fitrnwnw, MAnrn t, im si the' evening herA KLAM.Ti'r rAiis,' or.rccN f INDS CONTENIIN BOILER T AFTER SEARCH OF EIGHTY YEARS it ,., GAINBYItiLB, F1.. March ST. "The Old Man Who Lived In a Boiler" 18 dead. Unlike "The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe," John Mueller Wed In solitude. ' Several yoars ago he shuttled his palld way down the road to Galns ' ville, burdened with more than four J aeore yean. His Joints ached with rheniriatlsm and his heart with a ! longing for peace and contentment. . There, alone the road, was a rusty, dsicarded boiler.. He crept Into it to find a moment's surcease from the strife of the passing world. . Within, It seemed there was a little " irorld all his own. . " pi sd J6tA Stuetler fixed a bunk ' for himself. He obtained an oil stove He found that hla rheumatic pains left him. The peace he had sought all his life was his at last. I Forty-six years ago he left Ger many, after serving In two wars. He said that he waa a true cousin of Kaiser Wllholm, but cousin or no ctusln. he wanted no more of fight lug. In America be found no wars. Put he found that here, as every where, men live In combat of wits, that all of lire Is a battle. And so at a crusader seeking peace for himself he set out on a long Jour ney that, ended when he found that old holler alongside the road. When he died It was found that he had saved 155 In small coins against burial In a pauper's grave. And when he was laid away there were tears In the eyes of those wh6 had understood the lovo of peace that had been In the heart of "The Old Man W!ho Lived In Boiler."' In Klamath Falls visiting relatives and attending to business matters. i Dick Varnum had the misfortune to have his foot badly crushod by a tractor which . he was driving at Aspgrove. He was taken . Immedi ately to the hospital to Klamath Falls to have medical attention.. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Davis recent ly returned to Chlloquin from a trip of several day to Sacramento where they were called on business tor tho Standard Oil company. On Thursday evening several la ! dies gathered at the home of MJm ! Clark and Mrs.' Mallory for .jwr ; prise party. A very enjoyable even ing was spent with conversation and music, after which a delicious lunch eon was served, which had seen provided by the gneata. Those pres ent were Mrs. S. E. Bowman Mrs. Don Qreame. Mrs. Ktncald, Mrt. C. C. Heldrlch, Mrs. John Hasslg, jMre. Edniond Gowan, Mrs. C. R. Daften backer, Mrs. H. A. Calkins, Mrs. P. 0. Markwardt and the - hostesses, Mrs. M. H. Mallory and Miss Mamie Clark. ! MIDLAND NEWS OF ! THE KLAMATH COUNTRY CHILOQUIN 1 Mrs. Lyle Magnesa and two chil dren spent yesterday shopping In "Klamath Fall. . Harry jPrestiss of the Tru Blu Biscuit company of Portland was a business visitor in town yesterday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darnell and daughter returned to Chlloquin to; day from Klamath Falls and will make their home here in the fu ture. They have been absent for several months but have recently purchased the George Strowbridge house. ' G. F. Schmelxei of the Oxweld Acetylene company of San Francisco was a caller at the Chlloquin gar age today on business connected with his company. . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gravenstein left yesterday for Gold Hill and Medford whore they will visit friends and relatives. They expect to re turn to Chlloquin the last of the present week. The front of the Darnell and Su garman store is being Improved with a new porch. The front of the building has recently been painted. The building formerly occupied by the White Circle resturant has been remodeled and is now being used by George Bell as a stage office. This will be a great convenience to the many passengers of the stage line as heretofore there has been no special headquarters. It is un derstood that Mrs. Bell will have charge of the office and attend to the business affairs at this end of the line. J. J. Steiger has returned to Chlloquin after spending the winter In California. Steiger is .look ing well and says he has enjoyed a very pleasant vacation. He expects to start logging as soon as the weather will permit. F. G. Markwardt of the Chlloquin garage, accompanied by his wife and daughter, spent the week end James Thompson waa a cdftnty seat visitor Wednesday. " D. A. McComb was ( businaas caller in Midland Vriday. Miss Frances Grater . tpe& the week-end at the HoopeV tome.' ' L. B. Largent and father passed through Midland Saturday. . The. "Standard Oil truck delivered gas in Midland and vicinity last week. . ' Roy Smith, who la feeding cattle for Seth Dixon on the Wllllta fanch, was a Midland caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wyant and daughters, Helen and Esther, were guests at the Largent ranch' last Sunday. - Helen Couchman entertajnpa tne members of the Smiling Six Sawing club Saturday afternoon. A social hour was enjoyed at the close of the sewing session. r John Allen Is again In this sec tion buying fat cattle and will ship 2 cars of choice steers to Sacramento Tuesday. Jerry V?bnner delivered cattle to Midland yards Monday. John Itrinnicutt, from the .Spring Lake sectioii. has been helping out with th-3 maintenance work on our ditches. We learn that the Bell Telephone company expects to build a line In "The Old Esses Pep Pino Hudoon Qmodthneoo" The new Essex has all the stamina for which its forerunner was famous. And its 6 -cylinder motor built by Hudson, gives smoothness.of performinalj heretofore exclusive to the Super-Six. Its economy includes not only exceptional gas, oil and tire mileage, but a policy of minimum mainte nance cost with parts prices that will astonish you. ESSEX COACH $975 Touring- Md&l 850 Fnlghl mjJ Tmm Emlrm (he not dlitant future from Klamath Falls to Midland, thenco cnet counort ing with a line at or near tho John Mateny ranch. With the coming of tho telephone and. tho completion of the market road. ast from Midland the valley ranchers will be brought Into closer touch and have a bolter outlet to market tor tiielr farm ami dairy products. Midland la to have t a Sunday School, ltev. George N. Edwards of Walla Walls, representing the Con gregational S..8. Extension Society, came . In Tuesday evening uud per fected an organisation tor that purpose. 0.u(to a number were pres ent considering the short notice that was given. ,The hour of meeting was et tor 1 o'clock 8unday afternoons and everybody Is expected to come out and help the good work along, ALGOMA NOTES , Hans Uhrman made trip to Kilderbrand last Thursday. The following peoplo attended the entertainment alven hv the Tea Cud rink i tk Xt t tiank Ik. I I Thursday evening: Messrs. and Mes dames Geo. Hoffman, H. S. Wood. Carl Zlnn, Ben Loftsgsard, Price and Pearson. t. j Mr. and Mr. Fred Haglcstqln drove up to HItderbrand last Sunday ti) pay a visit wjh jtrs. Hagolsljiln'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chua. Woelk and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Swlgart and $on, Paul, were visiting with friends at PellCKti City Sunday afternoon. , Mb-, and JTj-aJobn R. Ilagclstoln. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hagjisteln and George Hagelsteln paid a visit to the county seat Saturday. LONE PINE . .C. E. Lewis received a tck'nram Wednesday, conveying the m enrage of his brother's sudden death In Kentucky. He left immediately for the East accompanied by JIM, Itch Lewis and daughters. (Clyde farad ley and Watson Bnrelay are assum ing charge of the ranch In l.owls' ab sence. " " Zerllne Stevenson and John Craven were on, the sick lUt Inst twk. Itov plckmeo ciill-jd in this neighborhood Monday ana Wednes day of last week In the Interests of ; the Insurance company for which he Is agent, Ross Flnlny at'compniitod by Jitmov Stevenson drovn a herd of cnlv purchased from J, C. Stoveuaou, to Midland Saturday. Win. Harks and W'uUon Unrclay trimmed a few trees . In tho" aehool yard last week preparatory to run ning the piootrlo wives to tho school house. , Tho California. Oregon Power Co. has begun work on Its section of the lino which extends from tho Klgur lutt-a to the hlghwuy, Chat. l)yl,ap was In this vicinity Thursday buying wool, Ltttlo Bvorett Norria , who lian been confined to a hospital In Klam ath Falls for nearly 'two weeks Is sufficiently Improved as to permit of his removal to the home of , htr aunt,. . . Tholma and Phelps Lewis were In Klamath Falls Saturday. The local school has purchased a bat and expects' to play at least two game with the Llbby school be fore the end of the term. The pupils extend, their , heartiest approbation to Clyde Bradley for hi donation of a first class Bpauldlhg baseball. Tho Win or Bust Cookery cjlub hold Its fifth . meeting . Wednesday Charles ijtorpjt 'called t C. W Lewis' Wednesday evening. E. f. Httiley jurchittd f load of bona from Hugh, P'Cohnor last week Jack .Blackroot, of KlanAMb FMi' Is assisting J. C. Stevenson with hla spring work. The school received the aet of 10 pictures 'M4kera of AmKrlcao Idoals" froth the Slate- library Friday Churchill recowmondej at the teach ers' tone meeting that these pictures be studied to Inoculate tho highest Ideals In our school children. B. A. Hasley purchased a Honor 1 short, Min ago. Hugh O'Connor tent hla sheep o tho range last week. . Kenny of Dodd's Hollow repaired Hie water system of the O'Connor home the last of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ilosley and the former's mother who la making an extended visit with her eon rail ed at the O'Connor homo Sunday evening. Pauline ileasley visited with Mary Cotman of White Lake Sunday. Thelma and Pbolpt Lewie raited at the Beasley homo Sunday. M. P. Galnvneau has changed hli trapping route until tho 20th :' March. ' Mr, ninl Mrs. C, llownuui mil' diitiKliter, Marjni'ln, iillended 0i illnnor glvon at the I'l-onhylorliiii chiirohSunday, Mr, anil My, ( vnvi'u and Mr. mid Mrs. t'lyilu Marks vvvie Kliuiinlli Fulls shoppers Motidiiy. Mr. anil Mrs. Clyde llaiks n daughter Maxlne vlslli'd at tho V. V. Lewis hiiinn Hiuiduy iiftornomi, Mrs. J. 11. Dolan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Connor called III J, V. Uolim's Sunday. , . , , HllilKss pruvetilnd l.urulue IIuiihIj)' intending school Monday. 1 IIICAVV I'IM IT f'HOI' , ,M,N l'HANC'IH. Uri'b 7.- j i lni I'nelili- l-'rnll K.rui" hoiincet liti.ii It Iim-i nrrtemd B.tTB 'w r- ,'i-lceiiitiii' cni'H in carry fresh fruit ) ami pi oil nee fi-iiin Cnllfiirula In iinsiern iiiliminii'iK. Ill V"'' HnnMiii.v owneil knnd iiirulml SO, ' uu'l rofi lKi'ialor ears. In 15 j-eara , li hit, liieiouwil Us Kiiilinint hy i ;i l.'i iir cent. A ( old Weill her Help ' The limit In a gna or water pips may bo temporarily stnppod while awaiting tho plumber by making a pnsto of powdered whitening and yellow soap and applying to the liolo In tho pipe, CAIU.IHli:. I'll.' M'iwH pit moiteiii ejiimlnnlloii eonducl nd on li cow owimd liy t'llS llrs Bhnar er, a riimberlnml ooiinly farmer Khmveil thlit llfhth 'w ruunpil by Hi,, liovli it In: mi old Hlto-l. In .tildltlon to (lie mnnuled pieces of lilither III llm t'ows stomach, 111 Vvt-erfnni-lan found tllieo larijo n" uud SO smaller on. I MtMO II .i Air:i I 1 H Hi Phone 535 Q. Peyton , & Co. V 41(1 Main fit, . Kor the lUttlit Wood High! aasiai-itawEasasM Birds Neponset Floor Covering Satisfaction Guaranteed i- Patterns are the newest And most attractive, quality is unquestionably fsljperior the red wax back makes bird's neponset 100. per cent water proof, more pliable, anp prevents sti cking to the floor. another big ex-, clusive feature-our surface finis allbws for ease in cleaning with NOTHING BUT A tifailf MOP. DIRT SIMPLY CAjNOf STICK TO NEPONSET. IT HAS THE BAKED-IN ItNAMEL FINISH f HAf WONT WEAR bf F, WONT HECK AND WONT CRACK. SATISFACTION GUARANTIEE!; OR VdUR MONEY BACK. THESE PRICES ARE RIGHT, ABSOLUTELY. 6x9 RUG $7.95 7 1-2x9 RUG $10.40 9x10 1-2 RUG $15.50 New Patterns Just Arrived 9x9 RUG $12.95 9x12 1-2 RUG $17,95 IF YOU ARE NOT ACQUAINTEC WltH THIS LINE OF MERCHANDISE, COME IN AND WE WILL SHOW YOU Wtf Y it WILL 6UTVEAR ANY OTER FELT-BASE FLOOR COVERING; IT ALSO WILL OUTWEAR MORE COSTLY PRINTED LINOLEUM. IT'5 NOT A NEW PRO- -DUCT if HAS BEEN' WANUFAttURED FOR 35 YEARS.. BIRD AND SON ORIGINATED : FELT-BASE FLOOR COVERING. . . Perkins Furniture ouse ACME MOTOR CO. 4nfj So. Sixth Street Orl Sixth Stttftt, between Main Street fcnd Klamath Avenue THfe PURMiSER OF HAP HOMES