FRIDAY, APRIL, .23, 1924 U,....L'JU,. . I. mi , J ., u I. .i. BAY INS MAY BEDOOMFQ , THE EVENING HERAL'Pt KL'AjMATH FALLS. OREGON i. mi-.J . '! -Ji.L.'iii ...i.. it . it-r")':.. i 'j i . ) i , , ". Jl , vjU' , .... N1CW YOIUC April 25. Tlio mill lltiiitna of KlurliiK lKHlH)iiril,i which dot Dm imtlm' liluhwiiyn fruiii miml to ooiwl Din luiiiiujd mill will hit lurgtily dona nwiiy with, If lliti cunir imlmi of Ills Niitlunul (.'niiiinlltmi fur Hmilrlrtliin of Outdoor AdvnrtLliiK In' uneroMifully crrlot out. It pro gram (o proaorvo ihu pjiiI; Iicauty of the country' rondwnya mid to illnvlnat tin urmlghily which I In oviry vacant apnea In (lit eltlti, tlriidy haa ban Indorcutl. by It national advortlaara, according' to Mra, V, L, I.owton, commlltcj chulr man. ' Etforu to do away Willi (ho nlnni aro now bain projmtod by tlio cum-, mlttuo In nlho'nlutn, timl ownlunlly It Is pluiiiiotl to ok I mnl dm movuiiimit throughout tho nation. Tlio national organlcatlon l ut pivtaont co-oporatliig with il civic, aoclul and oilier liodlna, lit of which aro nntlnnal, Im-ludlng tha Fodnrii tlon of Women Clt-'Un uml Mid Our don Clubi of Ainotira, In a campaign to pronorva civic valuta Iho support of Chamlixra of Comniorc and Murchnnta' Aworlu (lona alo haa bean mllnivil. It .hub polntod out that thn committed In not aesklug to ollmlnula tha una of outdoor advortiolnn, but to rctilrlct It to commarclal locutluua. Tha work of removing tliui un alghtly oncrnaohmnnt hIimik tin 1-ako :nrga highway in tlio Adlrou dacka alroady haa Imcn Iiokhii by a number of national ndvcrllnoin, nnd tha Standard Oil Compnnlaa of Now York and California ra at prm-nt oitcudlng tt throughout tlvlr din ti'lcta. Other national advortlnera which have indoraod tha rommillii' pro gram ore Ktrkmnn'ft Hon, K'lly Hprlngflnld Tit Company, IMIInbury Flour Milk Company, Wtialihurn Croahy Company, Chnmplon Hpurk Plug Company, It. F. (inodrlrh Hub bar Company, Sun Oil Compmiy, Ifood RulVtr Company, AJnx Hub bar Company, Ward ilaklng I'nm pany, Dodgo Hrothoin, (uf (f fttltiic Company, Tca Company nnu FlouKhmann Company. Nowiiuitllo to toll tlio otory of "HmI omy Juny'a Kino," upon which tlio plcturn In buniid. Huloiny Juno In 11 dnllKhtfiil ' inuiiiituln I'liiirucinr ua portruyiol by Jucuuollno Lokiiii. Wlion tint atr.go, iliivcn Jiy Vului lllll, a purt oxccllnnlly pnnionatJd by Mr. Fuwcutt, l roblf.'il and tlio utruniiar (Muurli'n Klymi ) In mriMttod for tlio crliiMi, tlio uclloii bocunt'e tnnnti and nplrllixl. Thorn liro nly.lit rid" Kuloro, mid tunny lM'ii il ; 1 f 1 1 hpoIh In Iho iidwood twnintit or tlio Hum tu Cru. nioiiii litllia oiu plcturvd with rimfiil of-foct. FARM 'AND STOCK BULLETINS HEADY : FOR DISTRIBUTION ' AU; BUbJaofc of Intercit to the farmr Including Information on dla oitivi of llvaatork, rodont and pom control, dairying, furm , cropa, and poultry nro Included In a aupply of bulletin Juat rwrivad tit tlio county agalit' offlnj for froo dlntrlbutlotl. Ilullctiiu muy bo micurcd by cither writing or calling at tha offico. The Hat of bulletin Includo nil of tha now edition both from the IJ. 8. Dcpurtmom of uitrlcultura and Oregon aiparlmonl atatlon, ulno from otlior colloao und experiment Mu tton throughout the antlro U. it. Hcvaral thouannd aro kept oh hnnd for distribution, Bret Harte's Famous Story Now In Films "Solotny Jane," Vnununl 1'lcturo of The flolil Runti Daya, nl Tlno Trro Tomorrow. Scoring an emphatic hit In tha cltloi whuro it haa linen nhown, tho Paramount company tulflllad a prom- l3 to glvo tho public a nomewhat dif ferent "waatern" In tho plcturlta tlon of Itret Karto' famous atory "Halomy Jano" which cornea to the l'lno Trco theutro tomorrow, wltlt, a chlldran'a matineo at two o'clock. Jacquollno Logan, k)orgo Fawcett and .Lnurloo Klvnn. thn featured player, contributed much by their artlatry to mnko tha presentation tho aticcoM It proved to be. .It rocm llko carrying coal to FIRST CONVENTION HELD CENTURY AGO I SKvn YORK. Anill 2S. Vw Yorker who rcmeinber tliolr history aro recalling that tha flrnt conven tion for tho nomination of n presi dential cundlduta wu held In thin city. It wa convened by tlw old Fednrallnl Tarty In 1812 and nom inated Do Witt Clinton, then l.iou-tunant-tiovornor of tho atalo, to head the party ticket. Clinton received X'j electoral voti to 219 for Jum;a Madliion. i'ravlou to till FadornlUt con vention, unprelnntloiin forerunner of tlio greu gathering of tha Democrat ic party which take pluco hero next mouth, tlio method of uppraiaing proitldi'tillul timber were compara tively ulinplo. Indeed, 'Until tho election of I SOO thero woro no nom Inittlooii. In 1 7ht Wjiihington waa Ihu cholre of the elector provided by Die machinery of tha new constitu tion, and "tho Father of hla coun try" wa again nelected In 1792. After John Adam had aerved hi term, however, party divisions be gun to be iimnlf .it, and In 1B00 the fimt ronitreiuilonnl caucused for the election of tho chief executive nnd vice pri ldent were held, wl'h the remit that Jefferson t-jcumo presi dent after tho lloime of Itep'escn- I lalivc had been called upon to break the Ik between him and Auron lliirr. Tho congitlonal caucun method prevailed In 1804 and 1808. although there had a yet been no platform and no convention. However, tho Federal lat conven tion of 1812 did nut avrvo to commit the p.irtie to that nyatem of making uomimitlonn, und It wu lint until the election of 1822 that nil tho pres idential cnndMittcu ivero named in tin manner. The Anll-Mn-ionlc party, first In tha field, met tit Ilnltlmoro In Hep lenilir,' 1S:iO,: niljoiirnlng until Hep lombor 20. lHIll, on which dnt" tho delegate re-iuieiirbled In tlio saiiin city, tioiiMnuiIng Wlllliim V.'irt or Virginia for the pronldency Until tho Whig and Dvmocrula bnt to tho doep'r movomeot of the j aclontWa of every" nation. " 'jinny -deow of iiio'Atlnn'tlc, rocks' lira'tmir curth'a bulk, due to trmendoi!nl geologists biivaItcoptl his theory, j per cant heavier, than under Tlko'a pressure." ' , j' "liontncy advance tl:n ' auppoal-1 I'aok.) Xeme, the relutloq jtl)e If,, flftellire1 th.'lt u tif.rn rnu,i nn1 I II, .n ,1..., ...i.- n.. ,uTL..i u .t flro exist thoy occupy poclaits In tho art bit crunt, und tbet tlio cvutor of Pars FW M.llu4 lJLUH! IHrectur Iluyrmd' studio of lux- purtliiH iilno hold tholr eonveiit'ona ' Ul curth ls n"1 " "'"n mus. for thn 18,12 election ut Jialllniore, tho former meeting on rVicoinber 12, I Nil I, mulling ronpocl Ively Henry ( lay mid Andrew .luckson. In IIkmo day lialtlmoro wim mini .imlly ui.'cealblo of any city of ihl country; In fact It romulnel tlio favorlto convention city until tho de velopment of tho railway throiiitd wlmt I now the Middle Wei. - - i-n3 Hir nn iii'firi.v me aanio a any oiner wacn coiumu. 4 ' ll'lici'tor Itayfdrd bin work on Hon that rock aro llgniar under tlio eleve.t Ion nhovo a leful on tho one;1'11 theory In l0l). Blnoa than h high parts of the American contln-1 hand nnd tlio density of tho rocks bus conduotod mora than 800 plumb enl limn the low parts," hn ald. "If of that section of tho globe down to j 11119 comparUnna. Ho aaltl that tU the theory Is trim, then there 1 a'a depth of about 70 miles on tiielP'ill of tho earth on a pendulum haa .hydrostatic prrefltur'j In tho rock of! other hand, Is such that a column ! been measured In U00 place In the tacy have hean tr.nmlatod and urn, tho earth everywhere at about 70 , under any aifuuro mile of earth down i Inltod ilttUM, a socoud proof of lao now being used and r-fmreit to ny mlle U-low sea level. l.'nder thcjto 70 lulli below aea level weigh j tttry. . ,' ' " If It IX In Flapper Speech 'X t .: Here's The Latest l'lno Tree Show "I'lanilng Youll.' Totlny For Tlio Int 5 ; '. - Tl iiiii Iler ,. c y T ? ? f Y f ? V T r t sister, or to your girl after you've had a quarrel. ..And .thai' .not All thcro' niorol to bo seen If you will go to the; J Pino Troo theatre, where "Flaming! Youth,';. First National picture, Is being. nhown for tlio loot times. It feature Colleen! Moore. j J Every thing that goo to mako a; good picture In ndd to bo found ln. "Flaming Youiiij comedy, romance, heurt-lnterest nnd t;ne drama Hero's thn latest In flapper vo cabulary with tlio definitions. A nockar la u "sweet young thing" who parmit almost any pleasing young man to put hi arm around ho i3clr. f A peltcr? Ha I tho young man who ha tho arm which goes around the peck of a ncckor. A red kiss? One that I not white. Moro explicitly, a red ono I tho kind you novcr would glvo to your mother or Bister, and a whlto ono Is I tha kind you glvo to yo'Jr mother T with i X nni,a null nitiiuoiii iu mw ciimu m - tore. For the gilded attraction lat night Mr. Clwiso snng two now songs which won Instant favor with the audience. Melville at tho organ nns added on excellent program of mu- bIc for tho feature. ISOSTACY THEORY ' CONTENDS WORLD IS SOLID TO ITS CORE CHICACO. April 23. Isostacv. tho theory for tho establishment of .which Director John Hayford, head of the Collego of Engineering at Northwestirrn University, was award ed tho Victorian Mfcdul by tho Royal Geographic Society of Great Britain, in explained by tho director us a forro beneath the jsurfaro of tho earth tending to equalize pressure at all points. "It adds much to strengthen tho ovldonco thut tha world Is sonu throughout," ltnyford said. "In a measure, It also explain earth quakes. On tho Japanese coast and tho western coast of tho I'nited States tlKiro aro high mountains ad jacent to great ocean depths. "lifostttcy demonstrates that earth quake under EUch conditions arc not duo to action of subterranean g.TKOs and lava on tho earth's crust. Better Meat For Less Specials For Saturday 8 lbs. POT ROAST ...:.$1.00 G lbs. PORK ROAST -.-$1.00 2 lbs. BEEF STEAK 35 2 lbs. PORK CHOPS - 35 No. 5 lard : .80 No. 10 LARD -..'. 1-50 SPECIAL SPRING CHICKENS SPRING LAMB SANITARY MARKET' C. A. PAULEY Kayser's Holeproof Silk Hose New Ideas in - Neck' I wear r. Just Unpackedw " THE FASHION CENTER ' All Wool Pleated Skirts $4.95 A veiy low price for these popular Skirts. Colors, tans and greys. Only 15 to be sold at this price. New Sport Sweaters Just unpacked Slip-overs, Tuxedos, Sleeveless and Jacquets T r y T f ? ? y- y y t f y f y v y y ; t y y 5. y y y y y y- f it--t .t t if it ;t t t t ! Price $3.98 to $12.50 A Special Showing of Summer Wash Dresses ' Voiles, Linens, Ratines, Ginghams. ' Gingham Dresses, $3.50 to $7.50 Voiles, Linens, Ratines, sizes 16 to 46, . $5.95 to $12.50 Three-Piece Tweed Suits All wool fabrics, hand tailored; an ideal outfit for motoring and outings; Jacket, Knickers and Skirts. Specially Priced $16.50 ''A ' Individual Styles in- Better Hats vot. yrif ,,r Are to be had now. Moderately priped $7.50 to $15.00"' . ' Special showing of other Hats , $5.00 to $6.50 Jersey Silk Petticoats, $3.50 A good selection of colors to choose from. - ' I t t T T t t T t T T T t Kayser's All the new shades $4.95, $6.95, $10.00 End Special Sale Four Days Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday KAYSER KNIT VESTS, 3 FOR $1.00 ; ' ! An exceptional value. 4 YDS. ROMPER CLOTH $1.00 y Medium, dark and light colors TWENTY 10c HANDKERCHIEFS $1.00 Slightly soiled. , GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES $1.00 Also a few Percales in this lot. SILK UNDER VESTS $1.35 Colors, Maize, Orchid, Flesh and Peach 4 YDS. JAP CREPE $1.00 All colors, good weight. ? ? t T T t t t I : : t NEW CURTAIN NETS, SPECIALLY PRICED !f. Just unpacked, a case of new designs in Curtain Nets, and made very special prices for this Month- t. End Sale . f 39c, 48c, 75c - ViV ???t? . 2 YDS. RATINE SUITING $1.00 Tan, Grey, Orange, Brown, White; 36 inches wide. FIFTEEN 10-CENT HAIR NETS $1.00 Made by hand Guaranteed All Colors. , SPECIAL LOT OF CORSETS $1.00 Regular $2.00 values. A few Elastic Girdles in cluded in the lot. SATURDAY SPECIAL! . '. v A Guaranteed r Electric Percolator ., , $4.98 " A Limited Amount, So Come Early! , ' PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE On 6th St., Between Main & Klamath Ave. Pulleys We carry 300 different sizes. If- you need one or a dozen Try LORENZ CO. i First 122 No. Sixth St. 1 920 FRANKLIN ; One Hundred and Fifth I.O.O.F. , : ANNIVERSARY Good Condition " NEW TOP - NEW PAINT i To be held at the I. O. O. F. hall on Saturday, $E?A AA 'l April 26, 1924. All Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and ObO.lO ! Friends, are invited to attend. Concert 8 to 9 :30; ' j Dance 9:30 to 12. Refreshments. HOWIE GARAGE I I Admission 50c Each I : : : l i . ; ;