( FRIDAY, APRIL, 25, 1924 ' i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, QRECONI Pagej fhre Koniicr fUwIdoiit VialU Mr. and Mm. . V. Mltcholl and' rnmlly of AAlitand, former residents ii( Kluniuth Fulla, ara back 1n town to vlHlt frlonda. Tun Mitchell will, attend to bualneHs Interests bore. Angel,f wljen ha could hart atnyed at homo and had It dona much not- SLVVS E SAYS In jihlngton, the rum runnvra tried ttf' lire dynamite against - th cops. 'Ihal'a bad, but bettur than PREPARE FOR I MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE I un t, n i g,t si . i miiimu iiuiuiiu i i IIERESTOflSH mow ltd inn From Arloiiu Mr. it n (I Mra. II. C. Cowley" of Lor- 1 n ' Ou' Hiiiluifw- l,.li,i R.'l wl W.llllinii '.M burl rniicbuia of Hiaiiii Luke, worn In elln hnvn returned from four town ycwHrilny tu iilleint to IiiihIihum' monllm' visit In Arizona durltiK iiiullora. John Noubort waa here to' which limn thoy vlaltod rotative In sneura polaoti grain for llm uolson-1 I'liounlx mid othur nltliM, Tim trip lug of .aunlrroJa ulid to confer with 'miw mini by motor and Mr, Cowley It.. Hiti'iiitu inmni iilmtil r rn trail itntwir rfinnrlfifl mirlnnim trftatniorit bv ! . Kl . . . ... 1H..1. i.t n iVttttl l,i,fnr. uht.h..,i ....i.i. ... r..li H.,. 1.. lie. rl Wi 1 am Ntll litrt warn II uilurilMllllo HIHliiH'lord Wliorovcr tny " j" j ijwiv " ; i "'.nmi Tii ijiit . in ni-, iSE ULbfl WAWIINOTON, April 25. elec- CALCUTTA, April 25. "If wo don't irt to Him top of Kverest thin jlitne It will not bo our fniill." wax tlm amlllng HHsiiriieB of (lonoral liriii'n when b landed In Calcutta an lhi heuil of the new expedition to climb the world' highest peak. vgg beila ioi sin) about tlm transfer of regla-. waro ciicounturod. (ratlin of a registered abort horn i Arizona people bavo grown aomo bull, Kliiniiith Prlnoo, that Iiii bought 1 what hysterical over Ilia foot and mouth situation, tiiv cowioy cov ered 4,(I0U in II In tbmr cur. , recently. Itealgim I'onlllllll itanlgnatlon of Mr. Maxuy (MIh Tlin'yer Itny;iioiul ) formerly loini tic aclinu'o toucher of i'io city r.r.'du schools ,hna been received by Hit porlntnndnnt J. I', WolU. Mr. Manny nava her rouawi for reslg nnilon thn continued lllnnaa of her futbnr, Bho la at present renlillnv In Raymond, WiihIi., 1 n home.' Ilitro From I.a Ornndc David J. Htoddard and Elinor J. Hloddard, both liimlniwi men of La (Irando, nro In town for aoveral duya lie bolluvos lhatiW'" u" printd criminal . charged nil tin, other mom bmra of tb puny Ki'uwini: out i)t tun iteiiute'i) oil in-, siui,, On tb Iut lp 'c could wailKutloii, win complntnd today In not have ben Jielter tiviitud." tha IHlrlct of Oolumblu aitpr03no. (ji.i,.rnl llruco HUted that the court. i nclcntlflc work of iln, expedition Tlyj iirniiil Jury Immediately retlr-' would bo similar to 'lint of previous id to it quartern with un amtlatant jeor-i, except that on thin occaalon dlntrlcl attorney und preitentatlon of; It wa hoped to Intensify obaerva urollmlnnry evidence wa begun. tlom end to aocure a beter photo- Atliw I'omerenn and Owen J. Rob- looking over biixlnnna opportunltlei. "rlM. "I'e' liil Kovcrnmem-oil counael, ! nre umlittlnx the dlntrlcl attorney'a KiiitlM-l .'Hm Hoiikv- I""1"' 1,1 vrjiUn oMho cane. j. iven-'iiiy, reniofiu oi tsnw i ora In To Hecurn (irnln County Judga R. If. Kuniliill wna a local vlnllor yertlonjuy from IiIh ranch on tha Merrill road to aocure tom polaon vrnlD to exterminate ground aqulrrolg on bl ranch. .. f , '-.,' : Here l''or Tlid IMw' J. K. Huiimn, Klamath dairyman, Waa In town yenturdAy to ten when the next milk! tet of tbi cow tout ing OMooUtlun of Klamath, county will take pUcH. i Knman la annul tha lx DtaiiWxjm of the aortnllon. fn AlMiut rotator E. fitevetiaon, rnndier of the Morrill dlatrhit, ns JO town today t thu conuty agenl'a office to antt about placing an onVtir for a portion of the carload of. certified aed po Utoe wlilch In expected bero aoon. Hpend Miclit Here . Wlion the county icbool board re turned from their trip to tho eastern part of tho county at 8 o'clock laat night, (leorgo Offteld of .rorrlll, C. R. Ilowman merchant of Chlloquln, and It. W. Tower, Wtordmi rancher, 11 memliera of tbo board, decided to remain In Klamath Kulls for the night liwtead of returning to their hoinna In thn country. They all put up at tho Hall hotel. Down lroiit Agency Fred A. Dakor. aupertntendent of the Klamath Indian roaorvntlon, waa bualnma vlaltor yeatordar. Ilo wn accompanied by Krncat Wlloy, gov eminent inploya of the Agency, City, wbo roglaterod at the WTilto I'nl'lran bolel laat night wna tho , vlttlliir In Kliunath Kalla wbo waa . furlhont from homo, Ilo will be In f town for aoveral duya bualneta. tranaactlng lluwa I'rom Kirk iMr. and Mra, D. W. I.arwood of Klrkford nro vlallom for aovaral duya while attending to iom ahop-PliiK, "Virginia Htrunx-i. 11-year-old lighter of lloproat ntntlvit Knink 1. Htrunge, of llowll'ig Green, Ken tucky, baa tho dla'.liiitiot) of being tho firm girl pugn In the Kentucky luto leglalnturc. THIS PURE C I Hero Krom Tlie Fort M.r. and Mra. Jamea Palton, well known renldenta of Fort Klnmath, are In town for aoveral daya to vlalt friend and attend to shopping, f'nltou la a rancher of the Fort Klamatb aactlon. Ovor From Iokevlow Iawrence Frlztall, connectod with tho pine hvetlo control work of the I'nlted SinteA Forest aorylce, la In town from Lukeview, bU headquor t'jra, on gnvornmont bualnora. fn Krom Itonniixa C. K. Dayton, roaldcnt of Bonanza, waa local visitor yesterday to pur chase supplies. In For License II. K. High of Bonanza waa In town yoaterday to purchaiio flah Ing license at the county clork'a office. R EiS HEAQ CQLDS Apply in Nottrilfr It Opens Air Passages Instantly graphic record. "We mo ua keen bh niiialard to bo off," he said, "for with all Its hardship!! there la fun In It." iippeiir to be In almllur condition. "What we nro all praying for la lonaoon. The que i wln-tlier we are auccessful or not ! v.lll depend lurgely on thla. If the monsoon cornea early, our chancea 1 will he greatly redu-cd. On the '.oilier band If It keeps off until ! well on In June, It will do us an In finite amount of good. Aa may be expected, au excursion of tbbi kind muHt inevitably depend upon the , luck In varloue forms, but partlc j lurly In the shape of propitious I woaiher." . j The general plana are similar to , those of prevloua expeditions. The i alurt Is to be made from Darjeeling. j Much care baa been expended In the ! selection of equipment, numerous Improvcmenta having been made on tho basis of former experience. OLYJOflA, April 28. WIU7 rela- r M.ib Jong may be bad, but It, la lively lew humidity than itt any:i much better craze than the non time dlnc-a th e big forest fr6g of 1 atop dancing fad ve liMd laat yen 1922, and on' eerloua fire reported, o to have awep-t more thar one sec-, Most bountiful women marry ugly tlon of tlmboi' in aouthe at Cowlitz iiieij be'-nu ie thn don't, bhvo to put county and niumeroua Smaller fires up with good-lor,ltlng ir.on. throughout ieatern 'Washington welling lit to their cuntomer . ' 1 . li . . , - , One diilrvinun was go stingy that . be footad hia cowa by feedlug em aawdnst. They gave wood alcohol, ; which , ha drank,, and he tiled. ' Imlicutlon nre there will l-i 11 big iii;;lo crop thla year, If nothing hup- Bupervteor of Foreatr.v p8pe today. I'roper lime to change seal In a , bottlen to hoI,l it : - ennoe U before you get If. - . " ' Everything haa .Ha plnco. Fllea Books on etiqiiHt aro still In d- . k sep lots of people from Jtrtt sitting nmnd, although roadin;; them 13 said ' u.o.ii.d doing nothing. ' to be bad etlqiKtt. j o j.. -' 1 T-aih ar.i nice thlng.t. If you. hail Hall l,"um with nny eve r.n tho pen- ti 1 teeth what would you R. lt wlyin ant haa to bat more than an eyo. your r:w sprltiR hol -hfUrt? r Issued n urgent warning to lum bermen and : railways to watch over the fire sltua tlon. VAN'COUVHR. Wash., April 25. Two forest f Ires are sweeping an area In. the vi'clnlty of Battleground and Lucia, IS xntfes north of hero. Two flhouoan.d., four hundred and fifty-two men were killed by accl denta In coal mines In the I'nlted States In 1923.. ( VERS SPBHWgWHWiriaiBBW''1 1 H m Il::rtcndcra should make good urn- Aa ,the. weather grows r.vurmer !r :-, being used to bottles. : drewea .becomo more acant. . 'P.y o i AuKust mil left of them will be th- Clilcagii man wast robbed In Loa outertkts. ' I i!'t Hero I'Voin Mcdford U. V. Wilson, who spent aoveral weeks here auditing the county bookj aoveral years ugo. Is a local vlailor for aevcrnl daya from Mcdford. Cold. iiKj catarrh ylcl.l like magic lo soolhu'.g. lii-itllng aiitlwiptlc creoSn that peimirates UiriiUKh evory air pasaago and reliuvcn swollen, Inflam ud nieailiiiiiu'f of noo and throat. Your cluggod nostrils open right up :ind you eiin hrentiiu freely. Hawk ynown for mine thun .'0 yeara. 'ng unit snuffling atop. Don't atay stuffed up and miserable. (Jot a small bottle of Kly'a Cream Balm from your druggist. Apply a l;t!le In the nostrils and get instant .-i 11 i f. Millions emloriM! this, remedy i I THE WEATHER The Cyclo-Storm-agraph at Under wood's Pharmacy started to fall at 1:30 today. Forecast for next 24 hours: tlenerally fair and warmer. The Tjcos regis tering thermome ter bus recorded maximum and-min imum temperatures as ioiiowb: High. 62; Low, 2T, V OUR OWN FREE DELIVERY Strawberries - 25c AND STRAWBERRY: SHORTCAKE, 50c Ai'1.ona (Inula Krult 10c ouch. I.emoiiH, IIOc per doi. Oranges, vurlnlia slgoa; I!anatln, 18e II). 1 " ThompHon 'Scndliw Unlslns, 8 Ib.v tor $1,011 Prunes (procosseiH 10 lbs. -for $ t .oo Othor Dried Fruits -- Tnhc roso llrunds. (iltOCKUIKH "Tho Tick of tho l'ack" Tho Highest Quality for Les! llutler, 45u pound. Frosh local Eggn, 30o dor,, HudlahoR, Oi'oen Onloim, Cuilll " flowor and now CurrotH. .At oui' Di-lleiiteHseii Depart inent 5 lb. can Klamath Extracted Honey UDc Comb IKimty, litic euch ' . K n ll c y UnrnlKhod Sardines, luickcd In puio Ollvo Oil. 10c UonelesH Peeled Snritlu.es, pack In pure Ollvo Oil, 15c French myle Surdlnoa, packed In piiro Ollvo Oil. Hie Flint of Sardines (.smoked, boneless) lBc Stirdlnes packed In wlno iinuco ISo Soused Mackerl (boneless, sliced) 25c Tuna Fish, 15c, 35c, C5c Olives 15c can Pure Ollvo Oil. pint, 55c Wholo MMk, 13c iiiiiirl Wlillipliif! Crentn, 25c half pint lloinn-mudn Cakos, Plos, Doiighnnta, Vpitatablo and Fruit Snind. PUBLIC MARKET "IF IT'S TO NAT, VK HI'.LI. IT." ,' 120 North Sixth Street I'HOXH Kill r Af the LIBERTY GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS; , Are You One of Those i "DAYTIME WIVES" They love and they are loved they are NOT creatures of stone these adorable Daytime Wives! They love they play they dance they cry they revel in the sheer delight of living and serving. But see the Picture it's worthwhile ! ' COMING SUNDAY "THE VIRGINIAN" Owen Wister's great story of the Cattlemen's . War in Wyoming! This is a brand new picture New stars, and the very latest of everything that goes to make a won derful picture. Watch tomorrow's paper for the wonderful cast used in this production ! " Fancy Newtown I Apples, box J - $2.75 These PPles weigh approximately fifty pounds net to the box and have the', same fla vor and firmness they contained last Fall. We guarantee them superior! ' WEEKDAY PRICES One-half pound fihilllnuu J Orange PekiJe Toa OC One-naif pound Lip ton's Tea 1 pound Upton's Tea - - Pint bottle .Loganberry Juice ' - Quart bottle Loganberry Juice - Llbby's Fancy Straw berries Llbby's Fancy Rasp berries Llbby's Fancy Black berries i Libby'a Fancy Logan berries - Large caa Extra. Fancy Apricots Small can Extra fancy Apricots , Large can Fancy Apricots Large) can Fancy Vege table Salad Large can Fancy- Fruit Salad ,...t. Small can Fancy Sliced Pineapple .Small can Fancy Orated Iplneapple Med. slxe Fancy 'Sliced 'jpinenpple - (Med. size Fancy Grated Pineapple . ....,.., Large can Fancj Sliced J.Att-. I'ineanDlo ...:v..l rOC Gal. size Fancy Sliced Pineapple Gal. can Fancy Grated Pineapple Small can Llbbya ' Oft Bartlett Pear3 . UC Large can Libby'a Bartlett Pears Large can Iilbby's Fancy Plums a&OC . Lcrge can Llbby's 1 Fancy Grapes . iarse can Fancy Royal (Anne Cherries Largo can Extra Fancy Sliced Peaches Large can Extra Fancy Melba Peaches Small can Extra Fancy Melba Peaches - 45c 88c 35c 65c 40c 40c 30c 30c 35c 20c 30c 35c 45c 20c 15c 30c 30c 1.25 1.25 35c 30c 45c 35c 35c 20c Special Regular size can Heinz Cooked Macaroni with Cheese and Mush- . t room 1 ff. Sauce : lut; Large size can Heinz Cooked Macaroni with ! Cheese and Mush j room 1 S- Sauce Pint size Fancy French Imported " CLO" Green Olives Quart size fancy Fi-ench 'Imported :t"l (f Green 01ives,l, A V,V . 10-lb. Sack pure 25-lb. Sack pui-e . . iS,: .......... $2:5.0 100-lb. Sack pure - ' $9.80 Note Vhile the above price is special, it will be good until market change or present stock exhausted. .:30c;: 50c 15c 25c WEEK-DAY PRICES Large can Fancy '' flff-', peaches OauCi Large can Libby'a Fancy OA' ' Peaches vUC, Large can Libby'a Extra , .A( ., Fancy Ripe Olives ....... tiC Iiottlo Halnz Green oflves ...... . !;ottle Heinz Stuffed Olives IXL Chicken ;" v '; Tainales timail: bottle IHein oatuup Largo bottle Heln IC'-.; Catsup OOC Llbbya Fancy Tender OC joeti; can ..-)& Large can Carnation Milk: Large cah Alpine .Milk ..... 'iniall can Alpine Miik : : Iiarge can Borden's Milk i Small can Sego Milk, Heinz Baked (Beans, caq 2 lbs. Fancy Onion Sets I '- -.. animal Cookies, package ... Pint 'Jmon H, Juke; Pint Oftinge '" ' " Juice; Quart Orange Juice Pint bottle Cider .....u- Fancy LolnonB, dozen .....A. :..-.v 10c 10c; 5c 10c, -5c 15c; 25c 5c 25c 25cl .50c L 25c Js35c 0c 190c I 25c 10 lbs. Dark ' Karo .. 10 lbs. White Karo : - ,:; Pint Heinz India Relish Pint Heinz Sweet M'sed.aJC Pickles -...j'aaOC 2 cans Fancy IowaJ'" " ,'QC,, Corn aCOC 6 lb. pall Pure Cascade : OB i Lard .........sv OOC Fancy Cascade Bacon, lb. ...,.u.tati.X. 40 c Santford & Go. Phone 34 426 Main Street Phone 64 mTtw,iMiiaimjjlHmillllll Follow the fun x to FORT KLAMATH SATURDAY NIGHT A Real Dance Miller's Meat Market Main Street 'Near Kftfhth GOING FISHING? We have everything you need, in the Meat or Relish line for your lunch GUS MILLER WOOD Tlie continued warm weather, ami tho fact that wo vhnvo lurp;o 'stock of wood on hand, Imvo toiHlctl to foreo prices of fuel down, -' WVt ARK QUOT1NO .' ' ' AT PRKSKXT ' .. 3! $4.50 Double s Load.....s. If you nro going to need any more wood, now Is your time to buy. Winter la not ovcrj you'll necil wood. , O. Peyton & Co. 419 Main Phone 535' $6.50 Good Toast! ' . ; THE TEST OF GOOD BREAD w -' ' "Better Bread" makes perfect toast; firm and " moist inside, yet crisp outside. Better Bread meets every other test of "good bread, too. V It keeps longer, is more nutritious, has finer appearance, better flavor, all qualities ' the public demands Your grocer can supply you with "Better Bread." ;; - V ( SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Butter Horns, Cream Puff s, Orange . Cake,' ;.; Cream Pie, Butter Scotch Pies. . f , ''Vv I . Sixth St. Bakery: 126 So. Sixth Street ; ' CHAS. H. LANDIS r y ) "For Goodness Sake, Eat Better Bread" . Opposite Perkins Furniture . Don't Fail To Read the Herald Classified Ads How Forest Protection Will .Pay in Klarriath Forest Protection Wpl ply Klamath VI. and .You. The Klamath District' has 35,000,000,000 feet of standing .timber more soft pine than any;other county in Oregon. Protection of her forests from fire and their proper utilization will keep Klamath, always in the,, lead in the production of ' box shooks and lumber. But more than this, Klamath scenery, her - mountains, her valleys, ana ner laKes . . with GREEN forests will bring the world,- , to. see them, to settle; here,. to. develop the : . ', 'county. ' , . : Gray snags in burned areas are virtual tombstones of the trees themselves, and ' , of economic development. , r " Prevent Forest Fires It Pays The American National Bank , . . i.i...... ; 1 i of Klamath Falls, Oregon'"" ; ' JMember Federal Reserve System