day tu the Intervals of his campaign for the nutlonul leglalatlvo ibody. During his stuy here Mr. Cochran look occasion to outline to friends hi- platfni'iii and wliul I'm Will tempi In do. for Oivuon If eleclnil. tin favors lestrlclgd Ini in Ik I ut loll, n department of edumil loll and nu Mil JitKled emu peiiNilHoll lax for ex jer vlca men, ' Among olh or things liu helluvns thai Oregon renourisis houl(l bo de veloped anil Hint -the (uilcral gov ernniviii should assist In this work In a consistent end. , .la many of the cities lu tliti north I'lii pint of the district there nra C'ochiuu clufis. in Tliu Dallos, the euudldatu alutud, a club of 601) liaa been orgaiilsvdi Mr. Cocbrun bus us his opposition .In thn Republican pilinury the present congressman, N. J. Hliiuott, M'M.IVAN Hor.N'l) OVKn . Pole Sullivan, accused of sottlrig fire to the bum near llonansa lust November belonging to Jerry and Chillies MVCariy, will veil examina tion In the JMIoj court ycatorduy and was bound over lo tile grand Jury, Bond wu set at flQbO. Hil llvaii was uiiubla to ralso the bond mid wus committed to Jul). Stenographer ami Irlvato Secretary Portrayed In New Light In "Day time Wires" at Liberty. Tho young: womata stenographer and private secretary has many times been pictured as the home breaker who, with her deep, subtle manner causes a coldness between a man and his wife, while sbo calmly pockets . the affections of her em ployer, but H remains for the vital film drama, "Daytime Wives." now showing at the Liberty theater, to give the office girl a square deal. Endless stories have been written showing the office girl as a heart leas vampire who makes eyes at her $$$$$$$$$$ $$ j LAST DAY OF CLEAN-UP WEEK DO YOUR BIT $ $ $ $ $ $ : Tomorrow-Moe's 18th Regular Monthly $ $ $ $ r $ 9 Day I ARYAN KELTON The distinguished American Author and Psychologist At Scandinavian Hall ; Beginning Monday night. April' 28, in a series of lectures and classes on ' - APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY First Lecture Starts at 8:15 Sharp. Doors open at 7:30. Admis sion Free. Collection to help . defray expenses. SOME OF THE SUBJECTS i Psychology, its influence on ' the "Human Aspect of Life." f- Concentration, what It really is. Psycho-Analysis. Devel opment of personality, etc. jl I 'i ': 1 f? ARYAN KELTON v' l want every person, no matter from what walk of life, who wants to develop his mind, body and soul, to hear tnese lectures and Join these classes. . Aryan Keltoir drew the largest crowd of any Psychologist at his debut lecture in Seattle. He drew one of the largest crowds ever assem bled at thg Armory in Salem. A Day of Full . Fashioned Silk Hose at $1 the Pair -Six. or seven shades to clioose from; similes' that are new this summer" and. full fashioned.'- No mock scams or 'fash- - ioned. Reinforcr ed, wide elastic and ribbed tops. All sizes, three pairs to the box, assorted, at 0 $3.00 For eighteen iuontlu Klamath' thrifty shoppers have attended Moe's Dnllai Days, in greater numbers each time. They appreciate values, more so, because this day i comes to them once each month; because they get qual . ity merchandise, that stimc good service and real savings. ! :. IK.D AUOUT VKKV ARTICLE HERE! Dollar Aprons YJ . - l-"A'ry time' ' they're ' JN offered, they sidl out be- , J cause they're a real buy. 11 ' I Sizes up to 50, light and Ijt, 1 dark patterns. Full cut Ijf I and well made. While fts.yiiW they last, at $1.1X1 ff Best Sport Jackets Those heavy Sports-Khaki Jackets for all outdoor pur poses. Well made throughout, belted, large pockets, in prac tically every size. These have been selling up to $4.50 and are very special for Dollar Wool Infants' Sweaters To close out'balance of these Sweaters for Dollar Day. Slip over styles, in many different: cplors. An opportunity to buy an Infant's Sweater at less than "half. Be sure and see them. $1 Save On Dresses An additii)tintavifig of $1.00 will be given on ' all of our usually low priced Dresses on the racks. Your choice of Silk or Wool Drtsscs; .each one different, in any size you want. ' Priced at $0,75, $12.50 and 16.50, for this day $1 Drapery Material T.huuMiuds of yards of Silka lines, sheencttes, cretonnes, ele, so suitable for drapes, cover ings, comforters.' Many new patterns far bettor than any shown ' fie fore. You will like them and appreciate their worth 4 yards, for Pure Linen Toweling Z Sure to be closed out before the day. 'An all-linen crash Toweling for kitchen or roller towel use. Launders nicely; with red and blue border. Get at least 7 yards-of this. For Dollar Day only ., MWould you come to the end of tba .day with an early morning freshness : fstill in your stride? JIhen experienco the ease in-built into every pair of 'Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoei.iThe jiciiuug viuuiiua lanoiaviB .uueu lu And our Salesmen F. C. S. (Foot Comfort Specialists) will fit yon per fectly. , They're educated in their work and never guess buj know! K. SUGARMAN "I Ain't Mad at Noboddy" . Dollar Specials Round the Store EAR DROPS continue to be even more stylish and tlje cpst is so nominal, in an assortment for Dollar Day yo'u will find surprising values and good looking ones. So many j designs, Colors and general makeup. Get a couple of pairs. . ,, s O'.ir ?j .. 7 ' r-5IUs VESjTINGy jn Put e Silk, Pink, Peach, Maize, Orchid. tubular1 style and' the 'regular width. A material every woman P jikes, .for .its texture, soft feeling, durability, appearance. Yard ' ' '' ' ; $1 1 JEAN MIDDIES, again in stock. . They're of the durable, rfs.a washable kind, with the large collar,. trimmed with middie braid. p I 1 This is really one of the most practical middies a girl can wear. PLISSE CREPE, rjf the Windsor quality, white only, for t Dollar Day. Thts-quality Crepe usually sells for 29c and is one P of the best materials known for gowns and lingerie. Launders well and need not be ironed. Special, 5 yards for 1 $1 Each of These Are Good Value -SATIN ETI'E BLOOMERS, placed on sale for Dollar, t)dy by request. These can be had in eight colors and 27 to 29 'inches long. Well made and roomy, with clastic at the wnit nn.i j.V: ble at the knee. ' The material alone costs more to make it than the ready-made. For -Dollar Day - '' , MUSLIN GOWNS. Again you have the opportunity to bnv your gowns at One Dollar. An entire table full of crepe and ....., .w iu suing in pinK ana wmte; worth while. BOYS COVERALLS, in blue striped. Made of genuine stifel cloth, insuring good washing and wearing qualities. Well mode throughout, -trimmed in red. 1 hvery child needs a couple for rough and ready wear, at , .' PURE LINEN Toweling, made in England. For kitchen d use it cannot be beat as it washes so nicely and easily. Comes with red and blue border, 16 inches wide; slightly brown COMFORT CHALLIES in 25 different patterns. Full 36 Inch es1' wide, and used frequently for drapes as well as coverings. Re-cover those old comforters. Special, 5 yards for 'Reduction on Silk Underskirts A Collar and Cuff Set for $1 For Dollar Day The Woman's Store will give a reduction of $1 on each Underskirt., sold. Includ ed are Jersey, Pussy . Wil low, poulard. Satin, Taf feta,' etc., in almost any shade you want. The reg ular price is $3.50 to' $10, but deduct from the regu lar marked pric.c - A .large lot of.' Collars and Cuffs for Dollar Day. Many of tlicm are trim med with Irish lace and various edgings. Of linen,' jay silk, Indian head, .sois etle, etc. You cannot af ford to be without a set as the cost is so little and it adds so much to the dress. 1 1 1 i SILK. PONGEE.. Several hundred. yards left to go on Dollar Day. This Pongee is government inspected, nice even weave V I and fine for summer garments. For Dollar day onlv I . ' t.Cii'.i i'A ( .' Children's ' ; Coats i Your' choice of any Child's or Infant's Coat in the house at $1.00 off for" Dollar Day. Most of them are brand new in stock and of the very latest styles, Every child neods a coat and would appreci ate one of these, $1.00 Discount p 11 li, w I' $1.00 Off I ft i II It t I t ( It $1.00 EACH TRUTH IN ADVERTISING I it III III I $ $ i f '!'"'. ' VI. I