1 1 GON FRIDAY, APJKIL. 23.U1U21 . THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OR. Fait Sv4 MOM'N POP POP MAKES I US OWN SELECTION BY TAYLOR; LUMBER GUT ORE 1 GOD Ol'Vgdll Wild l I'WIHl III lllllllll'l' Mi ll tlilDljuu , 11122 w)lh it cut nl , HiiO.OOO.Oiiii lent Imunl in ii i m v ii I -lied nl t lun.iHiii.oiMl, uis'iiidlng in ii llil lliil 111 Jiil Imiiii'iI by lliii Wil urn Furi'Mtiy mill I'tiiiMiirviitliiii iih.hi clulloii, ' TIidi i. mil jin A f)u v 1 1 1 1 1 1 h In I ho hUIo. Km ly-lliii'i' i tliiiiiuiuid iiu'ii ii ru employed In lliii . lumber I'iiiiIM nml. Ill 1 1 In. mukliig Uil par cent iif II.) IiiiIiihII'IiiI iiiiyrnll of llm sinle , . . Lumber rod ll 1 1 ll lining nil ii tlm Iii t'KOni liulutiirlv in orison, Mm' iiliiliUi'iiiint'ii nf UiIk Imlimiiy tbioiijjb the., iiniliiili"i ' Wm formls in Or ami, tin, liiillutln points out. U of Vllul lluimi luiicn bui'ii-sii II u.-iuim; , 1. . I'ouiluuoue umii uf llin forent luuil through lliu growth of suceua lvo croim of wood. Jl. J'p 'inn ii"ii c employment fur labor. II. I'liriiuiiHill employment fur cnpllnl mill mills. ,4.- I'ormniinnt homes mill tosns. . 5. A lurger iiiiil mor-i permanent Inral miirki't for agricultural pro iliirp. Tim pin pill iiulluii of Oregon's for est goe. hand III liiiml wllli (ho regu lation of Hirvum flow to provide wat er for water power uml Irrlxittloii. Hum Ilia bulletin, mill (lis prevention of iriiBldli. Tim pel petuiitlnli nf On' gifi'ii fnri),:Jt ji.'io .iiueiury If tlm flail, r ii ill HIHl wllil III" mil to In, miivkiI from extinction, ; i ii V"1 i CH1LOQUIN SEWING CLUB PREPARES FOR SUMMER CLASS WORK At n rocnm meeting of tlm Clillo nuln Hewing club. In. Miss (Mark' SI'lllMll, tlPW IllMlllKIW WH, dlSCIKMI'd nml aeveral yll comiioiicil for umi of club mnmbens at llm comJnit ses sion of mimmor school In Corvallls, Work for (lie completion of the w Ing .allotment before tlia close of School wan plannod by every mem ber.. On roll cull the following member wjre premmt: Vena Nixon, prosl ilnnt; Charlotte Hesslg, vlre presi dent; Alice Buwman, secretary: Mrs. Donoy. club laatler; and Maxlna Johnson, (irnro Nixon, Dolores Dep pon barker, Jean Calkeni, Wanda loiny. Allen O'Donovun, Virginia flrac-)r, Joan Krananburg. Joeplilno O'Donovun, Virginia (I racer. Rlva Tic and Olive Dry-ant. Clarence H.Undewrood Annouucea himiKlf n randl , duto for nomination to offlco of 'County ConwuUnilniier, imb ' Ji'ct to decision of Republican ' o'.crs nt ' Primary Election May 16, 1914. - , STOPS CATAHRH CloKXed Air' Passages Open ' at Once Nostrils Cleared If your urietrlla are; clogged and your head am f fed liuuause of cat urrti or a cold, get Ely's, Cream Ualm at any drug store. Apply a little of this 'pure, antlsoptlc, gonn destroying crouin into your nostriU and lot It pvnelrnto through evory Ir, passage lit. yuiir busil duid meni branos. Instant rullof. How good It fools. Your .head Is dear.' ' Your nostrils are opan. You breu I bo freely, No more luiw klnfcior snuffling. Hand colds and catarrh yield like mnglc. Don't slay stuffed up, alinkvd up end mis erable. Relief 4s sure. Adv. ; . ' LEGAL NOTICES HEAL NG 111 TO WHOM It JUAY CONllKiLS;' ' This U to certify that ii have (lis pbaed of my Intnmt In the Morrill Oreahiury to tho Merrill Creamery (inoorporated), offectly us of April 1, .1924., All' Accounts are lo be sot lied respectively tn iiocurdunco wllh uliovti ilato at the Mi'i'illl Creaiuery. (.: A, THjOMA. ; ...!". ; , . ,Ap.. 18-25 -Mny 2-i)-lu i IMTIOK KOIt ITMI.H'AfJO.N j-Dupiirtment of Uiii Intbrlor. I). S Lknd, Officii at l.iiki'iw,,. Orcgiin, Murbll 10, 1924, . ; , 'NOTICE Is hereby given lliat Al bert W. Shur; ot Worden, Oregon, who, mi May 2. 19in, made home stead entry, No. 010924. for SWw SinU', HHSWU Sec. 2 and SKf SIOi,, Sec. 211, Twp. i) 8 It. 8 K,', Wlllaiuutto meridian, has tiled no tice nf inluiillnn In nnike fin" I Ihrae yaar Prnof, lo vHliibllHh claim to the I Ii ml lilmve iI-hii;IIimiI, ln'fnre U. K. DeLap, Clerk uf the County Conn, hi .Klsiniiih Fnlli. Oregon, i,n I be 2nd diy u( May, l24, t' III ii .lit MHiiies s lliii'-e Den (ley, Dun lei Uuiutni, . Il"iii) (lorded oOhelnr Mefnll'iiu, all o' Worden, Oregon . F.'P.rl't""T lti'Kti"r. . i" M-24, Apr.-2(l liiu V. . .. -i. - -; , fj.'-. ' " ' . 'J ' ', I y6 PLAV6P A FgBNCH 1 y 1 ( THAT WAS GPAND. ( PERHAPS 'JoO'O tIME 1 f 1 THPnrHfll '. Y ' fQ I MERE'S HOPIN- H6 " , " L I J f cwo) f j .I . ; ; . ill I :iu inliil piiinl illnn nf tin' niiihii'iilul 1,'iiltifil ,sn,t ly.iiiu, lil)u nru ni'Kronii, I n 1 U'l in K miiliil- tnrii; 14. mm. mill nr; fnrelgii-borii j and 23.000,000 niillvn-lnirn wllh mm or ). It iniiniiu for-i)in-liirn. JuVLINlINu HtKALD I..AHMII II I! All kateh !. Kiii iii"i linn ; Tun lllMi-l-llilll. liirr,' ilim-rllOltft .... I'mir In-i'i Hon V-.U I'l llllll'K) On.. Monili .M'llllllilllll rli.HISi' . -r lini- lili ...MT llm I.V . MT Mill' 'JO I'T llin . ht Mm' llilr B't- line 7.'ii' Aii nm eniLi-riiMv,. in.' iluiiEetl ii Inv liir iui Ii ninl-n'iin. 'iipy iinil In, in 11,-mM nfllcii by nonn lo got In thin dii)' p:i: it. ti'miluy nlimalflrd aU (whi-ri- lyM' liiil'.i-r limn ilil;, u nwill i. re counli-il ii in.' lliu- n llin Inrli. IM-Olt.M TH) KOll AOVIvltTIHKIIH ( iipy for dlHpliiy niivi'rllslng muat hp III lli nrfli'o tltil luli-r Uihii 3 in. mi Hie iluy prioding publica tion In n-ilur to In, Inmrled In llin Inaiiii of Hie paper of Din nxt iluy. Want n l and reading not'rea will bp rei'iveil rp tn I 2 noon on iia day of 'naiiM, . '!, I !Iiik for frulernal nr-,T-or oi:li'tl charging a regulnr In- itliitlmi fi't. nnd iIiipn. no dM"iin 'tel'iilniii ami livnernlnnt nrilni will be Hnriied the ti'vnlur ta'a frr oil iv.rlllng when nil inlmln'on or other rbnrite In nimle. NEW TODAY KOll RENT Sleeping room. 343 S. 1 . th St. 25-28 j 1 -Tr . .; FOR RENT-Houaokeoplng or oou , , . rootu. 10 .Washington. 25-261 1 u.,,. ,. .. , 1 FOR RK?T-r-nrge bedroom, tlso of! bath and .hOne. 219 Jefferson i St. . '.; v. 2S-26-2S FOR SALE Xow, nicely furnlahedl 3 -room boutte, Rroakfaat nook,' modern, garage., flood location. In-j quir front owner, 923 Delta St., Jueti off Oregon Ato. . 35-26 TOR 8ALK Rmall house In Mills addition.- Will veil cheap or trade', for email car. . CliUcoto & Smith, j 25-26 1 KL of C. Council No. 2255 More Tlireday 8 p. in. lO'ccuni Hell 81 h nnd High Vlelllug Knlglils . .Welcome F. Onwford, O.K. B.P.O. ELKS Meets , Tliui'Ml.iy evening. VLsit . lug iiH'inlK'm welcome, lOlka roniile, 8 id & Mull) ', Leslie ItoKers,' Kxnlnil Tom JJiiUoll, S'C. ; Killer . 'i . in i I. i . . . UNKVILLE IN YE ApitH his ilriat , -rotwk'r aiiivwt, tub i.-.ii-i imi'i i-'mum -ins or.ii.5-i -t -me it r -it. -ji n - - - - r Klamath Lodge Directory , : I '' ; HAS BEftN V T' -"rirl , H LA-4vi fTZ Ifi'll' NEW TODAY J FOR SALE -J. l f ' f I'HO.VB 2D7-W fur vnur Hlock Wood, nnnvf onr.w fn. K. I Kn-nch. 6 B.L.French. 23-2..' 4 If? h7(ls i -A 1 XX IWiANTKI) Woman want luilndry poR BAI.K -I'll re hn-d Bafcrcd Kock "ur l" "iii". luiumi nr? egg, i.ouniy i-oor rarra. v A t R ' J- vf ikTS a m : and finish. Phono 1.21 -W. 23 22-23-24-25' V (S ' Kfftf ,., ' JT i i i w m wi Mt n ' - u i WANTBI) Steady work on ranch b wnn nii.if ir, n.ru nn i,ihiv I iW l W iLSL'JJ 'lll! " ' murrloj man. Box C. N, llnrald mlM out. Ideal truck and 1 f A JSL ' fii 'III ,wnoe. ... 26-29 poultry ranch. For Information I ll AP x gTV -s Ol V ' 1 1 ' ; : . lUoi 15-K-13. 22-23-24-26 11 . V AAX TV f5b(ffl -'JjEr " I ' WANTBI) Younn man, typW and -f - r-Am-f 17- 1 1 T7 1 1 JWrJl vJlsZ : I clork., Ajcb 20 to S6. 1-ocal pun 9ja CHEVROL.KT COUPE Uun I SyfEAl fcr iJjlkS' v v J : ri!' ; . I v;t uroforrnd." Bholl Co. , of Calif., S000 mill, excellent condiliou. " JtBSKvStV - ZrT jSr m. 'f I I'liono 654. ,, . 2r,-26 AIo Evinruda motor and row boat. fT(xPl tjTtl 1 ' j7 J&ffjf ff ' ' I WANTBI) Young man, typlfct and clork., Ago 20 to :6. lOcal muu preferred.'' Hhnll Co. of Calif., I'liono 654. ,, . 2r,-26 WANTBI) Young woman Btooo grapher atid bookkeeper. Allblty and at loiuit two you re practical hx pnrinnce roqulrMl. 4jond pi'rinuiwnl ponitliin for right periion. Addreu, Kpraguo River Company, riilloquln, Oregon. 2j-20 PHONB 207-W for your Illock Wood K. U French. , 25 FOi:.1) llox of ribbons. In Pino Flat. Owner call at Bhell Oil Co. offlee and pay for ad. 25-1 FOR SALE FOR RALE New three room hoiiSi'. iMartln Ht., near Bib. Call at tt:ov N. 11th St. 24-20 KOll SALE 1920 Franklin, good condition, new top, new paint. IOjO. Howie Oarago. Apr. 24-25 FOR g.M.r. a KO'iH u"l cornel nod eae, ehap Winter Jewelry Store. Ftitr FOR SALE by owner. Paige 6, A-l condition. Good rubber, nuw bat-' tcry. $460 caab. . 103 Went Main St. ., 23-25 , KOK KA1.K PAY 1.1 Kit RUNT x nr.M ' - Ut'NUALOXVH' It. II. Mnley, 70:1 Utli ht. Apr. 1 May 1 lui. FOft"BALE V-Botioni ' Speed-boat Hull, winner of, speed-boat race. I 1928 regatta. Port Orford Oedar plunking,, oak rnni-1, 'm,wly paint ed and in. excellent condition. : Will carry lx people totntortubly. Phone 32, evenings. . , 23-26; , ,-, , , FOR SALE, CHEAP Flrnt Class . hot air Boynton furnace, Inolvjdlng lot pf plpee; also floor grates.. 21S Cellar St., cor. Pine. Phone 616.'21tf FOR ' SALE '.Bee hives, brood Xrames, ir9CtlonB,upors, , founda tions. All kinds supplies, reasonable. 324 N. 11th St.. . V 21-29 AMKH1CAN LEGION . jinunaw l twit AO.. B 1 1 aeeiings JNt sno nra Tui'iriaVM Onttrf FIiium gH-K Basement.. ''..ifM1! mnnder phone W-M Knights of Pythias Lodge Mwt every MOuuay efen-mg- 7:0 p.uv I.O.O.F. t Hall. Visiting KlUghtS , welcome.'' :. 'W. D.; Colmrii; ,0. ,-. OLDEN TIMES iATeJ?! hchhb BRcArem. 44l , ifc mouib . , j NSAX I i FOi:.1 llox of rThboiw. In Pino FOH RENT I'nMrniubcd apart- " M rtJ II TTTl HkMI IY 1 11 fl ll ' Lt:.p!:iL!,Lr8h0,'.a 'iri.:!iili2 JsZr. It ll lUI ll JliniJl II U 450-jy after 6 p. w. 220 (11 JUIM(ULjIM 1 bred Anftorra !oat; buggy and Wjyiftry VW'jVwlgfj7 ! ' '' for rent rr tttS ti i ? FOH RENT I'nf'irnbibcd apart UK'iits. I'bone :3'J-J.- A 13-M 12 FOR RENT -Room and board for 2. 33 Xtuin St. FOR RENT May 1, 4-roosn modern house. Inquire at 911 Prospect Ave. No children. , . 22tf FOR RENT 2 furnlehed apis. 419 N. 10th St. 23tf FOR RENT Sleeping room, clone In, eultable for one gentleman. 1149 Pine St. ' zati FOR RENT Sleeping room. Hath 4c telephone. 111 Pine St. 23 2C FOR RENT Ftirnished room. 425 Klamath Ave. Phone 351-W. . 24-:i FOR RENT OU. SALE Small fur nished Jiouae-. Call 1120 Dplon Ave,, after 5. wi WANTED WANTED Small house or apt., ny man and wlfo. -No". children. A. O. Pearson, Arcade hotel. 23-25 WANTED by woman, experienced In camp cooking.- wants cooking job or dav work. Good recommendations. Mrs. Viola Wheeler. 626 N. 9th St.. or lien. Delivery. . , . 9tf WANTED To rent.' by April 1. 4 or 6-room. turniahed or partly ' furnished bouse, close In. Phone i iw. ...... 14U W1ANTED TO RRN'T Five room furnished or . partly furnisneu house. Will lease. Box C. B., Her ald Office. 24-26. WANTED 'Lady stenographer, must be good tvpist. See Mr. Kelton. White Pelican hotel. 24-28 MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTER wants work. Day or contract. Call at 137 N. 8th St, evenings. . 24-M., 1 . We have the cash to pay (or your oecona iiuna nuruuura. diutos e Ranges.' Phone 765. " O, K. Furni ture Co., 122 N. 6th St. . 21U WELL LOCATED, timbered iiom "eteds, Inquire Box Z. X., Heram Office, . . , ...21-26 TRIANGLE CAFE-r-The place to get good eats, of km all, niuht. sb Main Street, phone 624.. .. ... 14tf Z. PETERS,, -accredited ...Teachef, . piano and violin, nil other tnstru dionts taught also. . 748 JB road St., near Cth. Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. ' - X. 14-M. 1. LET OEOROK - tit , : up ynur lltUe coale home- at.h reason,nble nr'oo. Phone -'605-M. 624 Klamath Ave, '. :. i Apr.;. IHJMay ;1 Inc. POULTRY FOR SALIC S. 0. White Leghoj-a baby.chlx irons heaviest-- laying strains. $10.00 per 100. Safe do livery gunrnnto d.'. Model Poultry Fni'ih, Corning, Calif. , Apr. 19-May 19, Inc. CERTIFIED tlABY CHICKS White nnd llrowu I.ocborq's,, Barred Rocks, R. 1. Reds, Tlack Mlnorcss, Now booking for spring deliver,. All (locks cortltled by thc fllena Couivly Fm tu tlurnau. Prices oh application. Orlhnd Hatchery, .Orland, Glenn Co,, Calif. lWf LOST AND FOUND - i LOST Saturday. cnrWer Voy's "bol-i lection book tor Ro'ilo No, 4, Please rutuinvla HomlU of'lco, ttij. II TRU-ELU BISCUIT CO MPAN Y-Spokane EVERETT TRUE FNE ! i Tl f-TarP i W t a 55? a? 7 I PROM ME, THEM ii rr i w pamaim and Milk AVOID the heavy foods of winter and turn to delicious, easily di gested foods like Tru-Blo Grahams and tmlk. They furnish all the body-baflding and heetlth-building elements with oat vrorking nn overload on the stomach. They contain the bran that, like a good spring tonic, helps the system purify the blood. Try lunching on Tra-Blo Grahams and milk for a week y oil will be surprised how. much better you feeL , ., Order From Your Grocer Now B hm Tm-Blm Orokams w tkt famou btut and . gold evrton and By CONDO SCT BSTTSR IM N AU- MY ' TH I -?M Y 'Ml ' "' tn wood bom$. and Fbrttatid LEGAL NOTICES XOTICK JO CHEDITORS All persons having claims against the estate ot Sarah B. Jones, de ceased, are notified to present them, with proper vouchers, to me at the office of D. V. Kuykendall, Attorney at law, , 16 LoonlU Building, Klam ath Falls, , Oregon,1 within: six months from April, 8, 1924. ; Anne C. Brockenbrough, . Administratrix. Apr 2-9-1 - NOTICE FOR BIDS School Rietrlct Nunrber 6ne r,oi Klamath County, "Oregon, ,wlll: re ceive sealed bids on bond lssu of $25,000.00. ' ' i Bonds will be dated April 1, 114, will bear interest at the rate ot H per cent, per, annum, interest pay able semi-annually, i , ; j Bonds will 'he due and payable twenty years from date ot Jamie and optional with the '.district after ; ten years. - Jntereet and prlnoipel psyv able at the Fiscal Agency of the State ot Oregon, In Now York City, N. Y. - . - i ) - AH. .bids to be plainly . marked, "Sonled Bid" and to be addressed to Ida B. Momyer, Clerk. . :. .All bids must be accompanied, by cortlfled check for,B of the bid sad must be in the hands of the clwk by soven o'clock p. m., ' May 7th, J924. 'Hide will., be 'opened at the office of the District In the Central School Building of Klamath Fulls, Oregon, at J:80 p. ni May 'Till, 1824, at a meeting otfen to the pub He . 'i.t , i ," i ' '-. -! , ' The Board reserves the right to relict any or ', all bids. ' ; i School District o. 1 . Klamath County, Oregon,' 'Ida B. Momyer, Clerk. . ' Apr. 19 M, 6 Inc. It's tbo overdraft that knoeks yet cold. ,; .v,; : .'. '- ;, '.! : H - u i ', 1;, i ! --It